Tuesday 17 October 2017

Sistema De Comercio De Lucky 7

Sistema de gestión de dinero # 1 (Lucky 7 - secuencia de comercio)

Enviado por Dachel el 20 de julio de 2009 - 21:04.

He estado negociando este sistema por un mes entero ahora. Yo uso un par con una baja propagación, algo alrededor de 2-3 pips y elijo el par que tiene un mejor aspecto creado porque eso agregará más probabilidades. Me gusta intercambiar el GBP / USD en la apertura de Londres y utilizo para negociar EUR / USD en la apertura de EE. UU., pero siempre echar un vistazo a USD / JPY, USD / CHF, EUR / JPY para estar seguro de elegir el mejor preparar. Mi mejor apuesta es vender resistencia y comprar apoyo. Hoy en la apertura de Londres me las arreglo para obtener mi secuencia completa en la 5 ª entrada por lo que mi regla será que uno en primer lugar.

Enviado por Ron el 24 de julio de 2009 - 04:26.

Gracias por compartir. ¿Sería lo suficientemente amable para compartir sus criterios de entrada detallada aparte de S / R?

Enviado por Dachel Miqueli el 25 de julio de 2009 - 11:02.

Para ser honesto, no hay mucho más en cuanto a la entrada. Usted tiene que pasar algún tiempo delante de la computadora que negocia este método para tener una sensación del mercado cuando usted ve la derecha fijada para arriba. Personalmente, me gusta ver una cierta consolidación antes de saltar adentro. Por ejemplo GBP / USD este par particular tiende a moverse bastante alrededor de la 1:30 am (EST) así que abro mi carta de 30 minutos para ver el S / R reciente entonces echo un vistazo El gráfico de 60 minutos para ver si los S / R son lo suficientemente fuertes como para tener una idea de algunos posibles escenarios. A continuación, abrir el gráfico diario para comprobar la dirección general. Si veo tat hay un S / R claro en 30 min y 60 min voy a colocar una orden de entrada en cada uno. Una compra para el S y una venta para el R. Eso es básicamente lo que hago, pero usted desarrollará una sensación cuando pasa algún tiempo haciendo esto. Entonces usted será capaz de identificar una buena configuración. Siempre puede buscar un conjunto en muchas otras parejas, pero recuerde la propagación. Incluso si la extensión es más grande usted podría ajustar su ST y TP pero nunca tuve que hacer eso. Tenga en cuenta que no hay una manera fácil de convertirse en rentable en Forex que pasar tiempo en el mercado dominar una técnica en particular. Eso es lo que hacen los profesionales.

1-Encuentre un sistema que se ajuste a su estilo. 2-Master de ese sistema si lo encuentras rentable.

Esa es la clave real de la riqueza

Dachel Miqueli dachelm [at] yahoo. es

Enviado por Ron el 26 de julio de 2009 - 04:24.

Gracias por compartir.

Enviado por Usuario el 12 de diciembre de 2009 - 08:14.

Si usted consigue que estalle en el punto 1,2, o 3 por encima de que va a ganar dinero, pero si usted necesita esperar para el punto 5 para salir y sólo un TP a 50 pips que terminará hasta 10 pips más sus lotes será Más pequeño por lo que no hay manera de ganar dinero sólo min su pérdida.

Si pierdes 10 pips en el punto 1,2,3 y 4 es 4x 10 pips = 40 pips más el spread asumiendo sus 4 pips thats 4x 4 = 16 pips 40 + 16 = 56 pips perdidos

Ahora se abre en el punto 5 y hacer 50 pips menos la propagación de 4 pips = 46 pips beneficio

56 perdidos - 46 ganados = pérdida general de 10 pip más como he mencionado los lotes son cada vez más pequeños.

Buena idea, pero sugiero que si en el punto 3 no va a su manera de salir de ese comercio y buscar otra configuración de su señal de entrada.

Enviado por Usuario el 9 de enero de 2010 - 11:04.

Hace poco tropecé en esto y encontré la idea interesante porque he jugado con conceptos similares en el pasado. En la actualidad el comercio de la apertura de Londres breakouts en su mayoría, pero esta estrategia sería un gran complemento a mi base.

Me preguntaba, ¿has estado utilizando esta estrategia desde el verano de 2009? Sólo tengo curiosidad por saber cómo ha sido tu rendimiento.

Creo que la sugerencia del usuario de arriba tiene algún mérito, pero en realidad todo va a depender de su propia tasa de éxito, porque es posible que realmente podría estar golpeando a sus objetivos antes de ser detenido 3 veces en la mayoría de los días - y que por sí solo haría su Uso de esta técnica bastante rentable.

Enviado por Usuario el 12 de febrero de 2010 - 15:41.

Hola quiero saber cuáles son sus criterios de compra / venta que funcionaron mejor para usted y en qué moneda / plazos?

Enviado por Usuario el 30 de marzo de 2010 - 05:40.

Por favor avise el par, el TF y el primer método del punto de entrada y qué está pasando si negociamos más de 7 pasos?

Tema: Obtener la suerte

Yee Eu también es bueno. Era el problema con otros que trabajan ea, porque getlucky maneja su TP. En esta versión será correcta.

Estoy usando su archivo de conjunto & quot; obtener suerte gu gu h1 mniejsze rdd. set & quot; En GET LUCKY (Modified) v102 SL. mq4. El comercio se ve bien, pero me preocupa no muy a menudo, pero muy grande pierde / dibujos (mostrado con flechas rojas). ¿Podría decir cómo esto es posible, o tal vez mis datos son incompletos.

Símbolo GBPUSD (Libra esterlina vs. Dólar estadounidense) Período 1 hora (H1) 2008.01.02 09:00 - 2010.02.25 23:00 (2008.01.01 - 2010.02.26)

Última edición por syndrom; 02-26-2010 a las 21:44.

Junior Member Fecha de Ingreso Feb 2010 Ubicación Poland Mensajes 7

Misma configuración. Prueba de 2006 a 2009.

Junior Member Fecha de Ingreso Feb 2010 Ubicación Poland Mensajes 7

1. GET LUCKY (Modified) v101 SL con el conjunto de archivos adjuntos 2. Echa un vistazo a las últimas filas de ganancias. Blue drawdowns son naturalmente aceptables, pero el último 3. ¿De dónde diablos vienen?

Junior Member Fecha de Ingreso Jan 2009 Mensajes 7

La razón de los últimos 3 perder oficios es porque al final de su período de elección, se logró 3 compras, backtestting teniendo en cuenta esto como perder oficios. Trate de terminar los oficios en enero, pero la causa difícil de comprar en el cable no son buenos en este período, puede intentar poner & quot; comercio máximo & quot; A las 4 también.

Lucky 7: Insider-Trading esquemas que pagaron la mayoría

Preet Bharara, Fiscal Federal para el Distrito Sur de Nueva York, discute los cargos contra Mathew Martoma en una conferencia de prensa el martes.

1) Mathew Martoma. El gestor del fondo de cobertura se encarga de negociar información privilegiada de un médico que estaba trabajando en un ensayo conjunto de drogas con Elan Corp. y Wyeth en el desarrollo de una droga de Alzheimer. Con base en la información, el Sr. Martoma dirigió a su firma CR Intrinsic ya un consejero de inversiones afiliado para liquidar sus posiciones en ambas compañías y para tomar posiciones cortas, según los fiscales y abogados de la SEC.

En total, los fondos de cobertura supuestamente hicieron ganancias y evitaron pérdidas de más de $ 276 millones. Según funcionarios estadounidenses. Los abogados del Sr. Martoma dijeron en un comunicado el martes: "Mathew Martoma fue un gestor de cartera excepcional que tuvo éxito a través del trabajo duro y la perseguida búsqueda de información en el dominio público".

2) Raj Rajaratnam: Su notable viaje desde Sri Lanka a las alturas del mundo de los hedge funds hasta el delincuente convicto terminó en octubre de 2011 cuando fue condenado a 11 años de prisión, el más largo de todos los tiempos impuesto en un caso de abuso de información privilegiada . Los fiscales dijeron que el Sr. Rajaratnam, fundador de Galleon Group, cosechó $ 72 millones en ganancias ilegales y pérdidas evitadas de sus operaciones con información privilegiada. Los abogados del Sr. Rajaratnam argumentaron que sólo $ 7,46 millones en presuntas ganancias deberían haber sido atribuidas a él personalmente.

3) Todd Newman: Administrador de la cartera con Diamondback Capital Management LLC, que actualmente está en juicio con Anthony Chiasson, cofundador de Level Global Investors LP, por supuestamente compartir y negociar información confidencial sobre acciones tecnológicas. Cerca de 70 millones de dólares en beneficios se hizo en el supuesto esquema, según los fiscales. Los Sres. Newman y Chiasson se han declarado no culpables de cargos de conspiración y fraude de valores.

4) Ivan F. Boesky: La inspiración para Gordon Gekko de Wall Street, Boesky fue condenado a tres años de prisión en 1987 por conspirar para archivar registros falsos de operaciones bursátiles. Un año antes, había resuelto cargos de información privilegiada civil con la SEC, pagando un récord de $ 100 millones. La SEC dijo que ganó más de $ 50 millones al comerciar con la información que compró a un banquero de inversión.

5) Mateo Kluger. Un ex abogado corporativo que se benefició de su conocimiento interior de los negocios corporativos manejados por los bufetes de abogados que trabajó durante un período de 17 años. Kluger fue sentenciado en junio a 12 años de prisión, la sentencia actual en un caso de abuso de información privilegiada. Garrett Bauer, un ex comerciante de 44 años que recibió los consejos de Kluger a través de un intermediario, se declaró culpable en el plan y fue sentenciado a nueve años de prisión. El esquema compensó a los participantes $ 32 millones en ganancias, la mayor parte al Sr. Bauer, dijeron los fiscales.

6) Joseph & amp; Chip # 8221; Skowron III. Fue condenado a cinco años de prisión en noviembre de 2011 después de admitir el uso de consejos secretos de un médico francés que trabaja en ensayos clínicos de drogas para evitar millones de dólares en pérdidas comerciales. El Sr. Skowron dirigió varios fondos de atención médica de FrontPoint para descargar millones de dólares de acciones de la compañía de biotecnología Human Genome Sciences Inc. en 2008, basándose en la información privilegiada. Evitó unos 30 millones de dólares en pérdidas comerciales, dijeron los fiscales.

7) Zvi Goffer. Un ex empleado en Galleon, a quien los fiscales llamaron al líder & # 8221; De un sistema de comercio de información privilegiada que involucra a comerciantes y abogados, el Sr. Goffer fue condenado a 10 años de prisión en 2011 después de ser declarado culpable de 14 cargos de conspiración y fraude de valores. Su hermano Emanuel Goffer y Michael Kimelman, ambos comerciantes, fueron condenados por conspiración y dos cargos de fraude de valores. En una queja civil relacionada, la SEC dijo que una parte del plan, basada en consejos de abogados corporativos, anotó más de 20 millones de dólares en beneficios ilegales.

Chad Bray contribuyó a este post.

Acerca de Law Blog

El blog de la ley cubre los casos calientes de la arena legal, las tendencias que emergen y las personalidades grandes. Es traído a usted por el escritor líder Jacob Gershman con contribuciones de todo el personal de Wall Street Journal. Jacob viene aquí después de más de la mitad de una década cubriendo la política del nudo-nudillo del estado de Nueva York. Su informe dentro de la sala lo dejó lleno de cuestiones legales y regulatorias que continúan tomando titulares.

Blog de la ley en Twitter

Debe leer




Para el candidato de la Corte Suprema, Merrick Garland, el enfrentamiento político en Washington podría sentirse un poco familiar.

¿Es el juez Merrick Garland del Tribunal de Apelaciones de los Estados Unidos una elección de compromiso para el Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos o el candidato más calificado para el cargo? Las reacciones iniciales se mezclaron el miércoles.

¿Quién ideó la idea para el post-it? Para el inventor de la Florida Alan Amron, la respuesta ha sido el punto crítico de su vida.

Un tribunal federal de apelaciones invirtió el viernes la condena de un hombre de Carolina del Norte cuyo abogado durmió durante partes de su juicio.

Un tribunal federal de apelaciones bloqueó el intento de las víctimas del plan Ponzi de 7.000 millones de dólares de R. Allen Stanford de mantener a dos bufetes de Nueva York responsables del fraude, y dictaminó que el litigio estaba prohibido por la inmunidad del abogado.

oficina de abogados


Mensajes recientes

Comentarios Recientes

Este es el primer & # 8220; sistema de administración de dinero & # 8221; Estrategia en Trader Haru. Me alegro de compartir gran sistema comercial que cualquiera puede hacer dinero fácilmente.

En realidad esto no es una estrategia comercial. Debido a que este sistema de comercio no puede decirle cuándo es el mejor punto de entrada o el mejor punto de salir. Pero creo que este sistema hará el dinero para usted perfetly SI USTED MAESTRA ESTO. Y usted no necesita encontrar punto de entrada con técnicamente.


Abrimos una COMPRA en EURUSD en 1.3500. Nuestra Pérdida de Stop se establece en 10 Pips en 1.3490 y nuestra toma de ganancia se establece en 50 Pips en 1.3550. Esto se llama nuestra ENTRADA INICIAL en la Secuencia.

Si nuestro beneficio se toma, entonces esperar una nueva señal de entrada y comenzar de nuevo.

Si nuestra Pérdida de Pérdida es alcanzada, entonces nuestro próximo comercio sería una VENTA (asumiendo que nuestro primer comercio fue una Compra como arriba) que entraríamos a Precio de Mercado tan pronto como nuestra Pérdida de Pérdida sea activada. Esta nueva posición de venta tendría la misma ganancia de toma = 50 y la pérdida de parada = 10 ajustes como la entrada inicial. Esta Secuencia de Oficios continúa cada vez que nuestra Pérdida de Pérdida se golpea, con el comercio resultante que va en la dirección opuesta del comercio anterior. La Secuencia de Oficios se completa cuando se alcanza un Beneficio de Toma.

Una Secuencia de Oficios significa que cada vez que nuestra Pérdida de Pérdida sea alcanzada, el siguiente comercio sería:

En la dirección opuesta

Los parámetros Stop Loss y Take Profit permanecerían iguales a los de nuestra entrada inicial en TP = 50 y SL = 10 para todos los cambios en la secuencia.

La cantidad de lotes varía a medida que el saldo de la cuenta crece o disminuye.

He adjuntado un archivo de Excel para calcular la cantidad de lotes para la secuencia basada en el saldo de la cuenta y el% que desea riesgo.

Si la gente está interesada lo suficiente voy a detallar mi propio camino a la entrada y la salida, puede utilizar el suyo, por supuesto. Y algunos consejos para un mejor momento y las mejores horas para buscar una entrada. Estoy comerciando este sistema en vivo durante un mes y ya está mejorando.

Diviértete y comenta.

트랙백 URL: http://es. traderharu. com/blog/lucky-7-trading-sequence/trackback/



Metcash Trading Limited





LUCKY 7 CONVENIENCE con número de marca 881446 fue presentada el 04/07/2001 y tiene un estado de Registered / Protected. El solicitante / propietario de la marca está registrado como Metcash Trading Limited (ACN: 000031569). Utilizaron la firma del abogado de la marca registrada Griffith Hack para archivar esta marca registrada.

La marca registrada australiana 881446 es una de más de un millón que ofrecemos en IP en Australia, que cubre todo el espectro de marcas registradas en Australia. Metcash Trading Limited es también uno de los miles de solicitantes que hemos analizado. También entendemos quiénes son los inventores más prolíficos en Australia con detalles sobre todas las marcas registradas atribuidas a los individuos.

Debido a que tenemos conocimientos sobre todas las firmas de abogados que se han utilizado en toda Australia, incluyendo el abogado de marca específica que trabajó en cada marca, tenemos acceso a la analítica única en el mejor abogado para utilizar si tiene necesidades específicas de marca.

La presentación de marcas es un ejercicio largo y costoso que es por qué el cuidado debe ser tomado asegurando que usted está trabajando con la persona adecuada.

Debido a que somos un tercero independiente, podemos ofrecerle ideas imparciales y recomendaciones sobre el socio adecuado para elegir. Para mas información contactenos

Productos y Servicios Detalles

Bienes y servicios

Venta al por mayor y al por menor de productos alimenticios, artículos para el hogar y aparatos, dispositivos y sustancias médicos y dentales, incluyendo: productos alimenticios, bebidas, productos de limpieza, abrillantadores, abrillantadores, blanqueadores, desinfectantes y lavanderías, jabones, perfumería, cosméticos, aceites esenciales, Artículos de higiene personal, artículos de tocador, materiales para artistas, artículos de oficina, utensilios y recipientes domésticos y de cocina, artículos de limpieza, prendas de vestir, calzado, artículos de tocador, Artículos de sombrerería, alfileres, agujas, botones, ganchos y ojos, juegos y juguetes, juguetes, artículos de gimnasia y de deporte, tabaco, artículos para fumadores, fósforos; Publicidad, promoción, mercadotecnia, relaciones públicas, publicidad, mercadotecnia, pedido por correo, contabilidad, gestión empresarial, operación comercial, franquicias y administración de empresas para los servicios de venta al por mayor y al por menor antes mencionados; Ayudar en acuerdos de compra y negociaciones entre restaurantes y fabricantes, procesadores e importadores de productos alimenticios; La promoción y la publicidad de los productos alimenticios de los fabricantes, transformadores e importadores; Supervisión de ventas de productos alimenticios a restaurantes; Suministro de controles, inventarios y sistemas de notificación a los restaurantes; Asesorar a los restaurantes en relación con el suministro, la importación y la compra de productos alimenticios, incluido el suministro de información comercial y comercial sobre nuevos productos, las tendencias en el extranjero y los costos comparativos; El término "restaurantes" en los servicios mencionados, incluyendo restaurantes, hoteles, cantinas, instituciones, cafés, quioscos, bares de leche, supermercados, tiendas de comida rápida y otros establecimientos de comida

Lucky 7 Estrellas General Trading CO. Limited

Lucky 7 Estrellas General Trading CO. Limited

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Recibe actualizaciones de "Textiles" empresas en "India" gratis

Nos alegra que hayas vuelto. Simplemente ingrese y desbloquee el perfil completo

Recibe actualizaciones de "Textiles" empresas en "India" gratis

Jefferies presenta 'Lucky 7' Top REIT Picks For 2017

Durante el año 2017, los REIT de acciones que cotizan en bolsa y que poseen bienes raíces comerciales tuvieron un año de banner.

El Índice MSCISREIT (INDEXNYSEGIS: RMZ) registró una rentabilidad de poco más del 25%, o aproximadamente el doble de las ganancias del S & amp; P 500 en 2017.

Después de tan buen desempeño por parte de la RMZ - que termina en 2017 apenas 5 por ciento por debajo de su máximo histórico - ¿qué deberían esperar los inversionistas de REIT para 2017?

REITs listos para alcanzar nuevos máximos

De acuerdo con Jefferies REIT analista Omotayo Okusanya, 2017 el rendimiento de acciones REIT será positivo, impulsado por:

El crecimiento del PIB de los Estados Unidos estimado por Jefferies es del 3,3 por ciento.

Una expectativa de mantener tasas de interés bajas y disponibilidad de capital.

REIT NOI crecimiento impulsado por el aumento de la demanda y relativamente limitada nueva oferta.

Jefferies prevé un rendimiento total del 13 por ciento para los REIT en 2017.

Jefferies Lucky 7 & # 39; Principales Selecciones de REIT

Además de mantener un sólido desempeño para todo el sector de los REIT. Jefferies ha elegido siete de sus REITs de compra como las mejores selecciones. Se presentan en orden de convicción junto con una breve justificación para cada selección

1. CyrusOne Inc (NASDAQ: CONE) es uno de los cinco REIT de centros de datos. Este subsector debería seguir beneficiándose de un entorno empresarial global en mejoría, así como del crecimiento continuo de la externalización, los datos inalámbricos, el cloud computing y los grandes datos. Sin embargo, el precio objetivo (PT) se redujo a $ 32 de $ 34, con Jefferies notando CyrusOne tiene una exposición de la industria del 30 por ciento a petróleo y gas.

2. SL Green Realty Corp (NYSE: SLG) es un REIT de oficinas con una concentración de cartera en la ciudad de Nueva York. Jefferies espera que los fundamentos de la oficina de CDB (distrito de negocios central) continúen en una tendencia ascendente observando: acelerar el crecimiento económico, mejorar las cifras de empleo y facilitar el acceso a capital relativamente barato. Mientras que el desarrollo considerable de la oficina de NYC está en curso, la demanda continúa superando la oferta en el corto plazo. PT aumentó de $ 130 a $ 142.

3. CubeSmart (NYSE: CUBE) es uno de los cuatro REITs de autoservicio. Con la ocupación ya en niveles altos, Jefferies ve arrendamientos de corta duración (típicamente mes a mes) pudiendo ser re-tasados ​​a tasas más altas, llevando al crecimiento en NOI de SS (ingresos operativos netos de las mismas tiendas). PT aumentó de $ 24 a $ 27.

4. El crecimiento de Omega Healthcare Investors Inc (NYSE: OHI) será acelerado por la adquisición de AVIV en 2017. Jefferies ve una buena acumulación de ganancias de la refinanciación de deuda que ocurre en un ambiente de baja tasa de interés. Omega Healthcare se cotiza en 14,2x AFFO, o alrededor de un 13 por ciento de descuento a la salud REIT pares. PT aumentó de $ 43 a $ 47.

5. Simon Property Group Inc (NYSE: SPG) fue una llamada de valoración. Jefferies vio al propietario del centro comercial como "existencias relativamente baratas" Con sólidas perspectivas de ganancias que "se comportaron de forma insuficiente" el año pasado. PT aumentó de $ 201 a $ 220.

6. Mid-America Apartment Communities Inc (NYSE: MAA) está preparada para beneficiarse del crecimiento de NOI de SS en el rango del 4 al 5 por ciento, ya que la compañía continúa el crecimiento acumulado como resultado de la modernización de unidades en su cartera existente. Jefferies señaló que Mid-America Apartment podría beneficiarse de la expansión múltiple, ya que se negocia con un FFO hacia adelante de 14,9x, en comparación con sus pares multifamiliares REIT negociando a un promedio de 21,3x FFO. PT aumentó de $ 71 a $ 88.

7. DDR Corp (NYSE: DDR) fue también una llamada de valoración. Jefferies observó de manera similar el concentrado centrado en el centro de potencia como relativamente "poco costoso" Con sólidas perspectivas de ganancias que "se comportaron de forma insuficiente" el año pasado. PT aumentó de $ 21 a $ 22.

Inversionista para llevar

Jefferies siente que el sector de REIT está preparado para otra pierna hacia arriba, aunque un aumento mucho menor en comparación con la "tormenta perfecta" De 2017. Los inversionistas que buscan incluir REITs en una cartera diversificada también pueden elegir entre una variedad de opciones de ETF de REIT o fondos mutuos.

Crédito de la imagen: Feltolto. Wikimedia

Últimas calificaciones de CONE

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Lucky 7 Naps revisión

Lucky 7 Naps revisión

Bienvenido a su revisión de 90 días de Lucky 7 Naps.

Necesitaba algo realmente prometedor para revisar después de completar una revisión de 150 puntos de beneficio de Gold Plated Racing por lo que aquí vamos. Lucky 7 Naps es traído a nosotros por la plataforma Bet Kudos donde actualmente se encuentra como su número 1 de apuestas servicio!

Lucky 7 Naps comenzó la prueba de febrero de 2017 y poco más de un año después (Marzo de 2017) Lucky 7 Naps ha acumulado un impresionante +1487 puntos. Eso es nada menos que excepcional y que es la razón por la que he elegido este servicio para revisar. Equivale a un efectivo que significaría £ 14.870 a £ 10 por apuestas puntuales o £ 148.700 a £ 100 por apuestas puntuales. Quiero poner este servicio a prueba y para ser honesto no puedo esperar.

Michael corre el servicio y nos dice que él promedia 50 puntos por ganancia de la semana. Si esto es cierto entonces el servicio podría traernos en una pequeña fortuna.

Lucky 7 Naps enviar sus selecciones por correo electrónico 7 días a la semana. Las selecciones son estrictamente Win sólo por lo que no Lay o Ew que hace las cosas hacia adelante. Simplemente coloque la selección de Win con su bookie preferido.

Espero poder hacer que mi Lucky 7 Naps Review sea agradable para todos nuestros seguidores. Voy a publicar los resultados y la actualización de la revisión semanal así que mantener los ojos aquí. También enviaré por correo electrónico historias de éxito a mi lista de correo como y cuando así que firme para las notificaciones también.

Mi Lucky 7 Naps revisión se ejecutará durante 90 días para que podamos obtener una imagen precisa del servicio. Las pistas de carreras de caballos serán monitoreadas desde el lunes 23/3/15 hasta el domingo 21/6/15 antes de hacer nuestro juicio final sobre la calidad de los consejos y el servicio general.

El sistema de carreras de caballos Lucky 7 Naps cuesta £ 19 por semana, £ 44 por mes o £ 89 por trimestre.

Seguiremos el servicio que funciona en £ 100 por el punto para coincidir con nuestras otras revisiones con un banco que comienza de £ 0.

Buena suerte y espero que disfrutes de nuestra Lucky 7 Naps Review.

Saldo inicial £ 0

No es una gran primera semana para nuestra Lucky 7 Naps revisión y sin duda las cosas sólo pueden mejorar desde aquí.

He estado un poco rezagado con esta revisión pero estaré actualizando los resultados en la quincena que viene. No incluyo a no corredores y no puedo comentar sobre los precios que ha estado recibiendo. Mantenga sus ojos puestos para mi revisión honesta completa. Buena suerte

Hey Eric, me alegro de que su ganancia de beneficios sin importar. Supongo que los precios como 16/1 en un caballo inclinado ganó & # 8217; t colgar alrededor de ese tiempo para ser honesto. Por lo menos con los email que salen tan temprano como 06:50 entonces usted tiene una ocasión en intentar conseguir el mejor precio. Buena suerte

Le agradecería que pudiera publicar este mensaje abierto a algunos de mis suscriptores que están luchando para obtener un precio lo suficientemente temprano o obtener lo suficiente en las selecciones con el libro en la lista. Mi primer punto no es una excavación, sino sólo un punto acerca de tratar de obtener un beneficio al luchar contra los bookmakers. Todas mis selecciones se basan en valor por lo que con esto en mente me parece que el mayor valor disponible es cuando el mercado se está formando con algunos de los libros no lo consigue bien lo que para mí es el momento de explotar. A continuación, compartir esto con mis suscriptores que a veces puede ser temprano, pero si va a hacer un beneficio, entonces un poco de dolor levantarse temprano para colocar algunas apuestas no es el fin del mundo. No ganar dinero en la vida sin disciplina y trabajo duro incluso con el mejor consejo disponible! Con esto en mente abrir un montón de cuentas y don ¡¯ t obtener codicioso con cualquier corredor de apuestas.

Yo personalmente respaldo cada selección que envío, no siempre consigo conseguir la apuesta completa con algunas de las casas de apuestas debido a las restricciones así que trato de difundir mis apuestas y aumentar la apuesta si las probabilidades son menos favorables. Así que si envío la selección en 4-1 con la apuesta 365, pero sólo puedo usar Paddy Power y lo tienen en 7-2, entonces voy a añadir el 10% a mi participación debido a la diferencia del 10% en las probabilidades, wouldn & # 8217; el consejo de t que va sobre el 15% así que si usted ha faltado el precio entonces falta la apuesta.

Mi última respuesta sería hacer un beneficio después de cualquier tipster es muy difícil de lograr en el corto plazo, a menos que golpeó una racha de triunfo desde el principio, Mis selecciones tienden a obtener los mayores beneficios mediados a finales de temporada, pero para beneficiarse de esto, entonces usted La necesidad de crecer sus bancos lentamente, pero todo el tiempo ganando confianza y la construcción de sus apuestas, incluso si su no hacer ganancias masivas durante el beneficio de la primera temporada es el beneficio. Buena suerte y todo lo mejor. Saludos cordiales, Mick.

Ese es el punto, usted no tiene una oportunidad. Nadie en Betfair (cambio) obtuvo 16/1.

Una persona afortunada obtuvo £ 1 en 13.5 / 1. Nadie más se acercó a ella.

Ayer en realidad tuvieron un ganador que citaron @ 12/1 (Betfair de nuevo) & # 8230; Tengo 5/1.

Su prueba & # 8217; Beneficio y la mía en esa selección muestran 21pt diferencia.

En respuesta a la publicación de Mick & # 8230; & # 8230 ;.

Realmente no es el servicio que tengo mi problema. Everbody sabe que las probabilidades aconsejadas son a veces difíciles de conseguir. Mick mismo admite esto. Mi problema es con los servicios de pruebas en general. Proofing a sp o bfsp en mi opinión debe ser la práctica estándar. Cualquiera que mejore esas probabilidades lo vería entonces como un bono, en lugar de estar decepcionado de que no se aconsejaron las probabilidades. En cuanto a ignorar R4s y otras reducciones no corredor, bueno, eso es un disparate. Está simplemente cocinando los libros & # 8217; Y publicidad falsa.

Hey Eric, supongo que hay argumentos a favor y en contra de pruebas a Sp y Bsp. Como el mercado fluctúa es difícil encontrar el medio terreno. Algunos servicios de propinas enviar consejos muy temprano para aprovechar los precios tempranos y creo que es una injusticia a sus esfuerzos para ignorar los precios tempranos. También veo de donde usted está viniendo sin embargo como estos precios tempranos no cuelgan alrededor por mucho tiempo. De todos modos, espero que tengas suerte con tus consejos. Todo lo mejor. Danny

Mick Yo soy un miembro con usted puede por favor decirme cómo limitar las restricciones en mis cuentas todo el mundo dice que debo dejar de obtener precios anticipados porque al final me limitarán betfair obviamente no funciona en su sistema puedo tener Algunos consejos personales en lugar de ir en Bet kudos gracias

Hola Martín, ¡Suena molesto, bendícelo !!

Hola no hay una respuesta a su pregunta ya que los comerciantes tomarán decisiones basadas en su pérdida de ganancias en cualquier mes en particular y como resultado tendrá un sacrificio en función de quién está ganando / perder o poseen un alto riesgo. tú mismo.

He tenido numerosas cuentas cerradas, pero afortunadamente tengo amigos dispuestos a dejarme usar allí las cuentas y de esta experiencia puedo medir cuánto riesgo diferentes corredores de apuestas están dispuestos a llevar conmigo.

He tenido una cuenta con William Hill durante 10 años y nunca he tenido ningún problema con ellos, pero trato de mantenerlo razonable. También tengo una cuenta a mi nombre con Betbright y aunque de vez en cuando me detienen apostando demasiado temprano en general que están bien.

Betfair: Libro deportivo aconsejo apuestas £ 15 max. Betfred, Betvictor, 888.com, 32red, Unibet, Racebet, Vernons, Smart live, 10bet, Tote, Skybet, Ladbrokes y Stan James te cerrarán rápidamente si te llevas. Mantenga sus ganancias a £ 100. Escala las apuestas en consecuencia. Boyle Sports y Sporting Bet son muy rápidos en limitar.

Paddy Power y Bet365 pueden ser bastante tolerantes, pero lo mejor es mezclar sus apuestas y agregar algunos múltiplos, RF'S y la apuesta de footy extra para mantenerlos dulces.

Voy a utilizar los intercambios también, pero esperará hasta las 10 am y luego volver a comprobar las probabilidades, si el valor todavía está por tener, entonces voy a recargar cualquier déficit de antes.

Gracias por consejos mick el sistema es genial para ser honesto es una pena que no se puede poner más dinero, pero debido a robar bookies tienes que mantenerlo razonable, pero puede realmente llegar hasta £ 100 un punto porque no puedo Ver cómo puedo hacerlo para ser honesto ¿Cuánto crees que es una cantidad razonable para mantener a ser honesto Creo que es difícil hacer £ 10 por punto y puede enviarme un correo electrónico todos los bookies u pensar es mejor para su sistema es decir Precios anticipados.

Deja un comentario Cancelar respuesta

Lucky 7 & # 8211; Secuencia de comercio Gestión del dinero por Dachel Miqueli

Setelah mencoba berjalan-jalan di duna maya dan mencari di beberapa search engine, saya menemukan sebuah archivo archivo de gestión de dinero berupa Exxel yang diberi nama Lucky 7 MM. Berikut sedikit kutipan dari Dachel Miquel yang saya trasnlate ke bahasa Indonesia.

Ok chicos itu sudah lama sejak saya tidak publicar apa pun di sini, itu tidak berarti aku belum mengerjakan sesuatu. Saya memiliki sistem yang bagus untuk berbagi yang sesuai kepribadian saya sempurna jadi saya ingin publicar di sini sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari itu. Ini bukan system yang dirancang oleh saya sehingga sin krugging ke Feng Shui FXTraderpro. Saya hanya memodifikasi sedikit untuk benar-benar cóctel dengan saya. Sebelum Anda membaca lebih lanjut saya harus mengatakan bahwa ini adalah sistem semi-martingale yang Anda dapat memiliki kontrol atas kerugian Anda, bukan kehilangan sema modal Anda seperti sistem martingale lainnya. Rasio risiko kemenangan adalah 1/2.

Inilah yang terjadi:

1) Kami membuka perdagangan berdasarkan kriteria entri kami. Sebagai contoh, kita membuka COMPRAR pada EURUSD di 1.3500. Kami Stop Pérdida diatur ke 10 Pips di 1.3490 dan Tomar Beneficios kami diatur ke 50 Pips pada 1,3550. Ini disebut ENTRADA AWAL kami dalam Secuencia. 2) Jika Tome el beneficio kita memukul kita kemudian menunggu Señal Entri baru dan mulai lagi. 3) Jika kita Parar la pérdida terkena, maka perdagangan berikutnya kami akan VENDER yang (dengan asumsi perdagangan pertama kami adalah) Comprar y vender productos. Ini posisi Vender baru harus Tomar Beneficio yang sama = 50 dan Pérdida de Stop = 10 pengaturan sebagai entri awal. Ini Urutan Dari Trades tertiopata kali kita Pérdida de pérdida terkena, dengan perdagangan yang dihasilkan akan ke arah yang berlawanan dari perdagangan sebelumnya. Urutan De los Oficios selesai setiap kali Take Profit tercapai.

Sebuah Urutan Dari Trades berarti bahwa setiap waktu kita Pérdida de la Pérdida terkena, perdagangan berikutnya akan:

* Dalam arah yang berlawanan

* Pérdida de la Pérdida que Tome el Beneficio Pengaturan akan tetap sama seperti Masuk alfa kami di TP = 50 dan SL = 10 untuk semua perdagangan di Sequence. * Jumlah banyak bervariasi sebagai saldo rekening tumbuh atau penurunan.

Saya telah terpasang file Excel untuk menghitung jumlah banyak untuk urutan berdasarkan saldo akun dan% Anda ingin risiko.

Jika orang cukup tertarik saya akan detail cara saya sendiri untuk masuk dan keluar, Anda dapat menggunakan Anda tentu saja. Dan beberapa tips untuk waktu yang lebih baik dan jam terbaik untuk berburu untuk entri. Saya perdagangan sistem ini hidup selama satu bulan sudah dan hanya menjadi lebih baik.

Title : Lucky 7 – trading sequence Money Management by Dachel Miqueli Author : Dachel Miqueli Size : 48.12kb Page : 2


The image of the "Lucky 7" dice roll is usually made of 5 + 2, as on the cover of the Perry Mason mystery novel "The Case of the Lucky Legs" . but it sometimes comes up 4 + 3, as on this gold-plated American "Lucky 7" money clip. The "Lucky 7" dice roll is found on quite a lot of hoodoo curio packaging, including 7-day candles ; the character called Lady Luck . in her Irish-Amewrican World War Two incarnation, wears dice for earrings and they always show 7. These "Lucky 7" images all derive from the dice game of craps, where rolling 7 wins, and thus the dice that roll 7 are a symbol of gambler's luck

But there is more to the luck of 7 than its place in games of chance. Why is 7 so fortunate? The following colloquy, begun in a Freemasonic mailing list in 1995, was continued in the alt. lucky. w newsgroup and the pre-war blues e-list from 1997 - 1999. It is currently my most complete summary of the LUCKY SEVEN concept.

From: Chrcor@aol. com, Chris Corrigan

Hello, all. Greetings from Fellowship Lodge #490, Flint, Michigan.

A question that has come up in lodge is the mention of the number seven. Why is the number seven important in Masonry .

I can think of the seven days of the week, the seven arts and sciences, but come to a halt there. Would very much appreciate your comments.

From: jmudie@public. compusult. nf. ca, John " Scotty " Mudie

There is on a Scottish Mason 's apron seven tassels on each side and when the apron was placed around me for the very first time these same seven tassels intrigued me so much that it led me to the field of research of our Great Order.

In almost every system of antiquity there are frequent references to the number seven.

The Pythagoreans called it the perfect number, 3 and 4, the triangle and the square, the perfect figures.

There were for instance seven ancient planets. The sun was the greatest planet of the ancient seven and next to the sun, the moon, changing in all its splendor every seventh day.

The Arabians had seven Holy Temples.

In Persian mysteries there were seven spacious caverns through which the aspirants had to pass.

The Goths had seven deities, as did the Romans, from whose names are derived our days of the week.

In Scriptural history there is a frequent recurrence to this number. P. ej. in Revelation 1:16 -- "and He had in His right hand seven stars, " alluding to the seven churches of Asia. (The seven stars are depicted on a RWM's apron in the Scottish Constitution).

For us as Masons . King Solomon was seven years building the Temple. It was dedicated to the glory of God in the seventh month and the festival lasted seven days.

There are, as you stated, Brother Chris, our seven liberal arts and sciences.

We require seven Brethren to make a Lodge perfect and we have our seven steps on the winding staircase.

Reverting back to the Masonic apron, in the course of time aprons became embellished with much ornamentation until the present form of apron was instituted. There was no deliberation on the part of our ancient Brethren to place seven tassels on each side of the apron because the number seven has and probably always will be a sacred number in Masonic symbolism.

To assist further, Brother Chris, i suggest consulting Albert G. Mackey's "Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry ," which devotes two full pages to the number seven.

I sincerely hope you enjoy the research as much as I have.

From: Gordon Charlton, gordon@charlton. demon. co. uk

That reminds me of a story. Whilst on holiday in Austria we participated in the games laid on for the evening by the tour company. We were part of a team of seven, and for each round of the game (a rather silly one involving bending over and throwing bowling balls between your legs) we adopted a different set of seven names.

The seven dwarfs

The seven deadly sins

The Trumpton fire brigade (a UK children's cartoon: They are Pugh, Pugh, Barney, Magrew, Cuthburt, Dibble and Grub)

The seven orders of architecture

The seven seas

The Seven Sisters

Maya (my wife) reminds me that the seventh son of a seventh son is supposed to be born gifted. Apparently Donny Osmond was such a son. I pass no comment on his "gifts."

"The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers" notes (amongst other things) "If a, b are the shorter sides of a Pythagorean triangle, the seven divides one of a, b, a-b or a+b"

It also reminds us that there are 7 basically different patterns of symmetry for a frieze design, which I suppose may be of interest to an operative Mason . (I actually knew this as my father was in wallpaper for a time.)

It claims the Greeks called 7 the "rational diagonal" of a square of side 5, apparently *because* (7^2)+1=50, which makes no sense to me.

Finally it postulates that the "St. Ives" problem (As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives. Every wife had seven sacks, etc) dates back over 3500 years, and can be traced to an Egyptian scribe. (This theory can be traced back, possibly more reliably, to one R. J. Gillingham, "Mathematics in the Time of the Pharaohs," MIT Press, 1972.)

From: Rick Reade (bowen@unm. edu)

There are seven visible planets and luminaries (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn). Each one rules a day of the week (Sun=Sunday, Saturn= Saturday, Moon=Monday, etc.) and that is where the seven day week came from. Each one is supposed to have a particular virtue or power.

Harold Percival believed that each one of us is an individual trinity, the "Triune Self", part of which re-exists in our mortal bodies, blah, blah, blah. It has seven minds:






I-ness and


When the Triune Self progresses to the next noetic level and becomes an "Intelligence", those seven minds become "faculties":

focus faculty

image faculty,

dark faculty

time faculty

motive faculty

I-Am faculty and

Light faculty.

For more see "Thinking and Destiny; Adepts, Masters and Mahatmas; Masonry and Its Symbols (incorporated in the 11th ed. of T&D) by Harold W. Percival.

From: Kirk Crady, kcrady@polaris. cv. nrao. edu

Checking various sources for references to the number seven, I was struck by this quote from Manly P. Hall:

"The 3 (spirit, mind, soul) descend into the 4 (the world), the sum being the 7, or the mystic nature of man, consisting of a threefold spiritual body and a fourfold material form. These are symbolized by the cube, which has six surfaces and a mysterious seventh point within. "

You may make of it what you will, but I would also observe, in reading the above quote, that the Masonic apron apparently illustrates his meaning quite beautifully: consisting of a triangle (3) fitted to a square (4). With this perspective in mind, its several permutations make for an interesting source of further thought.

From: Michael Sykuta, SYKUTA@Katz. Business. Pitt. Edu

From Masonic sources: "The 7 days of the week, the 7 sabbatical years, the 7 years of famine, the 7 years of plenty, the 7 years occupied in the building of King Solomon's Temple . and especially the 7 liberal arts and sciences."

From: catherine yronwode (cat@luckymojo. com) (that's me, the keeper of this web site)

A circa 1930s bronze Lucky Coin in my possession bears images of what the designer considered to be The 7 Lucky Artifacts:


rabbit's foot

white elephant charm

key with heart-lock

four-leaf clover

swastika (the coin is pre-Hitlerian)


These surround an All-Seeing Eye . a Masonic symbol. Beneath the eye are the words, "The All-Seeing Eye Guards You From Evil."

In the small town of Nevada City, California, there is a market called the Lucky 7 Grocery Store. The reference is to the fact that in some gambling games a score of 7 wins the turn.

When Inanna the Queen of Heaven (the major love, fertility, and war goddess of the Sumerians) descended into Hell, she was forced to pass through seven gates, at each of which she was required to remove one of her garments, until she stood before her sister Erishkigal the Queen of the Underworld, naked and defenseless. She was then struck dead by seven plagues. Later, upon her return from Hell, she passed though the same seven gates, at each of which she resumed one of her garments. (See Samuel Noah Kramer and Diane Wolkstein's "Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth" for the full text of what happened to her in Hell and how she got out alive.)

In African-American hoodoo there is are several formulas for anointing oil, soap, and floor wash that use the numebr seven. Among them are Seven Herb Bath, Gambler's Gold Lucky Seven Hand Wash, Seven-Eleven Holy Type Oil, and a relatively modern line of products marketed under the name Seven African Powers . These "powers" are better known in the African-Caribbean Santeria religion as the Orishas or natural forces of the African Yoruba people, who during slavery days became identified with seven Catholic saints. Images of the Seven African Powers can be found on Santeria votive candles .

The Seven Sisters is a term used to indicate the constellation of the Pleiades -- but The Seven Sisters of New Orleans were a family of hoodoo women who lived and practiced in the Crescent City in the 1920s - 30s. Mentioned by several of Harry Middleton Hyatt's informants . they were said to have a house "by the water" and were popular enough to became the subject of a blues song by the Texas musician J. T. "Funny Papa" Smith (whose name was sometimes wrongly written as "Funny Paper Smith"). Here are complete lyrics for "Seven Sisters Blues, Parts I and 2" recorded October 3rd, 1931 in Chicago and released on two sides of a 78 rpm record. Notice that the number 21 (3 times 7) also appears in this song. The transciption is by Chris Smith (chris@skerries. demon. co. uk):

SEVEN SISTERS BLUES - PARTS 1 and 2 J. T. "Funny Papa" Smith

They tell me Seven Sisters in New Orleans that can really fix a man up right They tell me Seven Sisters in New Orleans that can really fix a man up right And I'm headed for New Orleans, Louisiana, I'm travelin' both day and night.

I hear them say the oldest Sister look just like she's 21 I hear them say the oldest Sister look just like she's 21 And said she can look right in your eyes and tell you just exactly what you want done.

They tell me they've been hung, been bled, and been crucified They tell me they've been hung, been bled, and been crucified But I just want enough help to stand on the water and rule the tide.

It's bound to be Seven Sisters, 'cause I've heard it by everybody else It's bound to be Seven Sisters, I've heard it by everybody else Course, I'd love to take their word, but I'd rather go and see for myself.

When I leave the Seven Sisters, I'll pile stones all around When I leave the Seven Sisters, I'll pile stones all around And go to my baby and tell her, "There's another Seven Sister man in town."

Good morning, Seven Sisters, just thought I'd come down and see Good morning, Seven Sisters, I thought I'd come down to see Will you build me up where I'm torn down, and make me strong where I'm weak?

I went to New Orleans, Louisiana, just on account of something I heard I went to New Orleans, Louisiana, just on account of something I heard The Seven Sisters told me everything I wanted to know, and they wouldn't let me speak a word.

Now, it's Sarah, Minnie, Bertha, Holly, Dolly, Betty and Jane Sarah, Minnie, Bertha, Holly, Dolly, Betty and Jane You can't know them Sisters apart, because they all looks just the same.

The Seven Sisters sent me away happy, 'round the corner I met another little girl Seven Sisters sent me 'way happy, 'round the corner I met another little girl She looked at me and smiled, and said, "Go, Devil, and destroy the world."

[spoken] I'm gonna destroy it, too.

[spoken] I'm all right now.

Seven times a year the Seven Sisters will visit me in my sleep Seven times a year the Seven Sisters will visit me all in my sleep And they said I won't have no trouble, and said I'll live twelve days in a week.

Wanna go down in Louisiana, and get the hell right out of your bein' Wanna go down in Louisiana, and get right out of your bein' These Seven Sisters can do anything in Louisiana, but you'll have to go to New Orleans.

As Funny Papa Smith's song indicates, the Seven Sisters demonstrated a "gift" or mark of power commonly found among hoodoo root workers . they could tell a client what was wrong before he or she spoke. This gift was also attributed to the Arkanasas conjure and spiritualist Aunt Caroline Dye . Advertisements for such seers may make reference to their telepathic power with stock phrases such as "She tells all before you utter a word" or "Don't tell her -- let her tell you!"

The famous Seven Sisters of New Orleans gave rise to numerous imitators, among them Ida Carter, a hoodoo women in Hogansville, Alabama, who called herself "Seven Sisters," despite being a single individual. In recent years the Seven Sisters of New Orleans name has became a brand of hoodoo products distributed by International Imports.

The theme of "seven lucky brothers" is a recurrent folkloric motif. I am reminded of the German folk tale (recorded by the Grimm brothers) of the "Seven Brothers Turned to Swans" and of the mid-20th century musical "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers."

This brings us back to the "Seventh Son" concept touched on earlier -- and the special luck attributed to the seventh son of a seventh son, as seen in Willie Dixon's blues song "The Seventh Son," recorded by Willie Mabon in 1955 and also by Mose Allison. Thanks to Chris Smith (chris@skerries. demon. co. uk) for the transcription:

THE SEVENTH SON by Willie Dixon (Arc/BMI)

Now everybody's crying about the Seventh Son, In the whole round world there is only one; I'm the one, I'm the one, I'm the one, I'm the one, the one they call the Seventh Son.

Now I can tell your future before it comes to pass, I can do things for you makes your heart feel glad; I can look at the skies and predict the rain, I can tell when a woman's got another man; I'm the one, I'm the one, I'm the one, I'm the one, the one they call the Seventh Son.

I can hold you close and squeeze you tight, I can make you cry for me both day and night, I can heal the sick and raise the dead, I can make you little girls talk all out of your head; I'm the one, I'm the one, I'm the one, I'm the one, the one they call the Seventh Son.

Now, I can talk these words that sound so sweet, And make your loving heart even skip a beat. I can take you, baby, and hold you in my arms, And make the flesh quiver on your lovely bones; I'm the one, I'm the one, I'm the one, I'm the one, the one they call the Seventh Son.

In alt. folklore. urban a post from Barbara Mikkelson gave more details:

Quoting from "A Dictionary Of Superstitions" by Iona Opie and Moira Tatem (Oxford University Press, 1992):

1579: Lupton's "Thousand Notable Things": "It is manifest by experience that the seuenth Male Chyld by iust order (neuer a Gyrle or Wench borne betweene) doth heele onely with touching through a naturall gyft, the Kings Euyll."

("The King's Evil" is the skin disease scrofula.)

Then there's the Muddy Waters' song, "Hootchie Cootchie Man" (written by WIllie Dixon) -- with its "seven doctors" -- partial lyrics courtesy Carl Wagoner .

On the seventh hour of the seventh day of the seventh month the seven doctors say "He were born for good luck that you'll see" I got seven hundred dollars don't you mess with me 'cause i'm the hootchie cootchie man.

In Chinese culture, the number 7 also features rather prominently in some aspects of life. For example, the seventh day of the first moon of the lunar year is known as Human's Day. That day is considered the birthday of all human beings universally. That is why a Chinese is deemed to be a year older on that day, regardless of what the actual date of birth is. But this is not to say that a Chinese does not celebrate a birthday on the actual day of birth.

I have no idea how far back in time this idea started, but as I write this, I am struck by the coincidence of the Christian concept of creation of the world by the seventh day as related in Genesis.

Similarly, on a death, a special ceremony is held on the 49th day after death, that is, 7 X 7 days. It signifies the final parting.

From: dhand302@aol. com (DHAND302)

I came across a reference (in Encyclopedia Britannica, actually) to the "Shichi-fuku-jin," or the Seven Gods of Luck in Japanese folklore. They're described as comical deities often depicted riding on a treasure ship with various magical implements, such as a hat of invisibility, rolls of brocade, an inexhaustible purse, keys to the divine treasure-house, cloves, scrolls or books, a lucky rain hat, or a robe of feathers.

I've never heard of these whimsical little dudes before, but I instinctively like them a lot. Yet when I went to the library to research this a bit further (at least find a good picture of them) I found nary a trace.

Anybody else know anything more?

From: weldonkees@aol. com (WeldonKees) (Paul Edson)

The "shichi-fukujin," translated either as the "Seven Gods of Happiness" or "Seven Gods of Luck" are personifications of earthly happiness in Japanese folk religion. They are:

HOTEI: the "fat" or "laughing" Buddha . who personifies your garden-variety mirth and merriment.

BISHAMONTEN: the watchman

FUKUROKUJU: the god of longevity

JUROJIN: the god of scholarship

DAIKOKU: the god of nutrition

EBISU: the god of fishing

BENZAITEN: the goddess of music.

These seven are often portrayed together riding on a treasure ship, but may also be carved or depicted individually. Representations are often in the form of wooden or ivory amulets and most commonly are used to pin together the kimono. I don't have any further information about what objects are generally carried by or associated with each, sorry.

These seven gods are probably an expansion of earlier Chinese deities who fulfilled the same sorts of functions. The Chinese deities were five in number, dressed in the red robes of civil servants, and each was usually accompanied by a bat. In fact, five bats depicted together often stand in for the gods as a symbol of luck.

(Information from "The Dictionary of Symbolism" by Hans Biedermann and from my brother, who has a master's degree in Japanese culture and language.)

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OCCULTISM, MAGIC SPELLS, MYSTICISM, RELIGION, SYMBOLISM Hoodoo in Theory and Practice by cat yronwode: an introduction to African-American rootwork Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic by cat yronwode: a materia magica of African-American conjure Lucky W Amulet Archive by cat yronwode: an online museum of worldwide talismans and charms Sacred Sex . essays and articles on tantra yoga, neo-tantra, karezza, sex magic, and sex worship Sacred Landscape . essays and articles on archaeoastronomy and sacred geometry Freemasonry for Women by cat yronwode: a history of mixed-gender Freemasonic lodges The Lucky Mojo Esoteric Archive . captured internet text files on occult and spiritual topics Lucky Mojo Usenet FAQ Archive . FAQs and REFs for occult and magical usenet newsgroups Aleister Crowley Text Archive . a multitude of texts by an early 20th century occultist Lucky Mojo Magic Spells Archives . love spells, money spells, luck spells, protection spells, and more Free Love Spell Archive . love spells, attraction spells, sex magick, romance spells, and lust spells Free Money Spell Archive . money spells, prosperity spells, and wealth spells for job and business Free Protection Spell Archive . protection spells against witchcraft, jinxes, hexes, and the evil eye Free Gambling Luck Spell Archive . lucky gambling spells for the lottery, casinos, and races

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OTHER SITES OF INTEREST Arcane Archive . thousands of archived Usenet posts on religion, magic, spell-casting, mysticism, and spirituality Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers . psychic reading, conjure, and hoodoo root doctor services Candle Ministry . Missionary Independent Spiritual Church deacons will set lights for your petitions and prayers Candles and Curios . essays and articles on traditional African American conjure and folk magic, plus shopping Crystal Silence League . online prayer request network; upload your prayers here and pray for the welfare of others Gospel of Satan . the story of Jesus and the angels, from the perspective of the God of this World Hoodoo Psychics . connect online or call 1-888-4-HOODOO for instant readings now from a member of AIRR Missionary Independent Spiritual Church . spirit-led, inter-faith; prayer-light services; Smallest Church in the World Mystic Tea Room . tea leaf reading, teacup divination, and a museum of antique fortune telling cups Satan Service . an archive presenting the theory, practice, and history of Satanism and Satanists Southern Spirits . 19th and 20th century accounts of hoodoo, including ex-slave narratives & interviews Spiritual Spells . lessons in folk magic and spell casting from an eclectic Wiccan perspective, plus shopping Yronwode Home . personal pages of catherine yronwode and nagasiva yronwode, magical archivists Yronwode Institution . the Yronwode Institution for the Preservation and Popularization of Indigenous Ethnomagicology

Level 7 Synchro Monsters are an incredibly important part of Dueling. They have great effects you won’t find anywhere else, and they’re really easy to Summon. After all, most Decks play plenty of Level 4 monsters, and Level 3 Tuners like Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind and X-Saber Airbellum are strong on their own. Here are three Level 7 Synchro Monsters you probably play yourself: they don’t require specific Synchro Materials, so they can fit into a wide range of Decks.

There are many useful Level 7 Synchro Monsters that can fit in any Deck.

Black Rose Dragon’s destructive power gives it a place in almost any Deck, while X-Saber Urbellum and Ancient Fairy Dragon both have powerful effects that can ruin your opponent’s plans. All 3 work even better in particular strategies: Black Rose Dragon can turn a monster to Attack Position if you play Plants; Ancient Fairy Dragon lets you get a Field Spell card from your Deck; and X-Saber Urbellum works with X-Saber cards like Gottoms’ Emergency Call . Each of them can be Summoned with almost any Tuners and non-Tuners, and since they all have unique abilities they get played in almost everything.

There’s just one catch: though these Monsters have some awesome effects, their ATK is a little lacking. While Deck-specific Level 7 Synchros like Chaos King Archfiend and Blackwing Armor Master have 2500 ATK or more, the strongest Advanced Format-legal Level 7 Synchro Monsters that don’t need specific Synchro Materials top out at 2400 ATK: Black Rose Dragon and Psychic Lifetrancer . There’s never been a Level 7 Synchro meant just for attacking – it’s all about the effects – so it’s tough to attack over bigger monsters like Stardust Dragon . Luckily, Duelists who sign up for the Duelist Revolution Sneak Peek can get a new card that changes everything!

Finally, a Level 7 Synchro Monster with 2700 ATK!

Scrap Archfiend is a new Level 7 Synchro Monster, and it fills a special role in the new Scrap Deck from Duelist Revolution . But since you can summon it with any Synchro Materials totaling 7 Levels, it’s going to be a top pick for virtually every Duelist’s Extra Deck: that 2700 ATK is unmatched by any other Level 7 Synchro. Scrap Archfiend lets you attack over Level 8 Synchro Monsters like Stardust Dragon and Junk Destroyer . and you can use it to dish out more damage with a Level 7 Synchro Summon without having to risk your Black Rose Dragon . That’s good news for explosive Decks that do lots of Synchro Summoning, like Symbols of Coelacanth and Synchro Cat.

With higher ATK than popular Level 7’s like Black Rose Dragon and X-Saber Urbellum . Scrap Archfiend has a place in any Extra Deck you build. Most Duelists are going to want to play at least 1, and you can get yours just for participating in the Duelist Revolution Sneak Peek. Level 7 Synchros just got a big boost, so don’t miss out on your chance to nab this sweet new card.

Grey Group Training – Lucky # 7 Anniversary Sale

In honor of their seventh anniversary, Grey Group Training is holding 3 weeks of sales through the month of May, starting tomorrow, May 12th.

May 12th – May 18th, take advantage of 20% off select nylon brands, including 215 Gear, Tactical Tailor, ATS, and SORD.

May 19th – May 25th, enjoy discounts of up to 50% off on select apparel and accessories, such as Nalgene bottles, hats, and shirts.

May 26th – May 31st, boots from brands including Salewa, Oboz, Salomon, and Belleville will be discounted 20%.

Additionally, be sure to frequent the Grey Group Training Facebook page. as they’ll be posting closeout steals and deals on the regular.

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Lucky 7 Angus

Feed Efficiency in Beef -- There is a Genetic Solution!

Lucky 7 Angus measures feed intake with a state of the art "Grow Safe" feed efficiency test system, one of the few owned solely by a seedstock producer.

Feed Efficiency

Great strides have been taken in every aspect of efficiency in agriculture, except in the area of genetic feed efficiency in beef cattle. They have done it with chickens. They have done it with hogs. They have done it in the dairy industry. They have done it with implants and with feed additives. And yes, it will happen in the beef industry. 68% of the operation costs on your ranch are allocated to feed cost according to a Kansas State University study in 2009.

What is feed efficiency?

As you read the numerous bull sale ads. So many of them advertise some sort of feed efficiency, but have no data to prove it. This makes it confusing for folks. Hence Lucky 7 Angus has felt it necessary to define feed efficiency. “Feed efficiency is the ability to either maintain, or gain body weight, on less feed than another animal in the same environment. It therefore can be proven by measured data.

There are two types of feed efficiency. Gain in the feedlot with best feed to gain ratio and cows limit fed while producing the same size or larger calf. Lucky 7 Angus is the only seed stock producer in the nation that proves out both. Proven feed efficient genetics will do more than carcass and calving ease combined. It’s not about starving a profit out of a cow, but about producing more pounds of beef on your ranch with the same input costs. Feed efficient genetics will raise more pounds with less cost which will give you an extra opportunity to profit.

Feed Efficient Lucky 7 Angus Data

Every animal on our place has been fed with big vertical mixers, with scales, for past 15 years. We know how many pounds they ate, this year, last year, and 10 years ago. We also know what an average bovine’s nutrition requirements are. Much research has been done in this area by scientists and these guidelines are easily available to read. This year’s bulls are in better shape than last year. You would assume it took more feed to get there. Wrong. Look at the data:

Diet: % of Body Weight of Feed and Mega Cal of Energy in Ration

2.6-3% of 46-51 NEG

To summarize the data; This year’s Lucky 7 Angus yearling bulls are eating 39% less calories than our competitors’ bulls/industry standard. 14.3% less than last year and 34.6% less than they ate 10 years ago. The 2 year olds are eating 38.6% less than our competitor’s bulls/industry standard. 13.5 % less than last year and 34.6% less than 10 years ago. To go a step farther, these incredible results are also being accomplished with our cow herd while grazing. 1000# First calf heifers: Industry standard is 22 pounds per day to maintain. This year our Lucky 7 Angus 1000# heifers did the same on <10.22 pounds/day, last year <11#/day and 2005 it was 16 # per day. Or, The Lucky 7 Angus proven feed efficiency heifers can maintain body weight with 54% less feed than industry standards. They are 7.1% more efficient this year than last, and 36.2% more efficient than 10 years ago. Plus it is being proven in both the feedlot and out in real world conditions. This data and results cannot be boasted by any other seed stock producer!

The first ranchers on board will control their own destiny. The rest will. Tough to say, but the producers in the hog and chicken industry that were not progressive went broke. I’m telling the truth here. Does chicken, pork or milk taste better today than it did 30 years ago? The answer is “No”. Economics 101 They created genetics that can do more on less! Or they are all bred for feed efficiency alone. Get on your website and look up the feed conversion for hogs, chickens and beef. You will find hogs are 3.0-3.2:1, chickens 1.9-2.1:1 and then there is beef cattle at 5.5-13:1. You see we are missing it.

The cattle industry is way behind our protein competitors. ¿Por qué? Because the people creating the genetics, or seed stock producers, for 40 plus years have put their genetics in glass bubble/all you can eat environments. It was easier to be great promotors of fat pretty bulls with some sort of emotional number or phrase, than to do the extensive work and scientific testing necessary to find the profitable ones. You have been let down by the people you considered experts. Experts alright, expert marketers.

Jim and Jamie Jensen • Lucky 7 Angus Boulder, Wyoming and Riverton, Wyoming (307) 850-2514 • (307) 850-2053 • cowboybulls@hotmail. com

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anon | 08-Apr-2017 08:33 PM

Joined 5 weeks ago started with £5 a point for 2 weeks then increased to £10 and only do 1point a race Until my bank grows bigger First four weeks gave me a total of £592.55 profit Week five has given me £212. Profit This could have been even more if I could get to my computer sooner in the mornings when odds are higher. Another good point about this system is you can put bets on in less than 15 mins and then forget about it for The rest of the day. Over the moon with this service long may it last.

William | 03-May-2017 02:55 AM

Lucky 7 naps is without any question of a doubt the best horse racing tipster out there, When I first came across him from reading the reviews on here and looked at the profits i thought "this is to good to be true"

After putting it off for a while i decided to give lucky 7 naps a go, and ever since that day my only regret has been not signing up sooner, the profits are crazy but it is the consistency that does it for me. I am still yet to go through a bad patch with this service but IF it does happen I have amassed a huge bankroll to get through it. what a service this is hats of lucky 7.

George | 04-May-2017 12:26 PM

Well what can you say about lucky 7 naps!

consistent - yes value for me - yes winning tips - yes profits - hell yes!


Choose 4 long shot outcomes at around 16/1 and place a £1.50 stake that could return more than £10,000! You still win if you only get 1 out of 4 too. Place your Lucky 15 bets at bet365 for some great bonuses!

Choose four outcomes at around 16/1 and for a small stake you could end up winning thousands. This type of bet is commonly called a Lucky 15 because the permutation contains 15 bets. Por ejemplo:

1. Choose 4 outcomes at around 16/1. Choosing a team to be winning at half-time and then drawing at full-time will almost always give you these odds if you shop around the bookies. Higher scoring correct scores will also give these types of odds.

2. Place a small unit stake, around 10p per bet, and this will be multiplied by 15 to calculate your full stake.

3. If only one of the four comes in, you've won your money back. If more than one of the four comes in you could be making big money for a small stake.

You might find that these types of bet don't win that often, so we call this strategy the 'Long Shot'. However, remember that the one time you do get two, three, or four results come in, you've made a fair bit of profit. You've just got to hold out until you get that one week where you hit the jackpot.

Use this strategy in conjunction with another strategy that will cover any losses on this type of bet. For example, place £1.50 on an Evens single bet to cover the potential loss on the Long Shot. Alternatively, treat this bet as it is named, a long shot, and write off the stake as you would do with your quid on the lottery each week!

Looking for a good online bookie where you can place your Lucky 15 bets? Well try out Bet365. They have an easy and informative site and placing Lucky 15 bets is made easy. Simply log into their site, click the 'add' button on your 4 selections for your Lucky 15, then go to your bet slip and place your stake.

Lucky Seven



"Lucky Seven" depicts the story of 7 detectives who work together at a private eye firm in Kitashinagawa, Tokyo. The seven detectives do not get along and argue frequently, but they pull together to when its time to solve a case.

Shuntaro Tokita (Jun Matsumoto ) is a playboy, more interested in chasing women than having a job. At a hotel, where Shuntaro and a woman are having an affair, Teru (Eita ), Junpei (Yo Oizumi ) and Asuka (Riisa Naka ) from the private investigation firm "Lucky" awaits to take their picture.

After hours of waiting, Shuntaro and the woman walk down the stairs of the hotel lobby and walk in different directions to avoid attention. Private Investigator Teru intentionally bumps into the woman in the parking lot. The woman drops her scarf. Teru picks up the scarf and goes back to the hotel where Shuntaro is waiting in front of the elevator. Teru hands that scarf to Shuntaro, telling him that the woman who dropped the scarf was with him. Shuntaro thanks Teru and runs to the parking lot. When Shuntaro hands over the scarf to the woman, they embrace and Private Investigator Junpei takes a picture of them.

Later, Shuntaro calls the woman while walking down the street. The woman tells him that their picture was taken at the hotel and her husband knows about their affair. She tells him that they can't see each other anymore. While talking with the woman, Shuntaro notices Teru, the man who handed the scarf to him, inside of a watch store. Shuntaro realizes that Teru most likely set him up.

Shuntaro follows Teru after he leaves the watch store. They have a brief confrontation, but Teru is able to ditch Shuntaro and arrive back at his private investigation office. Then, Shuntaro walks into the office. As Shuntaro and Teru argue, the president of the private investigation office, Toko Fujisaki (Nanako Matsushima ), walks out of her office and addresses Shuntaro. She asks Shuntaro if he would like to work for their private detective agency. The next day, Shuntaro walks into the privated investigation office and begins his first day on the job.



d Jan 12 2017 5:39 pm Such a brilliantly funny drama! Nice change from all the fluffy Cinderella type love dramas from Korea. Mastujun is such a great and charismatic actor. His on screen chemistry with Eita is just genius lol. Love the SP episode especially. Hope they will have a season 2.

barahachi Sep 23 2017 12:29 am so inlove when they defy gravity with their fighting scenes. kakkoii yo!

sora Jul 05 2017 6:50 am Love Matsujun and Eita <3 they should get "Best Couple Awards"

Emina Aug 11 2012 12:36 am I just realized that Matsujun and Eita acted together in Kimi wa Pet. So good to see them again in another awesome dorama.

zarah Feb 01 2012 8:50 pm OMG! Eita's body got bigger on the first EP! Fighting scenes really suits him :)

Serenity Jan 14 2012 4:25 am wow. this is going to be one of the best Asian dramas ever♥♥♥ i so meant to vote100%. Awesome acting guaranteed by awesome casts.

Server: Lucky7/ S>> lvl 133 pure ninja with VIP 4

sorry Kocheck141 and any others interested i will still be selling this account but i am currently fighting TQ for the 8 digit security code because i forgot it :/ I'll repost here in a few hours or as soon as the issue is resolved.

and Kocheck141 i would like to add i stated i wouldn't charge the VIP price if you read in the brackets because obviously nobody will pay that, and if you decide to buy you will have all account informations but i will take a couple screen shots and post them as soon as this previously mentioned above issue is resolved.

EDIT: The issues have been resolved and the Account is Ready for sale.

Last edited by EnemyDread; 08/20/2017 at 18:52. Reason: no longer fighting for info.

i was just sitting here and started to figure, since im only doing this to start fresh on my new acct i will also accept cp's as payment on any server, money will still be accepted but cp's would really work better for me since thats what id be spending the money on in the first place lol.

Last edited by EnemyDread; 08/20/2017 at 22:29. Reason: change of plans

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[WTS] Pure lvl 138 Ninja (Lucky7) PM if interested and I will give more information! +12 Scythe -5 +10 armor P6 -5 +12 headgear P6 -7 +8 Tower -1 +8 Fan +8 steed +7 Necklace. 3 Replies - Conquer Online 2 Trading

S>> Male Ninja-Ninja-Ninja-Trojan; Server Lucky7 Level 126 Ninja-Ninja-Ninja-Trojan Elite +4 1 Sock Coronet Elite +4 1 Sock Boot Super +6 1 Sock Armor Super +4 1 Sock Necklace(Bound) Super +5 2. 1 Replies - Conquer Online 2 Trading

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Lucky 7

B etween the marvel of the legendary first-generation Mazda RX-7 and the high-tech wonder that was the last incarnation of the famous nameplate lies an almost forgotten masterpiece: the second-generation RX-7. Why was this car, with its enviable combination of power, refinement and good looks, forgotten?

Good question. On paper—not to mention on the street and on the race track—the second-generation RX-7, which was offered from the 1986 model year through 1991, still makes a lot of sense for the budget-minded enthusiast.

Despite its obvious appeal, however, the car failed to find a home among gearheads when it was first introduced. Racers, especially, did not embrace the second-generation RX-7 as they had the original version. Perhaps this was due to the newer car’s larger size, high price (at the time) and less than optimal autocross classing, which all combined to make it unsuitable for grassroots venues of the day. The compact car drag explosion had not really happened yet, and drifting was something only rallyists and sprint car drivers did.

Today, the second-generation RX-7 is seeing something of a revival. Spurred on by ridiculously low prices and increased popularity in the SCCA’s Improved Touring racing, these cars are a 15-year-old overnight sensation.

Before you rush out and buy one, however, there are a few questions to be answered. Which RX-7 should you look for? What goes wrong with them? And how should you modify them for street or race track use?

First, a Little History

At the end of a rough first decade in the U. S. Mazda finally hit a big-time home run in the spring of 1978 with the introduction of their RX-7. After catering to those who marched to the beat of a different drummer, Mazda finally had a car that the masses wanted.

However, this “revolutionary” car was really anything but. Essentially, it was the same 12A rotary engine from Mazda’s RX-3 sedan, mated to a five-speed transmission and live rear axle. Brakes were disc at the front and drum at the rear; optional rear disc brakes and a limited-slip differential were not offered until 1981 as part of the GSL package. Steering was not even rack and pinion.

Still, the RX-7 worked. It looked right, ran well and, in the hands of autocrossers and road racers around the nation, captured many wins and championships. The RX-7 began to redefine the idea of a sports car for the masses.

By 1984, the cry was out for more power and more modernization. Mazda answered with the introduction of the RX-7 GSL-SE. This car came equipped with a fuel-injected version of the RX-4’s 13B rotary. Rated at 135 horsepower, this engine had a third more power than the 12A that powered the original RX-7.

Thanks to the bigger wheels, more luxurious options and a more complicated induction system, the GSL-SE was more than 200 pounds heavier than its predecessor, so performance was not that startling. Many autocrossers opted to stay with their earlier cars, especially considering the more favorable classing of those 12A-powered RX-7s.

The Second-Generation Car

The increased size of the second-generation Mazda RX-7 gave passengers more room, while luxury was more prevalent than what was seen in the previous model.

Mazda introduced an entirely new RX-7 for the 1986 model year. This second-generation car shared very little with the earlier cars. Gone was the small, distinctive shape that was the first RX-7; in its place was an obvious attempt to move upmarket into Porsche 944 territory.

The styling of the second-generation RX-7 was still very clean, but there were many who considered it somewhat bland and unimaginative compared to the original car. There was no doubt, however, that it was much improved in every area.

The cover story in the March 1986 issue of this magazine (which was then called Auto-X) compared the new versus old RX-7. In back-to-back autocross testing, we determined that the new RX-7 was faster all around the course. It was also faster in a straight line, with zero-to-60 times in the eight-second range—a full second quicker than the first cars.

In addition to the all-new shape and bodywork, there were many other changes to the new RX-7—so many changes, in fact, that this car might more appropriately have carried the now-popular RX-8 moniker. Up front, aluminum replaced steel in the hubs and A-arms, while rack-and-pinion steering finally dispatched the somewhat numb recirculating-ball setup found in the earlier cars.

The big news, however, was at the rear. Gone was the live axle of the early cars, and in its place was a very sophisticated—some say too sophisticated—fully independent suspension system, which Mazda dubbed DTSS: Dynamic Tracking Suspension System.

Most of the Japanese car builders had become fascinated with four-wheel steering in the mid-’80s, and DTSS was essentially Mazda’s attempt at a passive setup. This system featured a tri-axial floating hub and an extra link that reduced the toe-out common to semi-trailing arm rear suspensions. Interestingly, the system was only designed to come into play above .4g of cornering force. In practice, this meant it was fine for the street, but would make for some pretty scary handling on a race track. Four-wheel-disc brakes were now standard on the car, while the GXL and sport model cars came with four-piston, finned-alloy calipers.

The new RX-7’s engine was also different, even compared to the 13B-powered 1984-’85 GSL-SE. Horsepower was up to 146 at 6500 rpm thanks to improved fuel injection and lighter engine rotors. Other parts of the engine were also updated, including the mounts and the actual rotor housings themselves. In effect, the 1986 engine was pretty much totally new.

The interior was also completely redesigned and shared very little with the earlier cars.

The car was introduced in base trim, as well as a more upscale GXL model. The GXL was equipped with the aforementioned better brakes, plus more luxurious appointments. GXL cars were also fitted with 15-inch wheels (versus the 14-inch wheels on base models) and 205/60R15 tires. The sports package available on either model featured the larger tire size as well as stiffer springs and shocks.

Another option was 2+2 seating, although these back seats were a token. The standard storage bins that were offered instead of rear seats were probably more valuable.

RX-7 Turbo

To make a good thing even better, Mazda pressurized the 13B rotary in the Turbo models, adding about 50 horsepower and 40 lb.-ft. of torque to the already quick RX-7.

Shortly after the new car was introduced in the winter of 1986, Mazda blew everyone away with the announcement of a turbo version, which was set to be introduced as a 1987 model. This package turned the new RX-7 from a very competent sports car into a bona fide supercar.

Mazda called the car the Turbo, although the engine carried the Turbo II designation. This was the first turbocharged rotary engine offered by Mazda in U. S. though the company had offered a turbocharged 12A earlier in Japan. Horsepower was up to 182 with the Hitachi HT18-2S turbo, despite boost being restricted to 5 to 6 psi depending on rpm. The Turbo was also equipped with a beefier five-speed transmission (automatic was not offered) and a stronger rear end.

The only other real news for 1987 was the option of anti-lock brakes on GXL and Turbo models.

1988 saw the introduction of the convertible version in non-turbo form only. Although slick and good-looking, this conversion added some 255 pounds to the RX-7, thus turning the convertible into a boulevard machine.

Also introduced in 1988 was the GTU version of the RX-7. The GTU was the sports version, named to honor Mazda’s wins in IMSA’s GTU category. This model came with 15x6-inch alloy wheels (as did the GXL), a limited-slip differential, sport suspension, a body kit, body-colored door mirrors and sports seats. The SE name (which indicated a base model) was debuted as well, while the GXL remained the luxury version with all the toys like power windows, cruise control and sunroof.

Major changes came in 1989 with the introduction of another new model and some technical changes. The GTU became the base model, while the new GTUs became essentially a Turbo version without the turbocharger. This no-nonsense machine had the suspension and all the performance goodies without all the luxuries that added weight. It even had a 4.30:1 rear end (a 4.10:1 unit was standard). Other than us, however, apparently not many people thought this model was a cool idea, as only about 100 were built. Higher compression, lighter rotors and revised intake manifolds boosted horsepower in both normally aspirated (160 horsepower, up from 146) and turbo forms (200 horsepower, up from 182) for 1989. The Turbo version also had a revised turbocharger.

The following year saw no real changes, except the convertible received an airbag. 1991 was the last year for these great cars, and the model lineup was simplified to coupe, convertible and Turbo. All the cars were extensively optioned, so there was no more base model.

What Goes Wrong

The oldest second-gen RX-7s are now closing in on the 20-year mark, and none of them are getting any newer; fortunately, the model doesn’t have too many problem areas.

Although rust is not a significant problem for these cars, they do have some vulnerable spots. If the rear hatch drain holes get plugged, the rear hatch area gets rusty pretty quickly. Also, the cars tend to rust around the door jambs, so check these carefully.

The front subframes are very difficult to get straight once they have been damaged in an accident. Also, the nose cone (roughly $800) and rear taillights can be expensive to replace, so check these pieces carefully.

The much-maligned rotary engine really was nearly bulletproof by the mid-’80s, and a well-cared-for engine is good for 200,000 miles. The key here is to find that well-cared-for engine. As with most cars, oil changes need to be performed regularly. Overheating the rotary engine is to be strictly avoided, and allowing the turbocharger to cool before the engine is turned off can help extend the turbo’s life. Look for evidence of this type of sympathetic care when seeking out a car to buy.

The car’s real Achilles’ heel is the eccentric shaft bypass valve. This valve lubricates the oil seals and O-rings, but only after the engine heats up. If it fails, it’s not apparent until the engine starts to smoke, and by then it is too late. Most premature engine failures can be attributed to either this problem, overheating or abuse. The solution is to replace the eccentric shaft bypass valve as a matter of course every 75,000 miles or so. Tri-Point Engineering highly recommends this service and charges $235 for parts and labor.

While the rotary engine is somewhat uncommon, several shops specialize in rebuilds. For the do-it-yourselfer, Racing Beat’s catalog offers complete rebuild kits containing all of the necessary gaskets, seals, O-rings, springs and so forth. Most of the kits for the second-gen RX-7’s rotary engine cost around $1000. Complete engines are available as well. A complete, Improved Touring-ready engine from ISC Racing Services, for example, carries a $3500 price tag. This is a unit built to the favorable 1989 specifications.

Modifying for the Street

Most tuners agree that for the street or local autocross competition, very little needs to be done to these cars. Mazda did a good job with the basic chassis and engine setup, meaning there are few problem areas to overcome.

Although any internal combustion engine is little more than a large air pump, this is especially true of the rotary engine. Open up each end and magical things start to happen. Thanks to electronic fuel injection on the intake side of things, the easiest thing to do is change to a performance chip. Companies such as GReddy and HKS have made these chips for years, and Carl Sloan of SAS Racing has introduced one that he claims adds 30 horsepower and 46 ft.-lbs. of torque on the dyno. Some rotary experts do caution, however, that aftermarket chips do not always perform as advertised on these engines.

Choosing the right exhaust system for a rotary engine is crucial. Whereas exhaust changes can make a five to 10 horsepower difference on a piston-engined street car, it is not uncommon for such a modification to yield a 30-horsepower improvement on a rotary-powered car. High-flow catalytic converters help, as do enlarging and tuning the exhaust.

For better torque, the experts recommend running two long, straight pipes as far back as possible. For maximum top-end performance, add a crossover pipe to the system. Be aware that rotaries are insanely loud and exhaust temperatures should be in the 1600- to 1800-degree area, so play it safe when messing with the exhaust. Most of the companies that cater to the RX-7 sell a street exhaust for these cars.

In the area of handling, all the experts agree that the factory three-position shock absorbers are the weak link on these cars. A good quality setup (preferably adjustable coil-over) is a must for these cars. Mark Shuler of Tri-Point Engineering recommends Konis, while SpeedSource is a fan of Dynamic Suspension.

A common mistake is to slap big tires and wheels on these cars. The engines are designed to work best in the 6000 to 7200 rpm range, so the 4.10:1 or 4.30:1 gear ratios that came with these cars, combined with the original-equipment 205/60R15 tires, is a pretty good setup. If huge tires are still part of the plan, Tri-Point can help, as they offer fiberglass fender flares that will cover a 17x12-inch wheel.

When choosing a car, the early non-turbo models are more desirable than the later ones. If you are looking for a Turbo car, go for a later model: The one to have is the 1989-and-up twin-scroll turbo car. In addition to featuring 18 more horsepower, the revised intake manifold and turbocharger system makes for a more drivable and reliable car.

A notable exception to the above rule is the GTUs. Although very few were built, Mark Shuler of Tri-Point feels that this would be the ultimate non-turbo second-generation car to own thanks to its light weight, Turbo-spec chassis and later high-compression engine.

Now Go Shopping

The RX-7 name has been missing from the mainstream’s consciousness for some time now, but the car is still loved by enthusiasts. Fortunately, Mazda built a ton of second-generation cars, so they’re out there.

A recent nationwide check of AutoTrader. com yielded more than 300 cars for sale, with prices topping out just north of $10,000 for either V8-powered hotrods or creampuff convertibles. Most of the decent cars are in the $2500 to $6000 bracket, although there’s no shortage of projects starting in the $1000 range. As expected, later Turbos and convertibles seem to command more money.

The second-generation RX-7 is well designed, great looking, somewhat practical and offers the enthusiast a great platform for a fun street toy or a really competitive race car. No wonder it’s still finding fans today.

Building an Improved Touring RX-7

A well-fabricated cage is a must in order to compensate for the large door openings and weak roof.

During the late 1990s, the RX-7 became the chassis to beat in SCCA Improved Touring racing. At the season-ending American Road Race of Champions, the No. 70 ITS-class car of SpeedSource’s Sylvain Tremblay and David Haskell became the scourge of the class, taking the championship in 1998 and 1999.

The BMW 325i has since become the dominant chassis at this event, although the RX-7 continues to do well at local and divisional events. In fact, Buzz Marcus recently set a new track record for Sebring International Raceway’s Short Course en route to a win in a SpeedSource-prepared RX-7.

While SpeedSource has expanded their focus to include Grand-Am Daytona Prototypes as well as the new RX-8, they still prepare and service the second-generation RX-7. Shop owner Sylvain Tremblay shared some of his secrets with us.

Picking the Right Car . Tremblay’s first tip is to start with the right car, ideally a 1989-and-up GXL model. While this model is a little heavier than the earlier cars, the weight penalty is only about 30 pounds once the motorized seat belts have been removed. On the plus side, the 1989-and-up car already features the five-lug hubs, four-piston front calipers, vented rear rotors, better electrical system and high-compression engine. He would advise a non-power-steering car, since these examples are some 25 pounds lighter. Look for crank, not power, windows (five to six pounds saved per door) and no sunroof (which comes with headroom problems and 22 pounds way up high, where you don’t want it).

Cage Design . The RX-7 has immense door openings, which weaken structural rigidity. The front end of the car is strong, however, thanks to the front subframe. Design the cage to stiffen the unibody around the massive door opening. Use two door bars, and tie everything to the side rails, not the floor. Make sure you go to the boxed rocker panels, and for extra safety, get as close to the roof as you can because it’s quite thin.

Suspension . Tremblay advises against the stock RX-7 shock absorbers or any standard aftermarket items for the car, in the belief that the lesser pieces will not hold up to the rigors of Improved Touring road racing. These inexpensive pieces also cannot handle the higher required spring rates and tend to overheat. When the shock absorbers get hot, the handling will just fade away.

Tremblay recommends and runs custom shock absorbers from Dynamic Suspension. Spring rates should be in the 300 to 400 lbs./in. rate up front and 200 to 275 lbs./in. rate at the rear. Naturally, this depends on driver size and preference.

For anti-roll bars, the shop uses their own custom units. Much like the bars seen in Trans-Am and NASCAR racing, these pieces feature a three-piece design that centers around a big torsion bar. SpeedSource claims that this style of bar offers more consistency and, as they are hollow, lighter weight. The shop sells a .250-wall bar with spherical bearing ends for about $375. This is used for about 90 percent of all applications. Thinner wall bars are also available.

Top-mounted camber plates are also a necessity on an RX-7, as they allow more wheel travel as well as favorable alignment settings. Another trick SpeedSource has designed is a camber link that tilts the entire rear suspension upward. This negates the added negative camber that lowering springs create.

The shop likes to eliminate the rear steer designed into the Mazda RX-7 rear suspension with special toe control bushings that they have created. The four-wheel-steering system designed into an RX-7 has its good points, but in a racing situation it can be difficult to control. The result is dicey handling. Disabling the system restores predictable handling to these cars.

There are a couple of other tricks to better the RX-7 rear suspension. First, Tremblay takes special care in inspecting the control link—or dog bone, as it more commonly known. This is the rear control arm inboard mount, and these pieces tend to wear out and/or rust, thus causing weird handling characteristics. This part needs to be in tiptop shape for one of these cars to work right.

Another area to improve is the rear shock absorber top mount. The top rubber piece can be burned out with a torch; then weld the stopper back onto the mounting plate. This takes play out of the rear. Remember to reset the springs after jacking up the car.

Tremblay recommends no rear anti-roll bar except on very tight tracks, where the factory rear bar can be retained.

Brakes . Don’t split the brake calipers, because they never seem to properly go back together. However, the crossover passages need to be cleaned for peak performance.

The shop recommends Motul brake fluid and Hawk Blue pads all the way around for racing. A lever-style brake proportioning valve is also advised. Knob types are too confusing to use when racing, says Tremblay.

Cooling System . Rotaries do not tolerate overheating, not even a little. SpeedSource offers special Griffin aluminum cross-flow radiators for these cars. SpeedSource also runs a custom oil cooler with high-pressure hoses. To minimize the pressure differential, they suggest running the coolers in parallel, not in series.

Exhaust . Much of a rotary’s power is made by improving the exhaust. The collector design, size and location directly affect torque, throttle response and top end. SpeedSource sells an exhaust system that maximizes power for IT racing.

Tires and Wheels . The shop runs a 225/45ZR15 Hoosier radial on a 15x7-inch wheel, the maximum size allowed under the class rules.

The SpeedSource RX-7s use wheels with five inches of back spacing. Tremblay believes that a racer needs six strong, relatively inexpensive wheels for enduro racing and four super-light but perhaps not as durable wheels for sprint racing and qualifying. They use wheels from Volk Racing.

Engine . Last, but not least, comes the engine. IT rules do not allow much engine modification, so the shop carefully balances engine parts to the lightest piece. Oil pressure needs to kept to about 95 to 100 psi. A good rule of thumb for rotaries is to have 10 psi for every 1000 rpm run. The stock computer shuts down the engine at 7700 rpm, but the stock engine stops making power at 7500 rpm anyway. The optimum exhaust temperature for a rotary is about 1650 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Lottery System Reviews

I need to warn you up front – sadly, nearly every system out there is total junk . Seriously. So be prepared for some honest lottery system reviews… a lot of people aren’t going to like this…

The creators and publishers of junk systems would love to pay me fat commissions to promote their products. But it’s not going to happen! Because I won’t see you waste your money buying rubbish that does not help you one tiny bit.

It makes me mad that there is so much rubbish out there – and it should make you mad too.

Some of it is well meaning, but a lot of it isn’t. And the bottom line is the same anyway – they make money selling you junk, and you get ZERO benefit out of it. How do they escape prosecution? In some cases, very careful wording. In others, it beats me! But that’s why I will continue to update these lottery system and software reviews for 2017.

The Good Lottery Systems

This is a depressingly small list which I would love to expand – so please do tell me about any other good systems or books that I may have missed. (And system designers, I’ll happily recommend your products here, all you have to do is provide real proof that it works!)

1. Lottery Syndicates

Simple yet cannot fail. Buying more tickets means a much better chance of winning – which is what syndicates are all about. You do of course trade a better chance of winning with having to share the prizes. But that’s reality. And who minds sharing if you actually do win.

2. Win Lotto Systems

This is a book and software package from Mark Collard/Prof William Foster. The book is a rare gem in a mine full of nonsense – sensible, logical lottery playing tips and strategies.

TIP: If you want to see if something is on this list, hit Ctrl-F on your keyboard (to search within the page). If it’s not here then please do contact me and I’ll check it out for you.

Lottery Audit Review – Lottery Audit is a subscription service for online lottery analysis software. It’s nice looking simple software, but there is no evidence than analysing results does anything to help you win.

Richard Lustig Lottery Book / ‘Learn How To Increase Your Chances of Winning The Lottery’ – Florida lottery winner Richard is a “7 times grand prize winner” and says it has nothing to do with luck. I can’t agree I’m afraid.

Honest Lottery System / Silver Lotto System / Ken Silver – Based on silly maths of ‘pick so many odd/even, so many between this number and that’, then ‘just keep trying’ when you don’t win. Ken does very well selling his systems. You’ll see pictures of his expensive cars on his website – “bought by lotto” he says. Read very carefully between the lines though, as he never actually says he won the lotto to pay for them, he just says the lotto paid for them, wonder how…

Gail Howard / Smart Luck / Lotto: How To Wheel a Fortune – Gail has been knocking out books about wheeling for 29 years, although the ‘Gail’ of the infomercials from 20 years ago appears to have had little (if anything) to do with the company for a very long time. The sales pitch usually goes something like “look at all our jackpot winners, obviously our system works”. So what happened to the other 99.9% of customers who bought the books and software. Fact is, wheeling does not improve your chances of winning the jackpot. And neither does silly advice about avoiding combinations that have never been picked before, or making your selections add up to a particular range of numbers. NOTE: If you order direct they do NOT do refunds – be warned.

Stefan Vandevelde – Inverted Lottery System / Change Lottery Rules / Winslips. com / ‘Pick 3 Sniper’ – lots of pointless analysis of past results and prediction claims with zero evidence. With just enough maths to sound ‘advanced’. Some good optimised wheels Stefan, but bottom line is the lottery is still random no matter how much you want it to be different. Now with Winslips it’s all done for you, by clever computers and stuff… It all sounds so promising yet neither in the manual or in the software does Winslips deliver anything of practical value. Very disappointing.

The Lotto Black Book / QRV Holdings / Giancarlo Cappuccio – Larry Blair got shot in the foot but won the lottery twice. Apparently. Or maybe the photo of the lottery winner shown is just copied from the Oklahoma lottery website… the winner who actually used a quick pick to win the jackpot in 2006. Watch out though as there are “only 134 copies left”… oh wait, it’s said that since at least September 2009.

Updated for 2011: the Lotto Black Book now has a new sales page – I guess some of those 134 ebooks must still be left then ;-). Gone are the old borrowed photos (too many people figure it out?) and instead we have new borrowed winners photos (with a disclaimer stating those people didn’t actually win using this system!). Plus claims of how it must be good because look at all the people who are promoting it… who have never actually bought it, but are willing to make a fast buck if they can convince people to buy this junk. Larry is planning on using your $96.83 (ouch!) to build a library. Maybe he’ll show us a photo of that in a couple of years.

Mark Bower / Winning The Lottery In 3 Steps – our first Larry Blair copycat. Is Mark Bower’s winners photo genuine, do those winners checks look more than a little bit photoshopped with his name, or what about the Facebook style comments at the bottom of the sales pitch – genuine? Yeah, right. I actually laughed out loud at the bit in the sales letter that said it was all based on a ‘vast study’ by a ‘Belgian science man’… I think they call them scientists Mark. Totally absurd.

Formula 1 Lotto System / ‘Glen Hooke’ – silly sales letter with claims of a system developed by an MIT Professor that took 27 years to develop. He must be a slow Professor – although amusingly it used to say 9 years. Yet another system that claims to eliminate bad numbers and combinations that won’t win. If there were any bad numbers it would not be a fair and legal lottery!

Lottery Checkmate System / Sergey Tabin – claims to make 3,000 – 10,000 per month playing the lottery, but provides no evidence whatsoever. Daft system ‘based on the game of chess’, which of course couldn’t be more different to playing the lottery.

Lottery Variant System – same old garbage. Big claims, no details and no evidence except checks copied from other websites!

Lotto Hat Software – the wheeling aspects of this software might be useful, but otherwise this is the usual collection of useless filtering tools. No longer available.

Lotto 007 / Lotto007 Prediction Expert / Lotto PowerPlayer Pro – ‘Lotto 007 XP 2012′ includes features to check results and print tickets which could be useful. It’s also full of filtering and anlysis features which some may enjoy – although despite what the claims these do not make the slightest difference to your chances of winning. The software design is very 1990’s (it’s more ’95’ than ‘XP’), and not user friendly. But at least “it contain more than 1521 formulas”. The manual is frankly appalling. And “Prediction Expert” – well, it hasn’t helped the publisher much in the last 12 years.

Lotto Master Formula – short book covering lots of old unproven theories in very little depth. Oh, and it’s actually a word-for-word copy of an older much cheaper book! Plus some highly dubious claims and inconsistencies in the website – but read more in my full Lotto Master Formula Review

Lotto Guy Lottery System / Smart Play Lotto Wheels – a 1 page system that says to simply pick numbers according to certain patterns, using sums, odds/evens and high/lows (and looks more than a little similar to Gail Howard’s advice). None of which helps one jot. But the best bit is the hilarious claims of being “University Developed, Tested and Proven” – now there’s a research paper I would love to read :-). Oh, and I’m sure the ‘Lotto Guy’ name similarity is merely coincidental too (hmm, just like ‘Smart Play’ seems very similar to Gail Howards ‘Smart Luck’…).

Lottery Method / How To Win Pick 3, 4, 5, 6 / Lottery Circle / Ace Lee – bad advice based on analysing past results and drawing incorrect conclusions (his ‘Scratchers’ book has some merit, but not the rest). No longer available.

‘Winning Lotto’ / 1,000 Weeks Of Lotto / Terry Fisher / LottoMasta – more wheeling systems, plus advice on strategy which is actually wrong!

Bob Brown Lottery System / LottoMillions. com – fun story but ultimately a load of baloney. Feel free to buy a very expensive poster if you want to share in Bob’s big joke.

Winning Lottery Lines/ Schneider Software / Harry Schneider – well meaning but fundamentally flawed. Sorry Harry but you just can’t eliminate combinations as unlucky because they haven’t been drawn before. No matter what maths you wrap it up in.

Lotto Strategies For Winners / Richard Wilson – apparently he’s dying from cancer so has now chosen to reveal his amazing secret – for just $77 (because if it was free, you wouldn’t read it… right?). The winners photos are not him and have been copied without permission. The winners cheques are not his and have been copied from other websites. And the system is just more silly past results analysis and exclusion of ‘unlikely’ combinations – total rubbish.

Beat The Lotto / Donald Hunting – irrelevant number analysis and a it of wheeling, with the same ending midnight ‘pre-launch’ bargain that’s been running since 2004.

VK’s Winning Lottery Method – yet more numeric analysis (pointless hot and cold number theory) that simply doesn’t work as claimed.

Lottery Harvester – just overpriced wheeling system software offering only one system for your money. System 12 is one piece of software, System 15 is another! Plus some very dubious claims of ‘thousands’ who regularly collect cash using it, and ‘many’ who have won $100,000+.

Learn Lottery – silly past results analysis, incorrect conclusions and poor advice.

Chris Malcolm Lottery System – more of the same silliness. But bundled in a package of systems for everything from Pick 3 to Pick 6. So you get a lot of rubbish for your money instead.

‘Professor Dolph’ / Lottery Number Advisor / LONA – it all sounds very mathematical and clever, but everything comes back to eliminating unlikely numbers which is plain silly. Dolph thinks the lottery is random ‘just like the stock markets, commodities markets or the weather’. Claiming the stock markets and weather systems are random makes as much sense as this software. None. No longer available.

Robert Walsh Pick 3/4 Systems – more silly analysis of past results that focuses on ‘how numbers are related to each other’, for games with very small prizes! No longer available.

Lotto Cheatah – very silly software based on the premise of fundamentally and completely misunderstanding the law of averages. I just rolled ten 6’s in a row on my dice Lotto Cheatah, what are my chances of rolling another 6. Oh dear. No longer available.

Win-Track / Success Publishing / John Abate – it’s amazing how many junk systems one person can sell. Everything from the lottery to horse racing to slot machines, and more. Dozens and dozens of them from Your Winning Numbers to Guaranteed 6 Numbers, Jackpot Winner by ‘Gary Stroughlin’ and their latest ‘Cash-5 Maximizer System’ by ‘Art Robertson’ – and so many more. All sold under different authors names (why?). All hype and nonsense. Avoid.

Lotto Puppeteer – garbage. Lottery companies make a profit regardless of whether anyone wins the jackpot. So don’t fall for the rubbish about insider lottery secrets. And as for the 10% to charity sob story – if you want to donate your winnings to charity you can do so without buying this rubbish.

Lottery Phenomenon – ludicrous claims of teaching you how to predict the future. Backed up by a sales page which states that photos of winners/checks are the writer – when they are actually copied from other news websites, and are all different winners from different US states. The first, ‘this is me’, is actually Anthony Castro who won $250,000 on a scratch-off ticket, no numbers to predict there then…

‘Beat Lottery’ / Peter Dolinaj – claims to be able to predict lottery numbers, and will happily provide those numbers to you – for a price of course. Please don’t waste your money folks. These are no more likely to win than a quick pick.

Lottery Slayer / JLR Group LLC – software that claims to pick better numbers. But the usual fare of silly claims that just don’t stand up to any scrutiny. Winning numbers are less likely to be repeated? Wrong, etc.

Lottonet Integra XP01 / Dietner – horrible website, horrible software design (600 hours for the interface, seriously?). Very expensive wheeling software ($169!) with pointless prediction features for which he even states ‘you cannot predict the numbers’.

Daily Win / Clifton Musgrove – claims he can predict Pick 3 results based on previous results. That would greatly surprise the lottery companies – if it were true.

Paul Connor / Winning Lotto Strategies – also now sold as ‘The Lotto Black Book’ (see above). There is some doubt over the copyright status of this work as it appears to just be a compilation of writing originally by Robert Perkis. But regardless of that it’s almost entirely about numerical analysis which does nothing in the real world to help your chances of winning.

Daily Pick System / ‘Paul Terry’ – extremely dubious claims for a Pick 3/Pick 4 system based on number analysis that doesn’t work.

Pick 6 Leak / ‘Kevin Bailey’ – silly hype to sell what are just wheeling systems for Pick 6. You can get better for a lot less money from Bluskov .

Lottery Cash Software / ‘Brad Millers’ – possibly the dullest promotional video ever for this useless overpriced number prediction software.

Lotto Combo System / ‘Dan Butler’ – more garbage from the stable of ‘Paul’ and ‘Brad’ (above). This one is trying to profit from the work and reputation of Iliya Bluskov – but is full of the usual hype and nonsense claims. It’s also grossly overpriced. Save your money and get Bluskov’s book instead.

Playslip Numbers – this site claims to sell numbers that are ‘more likely to win the lottery’. It must work because it uses a ‘ complex algorithm’. This is just more silly past results analysis that really does not work. You can even pay extra for exclusive numbers… presumably they are ‘even more’ likely to win than the non-exclusive numbers ;-).

LotWin – based on bad maths and the false belief that numbers can be due or overdue to appear. Plus the usual filtering and reduction features that have never been proven to make any difference to your chances of winning.

Winners Only Lotto / Rodney Lundy – $7 a month for ‘lucky numbers’ for Pick 3/4. Numerology is not a branch of maths that can predict future results! Save your money folks, or spend it on tickets instead – as that alone will give you a way better chance than the “up to 67%” better that Rodney actually claims.

Lotto Pro 2017 – claims to pick numbers with ‘the best statistical chance of hitting’, and that it can ‘eliminate tickets with unlikely number combinations’. Neither of which makes any sense. You might find it useful for managing and printing your tickets.

Magayo Lotto / Magayo Pick – yet more of the same old rehashed software. As usual this one claims to analyse past results, predict better future results and get rid of unlikely lottery numbers. But provides no evidence to back up the claims made. And provides seriously flawed reasoning as to why this would make any sense in the first place. Oh, and don’t believe the ‘awards’ (nobody even installs the software for these awards).

Ultimate Lottery Package – utterly absurd story about how ‘Billy Bridges’ father knew 500 big lottery winners in a ‘secret society’, but you had to be smart enough to understand their secrets. Billy has never won big of course because he’s too busy selling you the secrets he learned. Read the small print and those ‘137 big winners’ he interviewed become people who may or may not have won, people he or may not have actually interviewed, and people who may have won as much as $50.

Lottery Crusher / Lottery Winning Formula / ‘Michael Jenkins’ – from the incredibly cheesy video to the ludicrous claims this one is not hard to avoid. ‘We have helped millions of people win’ they say, but frankly there isn’t a snowballs chance in hell that they have millions of customers. This pile of hype is just the same old useless past results analysis software yet again.

Lottery Destroyer / ‘Mike Bennett’ – more hype and nonsense from this online software that simply combines hot/cold number theory with your favourite/lucky numbers. Neither of which makes any difference to your chances of winning. Don’t even waste your $5 on the 5 day trial – spend it on quick picks instead and you’ll have a much better chance of winning.

Lotto Profits / ‘Jeremy Stewart’ – here we go again (doesn’t this look an awful lot like Lottery Crusher AND Lottery Destroyer…). Same old nonsense but at least the story gets funnier each time they release a new product site. This time Astrology and signs of the zodiac are the big secret. Yup.

Powerball Winning Strategies / Alex J. – who comes up with this nonsense? The “only legal Powerball hacker that ever existed” – surely nobody really believes this stuff? Do they? It’s all a conspiracy, they don’t want you to win, and all you need is the secret code blah blah – which “Alex” will sell you for just $37… Come on people, if they really had the ‘secret code’ to winning Powerball why would they ever sell it.

Steve Player Lottery Systems – these are mainly just grossly overpriced wheeling systems (if you want good quality wheels just get Bluskov’s book above. it’s better and vastly cheaper). Steve also sells expensive ‘predictions’ – but does everyone get the same numbers. Hmm, if you give out enough different combinations to enough people, somebody will win, right?

Lotto Crusher System – Everett Thompson – not to be confused with the equally useless Lottery Crusher. This one clearly models itself on the Lottery Black Book. It has the ridiculous story – a convenience store owner threatening a customer with a gun because he claims too many lottery prizes. It also takes photos of other winners from news and lottery websites and claims they are buyers of this grossly overpriced ($97!) nonsense. The most ridiculous of which is the photo of Urooj Khan (who died in 2012!). Then there are the supposed photos of Everett himself – only he seems to have photoshopped the name on the winners check, oh, and a different head onto John McCarthy from Delaware. Wonder why.

Lotto Pro-Multiplier System / Mike Gobbana / Hamilton Publishing – I’ve yet to see anything worthwhile come from Hamilton Publishing anyway, but this is the usual bunch of empty nonsense promises that comes in the form of a fancy of a nice old fashioned letter (“Dear Friend…”). Yes, there is the possibility of bias existing in a draw. No, nobody has ever been able to prove it exists. So how ‘Mike’ can sell a system claiming it will make you $2,500 to $5,000 a week is a bit of mystery. All the classic warning signs are there. Oh, and read the small print at the end – if you hadn’t already worked out that those winners pictures have nothing to do with this system, they even tell you!

Lotto Decoded / Neil Hetmer – It’s strange how such a prolific lottery winner can do so well and yet not exist in the press anywhere, despite the photos showing his presentation checks from both the Washington and Vancouver Lotteries. It’s also strange how the moles on his face seem to swap sides from one photo to the next. Must be a trick of the light. To be fair though, ‘Neil’ is not at all bad with Photoshop…

Loto Rainbow / Renato Gianella – Fundamentally flawed nonsense, apparently from a Brazilian mathematician. Based on grouping combinations into patterns, then saying you have more chance if you match the pattern. Except of course you don’t win anything for matching Renato’s pattern – only the actual numbers drawn. Making it entirely pointless.

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I like it because it’s clean of the nonsense analysis, and does what it does very nicely. It sits in that ‘Middle Ground’ area though because it is based on trying to track theoretical bias. Theoretical because it certainly can exist, but may or may not be significant enough, will be different for each draw machine and may change over time! So it’s never going to be something that can be proven. So the software works well, is a good price and is fun to use, we just don’t know if it’s really helping or not

Sad but true, they are ALL smoke and mirrors. I have tried several, from your top and bottom categories. They all fail. I have, however, found a government backed program, that CAN NOT FAIL! Of course, you will never get rich, but you will never lose a penny! Buy US saving bonds and as CDs increase, buy them. If you dare, buy some Apple or Microsoft stock. The only “easy money” is the money you squander on these systems.

It depends what you mean by ‘fails’ or ‘works’. If you were expecting to turn a lottery game into a savings plan, then no, of course nothing will do that, ever. It’s a lottery :-). Yes, some dodgy system sellers will claim exactly this – but you’ll find all of those in ‘The Bad’ section.

I define ‘works’ as e. g. improving your chances of winning. Most lottery systems also fail miserably to do that too, but the stuff I rate Good does do exactly what it promises.

What you’re also not factoring in is the entertainment value of playing. If you don’t enjoy playing then maybe the lottery is just not for you, but most of us get more value out of playing than if we’d spent that money on anything else. In that sense there is no losing – my return is far better than any savings bond could ever hope to provide

What do you know about Nate Gibbes the “Lottery Surgeon”. His system is the Gibbes Lottery Method.

Lucky 7 Carmenere

Lucky 7 Carmenere is a cheninilean(chilean) wine. Lucky 7 Carmenere is brokered by Pine state trading co in the state of New Hampshire, and comes in a 750mL size.

Lucky 7 Carmenere Pricing

Lucky 7 Carmenere retails between $9.49 and $13.90 in most retail locations.

Find Lucky 7 Carmenere

The Drinkery does not always have Lucky 7 Carmenere wine in-stock, however we can usually get it, and possibly provide a case discount. If you are interested in purchasing Lucky 7 Carmenere from from us, or would like an alternate Cheninilean we carry, please contact us and we'd be happy to help!

Over 399 varieties of beer with more added every day

Box Lot Sales

I am selling box lots from mostly 1980's-2017 baseball, football, and basketball. I also have limited amount of NHL Hockey, and NASCAR racing cards as well. Great mix of cards for the collector in you.

These box lots are great for current collectors, starting collectors, and set builders as well from many different sets and years.

Lots of Super Stars, Rookies, inserts, and commons of course for those set builders.

Email me what teams you are looking for and I try to fill the count lot with those teams from what I have left.

Every box will have some other mix of random baseball, football, or basketball cards.

Buy with confidence:

I will request payment by email through PAYPAL and send your boxes to you in 2-4 days in USPS boxes. I also sell on Ebay under jbtrading77 when I list lots and or cards separately.

1500 count box for $40, Shipping is $13. No autograph or jersey card.

1500 Count box for $50, shipping is $13.00- includes 1 Autograph and 1 jersey card, or 3 jersey cards.

3000 count box for $60, Shipping is $17. No autographs or jersey cards.

3000 Count box for $80, shipping is $17 - includes 2 Autographs and 2 jersey cards, or 4 jersey cards with bonus.

Autographs and jersey cards may be stars or commons. Random picks only.

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Annual Report 2017

Share Price

ASX Code: MTS $1.72

This share price is delayed by at least 20 mins

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Consumers are being asked to look for the #greenandgold kangaroo logo when buying chocolates for #Easter. Read more: https://t. co/GHc89C4W6f 16 March 2017

#Cauliflower production in Australia is growing, according to @AUSVEG. Learn more: https://t. co/eDqUG3zCc1 15 March 2017

Metcash is committed to improving #packaging. https://t. co/4SvOWf2kuS #sustainability 12 March 2017

A new South Australian #milk brand called 'Adelaide Hills Dairies' has been released in #IGA stores. Learn more: https://t. co/jxjMLJ48eo 10 March 2017

Frozen berries supplier Matilda's has expanded its range to include mangoes. Read more: https://t. co/g21QlX6kiZ #frozenfood 10 March 2017

.@Kelloggs_AU has created #gluten free versions of its Special K and Corn Flakes cereals. Read more: https://t. co/qwHZx6OjtC 9 March 2017

Frewville Foodland in SA has won the International Retailer of the Year excellence award at the US #IGA Conference: https://t. co/W0d3hL7WpP 7 March 2017

McCormick & Company has revealed the top trends and ingredients driving the future of flavour. Learn more: https://t. co/qfGR9E1V9B 5 March 2017


Lucky 7 — GPU System Wins Student Supercomputing Competition Again

For the seventh time in a row. a GPU based system powered the winning team in a student cluster competition.

This time, it was the team from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) taking the top spot in the largest student supercomputer challenge, ASC14, held last month. In fact, the top three teams all relied on NVIDIA GPUs.

And the new NVIDIA K40 GPUs helped China’s Sun Yat-sen University set a new record. The team got a record 9.27 teraflops on the HPC industry standard Linpack performance benchmark. The previous record: 8.45 teraflops.

Winning Contests and Grooming New HPC Pros

Armed with a student-built cluster powered by eight NVIDIA K20 GPU accelerators, SJTU earned the highest total score for performance on six tests.

These included runs on the elastic wave modeling application, 3D-EW; a run on quantum chemistry application, Quantum ESPRESSO; and other real-world scientific codes.

Our Simon See, who also serves as an adjunct professor at SJTU, sat down with their team lead, James Lin, vice director Center for HPC, to get his thoughts on GPUs:

See: Why are events like the Student Supercomputing Challenge important?

Lin: We need to educate new legions of students in high-performance computing. Teaching HPC skills in a competition like this can be more effective than in a classroom. In fact, as a result of his experience, one of our team members decided to focus on HPC PhD at Virginia Tech summer.

See: How did you and your team prepare for the competition?

Lin: We spent more than four months preparing for the contest, even over the Chinese Spring Festival. I first asked the team to study course material on HPC, and provided additional detail in my lectures. In phase two, the team practiced running code on “π,” SJTU’s supercomputer with 100 NVIDIA Tesla K20 GPUs. Finally, the team reviewed competition source codes and optimized them using many difference approaches.

See: What was the most challenging aspect of the competition from your perspective?

Lin: All of my students are from the computer science department, so they knew very little about the background of scientific applications, like Quantum ESPRESSO, before the contest. Fortunately, some of the π users are experienced with these applications, so they were able to help. In the end, we received the top score for three of the five applications.

See: Aside from the competition, are you using GPUs in any important aspects of your research? If so, how are they impacting your work?

Lin: Yes, GPUs are important to our HPC work at SJTU. Half of the computational power of π is from NVIDIA GPUs, and they been used quite extensively since π was deployed. Also, GPUs allow us to accelerate our research, primarily with molecular dynamics applications today, but we hope to also utilize them for machine learning research in the future.

James and the SJTU team aren’t planning on taking a break anytime soon.

They’re gearing up another win at next month’s International Supercomputing Conference (ISC’14) in Leipzig, Germany.

And, they’re counting on NVIDIA K40 GPU accelerators to give them an edge they’ll need.


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Therm-a-Rest NeoAir Dream Inflatable Camp Mattress System

KTP Price: $229.95 - $259.95

View Options in Chart

Product Info Item# 95063

How do you make a good dream even better? With the NeoAir® Dream™ - Therm-a-Rest's® definition of indulgent air mattress comfort with great compressibility.

Now including the NeoAir Torrent™ Pump, the NeoAir Dream mattress system is designed for basecamp luxury, with the versatility of a smaller packed size and weight for easy transport. It combines the comfort of a plush, contour-hugging pillow-top cover with Therm-a-Rest's award-wining NeoAir mattress technology for next-to-skin comfort, all-season warmth and a total of 4" of stable and supportive loft.

The NeoAir mattress core can be removed for use on its own for lighter weight excursions. A new and improved stuff sack with carry handle, repair kit and Torrent Pump are included.

Luxurious three-layer system with 3" NeoAir air mattress, 1" foam pillow top and plush fleece cover

NeoAir construction and ThermaCapture™ technology provide insulation without bulk

Removable and washable protective cover

Inner mattress (3" thick with R-value of 2.6) can be removed and used separately

Integrated straps mate with another NeoAir Dream mattress for double-wide luxury

NeoAir Torrent Pump, repair kit and stuff sack included

Color: Port Wine

Top fabric: 75D polyester diamond rip

Bottom fabric: 75D polyester

USA-built of the finest of U. S. and global materials

Dimensions: 77" x 30" x 4"

Volume: 8085 cu. in.

Weight: 4 lbs. 15 oz.

More About Therm-a-Rest

Thirty years ago, Therm-a-Rest® invented the self-inflating mattress and to this day, the company, a flagship brand of Cascade Designs®, remains committed to developing products that help the outdoor adventurer get a better night's sleep.

From base camp sleeping pads, to lightweight вЂ˜on-the-go' mattresses, to compressible pillows, Therm-a-Rest products will help you sleep like a baby on your next overnight adventure.

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Therm-a-Rest LuxuryMap Inflatable Camp Mattress

KTP Price: $109.95 - $169.95

Therm-a-Rest NeoAir Camper Inflatable Camp Mattress

KTP Price: $99.95 - $149.95

Exped SynMat WinterLite Sleeping Mat

KTP Price: $182.99

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Brace yourselves. Richness is coming.

Lucky. tf is a service which allows to win items basing on a Raffle system through events. There are different types of events, every event works exclusively with items of Steam most popular games (Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Dota 2, Steam). You have up to three chances to win big prizes. And do not worry, you will get "Luckycoins " for play and even more if you lose, which you can use for entry for special events, Slots Machine or exchange for get items/keys of your favorite games. Also you can join free and giveaway events exclusive for you.

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ToTo Lucky 7 System

This will be an introduction guide to the newly introduce Lucky 7 System which is available only to Premium Guild House Members.

The Lucky 7 System which I introduce recently is a wheeled sets based on the number of premium members in House Of ToTo. Each premium member will be assign 7 System 7 entries (no two members will share the same entry) and my program will wheel out 15 more entries in additional in case last minute new members coming in. This mean that the total number of entries based on the number of premium members is being distributed among the members with each member getting 7 unique entries each.

Below is the calculation: Number of Premium Members. N Wheeled Entries. (N x 7) + 15 Each member will receive 7 unique System 7 entries on their console.

The wheel used is a dynamic wheel as you can see. I had tested out the wheel results on quite a few draws thus finally opening it to premium members as an additional to the usual premium predictions.

With this Lucky 7, members can simply note down the 7 System 7 entries and just purchase them at any SingaporePools outlets. There is no need for any wheeling as I had also use my deduction program to deduce out the numbers and using the Lucky 7 wheeling program to wheel the numbers based on the number of members available in the system.

Based on the above I will be able to know how many premium member is being assigned the winning entries and how many Group 3 and above prizes are won by my members.

Of cos with this it would mean that by having more members in the system, my wheeling program will be able to generate more entries and thus increasing the chances of having House Of ToTo members winning any prize in the ToTo draws and possible another Jackpot win.

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Lucky Buck Mineral Includes a key ingredient to limit the amount consumed so YOU save more $$$ and WE pack more aggressive levels of trace minerals. Deer won't over eat on our product! Click here to see analysis.

Most other blends of food plot seeds have a lot of "2 year" clovers. Labeled perennials, they're actually bi-annuals and make for a disappointing stand in 2 or 3 years. Perfect Perennial Food Plot Seed has all true perennials and will last 4-6 years.

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Showcase your intelligence by wearing one of our latest Lucky Buck T-Shirts . Let people know you practice quality deer management!

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Want to earn some free points? Think of the fun you could have with them, betting and earning even more points for that awesome knife everyone wants. We've made it really easy for everyone to earn free points. All you have to do is share your referral link! For every new person you refer to the CS:GO Royale, you will receive up to 7 points!

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To prevent abuse of this system, the Steam Account you refer must own a copy of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and must have at least seven hours of game time.

If the account has less than seven hours, then you will only receive as many points that the account has hours played at the time of sign up.

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A potentially dangerous Request. Path value was detected from the client (?).

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System. Web. HttpException: A potentially dangerous Request. Path value was detected from the client (?).

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Microsoft issues Windows 10's lucky 7 preview

Microsoft today issued another Windows 10 preview to its Insider testing group, the seventh so far this year.

Gabriel Aul, engineering general manager for Microsoft's operating systems group, touted build 14279's improvements to Cortana, the operating system's digital assistant, in a post to a company blog Friday.

The refresh also consolidated the two different backgrounds for Windows 10 's lock and logon screens -- where users enter their authentication password -- by dropping the separate image for the latter. "Your lock screen background is now used for both the Lock screen and logon screen," said Aul. "This is similar to the behavior seen on mobile."

The merging of the two backgrounds may be related to recent reports that Microsoft has started to show advertisements on the Windows 10 lock screen. a move that made good on talk from the company nearly a year ago. If the lock and logon screens share the same image, showing an advertisement on the first -- which is what some users have seen during the past week -- would also display it on the logon screen.

Notably, build 14279 is the seventh Windows 10 preview released in the first nine weeks of 2017.

In December, Aul promised that Microsoft's engineers would ship previews more frequently in 2017. "The new [ring promotion] criteria will be much closer to our criteria for flighting to our internal rings, which means more builds will pass it and be released externally to the Fast ring," Aul said at the time.

The downside, as Aul noted then, was that the previews would likely contain more bugs and problems than those released using the slower tempo of 2017.

That was illustrated by the problems with 14279 that Aul acknowledged. Among them: Freezing Surface Pro 3, Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book devices, which can be recovered only by forcing a hard reboot; and continued issues with PCs locking up when they come out of the low-power "hibernation" state.

Build 14279 is available only to those Insider participants who have selected the "Fast" ring, or delivery track.

Microsoft has picked up the pace this year, releasing seven Windows 10 previews in 2017's first nine weeks.

Gregg Keizer covers Microsoft, security issues, Apple, Web browsers and general technology breaking news for Computerworld.

Comments Off on Jim Robins Easy Money + ATM & Lucky 7 + FREE Super Wager Calculator! Ebook or Hard Copy at a Fabulous Discount. & Now, SOFTWARE. Views: 1544

Jim Robins – EASY MONEY+. Jim’s Best Seller at a Huge Discount off the regular retail price. +++Software!!

Editor’s Note: Well, we got lucky again! Expert Handicapper/Author Jim Robins has given us permission to distribute his best selling Thoro-Ranch collection, also know as Easy Money . to our customers for a discounted price, in both Ebook and hard copy format.

All three methods are extremely simple to use and boast high win %’s and consistently steady profits.

**** It’s time to take advantage of this offer which, as you can see below, is one of the best deals you will ever get on quality handicapping material.

Jim has been handicapping and picking winners for close to three decades now.

Since 2006, he has also reviewed and tested systems for the prestigious Phillips Racing Newsletter.

In addition, he is also the Feature Editor of ThoroStats. com, and has also developed handicapping solutions for other companies world-wide and top professional handicappers, as well. Yes, real-life racetrack professionals pay Jim for advice!

“Through the years, my goal has always been to find and use ONLY the BEST of the BEST. And now, I am using that knowledge and experience to publish systems that are fast, accurate, easy-to-learn and easy-to-use,” Robins said.

Jim’s ThoroRanch Collection, Part 1 – Easy Money!

He continued, “My job is to both simplify the handicapping process and enhance winning percentages to increase profits.

T hen, I refine and tweak the method until it is both easy and more profitable for you.

It’s not rocket science, but it is over two years of relentless research. Working with Dave, Tom and Len of RPM is almost an honor, as they are marketing some of the finest resources in the business.”

Jim’s ATM

Robins ATM has been winning at about 44%+ (and that is just flat bet Win tickets.) It requires about 3 minutes per race and does not require charts, a computer or complex math.

It quickly ranks the horses for you and is also popular in exotics. It normally sells for $69.99 – BUT see the great package price below!

Jim’s Fast Angle

His Fast Angle is lightning quick and overall probably his most popular system. You can figure an entire race in about one minute (seriously), yet it picks winners at GREAT prices.

The secret is that it eliminates unprofitable races and unprofitable horses before running the method. This saves you time and money. It presently sells for only $69.99 – again, reference package price below.

Jim’s Lucky 7 (this method is also known as Jim’s 7-Word System)

is quick and easy and works at almost any track – There is absolutely no handicapping involved! The fast and simple system builds your bankroll almost automatically.

Look at these recent results:

Win % = 43.18% ROI +10.52%

and the Show % was 72.72% – 7 out of 10 plays in this no-handicapping method at least finished 3rd!

Server Error in '/' Application.

A potentially dangerous Request. Path value was detected from the client (?).

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System. Web. HttpException: A potentially dangerous Request. Path value was detected from the client (?).

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Lucky 7 for selecta systems 28th February 2012

Leading PVC-u profile extruder Selecta Systems has made a storming start to 2012 and converted seven fabricators to their Advance 70 window system since the turn of the year.

The new starts join the 47 fabricators who switched to Selecta in 2011, continuing the companies impressive influx of new business. Selecta’s sales director Mark Richmond comments on the good news: “The market is very difficult at the moment so to kick off the year with seven new fabricators is a great achievement. We offer fabricators a powerful package – encompassing everything from high performing products through to technical & marketing support - and it’s this reason we continue to win new business.”

The product Mark refers to is Advance 70, a lead free, energy efficient five chambered window and door system that enables fabricators to achieve low U-values and the full spectrum of Window Energy Ratings. Advance 70 is easy to fabricate while the systems eco-friendly benefits enhances the ‘green’ credentials of all Selecta fabricators.

But a fast growing customer base is not the only exciting development at Selecta in recent times. In 2011 the company launched Selecta Solar, a division that sells solar panels to the trade and installs domestically throughout the UK.

Selecta Solar has proved immensely successful since its inception and a lucrative alternative revenue stream for a company that has long specialised in window and door profile extrusion. Selecta certainly practice what they preach. So confident were they in the quality of their new product, the company installed 1652 solar panels on the roof of their premises – one of the largest roof installations in the UK.

More recently the company launched its new bi-folding door system and triple glazed bead into the market, two products that Mark claims has already generated a positive amount of interest from Selecta’s ever growing customer base. The bi-folding door can be supplied ready made or in kit form for fabricators who want to make the door themselves.

The new bead meanwhile can accommodate a 40mm triple glazed unit is launched in the UK following a successful trial by one of the companies Irish customers. “Demand for triple glazing may be very low at the moment but with government targets expected to require even lower U-values, triple glazing may move into the mainstream. When it does Selecta and our customers will be ready” Mark adds.

“Selecta has a lot to offer and the message is clearly spreading across the industry” Mark comments. “Converting seven fabricators from other systems to Advance 70 in two months is an excellent start to the year and I am confident we have the products and support to continue this run long into the future.”

For more information about Selecta’s Advance 70 system, contact Selecta on 0121 325 2100

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TY Beanie Baby - LUCKY the Ladybug (7 Felt Spots) (No Hang Tag)

TY Beanie Baby - LUCKY the Ladybug (7 Felt Spots) (No Hang Tag)

Product Details

From the Ty Beanie Babies collection. Plush stuffed animal collectible toy. Mint with both hang tag & tush tag. Approximate size: 6 inches. One of the Bug/Fly style TY Beanies.

This is one of the rarer versions of Lucky. It has 7 Glued on Felt spots. It does not have a hang tag, but does have a mint 1st gen black and white tush tag.

Exact pictures are shown in this listing. Guaranteed 100% Authentic TY Beanie Baby.


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Williams System 3-7 technology

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Williams started making solid state pinballs in 1977, when Hot Tip and Lucky Seven games were available as both EM and SS models. This made it possible to compare durability and profitability between different technologies. Unlike Gottlieb, Williams did not make any more games in both versions, and although a few EM games were still produced, their era was definitely over.

The control system of the first machines was named System 3. Before these, Williams had tried completely different systems in short proto series of solid state Aztec and Grand Prix, they were then Systems 1 and 2. System 3 was followed by Systems 4,6 and 7 - System 5 was used in shuffle and baseball games but never in any pinball. All these are very similar in basic operation. Afterwards they presented Systems 9,11 and eventually WPC and Pin2K, but those differ much from the older systems and are not discussed here. There was also System 8, again used only in one baseball game.

To refresh your memories, a list of Sys 3-7 games:

System 3 (11/1977 - 8/1978) :

Hot Tip, Lucky Seven, World Cup, Contact, Disco Fever

System 4 (10/1978 - 3/1979) :

Pokerino, Phoenix, Flash, Stellar Wars

System 6 (7/1979 - 10/1980) :

Tri Zone, Time Warp, Gorgar, Laser Ball, Firepower, Blackout, Scorpion, Algar, Alien Poker

System 7 (11/1980 - 2/1984) :

Black Knight, Jungle Lord, Pharaoh, Black Knight Limited Ed. Solar Fire, Barracora, Cosmic Gunfight, Warlok, Defender, Time Fantasy, Joust, Firepower II, Laser Cue

1977-1980 were years of fast evolution. System 7 had enough memory capacity for quite complicated games, so it remained in use for over three years.

These systems are based on Motorola 6800 (system 3,4) or 6802 (system 6,7) CPU. PIA chips 6820 or 6821 are used to drive 7 segment plasma displays, first with 6, later with 7 digits and also lamps, solenoids and switches. RAM memory onboard was first 256 bytes and later 512 bytes. Bookkeeping and settings were kept in a 256x4 bit CMOS RAM. Program storage was at first 512 or 2048 byte mask ROM, and later up to 4 kB ROM or EPROM, that the different systems could have 4-6 chips onboard. No special or custom IC's were used, so even after 25 years it is possible to repair the boards, although the old Motorola chips are getting a bit difficult to find.

Inside a System 3 game (Disco Fever). Upper left is the CPU board, below it the driver board and at the right is the power supply. Sound board in System 3 and 4 games is at the left side of lower cabinet but in System 6 it took its place from the backbox, just over the power supply. A smallish transformer can be seen at lower right. Note the driver board connecting directly to CPU board with a long row of pins.

System 4 looks the same. Most noticeable difference is in game software. Settings can be entered with front door buttons instead of using DIP switches as in System 3. The CPU board still has those switches so it is interchangeable between Systems 3 and 4. 512 byte masked ROMs were not used in System 4 anymore, so they have one less ROM socket. This socket can be added to board but today it is wiser to burn the software into 2 kB EPROMs that can be used in all CPU boards.

System 6 machine (Alien Poker). Sound board is now on top of power supply. There are some changes in CPU board layout, e. g. the battery holder is in different place. There are no significant changes in driver or power supply boards.

System 7 machine (Black Knight). Again some changes in CPU board. Driver and sound boards are the same. A couple of rectifier bridges that were previously attached to backbox, have been moved to power supply board. Power transformer is now put back in lower cabinet so it doesn't build up heat in backbox anymore.

Power supply board

The power supply stayed almost unchanged between System 3-7. There is a 3 amp 5 volt regulator in a big heat sink. It generates supply voltage to logic circuits. Incoming AC from transformer is rectified with two diodes. The regulator itself is well protected and doesn't usually fail. However the diodes do sometimes fail. A shorted diode blows the fuse, an open diode causes 5V voltage to drop and prevents game from starting. Common problem in all power supplies is drying of electrolytic capacitors. The regulator input voltage is filtered by C15, a 12000 uF electrolytic. When it begins to fail, it may take longer for the game to boot up, or the game may reset spontaneously. Depending on temperature, lifetime of these caps is 5-15 years so they are definitely getting old on these games.

Plasma displays require +100V and -100V. These voltages are made with two similar circuits on power supply board, one has NPN and the other PNP transistors. The series pass transistor is subject to failure. Replacement must be capable of handling at least 200V. The original types are not available anymore. Suitable replacements are MJE340 (NPN) and MJE350 (PNP) but with these you must twist two leads over each other.

Heat sink compound is recommended between transistors and heat sink. Filtering the display voltages are two 100 uF electrolytics. When those dry, the displays go dim or start to flicker. It might not be a bad idea to replace the 100V zeners with 91V ones to lower display voltage a bit. It makes displays slightly less bright but increases their lifetime much. The display tubes are getting hard to find.

Driver board

Driver board connects directly to CPU board with a 40 pin connector. Processor bus goes thru this connector. It is important for the connector to be clean and solid because of the high speed signals, otherwise the game will not function correctly.

There are three PIA IC's on the driver board. IC11 is used in switch matrix reading. PIA B-side lines drive the matrix via 7406 buffers. A-side reads the matrix via 4049 buffers. If there is a fatal short on playfield, causing coil voltage to enter switch matrix, it is these buffers that usually fail. The PIA itself may survive. There is a 1k resistor on wires going to playfield but it is not always enough to protect. So when servicing game with metal tools, keep power turned off! Most common way to blow switch matrix chips is to make shorts under playfield with a screwdriver.

Another PIA, IC12, controls lamps. Like the switches, also lamps are connected as 8x8 matrix. PIA B-side outputs +18V to matrix columns via 7408 gate and two transistors. A-side pulls matrix rows to ground via 7406, two transistors and a thyristor. Current in lamp row is measured over 0.4 ohm resistor and when it rises enough, the thyristor is triggered and row turns off. This prevents light bulbs burning out even in case the CPU suddenly stops. This clever way of lamp controlling is still in use.

A third PIA, IC5, controls solenoids. They are divided in two groups, normal and special solenoids. Normal solenoids are controlled only by CPU. Special solenoids are used in bumpers and slingshots. They must act so fast that on these machines the CPU could not control them quickly enough. Closing of a playfield switch then enables solenoid power directly, but it can also be controlled by CPU, as is done in solenoid test. PIA's A and B sides drive 16 normal solenoids via 7408 and two transistors. Special solenoids use 7408, 7402 and two transistors. Solenoid operates if playfield switch pulls 7408's one input low. The other input can be pulled low by CPU with PIA's CA and CB outputs.

The Williams driverboard is amazingly durable. On the lamp side there are seldom problems. Sometimes a TIP42 fails. Those are cheap and easy to find. Solenoid driver transistors fail if the solenoid stays on for some reason. Common darlington TIP122 is suitable replacement. Usually the 7406 and 4049 buffers protect PIA in switch matrix faults, but as the PIA's are getting rare it is best to get a few of those now.

CPU board

There are some differences between CPU boards in various systems. Basic operation is the same for all of them. Besides CPU, there is one PIA on board, that controls displays and is used to read DIP switches and one push button (The other button generates NMI interrupt to CPU).

CPU boards don't fail often. Most common problem is batteries leaking. Stuff oozing from old batteries will corrode foils on PCB and destroy IC sockets. The sockets are second most common problem. They are cheap and use only tinned connector spring against IC lead. They oxidize and lose tension. The worst sockets are of SCANBE brand. If you are fixing a dead CPU, first check if it has SCANBE sockets. Replace those with proper good quality sockets before even trying to diagnose other problems. Battery leaks can be cleaned with vinegar solution and toothbrush. After that start checking if foils have been damaged. It takes long and is tedious work. You might or might not get the board working.

After you have good sockets and known good ROMs, the board will test itself pretty thoroughly. Nice thing is that the board can be operated on workbench, just connect 5V to power connector J2 (J2 1-3 = 0V, J2 4-6 = +5V). Observe two LEDs flashing on then off. This shows that CPU, clock and reset circuits are OK and at least part of ROM is working. If the LEDs do not flash, check for 1 MHz clock signal on CPU (IC1 pin 3). Bus buffers IC9-IC10 may fail. They can be bypassed. From System 6 onwards this has been done at the factory. Just remove the chips and connect jumper wires between 2-3, 5-6, 9-10 and 12-13. The buffers are not needed if there are no 512 byte masked ROMs onboard. 8T28 buffer chips are hard to find.

When the board starts so that you get the LEDs flashing, push the diagnostic switch (the lower button) once. The LEDs should flash twice. If this happens, the board is probably OK. It might still have display problems, if that happens check PIA IC18. Most other components are OK if you got the two flashes. If either or both LEDs remain lit, the test program has found a problem:

Lower LED on: ROM failure. Check sockets and ROMs Upper LED on: RAM failure. Check IC13/IC16, sockets and IC8 (7408). Both LEDs on: CMOS RAM (IC19) failure. Also check IC12/IC7.

On System 7 boards there are no LEDs, but a 7-segment display instead, and more exact test routines. When you power on the board the display should show 0 for a moment, then blank. If it doesn't, check the same things as in the older boards: CPU clock, reset and bus. After pushing the diagnose switch the display should again show 0 for a while and then blank again. If other numbers appear, there is a fault:

"0" CPU does not start. "1" IC13 RAM. "2" IC16 RAM. "3" IC17 ROM 2. "4" IC17 ROM 2. "5" IC20 ROM 1. "6" IC14 Game ROM 1. "7" IC26 Game ROM 2. "8" IC19 CMOS RAM or memory protect circuit (front door switch). "9" Memory protect circuit (front door switch).

Common problems

Bad IC sockets have been mentioned. It is really a common problem in these games. Also bad contacts between CPU and driver board can cause strange things. The connector should be cleaned well, and it is also wise to resolder all pins. The solder joints are very often cracking, especially if you have removed the driver board many times. The same goes for all pin connectors. Take some time to reheat all pins and add some solder. It gives you trouble free operation for the next 20 years.

A fact is that all electrolytic capacitors dry out. You can estimate capacitors condition by measuring voltage over it on both DC and AC ranges. The AC reading should be much less than 20% of DC reading. For example, if the capacitor shows 20 VDC, you should see less than 4V (typically under 1V) on ACV range. For this measurement to work, your multimeter should block DC when measuring AC. Most do, you can check by measuring a battery voltage on ACV range - should be 0.

If the game fails to boot, first check all fuses. Check all power supply output voltages - see the schematic. There might be dried capacitors. A short on driver board may prevent CPU starting. You can remove driver board and see if the CPU then starts and displays come on. If this happens, there are problems with your driver board. A short, bad connector or failing PIA.

Be careful when testing a non-starting game. Some coil may be constantly energized. This will burn both the coil and its driver transistor. Until you get the CPU alive, it might be wise to remove coil and lamp fuses F2 and F3 from power supply board to minimize risks. Check power supply +100 V and -100V outputs so that you do not burn out the displays with too large voltage. And of course the power supply must be fully working before you can even start to diagnose other boards.

I have seen the battery connection diode D17 short. Then the game is trying to "charge" the batteries when turned on. Alkaline batteries do not like this at all and may even explode! So, if you start working on unknown machine that has been long stored, check the diode. If it is OK, just insert new alkaline batteries and forget about them for two years.

Typical problem in drop target banks are the switch diodes vibrating themselves loose. Target stops scoring then. Use short leads on diodes and mount it with heat glue gun or silicone rubber compound. Some games have small capacitors on bumper and drop target switches, same goes for those also.

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South Carolina Lottery, SC Lotto Winning Numbers, Picks, Odds, Frequency

South Carolina (SC) Lottery General Information

The South Carolina Education Lottery Commission is created as an instrumentality of the State and a public commission, with powers comparable to those exercised by commissions engaged in entrepreneurial pursuits.

The SC Education Lottery has a staff of approximately 137 employees and six departments including Internal Operations; Information Technology Systems; Sales & Marketing; Security; Legal Services and Finance. The Internal auditor reports directly to the South Carolina Education Lottery Commission. all employees of the lottery serve at-will and are not covered by the State Employee Grievance Procedures act.

Since the start of the South Carolina Lottery on January 7, 2002, the Legislature has appropriated more than $1.45 billion through fiscal year 2006-07. Lottery funds have been used to support a variety of educational programs.

LottoStrategies. com - About (SC) South Carolina Lottery

South Carolina (SC) state(lotto) lottery official websites: SouthCarolinalottery. com, SClottery. com, SouthCarolinalotto. com, SClotto. com, SouthCarolinalottery. org, SClottery. org, SouthCarolinalotto. org, SClotto. org. We also provide these information about South Carolina lottery: contact, address, phone number. Please refer to Resource Center.

South Carolina (SC) lottery currently offers these lottery games:

Powerball is drawn two times a week Wednesday and Saturday 10:59 PM

MEGA Millions is drawn two times a week Tuesday and Friday 10:59 PM

Lucky For Life is drawn two times a week Monday and Thursday 10:38 PM

Cash 5 is drawn everyday 7:00 PM

Pick 4 Midday is drawn 6 times a week Monday to Saturday 1:00 PM

Pick 3 Midday is drawn 6 times a week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1:00 PM

Pick 4 Evening is drawn daily Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7:00 PM

Pick 3 Evening is drawn daily 7:00 PM

We also provide these information for the games above: winnning numbers, hot/cold/overdue numbers, jackpot, how to play, how to win, most winning numbers, prizes, winning odds, payout, frequency chart, lotto wheels, etc.

Rapunzel's Delight. com

Sutherland Sisters

The United States Census is a decennial census mandated by the United States Constitution. The population is enumerated every 10 years and the results are used to allocate Congressional seats (congressional apportionment), electoral votes, and government program funding. Some states or local jurisdictions also conduct local censuses. - Wikipedia

Cambria, New York

The Sutherland sisters were born in the town of Cambria, on what is known as the Sutherland farm, near the city of Lockport, Niagara County, New York, a few miles east of Niagara Falls.

They are all members of the Protestant Episcopal Church, having been confirmed by Bishop Cox, of Buffalo, and when at home are under the pastoral care of Doctor Foster Eley, rector of Grace Church, Lockport City.

Lockport, New York

Lockport became a town during the construction of the Erie Canal and the Lockport Locks ( 1821-1825). In 1865, Lockport became a boom town and had grown to over 20,000.

Lockport Locks 1879

Mules were used to tow the canal barges

The first superhighway in the world. The Lockport Locks scaled 60 feet above the Niagara escarpment connecting the Midwest & Lake Erie, across the Appalachians, to the Hudson River, to the east coast & New York City; a total of 350 miles. The original cost of the Erie Canal (latter renamed as the Barge Canal) was $7 million dollars, equivalent to 4 billion in today's money. The locks and the canal system was improved several times over the years, and was used commercially into the 1950s.

Sutherland Sisters' Beautiful hair produced by using tonics

Massachusetts | North Adams | North Adams Transcript, The | 1899-06-05

I have found many websites which tag the Sister's tonic as "snake oil" and nothing more than hair quackery. all without supporting evidence or rationale.

At this time, I cannot find the the Sister's Hair Grower tonic recipe. Some say the recipe was lost when a fire destroyed their home in 1938. I have searched the US Patent Office filings and found nothing in the Sister's, business or Bailey's name.

But, I did find a common ingredient in most tonic formulas -- boiling of roots and/or vegetables, and the use of alcohol. I make soap, and most books I use tell about a process called "infusion." Infusion is a very old method of extracting nutrients and from plants into a broth, or into an alcohol (or oil) tincture. The method is similar to steeping leaves into a tea.

There are conflicting opinions about the loss of vitamins using boiling type infusion. In any case, whatever nutrients do survive remain in the broth. Alcohol acts as a preservative. But I also found that alcohol also acts a transdermal carrier, like DMSO. For example, alcohol is used in skin patches to help transport drugs through the skin into the blood stream.

I found a few articles that touch base with the ingredients of the Sister's Hair Grower . The Sister's tonic is made mostly of "vegetable preparations" and "alcohol." Which make sense, because it is something that can be grown in the garden and mixed together, simply at home. Before the Hair Grower business, Sisters used a hair ointment, and the kids at school would complain about the smell ( The Seven Sutherland Sisters by Clarence O. Lewis, 1991, pg.10.)

Gleaner, The Thursday, August 07, 1947 Kingston, Kingston

"Emu oil is used topically on the scalp. Studies and clinical experience show that it helps prevent hair loss and stimulates hair growth and hair follicles."

There is a new science/study called Nutrigenomics. The study explores the relationship between genetics and nutrition. If this is true. If genetics can be modified by nutrition, then the Sister's tonic is valid. What are the odds of having six out of seven Sisters with floor length hair? And, one of the six is likely adopted? (1865 Census reported Isabella was adopted, Id . at pg.32)

Emu oil is also a transdermal carrier, a transporter. Emu oil is very effective, has no side-effects, and helps improve circulation. So far I have not found any specific information using Emu oil, mixed with a wide spectrum, cellular ready, liquid vitamin and ionic mineral supplement, as a topical hair grower.

There are products that contain Emu oil with other ingredients to help arthritis and skin problems. There are Emu oil shampoos and scalp creams. Emu oil alone can help stimulate hair growth. But I believe, used topically as a transdermal carrier for vitamins/ionic minerals will far exceed expectations.

First as singing amateurs

before their claim to fame

Before the Sisters showed off their hair, they were well known in their local area as the "Sutherland Concert of Seven Sisters, and one Brother"

Opinions of the press.

"Naomi's voice was extraordinary." At 13 years old she sang low bass, solo:

Sarah sang Scotch and English songs as high soprano, solo:

On the Rhine, That Ancient River

Victoria, Isabella, and Grace sang as trio:

"same tendency to long hair and music"

T his is an unusual portrait of the sisters. Yes, they are the Sisters. On the backside is the list of their names. Anyhow, you can see a dog sitting at the bottom right of this image. The Sutherland Sisters had many pets. They were so heartbroken when one of their dogs passed away. They spent $500 for their dog's funeral. The dog in this image appears to be a pug.

Rising star The Observer - UK Mika Rottenberg, artist Emma Love Sunday October 8, 2006

Rottenberg, 29, won the inaugural Cartier Award at this year's Frieze Art Fair for a film piece - a movie trailer based on the true story of seven American sisters with record-breaking long hair who made a fortune with an anti-baldness cure.

Frieze Art Fair. featuring the Frieze Projects in association with Cartier, is held in Regent's Park, London, 12-15 October And don't forget Alyssa, Mika's assistant.

Continued Through April 30, 1936

Mary and Grace were still alive and in business selling their hair "fertilizer" through '36. Dora ran the Canadian branch in the 20s out of Buffalo, New York

Dora's Hair Fertilizer Mailer & Advertisement Contributed by Robert Coutts

Manitoba Free Press Saturday, January 11, 1919 Winnipeg, Manitoba

Winnipeg Free Press Saturday, July 20, 1968 Winnipeg, Manitoba

Manitoba Morning Free Press Saturday, February 07, 1920 Winnipeg, Manitoba

Manitoba Free Press Friday, September 05, 1924 Winnipeg, Manitoba

Manitoba Morning Free Press Friday, October 08, 1909 Winnipeg, Manitoba

Manitoba Morning Free Press Saturday, January 31, 1920 Winnipeg, Manitoba

Manitoba Morning Free Press Tuesday, November 03, 1914 Winnipeg, Manitoba

Manitoba Morning Free Press Monday, July 30, 1906 Winnipeg, Manitoba

Manitoba Morning Free Press Monday, July 21, 1913 Winnipeg, Manitoba

Manitoba Free Press Saturday, February 08, 1919 Winnipeg, Manitoba

Manitoba Free Press Saturday, February 01, 1919 Winnipeg, Manitoba

Manitoba Free Press Saturday, January 24, 1920 Winnipeg, Manitoba

Manitoba Free Press Friday, February 07, 1930 Winnipeg, Manitoba

Manitoba Morning Free Press Saturday, September 15, 1906 Winnipeg, Manitoba

Galveston Daily News, The Thursday, February 15, 1900 Galveston, Texas

Galveston Daily News, The Sunday, January 21, 1900 Galveston, Texas

Galveston Daily News, The Thursday, March 22, 1900 Galveston, Texas

Galveston Daily News, The Sunday, December 27, 1903 Galveston, Texas

Galveston Daily News, The Thursday, February 22, 1900 Galveston, Texas

Galveston Daily News, The Sunday, February 18, 1900 Galveston, Texas

Galveston Daily News, The Tuesday, December 22, 1903 Galveston, Texas

Galveston Daily News, The Sunday, March 11, 1900 Galveston, Texas

Galveston Daily News, The Tuesday, January 30, 1900 Galveston, Texas

Galveston Daily News, The Thursday, March 08, 1900 Galveston, Texas

Galveston Daily News, The Tuesday, February 27, 1900 Galveston, Texas

Galveston Daily News, The Sunday, February 25, 1900 Galveston, Texas

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Seven Advantages of the T-14 Wooden Purple Martin House Ken Kostka Purple Martin Preservation Alliance http://www. purple-martin. org/ Pittsburgh, PA 02/07/06

In my 25 years of martineering, I have used just about every type of martin housing available - from metal houses to plastic gourds - but one type of housing stands out and has become my favorite: the wooden T-14. The "T" refers to the name of the designer, Andy T royer, an Amish ropemaker who has grown one of the largest colonies of martins in Pennsylvania - 150 breeding pairs. The " 14 " refers to the number of compartments in the house. Before I get to the seven advantages of the T-14, let me state that it has the two basic design features that ANY type of martin housing system SHOULD have for proper management and maximum potential breeding success: A) it raises and lowers vertically (without tipping over or requiring a ladder) to allow for trapping or removal of non-native pests species, and B) the nesting cavities can be easily accessed to allow for nest monitoring (without damaging the nest). This article also assumes that the T-14 is equipped with slide out nest trays, an optional feature that I highly recommend.

What follows are, in my opinion, the 7 advantages that the T-14 has over other types of acceptable martin housing. Please keep in mind that these are in some cases only slight advantages. There are many types of other fine martin housing available.

#1 The Dryness Factor . The T-14 is the only type of housing in which the nest stays totally dry . even in driving, prolonged rains. This can be attributed to the fact that the compartments are very deep, horizontally, and have individual porches that do not trap or collect rain, as some metal and plastic houses with shared porches do. Nor are there any hanging holes, as with most gourds, through which water can gradually seep in. Additionally, some two-piece snap-together or screw-together gourds have a seam that allows water to seep in. Wet nests are bad news. The moisture creates the perfect environment for nest parasites like blowfly larvea, mites, and fleas - all of which feed off of the blood of the nestlings.

#2 The Stability Factor . Unlike gourds or lightweight plastic/aluminum housing, the T-14, is thick, solid, sturdily mounted, and therefore relatively unshakeable. This makes it more impervious to predators, in my opinion. Gourds can be shaken by owls that grab the entrance hole and hang on or that land on the support arm and are able to get behind the guards blocking the entrance hole. Thin-shelled natural gourds can even be broken by owls, as can flimsy plastic or aluminum housing. The T-14's weight and sturdy mounting (either a wooden 4" x 6" or a 3" x 3" high quality metal pole) also allow it to stand up to high winds. Some metal and plastic houses tend to be more easily toppled by high winds because of their lightweight poles. I never worry about the T-14 in a windstorm.

#3 The Insulation Factor . Wood is a great insulator, and the T-14 is made of 3/4" thick wood. It stays warmer in cold weather and cooler in hot weather than does metal or plastic. And even a few degrees can be the difference between life and death for adults during prolonged periods of very cold weather - or for nestlings during periods of extreme heat.

#4 The Nest Maintenance factor . It's extremely efficient and convenient to do nest checks and changes in a T-14 equipped with nest trays. The nest tray simply slides out, nest and all, allowing for close-up and unobstructed inspection of the nest, eggs, or nestlings. In houses without nest trays, as with gourds, you must inspect the nest through an opening that restricts your view in distance, angle, and light level. Think of the T-14 nest tray system as somewhat like a chest of drawers. Imagine how much harder it would be to find and get at your clothing if the front opened but the drawers didn't slide out. It's also easier to do nest changes or treatments with the slide-out trays.

#5 The Entrance Hole Changeability Factor . In the past few years, there has been a revolution in entrance hole design. Landlords must choose from a variety of entrance hole styles - from round to obround to crescent to Excluder to Conley to Excluder II. The T-14 is one of the easiest types of housing to change entrance holes on. Once a 3" x 4" square hole is cut above the porch, a plate containing the desired entrance hole can be secured simply using 2-4 small sheet metal screws. Plates can be switched at any time with a few turns of a screwdriver. Most gourds come with one type of entrance hole stamped in, and changing it is usually a rather involved process that often cannot be completed in mid-season.

#6 The Variety and Economy Factor . Not only is it possible to have several different types of entrance holes, but the T-14 is perfect for hanging gourds under, giving martins a choice of housing without needing to erect another pole. I once attracted a pair of martins to a T-14 compartment, but they eventually ended up nesting in a gourd hung underneath. A set of T-14 gourd-hanging brackets holds up to 4 gourds, and an additional gourd can be hung under each of the four sections, for a total of eight. These eight gourds are symmetrically arranged and all at the same level. They come down with the house and are easily accessed. It's sort of like having a wooden house and gourd rack in one.

#7 The Attractiveness Factor . When people ask me what type of material for martin housing I recommend, I ask them whether they would rather live in a house made of plastic, metal, or wood, and I always get the same answer. Aside from wood's insulation value (as described above in #3), keep in mind that martins originally nested in old woodpecker holes and other tree crevices, such as rot pockets. Indians sparked a tradition shift by supplying martins with natural gourds, which are a wood-like material. Colonists furthered the tradition shift by supplying wooden houses. While martins nested in tree cavities for thousands of years (and still do out west), it is only in the past 50 years that martins have been offered plastic and metal houses, and I still believe that, overall, they prefer wood, and that offering a manageable wooden house with gourds hung underneath gives you the best chance of attracting martins and growing a colony, especially if you live in an area of martin scarcity. I attracted martins to two different locations in an area of martin scarcity using T-14's over the past six years. No other housing worked in over 20 years of trying in that area. I also built up a dwindling colony from 8-10 pairs to 28 pairs in three years after installing two T-14's. (100% occupancy)

Once again, manageability is the single most important factor when it comes to martin housing. It is better to have a manageable aluminum house rather than an unmanageable wooden house. Also, ALL housing should have both climbing animal guards, sometimes called pole guards, to protect against raccoon, snakes, and squirrels as well as owl guards to protect against owl, hawks, crows, and gulls. And any house or gourd rack should raise and lower vertically, without tipping over or requiring a ladder, to allow for trapping or removal of non-native pests species, and for easy inspection of the nesting cavities.

Finally, a word about cost. Some may argue that the T-14 is expensive and therefore impractical for the beginning martin hobbyist, who isn't even sure he or she can attract martins. Let me point out that this notion of buying inexpensive housing to avoid making a big investment because one may not attract martins can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. However, there are many types of acceptable martin housing available. Some are better than others. In the end, the landlord will have to draw his own conclusions.

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*Disclaimer: Pictures are an example of the chassis. Chassis in picture is not for actual sale.

Bulk Ammo

This video by LuckyGunner. com describes how to get the best deals on bulk ammunition purchases from our website. At luckygunner. com, we get a lot of questions about buying ammo in bulk. There are a couple of ways to do that, both for customers and for resellers. If you're a gun shop or a pawn shop, or you've got a table at a gun show or some other kind of store, and you want to buy more than 25,000 rounds or $5,000 worth of ammo at one time, then that's what we call true bulk purchasing. You can call one of our customer experience team members or contact us at customerservice@ luckygunner. com. Give us your name, your phone number, your email address, and also include the brand, quantity and caliber of ammo you're interested in, and someone will get back to you. If you're like most of us though, you don't need quite that much ammo, and you're getting less than 25,000 rounds or $5,000 worth at one time. There are still some ways to get some discounts at Lucky Gunner by buying in larger quantities. So let's take a look at the website and see how to do that. Since we generally don't offer any price matching or personalized coupons, the easiest way to find out what kind of bulk ammo deals we have on Lucky Gunner is to navigate to the caliber you're looking for on the left-hand menu. Let's try 9mm. At the top of the list you'll see the sort by drop-down menu. Just click on cost per round, and the results will be ordered from least expensive to most expensive ammo per round for the caliber that you're looking for. For example, here at the top you can see that S&B 115 grain is only 20.9 cents per round if you buy 1,000-round case. If you'd rather have 124 grain bullet right here below it is Blazer Brass, which is also just 20.9 cents per round when you buy 1,000. Another way to find the bulk ammo is again to click on the caliber you're looking for-- let's try .38 Special this time-- and then look over here on the right-hand column under filter results, and the first one you'll see is ammo quantity. The number on the left is the quantity of ammo, and the number in parentheses represents how many products we have available in that quantity. So here at the bottom of the list we have one brand of .38 Special available in a 500-round pack, and six .38 Special products sold in 1,000-round cases. So let's see what we've got under 1,000. OK, so here at the top we have one my personal favorites, American Eagle, which is just 28.9 cents per round for the lead round nose if you go for the 1,000-round case. Let's see if that's a better price than just getting it by the box. So I'll go back to the .38 Special page, and then over here on the right I'll click on Federal cause I want to see all the Federal American Eagle products. And here at the top is the 1,000-round case we were just looking at. And just under it is the same thing sold in individual boxes. If I get it by the box, the cheapest it's going to be is 32 and 1/2 cents per round. But if I buy a case, it's only 28.9 cents per round. So that's a pretty good discount when you add it all up. If I don't want to buy a whole case, I can still save a little on American Eagle here by purchasing multiple boxes at a time. You see here where it says 32.5 to 33.5 cents per round? That means there's some kind of price break for quantity, so let's check that out. So right here under the standard price it says we can save a little bit if we buy five boxes, or even more, $0.50 per box, if we get 10 boxes. If you wanted to get the price for 1,000 rounds, you'd just go back to that page and add one of those to your cart. The last thing to keep in mind is our email newsletter of ammo deals. Be sure to head on over to the home page and sign up so you can be among the first to hear about our latest specials and hottest deals, which are often bulk buys. I hope that clears up things for purchasing ammo in larger quantities at Lucky Gunner. Also keep in mind that the more ammo you buy at one time, the cheaper the shipping is going to be on a per round basis. As always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our customer experience team either by the live chat feature, by email, or by phone.

Bulk Ammunition Purchases For The General Public

If you are a dealer who sells ammunition through gun shows, a pawn shop, a sporting goods store, a firearms store or just someone who buys a ton of ammo and you’re looking to purchase over 25,000 rounds of ammo today, then team at Lucky Gunner Ammo can offer you an additional channel of procurement with a possible discount for your bulk ammo !

All you have to do is email us at customerservice@luckygunner. com and let us know what ammunition you are interested in buying in bulk and approximately how many rounds you’d like to buy from Lucky Gunner. Be sure to provide your email address, telephone number, and your name so we can quickly return your quote request.

As you know, everything on our website is in stock and ready to ship but if the quantity we show in stock online is less than what you’re looking for, please let us know how much you’re interested in since we’re constantly receiving shipments ammo and may be checking in a large quantity of the ammunition you’re looking to purchase.

Law Enforcement (LE) & Agency Bulk Ammunition Purchases

LuckyGunner. com is happy to provide law enforcement and defense agencies with an online resource that serves as an efficient means of supply replenishment for your department. Because you can expect the same exact level of high quality service we provide to our civilian customers, your online buying process with Lucky Gunner will be simple thanks to our fast and accurate shipment of all orders and credit card only processing.

To contact our office about fulfilling your agency's needs, please contact us at customerservice@luckygunner. com .

Lucky 7 Roulette Cheat

/ Lucky 7 Roulette Cheat

You should have a bank roll of at least $120 and play on the $5 roulette tables for this roulette strategy to work properly. This is considered an aggressive system but is also practical and can be utilized with those who have a small bankroll. You can easily make hundreds of dollars by risking small amounts of your capital on the roulette wheel. This very simple but effect roulette strategy method works as follows:

You should first bet on the even money area in the amount of $5 to start with. You can place your even money bet either on the black, red, 1-18, or 19-36. Once you win you will then bet your current + ½ so in reality you should bet $7.50 but if it’s not feasible to divide it evenly by 2 then round off to the next whole number to get the correct amount of what you should bet. So for example if you are currently betting $5 chips you would then round half of $5 off to the next whole number, $7.50 rounded off would give you an $8 bet. If you lose you will start off new with a $5. The object behind this strategy is basically to bid and win for 7 spins in a row. If this happens you will win a total of $165.

So what are the advantages of betting with this particular strategy? The big objective is that you are never betting more than $5 of your own capital and if you happen to win two times in a row, you will be guaranteed to leave with a small amount of the casino’s money. Below is a simple chart that you should follow when using this strategy:

Wins – Bet – Total - Money Won – Money Lost

1 – $5 $0 -5 2 – $8 $5 -3 3 – $12 $13 +1 4 – $18 $25 +7 5 – $27 $43 +16 6 – $38 $70 +32 7 – $57 $108 +51

Final Total = $165

You can stop at anytime that you are up so don’t feel pressured to actually run the full course of the 7 spins. If you are winning you may opt to actually continue on after the 7th spin if you are on a winning streak and continue to feel lucky. If you are a bit hesitant to continue your doubling bets you may opt to just start over at $5 again if you want to play at the same table. If you do choose to continue doubling your bet and you are hitting its possible to push your capital into the hundreds in a short period of time.

There is also another method for when you lose but do not want to start over at $5 bets. Instead of going back to the beginning go back two steps from where you last left off. So let’s say you won 4 times in a row and then your next bet should be $27 by using the original chart table. If you lost a total of $27 then your next bet would be for $12 when you move back two steps. Even if you lost the $12 you will still win a total of $4 on that particular sequence but if you do win your $12 bet you may continue along with the progression chart by moving up to an $18 bet.

This particular method is aggressive but allows for more error room and can be very profitable in a short period time.

Top Roulette Systems

Lucky 5

How to play LUCKY5

Lucky5 is a very exciting and dynamic mini lottery, where players have several chances to win.

When playing Lucky5, a player has to select five numbers from the field of numbers 1 to 26; Five winning numbers are then selected during the live draw and players win by correctly matching all 5, any 4 or any 3 of the winning numbers;

Effective October 4, 2010 the top tier (Match 5) prize for Lucky5 is guaranteed at $800,000 and is pari-mutuel. All other prizes are pari-mutuel based on the percentage of sales allocated to the tier level.

Draws are seven days a week from Sunday to Saturday, and are held live on Television Jamaica and on IRIE FM radio at 8:25 pm;

The minimum wager per ticket is $30;

There is no one way to select numbers. Players can win by matching 5 numbers in any order

A player can place a wager on several different five number selections for one draw if he or she chooses;

Players must be 18 years or older


What is a System bet?

With a System Bet the on-line terminal or “system” generates all possible combinations of the numbers selected by the player. The player wins when their selected numbers match the system-generated numbers.

What is a System 7 bet?

A System 7 bet allows the player to select seven (7) numbers. There are twenty-one (21) possible combinations of these seven numbers that will be generated by the system. Lucky 5 System 7

Players will choose 7 numbers between 1 and 26.

The System will generate all 21 combinations of those numbers.

The player wins by matching 5, 4, or 3 of their selected numbers to the numbers drawn.

Because there are 21 combinations, in essence, the player will be purchasing 21 Lucky5 tickets. As a result, the cost of a System 7 ticket/bet will be $630 (21 x $30).

South Carolina Lottery, SC Lotto Winning Numbers, Picks, Odds, Frequency

South Carolina (SC) Lottery General Information

The South Carolina Education Lottery Commission is created as an instrumentality of the State and a public commission, with powers comparable to those exercised by commissions engaged in entrepreneurial pursuits.

The SC Education Lottery has a staff of approximately 137 employees and six departments including Internal Operations; Information Technology Systems; Sales & Marketing; Security; Legal Services and Finance. The Internal auditor reports directly to the South Carolina Education Lottery Commission. all employees of the lottery serve at-will and are not covered by the State Employee Grievance Procedures act.

Since the start of the South Carolina Lottery on January 7, 2002, the Legislature has appropriated more than $1.45 billion through fiscal year 2006-07. Lottery funds have been used to support a variety of educational programs.

LottoStrategies. com - About (SC) South Carolina Lottery

South Carolina (SC) state(lotto) lottery official websites: SouthCarolinalottery. com, SClottery. com, SouthCarolinalotto. com, SClotto. com, SouthCarolinalottery. org, SClottery. org, SouthCarolinalotto. org, SClotto. org. We also provide these information about South Carolina lottery: contact, address, phone number. Please refer to Resource Center.

South Carolina (SC) lottery currently offers these lottery games:

Powerball is drawn two times a week Wednesday and Saturday 10:59 PM

MEGA Millions is drawn two times a week Tuesday and Friday 10:59 PM

Lucky For Life is drawn two times a week Monday and Thursday 10:38 PM

Cash 5 is drawn everyday 7:00 PM

Pick 4 Midday is drawn 6 times a week Monday to Saturday 1:00 PM

Pick 3 Midday is drawn 6 times a week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1:00 PM

Pick 4 Evening is drawn daily Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7:00 PM

Pick 3 Evening is drawn daily 7:00 PM

We also provide these information for the games above: winnning numbers, hot/cold/overdue numbers, jackpot, how to play, how to win, most winning numbers, prizes, winning odds, payout, frequency chart, lotto wheels, etc.

Remaining Prizes

*Denotes games that have been reordered or have been delivered to the Florida Lottery in more than one shipment.

Note: Games may be reordered, and top prizes may increase proportionally.

Prizes, including the top prizes, may be unavailable at time of ticket purchase due to prior sale or other causes occurring in the normal course of business.

© 2017 Florida Lottery, All Rights Reserved. Must be 18 or older to play. Play responsibly.

Wednesday, March 16, 2017

1 - 5 - 7 - 12 - 34 - 53 - x3

Saturday, March 19, 2017

Wednesday, March 16, 2017

10 - 12 - 13 - 46 - 50 - 21 - x3

Saturday, March 19, 2017

Tuesday, March 15, 2017

18 - 26 - 30 - 44 - 68 - 7 - x4

Friday, March 18, 2017

Tuesday, March 15, 2017

13 - 16 - 32 - 45 - 11

Friday, March 18, 2017

Wednesday, March 16, 2017

13 - 27 - 28 - 30 - 36

Thursday, March 17, 2017

Wednesday, March 16, 2017

Thursday, March 17, 2017


There are so many types of bet with strange names such as 'patent', 'trixie' and 'heinz', that people get confused and don't tend to go for types of bet they don't understand. Some of these permutations can often be the better strategies to adopt than simply betting amounts on straight single outcomes, so they're worth knowing about.

Remember, the bookies try to get punters into betting on the types of bet they want you to bet on, usually those types of bet that you'll lose on most in the long run if you play them all the time.

For example, you bet on the same type of outcome 10 times - the bookies might let you win 9 times, but the 1 time you lose you'll have wiped out the profit gained previously.

There are lots of types of bet. Here are some of the most common ones. Most betting sites will explain others if you want to research further, or contact us if you want us to publish an explanation here.

Before you read on we just need to explain some terminology we use. When we describe betting on a number of 'outcomes', by this we mean betting on a number of selections, or bets. An 'outcome' could include one team to beat another, a player to score a goal, a match to end in a draw, and many others.

Also check out our strategies page to see how different types of bet can be applied in practice.


Simply place a stake on one outcome. For example, Man United to beat Chelsea at 1/1. Put £1 on this single and you'll win £1 x 1/1 = £1 (plus your stake back = £2 total return).

Singles can also include outcomes such as a player to score in a game first, a team to beat another team by a certain score, or a team to be winning at half-time and also winning at full-time (half-time/full-time betting ), among many others. Check out our Singles calculator to calculate your potential winnings.


Choose two outcomes and both must win for you to win your double bet. Place one stake, and this stake is then multiplied by the first set of odds, and the winnings from the first set of odds multiplied by the second set of odds.

For example, placing a £1 bet on Man United to beat Leeds at 1/1, and Arsenal to beat Spurs at 6/5 will give you the double. £1 on Man United = £2 winnings, then your £2 winnings on Arsenal at 6/5 = £4.40 total winnings from your double (£2 x 6/5, plus your £2 stake back = £4.40).

If both Man United and Arsenal win at these odds you'll win £4.40 from a £1 bet. Check out our doubles calculator .


Choose 3 or more outcomes and if all win each bet multiplies the other. If 1 loses, you lose all your stake since there are no returns for getting part of this bet correct.

For example, you bet £1 on Leeds to win at 1/1, Middlesbrough to win at 8/5 and Charlton to win at 6/5. If all three win, you'll get £1 on Leeds = £2, this £2 on Charlton = £4.40, then this £4.40 on Boro = £11.44 total winnings. Check out our Accumulator calculator .


Choose 4 or 5 outcomes, for example, 4 or 5 teams to win their games, and take only the singles and doubles combinations from the 4 or 5 games. For example, if you choose 4 games (Games 1,2,3, and 4), you'll get 4 singles (Outcomes 1,2,3, and 4) and 6 doubles (Outcomes 1 & 2, 1 & 3, 1 & 4, 2 & 3, 2 & 4, and 3 & 4).


This is a permutation that contains 3 outcomes. From these 3 outcomes you'll get 7 bets - 3 singles, 3 doubles and 1 treble. With 7 bets, if you choose at least 6/1 odds for each of your 3 outcomes, for example, Leeds to win 2-1 at 8/1, Man U to win 3-1 at 12/1, and Newcastle to win 1-0 at 6/1, even if you just get one winner you'll break even. Check out our patent calculator .


This is similar to a patent, except you don't get any singles. It's 4 bets from 3 outcomes. You'll get 3 doubles and 1 treble.


Like a Patent, but instead of 3, choose 4 outcomes and get 4 singles, 6 doubles, 4 trebles, and 1 quadruple, equalling 15 bets. As with the Patent, it's wise to choose odds that will return you your stake if you only get one winner out of four (there are 15 bets, so choose outcomes around 14/1, so if only one wins you'll get your stake back).

For example, choose 4 outcomes each at 16/1. Place a £0.10 unit stake (15 bets = total stake of £1.50) and if only one of your four outcomes wins you'll get one single winner - £0.10 at 16/1 = £1.70 return. If you get more than one winner you'll be in the money! 2 winners at 16/1 in this example would return £32.30, 3 winners £583.10, and all 4 winners £10,497! Check out our lucky 15 calculator .

Looking for a good online bookie where you can place your Lucky 15 bets. then check out Bet365. It's an easy site to use and shows you your potential Lucky 15 winnings when you place your bet.


This is similar to the Lucky 15, except you don't get any singles. It's 11 bets including 6 doubles, 4 trebles and 1 quadruple. This type of bet is better than the Lucky 15 in scenarios where you don't want to put down 15 bets, instead just 11 to reduce your total stake. This means that your stake is lower, but remember you don't win anything for only one correct because there are no singles in this permutation.

However, having only 11 bets instead of 15, you can afford to place a larger unit stake. Where you would place £0.10 on 15 bets in a Lucky 15 (equalling £1.50), you can now place 11 bets at £0.14 (equalling £1.54). It might not look like much of a difference, but 2 16/1 winners with a unit stake of £0.14 will give you £40.46, and all 4 16/1 winners will give you £14,687, more than 4 grand more than placing a similar stake on a Lucky 15.


This is similar to the Yankee, except it covers 5 outcomes, not 4. This increases the amount of bets in the permutation. You'll get 26 bets - 10 doubles, 10 trebles, 5 four-folds, and 1 five-fold. In general the more permutations you have the more your bets are diluted.

In this case you might place a £0.10 unit stake, however because you have 26 bets your total stake will be £2.60. Again if you get two 16/1 winners you'll get a return of £28.90, however with this type of bet you're staking almost twice as much as the Lucky 15. You've got to remember that each week you might not get two winners, but with such profit from only 2 winners you don't need to win every week!


This is like a Super Yankee, but you're now betting across 6 outcomes. This gives you 57 bets! - 15 doubles, 20 trebles, 15 four-folds, 6 five-folds and 1 six-fold.

If you're betting on this type of permutation, remember that you've got 57 bets. That again means again you'll need at least 2 outcomes out of 6 (at odds of around 7/1) to even make a profit. Getting more than 2 outcomes will put you in the money though! If your unit stake is £0.10 and you have 57 bets you've staked £5.70. However, for 3 16/1 winners out of 6 you'll return £583.10, and for 4 16/1 winners out of 6 you'll return £10,497!


This is a monster of a permutation. It involves betting across 8 outcomes, giving you 247 bets! - 28 doubles, 56 trebles, 70 four-folds, 56 five-folds, 28 six-folds, 8 seven-folds and 1 eight-fold.

Depending on the odds you choose you'll probably need at least 3 winners out of 8 in order to make any profit. With this type of bet you're only going to be betting pennies per unit stake because you have 247 bets. For example, if you bet £0.05 on 247 bets your total stake would be £12.35. If all your 8 outcomes were 7/1 odds you would get only £3.20 for 2 correct out of 8. 3 correct would give you £32.00. You've got to ask yourself whether you can pick 3, 7/1 outcomes, out of 8 games each week? Could you predict 3 correct scores out of 8 games?


“Going Green” at the Get Lucky 7K

Spring has Sprung, Time to Run

“Spring is nature’s way of saying “Let’s party!” When Robin Williams said that, he probably wasn’t imagining running a 7K as the “party,” but that’s how we’re welcoming the new season and celebrating St. Patty’s Day at AK. Just days after participating in the winter-themed Bedrace for Bridging at Buck Hill, the thermometer’s flirting with 70 and we’re kicking the dust off our running shoes. A total of ten AK Material Handling Systems team members are hitting the pavement of Downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul streets Saturday, March 12th to try their hand at running the Get Lucky 7K. That’s a couple of extra K’s more than many of us are used to (with the exception of a few our more dedicated runners), but we’ve accepted the challenge and are in it to win it. Or we’re in it to hit our target times, anyway.

The Race

The Get Lucky race consists not only of the 7K course, but also a 14K and a 21K, the latter of which is also known as a half marathon. The race courses wind through the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, and racers can replenish themselves with a free beer at one of the local participating Irish pubs after crossing the finish line. For AK runners, the Get Lucky 7K will either be a fun way to get out on a Saturday morning or a primer for the lineup of races that will take place over the next six months, depending on who you ask. Most importantly, though, the event will be a great opportunity to team build and for everyone involved to spend some quality time with their fellow team members outside of the office.

If you’re planning on running, don’t hesitate to stop over and hang out. We’ll be dressed in our all-green gear, with odds pointing towards certain team members flaunting green hair. After all, “anything worth doing is worth overdoing.”

Throwback: The AK team at the 2017 Get Lucky 7K

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Copyright 2008 - 2017 SS Choice LLC and My7s. com. Todos los derechos reservados. The elements of this web site, including text, graphics, logos, designs, and photographs are protected by United States and international copyright laws. They may not be reproduced or used without the express written permission from SS Choice LLC.

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Australia NSW Lotteries France EuroMillions Mexico Chispazo Poland Lotto Japan Mini Loto Spain Bonoloto Russia Gosloto Brazil Mega-Sena Ireland Monday Millions India ThunderBall Philippines SuperLotto 6/49 Switzerland Swiss Lotto Equador Loterнa Nacional Malaysia Mega Toto China Welfare Lottery Australia Pools Czech Republic Sazka England EuroMillions France Keno Mexico Melate South Africa National Lottery Belgium Lotto India Sikkim Netherlands Staatsloterij United Kingdom Euromillions Serbia Drћavna Lutrija Srbije Jamaica Lottery 6/37 Netherlands Dutch Keno Austria Lotto 6 aus 45 Germany Spiel 77 Norway Viking Lotto Turkey Loto Tьrkiye Australia Powerball Hong Kong Mark Six Sweden Viking Lotto Japan Loto 6 Singapore Toto Portugal Totoloto Turkey On Numara Keno Korea KOLotto Finland Viking Lotto Japan Takarakuji Netherlands Nationale Postcode Loterij Brazil Dupla Sena Costa Rica Loterнa Tiempos Portugal Lotaria Popular Romania Loteria Romвna Slovakia Loto Latvia SuperBingo Norway Lotto Romania Loto 6/49 Turkey Sans Topu Italia Superenalotto Estonia Viking Lotto Costa Rica Loterнa Nacional Ireland Lotto Plus Austria ZahlenLotto Greece Lotto 6/49 Latvia Lotto Chile Polla chilena de Beneficencia Ireland An Crannchur Nбisiъnta Germany Super 6 Austria EuroMillions Australia Lucky 7 Oz Denmark Onsdaglotto New Zealand Lotto Singapore Pools Bulgaria Darjavna lotaria Hungary Lottу 6/45 Germany Keno Spain La Primitiva Iceland Lottу Chile Loto Ireland EuroMillions Liechtenstein International Lottery Norway Keno Bardados Lottery Thailand Government Lottery Dominican Republic Caribbean Super Lottery England UK Daily Play Denmark Klasselotteriet Hungary Lottу 7/35 New Zealand Keno Canada Lotto Super 7 Portugal EuroMillions South Africa Lotto Netherlands Dutch Lotto New Zealand Big Wednesday Brazil Lotofбcil Hungary Lottу 5/90 Brazil Quina Slovenia Lotto Macedonia Lotarija na Makedonija Trinidad/Tobago Cash Pot South Africa Powerball South Korea Lotto Australia Tatts Keno Cuba Charada Luxembourg EuroMillions Argentina Quiniela Nocturna Turkey Super Loto Costa Rica Loterнa Popular Chances Malta Super 5 Ireland National Lotto Taiwan Lucky Lotto Ukraine Ukrayinska Natsionalna Lotereya Slovenia Loterija Slovenije Australia Gold Lotto Italia Lotto France La Franзaise des Jeux Sri Lanka National Lottery England UK Lottery Latvia Latloto 5/35 Belgium EuroMillions Bolivia Loterнa Nacional de Beneficencia y Salubridad Croatia Hrvatska lutrija Canada Lottomax El Salvador Loterнa Nacional de Beneficencia Iceland Viking Lotto Latvia Keno Denmark Klasselotteriet Germany Lotto 6 aus 49 Jamaica Lucky Italia Win for Life Monaco Lucky Euromillions Espana La Primitiva Malaysia Supreme Toto 6/58 Turkey Loto 6/49 Sweden Svenska Spel Malta Lotto Spain EuroMillons Turkey Sayisal Dominican Republic Loterнa Electrуnica Internacional Dominicana Lebanon La Libanaise des Jeux Canada Lotto 6/49 Germany 6aus49 Deutschen Poland Mini Lotto Switzerland Swiss EuroMillions India Sikkim Fast Lotto Hong Kong Toto Argentina Quiniela Belgium Nationale Loterij Malaysia Power Toto Greece Lucky Joker 5/45 Israel Pais 7/70 Bulgaria TOTO 2 China Sports Lottery England Thunderball Honduras Loterнas Electrуnicas Montenegro Lutrija Crne Gore Greece Tzoker Kenia Toto 6/49 Portugal Lotaria Clбssica Greece Lotto Extra 5/35 Israel New Lotto Numbers Australia Tattslotto France Loto Nationale New Zealand NZ Lotteries Lebanon Loto Spain Loterнas y Apuestas del Estado

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Bodybeast Review – At Home Weight Lifting Workout

In this body beast review we’ll give you some insider info and tips about this unique 90-day DVD workout program. You’ll learn what it is, how the workouts are structured, how the dieting plan works, what equipment is required, and here my personal experience using it.

Are You Ready to Beast it Up

If you’re interested in packing on 10, 20, or even 30 pounds of lean muscle in the next 3 months, you’ll want to pay close attention…

If you love lifting weights but are not seeing results . your time is finally here.

If you want a detailed weight lifting program and nutrition plan to get lean and ripped the answer is below.

The Body Beast Program Review

Bodybeast is a 90 day workout program that is pack with pure science and laser focused routines to help you bulk up, put on pure muscle mass or get that ripped physique you always wanted!

It seems impossible but when the leaders in at home fitness programs BeachBody teamed up with Sagi Kalev this all became possible. Sagi is the guy that actors, bodybuilders and professional models call when they need a body transformation and they pay thousands of dollars to get it done. Lucky for you it is all packed up into dvds so you can do it at home at a killer low price!

People are calling this the “New School” of bodybuilding . Remember the old pumping Iron Movie that Arnold Schwarenegger was in with Lou Ferringo? J Class big time meat head body building that put the sport on the map. I mean that in a fun way. J Some of you are probably too young to remember it, it’s a class 1977 movie document Arnold’s journey to the 1975 Mr. Olympia and Mr. Universe Contest.

I bring this up because it was all about doing lots of repetitive sets one body part at a time with big weight. This is still valid today but with a whole new twist and focus that takes less time, way more effective and gets the same results. Welcome to Body Beast – Dynamic Set Training secret!

What Is Body Beast and Should I Buy It?

Body Beast is Beachbody’s answer to all the people (mostly guys) out there who have been asking for a true at-home bodybuilding system. Unlike most of their other products — which are focused on core strength training, cardio conditioning, and fat loss — Body Beast is 100% focused on building quality muscle mass with little or no body fat increase. It is designed to build extreme muscle using Dynamic Set Training to melt fat away and define your whole physique.

According to its creator, professional bodybuilder Sagi Kalev:

“The purpose of Body Beast is to gain lean muscle mass, to also gain size and to gain confidence… It’s not focused on weight loss… The main thing about Body Beast is how to get bigger. ”

Bodybeast was originally launched back in 2012 but has recently seen a big increase in popularity and interest. Lots of people are going online looking for reviews and information about this unique product… which is why we created this post!

So, if you are one of those guys who workout regularly but are not seeing results, this is for you!

If you have completed some other extreme fitness program that has you down to your idea weight but you want to pack on more lean muscle, this is for you!

If you just want to gain weight and gain muscle then this workout is for you!

If you are just wanting to get ripped this is for you too. There is a lean program included.

Sagi Kalev – The Beast Creator?

Before the release of Body Beast, Mr. Kalev was not very well known in the US fitness community. He was basically a fitness magazine model, personal trainer, and even did some acting in the 90’s.

In his native country of Israel, however, Kalev is a fitness superstar. He has won the “Mr. Israel” bodybuilding competition twice and is considered to be one of the top bodybuilders to ever come out of the small country.

In recent years Sagi has become a clinical nutritionist and “functional medicine” expert at the Thrive Institute in Dallas, Texas. Obviously the guy knows his stuff and is qualified to help anyone get fit, put on more muscle mass, and improve his or her health. His enthusiasm and expertise are definitely 2 of the biggest benefits of this program!

When the professionals are stuck or want it done, they call him. You get all that in this program and you get it all done in the comfort of your living room!

How Does Body Beast Work ?

The program uses a special technique that is really a breakthrough in sport science. Sagi, decided to use single sets, Super Sets, Giant Sets, Progressive, forced, drop, Tempo Sets and many more to exhaust the muscles, engaging more active muscle fibers that boost natural testosterone levels more than ever before in an home strength training workout. This combination of sets is laser focused and proven to give you the results you are looking for.

Here are a couple examples of what the sets look like.

You will run through the first set, take a 90 second break and then do it backwards starting with the heavy weight set and move to the medium and then light weight set. Pick your weights carefully this on is going to burn!

15 Reps Light weight

12 medium weight

8 Heavy weight

90 Seconds of Rest

1 st set 4 regular reps with heavy weight, on the 5 th rep hold the weights down for 10 seconds, then do this another 5 times for a total of 10 reps. It engages both fast and slow twitch muscles for maximum results.

This is the new science put to work with old school exercises!

What Makes Body Beast Special?

The biggest benefit, in our opinion, of this program is the fact that it allows anyone to get a gym-quality muscle building workout at home — without actually going to the gym. It utilizes several powerful techniques used by amateur and professional bodybuilders for decades. It also incorporates some innovative tactics developed by Sagi Kalev.

Progressive overload, involving steadily increasing the amount of weight you lift day by day and week by week, is a foundation of the program. The other is a relatively advanced tactic called “Dynamic Set Training.” This involves the principle of pre-exhaustion, where you do several sets of an exercise with lighter weights and then hit your muscles hard with heavy “work sets” to cause the micro-damage necessary for rapid muscle growth.

Pre-exhaustion is a powerful method that provides just enough stimulation to increase muscle size without going overboard with extremely heavy weights or very high sets / volume. Because rest periods are kept short in Body Beast you’ll be getting close to the “muscle failure” point in the last set or two, which is ideal.

Body Beast Block 1 is where the party starts!

Sagi divided the program into what he calls blocks. Each block has a focus to build muscle, bulk up and the go into beast most to tone and lean up the muscle.

Block 1 is the beginning of your body transformation. It’s all about creating strength and definition in the first 30 days. Duration: 3 weeks long: 6 Days on, 1 Day Off.

Chest & Triceps

Back & Biceps



Beast Cardio & Abs

Body Beast Block 2

This is where he uses the new science of bodybuilding to develop power and lean muscle. Here you will be introduced to Mult-Sets, Combo Sets, Force Sets and Progressive Sets. Don’t worry it’s all explained in the course what they are and he talks you through each one in the videos.

Duration: 5 Weeks: 6 Days on, 1 Day Off.

Block 3: BEAST

Here the finishing touches are put on to really tone up and get lean by using a rotation of all 12 workouts.

Duration: 4 Weeks, 6 Days On, 1 Day off

Total Workouts . You will do 6 per week but he does a great job of mixing up workouts from the build, bulk and beast blocks.

Personal Note: So, basically you will follow the same set of workouts in each block rotating them every six days and then a day of rest. This means you will not be doing the exact same workout each day of the week which keeps it interesting. If you miss a day just stick to the schedule and move on. With these workouts you really cannot play catch up and do 2 workouts in one day.

How Hard Are The Workouts?

The workouts are not slow or fast paced but right in theВ middle. You will have 30 to 60 second rests in between sets. I will be honest here, I am bias about this workout because it is my favorite. If you lifted any free weights in your life you will love it. It goes back to the roots but it really twists in some new methodology of lifting where you can still get awesome results inВ under 50 minutes. You do not need to spend 2 hours at this in the gym to get results .

I would rate the workouts as semi intense, meaning anyone can do it, but it could be challenging if you have not been working out for a while. That first week will be sore for you but you adapt quick and start rocking it the 2nd and 3rd week.

I promise you though, that you will leave the workout dripping in sweat. I personally wore my heart rate monitor for a couple of the workouts and I had my heart rate up into the 150 range which was just like doing a t25 workout or p90x3 workout all! This was not a cardio workout either! The good news is that you’ll get a gym-quality muscle workout without leaving your home.

The workouts are 30 to 50 minutes long, the ideal length for stimulating muscle growth without destroying too much muscle tissue via catabolism. There are “Build” workouts, which tend to be longer, and “Bulk” workouts, which tend to be shorter. There is also a “Total Body” workout and a “Beast Cardio” workout, both designed to burn fat as efficiently as possible without sacrificing muscle mass.

Body Beast utilizes periodization, a proven bodybuilding strategy, and is split into 3 major parts: Build, Bulk, and Beast. The idea is to allow you to build “base” muscle and strength (Build)… then force your body to rapidly increase in size (Bulk)… then burn off any unwanted body fat to create the lean, muscular look most guys want (Beast).

What Is the Beast Meal Plan Like?

The eating plan is based on proven bodybuilding dieting systems. Like the workouts, it is split into three distinct phases, designed for strength development, rapid muscle growth (“bulking”), and efficient fat loss (“cutting”). If you are a skinny hard gainer you will have to eat a lot of food / calories, especially during the “Bulk” phase. So much so that you may be more than a little shocked by the amount of time and effort you must spend preparing meals.

In the Book of the Beast manual you will walk through how to determine what calorie group you land it to get your daily calorie consumption. Based on that you will add or deduct calories to get lean and bulk up.

From there you will know how many portions of protein, starches, legumes, Veggies Fruits and fats to eat each day. The book has a food list that matches up what food item represents each portion.

I ended up in the 2600 range. So, with that I’m choose the lean schedule. My daily goal is the following:

7 Starches, 3 Legumes or Protein liquids, 6 Veggies or balanced liquids, 6 Fruits or Carb Liquids, 12 proteins and 6 fats.

YOU will have to take time to plan this out the first week. Once you get the meals down you like I would stick with eating those frequently to make it easier on yourself. I also cook in bulk too so that I can freeze meals or put them in containers. It makes it really easy to put together meals to bring into work.

I do have personal body beast meal tracking sheets that you can use. Once you purchase the program let me know and I will get those to you.

Equipment Needed Bodybeast?

Since you’ll be doing real weightlifting during the Bodybeast workouts, you will need to invest in some home workout equipment. But it’s not extreme and most of the stuff can be found relatively cheaply online.

simple adjustable bench

a pull up bar (door frame models are fine) or resistance bands

an EZ curl bar (optional but recommended)

dumbbell pairs of varying sizes (or a single set of easily adjustable “smart” dumbbells)

If you’re worried about the cost involved, be sure to buy your weights beforehand. Save up for a few weeks or months and, most importantly, keep an eye on your city or town’s local classified ads. There are almost always cheap dumbbells and weights for sale by people who are moving out or simply no longer need them!

In regards to how heavy of dumbbells you will need it will vary. I can throw around 90lb dumbbells on my flat bench for 8-10 reps. I found myself using 10-35lb dumbbells for almost all of the exercises except the bench portion. On those days I would go to the gym since I only have up to 50lb dumbbells in my gym at home.

What Are the Typical Results Like?

Everyone is unique with different genetics and body types (ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorph, etc.) — so results can vary. But the typical person will definitely build more muscle mass and lose body fat during the course of this program. As long as you’re eating properly (lots of quality protein and clean carbohydrates) you will definitely gain a significant amount of strength.

If you closely follow the step-by-step workout and eating plan you could easily gain 15 or 20 pounds of pure muscle by using the Body Beast system.

The Bottom Line: This May Be the Best Home Muscle-Building Workout Right Now

We hope this review helped you. If you’re looking for a good way to add mass, gain strength, and get bigger quickly, this is one of the best options currently on the market. Give it a try. It has a money-back guarantee like all the Beachbody products. So you literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain… like 20+ pounds of rock solid muscle!

Which Kit Do I Buy

There are three kits to choose from based on your pocket book and goals. “Lucky 7” is a full body workout that has 7 exercises and 7 pyramids to step it up to whole a new level of building muscle.

In the base kit you will have a program guide that takes you through a series of 12 Kick You In Your Butt Big Time Workouts. Along with it you will be given instructions with his extensive nutritional plan that has recipes and supplements instructions to shed fat and pack on the muscle. It’s truly like having a personal coach at home laying it all out for you. Just make sure you follow the workout calendar that is included and give it your all!

The other two kits has everything that the base kit plus extra workouts and supplements for you to really kick this routine into high gear. So, you will want the Deluxe or Ultimate kit if you are not already taking these supplements. You can purchase the following at beachbody’s website by selecting which option you want to get ripped on or bulk up below.

RSVP: https://www. facebook. com/events/617209351763642/ The Gladstone is serious about St. Paddy's Day, real serious. So we're throwing a beer extravaganza in the name of our favourite saint! Day-drinkers, night-drinkers and beer lovers unite! MELODY BAR | 12PM-LATE | FREE Swing by the Melody Bar for some classic St. Paddy's Day fun. Our bartenders will be serving up swills of your favourite suds starting at noon. We're partnering with our best beer buds to offer up some of their finest ales, lagers and…

March 17 @ 11:00 pm

Weekly on the same day until March 31, 2017

Back to the Rack: Queer Dance Party Call out to all Toronto Artists, Art Appreciators & Queer Communities: Let's get together & dance. Sip on art juice. Praise local DJs. Get all kinds of distorted. Be wild. Every Thursday || 11PM || NO COVER DJ line up: Feb 25: Ace Dillinger Mar 3: M Comeau & Aphex Twink Mar 10: Ryerson Art Party - Life & Shadow Mar 17: Devon Little Mar 24: Mary Mack Mar 31: Joe Blow

March 18 @ 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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With the success of our Get School’d Adult Colouring workshop, we’ve decided to make this a regular thing. Let your inner child out and kick it old school with our adult colouring every Friday in the Melody Bar! There is something very relaxing about this art form and we’ve decided to bring it back. So, grab a drink special and groove to some tunes while trying to stay in the lines. All supplies included.

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March 18 @ 10:00 pm

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March 18 @ 10:30 pm

Weekly on the same day

10:30pm-2am | Melody Bar | FREE “Who killed it at karaoke last night. You did!” Yes, it is back. but better because it's SHAMELESS! Join host Wil McLean at the Gladstone for an outrageous, ridiculous, knock your socks off fun night of karaoke. Watch out Celine, move over Mariah and sit your single lady butt down Beyonce and take the stage for your five minutes of fame!

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Gamblers -- whether they play at cards, bingo, horse racing, policy, the lottery, or other "numbers" games -- tend to want a winning edge. For this reason they often enhance their personal power through the use of amulets, charms, and ritual spells to bring favour to their enterprises. This page is a shortcut providing links to all of the Lucky W Amulet Archive gambling amulets -- plus complete instructions for some simple, folkloric gambling spells (marked with a * ) drawn from "Hoodoo in Theory and Practice," my online book-in-progress about African-American folk-magic. I also maintain a web page cataloguing money-drawing spells for those interested in that subject.

On this page you will find links to many gambling spells, good luck charms, lucky mojo bags, and other curios employed by those who play games of chance:









The following lucky gambling charms, amulets, curios, and talismans are collected and displayed as part of the Lucky W Amulet Archive with full descriptions and instructions for use.

Not every item shows at the Lucky W Amulet Archive is for sale, for many of them are actually museum pieces demonstrating the rich history of lucky charms and talismans from ancient times to the present, but we stock as many of them as possible at the Lucky Mojo Curio Company Occult Shop -- both root and herb curios and man-made artifacts employed by those who want that "winning edge." You will find ordering links on each page that showcases something we stock, or you may look for items by name at the Lucky Mojo Curio Company Complete Inventory Page .

Alfalfa . Carried in a mojo hand for money luck.

Alkanet Root Bark . To prevent jealous losers from jinxing you or your winnings.

Alligator Tooth . An old Southern charm; fragile, but powerful to renew money.

Alligator Foot . Its "grasping action" and odd look make it a popular key ring charm.

Allspice Berries . Carried in a mojo hand for money luck.

Badger Tooth ; An old German - American charm; wear it on the left side of the body.

Bat Heart . Wrapped in red silk cloth and worn on the left arm or in the armpit.

Bayberry Root . Carried in a mojo hand for money luck.

Black Cat . The famous Black Cat Bone is used to rule a love or for invisibility.

Buckeye . Carried to prevent rheumatism or fixed with quicksilver for gambling.

Candles . Some burn candles at home while at the casino to "back them up" in luck.

Chamomile Hand Wash . Tea made from golden flowers cleans the hands for money.

Charm Bracelet . One way to wear or carry a multitude of lucky amulets.

Cinnamon Chips . Carried in a mojo hand for money luck.

Dice Showing Number 7 . A Five-Spot plus Snake Eyes makes a Lucky 7 charm.

Dice Showing Number 7 . on "The Case of the Lucky Legs."

Fast Luck spiritual supplies . Used for sexual luck and on money for gaming luck.

Fast Luck Soap . A popular Gambler's soap

Five-Finger Grass . A lucky gambler's herb often carried in a Mojo Hand.

Four-Leaf Clover . Pressed flat in the wallet to draw money, health, luck, and love.

Gamblers' Gold Lucky 7 Hand Wash . An herbal wash to cleanse the hands for play.

* Gambling Hands and Hand Washing

Horseshoe . Hung over the door for protection and luck to all who dwell within.

Horseshoe with Horse Head . Much loved by those who play the ponies.

Horseshoe Plastic Key Ring . A lucky talisman from Mexico.

Hoyt's Cologne . Sprinkled on or worn as an after-shave while betting or gaming.

John the Conquer Root . Carried in the pocket for good luck in money and love.

Lady Luck Spiritual Supplies . A special scent worn by lady bettors and gamblers, not by men.

Lodestone . Magnetic iron ore use to "draw" money, luck, or whatever is desired.

Lucky Hand Root . A rare Orchid root shaped like a hand, to bring in the winnings.

Lucky Hand Spiritual Supplies . Made with Lucky Hand Root; used to dress money.

Lucky Mojo Spiritual Supplies . Oil, Powder, Incense, and Bath Salts for gambling luck.

Magnetic Sand . Iron dust used to feed Lodestones, especially small ones in a mojo.

Mojo Bag . A tied and fixed flannel or leather bag containing lucky roots and curios.

Money Bag Charm . A charm in the shape of a money bag is good luck jewelry.

Number 7 . Always a lucky number, and an image of the numeral is worn as a charm.

Lucky Number 13 . Lucky 13 on a charm bracelet, "Reverse Bad Luck" to those who take risks.

Nutmeg . Carried in the pocket while at games of chance.

Playing Cards Charm :Worn as a talisman on an American charm bracelet.

Policy Players' Dream Books . Books of lucky betting numbers for lottery play.

Pyrite . Sparkling golden iron ore that attracts money to it; carried in the pocket.

Rabbit Foot . The ultimate down-home Southern amulet, carried as a key ring charm.

* Robin's Lucky Gambling Spell (It Worked for Her!)

Raccoon Penis Bone (Coon Dong) . Wrapped in a $20.00 bill to keep on winning.

Skull Figural Candle . A symbol of daring; a gambler's lucky charm or key chain ornament.

Skull Charm . Used by those who are not averse to calling on the Dead for luck at cards.

Silver Dime . Protection against conjure and assurance of luck in money matters.

Slot Machine Charm . A gambler's lucky charm or key ring ornament for casino play.


Dream books specifically designed for lottery play may provide interpretations of dreams (dream divination), but they also have something that other dream books do not have -- lucky numbers for you to bet on, depending on what your dreams reveal. Lucky dream numbers are often believed to be the best numbers not only for betting, but also to use as telling "signs" of the kind of luck you will have on certain days, at certain addresses, and in dealing with certain people.

These are some of the best and most often requested dream books utilized by folks who combine gambling play with signs and significations from hoodoo, conjuration, and rootwork. We offer all of these books for sale at our Lucky Mojo Divination and Dream Book sales page, for which the link is found below.

Aunt Sally's Policy Players Dream Book

Billy Bing's Dream Book

Kansas City Kitty Dream Book

Madam Fu-Fu's Lucky Number Dream Book

Pick'Em Dream Book by Rajah Rabo

Prof. Konje, Prof. De Herbert, Herbert G. Parris Dream Books

Rajah Rabo's 5 Star Mutuel Dream Book by Rajah Rabo

Rajah's Lucky Number Dream Book by Rajah Stanley

Stella's Lucky Seven Star Dream Book

Stella's Success from Dreams Lotto Numbers Book

True Fortune Teller: Dreams and Numbers

Order Lucky Dream Books from the Lucky Mojo Curio Company


For those who play the numbers regularly, steadily, and often, the numbers themselves begin to aquire symbolism, not merely in terms of dreams, but in terms of odds-busting "runs" or "patterns," whereby old winning numbers can be used to derive new numbers thought to be on the verge of catching. There are many systems of derivatives, including run-downs, work-outs, "relative" nubers, and "following" numbers.

The books in this list include the most famous and popular of the many run-down and work-out systems that have been developed by students of numberology and gambling.

Billy Bing's Red Book of Relative Numbers

Billy Bing's Work-Out Book

Billy Bing's Gold Book, Facts About Numbers from "Prof." Hitt's Latest Records

"Prof." Hitt's Ready Reference Rundowns and Workouts by Prof. E. Z. Hitts

Pro-Zo's Authentic Gold Book Facts About All Numbers by Prof. Zonite

Rabo's Rundown and Workout Book edited by Rajah Rabo

Lucky Three Wisemen Run-Down and Work-Out Book edited by Prof. Zonite

Order Lucky Run-Down and Work-Out Books from the Lucky Mojo Curio Company


Perhaps the most famous, and the best, of gambling charms is the mojo . which Robert Johnson mentions in his famous blues song, "Little Queen of Spades," recorded in 1937:


Now, she is a little queen of spades and the men will not let her be Mmm mmm mmm, she is the little queen of spades and the men will not let her be Everytime she makes a spread hoo, fair brown, cold chill just runs all over me

I'm gon' get me a gamblin' woman if the last thing that I do Eee hee ee, gon' get me a gamblin' woman if it's the last thing that I do Well, a man don't need a woman hoo, fair brown, that he got to give all his money to

Everybody say she got a mojo now, she's been usin' that stuff Mmm mmm mmm, 'verybody says she got a mojo 'cause she been usin' that stuff But she got a way trimmin' down hoo, fair brown, and I mean it's most too tough

Now little girl, since I am the King baby, and you is a queen Ooo hoo eee, since I am the King baby, and you is a queen Le's us put our heads together hoo, fair brown, then we can make our money green

Johnson's "gamblin' woman" uses a mojo to bring in the winnings, but she also "trims" or marks her card deck, so that she can cheat a little, too. Because she is a card sharp, it is very likely that her particular mojo bag contains lucky hand root and five-finger grass . both of which are reputed to "aid in all the work that five fingers can do." Many people like to carry a mojo hand or conjure bag with them to the casino, for they feel that this will increase their luck. The most popular mojo hands for gambling have names such as these:

Fast Luck -- for luck in a hurry at slots, keno, bingo, races, lotteries

Three Jacks and a King -- for poker players

Money Drawing -- for gambling and for conventional business success

Lady Luck -- for dice players; brings in "the luck o' the Irish"

John the Conqueror -- extremely popular for gambling and sex-luck

Lucky Hand -- contains a rare orchid root shaped like a hand

Money Stay With Me -- it's not how much you make, but what you can keep

All of these mojo hands are filled with various roots, herbs, and minerals that are reputed to be lucky in drawing money and bringing in the winnings -- such as John the Conqueror root, Lodestone, Magnetic Sand, Rabbit Foot, Cinnamon chips, Five Finger Grass, Lucky Hand root, and so forth. The bags come supplied with a dram vial of the named oil and instructions for personalization and use. Old-timers may also dress the bags with whisky or with the urine of their sexual partner.

Order a Genuine Lucky Mojo Bag from the Lucky Mojo Curio Company


I know many people who like to prepare for casino gambling by washing their hands with a lucky herbal hand wash One of the nest of these is Gambler's Gold Lucky Seven Hand Wash, a special blend of seven herbs reputed to bring luck. You brew it up as a tea, then strain off the liquid, and wash your hands in it before going to play. The herbs included in this mixture are Chamomile, Calendula, Coriopsis, Alfalfa, Irish Moss, Cinnamon Chips, and Allspice Berries -- all of which are said to bring monetary good fortune or at least to drive away poverty.

One old-time rootwork practitioner who gave an interview to Harry M. Hyatt on May 26, 1938, in Memphis, Tennessee, told him a quick and simple way to bathe before going out to play cards at night: Dissolve saltpeter . sugar, bluestone (we'd use blueing balls now), and your own urine into the bathwater, then bathe downward and say the Lord's Prayer three times to cleanse yourself. Follow this by lightly dressing your playing cards with "any kind of oil that you believe in" to draw good luck; when asked which oil was best, the informant specified Rose Oil. (Hyatt entry 1719 cylinder 1542:12)

Order Gambler's Gold Lucky Hand Wash from the Lucky Mojo Curio Company


If carrying a mojo hand or brewing up a herbal hand wash is too much trouble for you, you can always rub a specially prepared dressing oil pn your hands before you go to play. The oil can also be used to dress your coins and chips, or even to anoint your money before you use it to buy lottery tickets.

Among the best these conjure dressing oils for gambling are:

Fast Luck -- dress hands before playing slots, keno, bingo, races, lotteries

Three Jacks and a King -- dress your hands before playing cards or video poker

Money Drawing -- dress your hands and forehead before playing

Lady Luck -- for dice players; dress both your hands and the dice

John the Conqueror -- dress your money and carry a dressed root in your pocket

Lucky Mojo -- an all-purpose lucky oil for love, money, or games of chance.

Lucky Hand -- dress your money and hands before playing cards or video poker

Money Stay With Me -- dress your money to make your stake last loner

Pay Me -- usually this is employed to force someone to repay a debt that is owed, but it can also be used to force a casino to cough up the cash, as you will see below in "Miss Robin's Lucky Gambling Spell."

Lucky Number -- for playing the lottery, bingo, or any numbers-based game.

Good Luck -- an all-pupose luck formula for gambling, love, health, and general good fortune.

Lucky 13 -- used as a "house dressing" to prepare the rooms where folks gamble; can be used by the "house" or by players to gain an edge.

Order Lucky Mojo Conjure Oils from the Lucky Mojo Curio Company


[The following was written by -- and is copyright by -- Robin Shepherd York, and is used with permission of the author.]

Sunday, March 13, 2005

I would like tell you about the gambling spell i use when i go to bingo. It has worked every time now. This does not mean you will get rich, but it does make your pocket feel good.

It takes a little preparation:

The night before, take a bath in Pay Me bath crystals by Lucky Mojo. Air dry, don't towel dry yourself. Take a small bucket or a mug-size cup of your used bath water outdoors and throw it over your left shoulder to the West and don't look back.

Take all the money that you're going to play with and write, "Money, return to me" (or "RTM" for "Return to Me") and put your name (or your initials) on each bill of the money, then anoint each bill with three hoodoo oils . Lady Luck . Pay Me . and Alleged Money Drawing oil. Finally, dust Pay Me powder on all the money.

Use two vigil candles: Lady Luck and Lucky 13 candle. Put a little bath crystals in both candles. Put the prepared money under both candles, then light the candles and say, "Let this money bring me more money."

When you are done, put some Pay Me powder on your chest or bosom and go to sleep that way.

Let the money stay under the candles until it's time to go to play, then take it out -- and Good Luck to you.

This has worked for me five out of six times and the one time it didn't work it was because I did not do the work fully and I lost big time.

I went to bingo Saturday, March 12, 2005 and I won $575.00. This picture shows what it is like when it works really well: last week, March 5, 2005, i won $1300.00 and a DVD home theater, plus lots more money.

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POPULAR CULTURE Hoodoo and Blues Lyrics . transcriptions of blues songs about African-American folk magic EaRhEaD!'S Syd Barrett Lyrics Site . lyrics by the founder of the Pink Floyd Sound The Lesser Book of the Vishanti . Dr. Strange Comics as a magical system, by cat yronwode The Spirit Checklist . a 1940s newspaper comic book by Will Eisner, indexed by cat yronwode Fit to Print . collected weekly columns about comics and pop culture by cat yronwode Eclipse Comics Index . a list of all Eclipse comics, albums, and trading cards

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PERSONAL SITES catherine yronwode . the eclectic and eccentric author of many of the above web pages nagasiva yronwode . tyaginator, nigris (333), Haramullah, nocTifer, lorax666, Troll Towelhead. Garden of Joy Blues . former 80 acre hippie commune near Birch Tree in the Missouri Ozarks Liselotte Erlanger Glozer . illustrated articles on collectible vintage postcards Jackie Payne: Shades of Blues . a San Francisco Bay Area blues singer

ADMINISTRATIVE Lucky Mojo Site Map . the home page for the whole Lucky Mojo electron-pile All the Pages . descriptive named links to about 1,000 top-level Lucky Mojo web pages How to Contact Us . we welcome feedback and suggestions regarding maintenance of this site Make a Donation . please send us a small Paypal donation to keep us in bandwidth and macs!

OTHER SITES OF INTEREST Arcane Archive . thousands of archived Usenet posts on religion, magic, spell-casting, mysticism, and spirituality Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers . psychic reading, conjure, and hoodoo root doctor services Candle Ministry . Missionary Independent Spiritual Church deacons will set lights for your petitions and prayers Candles and Curios . essays and articles on traditional African American conjure and folk magic, plus shopping Crystal Silence League . online prayer request network; upload your prayers here and pray for the welfare of others Gospel of Satan . the story of Jesus and the angels, from the perspective of the God of this World Hoodoo Psychics . connect online or call 1-888-4-HOODOO for instant readings now from a member of AIRR Missionary Independent Spiritual Church . spirit-led, inter-faith; prayer-light services; Smallest Church in the World Mystic Tea Room . tea leaf reading, teacup divination, and a museum of antique fortune telling cups Satan Service . an archive presenting the theory, practice, and history of Satanism and Satanists Southern Spirits . 19th and 20th century accounts of hoodoo, including ex-slave narratives & interviews Spiritual Spells . lessons in folk magic and spell casting from an eclectic Wiccan perspective, plus shopping Yronwode Home . personal pages of catherine yronwode and nagasiva yronwode, magical archivists Yronwode Institution . the Yronwode Institution for the Preservation and Popularization of Indigenous Ethnomagicology

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What more couldnt I say about Chris and his staff. The laid back, non pushy, and honest approach. I knew I was at the right place for the best deal. The warehouse is immaculate I felt like I was in Slot Machine heaven. they even let me fish at their pond! I got to see there day-to-day operations. With 6 people on staff I must say this company must be doing something right. Most honest pricing I've seen on slots. I really enjoy the Lucky Lobstermania I picked up. April showed me the "Do's and Dont's" of the machine. Would love to buy more machines down the road. Cant stress enough the honesty that came from Chris's mouth. loved buying from a family run business. Thanks Slot Machines Unlimited! — Renee , Columbus, OH

Richard Lustig, 7-Time Lottery Winner, Gives Tips On Winning The Powerball Jackpot

An Orlando man is offering up some tips on how to win the Powerball jackpot, which is up to a record $550 million .

Seven-time Lottery Game Grand Prize winner Richard Lustig has some advice on how to increase one's odds of winning. "Luck has nothing to do with it," he told WKMG Orlando.

He advises treating the lottery like it's a job, playing each and every week, according to WKMG. "Playing smart" each week includes sticking to a budget and only buying the amount of tickets one can afford. "You don't want to wake up Thursday morning and realize you're a loser and then pull your hair out trying to replace the money you spent," he told WKMG.

On Tuesday morning, the seven-time winner disclosed some lotto secrets for Powerball players on "Good Morning America."

Here are four rules he says to stick to (via WPTV):

Pick your own numbers instead of having the machine do it for you

Research and see if your numbers have won before

Select your ten sets of numbers and keep those if you continue buying tickets

Buy as many tickets as you can afford

"Always pick the same numbers," he said on Tuesday. "Don't play Quick Picks. When you play Quick Picks, your odds are always going to be at their worst."

Lustig recommends staying away from sequences that have already come up, according to Fox 4 WFTX-TV. Lottery players can research past winning numbers online. "Luck has absolutely nothing to do with it," he said. "How can anybody in their right mind say this guy's won seven times he's just a lucky guy? Come on. Nobody can be that lucky."

Despite Lustig's lotto tips, the odds of winning the $550 million Powerball jackpot -- which is likely to increase as last-minute buyers scurry to purchase their tickets before the drawing Wednesday night -- are one in 175 million.

For perspective, a person is more likely to birth identical quadruplets, become president of the United States, drown in a bathtub or find a four-leaf clover than score a winning ticket.

Update: The Powerball jackpot increased to $550 million on Wednesday. This story has been updated to reflect this change.

Also on HuffPost:

15 Things More Likely Than A Lottery Win


From its origins in 1920 as a small, family business, Metcash (Metcash Limited) has grown to become Australia’s leading wholesale distribution and marketing company specialising in grocery, fresh produce, liquor, hardware and other fast moving consumer goods.

Metcash supports independence. Our portfolio of independent Australian retailers protects the diversity of local communities.

United, we have strength in numbers and use our network buying power to negotiate the best prices for our customers – the independent retailers. From our beginnings in food and liquor we have diversified our business to include hardware.

We have the experience, drive and enthusiasm to ensure independent retailers have a bright and sustainable future as Successful Independents .

Successful Independents

Our Values

Integrity is the foundation of our values:

Supporting our customers and suppliers

Our people are empowered and accountable

Adding value in our community

Our Vision

Growing our markets and delivering value to our stakeholders

Distribution and merchandising excellence

Retailer and consumer champions

Successful and passionate independents

Great place to work

Our Model

Our Markets

Company Structure

From its origins in 1920 as a family owned corner store, Metcash has evolved, uniting Australia’s independent grocers and diversifying its portfolio of businesses to become an ASX Top 100 Company. Headquartered in Sydney, its diverse business operations range from servicing its customers in supermarket and convenience businesses through to hardware.

Metcash’s customers are, predominantly, independently owned grocery and liquor stores, but also include hardware stores, which operate under our portfolio of brands including: IGA, Mitre 10, and Cellarbrations.

Metcash champions the interests of the independent grocery, liquor, and hardware sectors through its core competencies of buying, merchandising, marketing, brand building, distribution logistics and warehousing.

Metcash has 3 internal divisions, often referred to as business pillars, each operating in a distinct wholesaling industry segment:

Metcash Food & Grocery

Australian Liquor Marketers

All business pillars are fully owned by Metcash.

Metcash Food & Grocery

Metcash Food and Grocery (MF&G) is the wholesale dry grocery and fresh foods pillar of the business; supplying product for our brands and distributors along with support for ranging, retail operations, merchandising and marketing.

The business is supported by 5 major distribution centres delivering dry, chilled, frozen, general merchandise and hair/beauty/cosmetics. Eight fresh distribution centres deliver fresh produce, meat, bakery and deli products.

MF&G is comprised of Supermarket and Convenience divisions supplying to approximately 2,400 independent stores across Australia including:

1,365 IGA branded stores

117 Foodland stores

484 FoodWorks stores

245 Lucky 7 (convenience) stores

Within the Convenience division there are two wholesale distribution arms which service businesses around Australia, Campbells Wholesale and C-Store Distribution.

Campbells Wholesale

With a National network of over 18 branches servicing in excess of 60,000 small businesses and ABN holders across all states & territories, Campbells Wholesale are Australia’s leading distributor in Fast Moving Consumer Goods. With an extensive range of over 15,000 SKU’s in Confectionery, Grocery, Non food, Soft drinks, Dairy / Frozen, Food service, General merchandise, Office products, Liquor and Tobacco.

All branches offer a range of value added services, including e-ordering via our website www. campbells. com. au and over 100 Business Development Representatives and Telesales teams to assist in any way we can.

C-Store Distribution

C-Store Distribution (CSD) is committed to being the convenience store and route trade marketing and distribution leader. The business aims to provide a one stop shop and total supply solution to the convenience and route trade channel. In contrast to Campbells Wholesale, CSD targets the customers who have larger stores, place orders electronically and require regular, scheduled deliveries also providing critical purchase reports to help customers identify their buying trends.

Australian Liquor Marketers

Australia’s largest broad range liquor wholesaler.

Australian Liquor Marketers (ALM), Metcash’s Liquor pillar has two divisions, ALM and Independent Brands Australia (IBA). The liquor division and its related businesses operate out of 15 distribution centres (DCs) located in each state and territory in Australia, and in New Zealand.

Australian Liquor Marketers:

ALM serves as a broad range liquor wholesaler supplying over 12,000 hotels, liquor stores, restaurants and other licensed premises throughout Australia. The division has a wholly owned subsidiary, Tasman Liquor Company which operates in a similar market in New Zealand.

ALM also has a specialist on-premise liquor division supplying bars, pubs, restaurants and hotels. The division operates as Harbottle On-Premise in Australia and as Allied Liquor in New Zealand.

In August 2012 ALM signed a major distribution contract with Liquor Marketing Group Limited and Hotel & Tourism Management Pty Limited (LMG) The agreement covers supply distribution to approximately 1700 stores trading under names such as Bottlemart, Down Under Cellars, Harry Brown, Sip N Save, Western Cellars, Liquor Legends and Urban Cellars.

In June 2017 ALM acquired the shares of Liquor Traders Pty Ltd which controls the marketing of the Thirsty Camel brand in Queensland, 140 stores.

Independent Brands Australia:

IBA is a Metcash subsidiary, established in December 2003 to create strong national brands, and a suitable framework for independent liquor retailers to compete equally with the chains and secure long-term sustainability. IBA provides strong marketing support and a wide variety of retail services to its independent retailer network to ensure high standards of execution and access to joint buying power.

IBA’s 4 national independent retail brands are Cellarbrations, IGA Liquor (formerly IGA Plus Liquor), Bottle-O and Bottle-O Neighbourhood. Jointly these banners serve as a key retail partner for all the major liquor suppliers. In 2009, the IGA Liquor brand was successfully launched in WA, another step in growing the footprint of this model. IBA’s Independent Liquor Retailer Brands

ALM and IBA are committed to providing retailers with the most efficient and cost effective supply chain model possible. A large percentage of our customers would like the ability to have their entire product requirements available through one supply chain. ALM and IBA are working with all our major suppliers to provide this solution so that our customers can perform successfully in a highly competitive environment. In turn, the independent liquor retailers can provide the end consumer with a competitively priced extensive liquor range in addition to knowledgeable friendly service.

Mitre 10 (Hardware)

The Metcash Hardware pillar bears the name of its well-recognised brand: Mitre 10 – the Mighty Helpful independent hardware wholesaler committed to supporting retailers providing the best brands at great prices!

Mitre 10, formed in 1959, is the second largest player in the Australian home improvement and hardware industry. Mitre 10 joined the Metcash family in March 2010, after Metcash Limited acquired a 50.1% interest in the hardware wholesaling business. In July 2012 the purchase of the remaining 49.9% was announced; making Mitre 10 100% Metcash owned. The Mitre 10 group comprises:

Australia’s only independent home improvement and hardware wholesaler to the industry and; an iconic independent and local retail network of over 430 Mitre 10 and True Value Hardware stores.

Supported by the wholesaling part of the business, the network of over 430 Mitre 10 and True Value Hardware stores are privately owned, passionately operated and committed to helping every customer with expert advice. These stores have been providing millions of homeowners with solutions to their home improvement projects for over 50 years. They are part of local communities throughout the country with 70 percent of the stores located in regional Australia.

Mitre 10 also supplies over 400 non-branded independent stores and a significant number of trade customers through our Natbuild trade alliance.


For a large part of its history, Metcash carried the name of the founder of its predecessor business, Davids.

Founder Joe David, was the second son of Lebanese migrants; a visionary and entrepreneurial thinker. In May 1927, at the age of 24, he opened his first ‘food’ store at Woolloomooloo, NSW; closely followed by six others. As the businesses prospered, Davids continued to expand and in 1935 opened a wholesale warehouse in Surry Hills, NSW.

The Davids business identified a niche market with great opportunity; supporting and wholesaling to independent retailers. The company formed the first professionally organised voluntary retail group in NSW and also established the industry’s first Retail Services Program for independent retailers. In 1980 the company acquired AG Campbells wholesale business.

Metcash is a pioneer in distribution; warehousing expertise and a leader in supply chain and operational logistics.

To improve efficiency and drive value in the business, Davids pioneered technological improvements in their wholesale and retail operations, introducing a number of innovations to Australia: electronic data interface for retailer ordering; case labels; retail shelf labels; scanners and other systems followed over the years. Today Metcash continues the traditions established by its founder; and is acknowledged as a pioneer in distribution; warehousing expertise and; a leader in supply chain and operational logistics.

In 1988, the global retail banner IGA (Independent Grocers Alliance)was introduced to Australia. IGA has remained a flagship retail banner for independent retailers and is one of the company’s most recognised brands.

On 4 September 2000, Metcash Trading Limited (Metcash) became the official company name replacing Davids Limited. The name acknowledges the pivotal role South African owned Metro Cash & Carry (a majority shareholder from 2000-2004) in the strategic direction of the company.

In November 2005, Metcash made the significant acquisition of Foodland Associated Limited (FAL); all former FAL stores (Action, Dewson and Supa Valu stores), that met IGA specifications were rebranded under IGA.

In March 2010, Metcash acquired 50.1% of Mitre 10, the iconic hardware business with over 400 independently owned Mitre 10 stores and over 400 non-branded independent customers. Mitre 10 joined the Metcash group with a fifty year history of supporting independent home improvement and hardware retailers, who are an integral part of local communities around Australia. The focus for Mitre 10 is to generate supply chain improvements and build a strong merchandise and marketing model.

On 1 July 2010, Metcash announced it would acquire Interfrank Group Holdings Pty Ltd, the owner of the Franklins chain of 85 supermarkets, comprising 77 corporate stores and supply to 8 franchised stores. The transaction was completed in November 2011 with all viable Franklins stores converted to the IGA banner.

In 2012 Metcash entered into an agreement to acquire a 75.1% stake in Automotive Brands Group (ABG) for $53.8m on 2 July 2012. ABG is Australia’s largest distributor and franchise operator in the automotive parts and aftermarket sector.

On 14 May 2017, Metcash announced that as a result of a strategic review that it was to investigate an IPO of the Automotive Division. On 15 June, 2017 Burson Group Limited entered a binding agreement to acquire 100% of MAH, and the sale was completed on 31 July 2017, with Metcash receiving net proceeds of $225m (before tax).

Corporate Solutions

Export Services

The management and staff of Metcash Export Services have over 25 years of proven export experience. The business specialises in the export of temperature controlled and dry grocery foods, general merchandise and other store requirements.

Facilities and Territories Covered

Our broad distribution network, serviced by sea and air, covers Southern and Central Pacific, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia and the Philippines.

Metcash Export Services operates from IGA Distribution’s warehouse in Queensland, Australia. Our location, in the tropical belt, means we are able to provide customers with access to a wide range of quality products at competitive prices. We are also able to offer our exclusive range of Black & Gold products. The range includes over 800 items, both dry and refrigerated food ranges.

Our Customer Markets

Food Service Operations:

Retail Operations:

Department stores


Warehousing and distribution operations

Our Main Product Lines

Metcash Export Services stocks a wide range of imported and selected high quality locally produced food products in the following categories:

Meat Frozen or chilled full containers of export quality meat, chicken, chicken pieces, frozen and processed chicken, turkey and duck. Seafood Frozen and processed. Dairy Chilled cheeses, creams, butter and margarine. Frozen Goods Prepared dinners, desserts, cakes, ice cream and frozen vegetables. Dry Goods Canned and dry foods, ethnic foods, spices, condiments, snack foods, organic food range. Non foods or General Merchandise Kitchen utensils and glassware, gardening, tools, manchester, cleaning and paper products, stationery and office supplies, novelty lines and toys, health & beauty products, personal care products.

Documentation Services

Provide proforma invoice based on either FOB, CIF or Ex-Works. Final invoice and Bill of Lading couriered or emailed following completion of shipment. Provide Australian Quarantine Inspection Service Health Certification where required. Promotional programs emailed weekly.

Independent Solutions

Point of Sale – Independent Solutions

Independent Solutions is a national point of sale technology partner with the ability to implement and manage point of sale software for independent retailers.

For more information:

Annual Report 2017

Share Price

ASX Code: MTS $1.72

This share price is delayed by at least 20 mins

Recent Tweets

.@Unilever has launched Flora with Butter and Bertoli with Butter in Australia. Learn more: https://t. co/vbv4YPzcVo #butter 18 March 2017

.@Unilever has teamed up with @DarrellLea_AU to create two new flavours of its Streets Blue Ribbon #icecream. https://t. co/wcrv9YAhUW 16 March 2017

Consumers are being asked to look for the #greenandgold kangaroo logo when buying chocolates for #Easter. Read more: https://t. co/GHc89C4W6f 16 March 2017

#Cauliflower production in Australia is growing, according to @AUSVEG. Learn more: https://t. co/eDqUG3zCc1 15 March 2017

Metcash is committed to improving #packaging. https://t. co/4SvOWf2kuS #sustainability 12 March 2017

A new South Australian #milk brand called 'Adelaide Hills Dairies' has been released in #IGA stores. Learn more: https://t. co/jxjMLJ48eo 10 March 2017

Frozen berries supplier Matilda's has expanded its range to include mangoes. Read more: https://t. co/g21QlX6kiZ #frozenfood 10 March 2017

.@Kelloggs_AU has created #gluten free versions of its Special K and Corn Flakes cereals. Read more: https://t. co/qwHZx6OjtC 9 March 2017

Frewville Foodland in SA has won the International Retailer of the Year excellence award at the US #IGA Conference: https://t. co/W0d3hL7WpP 7 March 2017

McCormick & Company has revealed the top trends and ingredients driving the future of flavour. Learn more: https://t. co/qfGR9E1V9B 5 March 2017




Characteristics Edit

Lucky is a unique version of the standard .357 magnum revolver. In comparison to the normal .357 magnum, it deals more damage and has a higher fire-rate and Critical Chance. The barrel, frame and cylinder are made of a smooth black metal decorated with ornate gold etchings, and the polished ivory handle is inlaid with the clubs symbol. The word "Lucky" is engraved on the silver plate on the ejector tube.

Like most unique weapons, weapon modifications cannot be used on Lucky. However, it comes with the long barrel modification already added. Furthermore, it is considered an improved holdout weapon. and can be concealed and taken into weapon-free locations as long as your Sneak skill is 50 or greater.

Durability Edit

Lucky can fire a total of about 1120 standard rounds, the equivalent of 187 reloads, from full condition before breaking.

Location Edit

Lucky is found in a locked floor safe (Lockpick 75) inside the Bison Steve Hotel in Primm. Enter the hotel through the main front entrance and proceed through the doorway ahead. Follow the corridor and enter the gift shop on the left. The safe is behind the cash register.

Notes Edit

The Collector's Edition guide of the Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide lists the weapon as being obtainable in the Vikki and Vance Casino floor safe, but in the game it is in a floor safe in the Bison Steve Hotel.

Lucky and That Gun have the second highest potential critical hit chance of all one handed Guns. behind the silenced .22 pistol.

Lucky can be seen on the cover of the Fallout: New Vegas game guide.

Along with several other items, there is a version of Lucky located within the test cell TestMap01.

Behind the scenes Edit

Lucky, as with the .357 magnum revolver, is based on the Colt Single Action Army. with a few other guns used as a reference. [1]

Bugs Edit

Gallery Edit

References Edit

Weapons in Fallout: New Vegas

Parentheses () denote unique weapon variants, italics denote weapons available through add-ons. * denotes holdout weapons .


Other Wikia wikis

The new world of business

There was a time, not so long ago, when it seemed the rugged promise of the globe’s economic frontier could be summed up with a simple acronym: BRIC. To investors and corporate prospectors alike, Brazil, Russia, India, and China were like Gold Rush towns high in the hills—deep, rich veins of commerce that could be tapped by anybody quick enough, industrious enough, and brave enough to stake a claim.

Though separated by the imposing bulwarks of geography, language, culture, politics, and history, the four BRICs were kindred spirits—all were populous, underdeveloped lands with governments eager to welcome investment from Western corporations. Or so it appeared to Jim O’Neill, the son of a postman from Manchester, England, who had risen to head global economic research at Goldman Sachs—and who had ingeniously lumped these four behemoths together in a November 2001 analyst report, titled “Global Economics Paper No. 66: Building Better Global Economic BRICs.” That modest 16-page client briefing would inevitably launch untold numbers of BRIC mutual funds and ETFs, indexes, investment conferences, and Wall Street research teams. It would force major companies to rethink their own marketing and manufacturing strategies, reroute supply lines, and send billions of corporate investment dollars into a constellation of once-little-known cities from Bangalore to Shenzhen.

O’Neill’s BRIC conceit, it’s fair to say, redrew the map of global business. Consider that when the Goldman analyst coined the term, Brazil, Russia, India, and China accounted for $2.7 trillion in GDP, or 8% of the world economy. They account for roughly 19% today. (In 2010 the four BRICs invited South Africa to join the group, making them BRICS with a capital “S.”)

Back in 2001, China was just revving its engine, a $1.3 trillion economy that was the world’s sixth largest, trailing the U. S. Japan, Germany, the U. K. and France. As for Brazil, Russia, and India, none was in the global economy’s top 10. Brazil, with a population then of 177 million and a land mass nearly the size of Europe’s, had an economy smaller than Spain’s.

All are giants now. India’s GDP exceeded $2 trillion last year. China’s output is five times that, its economy second in power only to the U. S.’s. Brazil’s growth rate rose, albeit in fits and starts, from 4.3% in 2000 to 7.5% in 2010. Over the same decade, Russia’s middle class doubled in size.

Yet as much as we might celebrate the concept of BRIConomics for its insight and uncanny timeliness, it is time now to put the thing to pasture. As quickly as the world transformed at the start of the millennium, it is changing again. China’s economy is grinding into a lower gear, growing in 2017 at the slowest pace (7.4%) in nearly a quarter-century. Scandal-plagued Brazil stands on the edge of recession. A cliff dive for oil prices, sanctions, and the poor political choices of its leaders have Russia reeling, its economy on track to contract 3.5% this year.

To be sure, O’Neill and his Goldman team were quick to see that these economies would hit their estimated long-term growth targets only if political leaders were willing and able to “maintain policies and develop institutions that are supportive of growth.” In other words, these emerging stars would emerge only if they were well governed.

For many developing countries—BRICs and beyond—that’s been the key missing ingredient. A decade ago it seemed that almost every emerging market would fully emerge. Money flowed into dozens of countries, and their governments were content to let the good times roll. No need for painful reforms when all the lights are green. Middle classes expanded, and public expectations soared for ever-rising standards of living.

Then the financial crisis struck, triggering a global economic slowdown. It suddenly began to matter which of the developing states was well governed and which was not. Political leaders in emerging-market nations found themselves exposed when growth slowed and public anger surged over bad governance, corruption, and lousy public services. The eruption of protests in Turkey and Brazil in 2017 hinted at similar sentiment in other states, and those pressures are still building.

China remains a potent lure for foreign investment, and there will be plenty of opportunities for profit, even as President Xi Jinping’s reform process trims the sails on growth. Yet given the stakes involved in China’s reforms and the pushback Xi will probably receive as he cuts more deeply into the profits and privileges of some of China’s most powerful people, the risk of economic—and political—turmoil is likely to spike.

So where, now, should companies turn for their strategic investments? Well, that has everything to do with what they should look for: stability and resilience. And for that we found seven smart bets. In short, these are markets where it would seem good governance and sustainable growth are likely to go hand in hand.

Voters tossed aside underperforming governments in India and Indonesia last year to elect talented politicians promising positive change. Real reform is now on the agenda in both countries. Meanwhile, in Malaysia, an incumbent government is offering credible pledges for smarter economic management. All three will benefit in coming months from less conflict in the region. With domestic economic reform also on the agenda in China and Japan, leaders of all of Asia’s most powerful states have good reason to avoid the kind of conflict that can destabilize economies. Worth noting is that India, Indonesia, and Malaysia also benefit from political and commercial competition for regional influence among the U. S. China, and Japan.

Another region showing great promise is sub-Saharan Africa, now home to the world’s fastest-growing middle class. Investors continue to think of Africa almost entirely as an exporter of oil, gas, metals, and minerals, but services are playing an ever larger role across the continent. And governance in many countries has improved sharply. The World Bank’s 2017–14 “Doing Business” report asserted that sub-Saharan Africa has benefited more than other regions from regulatory improvement. Few countries offer greater promise than Kenya.

Finally, even in regions where growth is uneven, there are emerging markets where improved governance provides value. Latin America, Mexico, and Colombia offer opportunities that Brazil and Chile, let alone Argentina and Venezuela, cannot. Europe is in for a rough ride this year as political consensus on further reform of the eurozone erodes and external threats from various jihadi groups and Vladimir Putin’s Russia add pressure on beleaguered political leaders. Poland offers a rare bright spot.

While we couldn’t come up with a clever acronym for the lot—and we won’t make a prediction beyond the next five years—here are our lucky seven.

Change has come to India, the lone BRIC country that’s worth holding on to. An obstructionist opposition is slowing the pace of reform, but Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s consolidation of power and his Bharatiya Janata Party’s state election victories should ultimately bring deep structural changes that ought to boost growth. The central and state governments’ liberalization of labor and environmental regulations, coupled with generous new financial incentives for investment, is improving the outlook for the manufacturing sector too. Authorities are redesigning policies to attract additional foreign investment into the manufacturing, hydrocarbons, insurance, defense, and railways sectors. With all of the above, the rate of economic growth, frustratingly slow in recent years, is likely to gather steam.

There’s also a fresh new face in Indonesia. President Joko Widodo, whom Fortune named to its inaugural list of “The World’s 50 Greatest Leaders ” last year, has already cut costly fuel subsidies, and his administration is likely to enact business-friendly changes for the oil and gas sector. Savings from subsidy reduction will help fund ambitious infrastructure development plans, higher spending on education should gradually improve worker productivity, and a rapidly expanding middle class will create new commercial opportunities. Though he faces some resistance to more sweeping reforms, like the lifting of a ban on raw-ore exports, voters have made clear they expect better governance, and their new President appears committed to risking his political capital to deliver on his promises.

A worker navigates the construction site of a new pier at New Priok container terminal in North Jakarta in November. Indonesian President Joko Widodo said his government plans to build 24 seaports over the next five years. Photograph by BEAWIHARTA—Reuters/Corbis

In Malaysia, the incumbent government is trying to stay ahead of increased demand for change. Prime Minister Najib Razak scrapped fuel subsidies and will enact a 6% goods and services tax in April to improve his government’s fiscal position. Najib will likely accelerate his Economic Transformation Program by introducing further tax incentives for foreign investors. Further liberalization of the manufacturing and financial services sectors is likely as well. It’s a fair bet that as growth tapers in China (and the impact of that slowdown is felt in Malaysia), Najib’s government will feel pressure to boost public spending on infrastructure, education, and health care. That’s a good thing—particularly if authorities, as expected, continue to advance a broad fiscal reform agenda, with support from the middle class, to balance the nation’s budget by 2020.

Since President Enrique Peña Nieto took office in December 2012, Mexico has undergone a deep reform process, enacting changes to the energy industry, labor market, telecom sector, educational system, and the government’s fiscal framework. And in the run-up to the 2017 and 2018 federal elections, the government seems all the more eager to attract foreign investment, particularly in its energy sector. Given the need to develop and renovate infrastructure in the industry, near-te rm opportunities will continue to arise in t he construction and operation of pipelines, highways, ports, and other areas. Mexico’s economy should also benefit from an expanding U. S. economy, as better times north of the border bring more tourists and Mexican citizens working in the States increas e the remittances they send b ack home.

Our bet is that President Juan Manuel Santos will reach a peace deal with left-wing rebels of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) by the end of this year. That would enable the government to expand the rule of law, deepen rural development, and attract investors worried primarily about security. The Santos administration and opposition leaders broadly agree on economic policy, meaning political battles are unlikely to undermine the business environment.

No country has gained more influence in Europe in recent years than Poland, where good government is helping to grow a promising emerging-market economy. The ruling Civic Platform Party will in all likelihood return to power (as the leading party in the country’s governing coalition) following elections in 2017, enabling the government to continue its bid to liberalize the economy, encourage foreign investment, and develop national infrastructure. With that, structural reforms and government investment should accelerate, especially in the defense and energy sectors, though perhaps not until next year.

Africa’s other large economies, Nigeria and South Africa, face more than their share of political and economic turmoil these days, but Kenya appears headed in the other direction. Backed by a majority in both legislative chambers, President Uhuru Kenyatta appears poised to advance long-delayed plans to develop the country’s power sector and national infrastructure. His government has strengthened the state’s security bureaucracy in the wake of recent terrorist attacks—and the decision by the International Criminal Court to withdraw charges against Kenyatta brings a new measure of stability. The implementation of IMF-supported fixes to central bank and treasury management ought to keep inflation in check and the currency stable as well.

This story is from the February 2017 issue of Fortune.

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Air defense system hits target

by Spc. Trinace Rutledge

FORT BLISS, Texas (Army News Service, June 14, 1999) -- The THAAD system made a successful intercept of a HERA target in a June 10 flight test at White Sands Missile Range, N. M.

This was the Theater High Altitude Area Defense's first successful intercept of a ballistic missile. This was the tenth flight test and THAAD's seventh attempt to intercept. The first three tests were characterization flights used to collect data. The last seven were attempts to intercept, according to Lt. Col. Kenneth Maddox, commander, 1st Battalion, 6th Air Defense Artillery Brigade. The 1st Bn. here is the Army's only THAAD battalion.

THAAD uses technologies developed in earlier Ballistic Missile Defense Organization programs. It is the first weapon system developed specifically to defend against theater ballistic missiles. Officials said the THAAD system would provide upper tier defense for the Army's two-tier theater missile defense concept.

The higher altitude and theater-wide protection offered by THAAD will provide more protection of larger theater areas than lower tier systems alone, and is being designed to defend against medium to long-range ballistic missiles, officials said.

The THAAD system is a completely integrated weapon system consisting of radar, a battle management, command, control, communication, and intelligence (BM/C31) segment, launchers and missiles.

Maddox said he received some pressure and ridicule over THAAD's continued failure. He said, "they missed the mark of what it takes to get a hit. look back at Patriot. It took 20 or so attempts [for Patriot to hit the target]. It took THAAD half the number it took for Patriot to hit." He also pointed out that soldiers were never given the opportunity to take part in testing Patriot until late in the testing.

"We were here from day one. We got soldiers' input on what their thoughts were about what was wrong to help the system get going," he said. Soldiers made suggestions for contractors to switch locations, worked on screen displays and worked on the communications part of the testing.

"We can say we've done it," said Sgt. Jason L. Denham. "Now that we've got a hit, everyone is talking about it," he said. "I can say I was there in the very beginning when THAAD got started."

"The tenth of June 1999 will go down in history as a major milestone for our nation and our Army in terms of theater missile defense," said Col. Allen M. McDavid Jr. commander, 6th ADA Bde. "Although more work remains to be done, I want to thank the government and industry team who made this day possible.

"More importantly, I want to thank the great soldiers of 1-6 ADA (THAAD) who have clearly demonstrated both perseverance and professionalism over many months. I am very proud of each one of them!"

The program is managed and funded by BMDO and executed by the Army Program Executive Office for Air and Missile Defense and the Army THAAD Project Office in Huntsville, Ala. Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space is the prime contractor.

The Raytheon Company builds the THAAD radar. The Army Space and Missile Defense Command in Huntsville, manages the HERA target used in this test. Coleman Research Corporation and Aerotherm Corporation are the contractors for HERA targets.

(Editor's note: Rutledge is a writer with the 6th Air Defense Artillery Brigade's public affairs office at Fort Bliss, Texas.)

Visual Basic Tutorial

Writing Your First Visual Basic 6 Program

The following tutorial is being provided courtesy of Microsoft Press. It has been extracted from " Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Professional (step by step) "

Writing Your First Program

In this lesson you will learn how to:

Create the user interface for a new program.

Set the properties for each object in your user interface.

Write program code.

Save and run the program.

Build an executable file.

As you learned in Lesson 1, the Microsoft Visual Basic programming environment contains several powerful tools to help you run and manage your programs. Visual Basic also contains everything you need to build your own applications for Windows from the ground up. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to create a simple but attractive user interface with the controls in the Visual Basic toolbox. Next, you’ll learn how to customize the operation of these controls with special characteristics called property settings. Then, you’ll see how to identify just what your program should do with text-based program code. Finally, you’ll learn how to save and run your new program (a Las Vegas–style slot machine) and how to compile it as an executable file.

Lucky Seven: Your First Visual Basic Program

The Windows-based application you’re going to construct is Lucky Seven, a game program that simulates a lucky number slot machine. Lucky Seven has a simple user interface and can be created and compiled in just a few minutes using Visual Basic. (If you’d like to run a completed version of Lucky. exe before you start, you can find it in the \Vb6Sbs\Less02 folder on your hard disk.) Here’s what your program will look like when it’s finished:

The Lucky Seven user interface contains two command buttons, three lucky number windows, a graphic of a stack of coins, and the label Lucky Seven. These elements were produced in the program by creating seven objects on the Lucky Seven form and then changing several properties for each object. After the interface was designed, program code for the Spin and End command buttons was added to the program to process the user’s button clicks and produce the random numbers. To re-create Lucky Seven, you’ll follow three essential programming steps in Visual Basic: creating the user interface, setting the properties, and writing the program code. The process for Lucky Seven is summarized in the table on the following page.

Email us your comments: Fax: 1(916)404-7719 ©1999-2000 VisualBasicBooks. com. Todos los derechos reservados.

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Craps Odds and Probabilities

You may have heard that casino craps offers some of the best odds in the entire house. So you may want to explore some of odds charts and probabilities of rolling combinations of certain numbers. Basically all of the odds are connected to the two dice that are thrown. These are also six sided dice used in many other games as well such as sic bo. Because there are 6 sides on each die, two dice gives you 36 possible outcomes when you roll the them and we'll explain the odds of rolling 7's and other numbers.

Dice Combination Odds

There are 11 possible outcomes but 36 possible combinations that add up to those outcomes. These range from 2 to 12. The lowest roll you can get is 2 (snake eyes) and the highest roll that you can make is 12 (box cars). Take a look at the craps dice combination chart below to see all the possible outcomes that can be rolled.

Number of Possible Outcomes

Notice that there are 6 possible combinations of the dice that can make a total of 7. This is why the term "lucky 7" is so famous in the gambling world. There is some craps strategy that needs to be planned out after knowing the probability of certain dice rolls. You can also visualize the dice roll combinations above as well. Check out the payout odds for each bet and free odds table for charts, house edge and odds percentages information.

Calculate Craps Odds and Probabilities

If you would like to calculate the odds of rolling a certain combination, just take the number of possible combinations of that roll and divide it by the total number of possible outcomes. For example, rolling a 7 has six combinations. Therefore 6 divided by 36 would be a 1 in 6 chance of rolling a seven. Alas, the odds of rolling a 2 or 12 would be 1 in 36. If you would like to find the percentage value of rolling these combinations, just use a calculator to divide the fraction 1/36 = 0.028 = 2.8%. The probability of rolling a 7 would be 6/36 = 1/6 = 0.167 = 16.7%!

Another way of thinking about the craps game is thinking that since there is a 1 in 6 chance that a 7 will be rolled, there is a 5 in 6 chance that a 7 will not be rolled. So betting on a point number in this case or betting for the shooter to not roll a 7 is a great bet as 5 out of 6 rolls will not be a lucky seven.

House Edge Craps Odds

True odds are defined to be the fair odds where the player and the house have equal odds. When the player has true odds, this means the house has a 0% edge and the edge is eliminated. Usually the house always has an edge, which is calculated to be the difference between what odds the house pays out and the true odds. For instance, when a player rolls a 12, the odds should be paid out 35 to 1 according to the probability charts above. This is actually the true odds.

If the casino pays less than $35 for every $1 bet when a player rolls a 12, then the house would be making a profit in the long run since it's not paying true odds. This would be an example of the house edge, which almost always happens in every game in the casino because a casino is a business that eventually takes in a profit. Craps is one of the only games around where the house edge can be eliminated. By knowing the true odds and all the combination probabilities, you can really improve your strategy and make some powerful money making bets! With no house edge, you can easily play all night long without having to worry about your bankroll running out quickly either.

Play craps online at Lucky Red Casino.

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$25,000 a year for life is paid for a minimum of 20 years.


The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. All information is entered manually and is subject to error. The Maine State Lottery makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information but is not responsible for any errors contained on this page. In case of a discrepancy between the winning numbers listed on this page and the official winning numbers, the official results shall prevail. A winning ticket must be validated on the Maine State Lottery's gaming system for final winner verification. Complete Lucky for Life game information and prize claiming instructions are available from any Maine Lottery retail agent or by email at MaineLottery@Maine. gov

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Pinball Medic Amusements New Replacement Pinball Circuit Boards

Our game refurbishments will now have priority over web site board sells. Recent circuit board price changes and board information updates have not been posted on this page. New boards currently on the market have not been added. We are trying to find more sources and more types of new pinball replacement board sets to offer to the coin-op community and will be selling them again only if both board demand improves.

The general rule for Williams, Bally, Stern (early Stern board versions only), Data East and Gottlieb pinball games is every board in a pinball machine can now be replaced by a new and improved (redesigned) circuit board. The only exception to this rule is no one has been able to remanufacture sound boards because most use custom system specific chips that have not been remanufactured.

A new board eliminates the need for board repair, enhances the original board's specs with better voltage regulation, current supply/source and rids the boards of original design faults. Wiring harness connectors are the only part not replaced by a new replacement pinball circuit board. No game wiring modifications are needed to use any of these new replacement boards! All boards on this page have the following characteristics: - All boards are newly redesigned reproductions of the original Pinball printed circuit board sets and are not manufactured by the game's OEM. - They are direct 'drop-in' replacements and do not require game, board mounting or wiring harness modifications. - All boards feature a new updated circuit design using all modern components to eliminate old original board 'engineering' flaws and on board connector corrosion without sacrificing compatibility with the original board sets. - All new power supply boards include modern low voltage drop out (LDO) regulator technology for superior voltage regulation and heat reduction. The large heat sinks on the original power supply boards have been eliminated. No part is needed off the original power supply board including any wired extended connectors. - WPC & WPC-S Solenoid Driver and Power Supply board features in-rush current limiting, soft start power supplies (no more voltage spikes when the game is first switched on) and high current capacity direct logic level driven MOSFET solenoid coil driver transistors. The solenoid driver transistors can handle 25 Amps instead of the original 10 Amps and offer lower internal "on resistance" giving each coil more pull in power. - These great quality new pinball circuit boards are priced low enough to possibly make board repair extinct or unnecessary. Require only a screw driver to install.

Pinball Medic Amusements is not responsible for shipping an incorrect system board if the wrong board was ordered. We will double check to see if the correct board was ordered based on the game's title. See this page for board lists by system

USPS bulk Priority is what is usually used to ship all boards in the U. S.A. New Pinball Replacement Circuit Board Order FORM (2-12-14) The order form link has been removed. The only boards we can supply are for our repair and refurbishment games. We will restock at some later time and again offer them to the public.

Williams, Bally, Gottlieb and Data East Pinball System Board Index.

Additional boards have come on the market and will be added during our restocking. None of these additional boards are currently in stock. 'Board Identification by Game' charts are available on our Pinball Circuit Board Identification page.

New Replacement MPU/CPU Circuit Boards

Bally & Stern Power Supply / Rectifier Board used in most 1980's Games Bally & Stern Voltage Regulator / Driver Board used in most 1980's Games Data East Playfield Power Supply Board Gottlieb System 3 MPU Board, Gottlieb System 80 MPU Board. Combination Williams System 3,4 and 6 MPU and Driver Board - Replaces both the MPU and Solenoid Driver boards with one large board. Williams WPC 89 MPU board

Williams Pinball System 3,4,6 and 7 & 9 Power Supply BOARDS System 3-6=WPS36 System 7-9=WPS79 Both boards priced at $79 temporarily out of stock Systems 3-6 have different pin outs to the 7 & 9 power supply board and are not compatible with each other. They are completely compatible with the original power supply board. All boards on this page do not require any wiring harness changes and are drop in compatible with the original boards they replace.

Williams WPC-89 & WPC-S (Security PIC) Power Supply and Solenoid Driver Board Price $250 WPC89SPS Out of stock. (Shipping - $9 per board shipped to the same address)

Bally / Williams Type 2 Flipper Button O. C. BOARD Price $10 WB2FBB Out of stock. (Shipping - dependent on number of WB2FFBB boards ordered) Board shipping weight is less then a 1/2 pound.

New Replacement Power supply and Solenoid Driver Circuit Boards

Gottlieb System 1 Solenoid Driver Board, Gottlieb System 80 Solenoid Driver Board Gottlieb System 3 Solenoid Driver Board, Gottlieb System 80 Pop Bumper Board Stern's White Star system Driver Board Williams WPC Supplemental driver board Williams / Bally WPC95 Driver Board Williams / Bally WPC89 and WPC-S Driver Board Data East / Sega Universal Flipper Board Williams / Bally Fliptronics 2 Board New LED replacement displays are coming soon.

Data East Pinball Power Supply BOARD Replaces Data East board part numbers 520-5047-00 and 520-5047-01, and 520-5047-02 (Pinball Games with 128x32 or 128x16 Dot Matrix Displays (DMD display games only)) Price $79 Part Number DEDMDPS Out of stock

Gottlieb System 80 Power Supply BOARD Gottlieb part number: B-19694 Price $79 Part Number GOTTPS80 Out of stock.

Gottlieb System 1 Power Supply BOARD Price $79 Part Number GOTTPS1 Out of stock

Williams system 3,4,6 & 7-9 Power Supply boards (2-12-14) We have found a new supplier of both the 3-4 and the 7-9 power supply boards. These new boards are manufactured with much higher specifications then the boards we used to sell. We recommend anyone replacing the early model Williams power supply boards to use these new replacements over the circuit boards we now have posted on this page. We will be updating this section very soon with more details about these newly discovered better replacement power supply boards. Williams system 11 and Data East Power Supply BOARD (Alphanumeric Display Pinball Games Only) Williams part numbers D-8345-. =Game Number Original Data East part number 520-5000-00 Board Price $79 WDEPS11-A Out of stock.

Williams pinball system 3,4 & 6 power supply board Williams pinball system 7 & 9 power supply board Williams pinball system 6 power supply installed.

Note (1): A Williams system 7 through 9 type power supply board can not replace a system 3,4 or 6 pinball power supply/Voltage regulator board. The two boards have the same basic power supply components, but have different connector wiring. A system 7 MPU/CPU board can replace a 3,4,6 and 7 MPU board without any game wiring modifications.

We are not responsible for shipping an incorrect system board if the wrong board was ordered. We will double check to see if the correct board was ordered based on game title.

All power supplies on this page use a new voltage regulator design, the large heat sinks on the original power supply boards have been eliminated. No part is needed off the original power supply board and no wiring harness modifications are required to use any of these boards in your game.

Williams System Generation

Williams Pinball Game Titles

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Commercial Card games

This page contains links to information about various proprietary card games which require a special pack of cards promoted and sold by a particular manufacturer. I am not actively developing this part of the site, but from time to time I will include here relevant information and links that I come across or that people send me. Please note that there is a separate page for Collectible Card Games (Trading Card Games ). Some of the listed below games are available from www. funagain. com or amazon. com and can be ordered by following the links next to the descriptions. Since this page has become rather large, here is an alphabetical index to help you find the game you want:

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

The symbol indicates entries that have recently been added to the page. It does not necessarily mean that the game itself is new.

1-2-3 OY A pack of 90 cards by Dream Green intended for educational games. There are 5 cards for each of the numbers 0 to 16 and 5 wild "OY!" cards. Rules of several games are included, all of which are based on mental arithmetic. The same company makes an A-B-C OY! deck for word games. 6 Nimmt! (6 Takes!)

This is a light-hearted game for 2-10 players by Wolfgang Kramer. It has been reissued in American editions under the names Category 5 and Slide 5 and most recently The Walking Dead . The pack contains cards numbered from 1 to 104. Each card is worth penalty points (the multiples of 5 and 11 being most expensive), so the aim is to avoid capturing cards. Each player simultaneously selects a card from their hand and these cards are played according to various rules to a layout consisting of four rows. The cards in each row must be in ascending order, and a row cannot contain more than 5 cards. When a player's card would extend a row to six cards, the player has to capture the first five cards of the row; when it won't fit on any row that player chooses a row to capture. It's difficult to see how to develop an effective strategy, but players seem to enjoy trying. Rules in various languages are available from the Amigo game instructions page. The Walking Dead includes a variant in which the aim is to collect points rather than avoid them, and asome extra 'Hero cards', one per player, which can be used to play a card out of sequence.

An excellent card drafting game for 3 to 7 by Antoine Bauza, which won the Kennerspiel des Jahres (connoisseur's game of the year) prize in 2011. There are three 'ages' in each of which you begin with a hand of seven cards, play one and pass the remainder to your neighbour. This is repeated until everyone has played six cards and the final card of the age is discarded. The cards represent resources, buildings, military power and other features, and playing a card often requires resources or other cards to be in place. Separately or in combination, cards yield victory points which determine who wins the game when the third age is completed. Each player is also assigned a different 'wonder of the world' and can use cards to build it, gaining benefits in victory points or other powers.

You can order 7 Wonders from amazon. com.

A commercial version of Minibridge from Out of the Box games. The 52-card pack uses colours (red, green, yellow, blue) instead of suit symbols, and has numbers 2-14 of each colour, with the top four cards of each suit marked with 1-4 dots representing their Milton Work point count. Since cards of the same rank differ only in colour, these cards will be unsuitable for some colour-blind players, but it is easy to substitute a standard deck of playing-cards.

You can order Abridged from funagain. com

Alpha There are 74 cards representing letters of the alphabet - 42 consonants, 32 vowels and 2 wild cards. While the consonant cards each represent a single letter, the vowel cards give a choice of two vowels and the wild cards represent any letter. Several games for these cards are offered; for example in New Word, players take turns to make the highest scoring word they can from the cards in their hand together with those left on the table from the previous play, unused table cards being discarded after each turn. ALPHAbet playing cards (archive copy) This was a 110 card pack consisting of letters A to Z in four suits (red triangle, green circle, blue star and brown square) plus four jokers and two further wild cards. Rules were included for five games involving making words, either on a layout or by collecting cards in your hand. Armory A combat game for 2-4 players, but not a CCG (trading game). Each player has a deck of 60 cards containing two warriors and an archer who are to be provided with appropriate armaments (22 cards per deck) and then protected by a guardian (5 cards). Each deck includes 30 "mystic" cards can be played to attack other players, to counter attacks and for various other purposes. The two final attack cards can be used to win the game when your three combatants are fully armed and guarded. Authors

This American version of Quartet, Go Fish or Happy Families is sometimes played with standard playing-cards, but originally cards showing famous authors were used. Nowadays various other educational series - presidents, baseball players, inventors, etc. are also available. Players try to collect sets of four cards by asking other players for them. You can order Authors cards of various types from funagain. com

Barons of Fyn This is a kind of board wargame, but played entirely with cards, some of which represent land. The game components are free - you can download and print out the rules the card designs from the web site, cut out the cards and play. Baseball Baseball card games are an American tradition dating back to the late 19th century (Lawson's Patent Base Ball Game was patented in 1884). More modern simulations include Sportscards Baseball. which includes a pitching deck and a batting deck which includes some cards allowing "coaching moves". The cards come in a handsome wooden box which unfolds to represent the playing field, with metal pegs for the players. An outline of the rules is given on the cards, but these are quite hard to understand unless you are familiar with the workings of the real game of Baseball. The game can be ordered by e-mail from John Carr at. The American novelist Paul Auster has also designed a baseball-based card game called Action Baseball that was published in his recent Hand to Mouth: A Chronicle of Early Failure (NY, Henry Holt, 1996). The game needs 2 packs of 96 cards each, a game board, several tokens, a scoring board. The cards are printed inside the book, and the rules are given as an appendix. Battlefields of Olympus This two-player game from Smartass Games is played with 100 cards - 50 warrior cards used for battle, 30 action cards that modify the play in various ways, 14 land trophy cards for which the players compete, and 10 Ares (God of War) cards that precipitate battles. The fighting between warriors uses an unusual mechanism in which the cards are placed top edge to top edge, and the result depends on whether the colours on the top right of one card match the colur on the top left of the other. Beat the Bookie An simple but effective game based on horse race betting - requiring judgement of probabilities and with plenty of scope for psychology and bluff. There is a pack of 44 cards, each showing a balanced set of odds on a four horse race, plus two sets of cards representing the four horses (red, green, blue, black). An odds card is turned up and one player (the bookie) decides secretly which of the four horses will win the race. Then the other players bet on the horse(s) of the choice, the winner is revealed and the bets are settled. The inventor is Andrew McKinnon (acmckinnon@netscapeonline. co. uk ) Bendomino

A double-six set of 28 dominoes each of which has a 120 degree bend, so that loops can be formed in the layout. (In theory there are two possible versions of each non-double tile, since the bend could be to the left or right. The set contains just one version of each - if the tile is placed with the low end towards you, it bends to the right if the spot total is odd and to the left if it is even.) You can order Bendomino from amazon. com. Blind 31 This game by Gary Woitzik combines the objective of 31 (Scat, Blitz) with a play mechanism similar to Golf. It uses a special 65-card pack which consists of the 52 cards of a standard Anglo-Amercian deck plus 13 cards with special functions reminiscent of those found in UNO and other games: 2 Wild, 2 Reverse, 2 Skip, 5 Take All, 1 Scramble and 1 Swap. Blindes Huhn (Blind Chicken)

An unusual trick taking game, invented by Michael Schachtand published in 1997 by Berliner Spielkarten (a subsidiary of Ravensburger). The pack consists of a single series of 60 cards numbered from 0 to 59, and the player of the highest card wins the trick. The twist is that having sorted your cards at the start of the game, you are only allowed to play cards from the ends of your hand - either the extreme right-hand card or the extreme left-hand card. You cannot rearrange your cards once play has started. Some of the cards are penalty cards, showing a number of rotten eggs, and the aim is to collect as few as possible of these rotten eggs in your tricks. You can order Blindes Huhn from funagain. com Blink - see Speed Bohnanza

This is the classic bean growing and trading game. The pack consists of 104 cards representing eight varieties of bean, the most valuable types being scarcest. In front of you you lay out the beans you are growing - at most two varieties at a time, or three varieties if you invest in an additional plot of land. At your turn you acquire more beans that you must either plant or trade with other players. You earn money by harvesting beans, but it's most profitable to harvest a large number of the same variety; sometimes you are forced to harvest prematurely to create space for new varieties that you are forced to plant. Rules in various languages are available from the Amigo game instructions page. You can order Bohnanza from funagain. com Bridgette

A two-player game based on Bridge, first published by J. Q.Kansil in 1970. The 55-card Bridgette pack consists of a standard 52-card pack plus three extra cards known as Colons . the Grand Colon matches aces; the Royal Colon matches Face cards (K, Q,J) and the Little Colon matches the numeral cards 2-10. A Colon can be discarded on a matching lead: it loses the trick but stops the opponent from leading a card of the same suit to the next trick. The 2004 edition from Xanadu Leisure introduces a new variation: Bridgette Showdown, and the set includes two 55 card packs plus the dice, dice cups, wooden suit markers and bidding boards used for secret simultaneous bidding in Bridgette Showdown.

Build Word Challenge The 64-card alphabet deck contains two cards of each consonant, four cards of each vowel and two wild cards marked with a star. The cards are numbered from A=1 to Z=26 and *=27. Each card has two colours: for the letters A to M there are red/green and blue/black cards while for N to Z and * there are blue/green and red/black cards. In addition to the basic game in which players race to form as many words as possible from a limited set of letters, the inventor Larry Plaunt provides suggested adaptations of various traditional card games. Bux This is a quick card game in which by an original process of auctioning and trading players collect sets of three matching cards which they can then sell for chips. The set contains a pack of cards, chips of various denominations, and a plastic tray to hold the bank and the draw and discard piles. The 48 cards used for play have one of the four suits and one of four shapes on the front, and a chip worth 25, 50 or 100 is shown on the back. Three special "BUX 1-2-3" cards are shuffled into the deck to determine when the game ends, and four special cards with rules.

This is an attractive special deck for playing canasta. The ranks from ace down to 4 are each marked with their point values and show fruit on the numeral cards and crowns on the courts. The red and black threes are replaced by "bonus" cards with fireworks and "stop" cards with a stop sign, and the twos and jokers become "small wild" and "big wild" cards showing mice and a parrot. In addition to the normal double deck of 108 cards there are two "caliente" cards. If used in the game, these allow a player to draw extra cards at a cost of 100 points deducted from the team's score. You can order Canasta Caliente from amazon. com. Card Golf This golf simulation uses a 51-card pack whose cards represent golf clubs each of which sends the ball a specific distance - there are 9 woods, 24 irons, 8 wedges and 10 putters. From a 14-card hand the player selects a set of clubs whose total yardage matches that of the hole being played, or exceeds it by as little as possible. The number of strokes for the hole is the number of cards used plus a penalty for any excess distance. Cash Trader In this game from Girrawaa Games in Australia, players race to accumulate one million dollars of wealth in their trading companies. The mechanism is similar to that of Mille Bornes, but with a greater variety of special cards. The deck of 216 cards includes license cards to that permit a player to start trading, cash cards that represent profit, and a variety of cards that can be used to hinder opponents in various ways or to protect one's own profits from attack. Conundrum This game by Josh Young nicely combines several play mechanisms. It is a shedding game. in which players try to get rid of their cards, either by matching the previous card following a pattern such as higher, lower, same suit or opposite colour, or by collecting and laying down combinations - pairs, straights, etc. but it also has the form of a compendium game with eight possible shedding rules. Having seen their cards, players can choose whichever of the available rules would best suit their hand, but cannot use the same rule again in the course of the game, which therefore lasts for eight deals. The set includes two standard 52-card packs for playing, and eight sets of eight rule cards in different colours to accomodate up to eight players. Corporate Shuffle Another climbing game from Wizards of the Coast. in which the cards depict characters from the Dilbert cartoon series, It is similar to The Great Dalmuti but with some extra cards that have special effects. Cosmic Connexion This word game is played with a deck of 24 cards corresponding to the letters of the Greek alphabet. The alphabet cards are played to form a diamond-shaped grid on which the players trace English words, using the cards to represent English letter strings corresponding to the name or pronunciation of the Greek letter. There is a second deck of 28 'celestial' cards showing zodiac signs, planets and other celestial bodies, each with a point value: these cards are given out as rewards for making words. Coup d'Etat A four-player game related to Barbu. produced by Parker Brothers in the 1960's. It uses a 32 card pack and some extra charts and equipment. The innovation in this game is the "coup", by which another player can try to take over the declarer's role for the rest of the current set of hands. Cows Can't Dance (. but they like to be asked). This game from Gamewright contains 52 cards plus two spares, which can be used as wild. There are 4 lady and 4 gentleman dancers in each of four suits, 6 Madame Fifi cards, 7 bulls and 7 cows. This is a draw and discard game in which players try to score points by making pairs of dancers, which are placed on the table. The discarded cards are laid out separately in the "dance hall" in the centre of the table. Normally a pair is formed by a card from your hand and one from the dance hall. A lady and gentleman of the same suit can dance together; Madame Fifi can dance with any lady or gent and can break up a dancing couple to get a partner; cows and bulls can only dance with each other, and can ask for a partner from another player's hand. CrossCrib®

This is a commercial version of Table Top Cribbage. you get a board on which to lay out the cards, scorepads, and rules with variations, including versions for more than two players. The aim is to play cards on the 5x5 board so as to make high scoring Cribbage hands: one player scores for the rows, the other for the columns. Here is an archive copy of the review of it in The Game Report .

You can order CrossCrib from funagain. com

A set of 29 robust plastic cards equivalent to a double-six domino set with no double blank but with two double wild cards. These are used for a draw and discard game - the play mechanism is similar to Rummy or Tonk, but the "spreads" are chains of cards whose touching ends match and open ends add up to a multiple of five, as in a fives-style domino game. These can be "hit" by extending them to longer scoring chains. Several other games with the same cards are also offered, some of them more similar to classic dominoes.

Dia de los Muertos A rather innovative trick-taking game using a pack with three suits (pink, blue and green) and black cards that have no suit. In each trick, it is illegal to play a card of a suit that has already been played. Black cards, not having suits, can always be played. Every card has a number, ranging from 0 to 10. In general, the highest numbered card wins the trick (in case of a tie, the first card played wins the trick). Many of the lower-valued cards have special effects which must be carried out when they are played. The goal of the game is to win the "point cards", which are the 2s and the 4s, and a partnership gets a point for every 2-4 pair they win. When a player takes a point card (4, 2, or the special 0) during gameplay, they must give a "gift card" to the opponent on the right. The opponent gets a card at random, looks at it, and chooses a card to return (it may be the same card). Dominion

This enormously successful game by Donald X Vaccarino is based on the drafting mechanism which evolved as a way of building decks in trading card games such as Magic The Gathering. In Dominion each player begins with the same small deck of cards, from which a hand is drawn. Playing cards from hand enables the player to acquire other cards of their choice, which are placed in the player's discard pile along with the played cards. After each turn, players replenish their hands and when their draw piles are exhausted, they shuffle their discard piles to form new draw piles enriched by the extra cards they have acquired. The basic set includes 500 cards with various powers and properties, and numerous expansions have been published, which increase the range of cards available.

You can order Dominion from funagain. com.

Dual Value Playing Cards This is a 52-card pack with two jokers from Clever Playing Cards, in which each card has a primary and a different secondary value - for example the 5 of clubs also has a secondary value of jack of hearts. The web site has rules for a number of games designed to be played with this deck. Dutch Blitz

This is a version of the traditional competitive patience game known as Racing Demon, Pounce or Nerts. but played with special decks containing numeral cards 1 to 10 only (40 cards in each deck). It is sold as a game of the Pennsylvania Dutch.

You can order Dutch Blitz from funagain. com

The Einstein Code A game by Luc Gheysens using a deck of 16 cards (the letters x, y, z, t four times) for forming codes and a deck of 36 cards (the numbers 1 to 9 four times) for guessing them. The rules are aavailable on the T3 Flanders web site in English and Flemish. The cards can be ordered from (price 10 Euro). Eleminis

A game from Smileypop in which players race to establish a row of five different element cards (Rock, Air, Fire, Water and Plant) in front of them. At your turn you draw a card and play it face up on your own or another player's row, in an empty space or replacing the card that was there. Each element can replace two of the other elements and has two elements that can replace it. In addition to 12 of each element the 108-card pack contains 12 wild star cards, 6 worthless trash cards (for clogging other players' rows), and 5 each of 6 types of action cards which cause the player who draws them to discard one or two cards from any row(s), swap two cards, move a card, reverse the direction of play or miss a turn. When someone completes their row, everyone scores according to the quality of their own row.

You can order Eleminis from amazon. com

FaceEater A zombie-themed card game loosely based on Contract Rummy, but with numerous extra cards that have special effects. The contract for each deal is not determined in advance but chosen by the winner of the previous hand before the next deal. 104 of the 192 cards correspond to two standard 52-card decks, and the remaining 88 cards have various powers, such as giving bonus or penalty points, triggering card exchanges or counteracting the effects of other cards. The design of the cards could be clearer: they are single headed, and the 104 ordinary cards have an index (A,2,3. J, Q,K) in only one corner, so players will need to turn all their cards upright to see what they are. "Suits" are differentiated only by the narrow coloured border of the card, and most of the card area is filled with a zombie picture which gives no obvious clue to its rank. The rules supplied with the game are suppemented by a FAQ on the game's web site that clarifies some ambiguities. Family Business

Each player (there can be up to six) controls a gang of nine mobster cards. During the game, mobsters may be placed on a hit list (lined up against a wall), and the mobster at the top of the hit list is liable to be executed when a mob war takes place. Play is from an action deck of 56 cards - on each turn a player draws a card an plays one. The effects of cards are to place mobsters on the hit list, change the hit list sequence, rescue mobsters from the list, start a mob war, counter the actions of other players, and so on. As you would expect, the winner is the last player to have any mobsters left alive.

Famous Games The World 's Smallest Sports Games from Rob Bartel's Famous Games Co. There are six games in the series: Famous Fastball (baseball), Famous Forehand (tennis), Famous 500 (motor racing), Famous First Downs (American football), Famous Fairways (golf) and Famous Flagships (sailing). Each game is a neat two-player simulation of the relevant sport using just nine cards. Each set also includes two extra cards summarising the rules and a folded sheet which introduces the game and sometimes serves as a small game board. Some also require coins as playing pieces and a pen and paper to keep score. Each game has a different and somewhat original game mechanic. The web site provides online tutorials which sometimes contain rule details not provided with the cards. Also, as with many sport simulations, you generally need to have a basic knowledge of the sport itself to understand how to play the simulation. Fiasco A trick-taking game in which each player tries to collect cards of a particular suit. There are 54 cards in the decks, ranking 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-K, and there are six suits, but the six kings and six fives do not belong to any suit. Kings are bonus cards, but if you win a five you have to give away a scoring card. The Fiasco web site includes an entirely fictional "history" of the game.

Five Crowns A rummy game similar to Three-Thirteen. played with a 116 card deck. There are no aces or twos but there is an additional suit of stars and six jokers.

You can order the Five Crowns Card Game from amazon. com

Flaps An enhanced version of Switch or Black Jack (the British form of Crazy Eights ) by Paul Feagan. There are many additional special cards, and the rules for each are written on the cards. The game is named after the fours which are "Flaps" cards: when anyone plays a four other players can play fours without waiting for turns, but with no player playing more than one four in succession. Flinch ®

Flinch was copyrighted in 1901 by A. J. Patterson, then in 1903, by Flinch Card Co. and later revised in 1913. In 1904 Parker Brothers bought the exclusive licence to sell it, and finally took over Flinch Card Co. in 1938. It is a competitive patience game a little like Spite and Malice. played with a 150 card deck consisting of ten each of cards numbered from 1 to 15. Rules are also available on the Central Connector site and also on this archive page. The game is now produced by Winning Moves and can be ordered from amazon. com Fling (formerly called Suds)

A fast game for young children from Gamewright. The pack of 54 soap-sud shaped laundry cards contains peaked hats, T-shirts, boxer shorts, pants, socks and sneakers. There are also three wild cards which count as anything. The players each have a three-card hand and a face-down stock used to replace hand cards as they are used. There are no turns - players get rid of their cards as fast as they can, building face-up piles of six cards in the correct sequence on the table. The first player who runs out of cards wins.

You can order Fling from amazon. com

Flocks A children's game in which players try to collect sets of three identical birds (flocks) by a draw and discard mechanism to which is added the option of asking another player for a card rather than drawing from the stock or a discard pile. The 72-card pack has 3 each of 24 different cards. There are 21 different birds and 3 kinds of special card: wild Golden Eggs, Spectacle Birds that can look at another player's cards and Crazy Cuckoos which enable the player to swap flocks with an opponent. Fluxx

You can order Fluxx from funagain. com

A boldly original card game, in which the rules are written on the cards. Fluxx was published in 1997 by Looney Laboratories. Basically it works on a draw and discard princple - you draw cards from the stock and either play them in front of you or in the centre of the table, or discard them. The unusual feature is that the cards you play alter the rules of play and the winning conditions. Because the objective can change unpredictably the game is rather wild and there is a considerable luck element. Kristin Looney writes: "So yes, Fluxx is largely a luck oriented game, which means that hard-core strategy game fans might not care for it. Rather, it's just a good, fun, kind of silly family card game, which kids of all ages will enjoy." See also Steffan O'Sullivan's Fluxx Fix page, which has a review of the game and some suggested changes to the rules. Forrrre! (archive copy) A draw and discard game with a golf theme. The 51-card pack includes 28 scoring cards ranging from "hole in one" (-4) to bogey (+1) and 23 special cards. A hole ends when a player manages to play four scoring cards. Meanwhile the 23 special cards can be used to block other players, to steal cards, to remove blocks and so on. Foto Feud A draw and discard game in which players try to collect a complete photo in their layout. The pack contains 12 photographs cut into four pieces, plus special cards that allow a player to steal cards from other players, retrieve previously discarded cards and so on. You can obtain packs using standard photographs or upload your own photographs for a custom pack. Frank's Zoo

This is the English language edition of Zoff im Zoo . published by Doris Matthäus and Frank Nestel in 1999. It is a climbing game. best for 4-5 players, played with a 60 card pack consisting of five each of whales, elephants, polar bears, seals, crocodiles, lions, perch, foxes, hedgehogs, goldfish and mice, four mosquitos and one chameleon. The basic play is similar to President, but with several added complications. The rules on which animals beat which are subtle - for example, elephants beat crocodiles and crocodiles beat perch but elephants don't beat perch. You can play an equal sized set of animals that beats the previous play, or a set of the same animal as the previous play but with one more card. The chameleon is a wild card that takes on the identity of the animal it is played with. A mosquito, normally the weakest animal, can masquerade as an elephant when played with an elephant. Players score according to the order in which they run out of cards, and there are special scores associated with lions and hedgehogs. From the second deal onwards, players form partnerships according to their scores.

You can order Frank's Zoo from funagain. com

Free Parking In this game from Winning Moves each player has a parking meter. They can run errands worth various numbers of points, but they must make time for these errands by feeding their meter. In addition to cards representing the meters with sliders showing the remaining time, the deck contains errand cards, cards for feeding your meter, free parking cards which enable an errand to be run without using meter time, and special cards that send another player's meter to zero, cause a player with no time on their meter to be fined ("Officer Jones"), or enable you protect yourself against a fine. Each player has a hand of six cards, and a turn consists of replenishing your hand to six and then playing a card. You can also draw a card from a second deck, known as "second chance" cards, and follow the instructions on the card. Frog Juice

This Gamewright game is a sort of hybrid of a fishing game and a quartet game. with some extra features. It is based around the theme of collecting the ingredients for spells. The pack consists of 44 ingredients cards, 4 witches, 2 princes, 2 maidens, a black cat, a "witch wash" and five different spells.

You can order Frog Juice Card Game from amazon. com

F*ck This! A rude word game from BTRC. There are 125 cards, 120 containing words or groups of words and 5 giving bonus points. The cards are played to form a crossword-like grid. Players score points for completing obscene, blasphemous or otherwise offensive phrases. Available as a download of the rules and card images or in printed form ready to play. Fuddy Duddy This is an original draw and discard game with 4-card hands and four discard piles, in which the object is to collect a set of 1-2-3-4 of a single colour. There are 5 colours - red, yellow, green, blue and white (dud) and the 52-card pack contains three of each 1, 2 and 3 but only one 4 of each colour. There are two wild 4's, which can be used as any colour except dud, so a dud set (a fuddy duddy) is the most difficult and valuable to collect; also the most risky since there is a penalty for any odd dud cards left in players' hands at the end.

Gametasia This is a 56-card pack from the "Freedom Within Foundation" based on the standard 52 cards of the Anglo-American pack plus jokers in the four suits. Each card carries many extra symbols - a chess piece, a letter of the alphabet with a score, a table of chess values, various astrological and other symbols, and a fanstasy character, so that the cards can be used for a variety of different types of game, some of which also require a game board and pieces. Rules for various games are provided on the Gametasia web site, along with the board and card designs for those who wish to print their own deck rather than buy one. Gang of Four This is one of the most successful commercial adaptations of a climbing game. It was adapted from the Chinese game Choh Dai Di (Big Two) by Lee Yih and first published in Hong Kong in 1990. The cards are attractively designed in an unusual style reminiscent of Chinese communist poster art. The pack consists of cards numbered from 1 to 10 - two red, two yellow and two green of each number - plus 4 extra cards. Each numerical rank represents an occupation, from Student up to General, and the extra cards are the Chairman (highest), two Vice Presidents (next highest) and a Student Leader (ranking slightly above an ordinary student). As in all such games the aim is to get rid of your cards. The cards can be played singly, in pairs, in triples, in fours of a kind (gangs of four) and in five-card poker combinations. A combination is beaten by a combination of the same type with better cards, or by a gang of four or more equal cards, which beats anything. The scoring system penalises anyone left with a large number of cards, and this creates an interesting tension between three possible objectives:

to maximise your chance of eventually winning the hand, for which you must not let go of your strong cards too soon;

to reduce your hand to a safe level, so that you will not lose too much if someone else wins, for which you must get rid of cards as soon as you can even if these leaves you with cards that will be hard to dispose of;

to go out as quickly as possible, to try to catch at least one other player with a high score, which may taking an early risk that some play you make will not be beaten.

Gavitt's Stock Exchange

This lively 1903 stock trading game, probably the inspiration for Parker Brothers' Pit. was reissued by Out of the Box Publishing in 2003. The deck consists of 49 cards: eight shares in each of six railroad companies, plus one telegram card. Players simultanoeusly trade cards or pairs of identical cards, sight unseen, aiming to collect all eight shares of a company, at which point they can shout "Topeka" to win.

You can order Gavitt's Stock Exchange from amazon. com

Gawp This game involves recognising sets of cards from a layout: each card shows concentric rectangles in three colours, and the aim is to spot sets of three cards with the correct colour relationships. This game might appeal to people who like SET - the game play is somewhat similar but different types of pattern are involved. Geoplunge This US geographical game was invented by Alan Fishel and published in 2004. The set consists of 98 giant cards (127mm x 76mm) and a rule book. The core of the game is a 50-card deck corresponding to the states of the USA, each showing a map of the state, its rank (1st to 50th) in size, population and "statehood" (date at which it became a state of the USA), its capital, three largest cities, bordering states, state flower and state bird. The rule book describes several games that can be played with these cards, and others are described on the game's web site. These include trick-taking games, rummy-like games, and quiz games where players try to identify opponents' cards from clues. In addition to the state cards, the set includes a deck of 36 GeoChallenge cards that are used to select the clues given in quiz games - they have instructions like "opponent chooses either the Flower or Bird to read" - and a deck of 12 GeoPower cards (4 size, 4 population, and 4 statehood) that are used to determine the card ranking in some of the trick-taking games. Gettalife A draw and discard game designed by Steve Endres. Players score points by building a 4Г—4 grid of cards: each column holds one of the four suits (relationship, wealth, knowledge and experience), and a complete column contains a blue, orange, silver and gold card of the suit. Grids are built upwards and sideways, starting with the blue cards at the bottom. The more valuable cards towards the top of each column are in shorter supply. There are bonuses for completing a row or column. The pack also contains "hard knocks" cards that can be used to block an opponent's grid, "silver spoons" cards to defend against such blocks, "damage" cards to erase an opponent's score for a card, and cards with various other special effects. Gift Trap Card Game

Each card represents a gift. Players give each other gifts, choosing from the cards they are dealt. The recipient, without knowing who gave what, decides which gifts he or she prefers. The giver of the most welcome gifts wins the "trick" and the first player who wins seven tricks wins the game. The cards can be printed from the web site and cut out, or the cards from the Gift Trap board game can be used.

You can order Gift Trap from funagain. com.

Designed by Carl Chudyk and published by Cambridge Games Factory in 2005, this game for 2-5 players has a mechnism similar to San Juan. but is considerably more complex. Victory points can be scored for buildings and for materials stored in one's vault. Each card in the 144-card "orders deck" can represent a role, a building or a material. To execute a role one must play a card of the appropriate type from hand or have a card of that role installed as a "client". Roles include hiring a client, gathering and storing material, starting a building, adding to a building, and moving material from store to vault. It is also possible to requisisition materials from other players. Buildings require various quantities and types of material and provide extra powers as well as victory points when complete. The game also includes also some smaller decks: 6 jacks, which are wild role cards, and 36 sites on which buildings can be erected. The considerable effort required to understand this game is worthwhile for those who enjoy a game with moderately deep strategy. Go Bark A version of Go Fish played with a pack of 54 cards: 4 cards of each of 12 breeds of dog and six special "Go Bark!" cards which can be used to redirect a demand for a card to another player. Go Knights Go Dragons This is an expanded version of Go Fish from Dr. Dan Sullivan of Earwig Enterprises. There are 13 knights of different colours, each built from four cards, and 13 four-card dragons in the same colours as the knights, plus one 2-card knight (squire) and one 2-card pseudo-dragon. Players collect cards from these 28 sets by a version the usual Go Fish mechanism. In addition there are 13 "breath weapon" cards, which when melded along with a knight or dragon of the corresponding colour can be used to attack and destroy the dragon or knight of the same colour. By my count that makes 121 cards in the deck - presumably the 126 mentioned on the web site include some spares. Goat Lords A draw and discard game in which players score by collecting pairs of goats. Players can also 'duel' for goat pairs by playing matching goats from their hands. The deck contains 110 goat cards, plus 38 action cards that are used only in the 'strategic version' of the game. Rules are available here. Golasso A computer card game - a simulation of American Football played with four 52-card decks. Golf Widows [archive copy] The pack contains 26 red "Hers" cards, each containing a golf question like "Why are you always practising your putting in the house?" or "Why do you spend so much money of golf?" and 26 black "His" cards with answers or excuses like "I need more exercise as I get older!". "She" plays a series of questions from Her hand and "He" tries to respond with appropriate answers from His hand. The cards are also marked in the corners as a standard 52-card pack plus two jokers, so can also be used for many traditional card games. Go Surf This 45-card pack illustrates 11 types of surfing manoeuvre (4 different coloured cards for each) and there is one wipe-out card. The web site suggests several games to play with these cards - mostly adaptations of children's games such as Go Fish, Old Maid, Memory, Crazy Eights, Slap Jack and Pig (Spoons). Gone Bush An Australian shedding game, slightly reminiscent of Crazy Eights, played with a special 45-card deck depicting wildlife, hunters and bushfires. The Great Dalmuti

This is a game of the climbing group. somewhat similar to President. The main innovation is that there are more cards of the low ranks than the high, so the losing players can sometimes play a such a large set of low cards that they can't be beaten by the players with high cards. The deck contains 80 cards; there is one card of the highest rank (Great Dalmuti), two of the second, three of the third, etc. down to twelve of the lowest (Peasants). In addition there are two Jesters, which are wild. Sequences are not allowed, but Dave Howell of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. writes: The Great Dalmuti was developed from a variant of scum/asshole/etc. that did have sequences as an allowable play. It was taught to Richard Garfield by the name "The Great Dalmuti". We deliberately removed the sequences option as needlessly complicating the game. We also experimented with a couple of versions that had trump suits. The Great Running Game This is a fairly detailed simulation of a Rugby Union game. There is a pack of over 100 cards representing various runs, tackles, kicks, catches, pick-ups and sequence plays. These are used by the two players to move the ball back and forth on the pitch, which is divided into 5 metre bands. There is also a pack of 12 cards representing the referee's decisions, which are invoked when certain cards are played, and 12 cards for determining the results of line outs, scrums, drop goal and conversion attempts. Green Thumb Cards A game with a gardening theme. Some of the cards represent plants of various types and the aim is to score points by playing matching sets of these in the area in front of you (your garden). Other cards are used for attacking other players' gardens or defending your own, or cause events such as natural disasters. At the start of each turn you replenish your hand to six cards and then play one of these. Gubs A family card game for up to 6 players by Cole Medeiros. The game uses a draw-play-discard mechanism, the aim being to have the most "gubs" face up in front of you at the end of the game. As well as "gub" cards, the deck includes various events, barricades, hazards, traps, tools and interrupts, which enable players to steal each other's gubs, protect their own gubs, dismantle other players' protection, and cause various other events. There are are also three letter cards, the drawing of the last of which ends the play. Guillotine An original card game from Wizards of the Coast in which French nobles are lined up for execution, your aim being to arrange them so as to achieve the most prestigious collection of heads. It has no connection with Scott Marley's card game Guillotine (published in 1983).

This very unusual game by Antoine Bauza deservedly won the coveted Spiel des Jahres prize in 2017. The players do not compete but try to co-operate with each other to build a firework display consisting of cards in ascending order from 1 to 5 in each of five suits. What makes this hard is that you must hold your cards facing away from you, so that you see the cards of the other players but not your own. At your turn you can give a 'hint' to another player about what cards they hold, or you can discard a card out of the game, or you can try to play a card to the display. If you play a card that does not fit, the Gods send a lightning bolt, and the third time this happens the game is lost for a score of zero. If you get to the end of the pack without disaster, the whole group scores according to the number of cards in the display, the maximum being 25. The 60-card pack includes a sixth, multicoloured suit for an advanced version of the game. You can order Hanabi from funagain. com.

A Hearts variant from Hearts expert Joe Andrews. Eight cards are added to a standard 52-card pack: one Witch in each suit and four Magicians. The Witches rank between Jacks and Tens. Those in hearts and spades increase your penalty points while those in clubs and diamonds reduce them. The suitless Magicians are played like the Excuse in Tarot. They can be played to any trick to avoid following suit and always lose the trick.

Heavy Gear Fighter - Showdown in the Badlands This is a game for two players, which simulates a combat. Each player has a hand of cards representing powers and resources. This game seems akin to a Collectible Card Game in the way it is played, though it uses a fixed pack of cards from which the players' hands are dealt. Here is an archive copy of the rules. Hero House The pack has 56 cards: 14 each of heads, bodies, legs and primes. The prime cards are complete heroes; three-card heroes can be constructed from one card from each of the head, body and legs suits. Within each suit the cards have from 1 to 4 black or white dots, which determine their fighting strength against monsters, which are heroes formed by the players' discards. The aim is to collect a set of heroes that is 'balanced', with an equal number of black and white dots. High Society An auction game for 3-5 players, by Reiner Knizia. Each player has a supply of money cards which are used to bid for cards representing luxury possessions; these possessions are worth from 1 to 10 points in the final scoring. Among the cards to be bid for there are also recognition cards, which double the value of possessions, and misfortune cards, which reduce your score for possessions. When a misfortune card appears, players bid to avoid it: the first player who drops out of the bidding gets it, while the others pay what they bid. The player with least money at the end is eliminated and cannot win; the winner is the player with the greatest number of possession points among those who remain. Hol's der Geier A game of bluff by Alex Randolph, closely related to Gops and also known in English editions as Raj or Beat the Buzzard . Each player has a deck of bid cards numbered from 1 to 15, which are used to bid for prize cards: there are mice with positive values and vultures with negative values. A mouse is won by the highest unique bid and a vulture by the lowest. Equal bids cancel.

You can order Raj or Beat the Buzzard from amazon. com

The pack for this Gamewright game consists of 32 different cards representing named horses, each with different abilities, 12 "assist" cards, which can be used to boost any horse's chances in a particular type of event, and 15 "blue ribbon event" cards in the categories Hunter, Jumper, Dressage and Equitation (there is one "dealer's choice" event, which can represent any of these types). Each horse show consists of three events, represented by blue ribbon cards drawn from the shuffled event card stack. Each event card also specifies advantages and penalties for particular horses that might enter. The horse and assist cards are dealt to the players, who decide how to deploy them, the aim being to collect as many blue ribbons as possible for winning events at the four horse shows which make up a game.

You can order the Horse Show Card Game from amazon. com.

House of Lords This is a game for up to four players, in which each player controls a Lord Baron who may be accused of and tried for high treason. It is played with a set of cards made up from parts of three standard 52 card packs, including jokers, 32 chips and one 6-sided die. Each player lays out five cards of a suit to represent the Baron's household, and has an estate of 8 chips. Each player also has a hand of cards, which can be played to make allegations against other Barons and to defend your own Baron in a trial. If your defence fails, your Baron goes to prison, and if your Baron cannot afford to buy freedom, his House falls. The last surviving Baron wins.

Indochine 2000 Now published in a new edition as Solitaire for Two . Instinct A variant of Oh Hell! played with a 66 card deck consisting of five suits of 12 cards and six equal ranking trumps. If a trump is led, the other players may play any cards, and if several trumps are played to a trick the last one wins. Iota

The deck consists of 66 small square cards in a tin. 64 of them show all possible combinations of Г — Г — , and there are two wild cards which can be used to represent any card. Players score by playing cards to form a crossword-like grid in which the cards in each 'word' must either be all the same or all different in each of the three dimensions (number, colour and shape). It follows that the maximum length of a 'word' is four cards. Words score the sum of the numbers of the cards in them, wild cards scoring nothing. There are bonuses for making a four-card word and for playing all four cards from your hand in a single turn.

You can order Iota from amazon. com.

This children's game has four decks of cards. The basic deck of 68 cards consists of months, days of the week and times of day in four different colours, with which you can play a draw and discard game in which the aim is to make an appointment by collecting a month, day and time of matching colour. To this you can add the 15 'mail' cards: drawing one of these requires you to take a card from the 40-card 'good news / bad news deck', which will direct you either to discard a certain type of card or to ask another player for a certain type of card. Finally there are 16 cards showing the possibles type of appointment: when making an appointment you take the corresponding card, which orevents any other player from making a similar appointment. The game's website suggests some other games that can be played with the same cards.

Joffre This World War I themed version of the popular Canadian game Kaiser has been played since that time in various parts of QuГ©bec. The 32-card pack has four suits representing England, Russia, France and Germany with cards from 0 to 7. The cards from 7 down to 1 correspond to military ranks. The German zero is Kaiser Wilhelm II, worth minus 3 points, and the French zero is Josepf Joffre, worth plus 5. Jonola This game, formerly known as Canasta Five . is a variation of canasta played with three 52 card packs plus jokers, which has achieved great success in Australia and New Zealand. The game is speeded up by having two draw piles instead of one, and the advantage of taking the discard pile is lessened by only allowing the top five cards to be taken. Jonola can be played by two, three or four players. Jungle Speed A game based on Snap, played with a pack of 80 square shaped cards and a wooden totem, which the players grab when they notice a match. 72 of the cards show 18 different shapes, each in four different colours. Normally the object is to be the first to notice matching shapes. Many of the different shapes are deliberately similar, to lure players into claiming false matches. There are 8 special cards: two of them switch the game objective from shape matching to colour matching and back; three require everyone to play a card simultaneously; three require everyone to grab the totem.

Kalosi The 60-card pack has four suits of 14 cards and four jokers. The deign is based on the standard 52-card pack but each suit has a low 1 as well as a high Ace, and as well as four suits there are four colours, each suit and each rank having cards of all four colours. It is designed for a trick-taking game called Kalosi in which the aim is to collect cards of a certain colour and avoid the other colours. The instruction book also includes rules for other games based on traditional games but using the special features of this deck. Kuhhandel

Kuhhandel (horsetrade) is an original and unusual game which has been popular in Germany for some years. It was designed by Rüdiger Koltze in 1984 and published in 1985 by Ravensburger. In 1996 a second lightly revised edition was issued which is now being produced under the imprint of F. X. Schmid (which Ravensburger took over in 1998). An English language edition was available for a while under the name "You're Bluffing". There are two packs of cards: a 40 card pack showing 4 each of 10 types of animal with values ranging from 10 to 1000, and a pack whose cards serve as money of various denominations. A turn consists of either auctioning the top animal card of the stock, or trading with another player who has an animal card of the same type as you. The aim is to collect sets of four matching cards, and the trading mechanism guarantees that eventually all the animals are in sets belonging to the players, at which point whoever has the most valuable collection wins. An English translation of the rules is available from the Kuhhandel page at Game Cabinet .

You can order Kuhhandel from amazon. com.

LeCardo A compound word game by Leo Marshall. Each of the 52 cards shows a short word and a point value. Players score for constructing longer words by combining pairs of cards - for example 'paper' + 'work' = 'paperwork'. Lectio (formerly Lexio) This is a version of the card game Big Two from the Korean firm Dagoy. It is played with plastic tiles numbered from 1 to 15 in each of the four suits, making a 5-player game possible in which each player is dealt 12 tiles. Chips are supplied for keeping score: each player is supplied 149 points' worth of chips at the start and a game ends afetr 5 deals or when a player runs out of chips if that happens sooner. The BoardGameGeek page on Lectio includes links to English translations of the rules. Lexicon

A word game, using a pack of cards each showing a letter of the alphabet. Lexicon was first published in Britain by Waddington in 1933, and an American version was launched by Parker Brothers in 1937. In the original (1933) version, the aim is to get rid of your cards by laying them down as words. It is also possible to alter words by adding or replacing letters, without disturbing the order of the remaining letters. In later editions, variations were added, such as one in which words can be built across each other at right angles, sharing letters.

You can order Lexicon cards on line from Toptrumps. com.

LiarLiar [archive copy] This card game is based on similar principles to the dice game Liar's Dice or Perudo and the related game Liar's Poker which uses the serial numbers of dollar bills. The set contains a 10-sided die and 50 cards each showing a ten digit "serial number". Each player has one card and the players take turns to make increasing claims about the number of times some digit appears in total on all the cards in play. Unlike some games of this sort, the play in LiarLiar is halted only when a claim is challenged by all opponents. The rules include a number of variants, some of which use the die to choose a wild digit. Ligretto

A German proprietary version of the traditional game known as Racing Demon, Pounce or Nerts. Each player has a pack of 40 cards, numbered 1 to 10 in four colours. Tableaux in this game consist just of a row of three cards (or more with fewer than 4 players) with no building allowed. One game box contains 160 cards - enough for four players, but boxes are available in various colours and themes, and by combining these more players can be accommodated. You can order Ligretto from funagain. com Lost Cities

A two-player game by Reiner Knizia. The 60-card pack has 5 suits, each representing an expedition, consisting of cards from 2 to 10 and three unnumbered "investment" cards. Players build up expeditions by playing cards of a suit in ascending order only. An expedition can be preceded by investment, which increases both its cost and its potential value.

A turn based online version of Lost Cities is available at YourturnMyturn. which also has rules for Lost Cities.

Lost Heir First published by McLoughlin Brothers in 1893, this is a primitive version of the popular Canadian game Kaiser. The 32-card pack consists of four suits representing American, Canadian or British cities. Each suit has seven cards ranking from Mayor (7) down to Policeman (1). There is a Lost Heir card worth +5, a Wrong Boy card worth -3 and two blank cards which cancel the value of the Lost Heir or Wrong Boy if played in the same trick. Love Letter

A quick but interesting game played with just 16 cards, ranking from Princess (8) down to Guard (1). Players are dealt one card each. On your turn you draw a card and discard one of your two cards. Each card has a different special effect - for example discarding a guard enables you to eliminate an opponent if you can correctly guess what card they are holding. The surviving player with the highest card wins a 'token of affection' and the objective is to collect a set number of these tokens.

An undemanding but enjoyable game played with seven numbered beer coasters. They are shuffled and dealt face down in a row, then turned up one at a time. The number you find indicates which coaster is to be turned next. You win if you end with all seven face up. Lucky Seven was invented by Martin Samuel of Games Above Board and published in 2003.

You can order the Lucky Seven Card Game from amazon. com.

Magic The Gathering The classic trading card game from Wizards of the Coast. Math Attack In this two-player game, each player has a line of cards and players take turns to add a card to either line, the aim being to have the line with the higher total when the game ends. 40 of the 54 cards simply add or subtract a number from the line's running total. Other cards have other effects, such as adding or subtracting an amount proportional to the total of a line, reversing the sign of the total, cancelling the previously played card, preventing a card from being played, or ending the game. Meuterer

You can order Meuterer from funagain. com

Sequel to Verräter, Meuterer (Mutineer) is another successful strategy game by Marcel-André Casasola. It is played by three or four players. There are twelve cards representing islands are arranged in a circle. One player is the captain, who navigates the ship from island to island, but the captain's role can be taken by another player by means of a mutiny. There are cards representing goods that can be sold at the islands, and weapons that can be used to help or resist a mutiny; other cards represnt the varying roles that the players can take during the game: captain, mate, mutineer, ship's boy, quartermaster or trader. Margin for Error This trick-taking game from Sagely Games has a basic mechanism similar to American Hearts (no trumps, pass cards before play, one suit of point cards), but in a context that makes the tactics rather different. This is a partnership game, played with a 56-card pack with cards numbered 1 to 14 in four colours, and in addition there are two "goal" cards: "high" and "low". The dealer (or another player if the dealer passes) chooses the point suit and the objective. The suit is announced but the objective - to win or to lose points - is communicated secretly to partner by passing a goal card face down across the table. Michigan Rummy

This is an American commercial version of Three in One or Poch, played with a standard 52 card pack, some chips for stakes, and a board on which to arrange the stakes. Each round consists of two games played with the same cards: first you select five cards with which to play Poker ; then you play Michigan (Boodle), and collect chips whenever you play a card or combination corresponding to one of the sections of the board.

You can order the board and counters for Michigan Rummy from amazon. com

"Mille Bornes" is a fast and entertaining partnership game using the draw-and-discard principle from a six-card hand; cards have point values; players have to meld cards showing kilometers but they can be stopped by "accidents" (called Hazard Cards) placed by their adversaries. The object of the game is to be the first team to accumulate a total of 5000 points in several hands of play. Four "Safety Cards" can be used to prevent an opponent from playing certain Hazard Cards. Mille Bornes was designed in 1954 by Edmond Dujardin, a printer at Arcachon (near Bordeaux). It is the best known member of a family of card games that started with Touring (rules copyright 1906). Although Parker Brothers had for long been publishing Touring (up to 1975), in 1962 they bought a licence from Dujardin to issue an American edition of Mille Bornes. The game remains popular, either under the original French name "Mille Bornes" or translated as "1000 Miles" or even "Milestone". Rules are given on the Central Connector site, and also Dan F. Duda's page under the name Milestone. with a computer version of the game. A space travel themed version is included under the name Space Race in the collection HOYLE Card Games for Windows or Mac OS X. Mille Bornes was discontinued by Parker Brothers in 1997 but re-released by Winning Moves in 1998 under Parker/Hasbro's licence. Monopoly: The Card Game This game from Winning Moves is played with a 60 card pack: 28 correspond to the property spaces on a Monopoly board, and there are 16 house and hotel cards, 2 wild chance cards, 6 token cards, 4 "go" cards and 4 "Mr. Monopoly" cards. Each player has a hand of 10 cards and the object is to collect a hand containing one or more complete colour groups of property cards by drawing from the stock, discarding and "trading" discards with the other players. The value of a colour group can be increased by house, hotel and token cards, and go and Mr. Monopoly cards can bring extra rewards. The score is kept using the Monopoly money included in the set and the first player who collects $10,000 dollars wins. Mü

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A point trick game by Frank Nestel and Doris Matthäus (Spiele von Doris & Frank / Amigo) that won the 1996 "à la carte Kartenspielpreis". It is best for 5 or 4 players, and features a novel and ingenious method of bidding to choose the trumps and partnerships. The pack consists of 60 cards; each of the five colours has cards from 0 (low) to 9 (high) with the ones and sevens duplicated. Sevens and sixes are worth two points, nines and ones are worth nothing, and all other cards are worth one point each. The trump suit can consist of two parts, the higher part chosen by the bidder and the lower by the opponents. Trumps can be two colours (e. g. red over blue), two numbers (e. g. 3 over 7), or a number and a suit (e. g. 5 over green or black over 1). The bidding is performed by players displaying cards from their hands; this gives a lot of scope for players to communicate information which can be used later when choosing partners and trumps, and in the play. See also Doris and Frank's Müpage. which includes a forum for discussing strategy and bidding systems. Mummy Rummy

A rummy-like game from Gamewright. The 45 cards carry attractive illustrations of parts ancient Egyptian treasures. The cards are ingeniously arranged into 5 suits, each of which has 3 cards showing part of one treasure, and 6 cards showing parts of two different treasures. The players try to collect sets of three cards make complete treasures. At a turn you draw a card, put down any treasure you have completed and then discard. It is possible to draw any card from the discard heap provided that you can use it to complete a treasure; if you do this you must also take all the discards that are on top of it. If you have matched all or all but one of your cards you can knock, in which case the game ends and is scored after everyone else has had one more turn. Mytos y Leyendas A trading card game from the Chilean company Salo.

This simple but effective game by Thorsten GimmlerВ was originally published in 2004 as Geschenkt! The pack has 33 cards, numbered from 3 to 35 inclusive, and each player begins with 11 chips. Each chip is worth +1 point at the end of the game. Cards are worth minus their face value, but an unbroken sequence counts only minus the value of its lowest card. For each game nine cards are removed unseen from the shuffled pack and one card is turned up. At your turn you can either pass and pay one chip to the pool or take the face up card along with any chips that have accumulated. If you take a card you turn up a new card and have another turn. When all 24 cards have been taken the game is scored.

You can order No Thanks from amazon. com.

Ocho Vampiros This game, playable by 2 to 8 players but said to be best for 4 or 6 playing in teams, first became popular in tha American southwest, but is beginning to acquire a following in other cities. Each of the 49 cards has a street side and an indoor side. Players' cards are laid out on the table, so that their upper sides are visible to all players. In the basic game a turn consists of playing a card to the play pile and drawing a card from the stock. The game begins with all cards street side up; playing a "door" card causes the cards to be turned over to show their indoor sides. Eight cards show vampires on one side (hence the name of the game - eight vampires): there are four indoor and four street vampires. Playing a vampire captures the cards in play, and the object is to capture most cards. There are alternative versions: Vampire Thief, in which vampire cards can be stolen from opponents, and Horror Wonderland in which the cards are arranged in stacks with only the top card visible and moved according to fairly complex rules. Onexeno A pack of 70 square cards, each with a different pattern of spots in the eight edge positions (the four corners and the middles of the four sides). There are rules for three games, each involving matching the sides or corners of adjacent cards. In the first, cards are played to a grid with the aim of completing a row of five cards. The second is a solitaire game in which the aim is to build an 8x8 grid in which all adjacent cards match. The third is a draw and discard game in which players can meld combinations of from 4 to 7 matching cards. Open A game by Sergey Panfilov, consisting of three miniature 32-card packs with suits of hearts (red), diamonds (yellow), clubs (green) and spades (blue) plus a set of various jokers. The cards of each suit are numbered 1-8 in the first pack, 10 to 80 in the second and 100 to 800 in the third. Many different games are offered; in all of them the cards are moved around an 8x8 game board with squares marked in the colours of the four suits. I freeware PDF file with the rules, card and board designs for the initial version of the game are available here.

A commercial variant of Contract Rummy. with a few innovations. It was first published in 1982 and is now sold by Mattel, who bought it from Fundex in 2010. There are ten contracts (called "phases"), but instead of playing just ten deals, one for each contract, it is necessary for each player to make each contract before moving on to the next. Thus players can be aiming for different contracts on the same deal. Most of the contracts are made up of sets and runs as usual, but contract 8 requires a 7 card flush. The 108 card deck has 4 suits of 12 cards (duplicated) plus 8 wild cards and 4 "skip" cards which cause the next player to miss a turn. The suits are distinguished only by colour, so the cards may be difficult for colour-blind players to use. Rules are available on the Central Connector site.

You can order Pico from funagain. com

A game of bluff invented by Frank-Sven Nestel. It is somewhat related to GOPS. but with several interesting twists. It is played with a pack of just 11 cards (originally numbered 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-13-16 but the new edition Pico 2 will have 11 and 12 instead of 2 and 3). The two players each place a card face down and expose them simultaneously; the winner a trick is the player of the higher card, provided it is not more than twice the lower card. If the higher card is more than twice the lower card, the lower card wins. The card that wins the trick is placed in front of the person who played and scores at the end; the losing card is put back into the player's hand and can be reused in future tricks. Pico can be played online at the turn-based servers Brettspielnetz. de (German) and Jijbent. nl (Dutch).

Pigasus A game from Gamewright. which is similar to the traditional children's card game known as Pig or Spoons . but cards are drawn as well as passed so that the hands increase in size. The 55 card pack onsists of 11 sets of 5 cards, each set depiction a pun involving pigs. The cards are dealt out so that everyone has a face-down Pig Pile. Play is simultaneous and consists of alternately drawing a card from your Pig Pile and passing a card to your left-hand neighbour. As soon as anyone has a pair of cards from the same set they slap the table (or you could grab a spoon of which there are one too few or put your finger to your nose as in the traditional games). When someone slaps, so does everyone else, and the last to do so loses a life. There are variations where you can slap without a pair, but you then lose a life if someone correctly challenges you. Pig Pile

You can order Pig Pile from funagain. com

This is a version of Shithead. played with a special deck of cards, with illustrations of a farmer pig eating corn. There are cards numbered from 1 to 12, corresponding to the cards 3 to ace, and "high AND low" cards, corresponding to the twos in the traditional game. There are eight cards of each number, corresponding to a double deck. Only three identically numbered cards are needed to remove the pile. Three cards have special actions: as usual the 8 (Hog Wash - equivalent to 10 in the standard pack) clears the pile; the 4 (Hog Tied - equivalent to 6) skips a player and the 11 (Ewe Turn - equivalent to king) reverses the direction of play. The game comes with little rubber pigs that are used for scoring. Pit®

A lively trading game, copyrighted by Parker Brothers in 1903. The deck consists of sets of cards representing various commodities. Older decks have 9 cards each of corn, wheat, oats, flax, rye, barley and hay; some new ones have 8 each of corn, oats, sugar, cocoa, barley and wheat. In addition there is a bull and a bear card. The game is played with one commodity per player; everyone trades cards at once and the aim is to collect a complete set of one commodity. The bull card is a wild card, and the bear card is a useless card which you must get rid of to form a set. The game is now produced by Winning Moves. Rules are available on the Central Connector site. From amazon. com or funagain. com you can order classic Pit or Deluxe Pit (with bell) Pitstop A draw and discard game from White Holland Corporation with some similarity to Mille Bornes. Players compete to be the first to play a start card, lap cards in order from 1 to 8, and a finish card. A player's progress can be interrupted by a pitstop card played on them by an opponent. An exit pit card is needed to remove its effect. There are also wild cards that can be used as subsititutes for missing lap cards. Pokémon A trading card game from Nintendo. Pokey Joe A betting game without money for up to 6 players, using cards as chips. The 60-card deck has cards numbered from 1 to 10. The smaller numbers rank higher (1 highest) and are in shorter supply. The cards are dealt out equally at the start. In each round, players look at their top card and bet poker-style on whose card is best, using their remaining cards as (equal valued) chips. This is repeated until one player wins by collecting all the cards. Prompt Card

The main 60-card pack consists of 28 player cards, 28 stage cards, 2 stop cards and 2 leverage cards. Player cards and stage cards have a collection of symbols and a number. The aim is to capture a stage card by playing a player card, which is possible when the number on the player card multiplied by the number of symbols common to both cards at least as large as the number on the stage card. The stop cards are shuffled with the stage cards and potentially end the game; the leverage cards are shuffled with the player cards and are wild cards that can capture any card. There is a separate pack of six asset cards which can be used to alter the order in which stage cards are played for. The game is available from the inventor Niyi Kolade: call +234 8067557709 or e

mail. A new edition was published in 2017 in which the symbols promote various products and businesses.

This is a rummy-like game in which the combinations are words. It is played with a pack of 118 cards, of which 108 show single letters and 10 show two-letter groups. Players take turns to draw and discard until someone is able to form all their cards into words after discarding. Each of the other players then has one more turn in which they make as many words as they can; then all score the value of the words they have played less the value of the unused cards in their hands.

You can order Quiddler from funagain. com.

This game (formerly known as Switch) is played with a 64-card pack and one special die, whose faces show "+", "-" or "=". Each card has a letter and a number - they range from A1 to H8. Players try to get rid of their cards by playing to them to a discard pile. When the die shows "=", each card played must match the previous card's number or letter, so the play is similar to the traditional game of Switch or Eights. If a player runs out of cards or no one can play, the die is rolled and everyone replenishes their hands to five cards. When the die shows "+" the number or letter of each card played must be one more (later) than the previous card, so the play gets stuck if you reach H8. Conversely, when the die shows "-" the number or letter must decrease by one each time and A1 blocks the play. Play can be simultaneous or turn based according to the players' preference.

You can order Qwitch from amazon. com

You can order Race for the Galaxy from funagain. com.

This game for 2-4 players designed by Thomas Lehmann and published by Rio Grande Games in 2007 has a mechanism similar to San Juan, but its greater complexity allows for a wider variety of strategies. The main pack of 114 cards contains 64 planets and 50 developments, but can also be used as money (paying to settle a civilian planet or install a develpoment by discarding other cards) or as goods (which can be produced on planets and later traded for cards or consumed for victory point chips). These chips score in addition to the points for planets settled and developments installed. Each player has a set of voting cards which are used to select the phases which will take place in each round, the possibilities being exploration (drawing cards), installation of developments, settlement of planets, trading and consumption of goods, and production of goods. Planets and developments have various powers: some planets can produce, some can consume, some provide military strength that is required to conquer military planets. The key to success is to install a combination of planets and developments that work well together. There are several expansions including a greater variety planets and developments, versions for 1, 5 or 6 players, and extra game features. Rage

A game based on Oh Hell!. played with a 108 card pack consisting of six suits numbered 0-15 plus 12 special cards, which have effects such as changing the trump suit or causing the winner of the trick to gain or lose points. Rules are available on the Central Connector site.

You can order Rage from amazon. com.

Random Quest (archive copy) A draw and discard game in which the objective is to collect all the cards of one solar system and eliminate all other cards from your hand. The pack of 67 cards consists of 5 solar systems - each with a sun and nine planets - and 17 power cards - one black hole and four each of comets, moons, quasars and asteroids. A turn consists of drawing the top card of the stock or any number of cards from the top of the discard pile, and optionally discarding one card. Power cards can be played to take cards from other players, to prevent another player doing this, to take any selection of cards from the discard pile, or to take the top discard out of turn. Rat a Tat Cat

This game from Gamewright is based on the traditional card game Golf. Of the 54 cards, 45 are rats, numbered from 0 to 8 (four each) plus nine nines. Each player has four of these face down, which they try to remember, and the aim is to collect the lowest total and then stop the game. At your turn you draw a card form the stock or discard pile, and can use it to replace one of your cards. There are also nine cat cards with special powers: three allow you to swap one of your cards (unseen) with another player; three give you two extra turns; and three let you peek at one of your cards.

Revenge of the B-Movie A quick, undemanding game for 3-6 players - entertaining for those who like creating bizarre movie titles. Each of the 63 cards contains part of a title for a potential B-movie. Using these cards, players build movie titles with as much "cult value" as possible and then attempt to sell their movies by rolling a die. There are some useful reviews at BoardGameGeek. Rook ®

Rook is a deck of 57 cards and also the name of a group of games played with those cards. The cards are sold by Parker Brothers who copyrighted the game in 1906, and under licence by Winning Moves. Some people play Rook with a standard playing-card deck, and there are several other rather similar games played with standard cards in various parts of the world. It is not quite clear which of these are adaptations of Parker's Rook, and whether Rook itself was based on a pre-existing game played with ordinary cards. 93 years after its American debut in 1906 Rook at last landed in continental Europe: in 2009 the French branch of Hasbro began marketing a game called L'Escroc (the Crook) which is Rook in another guise! You can order Rook or Deluxe Rook from amazon. com or funagain. com. Roolz An expanded version of Rook using a pack of 100 cards. There are six suits numbered from 0 to 15 plus four special cards - two "roolers" and two blank cards. The game is for up to six players; with fewer than five some low cards are removed from the deck. There are two trump suits, one outranking the other, and the roolers are added to these suits as lowest trumps. The blank cards can be used as an alternative to following suit (rather like the fool in classic tarot games). The suits are distinguished only by colour, so the cards may be difficult for colour-blind players to use. the game can be obtained from the inventor Brandon Morris (bmorris@microsoft. com ) and a computer version can be dowloaded from the web site. Rummikub ®

A set of 106 coloured and numbered tiles, consisting of two each of numbers 1 to 13 in red, orange, blue and black, plus two jokers, used to play rummy games. Rummikub is credited to Ephraim Hertzano, a Romanian-born Israeli who designed the game in 1955. It was later licenced to the German publisher Intelli and to the American publisher J. Pressman & Co. in 1980. It is striking that the equipment is more or less identical to that used for the traditional Turkish game Okey and for the traditional tile rummy games played in Romania and other south-east European countries.

You can order RummikubВ® games from funagain. com.

Rummoli This is a Canadian version of Three in One or Poch, played with a standard 52 card pack, some chips for stakes, and a board on which to arrange the stakes. In this version each round consists of two games played with the same cards: first you select five cards with which to play Poker ; then you play Michigan (Boodle), and collect chips whenever you play a card or combination corresponding to one of the sections of the board.

You can order San Juan from funagain. com.

This card version of the board game Puerto Rico was designed by Andreas Seyfarth and published by Rio Grande Games in 2004. The 110 cards can represent buildings, goods or money, depending on how they are placed or used. Players take turns to choose a role - to draw cards, place a card as a building, produce goods, sell goods, etc. Normally the choice allows everyone to perform the selected action, but the player who chose the role gets a privilege. The objective is to score as many victory points as possible by placing buildings, but these must be paid for by discarding cards from one's hand. Some are production buildings which allow goods to be produced and sold for cards, which in turn can be used to pay for more buildings, while others provide enhanced powers or discounts or extra victory points. The original play mechanism involving roles and multi-purpose cards has proved particularly successful and has been used in other games such as Glory to Rome and Race for the Galaxy. Sconudi This 50-card pack contains 2 copies of each of 25 cards showing the numbers 1 to 5 and the shapes square, circle, triangle, crescent, star. Each card also has a colour (red, yellow, blue, black) and a direction (up, right, down, left, all) but these are determined by the shape and number - for example both the 2 circle cards have colour "blue" and direction "right". The 5 stars cards are "black all directions", and count as wild for colour and direction in most games; the others are evenly spread: 8 different cards of each colour and 6 of each direction. Rules for nine suggested games were provided on the maker's web site (archive copy). Scratch My Back An English language teaching card game. The 108 cards bear sentences of various kinds, which the players speak in turn as they play the cards, creating a conversation. Each conversation begins with a request, to which the next player can respond by agreeing, declining, asking the reason, passing it on to another player, making an excuse, and so on according to the cards held. Senet Card Game Taking as its starting point a reconstruction of the ancient Egyptian board game Senet, this game uses cards instead of stick dice to control movement. A hand of five cards gives the player a choice of moves at each turn, using a mechanism similar to that of the North American games Tock and Pegs and Jokers. The card deck consists of 32 cards representing the possible throws of four stick dice, plus seven special hieroglyph cards that allow a pawn to be moved to the corresponding special square on the board. Sequence

A commercial version from Jax games of a traditional American game, known by various names including One-Eyed Jack. It is played with two standard 52 card decks and a board containing two images of every card except the jacks. When you play a card from your hand you place a chip on one of the corresponding cards on the board, the aim being to achieve a row of five of your chips, known as a sequence. Jacks enable you to place a counter anywhere on the board or remove an opponent's counter.

You can order Sequence from amazon. com

Set is an original game using a deck of 81 cards. Players try to be the first to spot matching sets of cards within a layout. This game originated in the USA and has now also been released in Germany.

You can order SET В® from amazon. com

Ship Card Game The cards for this game are part of the SpaceNTime game system, and will eventually be used in other games with additional components. The 54-card Ship deck, available separately, consists of 12 Clones, 8 Boats, 12 Shuttles, 12 Starships and 10 Wild cards. In the Ship card game players attack opponents using a War - like mechanism to win cards from them, and the object is to collect sets of similar cards that can be traded in for points. A solitaire option is also provided. Shit Trumps A Top Trumps game published in 2009. Die Sieben Siegel

"The Seven Seals" by Stefan Dorra, published by Amigo and other companies and also known as Wizard Extreme or Zing . is one of the most successful of the many commercial games based on Oh Hell!. The pack consists of 75 cards numbered 1 to 15 in each of five suits, distinguished by colours and symbols, of which 15 are dealt to each player (with fewer than 5 players, the pack is reduced by removing cards equally from the suits). Players must predict not only how many tricks they will win but in which suits. This is done before the play by taking the appropriate "seals" (small coloured discs) from a central pool, to which they are returned as the promised tricks are won. Any seals you have left over at the end of the play count 2 penalty points against you, but if you win a trick for which you do not have a corresponding seal, you must take a black seal, worth 3 penalty points. The red suit is permanently trumps: a player who wins by trumping can choose to to count this as a red trick or a trick in the colour of the suit that was led. In each hand one player, instead of taking seals, can take the role of Saboteur, whose aim is to make sure that as many opponents as possible win unwanted tricks. The fact that all players can see the seals that the other players have chosen to take gives Die Sieben Siegel some extra tactical depth not found in other games of this family. Six Generations The pack consists of 72 cards representing people of six generations. There are couples from 20 countries of early 19th century Europe and five generations of American descendants (16, 8, 4, 2 and 2 cards) which can be laid out in various ways to form a family tree, the last generation of which is a brother and sister living at the start of the 21st century. Players are dealt 6 cards each and take turns to add a person to the family tree, starting from the European generation and adding descendants, and drawing cards when unable to play. The web site has rules for several other games that can be played with the same cards. Sixteen A straightforward two-player game from Alpine Games, using a 54-card pack with 13 cards in each of four colours plus two wild cards. In each colour there is a zero and two each of cards 1-6. Playing alternately, players aim to win the play pile by completing a set of three consecutive cards of the same number or colour or by hitting a total of exactly sixteen. Going above sixteen gives the pile to the opponent. Skip-Bo

Skip-Bo was first designed and published by The Skip-Bo Company in 1967. In 1980 the licence was bought by International Games, the creator of Uno. Skip-Bo is a commercial version of Spite and Malice played with a special deck of 162 cards - 12 sets numbered 1 to 12 and 18 "skip-bo" cards which serve as jokers. Pablo Fuentes has written Skip98. a shareware version of SkipBo which can be played against the computer over over the Internet using ICQ or Chat.

You can order Skip-Bo from amazon. com

Skuncum (previously known as Campaign Politiks) Although this election game includes a large board for laying out the cards and scoring, it is essentially a card game with an unusual trick-taking mechanism. Each trick represents an election race consisting of a "primary" during which players organise themselves into factions and a "campaign" that determines the winning faction, members of which may score for cards won in the trick. The pack contains 134 cards - 115 "suit" cards representing votes and 19 "action" cards which can be used to affect the outcome. Slamwich

A children's game from Gamewright. This is a game of fast reactions, similar to Egyptian Ratscrew but played with special cards. There are 55 cards, shaped like slices of bread; 40 are various types of food (four of each), 12 are munchers (numbered 1, 2 or 3; four of each) and three are thieves. At your turn you play your next card on the discard pile. If two identical food cards appear in succession or separated by just one other card (a sandwich) or whenever a thief appears, the pile can be claimed by the first player to slap it. Munchers work like the pictures in Egyptian Ratscrew or Beggar my Neighbour - the next player has to play the indicated number of cards, and if this happens without event the muncher gets the pile. Snag-it This game uses a standard pack of cards with jokers, counters and a special game board. When cards are played on the board, adjacent cards must be equal in number or adjacent in number and the same suit. Points are scored for creating spaces where no card can be played, and by playing particular cards to certain special spaces. Soaps A card game for 2-5 players in which each player produces a soap opera, using cards representing stereotypical characters (58), events (116) in which the characters can be involved, and marriages between characters (6). Points are scored for the events, according to who is involved. Each turn represents a day and the shows run for four weeks, the last of which is "sweeps week", after which the highest scoring player wins. Solitaire for Two

Formerly known as Indochine 2000, this game is played with a set of tiles corresponding to a six-suited deck of playing-cards. The extra suits are wheels and anchors (green) and there are three jokers, one of each colour, making an 81-card deck. The set is intended for playing an ingenious Solitaire game invented by J. Q.Kansil, but the 81 tiles can clearly also be used for six-suited adaptations of all kinds of card games.

Somerset Somerset is a game of tricks, trumps and bidding with unequal length suits. The designations of the cards look like fractions: 5/8 is the 5 of the 8s suit, and so on, and there is one special card S/S, which is always the lowest trump. The highest bidder chooses the trump suit and points are scored for tricks and for certain scoring cards - the middle card of each suit and the S/S. The Somerset web site. maintained by James Wiersma and Jerry Childs, describes single, double and triple forms of the game played with packs of 28, 50 and 92 cards respectively. Rules and cards for Double Somerset can also be obtained from the SomersetCards web site. Space Beans

A game by Uwe Rosenberg, published by Rio Grande Games. The pack contains 105 cards: 7 suits of 15 cards, each with one each of 1-3 and 2 each of 4-9. Players form collections of cards of one suit, and the value of such a collection is equal to the number of cards in it, but only if it contains a card of that number. The mechanism is unusual and works surprisingly well: you have cards in your hand, you can optionally draw from the stock, you play as many cards as you like of one suit to one of your collections on the table, and then pass your whole remaining hand to your left hand opponent (who at this point has no cards). You can only have two collections on the table at a time - the older one face up and the newer one face down; if you want (or are forced) to start a collection in a third suit, you have to cash in your face up collection for what it is worth, if anything, and discard it. The theme of the card designs is an odd mixture of beans and science fiction. The rules of Space Beans are available on the publisher's web site. Spectromancer This is a computer game based on trading card games, successor to the older games Astral Tournament and Astral Masters . Players battle for control of the magical plane using creatures and spells.

Speed was invented by Reinhard Staupe and published in 1995. In North America it is known as Blink and in Israel it is Sprint . It is not quite the same as the traditional game of Speed or Spit played with the 52-card pack, though both games are a race to get rid of cards by playing to two face up discard piles. In the proprietary game of Speed or Blink each card you play must match the previous card on the pile where it is played, either in the shape, colour or number of symols on the card. There are 6 symbols, 6 colours and 5 numbers, but only 60 cards in the pack, 12 of each number 1 to 5, including two of each number/colour and number symbol combination. Details of the rules and history of various editions of can be found on this archive copy of the Let's Speed site.

Splink This game combines features of several competitive patience games such as Spit. Racing Demon and Spite and Malice. Each player has a pack of 42 cards: 1-10 in each of four colours (cards of two colours have suns, the other two have moons), plus a wild Splink! card and a Freeze card. Play is simultaneous. Cards are built in upward sequence in colour on the central "point piles", and can be stored for later use in private stash piles, which card built in downward sequence alternating suns and moons. The Splink! card can substitute for any needed card, and the Freeze card stops the other player(s) for 5 seconds while you continue playing. Stack 21 As the name suggests, the aim is to form stacks of cards adding to 21. Each player has four stacks, each begun with a face down card. At your turn you draw a card and must play it face up on a stack. A stack of exactly 21 is complete and will score at the end of the game; a stack which goes over 21 is bust and cannot be played on or score. You cannot bust an opponent's stack; if you try to play a card on an opponent's stack that makes it more than 21 the opponent rejects the card and you must play it on your own layout. The deck consists 104 cards: there are numeral cards from 0 to 10, plus four "instant 21" cards which immediately complete a stack by making its total 21. Some of the numerals are "bonus" cards which increase the score if included in a completed stack; some are "keepers" which must be played on your own layout if you draw them. Simple and elegant; well designed cards; easy to learn. Sticheln A trick-taking game by Klausch Palesch, published in 1993. The first edition, for 3-6 players, was a 90-card pack numbered 0-14 in each of six suits; later editions include 30 extra cards (15-18 in three suits and 15-20 in three suits) to allow up to 8 to play. Each player is dealt 15 cards and puts one face down to represent his or her penalty suit. In the play, all cards greater than zero in all suits other than the suit led function as trumps. Players lose the face value of all cards taken in their own penalty suit but score +1 for each other card taken. Stone Soup

An enhanced version from Gamewright of the traditional game Cheat (sometimes known as "Bullshit"). The cards represent seven types of soup ingredients, and there are extra cards representing stones and salt. As in Cheat, players try to get rid of their cards by playing them face-down to a discard pile (soup), adding ingredients in a fixed order. A player who is caught adding the wrong ingredient has to pick up cards from the pile. The stone cards can never be played legitimately - the only way to get rid of them is to claim they are a valid ingredient and hope not to be challenged. The salt cards can be used to enable a player to pass their turn, thus passing the responsibility of adding the next ingredient to the next player in turn. You can order Stone Soup from amazon. com. Suds - now renamed Fling Summon the Dragon This is a game with trumps, tricks and bidding for four players in fixed partnerships. It is slightly reminiscent of Bid Whist. though this may be a coincidence as the author says he has never played that game. The deck has four 13 card suits representing the four elements, plus a dragon card which is the permanent highest trump, or highest or lowest card of any suit at the holder's choice in a "no trump" bid. The high bidder has the choice of exchanging the four card kitty or "summoning the dragon", in which case the holder of the dragon card must give it to the bidder, who discards one card; the original holder of the summoned dragon gets the kitty as compensation and discards three cards. In the play, trumping is compulsory if you do not have the led suit, and the last trick counts as two tricks. Supersquads (archive copy) Supersquads is a two-player card game based on (Association) Football. The basic play is similar to Top Trumps: the cards represent players with various amounts of skill in five categories. Each player draws a card, one chooses a skill category, and the more skilful player in this category wins both cards. The game is made more interesting by being able to pick teams from the available players and allocate your players as forwards, midfielders and defenders in your chosen formation. By winning a sequence of plays you earn a shot at goal: you choose the type of shot and its success is determined by a "shoot!" card drawn by your opponent. There are also red cards, yellow cards and goalkeeper cards which can be added for a more advanced game. The set contains three teams (each with 20 ordinary players, two goalkeepers, a red card and a yellow card), plus a pack of 24 different "shoot!" cards. Swap This game is similar to Eights or Uno. but more lively and with even less scope for thought or tactics. It is only necessary to match the colour of the previous play - the cards have no ranks. Some cards have special effects: there are cards that allow players to change the colour that must be played, cards that require players to swap hands, and cards that require the other players to slap the discard pile, the slowest player having to take a card from the person who played the slap card.

Tack A 60-card pack from Gameyex with an unequal distribution of denominations 0-9 (5s, 6s and 7s predominate) in two "suits" (black and white). Each card has various other attributes including a "lens" usually divided into three coloured sectors and somtimes an "archaic icon" in the centre. These can be used for a range of games, some original and some based on traditional games. Rules are available on the Gameyex web site. along with computer implementations of some of the games. Target

A draw and discard game in which players collect and score for various types of card sets (straight, flush, three of a kind, etc). There are two decks: the larger deck consists of 82 playing cards: there are numerals 0 to 9 in four suits (cards 2 to 8 duplicated) plus ten wild cards numbered 0 to 9 which can count for any suit; the smaller deck has 28 "target" cards, each of which defines a type of combination which the players can try to make, and the score available for the first who succeeds. Five target cards are turned up and five cards dealt to each player. Whenever a player achieves a combination corresponding to any of these cards, they win the target card and a new one is turned up in its place. You can order Target from amazon. com Tichu

This game is published by the Swiss firm Fata Morgana Spiele . and seems to be quite closely related to the Chinese game Zheng Fen. The special pack for this game contains 56 cards, and is essentially like a standard pack with four jokers. The normal suits are replaced by suits of jade, sword, pagoda and star, and the four jokers, each of which has a special property, are the sparrow, the phoenix, the dragon and the dog. Tichu has become quite popular among games enthusiasts in Switzerland and Germany. The Fata Morgana Tichu Spezial page has further information, including details of tournaments. An English translation of the rules is available from the Tichu page at Game Cabinet . You can order Tichu from funagain. com. Top Trumps This group of games, first produced by Dubreq in the UK in the late 1960's, uses a mechanism similar to that of War. but with special cards each of which has various attributes such as speed, weight, length and so on. Decks have been published based on many different themes. Top Trumps cards can be ordered from the Winning Moves (Cult and Cool) site. TraveLight A draw and discard travel game in the tradition of Touring and Mille Bornes but with a self-help theme. The aim is to score 1000 by playing "light years" cards - there are 24 of these in the 74-card deck with values of 50, 100 and 200. Your progress can be delayed by "baggage" and "wrong turn" cards and assisted by "reality check" and "movin' on" cards. Triple Topper This is a pack of 125 cards containing 5 suits, 5 numbers and 5 colours in all combinations. This 'three dimensional' pack can be used to play a variety of games, which are explained on this archive copy of the rules page. They include: Craziness (a version of Crazy Eights), Memo-Match (a version of Memory / Pelmanism), Bust the Dafuhzit (a version of Spite and Malice), Caffeine (a version of Speed) and Six Suit (an original game in which you try to give the opponents six cards with a common suit, number or colour). Some of the games are available in Java versions to play online against computer opponents. TRIPOLEY ®

A commercial version of Three in One. containing a deck of cards, chips for the stakes, a cloth layout on which to place the stakes, and rules. In each round three games are played with the same cards: first chips are won for holding cards on the layout, then you select five cards with which to play Poker. and you end the round with a game of Michigan (Boodle).

TRIPOLEY® sets by Cadaco can be ordered from amazon. com in many different editions.

Tri-Virsity A rummy game in which the melds are words. The pack has 132 cards - three suits of different colours each contain 41 letter cards and two wild cards and there are three wild cards that can be used with any suit. Players can meld words of three or more letters of one colour, or extend words that other players have melded. Players score for cards melded according to the point values printed on the cards, and are penalised for unmelded cards when another player goes out. Twilight

You can order Twilight from funagain. com

A point trick game for 4 players (2 against 2) with an original trick taking mechanism. The pack has 28 cards - 14 sun and 14 moon, and one suit belongs to each team. When it is your turn to play to the trick, a card of your suit must be played. You may either play such a card yourself or direct one of the other three players to do so on your behalf. The trick is won by the player in whose turn the highest card was played, irrespective of suit. The sun and moon cards are distinguishable from the backs so that you can see how many of each suit each player holds. There are a couple of other unusual features. When the highest card (sun or moon) wins a trick, the cards in the trick count for the winner of the following trick. The lowest three cards of each suit are multipliers; they only work for their own team, and they multiply their card points by 1, 2 or 3; if you don't win any of your own side's multipliers in your tricks you score nothing. Twilight was designed by Wolfgang Werner with graphics by Robert Korschofski and is published by Bambus Spielverlag Berlin. whose web site includes the rules in English. There is an English language edition with the name Dr Jeckell and Mr Hyde . TZAP Rummy A manipulation rummy game, which was launched in Florida in February 2005 and is steadily gaining popularity. Six TZAP cards are added to a standard pack to make a 58-card deck. The TZAP cards can be used either as wild cards or to zap other players, causing them to miss a turn and draw a card from your hand. Some manipulation rummy games have the problem that there is no incentive to meld early, so players just collect cards with the aim of playing them all at once at the end. TZAP rummy neatly discourages this destructive tactic by limiting the number of cards that can be played in one turn, making it risky to hold too many cards in your hand. Other features, including restrictions on the use of wild cards and "locking" of runs that include one wild card make for a well balanced game, and the possibility of zapping opponents can lead to an exciting endgame.

A popular game of the eights group. first designed and published by International Games, Inc. in 1972. The pack consists of 108 cards including four suits of different cards plus wild cards and special cards for skipping the next player, reversing the direction of play and making the next player draw cards. For details see Daniel Johnson's How to play Uno page. The UNO site at wonkavator. com has rules and other resources, including news, a forum, and a collection of Uno variants, both official and submitted by players. This site (pagat. com) has a collection of invented variations of Uno submitted by readers. The Central Connector site has an UNO FAQ .

Verräter (Traitor) is a good but fairly complex strategy game by Marcel-André Casasola, which feels much more like a board game than a card game. The 'board' consists of 12 cards representing territories, to be arranged in a circle. They can be turned over to show their allegiance to either of two factions. Each of the three or four players can also support one or the other faction, and it can often be profitable to change sides during the game - hence the name Verräter (traitor). There are other cards representing player roles and actions and resources that can be used in conflicts.

Vici In this unusual game, the four players take turns to pass cards to other players and receive replacements, the aims being (a) to collect a hand of only one suit and (b) to identify correctly who is collecting each of the other suits. The card designs have an ancient Roman theme; the 56 card pack has the usual suits of hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds, but each suit contains both a 'one' and an 'ace', for a total of 14 cards per suit. Vie A word game using a deck of 54 square cards showing from one to four letters. These are played in a 3x3 square grid: on your turn you cover one of the grid cards with a new card and score for words in the row and column of the card you played that use the letter(s) on it. Many of the cards can be played in two or four different orientations to give different sets of letters.

Wackee Six A variation of the traditional game of Racing Demon or Nerts. with packs with different coloured backs for up to six players. The cards have large numbers from 1 to 13 in four colours in place of the traditional suits. Each pack also includes two wild cards, which can be played in place of any needed centre card provided that the next card in sequence is played at the same time. The players race to get rid of a row of six face up cards and a face down stack of six cards which replace the face up cards as they are played to the centre. Waterworks TM - also known in a German edition Leg das Rohr The pack consists of cards that show lengths of pipe - straight, curved and with junctions, with and without leaks, plus valves, spouts and spanners to repair the leaks. By playing cards to a layout you try to be first to complete a water-tight pipe of the required length from your valve, ending in a spout. Waterworks is now produced by Winning Moves. Rules are available at the Central Connector site. WhizORD A straightforward word game played with a pack of 108 cards showing letters of the alphabet. Each player is dealt seven cards, can discard some of them and draw replacements, and must then make the highest scoring word they can. Whot!

This is one of the earliest commercial games based on the traditional game of Eights. First published by Waddingtons in Britain in the 1950's or 1960's, it uses an unusual 53-card pack consisting of five unequal suits (circles, squares, triangles, crosses, stars) and four or more wild Whot! cards which are used to change suit. Although it is no longer so well-known in Britain, it has become extremely popular in Nigeria.

Wingo Dingo Two identical packs of 27 cards, each card showing eyes, mouth and head in a different colours, plus three special cards. Two games are offered: in one you guess the identity of a card hidden by your opponent, using information on how closely it matches various cards that you play; the other is a version of Snap. Wizard

This is a variation of the traditional game Oh Hell! - it is officially for 3-6 players but can be adapted for any number from 2 to 12. Eight special cards - four jesters and four wizards - are added to the standard pack, making a total of 60 cards. In the first deal each player is dealt 1 card; the size of hands increases by one in each deal, until the whole pack (or as much of it as possible) is dealt. A card is turned up to determine the trump suit; if it is a wizard, the dealer chooses the trump suit; if a jester, the hand is played at no trump (making the wizards particularly valuable, as they retain their power). Players can bid any number of tricks - the bids may or may not add up to the total tricks available. You score only if you make your bid exactly; if you take too many or too few tricks you lose. The wizards and jesters can be played to any trick. Wizards always win the trick (if several are played to the same trick the first wins) and jesters lose (a trick consisting entirely of jesters is won by the first played). If a wizard is led to a trick the other players may play any cards. If a jester is led, the next player may play any card, and this determines the suit to be followed. An online version of Wizard with owls for wizards and moles for jesters is available as Oh Hell! at Game Duell . Wizard can also be played at the Wizard Cards web site. and by e-Mail on Richard's Play-By-eMail Server.

You're So Bad A game played with 52 special cards and a 20-sided die. Each player in turn draws a card and rolls the die to determine whether it belongs to that player or has to be auctioned or can be assigned to another player. The eventual owner of the card rolls the die a second time to gain or lose points as determined by the four numbers at the bottom of the card. So the game is about evaluating the risk or reward from a die roll given that the aim is to avoid 'strikes', which occur when a player's score goes lower than -20 or a player accumulated more than 5 'chicken points' - penalty points that can be taken as an alternative to rolling the die. Yu-Gi-Oh! A trading card game based on comics and TV animations by Kazuki Takahashi.

Zêtre A four-suited deck, with five "letters" in each suit instead of three ("JQK"). Three dice are rolled, and players attempt to form totals equal to the cards in their hand by applying numerical operations to the numbers showing on the dice. Zoff im Zoo - see Frank's Zoo Zoki A set of 34 square cards, marked on their four sides with 0, 1, 2 or 3 stripes. They can be used for a variety of games. Some involve building a layout where that touching sides of adjacent cards match; others are inspired by various traditional card games. Zoolu This is a draw and discard game played with a 66-card pack. 50 of these show animals of five colours (Green, Blue, Orange, White and Pink) and five types (Cheeky, Freaky, Zany, Cutesy and Cruisy). Then there are 3 Chameleons which can be used as any colour or type and 13 Kaos cards which have various special effects when discarded. The aim is to collect five animals of the same colour or the same type: the colour or type you must collect is determined by a 'target card', which is dealt to you from a separate pack of 20 cards containing two of each possible target.

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The TJX Foundation in the U. S.

The primary mission of The TJX Foundation is to support U. S.-based programs that provide critical basic needs and opportunities to families and children in communities where we do business. In the U. S. much of our charitable giving is coordinated through this Foundation, which funded approximately 1,650 nonprofit organizations in 2017. The Foundation proudly supports a wide variety of organizations from our brands’ charitable partners to local giving, including when we make a donation to a local charity with each new store opening.

Giving Guidelines 1

If your nonprofit organization would like to apply for potential funding from The TJX Foundation, you will find information on these pages to guide you through the application process. While we cannot fund all worthy causes, we intend to carefully review all eligible applications. Please note that The TJX Foundation is currently focused on supporting U. S.-based 501(c)(3) charities that conform to the following giving guidelines:

Basic needs for in-need families and children:

Access to food, shelter, clothing

Lives free from domestic abuse

Access to opportunities for in-need youth:

Programs outside school that enable school success in preK-12

Workforce readiness for youth (16-24 year olds)

To be considered for a grant, the nonprofit applying must:

Be aligned with our mission

Be located within 15 miles of a store, distribution center or office

Be a registered 501(c)(3) for at least the past 12 months

Not have received funding from TJX in the past 12 months

Have a public non-discrimination policy

Please note, TJX does not support:


Capital campaigns

Staff salaries

Third-party giving/foundations


Political groups/parties or lobbyists


Organizations requiring recipients to accept a specific belief or doctrine to receive services

If you have questions, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions .

1 Giving Guidelines and information on how to apply for funding are not available on-line for The TJX Canada Foundation and The TJX U. K. Foundation. The information on this page is for U. S. 501(c)(3) organizations.

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The Seven Crystal Systems

The seven crystal systems are a method of classifying crystals according to their atomic lattice or structure. The atomic lattice is a three dimensional network of atoms that are arranged in a symmetrical pattern. The shape of the lattice determines not only which crystal system the stone belongs to, but all of its physical properties and appearance. In some crystal healing practices the axial symmetry of a crystal is believed to directly influence its metaphysical properties. For example crystals in the Cubic System are believed to be grounding, because the cube is a symbol of the element Earth.

There are seven crystal systems or groups, each of which has a distinct atomic lattice. Here we have outlined the basic atomic structure of the seven systems, along with some common examples of each system.

Cubic System

Also known as the isometric system. All three axes are of equal length and intersect at right angles. Based on a square inner structure.

Crystal shapes include:

Cube (diamond, fluorite, pyrite)

Octahedron (diamond, fluorite, magnetite)

Rhombic dodecahedron (garnet, lapis lazuli rarely crystallises)

Icosi-tetrahedron (pyrite, sphalerite)

Hexacisochedron (pyrite).

Common Cubic Crystals:

Tetragonal System

Two axes are of equal length and are in the same plane, the main axis is either longer or shorter, and all three intersect at right angles. Based on a rectangular inner structure.

Crystal shapes include:

Four-sided prisms and pyramids


Eight-sided and double pyramids

Icosi-tetrahedron (pyrite, sphalerite)

Hexacisochedron (pyrite).

Common Tetragonal Crystals:

Hexagonal System

Three out of the four axes are in one plane, of the same length, and intersect each other at angles of 60 degrees. The fourth axis is of a different length and intersects the others at right angles. Based on a hexagonal (6-sided) inner structure.

Crystal shapes include:

Four-sided prisms and pyramids

Twelve-sided pyramids

Double pyramids

Common Hexagonal Crystals:

Trigonal System

(Rhombohedral System) - Axes and angles in this system are similar to the Hexagonal System, and the two systems are often combined as Hexagonal. In the cross-section of a Hexagonal crystal, there will be six sides. In the cross-section of a Trigonal crystal there will be three sides. Based on a triangular inner structure.

Crystal shapes include:

Three-sided prisms or pyramids



Common Trigonal Crystals:

Orthorhombic System

(Rhombic System)Three axes, all of different lengths, are at right angles to each other. Based on a rhombic (diamond-shaped) inner structure.

Crystal shapes include:


Rhombic prisms


Double pyramids

Common Orthorhombic Crystals:

Monoclinic System

There are three axes, each of different lengths. Two are at right angles to each other and the third is inclined. Based on a parallelogram inner structure.

Crystal shapes include:

Basal pinacoids and prisms with inclined end faces

Common Monoclinic Crystals:

Triclinic System

All three axes are of different lengths and inclined towards each other. Based on a 'triclinic' inner structure, meaning 'three inclined angles'.

Crystal forms are usually paired faces.

Common Triclinic Crystals:


No crystal structure. Most of these are either cooled too quickly to crystallise - such as obsidian or moldavite, or are organic - such as amber.

Common Amorphous Minerals:

Sweepstakes and Lottery Scams

Like the swallows returning to Capistrano, it was easy to predict that scammers would try to cash in on the awareness and hype surrounding the record Powerball jackpot. Officials confirmed Thursday that three winning tickets had been sold.

Cue the scammers. It wasn't long before this message was making the rounds on Facebook:


Court puts brakes on global sweepstakes scam

Consumers were taken for millions despite prize money ‘guarantee’

A Washington, D. C. reporter for more than 30 years. Read Full Bio→

A federal court, acting on a request from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), has temporarily shut down a sweepstakes operation based in Fort Lauderdale that took more than $28 million from consumers throughout the U. S and other countries, including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom.

The FTC wants a permanen end to the allegedly illegal practices and a return of money to victims.

“This outfit promised people huge prizes and collected millions in fees but never paid out a dime,” said Jessica Rich, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “If someone says you have to pay to claim a sweepstakes prize, assume it’s a scam.”

The charges

The FTC’s complaint and other court filings claim the defendants mailed personalized letters that falsely told consumers they had won large cash prizes -- typically more than $2 million. The prizes are “guaranteed,” the letters stated, but to collect the money, consumers had to mail the defendants a $20-$30 fee by cash, check or money order. To create a false sense of urgency, they set a deadline, typically 10 days, and warned consumers they would forfeit their winnings if they didn’t pay on time.

In reality, consumers had not won anything. The defendants have no connection to any sweepstakes and cannot award or pay anyone the promised prizes.

“Only in dense, confusing language, at the bottom or on the back of the letters,” the FTC explains, do they admit that the only service they provide is compiling “reports” about sweepstakes and contests offered by other parties that are open to the public.

By design, the defendants’ disclaimers are unclear and inconspicuous, and fail to alert consumers to the truth, and most consumers don’t even receive the “reports” and would never have agreed to pay $20-$30 for them.

The parade of defendants

The defendants are Mail Tree Inc.; Michael McKay Co.; Spin Mail Inc.; MCP Marketing Activities LLC, also doing business as Magellan Mail and Magellan Marketing; Trans National Concepts Inc.; Romeria Global LLC, also d/b/a Lowenstein Varick and Nagel; Supreme Media LLC; Vernier Holdings Inc.; Awards Research Consultant LLC; Mailpro Americas Corp.; Masterpiece Marketing LLC, also d/b/a Affiliated Opportunities Group (AOG), Corporate Accounting Authority (CAA), Dispatch Notification Services (DNS), Information Reporting Group (IRG), National Directory Center (NDC), and Priority Information Exchange (PIE); Matthew Pisoni; Marcus Pradel; John Leon; and Victor Ramirez. The court issued an order that temporarily stopped the illegal conduct, froze the defendants’ assets, and appointed a receiver to control the operation while the FTC pursues the case.

“No one is permitted to steal hard-earned money from members of our community,” U. S. Attorney Wifredo A. Ferrer said. “This office will work with international, national and local law enforcement agencies to prevent these types of sweepstake fraud schemes, and we will bring those who commit these crimes to justice.”

A federal court, acting on a request from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), has temporarily shut down a sweepstakes operation based in Fort Lauderdale that took more than $28 million from consumers throughout the U. S and other countries, including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom.

The FTC wants a permanen end to the allegedly illegal practices and a return of money to victims.

“This outfit promised people huge prizes and collected mill.

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Hello. This is the Washington DC Office of Consumer Affairs calling to inform you that youve won the second place prize in the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes! Call us toll free at 1-877-271-XXXX to find out how to claim your $450,000 prize.

So began the phone message received by Mr. L. M. Kent, of Ohio. Mr. Kent listened as Stacy Phillips calmly explained that Mr. Kent would need to pay only $850.00 for insurance on his winnings.

They sounded very professional.

Atlantic Lottery Warns Consumers Of Scam

Atlantic Lottery Corporation, which runs games in Canada, is warning U. S. consumers that scammers are using its name to try to steal money from unsuspecting victims. The company says the latest fraud case targets individuals in the United States in a lottery letter scam.

The letter says the recipient has won $35,000 in an international promotion program. It indicates that a check will be mailed to the winner from a North American Payment Center upon payment of a "release fee" and applicable taxes.

A contact name and phone number is provided to assist with verification, processing and payment.

"Phone numbers often go back to people involved with the scam, and they will indicate that your winning notification is legitimate," the company said in a fraud alert posted on its Website.

Atlantic Lottery says that to win any of its cash prizes, you must have purchased a ticket from an authorized retailer in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island or Newfoundland and Labrador, or on their PlaySphere website. The company said it is not authorized to operate lotteries or games of chance outside of Canada.

The letter says the recipient has won $35,000 in an international promotion program. It indicates that a check will be mailed to the winner from a North American Payment Center upon payment of a "release fee" and applicable taxes.

A contact name and phone number is provided to assist with verification, processing and payment.

"Phone numbers often go back to people involved with the scam, and they will indicate that your winning notification is legitimate," the company sa.

Massive sweepstakes scam halted

You are a 'guaranteed' winner -- but you're not

A Washington, D. C. reporter for more than 30 years. Read Full Bio→

A massive sweepstakes scam that has taken more than $11 million from consumers throughout the U. S. and dozens of other countries including Canada, the United Kingdom, France, and Japan, has been brought to a screeching halt -- for the time being anyway.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is seeking to put a permanent end to the allegedly illegal practices that have continued for seven years, and return money to victims.

Bogus letters sent

According to the FTC’s complaint, Liam O. Moran, a resident of Ventura, Calif. and his companies, mass mail personalized letters to millions of consumers telling them that they have won a large cash prize, typically more than $2 million with bold, large-type statements such as “Over TWO MILLION DOLLARS in sweepstakes has been reserved for you.”

Consumers are told that they can collect the prize by sending in a small fee of approximately $20 to $30. The letters often indicate that recipients are “guaranteed” to receive the prize money if they pay the fee, and they create a sense of urgency by stating that it is a limited-time offer.

In “dense, confusing language,” often on the back of the letters, there are statements in direct conflict with the bold claims of major winnings, the FTC said. A very careful reader might learn that he -- in fact -- has not won, and that the defendants do not sponsor sweepstakes but instead claim only to provide consumers with a list of available sweepstakes. Consumers frequently fail to see or understand this language and send money to the defendants.

The FTC contends that this language does not appear designed to correct deceptive statements, but exists mainly as an attempt to provide a defense to law enforcement action. Consumers get nothing of value in exchange for their payment.

The defendants have sent more than 3.7 million letters during the past two years, including nearly 800,000 letters to people in 156 countries in the first half of 2017. They have collected more than $11 million from consumers since 2009. The vast majority of the victims of this scam appear to be over 65.

The case continues

The court order temporarily stops the illegal conduct, freezes the operation’s assets, and appoints a receiver over the corporate defendants while the FTC moves forward with the case.

Moran’s co-defendants are Applied Marketing Sciences LLC; Standard Registration Corporation, also doing business as Consolidated Research Authority and CRA; and Worldwide Information Systems Incorporated, also doing business as Specific Monitoring Service, SMS, Specific Reporting Service, SRS, Universal Information Services, UIS, Compendium Sampler Services, and CSS.

A massive sweepstakes scam that has taken more than $11 million from consumers throughout the U. S. and dozens of other countries including Canada, the United Kingdom, France, and Japan, has been brought to a screeching halt -- for the time being anyway.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is seeking to put a permanent end to the allegedly illegal practices that have continued for seven years, and return money to victims.

According to the FTC’s complaint, Liam O. Mora.

Bogus sweepstakes promoters made millions

$11 million judgment imposed but defendants say they can't pay

A sweepstakes promoter has been permanently banned from direct mail marketing and is liable for a $9.5 million judgment under a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission, which charged her with violating a previous court order by running a sweepstakes scam.

“There’s a price to pay to violating a court order in an FTC case,” said Jessica Rich, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “In this case, that’s $9.5 million and a permanent ban on direct mail marketing.”

In April 2007, Crystal Ewing and other defendants were banned from prize promotions to settle FTC charges that they deceptively enticed consumers in the U. S. Canada and the United Kingdom to send money to collect large cash prizes that, in fact, did not exist.

Ewing now admits to violating the 2007 court order through her work with another FTC defendant, Glen Burke, and a prize promotions company, Puzzles Unlimited LLC, that duped consumers with the illusory promise of sweepstakes winnings in exchange for processing fees.

Payout notice

Using direct mail ads, Puzzles Unlimited enticed consumers to enter promotions by using terms like “Notice of Grand Prize Payout” and “Grand Prize Guaranteed,” which led consumers to believe they had already won thousands of dollars and just needed to fill out a form containing a simple puzzle and submit a “processing fee” of $10 to $15.

But the vast majority of consumers received no “Grand Prize Payout” & Ndash; or any other payout whatsoever. Instead, the consumers who submitted “processing fees” continued to receive additional rounds of puzzles that they were told they must complete correctly in order to claim the prize money.

With each round of mailers, consumers were misled with promises of bonus winnings in exchange for additional fees. At each step of the way, consumers were told they were tied for first place in the promotion regardless of whether or not this was true.

A sweepstakes promoter has been permanently banned from direct mail marketing and is liable for a $9.5 million judgment under a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission, which charged her with violating a previous court order by running a sweepstakes scam.

“There’s a price to pay to violating a court order in an FTC case,” said Jessica Rich, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “In this case, that’s $9.5 millio.

Beware of this FTC sweepstakes-letter scam

The FTC warned that it is NOT mailing sweepstakes letters to anybody

The fake lottery scam is one of the oldest of cons, usually preying on desperate people willing to believe that Fortune has finally smiled on them. Only, it never does.

Since the fake lottery, or sweepstakes scam works so well, scammers are still using it. It usually works this way:

A potential victim is contacted by phone or mail and told they have won a rather substantial cash prize in an international lottery. The scammer usually tries to build excitement in the victim, asking them how they will spend the money and urging them to celebrate.

It's only then that the scammer reveals the victim must pay a fee – often several thousand dollars – to secure release of the funds. It's either described as taxes or a processing fee.

Showing up in West Virginia

West Virginia Attorney General Darrell McGraw this week warned residents of his state that the sweepstakes scam has been showing up more than usual.

One recent victim in Bluefield, West Virginia, was targeted by thieves in Jamaica who in October of 2010 called him asking for "taxes" in the amount of $400.00 in order to collect his $10 million lottery prize. Once he made an initial payment, they contacted him repeatedly over a ten-month period with stories of unexpected bank charges and other fees, until they had collected more than $40,000.00.

Each time, they convinced him the winnings were real, using personal information about him which anyone can obtain over the Internet. Unfortunately, the victim has only Social Security to support him, is disabled, and badly needed the income as the only support for his hospitalized wife and extended family members. Having borrowed thousands from friends to make the foreign payments, McGraw says the victim is now facing foreclosure after failing to pay his mortgage for over four months.

Scammers use small pieces of information

"Since we hear of unexpected windfalls from legitimate lotteries, people can be easily convinced an exciting new opportunity is valid when it is not,” McGraw said. “Unfortunately, the convenience we all enjoy from modern technology is also convenient for thieves – scammers are more convincing when armed with small pieces personal of information about us, right from the Internet."

Since most victims are seniors, caregivers and loved ones should make sure they understand that they could not have won a lottery or sweepstakes if they didn't enter. Here are other things seniors, and others, should know to avoid becoming a victim:

Don’t act immediately. High pressure calls or emotional pleas are danger signs of fraud. Get all information and consider it carefully.

Be wary of requests to send a payment by wire service or private courier. The company may be trying to avoid detection from postal inspectors or to get your money before you have a chance to change your mind.

Don’t pay if it’s free or if you have won. Paying a fee to claim a prize or get something free is another danger sign of fraud.

Check it out. If you are not familiar with the company, check its track record with your state or local consumer protection office. Even if there is no information about the company, you can get helpful advice.

Do not believe promises of easy money. No one can legitimately claim you will make large earnings from business opportunities with little or no work, promise high returns on investments with little or no risk, or guarantee that you will win a lottery or sweepstakes.

Don’t provide your Social Security number unless you’re applying for credit or employment. Using your personal information, crooks can steal from you and impersonate you to steal from others.

Beware of recovery services. These are often scams designed to take your last dime by falsely offering to get money back that you lost to a fraudulent scheme - for a fee. There is no charge for filing a complaint with a government agency

Follow the rule of thumb: If a deal is too good to be true, it probably isn’t true.

The fake lottery scam is one of the oldest of cons, usually preying on desperate people willing to believe that Fortune has finally smiled on them. Only, it never does.

Since the fake lottery, or sweepstakes scam works so well, scammers are still using it. It usually works this way:

A potential victim is contacted by phone or mail and told they have won a rather substantial cash prize in an international lottery. The scammer usually tries to build excitement in the victim.

Fraudulent prize promoters nabbed

The Federal Trade Commission and other law enforcement officials have put the gloves back on to knock out the latest round of prize promotion fraud. In a recent law enforcement effort - "Project Prize Fighter" - the FTC, the U. S. Postal Inspection Service, State Attorneys General and others have joined forces to combat these scams. "Project Prize Fighter" has resulted in 24 law enforcement actions against more than 40 defendants in 9 states.

The cases have a slightly different twist to the classic "You Have Won" sales pitch. The bogus prize promoters target consumers who have previously entered sweepstakes and tell them that they have won but must first pay a fee in order to receive their prize.

"Project Prize Fighter" targeted bogus prize promoters who used telemarketers and the U. S. mail to tell consumers they had won a significant cash prize, ask for and pocket consumers' money in advance of delivering the prize, and deliver nothing.

"These scam artists lied," said Jodie Bernstein, Director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection. "They lured consumers into their schemes with the promise of a prize, then asked them to pay for it. These fraudsters added illegality to insult and injury by failing to deliver the prize. That's when law enforcement got into the ring and stopped the action."

"These criminals victimize consumers hoping to strike it rich by winning a valuable prize," Chief Postal Inspector Ken Weaver said. "If someone says YOU must pay money in order to receive a prize you supposedly have won, then you really haven't won. Consumers across the country lose millions of dollars every year to fraudulent prize promotions. To be a real winner, protect yourself from get rich quick claims. Remember, a prize is won, not bought."

In each of the FTC's cases announced today, the defendants were charged with violating the FTC Act by falsely representing that consumers would receive a prize. In fact, none of the consumers received the "prize" that the defendants promised. In two of the cases, the defendants also were charged with violating the Telemarketing Sales Rule ("TSR") by misrepresenting that consumers had won a prize and that consumers would receive their prize if they made a payment to the defendants. In addition, in numerous instances, the defendants falsely represented that consumers' bank accounts would not be debited until after they received their prizes. In fact, defendants immediately debited the accounts of consumers and never forwarded any prizes.

The FTC filed complaints against: Cecilia M. Castillo, Ian Anthony Suite, Global Network Enterprises, Inc. Republic Enterprises, Inc.; Cory Banks, doing business as National Network Services, New World Services, Inc. d/b/a Services for the New World; and Jeffrey L. Landers d/b/a Adpro, Inc. Two of the complaints were filed under seal and the seals have now been lifted.


Global Network, headquartered in Costa Mesa, California, using the assumed name TCM, contacts consumers nationwide by telephone, and tells them that they have won $5,000 or more in sweepstakes money. Consumers are told that in order to receive the monetary prize, they must pay $289 in state sales or gift taxes. Consumers are then asked for their checking, savings or other bank account information, and in some cases, even their social security numbers. In many cases consumers are assured that no money will be withdrawn from their account until they actually receive the prize money. However, the complaint alleges, within a few days of the initial call, all of the consumers' accounts are debited. None of the consumers contacted by the FTC received the promised prize winnings.

New World Services, located in Long Beach, California, contacts consumers nationwide by telephone, informing them that they have won either $5,000 or $10,000 from a sweepstakes they recently entered. In order to receive the prize, the consumers are told, they must pay a "fee" for income taxes, state taxes or shipping and handling owed on the prize. The fees vary from $250 to $270. The defendants tell consumers that they will have to pay the fees only after their prizes are received, and then ask the consumers for their checking account numbers--either to facilitate payment by direct debiting or to "verify" that the consumer has a valid checking account. The defendants then immediately use the checking account information to debit consumers' accounts. None of the consumers receive the promised prize winnings. According to the FTC, most of the consumers who receive these calls have participated in sweepstakes contests before and are easily led to believe that the company's representatives are calling from sweepstakes they had actually entered.


Jeffrey Landers resides in Marietta, Georgia, and uses a P. O. Box in Birmingham, Alabama for Adpro Inc. Consumers are sent a certified letter postmarked by a mailing processing facility in Dallas, Texas, stating that the defendant is holding prize winnings for the consumer. In order for the consumer to obtain the winnings, they are told that they must pay a $89 assessed fee for research, reporting, confirmation and document delivery. Consumers who send in their money receive nothing. When consumers tried to recover their money, they were unable to do so because Adpro provided no telephone number or customer service address for consumers to contact.

The FTC has sought and obtained temporary restraining orders and asset freezes against the corporate and individual defendants in each of these cases. The FTC has obtained a preliminary injunction from the federal district court in the Global Network Enterprises case and is also seeking permanent injunctions and redress for consumers. Consumer investigators from Ohio Attorney General Betty D. Montgomery's office assisted the Long Beach Police Department in executing a search warrant on New World Services.

The FTC would like to acknowledge the assistance provided by the following entities in the preparation of its cases: U. S. Postal Inspection Service; County of Orange Boiler Room Apprehension (COBRA) Task Force in Santa Ana, California; the Attorneys General in the States of North Carolina and Ohio; the Long Beach Police Department; the Los Angeles District Attorney's office; and various Better Business Bureaus.

The Federal Trade Commission and other law enforcement officials have put the gloves back on to knock out the latest round of prize promotion fraud. In a recent law enforcement effort - "Project Prize Fighter" - the FTC, the U. S. Postal Inspection Service, State Attorneys General and others have joined forces to combat these scams. "Project Prize Fighter" has resulted in 24 law enforcement actions against more than 40 defendants in 9 states.

The cases have a slightly diff.

Sweepstakes Scammers Replace Moneygram With Green Dot

Victims told to send money using pre-paid cards

For years, people running a sweepstakes scam would instruct their victims to send money using a Western Union Moneygram, since it was untraceable and the funds not retrievable.

But now it appears schemers have updated the scam, substituting pre-paid debit cards as a way to take money from their marks.

In Oregon, Attorney General John Kroger has noticed the trend, with consumers reporting suspicious callers promising sweepstakes winnings but instructing potential victims to purchase a prepaid credit card to cover "taxes" or "fees" associated with collecting their cash prize.

For example, Kroger says one Oregon resident was contacted on his cell phone last week by a con artist who asked him to purchase three $1,000 Green Dot MoneyPak credit cards. In order to collect his sweepstakes prize, the man was told he must call an Idaho number and read the serial numbers off the back of the cards.

Old story

Bogus sweepstakes and lottery offers have been around forever, and while many easily see through these too good to be true schemes, many others fall victim to them. Often, they are precisely the people who can least afford to lose money.

These operations are often run by perpetrators located outside the U. S. – making it very difficult for law enforcement agencies to track them down. In 2010 officials received 1,054 complaints about international money schemes, with $1,999,323 in reported losses – more than double the $707,783 reportedly lost in 2009.

Kroger offers the following advice to consumers when it comes to unsolicited telephone calls, mail or e-mail about a sweepstakes or lottery:

Never pay to play in a sweepstakes.

Never pay money to claim a prize.

Do not give out your prepaid credit card number to someone you don't know (learn more about Green Dot prepaid cards).

Participating in a foreign lottery is illegal and such lotteries often have close ties to organized crime.

Beware of fake organizations that go by names similar to more widely-known groups in order to trick consumers.

Government agencies do not sponsor sweepstakes.

Beware of requests for information about your income, credit card ownership, or bank accounts as a condition of participating in a sweepstakes or lottery.

Do not participate in sweepstakes or respond to advertisements that resemble a check, bill or invoice.

Destroy fake sweepstakes or lottery offers by shredding or deleting them.

Why the change?

Sweepstakes scammers have moved to pre-paid money cards because law enforcement has waged an extensive information campaign, warning consumers about the dangers of using Western Union to send money to people you don't know. Moneygram locations now routinely provide warnings about possible scams.

Consumers should not be tricked, just because scammers have updated their old tricks. It's still the same of scam.

For years, people running a sweepstakes scam would instruct their victims to send money using a Western Union Moneygram, since it was untraceable and the funds not retrievable.

But now it appears schemers have updated the scam, substituting pre-paid debit cards as a way to take money from their marks.

In Oregon, Attorney General John Kroger has noticed the trend, with consumers reporting suspicious callers promising sweepstakes winnings but instructing potential victims t.

Consumers Warned About Spanish Lottery Scam

Consumers Warned About Spanish Lottery Scam

December 1, 2003 The Federal Trade Commission is urging consumers to beware of a foreign lottery scam that adopts the name of Spains largest lottery prize, El Gordo, to con consumers out of substantial sums of money.

According to the Spanish government, consumers in the United States may receive phony letters, as well as forged materials purporting to be from Spanish banks, that claim that these consumers have been the lucky winners of a large cash prize. To claim the prize, the consumer is told he or she must pay a sum that goes toward the taxes, bank costs, and processing fees necessary to deliver the prize money.

The real drawing for the El Gordo prize takes place during the holiday season. The Spanish government indicates that the fraudsters who carry out the phony drawing use the actual addresses of official Spanish organizations to make their scam appear legitimate.

If you receive a letter this holiday season claiming you have won a big prize in a foreign lottery, do not pay any money it is a scam. The FTC reminds U. S. consumers that participating in a foreign lottery is illegal.

Points to remember:

If you play a foreign lottery through the mail or over the telephone youre violating federal law.

There are no secret systems for winning foreign lotteries. Your chances of winning more than the cost of your tickets are slim to none.

If you purchase one foreign lottery ticket, expect many more bogus offers for lottery or investment opportunities. Your name will be placed on sucker lists that fraudulent telemarketers buy and sell.

Keep your credit card and bank account numbers to yourself. Scam artists often ask for them during an unsolicited sales pitch.

The FTC encourages consumers to give any suspicious lottery material from a foreign country to a local postmaster. You can also report it to the FTC at www. ftc. gov or 1-877-FTC-HELP, or contact your state Attorney General.

December 1, 2003 The Federal Trade Commission is urging consumers to beware of a foreign lottery scam that adopts the name of Spains largest lottery prize, El Gordo, to con consumers out of substantial sums of money.

According to the Spanish government, consumers in the United States may receive phony letters, as well as forged materials purporting to be from Spanish banks, that claim that these consumers have been the lucky winners of a large cash prize. To claim the pr.

How to spot a sweepstakes scam

The Federal Trade Commission offers the following tips for consumers to keep in mind before responding to an "It's Your Lucky Day" call or letter:

Legitimate sweepstakes don't require you to pay or buy something to enter or improve your chances of winning, or to pay "taxes" or "shipping and handling charges" in advance to get your prize.

Sponsors of legitimate contests identify themselves prominently; fraudulent promoters are more likely to downplay their identities. Legitimate promoters also provide you with an address or toll-free phone numbers so you can ask that your name be removed from their mailing or calling list.

It's highly unlikely that you've won a "big" prize if your notification was mailed by bulk rate. Check the postmark on the envelope or postcard. Also be suspicious of telemarketers who say you've won a contest you can't remember entering.

The FTC brochure, "Prize Offers: You Don't Have to Pay to Play," is available on the FTC's Website at: http://www. ftc. gov/bcp/conline/pubs/tmarkg/prizes. htm

The Federal Trade Commission offers the following tips for consumers to keep in mind before responding to an "It's Your Lucky Day" call or letter:

The FTC brochure, "Prize Offers: You Don't Have to Pay to Play," is available on the FTC's Website at: http://www. ftc. gov/bcp/conline/pubs/tmarkg/prizes. htm

Canadian Lottery Scam Resurfaces

Victims get phony check, lose real money

The fake lottery scam is making the rounds again, trying to lure consumers at holiday time with promises of more than $200,000 in winnings.

The scammers claim to represent Canadian-based Atlantic Lottery Company. a legitimate company that is warning Americans not to fall for the ruse.

To be eligible for a lottery monetary prize from Atlantic Lottery, you must have purchased a ticket from an authorized retailer in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island or Newfoundland & Labrador, or on our PlaySphere website, the company said in a statement.

ConsumerAffairs. com has received nearly a dozen complaints about this particular lottery scam from readers in the last month. They all describe similar circumstances.

I received a letter and an official check for $4,985 from Chase Bank. It has the watermark and looks real, Lisa, from Somerset, Ky. told ConsumerAffairs. com. The letter stated I had won a promotional sweepstakes lottery from Atlantic Lottery Corporation held on May 30th, 2007. It has a claim number and says that I have won $262,000.00.

Lisa was told that her name was selected through a random computer ballot system. There was a check for nearly $5,000, which she was told had been deducted from her winnings, and which she should use to pay taxes. She was instructed to wire $3,985 via MoneyGram at Wal-Mart, and not cash the check until after speaking with Cindy Hughes, at Atlantic Lottery.

Rick, of Phoenix, got an identical check for $4,985 with instructions to wire $3,985 to pay taxes. Unfortunately, he did.

Cindy Hayes said the rest of the money would be sent to me by Federal Express, Rick told ConsumerAffairs. com. When I called her back she said Customs was holding my money.

The $4,985 check Rick deposited in his bank account was fake. The money he wired to the scammer was real. Once the bank discovers the check is a counterfeit, the deposit will be deleted and the $3,985 will be deducted from his account. If there was not $3,985 in his account at the time, he will have to get the money and pay back the bank.

Unfortunately for Rick and other victims of this scam, U. S. authorities have, in the past, shown little interest in pursing the perpetrators running Canadian scams. Victims best hope is to contact PhoneBusters. a Canadian organization that investigates these crimes. Their toll-free number is 888-495-8501.

The fake lottery scam is making the rounds again, trying to lure consumers at holiday time with promises of more than $200,000 in winnings.

The scammers claim to represent Canadian-based Atlantic Lottery Company, a legitimate company that is warning Americans not to fall for the ruse.

To be eligible for a lottery monetary prize from Atlantic Lottery, you must have purchased a ticket from an authorized retailer in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island or Newfound.

Ohio Reports Rash of Sweepstakes Scams

More than 900 complaints this year, many from seniors

Ohio has been hit by a rash of sweepstakes scams, Attorney General Richard Cordray said today.

The fake contests are a common ploy used by con artists to swindle money or gain personal information. Since January, the Attorney General's Consumer Protection section has received approximately 900 complaints about sweepstakes or prizes, almost all of them scams.

"The number of sweepstakes scams reported in Ohio is on course to double this year," Cordray said. "Unfortunately, senior citizens are most vulnerable to these sophisticated deceptions. We are seeing tragic instances of trusting consumers, particularly seniors, falling into a trap where they wind up turning over not only their personal information but thousands of dollars. Our best defense against these scam artists is to increase awareness and community vigilance."

In Madison County, an elderly couple received a call informing them that they had won $495,000 and that to receive the award they first had to wire $750 to Las Vegas for insurance. After the couple wired more than $1,800 for the prize, their son became aware of the scam and contacted the Attorney General's office.

A Trumbull County woman received a check as an award for winning the "lottery." In order to collect the winnings, she was required to deposit the $4,800 check and wire $4,000 to Spain. The woman's daughter contacted the Attorney General's office after realizing the check was a fake.

"Many of the fake checks used in sweepstakes scams look very real," Cordray said. "If someone is enduring early stages of dementia or Alzheimer's, they likely could not detect this ploy. In fact the most outrageous aspect of most scams is that they prey on the trust that ordinary, decent people have in one another. I strongly urge family members, friends and neighbors to watch out for those who are most vulnerable to these malicious scammers."

The Attorney General's office has received 919 sweepstakes scam reports to-date in 2010; well past the 622 complaints received last year and double the 447 in 2008.

Cordray is providing the following tips to avoid sweepstakes scams:

• Do not send money to collect a sweepstakes or prize. If you have to pay to collect your winnings, then you did not actually win.

• Be extremely skeptical of anyone who asks you to send money to Canada, Jamaica or other foreign countries.

• Don't trust individuals who contact you unexpectedly and who ask you to wire transfer money, even for a contest or prize.

• Entries to foreign lotteries cannot be sold legally in Ohio. Anyone who informs you that you have won a foreign lottery is trying to defraud you.

• Beware of "recovery scams." Fraudulent telemarketers may contact victims posing as the police or other governmental representatives. They lie, often by saying they have recovered the victims' lost sweepstakes money and asking the victims to send more money to receive it.

The fake contests are a common ploy used by con artists to swindle money or gain personal information. Since January, the Attorney General's Consumer Protection section has received approximately 900 complaints about sweepstakes or prizes, almost all of them scams.

"The number of sweepstakes scams reported in Ohio is on course to double this year," Cordray said. "Unfortunately, senior citizens are most vulnerable to these sophisticated deceptions. We are seeing tragic ins.

Consumers Warned To Avoid 'Sweepstakes' Letter

Solicitation seeks fee for collecting winnings; consumers taken to the cleaners

June 21, 2010 Oregon Attorney General John Kroger is warning consumers not to respond to an unsolicited "sweepstakes" letter claiming that the recipient has "won" money and only needs to pay a small fee to obtain it.

The state's Department of Justice (DOJ) Consumer Hotline has received calls inquiring about a letter from the "Data Release Division" based in Jericho, New York. The letter claims to be a "guaranteed sweepstakes award," notifying the recipient they have won $1.4 million.

In reality, this letter is a deceptive solicitation than seeks money from unsuspecting consumers.

The DOJ has sent a letter to the "Data Release Division" ordering the company to cease mailing this deceptive letter or face sanctions for violating Oregon's the Unlawful Trade Practices Act.

Bogus sweepstakes and lottery offers are among the most common scams that seek to rip off consumers. In 2009, more than 1,000 Oregon residents reported losing in excess of $700,000 to sweepstakes, lottery and other scams.

Kroger offers the following advice regarding unsolicited telephone calls, mail or e-mail claiming that the recipient won a sweepstakes or lottery:

• Participating in a foreign lottery is illegal. Often these schemes are closely tied to organized crime.

• Never pay-to-play in a sweepstakes.

• Beware of fake organizations using similar names to more well-known groups in an attempt to trick consumers.

• Government agencies do not sponsor sweepstakes.

• Never wire money to receive a prize. Con artists frequently send victims fake checks as a "first down-payment" of their winnings, asking that a percentage be wired back under the misrepresentation that it will be used to "pay taxes" associated with the "winnings." These fake checks can sit in one's checking account for up to a week before ultimately bouncing.

• Beware of requests for income, credit card ownership, or bank accounts as a condition of participating in the sweepstakes or lottery.

• Do not participate in sweepstakes, or respond to advertisements, that resemble a check, bill, or invoice.

June 21, 2010 Oregon Attorney General John Kroger is warning consumers not to respond to an unsolicited "sweepstakes" letter claiming that the recipient has "won" money and only needs to pay a small fee to obtain it.

The state's Department of Justice (DOJ) Consumer Hotline has received calls inquiring about a letter from the "Data Release Division" based in Jericho, New York. The letter claims to be a "guaranteed sweepstakes award," notifying the recipient they have w.

Fraudsters Masquerading as Well-Known Companies

Kansas Attorney General takes on impersonators

Mark Huffman has been a consumer news reporter for ConsumerAffairs. Read Full Bio→

If you received a letter saying you'd won a big prize in the Acme Lottery, you might be more likely to ignore the letter, correctly thinking that it was a scam. But if you got a letter saying you'd won the Reader's Digest Lottery, you might be more likely to bite.

Scammers, it seems, have figured that out. More and more, they are using the names of well known and trusted companies in their fraudulent schemes, according to Kansas Attorney General Steve Six.

Six says consumers in central Kansas have received notifications of prizes accompanied by documents that appear to be checks. The consumer is asked to deposit the check in their bank account, then wire money using Western Union or MoneyGram back to the issuer of the check to pay "clearance or processing fees."

The consumer is directed to call a number from an area code in Quebec, Canada to "release winnings and validate [the] check" that was enclosed. The letter also contains a seal similar to the official seal for the United States Department of Justice, and claims it is "Approved by the Attorney General."

In reality, those rare legitimate sweepstakes winnings do not require advance payment of fees or taxes. Taxes are collected by government agencies, not by a company that provides the sweepstakes winnings.

Many scam artists will issue a check to a consumer, then ask the recipient to deposit the check, and before the check has time to clear the issuing bank request the consumer wire money from their account back the scam artist. These requests are usually accompanied with a sense of urgency, that the prize must be claimed by a certain date, and waiting for the check to clear the issuing bank would allow the prize to expire.

A similar type of scam includes information that the consumer has won a foreign lottery, but that certain fees must be paid before the check can be issued. Six says U. S. consumers are ineligible for foreign lottery winnings.

If you received a letter saying you'd won a big prize in the Acme Lottery, you might be more likely to ignore the letter, correctly thinking that it was a scam. But if you got a letter saying you'd won the Reader's Digest Lottery, you might be more likely to bite.

Scammers, it seems, have figured that out. More and more, they are using the names of well known and trusted companies in their fraudulent schemes, according to Kansas Attorney General Steve Six.

Six says consume.

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Arkansas Lottery Results

About the Arkansas lottery

The history of the Arkansas lottery is a very short one. The lottery was only approved on November 4, 2008, following a successful vote which legalized the sale of lottery tickets in the state. By the time that AR lottery tickets were finally delivered to authorised retailers, the anticipation and excitement was so high, that the time of arrival at the lottery's distribution centre and even the type of transport being used was reported at the time.

Arkansas lottery tickets were then sold for the first time at 12:01 a. m. on September 28, 2009, 95 days earlier than had been predicted. As AR lottery proceeds go to education scholarships in the state, more than twelve different events were held in different areas of Arkansas to celebrate the start of the lottery.

Little more than a month after its creation, the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery became the 31st US lottery to begin offering Powerball tickets. This soon paid off as a $25 million Powerball winning ticket was sold at the Crackerbox store in Mayflower early in 2010. In addition to Powerball tickets, Arkansas Mega Millions tickets are also available in the state, as well as Cash 3, Cash 4, Midday Cash 3 and Midday Cash 4 tickets.

Arkansas lottery tickets have proved popular across all of the state, but the largest numbers of lottery ticket sales have tended to come in Pulaski with Jefferson, Saline and many others buying big. In fact, Arkansas Scholarship Lottery tickets are in such high demand that some have even taken to stealing them. In February, 2011 Mamdough Attia won $20,000 playing Cool Cash, but was arrested four months later after it became apparent that the winning ticket was stolen. The ticket was part of a pack that had been reported stolen from a Fast Mart in Little Rock. Attia was charged with felony theft and forced to give back his $20,000 lottery prize.

As mentioned above, the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery provides money for - that's right you guessed it - scholarships! All proceeds go to providing scholarships and grants for state residents in public and private non-profit colleges and universities in Arkansas. The proceeds from the lottery allowed tens of thousands of scholarships to be offered to Arkansas students in the lottery's first operating year alone, and with AR lottery tickets remaining popular, there's bound to be many more.

Lottery Predictions


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IS HOME BIRTH SAFE? Healthy childbirth is a natural, normal process which can be safely attended at home by a trained professional midwife. Throughout most of the world, and most of history, women have labored and birthed with midwives. It is only in the last several decades that birth has become medicalized and it has become common to birth in a hospital setting with a doctor. Birth is a natural process, not a sickness. With a normal, healthy pregnancy women can birth safely and comfortably at home with a midwife. Countries with the lowest mortality and morbidity rates are those countries where midwifery is an integral part of obstetric care and where home birth is commonly practiced.

A 2-year study conducted by the U. S. Center for Disease Control indicates that a planned home birth with an experienced attendant is actually safer than or as safe as a hospital birth. In 1990 the World Health Organization joined together with the International Conference of Midwives to issue a statement that when midwifery was utilized for pregnancy and childbirth, outcomes for mothers and babies were more favorable. Together the two organizations urged all countries to offer midwifery education, confident that the increased availability of more midwives would improve birth outcomes throughout the world.

A 2017 study of over 16,000 women birthing at home in the United States found that a planned homebirth and midwifery care for low-risk, healthy women resulted in few interventions during labor (4.5% of women had oxytocin augmentation and/or epidural analgesia) and a low cesarean rate (5.2%). The study showed that 89.1% of these women birthed at home, which is consistent with HMC’s rates of home delivery vs. transfer to the hospital.

Licensed midwives are trained to recognize and resolve complications of labor, to resuscitate newborns according to the principles of the Neonatal Resuscitation Program by the AAP, and to carry and administer medication and oxygen for postpartum hemorrhage or other complications.

WHO CAN GIVE BIRTH AT HOME? Any woman who is in good health can consider a home birth. Women who have a high risk medical history such as heart disease, early onset diabetes, or injury which has changed their pelvic shape, or who develop uncontrollable toxemia of pregnancy should be under the care of an obstetrician.

WHAT IF I’VE HAD A C-SECTION PREVIOUSLY? If you and your baby are healthy and your pregnancy is progressing, normally, you can have a vaginal birth at home.



DO YOU ACCEPT INSURANCE? If you have health insurance with maternity benefits, for a small fee we offer the service of submitting a claim to receive a verification of benefits (VOB) from your insurance carrier. You may also contact your insurance on your own to determine coverage options. If the VOB indicates coverage, we will make a claim after your birth for all of your prenatal care, labor and birth, and postpartum care. Sometimes your insurance carrier may agree to reimburse your costs for homebirth only after the birth. Therefore we still require full payment by the 36th week.

If you are a subscriber to an insurance company and believe they will cover the costs of homebirth, we recommend initiating a claim for a VOB as soon as possible. Insurance companies are currently reevaluating how they reimburse out of hospital costs, which includes homebirth. We have found that insurance companies may pay for out-of-hospital birth with a licensed midwife as an out-of-network provider.

Most insurance companies cover Birth Center births fully or partially.

WHAT ABOUT LAB WORK AND ULTRASOUND? Your insurance will usually cover lab work, ultrasound, physician consultation, and hospital birth (if needed).



WHAT HAPPENS IF TWO WOMEN GO INTO LABOR ON THE SAME DAY? While this happens rarely, it is not a problem for our practice since there are two midwives. In the event that two women are laboring at the same time there will be at least one midwife and a trained labor assistant with whom you are familiar at your birth.

WHAT PRENATAL TESTS DO YOU ROUTINELY RECOMMEND AND/OR REQUIRE? You will be offered all prenatal tests and screening currently available to pregnant women in the United States. For each test and/or screen you will be given information on the condition or disease being screened for, information about the test and/or screen itself, information to help understand the range of results and how the results may affect your care. You can then make a decision about whether or not to do a particular test/screen.

WHAT IS YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH LOSS? We are intimately aware of the inherent possibility of risk in birth, no matter where the birth takes place or what decisions we make. For families who have chosen out of hospital birth, we are familiar with the additional questioning and scrutiny that can accompany an unforeseen outcome at home.

In more than twenty five years attending home births and more than 800 births, we have experienced a variety of adverse outcomes including Down syndrome, spina bifida, anencephaly, cleft palate, heart defects and stillborns. For each of these families the joy of birth was tempered by the realization that their new baby had serious medical issues, some which were incompatible with life. We have been there as intimate support with these families as they navigated through their unexpected challenges.

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Seabrook Lucky Trail Marathon

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Why Race the Seabrook Lucky Trail?

We make it easy:

No extra charge for on-line registration

Members earn RAS Perk Points towards savings on future races!

Great volunteers

Bag drop off

Free Parking

Swag you get:

Tech shirt (Gender specific)



Waiting for you:

Five year age group awards

Awesome medals

Costume awards!

When it's time to party:


Grilled Chicken

Hot Dogs

Vegetarian rice and beans

Fresh Fruit


Green Beer!

No Other Major Race Comes Close!

March 19 & 20th, 2017

The race is held on the Seabrook nature trails surrounded by a diverse habitat of both fresh and salt marsh, the coastline of the Galveston Bay, wetlands, and wild-life and bird sanctuaries. The course consists of crushed granite surface. In addition to participating in a single race, runners can enter one of the challenges by finishing two races. This popular event has been known for its enthusiastic volunteers, great goodie bag and awesome post-race party.

5K Run to Benefit Footsteps For The Fallen NEW for 2017: Friday March 18, 2017 @6:30PM

50 States Contest!*

One Marathon entrant from each state in the United States will be refunded their marathon entry fee.

If more than one person is registered from a given state, there will be a drawing to determine who from that state receives the free entry. The deadline for registering to be eligible is when online registration closes or when the marathon sells out, whichever comes first.

This is only to refund the entry fee to the marathon alone. If the recipient registered for the Trail Challenge they will be refunded half that amount.

Benefits Go To:

How to Calculate My Lucky Numbers

Everyone can use a little luck in their lives. Luckily for them, there are special lucky numbers that can be calculated for every person based on either their birthdays or their names. The birthdate is used to calculate each individual's life path number, secondary life path numbers, birthday's lucky number, and Fadic birthday lucky number. Along with these lucky numbers, an individual's name is used to produce the fifth type of lucky number, conveniently known as the name lucky number.

Other People Are Reading

How to Pick Lucky Numbers

How to Pick Lotto Numbers for Fun

Calculate Your Life Path and Secondary Life Path Numbers

Use the numbers in your birthdate to determine your life path number. To do this, write out your birthdate using the numerical form mm/dd/yyyy. This will provide you with a total of eight numbers, include all of the zeroes.

As an example, if your birthdate is October 10, 1970, you would write 10/10/1970.

Sum each of the individual digits that you wrote in Step 1. This means you will be adding eight different numbers together. If your total is nine or less, you can stop at this point.

In the example from Step 1, you would add 1+0+1+0+1+9+7+0=19.

Add the digits from your computation in Step 3 if your total is ten or more. If the number you get is above 10 the second time, add the individual digits again. Continue doing this until you have a total that is a single digit. This is your life path number.

In Step 2 your total was 19. It's over nine so you would add 1+9=10. That's still over nine, so add 1+0=1. This means one is your life path number.

Compute your secondary life path numbers by continuing to add nine to your life path number. Write down each total after adding nine, and continue this until your total is 100 or over. Ignore the number that is over 100. The other numbers combine to provide your secondary life path numbers.

In our example, this means your secondary life path numbers would be 10 (a life path number of one, plus nine), followed by 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82 and 91.

Determine Your Birthday and Fadic Birthday Lucky Numbers

Determine your birthday's lucky number. Write down the day of the month on which you were born; this is your birthday's lucky number. For example, if you were born on October 10, 1970, your birthday's lucky number would be 10.

Determine the lucky number for your Fadic birthday. To do this, write down the numeric day that you were born. If this number is lower than 10, that is your lucky Fadic birthday number. In our example from Step one, this number is 10, and you need to progress to Step 3.

Continue your computation of your lucky Fadic birthday number if your total in Step 2 is 10 or above. Add the two digits in your birthday together. The sum of these two numbers is your lucky Fadic birthday number. For our example, your birthday's lucky number would be 1+0, which is one.

Calculate Your Lucky Numbers From Your Name

Write down your first, middle, and last names on a piece of paper. Below each of the letters, write the numerical equivalent of the order in the alphabet that letter holds. The letter A would have a value of one and Z would have a value of 26.

If your name was Tim Al Kid your numbers would look like this for each name 20(T) + 9(I) + 13(M), 1(A) + 12(L), and 11(K) + 9(I) + 4(D)

Leave any single digit alone in your name, as this will be used for your name's lucky number calculation. For any two-digit numbers, add the two digits together and this becomes the number you will use for that letter in your name's calculation for it's lucky number.

For the letter T add 2+0=2, for I leave it as 9 as it's a single digit, and for M add 1+3=4 since it was a two-digit number. For Al the numbers would be 1 and 3, and for Kid it would be 2, 9 and 4.

Add all the numbers you have assigned to the letters in your name. Calculate these for your first name, middle name and last name separately. This will provide you with three different sets of lucky numbers.

Your lucky number for Tim would be 2+9+4=15, for Al it would be 1+3=4, and for Kid it would be 2+9+4=15.

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Everyone dreams that someday they will win the lottery. People who play the lottery quite frequently will have some sort of system.

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Math and luck collide frequently but not within palpable everyday meaning. In mathematics, however, whimsical as it may seem, there are numerous.

Many people also use their numerology number as their lucky number. You do not need to see a numerologist to calculate your.

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How to Pick Lucky Numbers

Everyone dreams that someday they will win the lottery. People who play the lottery quite frequently will have some sort of system of picking numbers. While there are many different strategies on how those numbers can be chosen, you have to find a system that works for you. Depending on the amount of numbers that must be chosen, you may have many different styles from which to choose.

Other People Are Reading

How to Calculate My Lucky Numbers

How to Greatly Increase Your Chances of Winning the Lottery

Things You'll Need

Select your date of birth to use for your lucky numbers. The date of birth is the most commonly used method to choose lucky numbers for people who play the lottery. For example, if your birthday is January 7, 1956, you can use 01, 07, 56 as your lucky numbers.

Read your horoscope. A lot of times if you pick up the paper and read your daily horoscope, it will include a few lucky numbers. This is a great way to try your luck at the lottery to see if it will pay off.

Look at the time you are purchasing your lottery ticket. Sometimes you can find your lucky match by just looking at your watch. Whatever system you may choose may just work out for you.

Remind yourself of important dates. Some people use the dates of special occasions for their lucky numbers. Dates such as an anniversary, a child's birthday and holidays are great lucky numbers to use.

Follow lottery trends. Most major lotteries have the ability to track the numbers to see what numbers may actually come up frequently. Keep a listing of the lottery numbers that you see to track which ones come up more often than others.

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12 Lucky Symbols to Boost Your Chances of Winning

By Sandra Grauschopf. Contests & Sweepstakes Expert

Sandra Grauschopf is a passionate sweeper with thousands of dollars worth of prize wins to her name. She has been writing and sharing advice about contests & sweepstakes on the web for more than nine years, and she loves nothing more than helping people uncover the fun, excitement, and camaraderie of the sweepstakes hobby.

Media Mentions and Other Appearances:

Appeared on Better. tv, the online television station of Better Homes and Gardens.

Interview in the book, The Million-Dollar Idea in Everyone by Michael Collins.

Interview in the book You Can't Win if You Don't Enter by Carolyn Wilman.

Featured speaker at the 2008 Hershey Mini Sweepstakes Convention.

Quoted in The Chicago Tribune 's article, Easy Money but Hard Living.

Interviewed in Woman's World Magazine 's "Ask America's Ultimate Experts" column published on March 10, 2010.

Interviewed for MainStreet. com's article, Super Sweepstakes: More Than a Giveaway.

Interviewed in Woman's World Magazine 's "Ask America's Ultimate Experts" column: "I Want to Win Cash and Prizes!" published on October 31, 2011.

Featured on Fusion TV's segment, "Meet the Sweepers"

Interviewed for NPR On the Media's podcast, Win a Million Dollar Mansion from Your Home Computer

Interviewed in a two-part series on ABC 15 in Arizona's "Let Joe Know" Segment: 9 Easy Ways to Avoid Sweepstakes Scams and 3 Secret Tips to Winning Sweepstakes

Interviewed in Woman's World Magazine 's "Ask America's Ultimate Experts" column: "I Want to Win Sweepstakes and Lotteries!" published on March 23, 2017.

Former contributing blogger at ContestMob. com.

Has consulted for major companies, contributing strategies to use sweepstakes to create more revenue.

Sweepstakes Interview Requests:

I am always happy to participate in interviews or radio or television appearances. Email Sandra for interviews, book reviews, and other commentary about sweepstakes and their benefits for consumers and for businesses.

Updated April 08, 2017.

Lucky symbols: some people swear by them, and others think that they're silly. But whether it's possible to influence Lady Luck with a rabbit's foot or a cuddly pig, lucky symbols can be a lot of fun. And anything that makes sweepstakes more fun and you more likely to enter will boost your odds! So if you don't have one already, here are some popular lucky symbols to inspire you. (If you do have one, be sure to tell us about your favorite lucky symbol !)

1. Four Leaf Clovers

Four-Leafed Clovers, a Symbol of Luck. Image © Rosemary Calvert / Getty Images

Four leaf clovers are an ancient Irish symbol of luck. According to our Landscaping Guide's article, Four Leaf Clovers as Celtic Charms. the four leaves stand for "faith, hope, love, and luck." True four-leaf clovers are rare, but luckily there are lots of ways to use them as lucky symbols.

For example, you can candlewick a shamrock bookmark or needlepoint pillow, or even get a four leaf clover tattoo, so you can bring your luck with you wherever you go.

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2. Lucky Horseshoes

A horseshoe is a symbol of luck. Image © Dmitry Poliansky

Horseshoes are one of the best-known lucky symbols, although the reason for their lucky properties varies.

Some people say that horseshoes are lucky because they were traditionally made of iron, which kept away mischievous fairies. Another legend says that Saint Dunstan, a blacksmith, nailed a horseshoe to the devil's foot, and received a guarantee that the devil would stay away from any house with a horseshoe on the door.

Whatever the reason for the legend, horseshoes make a fun lucky symbol to hang on the door of your computer room (just make sure that the points go upward, so that it can fill with luck). Or use horseshoe stickers to decorate your computer (making sure you don't cover the ventilation holes) or your monitor.

3. Lucky Dice (Fuzzy or Otherwise)

Fuzzy dice, a symbol of luck. Image © Ryan McVay / Getty Images

Considering how many games of chance are played with dice, it's no surprise that they have become a symbol of luck. So why not show how much you love to roll the dice and come up with big wins by using fuzzy dice as your lucky talisman.

Some ideas: you could sew yourself a pair of fuzzy dice. or line the edge of your monitor stand with brightly-colored dice for a cheery look.

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4. Ladybugs are Bearers of Luck

Ladybugs are a symbol of luck. Image © Martin Ruegner / Getty Images

Ladybugs are popular insects worldwide, and many cultures believe that they bring luck. In Austria, they are actually called "Glueckskaefer" - "lucky bugs."

There are various rumors about how luck actually manifests with ladybugs. Some cultures say that if a ladybug lands on you and you don't brush it off, you will be lucky. Others say that if a man and a woman see a ladybug at the same time, they'll fall in love. And still others say that some ladybugs are luckier than others -- the deeper red their color and the more spots they have, the luckier you'll be!

Ladybugs are cute, and they can make excellent lucky symbols. Read about how to make ladybug clip art. create a cute clay pot ladybug for your computer desk, or other ladybug crafts.

5. Lucky Number Seven

The outcome of instant win games is determined by time, not your result. Image © Getty Images / Magictorch

Growing up, I heard that seven was the luckiest number, but I never knew why. But it does seem that the number seven has been connected with luck, with perfection, and with attainment of knowledge in many cultures throughout history.

My best guess is that the focus on the number seven began due to its many interesting mathematical properties. The ancient Greeks called 7 "the perfect number," the sum of 3 (triangle) and 4 (square), which are perfect forms. Seven also crops up in a number of prominent places:

There are 7 days of the week.

There are 7 colors in the rainbow.

There are 7 planets visible to the naked eye.

The 7th son of a 7th son is supposed to be especially gifted and lucky.

7 is a winning roll in many games of chance.

6. and the Lucky Number Eight

The number 8, a symbol of luck. Image © Rosemary Calvert / Getty Images

Now, if I'd have grown up in China, I would probably be saying that the number 8 is the luckiest number, and the reason is much more clear than with the number 7. In Chinese, the word for the number 8 sounds a lot like the word for prosperity.

The number 8, with its two graceful curves, is also a balanced number. Balance and harmony are vital ingredients for a lucky life.

If the number 7 doesn't catch your fancy as a lucky symbol, then perhaps the number 8 would better fit your style.

7. Lucky Rabbit Foot

Rabbit's Foot, a symbol of luck. Image © Frank Lukasseck / Getty Images

Lucky rabbit foot keychains, whether real or faux, are popular symbols of luck. But did you know that the tradition actually comes from hoodoo magic?

The original legend says that the left-hind foot of a rabbit that is captured in a cemetery at night, can ward off evil magic.

Yikes. Personally, I think I prefer rabbits' feet when they're attached to the rabbit. But there are still lots of ways that you can use rabbits as your own personal symbol of luck. Try this cute rabbit pattern from our Guide to Crochet, pick out an adorable stuffed bunny to sit on your computer table, or learn to draw your own lucky bunnies.

8. More Lucky Animals

Scarab beetles were considered a lucky symbol in ancient Egypt. Image © New Vision Technologies Inc / Getty Images

Rabbits aren't the only animals to be used as lucky symbols. Por ejemplo:

In feng shui. goldfish are said to attract luck and prosperity. Dragons and horses are also considered lucky.

In Germany, Lucky Pigs ("Glücksschwein") are often given as tokens to wish friends and family a happy and lucky New Year.

Turtles and tortoises are also considered lucky, due to their long life-spans.

Ancient Egyptians considered the scarab beetle to be lucky.

Given such a wide range of choices, it's pretty easy to find a favorite animal to serve as a lucky symbol.

9. Rainbows and Luck

A rainbow with a pot of gold, a symbol of luck. Image © Steve Woods from Stock. Xchng

Rainbows are considered lucky because of the legend that says that if you dig at the end of a rainbow, you'll find a pot of gold.

Rainbows are great lucky symbols for sweepstakes fans. Not only do they have a great story behind them, but they are also beautiful and cheery. If you need something to keep you motivated to enter sweepstakes, what better than a bright and colorful rainbow?

Some ideas for rainbow lucky symbols include:

10. Lucky Coins

I-Ching Coins, a lucky present. Image © Adriana Poveda from Stock. Xchng

I think we've all heard a famous saying about lucky coins:

Find a penny, pick it up, and all that day you'll have good luck!

Some people say that not just any penny lying on the ground is lucky, but that lucky pennies have to be found face-up. Personally, I think any free money that I find lying around is lucky!

Did you know, however, that pennies aren't the only lucky coins? For example, Chinese I-Ching coins are also considered lucky, and are often given as gifts of luck on Chinese New Year and for weddings.

Pennies and I-Ching coins can make pretty decorations for your office, while bringing a little extra luck to your sweepstakes entries.

11. Lucky Bamboo

Bamboo is a symbol of luck. Image © Arsel Özgürdal at Stock. Xchng

Lucky bamboo is technically not bamboo at all, but a close relative called Dracaena. It's a hardy, long-lived plant, which might account for its lucky properties.

The more stalks a lucky bamboo plant has, the more luck it's supposed to bring. A plant with three stalks is said to bring happiness, wealth and longevity to the owners. But some plants have even more stalks, which are said to impart more kinds of luck.

12. Dreamcatchers and Luck

Dreamcatchers, a symbol of luck. Image © Quil on Stock. Xchng

Dreamcatchers come from Native American lore. Looking like a web or net stretched over a loop and decorated with bright beads and feathers, they are said to catch bad dreams as they enter a household. Read more about dreamcatcher legends from our Healing Guide.

By capturing the disturbing dreams, they make the owner happier, more balanced, and luckier. Plus, they look pretty cool, too.

Hang a dreamcatcher inside your office window to keep bad luck away ( ). Or buy a pair of dreamcatcher earrings or a dreamcatcher necklace ( ) to bring luck with you wherever you go.

Improve Your Luck: 8 Ways to Attract Good Luck

By Sandra Grauschopf. Contests & Sweepstakes Expert

Sandra Grauschopf is a passionate sweeper with thousands of dollars worth of prize wins to her name. She has been writing and sharing advice about contests & sweepstakes on the web for more than nine years, and she loves nothing more than helping people uncover the fun, excitement, and camaraderie of the sweepstakes hobby.

Media Mentions and Other Appearances:

Appeared on Better. tv, the online television station of Better Homes and Gardens.

Interview in the book, The Million-Dollar Idea in Everyone by Michael Collins.

Interview in the book You Can't Win if You Don't Enter by Carolyn Wilman.

Featured speaker at the 2008 Hershey Mini Sweepstakes Convention.

Quoted in The Chicago Tribune 's article, Easy Money but Hard Living.

Interviewed in Woman's World Magazine 's "Ask America's Ultimate Experts" column published on March 10, 2010.

Interviewed for MainStreet. com's article, Super Sweepstakes: More Than a Giveaway.

Interviewed in Woman's World Magazine 's "Ask America's Ultimate Experts" column: "I Want to Win Cash and Prizes!" published on October 31, 2011.

Featured on Fusion TV's segment, "Meet the Sweepers"

Interviewed for NPR On the Media's podcast, Win a Million Dollar Mansion from Your Home Computer

Interviewed in a two-part series on ABC 15 in Arizona's "Let Joe Know" Segment: 9 Easy Ways to Avoid Sweepstakes Scams and 3 Secret Tips to Winning Sweepstakes

Interviewed in Woman's World Magazine 's "Ask America's Ultimate Experts" column: "I Want to Win Sweepstakes and Lotteries!" published on March 23, 2017.

Former contributing blogger at ContestMob. com.

Has consulted for major companies, contributing strategies to use sweepstakes to create more revenue.

Sweepstakes Interview Requests:

I am always happy to participate in interviews or radio or television appearances. Email Sandra for interviews, book reviews, and other commentary about sweepstakes and their benefits for consumers and for businesses.

Updated May 25, 2017.

Have you ever wondered if you can improve your luck?

Why does one person get sick while another stays healthy? Why does one person seem to find wealth and prosperity everywhere, while another never succeeds at anything? Many believe that the answer is luck.

For some people, good luck comes naturally. But if you feel like the old saying, "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all" applies to you, there's good news: it is possible to turn your luck around.

Here are eight popular methods bring good luck into your life. Try them and see whether you feel luckier. When you're done, try my fun quiz, Are You Lucky?

Thinking the Glass is Half Full Can Improve Your Luck. Image © Michelangelo Gratton / Getty Images

If you are the type of person who believes that the glass is half full, not half empty, than you're already familiar with positive thinking. Studies have actually shown that being optimistic can relieve stress and help you live longer. But can it help you to win sweepstakes, too?

Absolutely. One of the most challenging aspects of entering sweepstakes is that nagging feeling that you will never really win - or that you will never win again. It's hard to enter sweepstakes day after day with no guarantee that you'll win - and it's nearly impossible to keep it up if you have a negative attitude about it. More »

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Visualizing Success Can Make You Luckier. Image © Mike Harrington / Getty Images Visualization is a technique where you picture yourself experiencing a desired event, which helps you work out the steps to make that event happen. In terms of sweepstakes, we think about winning a prize - we feel ourselves win the prize that we're dreaming about - and use that visual image to fuel our drive to win.

If you're familiar with the old Bing Crosby song, "Accentuate the Positive," it offers a similar concept. To quote the lyrics:

You've got to spread joy up to the maximum Bring gloom down to the minimum Have faith or pandemonium's Liable to walk upon the scene.

In other words, focus on the positive aspects of sweeping to keep charged up and motivated to win more. More »

Writing Out Affirmations Can Reinforce Positive Thinking. Image © Andersen Ross / Getty Images If you watched the movie, Evan Almighty . you might have noticed that Evan's character starts every morning by looking in the mirror and saying, "I am smart, I am successful, I am happy." This is an affirmation.

Affirmations are ways of planting the seeds of success in our subconscious, helping us to think positively and to be more prepared for success. As W. Clement Stone said, "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

Affirmations are always positive, in the first person, and in the present tense. You can write them out or repeat them to yourself several times each day. Some good affirmations to improve your luck might be, "I am lucky, I am open to success, I am a winner." More »

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Feng Shui Can Help Improve Your Luck. Image © Akira Kaede / Getty Images Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art designed to bring balance, health, and even luck to the people who practice it. Some dismiss feng shui as superstition, but the principles of this art can help you to be more productive, more positive, and less distracted.

For example, one of the principles of feng shui is that clutter has a negative effect on your energy levels. And it's true - a messy, disorganized area makes it difficult to find what you need and to concentrate on your work.

Imagine that your sweepstakes entry area is clean and tidy, everything you need within your reach. You can concentrate on your sweeps, and get more entries in less time. Can't you just feel your luck starting to increase? More »

Four-Leafed Clovers, a Symbol of Luck. Image © Rosemary Calvert / Getty Images

Many sweepers swear that they have increased their luck by wearing a favorite pair of socks or t-shirt as they enter sweepstakes, or by having lucky symbols like four-leafed clovers. ladybugs, or even Troll dolls near their computers while they enter. Still others perform some kind of lucky rituals before they start their daily sweepstakes. But this is superstitious nonsense, right?

Not necessarily. Using lucky charms and rituals makes you feel luckier, happier, and more optimistic. This positive attitude makes it easier to keep entering sweepstakes, and thus improves your chances of winning. For more information, see Lucky Charms Don't Work -- Or Do They?. More »

Giving Sweepers a Helping Hand Can Improve Luck. Image © Philip and Karen Smith / Getty Images

Karma is one of the principle tenets of Hindu philosophy, but it can be simply summarized as, "What Goes Around, Comes Around." In other words, if you do good things, more good things happen to you and the luckier you'll be.

In sweepstakes terms, many sweepers promote good karma by sharing trivia answers and UPC codes. posting links to new sweepstakes, and doing everything they can to help others win. While it might seem to be smarter in the short run to keep the contests and answers that you find to yourself, everyone needs some help and encouragement at some point. Helping each other to win increases the luck of the entire sweepstakes community. More »

Prayer and Meditation Can Help Improve Luck. Image © Stockbyte / Getty Images

Many people turn to a greater power to help them increase their luck. Some say a prayer before they start to enter sweepstakes, asking God to help them win what they need, or to help the prize go to the person who needs it most. Some feel that asking God for specific prizes is inappropriate, but ask instead for the strength and the positive attitude they need to not give up and to keep entering sweepstakes.

Others ask the Universe to send them luck, prizes, or a positive attitude, or they use meditation to help them focus and enter more quickly and persistently.

All of these methods can have a positive effect on a sweeper's outlook, helping them feel - and be - more lucky. More »

Persistence is Crucial to Winning Sweepstakes. Image © Inti St. Clair / Getty Images

Thomas Jefferson said, "I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." It sounds almost like he could have been a sweeper! The more work you put into entering sweepstakes, the less you need to rely on luck. The amount of luck you need to win when you enter a single sweep is much greater than the amount you need if you enter a few hundred a day.

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Lucky numbers: Should you get a 7 or a 10 inch tablet?

by Casey Johnston - Nov 7, 2012 11:15 pm UTC

For as long as tablets have been a thing, the devices have ranged across a spectrum of sizes, from a too-massive 13 inches down to a dubious not-quite-sure-if-this-is-a-tablet 5 inches. Most manufacturers aren't even ashamed of the fractional inches attached to the screen size, to the point that such fractionals are sometimes included proudly in the tablet's name.

As the segment matures, though, we're seeing two sweet spots emerge: 9 to 10 inches, the size of the market-leading iPad, and 7 to 8 inch tablets. Manufacturers have been strangely attached to the 7-inch form factor, churning out one after another despite marked consumer disinterest. The 7-inch Kindle Fire stirred a few would-be tablet owners to make the jump, no doubt helped along by the relatively modest $199.99 price tag. Google's Nexus 7 was even more impressive for the same price, and while it hasn't met the gangbuster sales of the iPad, it's putting up solid numbers.

The 7-inch segment hobbled along for some time, but two very competent entries have now landed, spaced only a few months apart. Now that companies can fit some decently powerful guts into the 7-inch form factor, the 10-inch tablet may fade away as the more portable 7-inch gains traction through its size and affordability. But until the two sizes have had at least a full holiday season to duke it out, we consumers will have to choose using only our wits and instincts. Below, we compare the two sizes on a number of criteria, many of them task-based, to determine which form factor is optimal for each.


This is the most obvious fork in the tablet decision road we must travel, so we will dispense with it immediately. Got $200-$300 to spend on a tablet? The seven-inch bracket is for you. If you can devote $500-$800 to the device, there's now plenty of ten-inch options. It wasn't always this way—only a couple of years ago, seven-inch tablets attempted to front like they were every bit the tablet that ten-inch devices were, priced at $500, and we all saw through it. They did not sell. Fortunately, this is no longer the case, and it seems like going forward the seven-inch tablet will always be the more budget-friendly option.

Winner: 7-inch tablets

A 10-inch iPad 3, left, next to an iPad mini

Body size

This is the next most obvious consideration, though less important for some than price. Many people prefer 7-inch tablets for their book-like size, and they fit better in purses, bags, and some of the more cavernous pants pockets. Likewise, they’re lighter. A 10-inch tablet still travels easily, but needs roughly the same bag accommodations as a small laptop.

Winner: 7-inch tablets

Screen size

Screen size leads to a number of tradeoffs for both brackets. The on-screen keyboard is the most significant issue, and it separates the data-entry men from the boys.

It’s possible to touch type with all fingers on a ten-inch screen's keyboard, and the iPad is well-known for allowing this. We’ve found that intensive typing sessions demand an external keyboard, but the on-screen keyboard is definitely suitable for shorter sessions.

We noted in our iPad mini review that the onscreen keyboard is about three-quarters of the size of the keyboard on the iPad jumbo, meaning ten-finger typing is not really doable. For tablets this size and smaller, like the Nexus 7, you’re stuck with thumb-typing unless you are a tiny person with tiny hands. It’s no slower than using a smartphone for the same purpose, but we find sometimes we have issues adapting our thumb’s reach between 4-inch and 7-inch screens.

Winner: 10-inch tablets

A Nexus 7, left, next to an iPad 2


Likewise, watching movies goes to 10-inch tablets, but it’s a closer race than you might expect. 7-inch tablets have lately tended to use 16:10 aspect ratio screens, which shape themselves better for most movies than the 4:3 iPad's screen. Some math: the Nexus 7’s full screen is 21.9 square inches to the 10-inch iPad’s 71.4 square inches. A 16:9 movie on the Nexus 7’s screen is about 5.81 by 3.31 inches, for an area of 18.2 square inches. On the iPad, a 16:9 movie is 7.69 by 4.31 inches, for an area of 33.2 square inches. The iPad’s movie-display area is still larger, but much of that advantage is lost to letterboxing. The iPad mini shares the larger iPad’s aspect ratio, so its movie-watching case against the Nexus 7 is simply not compelling.

So a 7-inch screen, while smaller, is less of a movie-watching handicap than you might think if it’s a 16:10 aspect ratio. The successful iPad is isolated with its 4:3 screen, and Android tablets win this category handily: both the Nexus 10 and the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 have 16:9 aspect ratio screens, and will give you more movie-related pixels.

Winner: 10-inch tablets


If we to make this an absolutely holistic assessment, ultimately the quality of the gaming experience has more to do with the ecosystem you’re trying to game on than the hardware itself—that is to say, we feel that the offerings on all the mobile platforms vary widely in genre emphasis and quality. But for the purposes of this article we’ll make the judgment in a content vacuum.

Resolution of the screen, hardware power, and ease of controls are what will contribute most to the gaming experience across the board, all points that can almost universally be awarded to 10-inch tablets. 7-inch tablets do make a strong showing: the Nexus 7 has a decently high resolution given its screen’s size, as does the Kindle Fire HD. 7-inch tablets do tend to be a bit under-powered, particularly the Kindle Fire HD, but they get away with a bit of skimping as the displays they must drive are generally smaller and less pixel-dense.

When it comes to controls, a larger screen will be better in most cases for ease of use. A 7-inch screen isn’t a huge disadvantage, but there aren’t many instances we can think of when a 7-inch screen would be better suited for getting your game on. A possible exception would be a gyroscope-controlled game, in which case a smaller tablet might be easier to move.

Winner: 10-inch tablets

Camera comparison between the rear cameras of the iPad 2 (720p), far left, iPad 3 (5MP), center, and the iPhone 4

Cameras, photos, videos

Before we start in this section, please know that when you take photos with a tablet, you are, almost without exception, making a fool of yourself. It just looks weird, and there’s no getting around it.

But if you’re secure enough with yourself that you want to wave a tablet around like a DSLR, the larger varieties of tablets tend to have better, higher-resolution cameras: the Nexus 10 and current iPad have 5-megapixel sensors, while the Asus VivoTab RT has an 8-megapixel one. But the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Microsoft Surface have only 720p cameras on the back. Tread wisely.

7-inch tablets, on the other hand, are less likely to have rear-facing cameras at all. The Kindle Fire HD and Nexus 7 stick to 1.2-megapixel front-facing cameras only; the 7-inch Galaxy Tab 2 has a meager 3-megapixel rear camera, with a VGA one on the front.

Never expect anything from your front-facing camera, and you'll never be disappointed.

It’s tough to find a tablet without a front-facing camera. The ones that do are all disappointingly terrible and not worth mentioning to anyone. We award them no points. and may God have mercy on their souls.

Winner: 10-inch tablets


When it comes to reading, 7-inch tablets edge out their 10-inch brethren. The 10-inch form factor is unwieldy in the lap and generally needs to be propped against something to achieve a good reading angle. Larger tablets also can’t be handled or held up with one hand anywhere near as easily as 7-inch ones.

Winner: 7-inch tablets

Browsing the Web

While we give the e-reading crown to the 7-inch group, we can’t as easily endorse it for its closely related activity cousin: web browsing. This involves a lot more interaction with the screen and a lot more typing, and a bigger webpage is easier to interact with; the larger keyboard is easier to type on. This is a much closer race, but we’re inclined to give the crown to the 10-inch form factor.

Winner: 10-inch tablets

And so the battle royale of tablet size comes to a close, but since each of these areas of use may weight differently for you, we can't rightly declare a victor. Heavy gamers might not care one whit for a device's portability; coffee shop dwellers might scoff at being weighed down by a 10-inch tablet and bag. Both 10-inch and 7-inch tablets have their use cases—clearly, manufacturers wouldn't be selling so many of the things if they weren't each popular. What tablet size tickles your fancy? We're eager to hear your comments below.

Listing image by Casey Johnston


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over a year ago

2/2 for selling broken electronics – I purchased two used 8mm video cameras there in one month only because I couldn't find any new ones. I was desperate for an 8mm camera to transfer some old videos. Both worked in the store, but not at home. NO REFUNDS. On the bright side, they were very helpful helping find a camera that worked in the store.


over a year ago

Buyer Beware! – I just had an experience that I must share. I went to this "Pawn Shop" looking to see if they had any good used firearms - this is at least a couple hundred dollar purchase. From the start they ignored me as I stood patiently for him to finsh with his last customer. There was another guy ahead of me as well, so I knew I would have to wait. After the two, he deccided to help and old man with a ten dollar pawn, who just stepped up to the window.

So, thsi guy calls the guy stting next to the jewlery to come show me the 2 hand guns. He was very vague about the guns - "bullets come out the end" kind of condecending comments. He didn't know how to remove the slide or nothing. After looking at one of them, I foolishly purchased it. I asked how do we go about purchasing the gun - I know that there is a waiting period. He was unclear on the date - including hoildays and such. So, he said come back in 2 weeks - the checks should be done.

I scratched my head and left, thinking that's the way it is. Bien. the state law is 3 days, concealed is 5 days for a hand gun. I called back a few days later and asked why 2 weekes - I'm hearing 7days including the weekend. I talked to another man on the phone and he said the checks should be done by Tuesday - 10 days after purchase - 5 working days have past. I called him on tuesday, seeing if I can pick up my gun. I'm on guy 3 now, I can hear the other guy in the back saying it will be ready tomorrow - good friday was a holiday. I was in my car and didn't have the internet - It didn't sound right, but I don't work for the Fed. I looked it up and nope not a holiday. I called back and got the owner - guy 1. He just flat out said - pick it up tomorrow - he claims store policy. Wow, did I get serviced! treating high dollar customers like trash. Don't go to this store unless you enjoy being lied to, decieved, and dis-respected. If no one shops there, they will go out of business - they deserve that demise.

Similar Businesses Nearby

Additional Business Details

Categories: Pawn Shops, Wholesale Guns & Gunsmiths, Necklaces, Guns & Gunsmiths, Musical Instruments, Loans, Bad Credit Loans, Other Financial Services, Used Musical Instruments, Jewelry Buyer, Jewelry & Watches, Guns, Sporting Goods, Fishing & Hunting, Jewelry

Musical Instrument Products: Used Musical Instruments

Payment Methods: Mastercard Accepted, Discover Accepted, Visa Accepted

Jewelry Products: Diamonds

Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM ; Saturday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Neighborhoods: Esther Short

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