Wednesday 25 October 2017

Sistemas De Comercio C2

Los sistemas automatizados de negociación (o algoritmos de negociación) fueron desarrollados originalmente por los fondos de cobertura, para inversores sofisticados (lea como: "ricos locos".) Ahora, gracias a Collective2, el comercio automatizado está disponible para los humanos normales. Si usted tiene una computadora, y una cuenta de corretaje, y un pulso, bien entonces - usted está en negocio. (Incluso dos de cada tres está bien.)

Cómo funciona

1. Elija un sistema & # 8221;

Utilice nuestro buscador de sistemas para elegir un sistema de comercio automatizado. Acciones, opciones, futuros, divisas & # 8211; Te cubrimos.

2. Simularlo

Tienes que ser loco para comenzar con dinero real. Es por eso que le damos una cuenta de corretaje simulado, con $ 100,000 de dinero imaginario.

3. Resultados de la pista

Rastrear el rendimiento de cada sistema de comercio, en tiempo real, en una sola página web.

4. Ir en vivo

Cuando esté listo, conecte su cuenta real de corretaje en vivo.

5. Paso en

Sólo porque se ha automatizado y # 8221; No significa que usted está fuera de control. Paso en cuando quieras. Establezca sus propias stop-loss.

6. Compartir

Collective2 es la comunidad de comercio automatizado más activa del mundo. Más de 78.000 miembros comparten algoritmos y resultados. Aprenda de los demás. Compartir.

C2 Options Exchange, Incorporated (C2) es CBOE Holdings & rsquo; El más reciente intercambio totalmente electrónico y el segundo intercambio de opciones bajo el paraguas corporativo de CBOE Holdings. C2 es una filial de propiedad total de CBOE Holdings y opera bajo una licencia de intercambio independiente, con sus propias reglas, conectividad, arquitectura de sistemas y estructura de acceso.

El lanzamiento de C2 ofrece tres beneficios clave para la Compañía. Uno, C2 extiende el alcance del cliente de CBOE más allá de su sistema de comercio híbrido tradicional. La naturaleza totalmente electrónica de C2 permite a CBOE Holdings competir cara a cara con el creciente número de fabricantes de la industria en los modelos de mercado. Dos, C2 pueden retener el flujo de pedidos actualmente enrutado lejos del híbrido de CBOE a otros intercambios debido a los requisitos de enlace de la industria. Y tres, C2 posiciona a nuestra Compañía para atraer el volumen incremental de otras bolsas en virtud de un modelo de mercado diferenciado y un programa de tarifas.

C2 se lanzó con éxito el 29 de octubre de 2010. En un guiño a la nostalgia, muchas de las primeras clases que se enumeran en C2 Ford, Merck, McDonald, Texas Instruments y Xerox fueron algunas de las mismas clases Originalmente cotizada en CBOE para su primer día de negociación en abril de 1973. En el primer día de negociación de C2, el volumen totalizó 654 contratos.

En las semanas siguientes, C2 desplegó un despliegue medido que incluyó las clases más activas, multiplicadas en el programa Penny Pilot. A fin de año, las opciones de 356 acciones y ETFs estaban disponibles para negociar en C2, representando el 81 por ciento del volumen total de la industria. En sus dos primeros meses completos, el volumen de operaciones en C2 registró 3,6 millones de contratos. En diciembre, el volumen diario promedio fue de 111.038 contratos, y de 2011 a la fecha, ADV fue de aproximadamente 155.000 contratos hasta febrero.

La meta para C2 en el cuarto trimestre de 2010 fue sencilla: ejecutar un despliegue exitoso de clases con múltiples listas en C2 con el fin de ofrecer a los clientes la flexibilidad de un modelo de mercado CBOE competitivo y estructura de costos. El rendimiento de los sistemas de negociación de C2 y el modelo de mercado superó las expectativas iniciales y la retroalimentación de la comunidad de usuarios hasta la fecha ha sido abrumadoramente positiva.

Una meta importante para C2 en el próximo año será la lista de un producto de índice S & amp; P 500 Index (SPX) en el primer semestre de 2011. La versión electrónica de la opción de índice SPX será idéntica a la estructura de CBOE El producto tradicional de la opción del índice de SPX, excepto el nuevo producto electrónico tendrá & ldquo; pm & rdquo; asentamiento. El nuevo producto ampliará el alcance de los clientes de CBOE proporcionando un "punto-y-haga clic" La versión de su producto de índice negociado más activamente, con una convención del establecimiento encontrada en el mercado Over-The-Counter (OTC).

C2 Total Opciones Volumen En Millones

Preguntas Frecuentes de Collective2 (FAQ)

¿Cómo configuro el API de entrada de señal de C2?

Melissa Karty 18 de septiembre de 2017 17:11

Visión de conjunto

Muchos comerciantes utilizan programas de computadora para colocar operaciones. Para acomodar a estos comerciantes, Collective2 pone a disposición una entrada de señal API. Todas las llamadas a esta API se realizan a través de HTTP, haciendo que su programa llame a una URL.

Usar el API de entrada de señal es fácil. El software debe poder acceder a una URL Web. (Tiene que ser capaz de "OBTENER" una página Web.) Este es un asunto trivial en Perl, C ++ o VB. Si necesita ayuda con esto, por favor, publique un mensaje en nuestros foros; Estoy seguro de que usted será capaz de obtener ayuda de uno de nuestros miembros geeky.

Tenga en cuenta que puede probar manualmente esta interfaz simplemente escribiendo una dirección Web en su navegador. Esto le permitirá ver cómo funciona el sistema.

Cómo crear la URL

Antes de empezar, necesitará haber creado al menos un sistema de comercio en Collective2. Usted necesitará también saber el id del sistema del sistema comercial para el cual usted quiere poner un comercio. (Todos los sistemas de Collective2 tienen un número de identificación único asociado a él, visible para los propietarios del sistema cuando visitan la página "Detalles del sistema" de Collective2).

Encima . Encontrará el ID de su sistema en la página de detalles del sistema. El número no está destinado a ser secreto, pero sólo se muestra cuando inicia sesión como propietario del sistema.

La estrategia para usar la interfaz web es la siguiente. Codificará una dirección web (URL) que contiene toda la información necesaria para realizar un intercambio. A menos que especifique lo contrario, el comercio se convertirá en válido inmediatamente, y también se enviará por correo electrónico (o Instant Messenger de comercio) a suscriptores de inmediato.

La URL tiene el siguiente formato:


Los parámetros requeridos son:

Nota: para forex, use el número de minilotes (10,000 cus). Ejemplo: enviar "Comprar 2" EURUSD comprará efectivamente 20.000 euros.

Opcional. Puede ser utilizado en lugar de quant.

Sólo para acciones, puede presentar un valor en dólares, que se traducirá en un número de acciones. El precio usado puede ser retrasado. Si el pedido se presenta cuando el mercado está cerrado, se utilizará el último precio de transacción del día anterior para calcular las acciones, no el precio de apertura del día siguiente.

Tenga en cuenta que ETFs como QQQ y DIA se negocian en una bolsa de valores y por lo tanto se consideran acciones.

Después de que usted o su programa llama a la dirección URL, el sitio Web responderá con un mensaje de error o con datos similares a lo siguiente:

& Lt; collective2 & gt; \ Delta 10344682 & lt; / signalid & gt; Se acepta la señal 10344682 para el tratamiento inmediato. & Lt; / comments & gt; & Lt; / colectivo2 & gt;

Este texto pseudo-XML está diseñado para que pueda extraer más fácilmente el ID de señal único que se asigna a su solicitud. Cada señal comercial en Collective2 se le da un identificador de señal único.

Conocer el id de la señal del comercio que ingresa es útil para operaciones más complejas, como condicionales y órdenes OCA. Además, es necesario cuando desea cancelar una orden.

Usando sus propios mensajes

Cada pedido en Collective2 tiene una identificación de señal única. La forma más fácil de usar la API de entrada de señal es realizar un pedido utilizando el parámetro de señal cmd =, como se ha descrito anteriormente, y luego permitir que C2 asigne su señal. Su software puede leer la señal enviada de nuevo en el & lt; signalid & gt; (Véase el ejemplo anterior). Esta señal puede usarse para la cancelación de pedidos, crear condicionales (descritos más adelante) y crear grupos OCA (descritos más adelante).

En el ejemplo anterior, C2 asignó a su orden una señal. Sin embargo, puede ser más fácil utilizar sus propias señales al crear una orden. Hay algunas cosas importantes a tener en cuenta al respecto. En primer lugar, si crea su propia señal, debe garantizar su singularidad dentro de su propio sistema de comercio, a través de la eternidad. Una vez que se especifica una señal, no debe volver a utilizarla - ni siquiera años después - e incluso si el orden original en el que apareció la señal apareció cancelado, expirado, etc.

Para especificar su propia señal, simplemente envíe sus números de identificación de señal junto con el pedido. Por ejemplo:

Http: //www. / cgi-perl / signal. Mpl \ cdot cmd = señal & amp; Systemid = 1234 & amp; pw = abcd & amp; instrument = future & amp; action = BTO & amp; quant = 5 & amp; Símbolo = @ ESZ1 & duración = GTC y señal = 100

A partir de entonces, puede utilizar sus propias identificaciones de señal para cancelar pedidos y crear condicionales.

Si especifica una señal, debe ser un entero positivo que sea mayor que cero e inferior o igual a 4294967295.

(Tenga en cuenta que no es necesario que envíe su propia señal. Si no envía una, el servidor generará una para usted.)

Órdenes condicionales

Una orden condicional es una orden que no es válida hasta que se llena una orden anterior. Esto es útil, por ejemplo, si desea establecer una buena pérdida de parada de cancelación, pero sólo después de que un pedido inicial se llena primero.

Para realizar un pedido condicional, agregue el siguiente parámetro a su URL:

Http: //www. / cgi-perl / signal. Mpl \ cdot cmd = señal & amp; Systemid = 1234 & amp; pw = abcd & amp; instrument = future & amp; action = STC & amp; quant = 5 & amp; Símbolo = @ ESZ1 & amp; limit = 1500 & duración = GTC & conditionalupon = 100

En el ejemplo anterior, usted está diciendo, "Coloque la siguiente venta para cerrar la orden de límite, pero sólo después de SignalID = 100. Hasta que se ha llenado la señal, este pedido no debe ser colocado".

Órdenes de anulación (la forma más difícil)

Si usted es largo un instrumento, y desea ir corto (o viceversa) que se llama una inversión. Con el fin de facilitar la AutoTrading de su sistema C2, C2 insiste en que la inversión se lleva a cabo en dos pasos: primero debe enviar una orden para cerrar la posición abierta. A continuación, debe enviar una orden para abrir la nueva posición.

Ejemplo 1: Usted es 100 acciones de IBM. Usted quiere invertir en el mercado, por lo que acaba en el mercado. Por lo tanto, debe emitir dos órdenes en secuencia:



Ejemplo 2: Su corto es 2.000 EUR / USD, que se cotiza en 1.1234. Desea invertir su posición e ir largo si el EUR / USD cae a 1.000.

Esto se logra mejor como un orden condicional como este:

BTC 2.000 EUR / USD en el límite 1.000 orden condicional: BTO 2.000 EUR / USD en MKT (cuando el pedido sobre llena)

Órdenes de anulación (la forma más fácil)

Si prefiere que C2 maneje las complejidades o órdenes de reversión, puede usar nuestro comando de inversión de un solo paso. El formato más simple es así:

El comando anterior simplemente mover su posición actual de largo a corto, al precio de mercado, de inmediato. Puede especificar parámetros adicionales si lo desea. El más útil de ellos es un "precio de activación" en el que la inversión debe tener lugar:

Estos son los parámetros relacionados con la inversión que puede usar:

Symbol = SYMBOL (necesario)

Triggerprice = precio (opcional)

Duration = DAY / GTC (opcional, será GTC a menos que se especifique)

Quant = nueva cantidad de apertura (opcional: use sólo si desea que su posición final sea una cantidad diferente de la cantidad anterior, si no se especifica, pasará de largo a corto, corto o largo, usando la misma cantidad de posición antes La inversión)

Grupos OCA

Puede especificar que un grupo de operaciones actúe como un grupo One-Cancels-Another (OCA). La definición de un grupo OCA es la siguiente: en cuanto se llena la primera orden dentro del grupo, se cancelan los pedidos restantes dentro del grupo.

Para formar un grupo oca, debe especificar el ocagromida con cada señal que ingrese. El ocagromida es un número único. Puede especificar su propio ocagromida o puede solicitar uno desde el servidor C2.

Para solicitar un número de identificación OCA, envíe el siguiente comando:

Recibirá la siguiente respuesta:

& Lt; collective2 & gt; & Lt; ocaid & gt; 17195788 & lt; / ocaid & gt; & Lt; status & gt; Puede usar el ocaid anterior al agregar nuevas señales. & Lt; / status & gt; & Lt; / colectivo2 & gt;

A continuación, puede utilizar este ID OCA al realizar transacciones. Simplemente agregue el ID de OCA a cada URL de señal comercial, como en el ejemplo siguiente:

Http: //www. / cgi-perl / signal. Mpl \ cdot cmd = señal & amp; Systemid = 1234 & amp; pw = abcd & amp; instrument = future & amp; action = BTO & amp; quant = 5 & amp; Símbolo = @ ESZ1 & duración = GTC & amp; ocaid = 12345

Alternativamente, usted puede simplemente fabricar su propio único ocaid nunca-a-ser-usado-otra vez.

Obviamente, para que un grupo OCA funcione correctamente, se necesitará identificar más de una señal con el ID OCA. Una vez que un grupo de 2 o más órdenes se introducen utilizando el mismo ID OCA, el primer comercio que se ejecuta cancelará inmediatamente los otros oficios dentro del grupo OCA.

Objetivo de ganancia todo-en-uno / stop loss

Antes de esta última característica, se le requirió enviar (1) su orden de entrada, (2) su pérdida de stop, y (3) su objetivo de beneficios como tres pedidos separados. Si quería hacer todo a la perfección, se le exigía que tu parada y objetivo de ganancia se condicionaran a la orden de entrada que se estaba llenando, y también hacer que el objetivo de stop y beneficio fuera un solo grupo OCA.

Eso era un montón de trabajo duro de la API para una tarea común. Así que desarrollamos una entrada de pedido todo en uno.

Esencialmente, ingresa su pedido como se muestra arriba, pero puede pegar en uno o ambos de los siguientes:

Si introduce un stoploss y un profittarget, las dos órdenes de salida se convertirá automáticamente en un grupo One-Cancels-Another (OCA). De esta manera, si sale de un comercio con el objetivo de beneficio (por ejemplo), su orden de stoploss no se dejará aroun de mentira.

He aquí un ejemplo:

Http: //www. / cgi-perl / signal. Mpl \ cdot cmd = señal & amp; Systemid = 1234 & amp; pw = abcd & amp; instrument = future & amp; action = BTO & amp; quant = 5 & amp; Símbolo = @ ESU6 & amp; límite = 1000 & amp; duración = GTC & amp; stoploss = 900,50 & amp; profittarget = 1200

Actualización: 13 de noviembre de 2007: & amp; forcenooca = 1

Cuando crea un pedido con un stop-loss y una meta de ganancia todo en uno, está creando una orden principal (el orden de entrada) y dos órdenes condicionales (hijos). (Los niños son la meta stop loss y de ganancias.)

Como conveniencia, C2 hará automáticamente a los dos niños un grupo One-Cancels-Another (OCA). Esto significa que si el niño es llenado o cancelado, también lo es el otro niño.

Sin embargo, hay casos en que esta conveniencia es más decididamente no una conveniencia. En particular, en los casos en que un sistema suele cancelar y luego reemplazar un stop-loss o objetivo de beneficio, es molesto que esta acción afecte a la orden de otro niño no relacionado.

Así que puedes especificar & amp; forcenooca = 1 cuando envíes una señal. Esto evitará que un grupo OCA se cree automáticamente. Si bien los OCA sólo se crean automáticamente en los casos en que tanto profittarget como stoploss se incluyen en una sola presentación de API, no hay ningún inconveniente en incluir el & amp; forcenooca = 1 en todos los casos. Simplemente se ignorará en los casos en que no sea aplicable.

Temas avanzados

C2 le permite ingresar señales comerciales sin conocer el precio específico del instrumento en el momento de realizar las órdenes. Por ejemplo, puede especificar que una orden se coloque después de que se abra el mercado, en función del precio de apertura que resulte ser. En este ejemplo, su pedido se vería como "Vender para abrir a OPENING PRICE -3 Stop"). Además, puede establecer sus objetivos de beneficios y detener las pérdidas basándose en lo que su precio de llenado inicial resulta ser. Así, por ejemplo, su pedido sería algo así: BTO 1 IBM @ market, objetivo de ganancia = PRECIO DE ENTRADA + 5, stop loss = PRECIO DE ENTRADA -2.

Para obtener más información acerca de "órdenes relativas" como éstas, consulte este artículo.

Los pedidos relativos también están disponibles a través de la API. Las URL necesarias para codificarlas pueden ser algo complejas, por lo que esta función está pensada para usuarios avanzados. Esta característica se puede mostrar mejor a través de un ejemplo:

Veamos el ejemplo, pieza por pieza. En primer lugar, obviamente, proporcionamos credenciales del sistema (número de identificación del sistema y contraseña). A continuación se especifica la parte de apertura de la orden: vamos a comprar para abrir 1 harina de soja electrónica, en el próximo mercado abierto, a un precio límite que se basa en lo que el mercado se abre a.

Tenga en cuenta que no sabemos a qué precio se abrirá el mercado SM. Pero podemos especificar que nuestra orden de entrada será al precio de apertura del mercado más 66 puntos (o, O + 66). Un ser humano estaría tentado a escribir: O + 66 pero desafortunadamente los servicios web vomitarán en el signo "+" más. Necesitamos "codificar" todas las signas más como la siguiente cadena:% 2B. En otras palabras la frase:

No se necesita una codificación similar para los signos menos.

Ahora vamos a seguir revisando el ejemplo anterior.

Estamos especificando que queremos entrar en el mercado SM a un precio límite de O + 66. Podríamos parar allí, si queríamos, pero imaginemos que también queremos especificar un objetivo de beneficio y detener la pérdida en el mismo comando. Por supuesto, nuestro objetivo de pérdida de stop y ganancias se basará en el precio real de comercio que recibimos en el pedido de apertura. Que todavía no conocemos. Pero eso no es problema. Podemos representar el precio de apertura comercial con un T.

Así que la última parte de nuestra cadena dice:

Establezca una pérdida de stop y un objetivo de beneficio de la siguiente manera (estos son buenos-hasta-cancela debido a la frase "y targetTIF = GTC"):

Profittarget = precio de apertura comercial + 55

Stoploss = precio de apertura comercial - 4

Siempre que utilice "órdenes relativos", puede especificar uno de tres tipos de órdenes relativos:

O - & gt; Representa el precio de apertura de la sesión (tenga cuidado con los contratos electrónicos, ya que la apertura de la sesión suele ser la "noche" antes del principal día de negociación)

T - & gt; Representa el precio de llenado de la parte inicial del comercio. Esto implica que no se pueden usar órdenes T + o T para BTO o STO, ya que no se ha ejecutado ninguna operación abierta.

Q - & gt; Representa el precio de cotización en tiempo real del instrumento en el momento en que se libera el pedido para su procesamiento.

Tenga en cuenta que puede agregar parámetros de & parkuntildatetime a su orden de apertura, lo que le permitirá especificar un pedido antes de la hora en que desea liberarlo. & Amp; parkuntildatetime se explica más adelante.

Retardo del procesamiento de señales

Como se puede ver, las señales comerciales deben ser introducidos uno a la vez. Dado este hecho, es posible que desee retrasar el procesamiento de grupos de señales hasta que todo el grupo sea ingresado. ¿Por qué sería esto? Bueno, por ejemplo, es posible que no desee confundir a sus suscriptores enviándoles dos correos electrónicos de señales comerciales en la sucesión de disparos rápidos (que es lo que sucederá por defecto, cuando se introduce una señal tras otra). O, lo que es más importante, puede No quiere que su primera señal comercial sea "accidentalmente" comercializada hasta que esté seguro de que su orden condicional está en su lugar.

Resolver esto es simple. Puede introducir un parámetro opcional cuando construya su URL de señal de negociación. Es retraso = X. Donde X es el número de segundos que desea retrasar una señal antes de procesarla.

Para ilustrar, vamos a modificar nuestro segundo ejemplo de URL desde arriba. Supongamos que desea introducir un pedido para comprar 5 contratos del E-Mini S & amp; P en el límite 1120, pero no desea que la señal se comercialice inmediatamente. Además, no desea que la señal se envíe por correo electrónico inmediatamente a sus suscriptores, ya que preferiría esperar hasta que haya introducido otras señales primero. Entonces, una vez que todas sus señales son ingresadas, usted enviará un correo electrónico a cada suscriptor, que contiene el lote de señales.

Aquí está la URL de ejemplo modificada, que incorpora este parámetro de retardo:

Usted quiere comprar 5 contratos del E-Mini S & amp; P en el límite 1120 o mejor, bueno hasta cancelar. Pero retrasar el correo electrónico a los suscriptores (y el comercio en sí) hasta 3 minutos a partir de ahora.

Cancelación de pedidos

Cancelar todos los pedidos pendientes

Señales de lavado

Pedidos basados ​​en tiempo

Cierre de todas las posiciones

Cambio de stop y límites (el comando xreplace)

Solicitando energía de compra

Solicitud del estado de señal

Esencialmente, en la respuesta anterior, C2 le está diciendo que la señal id 26618011 es una orden de BTO 100 acciones de AAPL a 10,25 límite. Hay dos órdenes condicionales (niños) adjuntas a ella. Son las señales 26618014 y 26618016, y son respectivamente un objetivo de beneficio de 99,99 (orden límite) y pérdida de parada de 7,5. Ambos condicionales son GTC.

Actualización: 31 de octubre de 2007

Cuando solicite signalstatus y showdetails = 1, C2 devolverá un campo llamado & lt; ocagroupid & gt; xxx & lt; / ocagroupid & gt ;. Xxx es el identificador de grupo OCA (one-cancels-all) del cual es parte la señal. Si la señal no forma parte de un grupo OCA todavía válido, xxx estará en blanco.

Solicitud de estado de posición

El comando llamado positionstatus le permite solicitar el estado actualizado de una posición C2 para cualquier símbolo dado. Esto no está destinado a ser utilizado para AutoTrading, ya que sólo muestra la C2 "cuenta de modelo" posición. No hay ninguna referencia a ninguna cuenta de corretaje de la vida real, ni cálculos de escala. Para el verdadero desarrollo de AutoTrade, asegúrese de mirar el C2ATI en lugar de la Trade Placement API (véase más abajo).

Para utilizar el comando positionstatus, debe especificar un systemid y un símbolo:

Las respuestas se parecen a esto:

En la posición & lt; & gt; Campo, un número positivo significa una posición larga, y negativo significa una posición corta.

Solicitud de todos los sistemas

El comando allsystems devuelve una lista de los sistemas de negociación "propiedad" de un usuario C2 particular. Tenga en cuenta que la lista sólo devuelve los sistemas de negociación iniciados por el cliente, no los sistemas suscritos por el cliente.

Para utilizar el comando allsystems, debe especificar la información de inicio de sesión de usuario C2 de la siguiente manera:

Las respuestas se parecen a esto:

& Lt; collective2 & gt; & Lt; status & gt; ok & lt; / status & gt; & Lt; errortype & gt; & lt; / errortype & gt; & Lt; comment & gt; & lt; / comment & gt; & Lt; systemowned & gt; & Lt; sistema & gt; & Lt; systemid & gt; 13262198 & lt; / systemid & gt; & Lt; nombre_sistema & gt; Sistema X & lt; / nombre_sistema & gt; & Lt; / system & gt; & Lt; sistema & gt; & Lt; systemid & gt; 11138919 & lt; / systemid & gt; & Lt; nombre_sistema & gt; Velocity X & lt; / nombre_sistema & gt; & Lt; / system & gt; & Lt; sistema & gt; & Lt; systemid & gt; 19308448 & lt; / systemid & gt; & Lt; nombre_sistema & gt; Lotsa Forex & lt; / nombre_sistema & gt; & Lt; / system & gt; & Lt; sistema & gt; & Lt; systemid & gt; 19472734 & lt; / systemid & gt; & Lt; nombre del sistema & gt; Forex Tiger & lt; / systemname & gt; & Lt; / system & gt; & Lt; sistema & gt; & Lt; systemid & gt; 22892798 & lt; / systemid & gt; & Lt; nombre_sistema & gt; Raptor FX & lt; / nombre_sistema & gt; & Lt; / system & gt; & Lt; / systemsowned & gt; & Lt; / colectivo2 & gt;

Si no hay sistemas "propiedad" del usuario en cuestión, se devuelve un error como este:

& Lt; collective2 & gt; & Lt; status & gt; error & lt; / status & gt; & Lt; errortype & gt; No hay sistemas propiedad de & lt; / errortype & gt; & Lt; comment & gt; & lt; / comment & gt; & Lt; / colectivo2 & gt;

Obtener información de equidad: getsystemhypothetical

El comando llamado getsystemhypothetical (getsystemhypo también aceptado) le permite solicitar información de equidad sobre sistemas de negociación en Collective2. Importante: los datos devueltos revelan la información hipotética de la cuenta del sistema de Collective2. Los datos no incluyen datos de cuentas reales de clientes / corretaje.

Aquí hay una llamada de función de ejemplo:

Puede solicitar entre uno y 25 sistemas a la vez. Demarcar cada systemid usando el punto (.), Como muestra el ejemplo anterior.

Los datos se devuelven como en el siguiente formato. Lo más probable es que sólo le interese el campo 'totalequityavail'. Notará que el valor totalquityavail equivale a efectivo más capital menos margen utilizado.

Solicitando signos de llamada

El comando getallsignals devuelve una lista de todas las señales que están pendientes, para todos los sistemas a los que un usuario tiene acceso. Este comando se encontró originalmente en C2ATI (y todavía está disponible a través de esa API separada), pero al menos un desarrollador solicitó que el mismo comando también esté disponible aquí en la API de ubicación de pedidos.

El comando simplemente devuelve una lista de señales, organizada por el sistema. Todos los señalizadores están pendientes, es decir, no han sido llenados, cancelados ni expirados.

Para utilizar el comando getallsignals, debe especificar la información de inicio de sesión de C2 de la siguiente manera:

Las respuestas se parecen a esto:


El comando addtoocagroup agregará una señal ya existente a un ocagroup ya existente. Esta función no pretende ser utilizada para crear un nuevo ocagroup.

Para utilizar el comando addtoocagroup, debe especificar la información de inicio de sesión de C2 de la siguiente manera:

Las respuestas se parecen a esto:

& Lt; collective2 & gt; & Lt; estado & gt; OK & lt; / status & gt; La señal 12345 ahora agregada a ocagroup 9876 & lt; / details & gt; & Lt; / colectivo2 & gt;

El comando newcomment (utilizando el campo de comentario de señal para almacenar información)

Algunos desarrolladores de software C2 han comenzado a utilizar el & lt; comment & gt; Para almacenar la información interna del estado del programa. Esto no era lo que el campo estaba destinado originalmente, pero es ingenioso. Para ayudar a estos esfuerzos, hemos añadido un nuevo comando API llamado newcomment. Lo llama con una señal particular y sobrescribe el campo de comentario para esa señal. Sólo los propietarios de sistemas tienen permiso para hacerlo, obviamente. Debe tener en cuenta que una vez que se haya enviado una señal a los suscriptores, si cambia el campo de comentarios, los suscriptores de correo electrónico NO recibirán el nuevo comentario, aunque estará visible para los suscriptores de ITM o para cualquiera que visite la página del sistema en el sitio web de C2 Que se enciende en "mostrar comentarios". Dado que el comando newcomment sólo tiene la intención de almacenar información de estado interna para su aplicación, esto no es necesariamente una limitación. A continuación, se muestra un ejemplo de cómo utilizar el campo newcomment:

(El texto del comentario debe estar codificado por URL).

& Lt; status & gt; OK: Señal 29148580 comentario creado & lt; / status & gt;

El campo Comentario anterior contendrá el texto de comentario que está sobrescribiendo. Se codificará con URL.

Ejemplo de uso de varias llamadas API

A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de cómo puede enviar pedidos, obtener información sobre ellos y utilizar el campo de comentarios para almacenar información interna a su aplicación.

En primer lugar, ponemos una orden de entrada con una pérdida asociada y un objetivo de beneficio.

Se puede aceptar la señal 29148577 para su procesamiento inmediato. & Lt; / comments & gt;

Tenga en cuenta que los identificadores de señal se han asignado para nosotros. Puesto que hay dos órdenes de los niños (parada pérdida y objetivo de la ganancia), se convierten en un grupo de OCA (uno cancela otro). Esto significa que si se llena o cancela, la otra orden se cancelará y no se dejará "colgando". Si prefiere administrar sus propios grupos OCA, puede evitar que se asigne un autoOCAgroupID añadiendo un parámetro & amp; forcenooca = 1 a la llamada de señal cmd =. Esto puede ser preferible porque le permitirá cambiar las pérdidas de parada (cancelando la pérdida de parada y luego presentando una nueva orden) sin afectar la orden de objetivo de ganancia o viceversa.

Ahora veamos las señales pendientes para un usuario en particular. El comando getallsignals devolverá las señales pendientes para un cliente C2 determinado. Si estoy suscrito a 10 sistemas, cuando envío mi combinación de correo electrónico / contraseña, recibiré una lista de 20 nodos, uno para cada sistema. Los desarrolladores / propietarios del sistema son tratados automáticamente como suscriptores de sus propios sistemas, incluso si no se suscriben formalmente en C2.

Setminbuypower: Cancelar órdenes cuando el poder de compra está por debajo del umbral

El comando llamado minbuypower le permite establecer a través de la API la misma configuración que puede controlar a través de la pantalla Editar detalles del sistema cuando es el administrador de un sistema de comercio. Aquí es cómo describimos este ajuste en esa pantalla:

Algunos sistemas emiten una ráfaga de órdenes de apertura al principio del día (es decir, órdenes para entrar en posiciones), luego esperan a ver qué se llenará y luego cancelarán las órdenes restantes cuando haya una cantidad suficiente de "poder de compra" usado. Podemos ayudarle a implementar este tipo de estrategia. A continuación, puede indicar a C2 que cancele todas las órdenes de apertura pendientes cuando su poder de compra del sistema caiga por debajo de un cierto umbral de valor en dólares. Las órdenes de "cerrar" posiciones no se verán afectadas. Si no entiende este párrafo, es probable que no desee utilizar esta función.

Algunos usuarios han solicitado que esta configuración sea cambiable a través de la API de señal. Para cumplir con estas solicitudes, le permitimos cambiar este valor de la siguiente manera:

Tenga en cuenta que, independientemente de si utiliza la API para establecer este valor o la página Editar detalles del sistema, este parámetro es un ajuste de mejor esfuerzo y C2 no puede garantizar que su nivel de poder de compra será calculado y reconocido al instante o Que todas las señales serán canceladas rápidamente. Pero, en general, la función es bastante fiable, y algunos desarrolladores del sistema lo encuentran útil.


Utilice la API para enviar un mensaje a todos sus suscriptores. Desde la perspectiva de los suscriptores, esto aparecerá exactamente como lo haría si usara la función Broadcast del suscriptor disponible en la página del sistema. Los mensajes deben ser lo suficientemente breves como para encajar en una dirección URL única y deben estar codificados con URL. Un ejemplo del uso de esta función:

obtiene suma

Solicita el valor total de la Cuenta modelo C2 de un sistema. Esto devolverá el punto de datos más reciente en el gráfico de equidad del sistema. O, más técnicamente hablando, devolverá el valor de esta ecuación: efectivo + valor de las posiciones actualmente mantenidas (marcado a mercado).

Cantidades de pedido alternativas

Dólares y cuenta por ciento

Sólo para órdenes de stock. Puede optar por enviar la cantidad de su pedido por valor en dólares en lugar del número de acciones. En lugar de usar & amp; quant = puedes usar & amp; dollars =.

Tenga en cuenta que los precios pueden ser retrasados, y que el último precio en el momento de la presentación de la orden será utilizado. En otras palabras, si envía un pedido mientras el mercado está cerrado, el último precio del día anterior se utilizará para traducir el valor en dólares que especifique en el número de acciones. No se utilizará el precio de apertura del día siguiente.

Sólo para órdenes de stock. Puede optar por enviar la cantidad de su pedido como un porcentaje del valor de la cuenta. En lugar de usar & amp; quant = puede utilizar & amp; accountpercent =.

Utilice un número entre 1 y 100. Por ejemplo, el parámetro & amp; accountpercent = 50 significa que desea utilizar el 50% del valor de su cuenta. El valor de cuenta utilizado (esencialmente, el valor del eje Y más reciente de su gráfico de equidad de sistema) puede retrasarse. Entonces, una vez que se determina ese número de valor de cuenta, se traduce en un valor en dólares de la cantidad de acciones que desea comprar / vender. En este punto, se aplicarán las mismas limitaciones descritas en el párrafo anterior: se utilizará el último precio en el momento de la presentación de la orden.

También disponible: C2 AutoTrading API (C2ATI)

Como se puede ver, la API descrita en esta página describe cómo colocar las operaciones y las instrucciones relacionadas con el comercio en C2. Si está interesado en extraer información comercial de C2 (por ejemplo, si desea escribir software que interactúa con un intermediario y, a continuación, coloca ciertas operaciones recomendadas por C2 automáticamente), comuníquese con el Servicio de asistencia colectiva y solicite más información sobre el C2 Interfaz de AutoTrading.

También disponible: C2 Data Services API (C2DS)

Si está interesado en automatizar el análisis o la interacción con C2 Trading Systems, debe consultar nuestra API de servicios de datos C2.

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TradeBullet y copia;

TradeBullet maneja el enrutamiento de pedidos totalmente automatizado a su corredor de TradeStation, MultiCharts, MetaTrader4, Excel, Collective2. La mayoría de software de gráficos y cualquier aplicación personalizada.

Whether you trade in multiple accounts simultaneously or use advanced order types including direct ECN routing, TradeBullet makes it simple, easy and blazing fast.

Advanced integration with TradeStation and Collective2 provides hands-off trading with unsurpassed speed and flexibility.

Regular trading software is not optimized to handle orders from trading systems; TradeBullet is built from the ground up to be the ultimate order routing platform.

Enjoy the freedom to trade with any of our supported brokers. TradeBullet supports Stocks, Futures and Forex.

Detailed Highlights:

TradeStation Automation: Fully automated trading of TradeStation strategies. No modification of your strategy is necessary! (Ultra version or higher)

TradeStation Replicator : Send signals to multiple brokers. (Ultra2 version or higher)

No Transaction Fees: We don't charge anything over the monthly subscription price.

Simple: Designed for simplicity and ease of use.

Reliable: Built on an industrial-strength framework.

Extremely Fast: TradeBullet is optimized for maximum speed.

Safe: Duplicate order protection.

Multiple Brokers: Interactive Brokers . Man Financial . Open E Cry . TT . Patsystems (J-Trader) and more.

Better Connection: Auto-login and automatic reconnections to the broker.

Better Control: Email order confirmations, executions, positions and connection status. Stay informed when you're away from your computer.

Multiple Accounts: Send orders to multiple accounts simultaneously.

Advanced Simulator: Includes an advanced integrated simulator that allows you to execute simulated orders on live market data. Trade simultaneously on up to 99 simulation accounts!

Powerful Order Types: Exchange routing, Close All Open Positions, Cancel All Open Orders, OCA Groups and end of day maintenance (open orders cancellation and open positions close).

Collective2 automation: Fully automated trading of Collective2 systems. (Ultra version or higher)

Limit order conversion: Automatic conversion of Limit orders into Market orders after xx seconds.

MIT order conversion: Automatic conversion of Limit orders into Market orders when the market price touches the limit price.

Duplicate order management: Ignore duplicate orders or keep only the latest one.

Quick Order Entry: Integrated order-entry screen.

Quick Order Cancellation: One-Click cancellation of all open orders.

Quick Position Flattening: One-Click closing of all open positions.

Two-way communication: Access order, execution, position and account data from your charting application. (Ultra version or higher)

Supported applications:







And all custom applications.

After mulling over some Collective2 systems and reading about AutoTrading for some time I decided to bite the bullet and see if it will work for me.

I downloaded TradeBullet, installed it, subscribed to a trial of a C2 system, set permissions and configured TB all in about a half hour. I'm awaiting the market to open right now to let it fly.

As C2 autotrading is fairly new I expected rough edges or at least a glitch or two but so far its been very smooth and reassuring (which is great because my real money is on the line).

Just wanted to give a thumbs up to TB's creators for a job well done (at least for what I've seen so far. hopefully the actual trading goes as smoothly as the install)

Automated Trading Systems (or trading algorithms) were originally developed by hedge funds, for sophisticated investors. Now, thanks to Collective2, automated trading is available to regular humans. If you have a computer, and a brokerage account, and a pulse, well then - you're in business. (Even two out of three is okay.)

Cómo funciona

1. Pick a “system”

Use our System Finder to pick a an automated trading system. Stocks, options, futures, forex – we’ve got you covered.

2. Simulate it

You’d have to be nuts to start with real money. That’s why we give you a Simulated Brokerage Account, with $100,000 of imaginary money.

3. Track Results

Track each trading system’s performance, in real time, on a single web page.

4. Go live

When you’re ready, hook up your real, live brokerage account.

5. Step in

Just because it’s “automated” doesn’t mean you’re out of control. Step in when you want. Set your own stop-losses.

6. Share

Collective2 is the world’s most active automated-trading community. Over 78,000 members share algorithms and results. Learn from others. Compartir.


Command your Collective2 system from Interactive Brokers TWS

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IBtoC2 is a tool for Collective2 trading system providers who want to use Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation to enter trades. If you use Interactive Brokers and run a trading system on Collective2 you can now use IBtoC2 to link Trader Workstation to your Collective2 trading system. IBtoC2 automatically sends orders entered in the IB TWS platform to a C2 trading system. With IBtoC2 you don't need to log in to the Collective2 web site nor do you need to use Collective2 web order entry screen to type new trading signals. IBtoC2 runs on Windows, Mac and Linux. Note: IBtoC2 may not work simultaneously with some applications that also connect to TWS.

New: since TWS build 903 ("Master API Client ID" added to the API configuration page), IBtoC2 is able to listen to orders entered by 3rd-party tools connected to TWS.

Captura de pantalla

After clicking the Connect button, IBtoC2 is ready to send orders entered in IB TWS to your Collective2 trading system:


New: since TWS build 903 ("Master API Client ID" added to the API configuration page), IBtoC2 is able to listen to orders entered by 3rd-party tools connected to TWS.

Support for Adviser sub-account order filtering

Supports order filtering by orderRef (order reference) string

Supports order size scaling (multiplication and division)

Automatically posts orders entered in IB TWS to your Collective2 trading system

Orders supported: Limit, Market, Stop, Stop Limit, DAY and GTC

Supports order modifications in TWS

Supports attached Auto Stop and Bracket orders

Supports OCA orders

Instruments supported: Stocks, Options, Futures and Forex

Manages intraday and overnight positions

Manages positions opened from the Collective2 web order entry system

Can be used with Interactive Brokers real-trading account, Papertrading account or Demo account


Note: IBtoC2 does not work simultaneously with an application that is already connected to TWS using clientID = 0.

TWS clientID = 0 must be available. If other applications are connected to TWS make sure they are not using clientID = 0. Start IBtoC2 before any other application that connects to TWS to guarantee that it will work.

TWS must be correctly configured as indicated in the documentation provided with IBtoC2.


By purchasing the software, you agree to use it only for personal purposes (if you are not an individual contact me to negotiate a different license). You cannot transfer, rent, lease, lend, copy, share the software. You cannot adapt nor change the software and you cannot re-sell the software. You may install a copy of the software on a computer and freely move the software from one computer to another, provided that you are the only individual using the software.

In no event shall I be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the software product or the provision of or failure to provide support services.


To reach me use the Contact form.

&dupdo; Copyright 2007-2017. Todos los derechos reservados.

A copy of the constitution, articles of incorporation or association with all subsequent amendments, and of existing by-laws or corresponding rules or instruments, whatever the name, of the applicant.

A copy of all written rulings, settled practices having the effect of rules, and interpretations of the Governing Board or other committee of the applicant in respect of any provisions of the constitution, by-laws, rules, or trading practices of the applicant which are not included in Exhibit A.

Information relating to each subsidiary or affiliate of the applicant, and of any entity with whom the applicant has a contractual or other agreement relating to the operation of an electronic trading system to be used to effect transactions on the exchange.

Financial statements for each subsidiary or affiliate of the exchange.

The Exchange anticipates that its Board of Directors will initially be the same as that of the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated, as shown below. Pursuant to Article Twelfth of the Certificate of Incorporation, the incorporator of the Corporation shall appoint the initial Board members. Directors of the Exchange will serve staggered, two-year terms.

Type of Business

Date of Commencement

William J. Brodsky Chief Executive Officer

Bradley G. Griffith Industry Director

Mark F. Duffy Industry Director

David A. Fisher Industry Director

Paul Kepes Industry Director

Stuart J. Kipnes Industry Director

Benjamin R. Londergan Industry Director

Anthony D. McCormick Industry Director

Kevin L. Murphy Industry Director

John E. Smollen Industry Director

Jonathan B. Werts Industry Director

William R. Power Industry Director

James R. Boris Non-Industry Director

Retired President & CEO, EVEREN Capital Corp.

Robert J. Birnbaum Non-Industry Director

Retired President & CEO, NYSE; AMEX

Janet P. Froetscher Non-Industry Director

President & CEO, National Safety Council

Duane R. Kullberg Non-Industry Director

Retired CEO, Anderson Worldwide

R. Eden Martin Non-Industry Director

President, The Commercial Club of Chicago; Of Counsel, Sidley Austin LLP

Roderick Palmore Non-Industry Director

Executive VP, General Counsel & Chief Compliance and Risk Management Officer, General Mills, Inc.

Susan M. Phillips Non-Industry Director

Dean & Professor of Finance, School of Business and Public Management, The George Washington University

Samuel K. Skinner Non-Industry Director

Former Chairman and CEO, USF Corporation; Former U. S. Secretary of Transportation

Carole E. Stone Non-Industry Director

Former Director, New York State Division of the Budget

Howard L. Stone Non-Industry Director

Former Senior Managing Director, American Express Tax and Business Services

Eugene S. Sunshine Non-Industry Director

Senior Vice President for Business and Finance, Northwestern University

The committees of the Board shall consist of an Executive Committee, an Audit Committee, a Compensation Committee, a Regulatory Oversight Committee, a Nominating and Governance Committee and such other standing and special committees as may be approved by the Board. Upon the approval of C2’s Form 1 Application for Registration as a National Securities Exchange by the Commission, and after the appointment of the Board and the Nominating and Governance Committee, the Nominating and Governance Committee shall recommend, and the Board shall appoint, persons to sit on the standing committees of the Board, consistent with Article IV of the Exchange’s Bylaws.

Exhibit K

Exhibit Request:

This Exhibit is applicable only to exchanges that have one or more owners, shareholders, or partners that are not also members of the exchange. If the exchange is a corporation, please provide a list of each shareholder that directly owns 5% or more of a class of a voting security of the applicant. If the exchange is a partnership, please provide a list of all general partners and those limited and special partners that have the right to receive upon dissolution, or have contributed, 5% or more of the partnership’s capital. For each of the persons listed in the Exhibit K, please provide the following:

Full legal name;

Title or Status;

Date title or status was acquired;

Approximate ownership interest; y

Whether the person has control, a term that is defined in the instructions to this Form.


C2 will be wholly-owned by Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated (“CBOE”). CBOE will exercise “control” over the Exchange, as that term is defined in the Form 1 instructions.

Exhibit L

Exhibit Request:

Describe the exchange’s criteria for membership in the exchange. Describe conditions under which members may be subject to suspension or termination with regard to access to the exchange. Describe any procedures that will be involved in the suspension or termination of a member.

A Permit Holder must be registered as a broker-dealer pursuant to Section 15 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. A CBOE member in good standing is eligible to receive one C2 Trading Permit (regardless of the number of CBOE memberships owned by that CBOE member).

Every Applicant must have and maintain membership in another options exchange registered under the Act and that is not registered solely under Section 6(g) of the Act.

The Exchange may deny or condition an Applicant from becoming a Permit Holder for the same reasons that the Commission may deny or revoke a broker-dealer registration and for those reasons required or allowed under the Act.

The Exchange also may deny or condition an Applicant from becoming a Permit Holder when the Applicant:

(i) is a broker-dealer and (A) has a net worth (excluding personal assets) below $25,000 if the applicant is an individual, (B) has a net worth (excluding personal assets) below $50,000 if the applicant is an organization, (C) has financial difficulties involving an amount that is more than 5% of the applicant's net worth, or (D) has a pattern of failure to pay just debts;

(ii) is unable satisfactorily to demonstrate a capacity to adhere to all applicable Exchange, Commission, Clearing Corporation, and Federal Reserve Board policies, rules, and regulations, including those concerning record-keeping, reporting, finance, and trading procedures;

(iii) would bring the Exchange into disrepute; o

(iv) for such other cause as the Exchange reasonably may decide.

The Exchange may determine not to permit a Permit Holder to continue being a Permit Holder or may condition such continuance as a Permit Holder if the Permit Holder:

(i) fails to meet any of the qualification requirements for being a Permit Holder after approval as a Permit Holder;

(ii) fails to meet any condition placed by the Exchange on being a Permit Holder; o

(iii) violates any agreement with the Exchange.

The Exchange’s denials from, and imposition of conditions upon, becoming or continuing to be a Permit Holder may be appealed under Chapter XIX of the Exchange’s rules.

The Exchange may determine in accordance with the provisions of this Rule not to allow a Permit Holder or associated person of a Permit Holder to continue being a Permit Holder or associated with a Permit Holder, or to condition such continuance as a Permit Holder or associated person, if the Permit Holder or associated person is or becomes subject to a statutory disqualification under the Act.

If a Permit Holder or associated person of a Permit Holder who is or becomes subject to a statutory disqualification under the Act wants to continue being a Permit Holder or associated with a Permit Holder, the Permit Holder or associated person must, within 10 days of becoming subject to a statutory disqualification, submit an application to the Exchange, in a form and manner prescribed by the Exchange, seeking to continue being a Permit Holder or associated with a Permit Holder notwithstanding the statutory disqualification.

Following the receipt of such an application, or in the event the Exchange becomes aware that a Permit Holder or associated person of a Permit Holder is subject to a statutory disqualification and has failed to submit such an application within the required time period, the Exchange shall appoint a panel composed of three Permit Holders or persons associated with Permit Holders to conduct a hearing concerning the matter.

The hearing panel shall hold a hearing to determine whether to permit the Permit Holder or associated person of a Permit Holder to continue being a Permit Holder or associated with a Permit Holder, and if so, whether to condition such continuance as a Permit Holder or associated person.

Following the hearing, the hearing panel shall prepare a decision. The Board or its designee may determine within 7 days after the issuance of the hearing panel’s decision to order review of the decision. If the Board or its designee does not order review of the hearing panel’s decision, the hearing panel’s decision shall become the final decision of the Exchange.

If the Board or its designee orders review of the hearing panel’s decision, the review shall be conducted by the Board or its designee or a panel thereof composed of at least 3 members of the Board. The decision of the Board or its designee shall be in writing, shall be promptly provided to the subject of the proceeding, and shall be the final decision of the Exchange.

Exhibit M

Exhibit Request:

Provide an alphabetical list of all members, participants, subscribers or other users, including the following information:


Date of election to membership or acceptance as a participant, subscriber or other user,

Principal business address and telephone number,

If member, participant, subscriber or other user is an individual, the name of the entity with which such individual is associated and the relationship of such individual to the entity (e. g. partner, officer, director, employee, etc.),

Describe the type of activities primarily engaged in by the member, participant, subscriber, or other user (e. g. floor broker, specialist, odd lot dealer, other market maker, proprietary trader, non-broker dealer, inactive or other functions). A person shall be “primarily engaged” in an activity or function for purposes of this item when that activity or function is the one in which that person is engaged for the majority of their time. When more than one type of person at an entity engages in any of the six types of activities or functions enumerated in this item, identify each type (e. g. proprietary trader, Registered Competitive Trader and Registered Competitive Market Maker) and state the number of members, participants, subscribers, or other users in each, and

The class of membership, participation or subscription or other access.


C2 has not commenced operations and currently has no Permit Holders/Members.

Exhibit N

Exhibit Request: Provide a schedule for each of the following:

Provide a schedule for each of the following:

The securities listed in the exchange, indicating for each the name of the issuer and a description of the security;

The securities admitted to unlisted trading privileges, indicating for each the name of the issuer and a description of the security;

The unregistered securities admitted to trading on the exchange which are exempt from registration under Section 12(a) of the Act. For each security listed, provide the name of the issuer and a description of the security, and the statutory exemption claimed (e. g. Rule 12a-6); y

Other securities traded on the exchange, including for each the name of the issuer and a description of the security.


C2 has not commenced operations and, therefore, it has no securities that are listed or traded on the Exchange. The Exchange will not list or trade non-option securities. Upon the effectiveness of its Form 1 Application for Registration as a National Securities Exchange, the Exchange intends to trade listed option contracts.

Modified: 02/25/2009

Collective2: A Review

As a regular user of Collective2. I thought it would be fitting to begin my series of reviews here. It’s difficult to start a review series in a void, so I will be comparing aspects of Collective2 (or C2, as it is often abbreviated) to some of the other sites listed in The Autotrading Universe ; but don’t worry–I intend to review, eventually, as many of those sites as possible to provide further context. nótese bien this review will be updated as Collective2 continues to evolve.

What is Collective2?

Collective2 lets you choose from a library of over 20,080 trading systems, and then lets you automatically trade those systems in your brokerage account.

Let’s parse that a bit. As previously discussed. a trading system is a set of rules by which trades are made, and can be made either manually by a person, or automated through a set of algorithms and executed by machine. I’m a bit curious as to where the count of 20,800 comes from, as my own searches through C2’s “Grid” show a total of between 700 and 900 systems, depending on the time of year.

Who creates these trading systems?

Details are scarce. According to C2’s Frequently Asked Questions. system developers do not need to register with any regulatory body to publish trading signals through Collective2, and thus the potential subscriber to a system depends on the system developer to reveal information about himself, either in his profile, or by sending the developer a message through Collective2’s messaging system. If the developer has chosen to fill out the profile page, it will typically look like this, from the creator of the Topaz NQ 100M system:

(I chose Dr. Koch for this example because he is the subject of C2’s case study ).

In any case, caveat emptor. Unless the developer is a financial professional registered with a securities regulator, it’s difficult to know what the developer’s background or qualifications are.

How can these system automatically be traded?

Collective2 uses technology provided by a company called Trade Integration to enable its customers to autotrade their accounts. Users subscribe to a system, then set up autotrading for that system by providing Collective2 with their login credentials to a partner broker. Collective2’s autotrade setup allows the user to determine how to scale their own allocation vs. the model account (e. g. trade at 25% of the position size that the model account uses), set a limit on the size of each trade, and override positions opened by the system by implementing custom stops, limits, and closing orders. ( Screenshots to be posted at a later date ).

How Much Can Be Earned?

Here’s what Collective2 says on the matter:

If your system performs well at C2, you will make money. How much? That obviously depends on your system, but we can give you some benchmarks. The highest-grossing system on C2 has earned over a half-million dollars. Other systems approach the $100,000 dollars in revenue level. And quite a few good systems cluster around the $20,000 to $30,000 level. While these are the “stars” of course, many systems on the C2 Platform earn money for their developers. In fact, 26% of C2 systems that are over one month old and have positive trading performance have earned at least some subscriber revenue. Almost half of these have earned over $1,000.

A few caveats. In my years of using Collective2, first as a subscriber, then as a vendor, I’ve noticed that there is a clear dichotomy in earnings. Several high-flying (and ultra-high-risk) futures and forex systems come out of the gate with mind-blowing returns in the first months, and naive subscribers flock to those systems in anticipation of lottery-like gains. These systems almost always burn out in their first six months, but generate quite a bit of revenue. The other type of system generates slow but steady returns, but often takes years to acquire enough subscribers to earn significant revenue. If your system returns less than 30% CAGR, your system will be ignored. Stock systems are also far less popular than futures and forex systems, and will consequently generate less revenue. Also, please remember that Collective2 takes a 30% commission on all revenue that your system generates, on top of the semi-annual $98 listing fee charged to vendors per system.

Collective2 implemented the “Trades Own System” (TOS) program in early 2012. Quoting from Collective2’s description:

The Trades-Own-System (TOS) Program is a special program established by Collective2 which allows trading-system creators to “put their money where their mouth is.” To achieve TOS Certification, a system creator must trade his own system using the same exact AutoTrade technology that subscribers use. Because we can monitor trades made by the system creator using AutoTrade technology, we can verify that the system developer actually trades his own system, and at what quantity.

In order to achieve and maintain TOS Certification, a system creator must follow a majority of his own trades in a live brokerage account. By multiplying the “scaling percentage” used by the system developer by the the size of the Collective2 Model Account he runs, we can calculate the Nominal Dollars at Risk by the vendor.

TOS was implemented in response to the concerns often expressed by users on sites that provide signals: Do the system vendors have skin in the game? What incentive do system vendors have to manage money carefully, instead of shooting for the moon, achieving huge returns and drawing in users, only to collapse thereafter? TOS is meant to provide added assurance to users that a system vendor is truly invested in the success of his system, proven by his trading of the system using actual dollars. TOS doesn’t appear to be particular popular, and users do not seem to reward vendors disproportionately for acquiring TOS status. That said, most TOS systems are unprofitable. so the jury’s out as to whether it will provide added value or even survive in the long term. (See the “My Misgivings” section below to see some updates).

Collective2 is testing a feature called System Constraints. I’m only mentioning this, and not reviewing this feature, as I have not implemented it myself. It seems like a good idea, but like the Trades Own System qualification, I think that providing an incentive for system developers to use this will spur it along. That said, the incentives for TOS were withdrawn after one year… I’m going to just quote the explanation below:

Beta Test Notice . The System Constraints feature is currently undergoing beta testing. During this period, despite what is written below, we will allow system developers to change or remove their system constraints any time they like, and changes will become effective immediately. Also, during this period, we will not publicly reveal on your system page which system constraints, if any, are in place. The purpose of this testing period is to make sure that C2 correctly evaluates and handles your system constraints. Please be aware this feature is still in beta.

Set Trading Constraints for [Your System]

You can increase a potential subscriber’s comfort with your trading system by agreeing up front to follow certain trading constraints. Once you specify trading constraints, subscribers know you will be required to follow them. C2 will prevent orders from being placed which would violate the constraints, and/or may close any positions that violate constraints.

If any constraints are violated, C2 will close any position its software deems fit; it may not close the position you would have wished to close. Remember, the idea here is to avoid ever reaching the point where this happens.

Can I change my mind?

Yes, but it is a bit of a process.

Once you enter constraints below, and once you have a subscriber, you can only change your constraints in the following way:

You may enter a Constraint Change Request, which will be sent to all subscribers for approval.

Once all subscribers approve of the change, or once 7 days pass — whichever comes first — your changes will become effective.

Remember, the purpose of this feature is to allow conservative system developers to promise that their strategy will be run in a conservative fashion. This will attract subscribers who seek such strategies. This is not appropriate for all systems, system creators, or trading styles.

No single position may take more than % of system capital (Suggestion: 7%)

Sum of all open positions may take no more than % of system capital (Suggestion: 30%)

Trades must have a stop loss capping loss at this % of system equity (C2 will create one if you don’t) (Suggestion: 3%)

Collective2 has supposedly “soft-launched” (i. e. without any announcement) an international version of its site that will allow futures and forex system developers to be paid per trade (0.5 pips per round trade for forex, $0.50 per futures contract bought or sold). At least for forex, this is in line with its competitors. This payment scheme is only in force when non-USA subscribers trade the system; American citizens will continue to pay the flat monthly fee set up by the developer; indeed, only non-US citizens are even able to view the site. After a test period, system developers will need to pay a separate listing fee to offer their systems on this international site. As a US citizen, I am unable to evaluate the international site.

The proprietor of the site, Matthew Klein, is a published author (Con Ed and Switchback ) and has a quirky and self-deprecating sense of humor. Occasionally he sends out a newsletter to C2 users reviewing popular systems on his site (see here. here. and here ), interviewing popular system developers (see here and here ), or advice on how to choose a trading system (see here. here. and here ), all representative of his jocular writing style).

I began using Collective2 in 2009 as a subscriber. I subscribed to several stock, forex, and futures systems and ended up losing money for a variety of reasons, which are common to subscribers:

The system didn’t have enough of a track record for me to accurately gauge its risk. It’s important to see how a system recovers from adversity before subscribing. See if the system can recover from drawdowns, and how long it takes. Wait to see how the system performs in bull and bear markets.

The system developer engage in martingale/pyramid trading (in which the system continues to add against a losing position in an attempt to average down and benefit from a reversal in the system’s favor). Unfortunately for me, this behavior only began after I subscribed to the system.

The vendor did not respond to questions in a reasonable period of time, which was a warning sign. Several vendors on Collective2 have been known to simply disappear, leaving their subscribers hanging with open (and likely losing) positions.

Several users on Collective2 engage in unethical behavior by starting a system with an account, and then if that system fails, abandoning that account and starting a new system on a new account. In this way, these users are able to conceal their track record.

The Collective2 scoring system is opaque and does not correlate well with system performance. It tends to reward age disproportionately when rating systems. A user can always look at The Grid and select custom criteria to choose systems, but with so many different types of systems, Collective2 would add value by providing a guideline superior to its current C2 Score scheme. Alternatively, C2 should provide downloadable spreadsheets of all available systems with their performance statistics, and let users calculate their own scores.

My Misgivings About Collective2

While I have been using Collective2 both as a subscriber and a developer for four years, I have mixed feelings about the site and have begun looking for alternatives. Collective2 has several strikes against it:

Diseño . Users often post in the forums that they are new to the site and need help understanding what Collective2 is, how to use it, and how to select systems. This is a serious problem, and I often wonder how much more business Collective2 would have if it focused on improving its user-friendliness. Overall, I find the site difficult to navigate, and it has several idiosyncrasies which add to the problem. For example, the administrators thought it would be helpful to add a tool called System Guru to help analyze a user’s risk appetite and recommend systems that matched the user’s risk profile. This tool can be accessed from the home page and nowhere else, not even appearing under the “Find a System” column of the navigation menu. Other minor inconsistencies include the fact that the search box appears on the right side of the screen on the dashboard or system pages, but on the left side on the forum page. The forum system and messaging system are also rather primitive, thus inhibiting user/developer communication.

Seguridad. At the end of 2009, it was hacked and the credit card information was stolen. Not exactly confidence inspiring. Also, as part of the recovery, the current, new site layout was implemented, and I find it to be user-unfriendly and not welcoming for novice users.

Business Continuity . After a year and a half of suffering losses from various systems, I started to look into automating my own (profitable) trading. Coincidentally, towards the end of 2010, the owners of Collective2 opened a sister site called Youtualfunds. com. which allowed a user to create a portfolio of stocks allocated by percentage instead of number of shares. Users could even include other portfolios within their portfolio, creating fund-of-funds. The best part was that users could autotrade these portfolios at OptionsXpress and manage the allocations through a very easy to use web-based API. After spending several months experimenting with how to automate a system using my basic JavaScript knowledge, I was all set to begin autotrading my own portfolios. Then in March 2012, the administrators announced that autotrade functionality would no longer be available, and several months later, Youtualfunds was shut down.

Choice of Brokers . One of my favorite brokerages, OptionsXpress, was removed as an autotrade broker. Since then, the only choices available to subscribers are MB Trading and Vision Financial, which do not appeal to me. Collective2 management promised for years to add Interactive Brokers to their autotrade program, but eventually was able to add it only to autotrade futures (although apparently non-US customers are able to autotrade all instruments through Interactive Brokers). Not only does such a paltry choice of brokers restrict my ability to trade through Collective2, it also limits the ability of Collective2 to attract more users. Without a business relationship with at least one of the big brokers, like TD Ameritrade or Schwab. Collective2 will always be a niche service.

Lack of Long Term Planning . Meanwhile, starting in 2012, Collective2 began the “Trades Own System” (TOS) program mentioned above. At the time it was introduced, it included several significant incentives to join: listing fees were waived for developers enrolled in the program; Collective2 cut its commission on subscription revenue from 30% to 15%; and autotrading fees were waived. I created three forex systems and enrolled them in the TOS program, and used the anticipated saved listing fees to create three equity trading systems. On January 25, 2017, Collective2 announced that TOS would no longer waive listing fees, and its commission fee would revert to 30% of subscriber revenue.

Customer Service . In a word, terrible. Emails to Collective2 are often ignored, trouble tickets are often ignored, and posts to Collective2’s help forum are often ignored. It’s a small team running the site, to be sure, but isn’t addressing the questions and concerns of one’s revenue-generating customers the most important part of any business?

Stability . The API server often lags or crashes, which causes my systems to miss signals. As I’m trading my own systems with my own money, this isn’t an academic problem. What good is an algorithmic system that only executes some of its signals?

Lack of Focus . Here’s what the administrators of Collective2 say they are working on, or promise to work on: improve the Collective2 scoring system; improving the Trades Own System qualification; improving the “automated system constraints” feature (not mentioned in my review because it’s never been formally introduced on C2, and Matthew Klein says he is not yet satisfied with it); establishing relationships with more brokers; rolling out its international forex site; improving its affiliate program, etc. It’s all important, to be sure, but I’ve heard these same promises since I joined in 2009. So why is C2 management wasting time on experiments like TradeFizz. Sometimes it feels like management has lost interest in the maintenance and improvement of Collective2.

Business Strategy . Other social trading sites are hyperactive in their marketing, advertising, and interactions with the financial media. Management of Collective2 doesn’t even formally announce when they add new brokers or features, let alone issue press releases. Does C2 want to be a player in this industry, or is this just a hobby? Perhaps they should consider selling or merging with one of the other social trading sites.

Needless to say, it’s difficult to build a business with such frequent changes at Collective2, so I am looking at Zulutrade. Tradency and Currensee to provide my forex trading signals, and Covestor. DittoTrade. or various brokerage houses’ independent newsletter autotrading technology to provide my equity trading signals. Collective2’s biggest advantage is its web services API, which is fairly easy to use, and it’s difficult to find similar functionality elsewhere. I am slowly learning C# in order to transition to one of the several available software packages to automate trading (NinjaTrader. MultiCharts. ForexConnect. etc.)

Collective2 has been in operation for several years, and the site administrators have emphasized several times that the site is “financially successful,” so hopefully it will continue to operate well into the future. Even though I have highlighted several problems above, I have been a user of Collective2 for several years, and have not yet found a complete replacement for the services provided by C2. I want to emphasize that despite my often negative tone above, I want Collective2 to succeed . That said, time is not on Collective2’s side, as new competitors are constantly emerging (I seem to add to my Algorithmic Trading and Autotrading Universe page every week), and existing competitors continually add new features that degrade Collective2’s advantages. If you’re a retail investor at one of the major brokers, Collective2 will be of limited value to you because of the lack of autotrading through your existing accounts, and if you have the chops to develop your own automated trading solution, Collective2 will be redundant.

We will explore some of these other competitors in future reviews.

Update, June 5, 2017: After a year on Collective2, I have decided to discontinue my subscription to Collective2 for my foreign exchange system, Cold Fusion FX. I will instead concentrate on the other social trading sites where I offer this model (please see INTJ Algorithmic Trading Models for more details).

Update, June 18, 2017: Another questionable design update from Collective2. The new homepage at http://www. gives me a bit of vertigo from the color choices. Is it just me? Compare to the previous version and even the version before. I really wish they would spend more of their time on the other issues I mentioned above rather than on cosmetic updates of questionable aesthetics.

Update, June 29, 2017: Collective2 has raised its system listing price from $98 every six months to $120 every six months. To reiterate, Collective2 now charges system developers $120 every six months, plus 30% of any subscription revenue. On the subscriber side, users are charged $100/mo to use autotrading technology for stocks ($1.99/contract for futures and $0.50/mini-lot for forex) on top of any monthly subscription fee they must pay to the system developer. Meanwhile, most of Collective2’s competitors don’t charge any listing fee to system developers, and subscription fees on those sites are either volume-based, or a fraction of what Collective2 developers charge (Forex site ZipSignals recently introduced a volume-based pricing model). We’ll see which philosophy wins out in the end: the “build it and they will come” philosophy of most of C2’s competitors, or “build it and charge them to come” that C2 is pursuing.

Update, July 26, 2017: Collective2 has implemented an attractive new dashboard. and mercifully returned to the previously aesthetically pleasing homepage. I hope this is an indication of good things to come, but the speed with which competitors like Myfxbook are implementing new functionality doesn’t bode well for Collective2’s glacial progress.

Mensaje de navegación

The web site for signal entry supports https but the example in the document uses http, and either will work. Why??

The login page is also unencrypted http unless you explicitly choose https: …

I agree with you, but that’s not even in the top 10 problems. To still have problems with stock splits, mistakes with exchange opening hours, and API glitches at this point is unprofessional. To be honest, the recent price increase was the final straw for me, when C2 has so many competitors that charge far less for a far more polished product. It’s not practical to continue to use what is essentially a beta product that still has such problems after a decade of development. One more illustrative lesson that it’s better to do one thing very well (i. e. the focus of most sites on forex, or stocks) than be a jack of all trades yet master of none.

Great review. I tend to agree with most of the negatives you bring up. (I’m a fairly new system developer there, and am becoming so frustrated with the amateurish management of the site). What alternative sites would you recommend for sellers of stock trading systems? Basically, I’m looking for something just like C2, but done properly. Gracias.

INTJ Capital says:

Thus the conundrum, as when it comes to stock-based systems, there is no complete alternative (ie does both performance auditing as well as autotrade/mirror trade execution). I didn’t have a great impression after speaking with Ditto Trade, and I don’t have direct experience with global-autotrading. com. Perhaps the best bet is to partner with the various brokerages that still auto trade newsletters (eg TradeKing, TradeMonster, eOption, Trading Block, etc). You would have to use an in depended and respected third party service to audit your performance and beware of regulatory and compliance issues with marketing your service.

In all fairness to C2, it is precisely these regulatory and compliance issues that make auto trading so hard, since the regulators are essentially pawns of the big players. Regulators are interested in consolidation and protection of the established players (see the NFA and FINRA for prime examples of this), and competition from new entrants is the last thing they want. It’s no coincidence that the world of forex has infinitely more competition and better services, as the regulation there is comparatively light.

There is another category, not quite comparable, that provides managed accounts from which you can select various strategies or advisors. Covestor is one example of the “new school” of investment management, but most large brokerages maintain Separately Managed Account services. On the other end of the spectrum are sites like AlphaClone, which try to replicate the holdings of well-known investment and hedge fund managers. Caveat: Account minimums tend to be $100k+, so they are not geared towards average investors.

That said, if you come across any startups that present a good alternative to C2, please let me know.

INTJ Capital says:

In all honesty, I haven’t used C2 much since this review. I visited recently and saw many users complaining about some deficiencies in a site redesign–the more things change, the more they stay the same.

I have had many, many requests asking for an alternative to C2, so there is clearly a market for this kind of service (track record auditing with autotrading of all the major asset classes), but unfortunately C2 just can’t seem to execute cleanly.

I think it’s the draconian regulatory environment that is scaring away potential entrants, but perhaps a Covestor or Zulutrade and the like will eventually expand outside their comfort zones to fill this niche.

Hey Jeff, this really is a great post on C2. I have spent the last year researching who and how to have my system traded for my self and to share with my clients.

I trade futures, and when push comes to shove in the end C2 is the only option. I decided to go with the Private Label plan to make it run the way I want and not have to pay the 30% commissions, and to have a more professional look and feel.

Overall, I am very happy with how things have gone, and are running. See it here if you want: http://algotrades. mpl? systemid=83981425

Hey Collective2 interested traders and system developers!

Its been half a year since I started using collective2 for my AlgoTrades algorithmic trading strategies which I trade and share with others.

I just wanted to say that my experience so far has been perfect thus far (knock on wood). If you want to know more about their platform, just ask or post on INTJ Capital, I will see it.

my experience has also been good

Lots of systems are garbage, but I tested this one since now 2 months and it is doing good

there is also Emerging S that looks great,

INTJ Windjammer Indicator


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The Daily Journal of the United States Government

Self-Regulatory Organizations; C2 Options Exchange, Incorporated; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of a Proposed Rule Change Amending Rule 6.45 Relating to Disaster Recovery

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Publication Date: Wednesday, November 04, 2017 Agency: Securities and Exchange Commission Entry Type: Notice Document Citation: 80 FR 68343 Page: 68343 -68347 (5 pages) Agency/Docket Numbers: Release No. 34-76300 File No. SR-C2-2017-030 Document Number: 2017-28023 Shorter URL: https://federalregister. gov/a/2017-28023

Table of Contents Back to Top

October 29, 2017.

Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Act”), [1] and Rule 19b-4 thereunder, [2] notice is hereby given that on October 28, 2017, C2 Options Exchange, Incorporated (“Exchange” or “C2”) filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“Commission”) the proposed rule change as described in Items I and II below, which Items have been prepared by the Exchange. The Commission is publishing this notice to solicit comments on the proposed rule change from interested persons.

I. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Terms of Substance of the Proposed Rule Change Back to Top

The Exchange proposes to amend Rule 6.45 relating to disaster recovery. The text of the proposed rule change is available on the Exchange's Web site ( http://www. cboe. com/AboutCBOE/CBOELegalRegulatoryHome. aspx ), at the Exchange's Office of the Secretary, and at the Commission's Public Reference Room.

II. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change Back to Top

In its filing with the Commission, the Exchange included statements concerning the purpose of and basis for the proposed rule change and discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule change. The text of these statements may be examined at the places specified in Item IV below. The Exchange has prepared summaries, set forth in sections A, B, and C below, of the most significant aspects of such statements.

A. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change

1. Purpose

C2 proposes to amend Rule 6.45 relating to disaster recovery. Specifically, C2 proposes to update Rule 6.45 to further describe C2's back-up systems, the circumstances under which they may be used and the testing that C2 may conduct to ensure the availability, functionality and performance of such systems. Additionally, C2 proposes certain updates to Rule 6.45 in response to new disaster recovery regulations and business resumption standards recently adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC” or “Commission”) as promulgated in Regulation Systems Compliance and Integrity (“Regulation SCI”) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Act”). [3]


C2 adopted Rule 6.45 in 2012 for the limited purpose of providing alternative means of operation in the event C2's trading system became inoperable or otherwise unavailable for use due to a disaster or other unusual circumstance. In particular, Rule 6.45, as originally adopted, was intended to allow C2 to operate a Disaster Recovery Facility (“DRF”) to continue to trade exclusively-listed option classes until C2's main trading system was again available. [4] At that time, C2 intended to utilize hardware located in the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated (“CBOE”) building in Chicago, IL for the purposes of operating the DRF. C2's main trade engine is located on the east coast.

In addition to adding greater detail to C2's disaster recovery rules in Rule 6.45, C2 proposes to make updates to Rule 6.45 to harmonize its disaster recovery rules with the newly implemented disaster recovery-related regulatory imperatives of Regulation SCI. Regulation SCI supersedes and replaces the SEC's voluntary Automation Review Policy (“ARP”), established by the Commission's two policy statements each titled “Automated Systems of Self-Regulatory Organizations,” issued in 1989 and 1991, expanding existing practices and making them mandatory. [5] As part of Regulation SCI, C2 is required to maintain back-up and recovery capabilities with sufficient resiliency and geographical diversity and that are reasonably designed to achieve next business-day resumption of trading and two-hour resumption of critical systems following a wide-scale disruption. [6] C2 must also participate in at least annual testing of its business continuity and disaster recovery plans and, to that end, develop and adopt standards to designate which of its TPHs must participate in testing in order to reasonably ensure the maintenance of a fair and orderly market if C2's disaster recovery plan must be activated. [7]

Proposed Rule Changes

C2 now proposes to make changes to Rule 6.45 to allow for trading in all C2-traded option classes on a back-up data center in the event the main trading system is unavailable. The proposed rule will no longer be limited to exclusively-listed options traded on C2. Furthermore, prior to the compliance date of Regulation SCI, C2 will have separate hardware designated for the C2 back-up data center (as opposed to using CBOE hardware).

C2 proposes to make changes to Rule 6.45 to provide additional details regarding C2's back-up trading systems and business continuity and disaster recovery plans activation and testing. As discussed above, C2 also seeks to update its disaster recovery rules to ensure consistency with Regulation SCI.

Current Rule 6.45 is divided into four sections, (a) through (d). Rule 6.45(a) authorizes C2 to maintain a DRF to preserve C2's ability to trade exclusively-listed options in the event C2's primary data center becomes inoperable or otherwise unavailable for use. Current Rule 6.45(b) describes the notice that must be given prior to commencing trading on back-up data center systems. Current Rule 6.45(c) describes the rules that would be in effect if C2 were to switch its trading operations to the DRF. Current Rule 6.45(d) prescribes that Trading Permit Holders (“TPH”) are required to take appropriate actions as instructed by C2 to accommodate C2's ability to trade options via the DRF.

C2 proposes to make rule changes to Rule 6.45 with detail added to each section of the current rule. Under proposed Rule 6.45(a) (General) C2 would adopt a general statement regarding the purpose of its disaster recovery rules, providing that C2 maintains business continuity and disaster recovery plans that may be effected in the interests of the continued operation of fair and orderly markets in the event of a systems failure, disaster, or other unusual circumstances that might threaten the ability to conduct business on C2.

Proposed Rule 6.45(b) (Back-up Data Center) would incorporate parts of the current Rule 6.45(a) in that it includes a statement that C2 maintains a back-up data center (replacing what was formerly referenced as a “Disaster Recovery Facility” or “DRF”) in order to preserve C2's ability to conduct business in the event C2's primary data center becomes inoperable or otherwise unavailable for use. Proposed Rule 6.45(b) no longer limits the C2 disaster recovery facility to preserving C2's ability to trade exclusively-listed options. Currently C2 does not trade exclusively-listed options. The proposed Rule would now cover all option classes available for trading on C2. The proposed Rule notes that disaster recovery plans may be effected to ensure the continued operation of a fair and orderly market. C2 is removing the reference to the trading of exclusively-listed options in favor of “conduct business”. This proposed rule change reflects the fact that C2 may be engaged in business activities other than just the trading of options, including, but not limited to, the dissemination of market data and certain regulatory functions.

Proposed Rule 6.45(b) would add the scenario of a significant systems failure to the list of causes that may trigger an operational switch to C2's back-up data center. The proposed addition of significant systems failures to the list of scenarios that may trigger an operational switch to C2's back-up data center is intended to more accurately reflect the realities of electronic trading environments and contemporary threats posed to the operation of fair and orderly markets. In addition to the reformulation of the description of C2's back-up data center, proposed Rule 6.45(b) would also contain subsections similar to the notice, applicable rules, and Trading Permit Holder (“TPH”) preparations provisions currently contained in Rules 6.45(b) through (d).

Proposed Rule 6.45(b)(i) (Back-up Data Center Functionality), would make clear the functional and performance standards that the back-up data center must be reasonably designed to achieve. Specifically, proposed Rule 6.45(b)(i) would provide that C2 maintains a back-up data center that C2 has determined is reasonably designed to achieve prompt resumption of systems consistent with Regulation SCI. Proposed Rule 6.45(b)(i) would also provide that nothing in the provisions of proposed Rule 6.45(b) shall be interpreted to require C2 to develop or maintain a back-up data center designed to fully replicate the capacity, latency, and other features of the primary data center. This statement attempts to make clear that in order to preserve C2's ability to conduct business in the event C2's primary data center becomes inoperable or otherwise unavailable for use, C2 must maintain a back-up data center that is reasonably designed achieve resumption of systems consistent with Regulation SCI during a significant systems failure, disaster or other unusual circumstances, rather than replicate C2's primary data center systems. C2 believes that the standards set forth in proposed Rule 6.45(b)(i) are reasonable to help ensure the maintenance of fair and orderly markets in the event of a significant systems failure, disaster or other unusual circumstances and are consistent with provisions in the release language of Regulation SCI. [8]

Proposed Rule 6.45(b)(ii) (Notice), would be similar to current Rule 6.45(b) and provide that prior to commencing trading on the back-up data center, C2 shall announce publicly the classes that will be available for trading. Proposed Rule 6.45(b)(iii) (Applicable Rules) would provide that in the event the primary data center becomes inoperable, trading will continue using the back-up data center and all trading rules will remain in effect. Consistent with current Rule 6.45(c), the proposed rule would also contain the provisions that all non-trading rules of C2 shall continue to apply.

Proposed Rule 6.45(b)(iv) (Trading Permit Holder Participation) regarding testing of C2's back-up data center would contain provisions similar to current Rule 6.45(d) (Trading Permit Holder Preparations), but add subparagraphs to more clearly articulate C2's authority to conduct testing of its back-up data center systems. Thus, similar to current Rule 6.45(d), proposed Rule 6.45(b)(iv) would provide that TPHs are required to take appropriate actions as instructed by C2 to accommodate C2's ability to trade options via the back-up data center. C2 also proposes changing the rule text in proposed Rule 6.45(b)(iv) to provide that TPHs are required to take appropriate actions as instructed by C2 to accommodate C2's ability to conduct business via the back-up data center, rather than solely to accommodate C2's ability to trade options. Under the proposed rule change, the title of current Rule 6.45(d) (Trading Permit Holder Preparations) would also be changed in proposed Rule 6.45(b)(iv) (Trading Permit Holder Participation) to better describe the purpose of the rule provisions.

Subsections (A) through (C) under proposed Rule 6.45(b)(iv) are designed to harmonize C2's back-up data center testing rules with certain provisions of Regulation SCI. Under proposed Rule 6.45(b)(iv)(A) (Designated BCP/DR Participants), C2 shall designate those Trading Permit Holders that the C2 reasonably determines are, taken as a whole, the minimum necessary for the maintenance of fair and orderly markets in the event of the activation of the C2's business continuity and disaster recovery plans (“Designated BCP/DR Participants”). Designated BCP/DR Participants will include: (1) All C2 Market-Makers and; (2) all C2 Trading Permit Holders connected to the C2 primary data center and transacting non-Participant customer business, unless a C2 Trading Permit Holder, other than a C2 Market-Maker, can demonstrate ready access to the back-up data center through another C2 Trading Permit Holder that is a designated participant. C2 has reasonably determined that a C2 TPH, other than a C2 Market-Maker, who can demonstrate ready-access to the back-up data center through another C2 Trading Permit Holder, that is a designated participant, is not necessary for the maintenance of fair and orderly markets in the event of the activation of the C2's business continuity and disaster recovery plans. Criteria for designating BCP/DR participants will be announced prior via Regulatory Circular. Any changes to the standards by which a market participant might be determined to be a Designated BCP/DR Participant would be applied prospectively with reasonable advance notice as announced via Regulatory Circular. C2 would first announce the criteria by which market participants would be determined to be Designated BCP/DR Participants by November 1, 2017.

C2 has attempted to model the provisions of proposed Rule 6.45(b)(iv)(A) based on provisions of Regulation SCI, which require C2 to establish standards for the designation of those members or participants that C2 reasonably determines are, taken as a whole, the minimum number of members or participants necessary for the maintenance of fair and orderly markets in the event of the activation of its business continuity and disaster recovery plans. [9] Also consistent with Regulation SCI, proposed Rule 6.45(b)(iv)(B) (Fair and Orderly Market Conditions) would make clear that nothing in proposed Rule 6.45(b) would require C2 to assume that average levels of liquidity, depth, or other characteristics of a usual trading session must be present in order to achieve a fair and orderly market in the event of the activation of C2's business continuity and disaster recovery plans. [10]

Proposed Rule 6.45(b)(iv)(C) (Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans Testing), would provide that C2 shall require Designated BCP/DR Participants and may require other market participants to participate in scheduled business continuity and disaster recovery plans tests in the manner and frequency prescribed by C2. Proposed Rule 6.45(b)(iv)(C) would set forth C2's authority to conduct testing of its business continuity and disaster recovery plans and obtain assistance from Designated BCP/DR Participants and other market participants in conducting such tests. C2 notes that the provisions of proposed Rule 6.45(b)(iv)(C) are consistent with C2's current rules [11] as well as provisions of Regulation SCI pertaining to business continuity and disaster recovery plan testing. [12] Proposed Rule 6.45(b)(iv)(C)(1) (Documentation and Reports), would provide that C2 may require Designated BCP/DR Participants and/or other market participants to provide documentation and reports regarding tests conducted pursuant to Rule 6.45, including related data and information, as may be requested by C2, and in the manner and frequency prescribed by C2. Proposed Rule 6.45(b)(iv)(C)(2) (Notice), would provide that C2 will provide reasonable prior notice of scheduled business continuity and disaster recovery plans tests to Trading Permit Holders, which notice shall describe the general nature of the test(s) and identify the Trading Permit Holders required to participate and shall be announced via Regulatory Circular.

2. Statutory Basis

C2 believes the proposed rule change is consistent with the Act and the rules and regulations thereunder applicable to C2 and, in particular, the requirements of Section 6(b) of the Act [13] and Regulation SCI. [14] Specifically, C2 believes the proposed rule change is consistent with the Section 6(b)(5) [15] requirements that the rules of an exchange be designed to prevent fraudulent and manipulative acts and practices, to promote just and equitable principles of trade, to foster cooperation and coordination with persons engaged in regulating, clearing, settling, processing information with respect to, and facilitating transactions in securities, to remove impediments to and perfect the mechanism of a free and open market and a national market system, and, in general, to protect investors and the public interest. Additionally, C2 believes the proposed rule change is consistent with the Section 6(b)(5) [16] requirement that the rules of an exchange not be designed to permit unfair discrimination between customers, issuers, brokers, or dealers.

In particular, the proposed rule change is designed to promote C2's ability to ensure the continued operation of a fair and orderly market in the event of a systems failure, disaster, or other unusual circumstances that might threaten the ability to conduct business on C2. C2 recognizes that switching operations to the back-up data center may occur in times of uncertainty or great volatility in the markets. It is at these times that the investors may have the greatest need for viable, trustworthy marketplaces. The proposed rule changes seek to ensure that such a marketplace will exist when most needed. Accordingly, C2 believes that the proposed rule protects investors in the most fundamental sense by helping to ensure that a fair and orderly market will exist at a time when such a market may be most needed.

C2 also believes that the proposed rule change promotes just and equitable principles of trade by adding detail and clarity to the Rules. The proposed rule change seeks to provide additional clarity to C2's disaster recovery rules, putting all market participants on notice as to how C2 will function in case of significant systems disruption or other disaster situation. C2 is continuously updating the Rules to provide additional detail, clarity, and transparency regarding its operations and trading systems and regulatory authority. C2 believes that the adoption of detailed, clear, and transparent rules reduces burdens on competition and promotes just and equitable principles of trade. C2 also believes that adding greater detail to the Rules regarding C2's ability to ensure the continuous operation of the market and preserve the ability to conduct business on C2 will increase confidence in the markets and encourage wider participation in the markets and greater investment. Finally, C2 notes that proposed Rule 6.45 is designed to harmonize C2's disaster recovery rules with Regulation SCI under the Act.

B. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Burden on Competition

C2 does not believe that the proposed rule change will impose any burden on competition that is not necessary or appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of the Act. Rather, the proposed rule change will help ensure that competitive markets remain operative in the event of a systems failure or other disaster event. C2 notes that the proposed rule change is designed to clarify C2's authority to require market participants to participate in, and provide necessary liquidity to ensure fair and orderly markets. C2 further notes that the proposed rule change is designed to ensure competitive markets in that it is designed around the mandates of Regulation SCI, which each of the national securities exchanges is required to satisfy.

C. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Comments on the Proposed Rule Change Received From Members, Participants, or Others

The Exchange neither solicited nor received comments on the proposed rule change.

III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing for Commission Action Back to Top

Because the proposed rule change does not (i) significantly affect the protection of investors or the public interest; (ii) impose any significant burden on competition; and (iii) become operative for 30 days from the date on which it was filed, or such shorter time as the Commission may designate if consistent with the protection of investors and the public interest, the proposed rule change has become effective pursuant to Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Act [17] and Rule 19b-4(f)(6) thereunder. [18]

A proposed rule change filed under Rule 19b-4(f)(6) [19] normally does not become operative for 30 days after the date of filing. However, pursuant to Rule 19b-4(f)(6)(iii) [20] the Commission may designate a shorter time if such action is consistent with the protection of investors and the public interest.

The Exchange has asked the Commission to waive the 30-day operative delay so that the proposal may become operative immediately upon filing. According to the Exchange, the proposed rule change does not present any novel or substantive issues. The proposed rule change is substantially the same as CBOE Rule 6.18, [21] except for provisions relating to the loss of a trading floor and the specific factors for designating BCP/DR Participants. The Commission notes that C2 does not have a trading floor and further, that the factors proposed by C2 are those that C2 reasonably determined are, taken as a whole, the minimum necessary for the maintenance of fair and orderly markets in the event of the activation of the Exchange's business continuity and disaster recovery plans. These factors are designed to harmonize C2's rule with Regulation SCI. Accordingly, the Commission believes that waiving the 30-day operative delay is consistent with the protection of investors and the public interest as it will allow the Exchange to incorporate changes required under Regulation SCI, such as establishing standards for designating BCP/DR Participants, prior to the November 3, 2017 compliance date. Therefore, the Commission designates the proposed rule change to be operative upon filing. [22]

At any time within 60 days of the filing of the proposed rule change, the Commission summarily may temporarily suspend such rule change if it appears to the Commission that such action is necessary or appropriate in the public interest, for the protection of investors, or otherwise in furtherance of the purposes of the Act.

IV. Solicitation of Comments Back to Top

Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, and arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed rule change is consistent with the Act. Comments may be submitted by any of the following methods:

Electronic Comments

Use the Commission's Internet comment form ( http://www. sec. gov/rules/sro. shtml ); o

Send an email to rule-comments@sec. gov . Please include File Number SR-C2-2017-030 on the subject line.

Paper Comments

Send paper comments in triplicate to Brent J. Fields, Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE. Washington, DC 20549-1090.

All submissions should refer to File Number SR-C2-2017-030. This file number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on the Commission's Internet Web site ( http://www. sec. gov/rules/sro. shtml ). Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions of 5 U. S.C. 552. will be available for Web site viewing and printing in the Commission's Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE. Washington, DC 20549 on official business days between the hours of 10:00 a. m. and 3:00 p. m. Copies of such filing also will be available for inspection and copying at the principal office of the Exchange. All comments received will be posted without change; the Commission does not edit personal identifying information from submissions. You should submit only information that you wish to make available publicly. All submissions should refer to File Number SR-C2-2017-030, and should be submitted on or before November 25,2017.

For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated authority. [23]

Robert W. Errett,

Footnotes Back to Top

3. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 73639 (November 19, 2017), 79 FR 72252 (December 5, 2017) (Regulation Systems Compliance and Integrity) (File No. S7-01-13).

4. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 67357 (July 5 2012), 77 FR 40928 (July 11, 2012) (SR-C2-2012-011).

5. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 73639 (November 19, 2017), 79 FR at 72252 (December 5, 2017) (Regulation Systems Compliance and Integrity) (File No. S7-01-13).

7. Id. at § 242.1004.

8. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 73639 (November 19, 2017), 79 FR at 72353 (December 5, 2017) (Regulation Systems Compliance and Integrity) (File No. S7-01-13).

10. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 73639 (November 19, 2017), 79 FR at 72353 (December 5, 2017) (Regulation Systems Compliance and Integrity) (File No. S7-01-13).

11. See Rules 6.34 (Participant Electronic Connectivity); 6.45(d) (Trading Permit Holder Preparations).

18. 17 CFR 240.19 b-4(f)(6). In addition, Rule 19b-4(f)(6)(iii) requires the Exchange to give the Commission written notice of the Exchange's intent to file the proposed rule change, along with a brief description and text of the proposed rule change, at least five business days prior to the date of filing of the proposed rule change, or such shorter time as designated by the Commission. The Commission deems this requirement to have been met.

21. CBOE Rule 6.18 was recently amended in CBOE-2017-088, which was filed on October 8, 2017, and effective upon filing. See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 76203 (October 20, 2017), 80 FR 65258 (October 26, 2017). In CBOE-2017-088, CBOE amended CBOE Rule 6.18 to further describe CBOE's back-up systems, the circumstances under which they may be used, and the testing that CBOE may conduct to ensure the availability, functionality and performance of such systems, as well incorporate provisions for Regulation SCI.

22. For purposes only of waiving the 30-day operative delay, the Commission has also considered the proposed rule's impact on efficiency, competition, and capital formation. See 15 U. S.C. 78 c(f).

Originally Posted by orionn

Per recent functionality added to TWS Build 903 it should be now possible for IBtoC2 to listen to orders created by automatic systems or order management applications connected to TWS and send these signals to Collective2 (until now, only orders entered manually in TWS could be processed by IBtoC2).

Feel free to request the IBtoC2 evaluation version to test this new functionality here: http://home. cidadevirtual. pt/IBtoC2/

"API: Master API Client ID A new configuration setting, Master API Client ID, has been added to the API configuration page. If a value is entered here, all live orders and order status updates will be sent to the API client that logs in with the specified client ID."

Is it possible to send scalp trades to C2 through your interface? Last I heard C2 and most of the other similar sites were advising against scalping due to the delay.

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Collective2 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

C2 Bridge - NinjaTrader

Melissa Karty October 15, 2017 17:39

We're proud to announce the new NinjaTrader-C2 Bridge.

C2 Bridge is designed to replace NinjaTrader's built-in C2 interface, which is described below.

C2Bridge is desktop Order Management Software capable of reading any type of order from any version of NinjaTrader and posting it automatically into a C2 trading strategy which you manage.

Once you set up NinjaTrader, orders can be entered into your C2 system without logging into Collective2. In addition, you can use NinjaTrader's manual buy / sell order entry, or you can use NinjaTrader's automated strategies to enter new signals into C2.

Simply stated, C2 Bridge is great.

C2 Bridge is a commercial software product, designed with the participation of Collective2, and meeting Collective2's software standards.

No matter what kind of NinjaTrader you use, and no matter how you generate your buys and sells through NinjaTrader (charting? scripting? DOM?), C2 Bridge makes sure that your C2 trading strategy stays in sync with your NinjaTrader.

C2 Bridge is currently undergoing a public beta test. During this time, it is completely free to use. Currently supports NinjaTrader7.

Contact Lorant Vari for all technical questions: info@algotrader. ninja

Comments (0)

tsvika_elberger — 2017-05-16T20:45:15Z — #1

hi I really enjoy trading with my new system THINK BIG, stock only

i found the C2 Score as interesting top secret parameter. i got 86 Value and i open the Grid to see 86 score is good or bad and what is my rating compering other system - but i didnt find this parameter in the Grid. ¿por qué? would you like to add this later this year? its nice to see my system value

second - i open the system with 1,000,000$ buy in the system i see the grid telling the world that i run 25,000.

does it mean that peoplea with 25K cold copy my trade? what about people with less money? does running big money system make it harder to followr for trader with less money or you simply change the number od stock that less money trader will buy?

last q - can i track my real IB account (same account) wth different systems - one for stocks one for options?

thnaks keep this great site amazing! tsvika

tsvika_elberger — 2017-05-16T21:18:14Z — #2

1 more. same about C2 heart attack index - why is not in the grid?

tsvika_elberger — 2017-05-18T20:18:52Z — #3

Why no answer to my many questions? `

MatthewKlein — 2017-05-18T20:24:31Z — #4

You can include the C2 Score in the grid. Click the wrench icon to change which columns are displayed. (The Heart Attack Index is not available in the grid).

As for your other questions, I am afraid we must try to overcome our language barrier - I am not 100% certain that I fully understand them. But let me try my best. I think you may be asking the following: You started your model account with $1M, but C2 analyzed your trading style and determined it was possible to run your system with $25,000. So, yes, that means AutoTraders will be able to scale down your trades.

can i track my real IB account (same account) wth different systems - one for stocks one for options?

You can only map one brokerage account to one C2 strategy. So if you have an IB account U1234, that can run a single C2 strategy.

tsvika_elberger — 2017-05-19T10:02:47Z — #5

Thanks and sorry for my bad English

In my 'think big' system 1 put $1,000,000 and I understand that the system scale it to $25,000.

Does it mean that any follower will need minimum 25,000 usd to copy my account or he-she could use my strategy with less money? How much?

Could you also explain how the system monthly costs take into account with each trade. Is there any place where I can see my gains without commisin

tsvika_elberger — 2017-05-19T10:03:17Z — #6

without commissions and system costs

TSH — 2017-05-19T12:05:34Z — #7

Is that for subscribers or developers. Thats important.

You can only map one brokerage account to one C2 strategy. So if you have an IB account U1234, that can run a single C2 strategy.

MatthewKlein — 2017-05-19T12:46:53Z — #8

Your subscribers (or "followers") can scale your system to any % they like when they AutoTrade it. C2 may suggest $25,000 as a minimum size for some stock systems because strategies that trade stocks and trigger day-trading rules in the USA would require that account size.

I suggest you learn more about how the whole process works by just subscribing to a few systems yourself, using the Simulated Broker Account. (You can select a system with a free trial period.) This will help you understand the process from a subscriber's (follower's) point of view.

MatthewKlein — 2017-05-19T12:51:29Z — #9

Actually, this applies to both leaders and followers.

So, as a follower, you can follow as many strategies as you like in one single brokerage account.

Also, you can set up more than one broker account, so that - for example - Strategy A gets traded in broker account #1234, and Strategy B gets traded in broker account #9876.

However, the limitation we are talking about is as follows: once you subscribe to Strategy A and decide to use broker account #1234 to AutoTrade it, you cannot also have that same exact strategy executed in a second broker account #9876. The only workaround for this is to set up a second C2 user identity, and subscribe a second time to the strategy, in the second broker account.

B48ES — 2017-05-19T16:54:58Z — #10

that's a good point, will do that.

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MarketDelta is the inventor of the Footprint chart. A Footprint® is an individual price painted on the chart with a unique color that contains volume or some other market statistic. Stacking Footprints together creates bars, similar to what any candlestick or bar chart would present. The primary difference, and thus advantage of the Footprint® chart, is it shows each individual price within a bar AND displays value added information such as volume at price, order flow, buy/sell pressure, and other valuable statistics so that you can react quicker and have much greater insight to what is happening.

No more waiting for the bar to close to have an idea what is happening. Footprints help you react quicker because of how they represent the price and volume data.

Visión de conjunto

Footprint® Charts

MarketDelta is the inventor of the Footprint chart. A Footprint® is an individual price painted on the chart with a unique color that contains volume or some other market statistic. Stacking Footprints together creates bars, similar to what any candlestick or bar chart would present. The primary difference, and thus advantage of the Footprint® chart, is it shows each individual price within a bar AND displays value added information such as volume at price, order flow, buy/sell pressure, and other valuable statistics so that you can react quicker and have much greater insight to what is happening.

No more waiting for the bar to close to have an idea what is happening. Footprints help you react quicker because of how they represent the price and volume data.

Charts, 140+ Technical Studies, & Drawing Tools

With 20 different chart types,140+ technical indicators, and numerous drawing tools, MarketDelta makes it easy to build the charts and layouts you need to succeed as a trader. Lots of options and unparalleled levels of customization help provide the necessary edge to differentiate yourself and to compete in today’s markets.

Precision Price and Volume Studies

It is no secret that MarketDelta is the leader in volume analysis, so it only makes sense that we have the best studies, with the best data. Using MarketDelta Trader or one of our other broker feeds? We got you covered with our comprehensive historical backfilling enablement.

Trade from the Charts

If used with MarketDelta Trader, trades can be placed directly from the chart using customizable buttons OR place trades directly from the DOM in MarketDelta Trader and watch them work on the chart. AS the trades get filled MarketDelta Trader will place brackets automatically for you.

Chart Trading allows a trader to stay focused on his or her charts. If used along with a Footprint chart, you will have the most dynamic view of the market available.

** Chart Trading requires MarketDelta Trader

Customizable Chart Trading Buttons

Trade directly from the chart

Setup buttons for custom orders right from the chart

Initiate, amend, cancel orders

Lines show working orders

Lines show open position

Market on bar shows order information

Orders also show on the DOM in MarketDelta Trader

** MarketDelta Trader required for order routing.

Lots of Chart Periodicities

MarketDelta is about giving you an edge. Besides the expected periodicities like time, volume, renko, and tick based bars, MarketDelta also offers the ability to create bars based on range, change, delta, POC volume, and others.

Market Profile® and Volume Profiling (Optional enablement)

Add this enablement to your MarketDelta and enjoy the benefits of the most robust Market Profile® and volume profiling technology in the industry.

It adds Market Profile®, the Profile Indicator, long term and composite profile functionality, TPO indicator, Value Area indicator, ability to market high and low volume levels on a profile, and much more. Only $20/mo add - on.

We are an official licensee of the Market Profile® from CME GROUP and are one of the largest resellers of it. Come see why!

Playback or Market Replay

With chart replay you can reinforce patterns deep into your memory so next time they occur profits are maximized and your trading potential recognized. Identify, Practice, Learn, Succeed, Repeat.

Market Profile® + Footprint® = Greater Awareness & Increased Transparency

Market Profile® offers traders a structure to organize price activity in a logical way and to help see where “value” is being estsablished. Traders typically use Market Profile® charts to determine price levels that are significant and often lead to reversals. When combined with the Footprint® charts, you have two excellent views of the market that complement each other very effectively.

Use the Footprint® charts to confirm if a particular Market Profile® level will hold. Verify your entries and exits by “zooming” in on how the auction is developing at key levels and to make more informed decisions. This increases your confidence as a traders, and also helps time your trades much better.

Our Market Profile® charts offer many features you will not find with other profile vendors:

Add profiles directly to Footprint® charts

Use “Heat Map” settings to visualize the distributions more easily

Draw profiles directly on a chart for any set of bars you wish!

Dynamically update the start and end bars of a profile by dragging with the mouse

Know exactly when volume is increasing or decreasing.

Be in tune as the auction unfolds throughout the day.

Monitor volume at known reference points.

CBOT Market Profile®

Our powerful Market Profile® offers many features and advanced functionality you won’t find anywhere else. Splits, merges, composites, custom session times, day/night profiles, volume based value area (VA), TPO based value area, point of control (POC) for both volume and TPO, custom-defined initial balance (IB) ranges, initial balance extensions, single prints — the list goes on and on. And, take these levels off the conventional Market Profile® charts and plot them directly on your other charts!

Market Profile® is statistically based and provides an intuitive way to organize market data into readable distributions. Market Profile® provides a logical structure to organize price activity and find where “value” is being created and compare it very easily to previous days.

Market Profile® is also a very valuable tool for identifying the type of auction the market is experiencing. Knowing this alone helps keep traders from fading trends or buying breakouts that never have any follow through.

Market Profile® is a tool developed by Peter Steidlmeyer while he was trading at the Chicago Board of Trade in the 1980’s.

Profile Indicator

One of our most popular indicators, you can accomplish just about anything with it.

Long term volume profiles

Automatic high/low volume levels

Daily and intraday profiles

Value Area & POC for current day and previous

Naked POC

Time or volume profiles

Compute last X Profiles – this allows for merged profiles.

Much more.

TPO Indicator

This simple yet powerful indicator will always plot the Value Area and POC for the current day (solid line) and previous day (dotted line) and match up with your Market Profile levels, no matter what time frame you are viewing!

This works very nice for those who like viewing small time frames but want to know exactly where the value area and POC levels are, as well as other profile-related levels.

You can also view developing profiles as price bands for any day in the past; very useful when studying your strategies triggers on other days.

Composite and Long Term Volume Profiles

Never be left guessing what the larger term context looks like. Using data vendors like DTN, intraday historical data is available going back many years.

This chart shows us 250 days of trading, automatically labeling high and low volume levels using a feature called Auto Peak/Valley Lines. These may act as support and resistance.

Much of this analysis is accomplished using our very popular Profile Indicator.

MarketDelta® is routinely recognized as the leader in auction market theory and volume analysis. It’s tools like this that you can see why.

Sistemas de Trading

An entire trading system provides the complete set of rules for trade management. You can determine, using backtesting and optimization, which exit strategies are the most effective, and you can also build scale-in and scale-out rules, in addition to stop-loss parameters and more.

Emulate True Trading Results By building a full, comprehensive trading system, you can accurately analyze how a particular strategy is best implemented. Should you usually hold on for 4 points, or wait for 10? Is it best to sell part of a position early, or is long-term profitability improved by holding until the end of the day? What are the most successful stop-loss settings that minimize losses but with minimal sensitivity to volatility? MarketDelta Pro Complete lets you answer all of these questions and much more.

Backtest Market Profile®, Footprint or other Strategies

Market Profile Testing Do you trade Market Profile charts and want to know how your approach performs over many months – or years – of data? Building a trading system lets you define exactly how you enter and exit your trades using special RTL tokens we’ve custom-built to follow the Market Profile charting methods pioneered by the Chicago Board of Trade. Then, apply your system to many years of intraday data, or for any time frame that interests you. You can instantly identify which Market Profile levels tend to be the most successful, and which are more subjective.

Order Flow Testing Use the Footprint charts for clarity into the market’s order flow, then build trading systems from the patterns you see. Using RTL, you can directly quantify order flow imbalances and test them against recent tick data. We provide special programming tokens for analyzing volume-at-price statistics, as well as net buying or selling activity in a given bar, or for an entire day. Develop an edge using methods unavailable in any other trading package on the market.

Optimization If you find levels that perform well in your backtest, take it a step further with Optimization. This lets you clarify exactly how long you should hold onto trades, or how large of a stop-loss to carry, for the best long-term results. Or, the entries themselves may need tweaking. Does the market typically move a point or two against your normal entry? Optimize to test if your entry should be altered slightly so you take the least heat.

Improve Your System A profitable system can be made even more profitable by letting the software test data and notify you of the best exact hold times, stop-loss levels, entry criteria and more. A creative trader can use Optimization to significantly test many aspects of the entry signal itself and generate entirely new signals you might have never considered.

And, a system that is not yet profitable can often turn profitable by tweaking a few simple parameters that MarketDelta Pro Complete identifies for you automatically.

High Quality Data Sources

MarketDelta Charts supports the industry leading data vendors.

FREE Data Sources: CQG, Rithmic and TTNET-Trading Technologies are available using MarketDelta Trader as the data source.

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Our recommended setup is to use MarketDelta Trader as the data source for MarketDelta Charts so that you get free real time data and integrated trading. Add the optional historical data enablement when subscribing for the most complete experience.

We will beat or match any commissions quote!

El usuario reconoce que ha revisado el Contrato de Usuario y la Política de Privacidad que rigen este sitio, y que el uso continuado constituye la aceptación de los términos y condiciones establecidos en el mismo.

C2 All-Electronic Options Exchange Joins The Options Clearing Corporation

CHICAGO (November 1, 2010) The Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) and CBOE Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: CBOE) announced today that C2 Options Exchange, Incorporated SM (C2 SM ) has become an OCC participant exchange. C2 began operations on Friday, October 29.

The addition of C2 as CBOE Holdings' new all-electronic options alternative now brings the total number of options markets in the U. S. to nine.

"We are excited to launch C2, our all-electronic alternative for options," CBOE Holdings, Inc. Chairman and CEO William J. Brodsky, said. "C2 emphasizes speed, simplicity, and a different and competitive fee schedule, and aims to attract an even broader customer base. As we grow this new venture, we look forward to continuing what has been an excellent working relationship with the OCC."

Wayne P. Luthringshausen, OCC Chairman and CEO, said, "We would like to extend a warm welcome to the newest options market, C2. As a participant exchange, C2 joins the eight other options markets to share in the benefits afforded through OCC's central counterparty clearing and settlement services."

OCC operates under the jurisdiction of the SEC and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and clears and guarantees the trades executed on all U. S. options exchanges. As a result of C2's affiliation with OCC, the standardized options contracts traded on C2 can be offset against the same options contracts traded on the other U. S. options markets, resulting in significant efficiencies for participating member firms.

About OCC

OCC is the world's largest derivatives clearing organization by contract volume and open interest. Founded in 1973, OCC operates under the jurisdiction of both the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a Registered Clearing Agency and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as a Derivatives Clearing Organization. OCC now provides central counterparty (CCP) clearing and settlement services to 14 exchanges and platforms for options, financial and commodity futures, security futures and securities lending transactions.

As the CCP clearinghouse for the markets it serves, OCC assumes the counterparty risk of members involved in a trade-becoming the buyer to every seller and the seller to every buyer. OCC manages its risk of member default by collecting margin (collateral). Clearing member margin requirements are calculated using OCC's proprietary System for Theoretical Analysis and Numerical Simulations (STANS) that uses large-scale Monte Carlo simulations to forecast price moves and correlations to make those margin determinations. In 1993, OCC became the first clearinghouse to receive a 'AAA' credit rating from Standard & Poor's Corporation, and has continued to receive that high rating every year as a result of its risk management standards.

OCC operates as a utility clearinghouse, owned by several of its participant exchanges but with a Board of Directors majority drawn from its clearing members, allowing it to provide highly efficient but low-cost solutions to the markets it serves. More information about OCC is available through its Web site at www. optionsclearing. com .

About CBOE Holdings, Inc.

CBOE Holdings, Inc. is the holding company for Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), C2 Options Exchange, Incorporated, and other subsidiaries. CBOE, the largest U. S. options exchange and creator of listed options, continues to set the bar for options trading through product innovation, trading technology and investor education. CBOE offers equity, index and ETF options, including proprietary products, such as S&P 500 options (SPX), the most active U. S. index option, and options on the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX). Other products engineered by CBOE include equity options, security index options, LEAPS options, FLEX options, and benchmark products such as the CBOE S&P 500 BuyWrite Index (BXM). CBOE's Hybrid Trading System incorporates electronic and open-outcry trading, enabling customers to choose their trading method. CBOE's Hybrid is powered by CBOEdirect, a proprietary, state-of-the-art electronic platform that also supports the CBOE Futures Exchange (CFE), CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX) and OneChicago. CBOE is home to the world-renowned Options Institute and www. cboe. com. named "Best of the Web" for options information and education.

CBOE is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), with all trades cleared by the AAA-rated Options Clearing Corporation (OCC).

CBOE®, Chicago Board Options Exchange®, CBSX®, CBOE Stock Exchange®, CFE®, CBOEdirect®, FLEX®, Hybrid®, CBOE Volatility Index® and VIX® are registered trademarks, and BuyWrite SM. CBSX SM. CBOE Futures Exchange SM. C2 Options Exchange, Incorporated SM and C2 SM are servicemarks of Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated. Standard & Poor's®, S&P®, S&P 100®, S&P 500®, Standard and Poor's Depositary Receipts®, and SPDR® are registered trademarks of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. and have been licensed for use by Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated.


General Media Inquiries

Futures and Forex Glossary Dictionary C2

By scorpion Published: September 22, 2009

Entity responsible for the monetary policy of a country. Also called Reserve bank Central Bank has supervisory power over other banks within the country. Related Terms: Reserve Bank

A situation where all market orders are routed to one central exchange, with no competing market whatsoever. Example: The New York Stock Exchange is a centralized market where stocks and securities listed in the exchange represent the only price of the financial instrument available to investors. Related Terms: Alternative Trading System

The formation of a pattern when price data is plotted graphically. These patterns repeat over a period of time and signal either reversal or continuation of trend. So when a pattern is complete, traders can know if the price would move in one direction or the other. Examples: Elliott wave, trend lines, head and shoulder, cup and handle etc.

Compilation of normal, unadjusted, data of specific futures contracts plotted over a period of time in the relevant futures market.

An individual who analyzes past currency prices on a chart and predicts future currency price trends. Also called technical analyst Related Terms: Technical Analyst

Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)

A member owned non-profit corporation that provides physical infrastructure for futures and options trading, enforces trading rules, provides clearing house facility and provides market information to its members.

Base unit of modern Chinese currency and commonly refers to the renminbi (CNY). Just as pound and sterling are analogous, so is Yuan and renminbi. Related Terms: China Investment Corporation (CIC)

A market wherein a financial instrument can be bought for the same price as it can be sold. In other words the spread between the bid and ask is zero. This is a rare occurrence indicative of extreme liquidity in the markets. Example: Forex markets where some currencies are traded with miniscule spreads. Related Terms: Ask, Bid, Bid-Ask Spread

The unethical practice of overtrading a client’s futures trading account to accumulate excessive broker commissions Related Terms: Bucket Shop, Bucketing

Practice of initiating trading halts and price limits in the futures and derivatives market during periods of large intra-day market movements to offset panic selling by facilitating a cooling off period. Term coined following the market break of 1987 and also referred to sometimes as вЂ˜collar. ’ Related Terms: Black Monday, Collar

The consummation of a trade with the buyer releasing funds and the seller delivering the instrument. If both the buyer and seller do not comply with their part of the bargain the trade does not вЂ˜clear’ and is presumed to have failed.

Clearing House Automated Payment System

Exclusive foreign currency trade settlement system prevalent in the United Kingdom.

Clearing House Interbank Payment System (CHIPS)

A group of major international banks that operate international wire transfer system to facilitate high value payments.

An individual or institution which is a member of a clearing house. As a corollary, all members of clearing house must be members of the exchange too, and all trades have to be settled through clearing members.

An adjunct to a futures exchange, responsible for the process of matching purchases and sales transacted on the floor of the exchange.

A forex position that has been closed by offsetting a previous open position, to bring to zero the market exposure with respect to that transaction.

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Chicago Board Options Exchange

The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) was founded in April 1973 as the first U. S. options exchange offering standardized, listed options.

CBOE ranked as the world's seventh-largest derivatives exchange by contract volume in 2017, according to the annual Futures Industry Association 's survey of the world's leading derivatives exchanges. [1]

As of January 2017, CBOE listed options on more than 3500 equity and exchange traded products and on 14 cash indexes.

CBOE Holdings recorded its seventh straight year of volume over one billion contracts in 2017 with 1.27 billion contracts traded. [2]

Trading at CBOE is carried out by way of the exchange's Hybrid system -- powered by the CBOE Command trade engine -- which enables customers to choose whether to have their transactions handled electronically or through open outcry. About 95 percent of CBOE orders are traded electronically, which equates to between 50 and 60 percent of the exchange's total business. The remaining transactions, traded via open outcry. typically are large or complex institutional orders that use the skills of floor brokers to "work the order" to gain potential price improvement. In January 2017, the CBOE announced it would be launch a new trade engine, CBOE Vector, on their futures exchange. Vector will eventually be deployed for options trading as well. [3]

Chicago Board Options Exchange History

CBOE History Timeline [4]

In addition to the history snapshot below, CBOE created a video to celebrate its 40th anniversary in 2017, which can be accessed here

Launched on Apr. 26, 1973, the Chicago Board Options Exchange was created by the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT ), which was seeking new avenues to supplement revenues from flagging futures transactions. CBOT leaders began attempting in the late '60s to find a market that would diversify its traditional agricultural futures product line. In 1969, the idea was born to apply the principles of the CBOT's commodity futures markets to securities options. Until then, securities options prices were usually obtained by word of mouth or from the newspapers. The original idea was written on the back of a napkin by then-CBOT vice chairman Ed O'Connor during a dinner with then-Chairman Bill Mallers and President Henry Hall Wilson. It took years of research, work, and finding backing from people who could overcome exchange and government opposition. [5]

During early days of trading, volume averaged about 1,000 calls a day, and puts were not introduced for another four years. A year after launch, CBOE trading volume had grown 40-fold, allowing the exchange to move onto its own larger trading floor directly above the CBOT trading floor. Then in 1984, CBOE moved to its current 10-story building at 400 South LaSalle in Chicago - a far cry from its first home in the former CBOT smoking lounge.

Product Additions

One of the most noteworthy milestones in CBOE's history was the launch of stock index options. which began in March 1983 with the exchange's first proprietary index, the CBOE-100 Index, later renamed the S&P 100 Index (OEX ). Four months later, options trading on the S&P 500 Index (SPX ) was launched.

Subsequent years saw creation of more new products and indexing tools, including:

CBOE Futures and Securities Exchanges

With multi-asset-class trading/investing an increasing part of the financial world, CBOE introduced affiliated exchanges:

CBOE Becomes a Publicly Traded Company

CBOE Executives

Edward T. Tilly. Chief Executive Officer

Edward L. Provost. President and Chief Operating Officer

Alan J. Dean. EVP/CFO

Joanne Moffic-Silver. EVP, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

Gerald T. O’Connell. EVP/CIO

Philip M. Slocum. EVP, Special Advisor to the Chairman

Former CBOE Chairman and CEO, William J. Brodsky. assumed the new position of Executive Chairman of the Board in May 2017 after stepping down from his post as CEO.


In 2003, CBOE introduced the CBOE Hybrid Trading System. The practical philosophy behind Hybrid was that customers should be allowed to choose whether their orders are represented in the face-to-face open outcry marketplace or submitted to the electronic environment. In the electronic environment, CBOE Hybrid also can provide price improvement opportunities through features like Automated Improvement Mechanism (AIM) and Complex Order Auction (COA).

CBOE Hybrid lets market makers submit real-time, streaming quotes reflecting their individualized trading interest. CBOE disseminates the best bid and offer from all market participants, resulting in tighter, deeper markets that can be accessed electronically by customers. According to the exchange, [15] liquidity is enhanced by remote participants - Electronic Designated Primary Market Makers (e-DPMs) and Remote Market Makers (RMMs) - as these market participants are allowed to stream quotes and trade electronically from remote locations.

Before the advent of the Hybrid System, CBOE introduced other technological solutions, including:

1984 - Launch of Retail Automatic Execution System (RAES) to facilitate electronic order execution;

1989 - Introduction of EBook, the first electronic customer limit order book ;

1993 - Market makers on the CBOE trading floor use electronic, hand-held terminals;

1999 - Introduction of ROS, the Rapid Opening System, to shorten the time taken for the opening rotation;

2001 - Launch of CBOEdirect; the exchange's screen-based trading system, initially used for extended hours trading;

2010 - CBOE introduces its new front end, Pulse. The technology is the first product to emerge from Signal Trading Systems, a joint venture between CBOE and FlexTrade Systems. [16]

2012 - Launch of CBOE Command. CBOE's new-generation trading system, which powers CBOE, C2 Options Exchange, CBOE Futures Exchange, CBOE Stock Exchange and OneChicago.

2017 - Announcement of Vector as next trade engine.

On August 7, 2017, CBOE Holdings the market data services and trading analytics platforms of Livevol, Inc.. a provider of equity and index options technology and market data services. [17]

CBOE Educational Efforts

The Options Institute is the educational arm of CBOE. The Options Institute debuted in 1985 to educate investors about options. Each year, hundreds of seminars are held in the U. S. and internationally, aimed at individual and institutional investors, market regulators and others. Curricula are produced and courses are taught by CBOE trading industry professionals.

With the advent of technology and on-demand education, the Options Institute has added a comprehensive listing of online curricula to its live seminar lineup. These educational efforts are sponsored both by CBOE and by options-related firms to give investors and institutions an increased appreciation for options strategies and how they can be used in various portfolios to manage risk/maximize profit.

CBOE also hosts CBOE TV. which features an extensive list of online programs and podcasts on daily market developments, options products and practical strategies.

CBOE Volume

CBOE trading volume since its inception in 1973 can be found here .

The following provides highlights from previous years:

2017 Trading Volume Totals - The CBOE's total volume for 2017 was 1.32 billion contracts representing more than 73 million transactions. Average daily volume for the year was 5.05 million contracts.

2017 Trading Volume Totals - CBOE Holdings reported that 2017 marked its second-best year in total trading volume and average daily volume (ADV). CBOE Holdings consolidated trading volume for options contracts on CBOE and C2 and futures contracts on CFE totaled nearly 1.19 billion contracts. ADV in 2017 was 4.71 million contracts, an increase of four percent from 2012. CBOE also reported record ADV of 1.48 million contracts for its cash index options in 2017, an increase of 22 percent from a year earlier, led by record volume in CBOE's SPX and VIX options. SPX ADV was 823,369 contracts, a 19-percent increase from 2012, and VIX options ADV was 567,460 contracts, a 29-percent increase.

2012 Trading Volume Totals - CBOE reported that 2012 consolidated trading volume for options contracts on Chicago Board Options Exchange and C2 Options Exchange and futures contracts on CBOE Futures Exchange totaled 1.13 billion contracts. Average daily volume (ADV) in 2012 was 4.54 million contracts, down six percent from 4.83 million contracts traded in 2011. [18]

2011 Trading Volume Totals - CBOE reported that 2011 trading volume exceeded one billion contracts for the fourth consecutive year, with 1.15 billion contracts traded versus 1.115 billion contracts in 2010. CBOE average daily volume (ADV) in 2011 was 4.6 million contracts, up three percent from 4.4 million contracts per day in 2010. "CBOE index options volume" totaled 320.1 million contracts versus 270.0 million in 2010. Cash index options ADV was 1.27 million contracts, up 19 percent from 2010 ADV of nearly 1.1 million contractss. CBOE equity options volume totaled 497.0 million contracts versus 571.3 million in 2010. ADV in 2011 was just under 2.0 million contracts, down 13 percent from ADV 2.3 million contracts in 2009. CBOE ETF options volume totaled 335.1 million contracts versus 274.2 million in 2010. ADV in 2011 was 1.3 million contracts, up 22 percent from ADV 1.1 million million contracts in 2010. [19]

2010 Trading Volume Totals - CBOE reported that 2010 trading volume exceeded one billion contracts for the third year in a row, with 1.115 billion contracts versus 1.134 billion in 2009. ADV in 2010 was 4.4 million contracts, down two percent from the 2009 ADV of 4.5 million contracts. CBOE index options volume totaled 270.0 million contracts versus 222.8 million in 2009. ADV in 2010 was nearly 1.1 million contracts, up 21 percent from ADV 884,000 contracts in 2009. CBOE equity options volume totaled 571.3 million contracts versus 634.7 million in 2009. ADV in 2010 was 2.3 million contracts, down ten percent from ADV 2.5 million contracts in 2009. CBOE ETF options volume totaled 274.2 million contracts

2009 Trading Volume Totals - The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) reported that 2009 trading volume exceeded one billion contracts for the second consecutive year. More than 1.13 billion contracts changed hands in 2009, a five-percent decline from the record 1.19 billion contracts traded in 2008. Average daily volume (ADV) in 2009 was 4.5 million contracts, down five percent from 2008 ADV of 4.7 million contracts. Equity options trading at CBOE set an annual volume record in 2009 of 634.7 million contracts, up five percent over 2008 volume. December 2009 volume was a record for any December at CBOE. Trading volume totaled 91.9 million contracts (ADV of 4.2 million contracts) for the month, up 26 percent from December 2008. [20]


In December 2017 CBOE announced they would cede their self-regulatory duties to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) starting Jan. 1, 2017. After that date, FINRA will be able to perform cross-market surveillance on about 60 percent of the U. S. options market. CBOE also hired FINRA to take over its regulatory duties for the Options Regulatory Surveillance Authority (ORSA), which the U. S. options exchanges established in 2006 to collaborate on insider trading surveillance and investigations. CBOE employees will continue to oversee the CBOE Futures Exchange. [21]

CBOE Annual Reports and Historical Statistical Data


Additional Resources

The CBOE Media Hub [22] was designed to meet the informational needs of the working press. Much of the information is organized by topics on which CBOE offers expertise, including market volatility. CBOE "Quick Links" include all CBOE press releases, bios/photos of CBOE executives, exchange communications, historical trading volume, CBOE history, op-eds/articles, press kits and a link to CBOE-TV.


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Co2 quota trading system

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Watch employees talk about why they're excited to work on the technology FINRA uses to regulate the world of ultra-high-speed trading.

Every day, FINRA oversees up to 75 billion market transactions, using technology powerful enough to detect potential abuses. Applying a variety of data-gathering techniques, we work to uncover insider trading and any strategies firms or individuals use to gain an unfair advantage.

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FINRA uses cloud computing and leverages data technology to process our ever-increasing volume of data. This unique picture allows FINRA to protect investors from abuse and manipulation by wrong-doers.

FINRA processes on average 40 billion—and up to 75 billion—transactions every day. We handle more data in a single day than what MasterCard ® processes in a year and Visa ® in 6 months. We use innovative technology, such as parallel computing hardware to process our ever-increasing data volume and cloud computing to automate the process and store the massive amounts of data.

The combination of cloud computing and big data software allows us to shift our computing power between FINRA’s applications so that we can quickly respond to changing regulatory demands in a cost-effective way.

We Help Detect and Prevent Wrongdoing in the U. S. Markets

FINRA uses its technology to monitor trading in the stock and bond markets. We run hundreds of surveillance algorithms and patterns against massive amounts of trade data to detect market manipulation, insider trading and compliance breeches.

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FINRA oversees and regulates over-the-counter (OTC) trading of exchange-listed and non-exchange-listed securities for compliance with FINRA rules and the federal securities laws. FINRA provides regulatory services by contract to NYSE, NYSE MKT, NYSE Arca, NASDAQ, NASDAQ Options Market, NASDAQ OMX PHLX, NASDAQ OMX BX, ISE, the Boston Options Exchange (BOX), the EDGA and EDGX Exchanges and Direct Edge ®. FINRA has surveillance oversight of more than 90 percent of the listed equities market. FINRA also provides regulatory services to the Chicago Board Options Exchange ® (CBOE ® ) and C2 Options Exchange (C2).

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We spent the last few years modernizing the technology of our examination platform. We've transformed the approach and procedures we use to conduct a more risk-based approach to oversight exams of firms.

The redesigned system allows FINRA staff to analyze a wide range of data and gives firms tools to submit information to us electronically. This approach allows FINRA to efficiently and effectively monitor and examine more than 4,100 securities firms and over 635,000 brokers.

We Build and Operate Systems for FINRA and Other Regulators

FINRA applies its expertise and technology to provide database and registration systems for the financial services industry regulatory services:

Central Registration Depository (Web CRD) – FINRA operates the central licensing and registration system for the U. S. securities industry and its regulators. It is a framework of uniform registration forms, one-stop form filing and fee collection, and a single regulatory database and registration processing system to meet the requirements of all participating securities regulators.

BrokerCheck – FINRA derives information from the CRD and IAPD to provide a free tool to investors called BrokerCheck. With BrokerCheck, investors can research the professional backgrounds of current and former FINRA-registered brokerage firms and brokers, as well as investment adviser firms and representatives.

Investment Adviser Registration Depository (IARD) and Investment Adviser Public Disclosure (IAPD) – FINRA developed and operates these systems under contract agreements with the SEC and state regulators. These systems provide a secure, Web-based, electronic filing, registration and regulation system for investment adviser firms and their registered individuals.

FINRA Contributes to the Open-Source Software Community to Support and Exchange Ideas With the Technology Community

FINRA is an active participant in contributing software to the open-source community—and we encourage employee participation. Our current open-source projects include:

DataGenerator – A testing tool that allows the user to model the behavior of a piece of software by employing specification and dependency modeling. Using templates, it enables the user to produce highly customizable and dynamically calculated test expectations, test data or test scripts to help verify software.

Extensions for WebDriver – An enhancement to the powerful WebDriver API, with robust features that keep your browser automation running smoothly. It provides a widget library, improved session management and extended functions over the existing WebDriver API.

Mock Service Layer (MSL) – A set of tools that enable developers to deploy UI code on Node and mock the service layer for fast, targeted testing.

Trading FAQs

You can purchase stocks, options, bonds, and mutual funds via Firstrade. We currently handle securities listed on the U. S. Markets/U. S. Intercambios.

What types of orders does Firstrade accept?

Firstrade accepts most common types of orders including market, limit, stop and stop-limit, along with qualifiers such as good for 90 days, all or none, and many more.

What should I do if I can't get online to place an order?

You can place orders through our registered brokers. Orders placed through a broker will be charged $19.95.

Can I place an order via e-mail or fax?

No, not under any circumstances.

Why wasn't my limit order executed when it traded at my limit?

In most cases this is a function of the bid and ask. The bid is the highest price a market maker (who is buying your stock) is prepared to pay at a particular time for security; the ask is the lowest price acceptable to the market maker (who is selling you the stock) of the same security. The difference between the bid and ask is called the spread which is the market makers profit. While you may see your stock trade at your limit price, it may be at the ask if you are trying to sell or at the bid if you are trying to buy, therefore your order may not be executed. Even if the stock is trading within the spread, you are not guaranteed an execution.

I only entered one order, why am I charged several commissions?

All executions in one day for a single order are charged one commission. However, if you had an open GT90 order and received multiple executions over more than one day, you will be charged a separate commission for each day there are executions.

Is there a fee to edit or cancel my order?

No, there is no fee associated with editing or canceling an order.

Is there a fee to edit the remaining portion of a partially executed order?

Any order-editing will generate a new order, of which if executed, a separate commission charge will incur.

What are your rules on IPO's?

Market orders to buy shares of an Initial Public Offering (IPO) during the first day of trading are generally not accepted by Firstrade. Only limit orders to buy IPO stock will generally be accepted on the day the IPO goes public. This restriction is put in place to protect our clients from receiving a price that is significantly higher than the price they expected to pay. When you consider buying a stock in the secondary market, which is going public that same day, placing a limit order will establish a buy price at the maximum you're willing to pay. Limit orders on a "hot" IPO stock reduce your risk of receiving an unexpected execution price and allow you to place an order at the price level you're most comfortable with when buying that stock. Although a limit order does not guarantee your order will be executed, placing a limit order does guarantee you will not pay a higher price than you expected. In addition to the policy referenced above, Firstrade requires that all orders to buy IPO shares during the first day of trading be accompanied by sufficient cash or cash equivalents in the brokerage account prior to placing that order. In other words, if you wish to buy a stock in the after-market, which is going public today, you must either have enough cash in your cash account or enough Available SMA (Available Funds) in your margin account to cover that particular purchase.

Why is my account restricted?

Whenever a security is purchased, the appropriate funds must be received by Firstrade prior to the sale of the respective security. If the security is sold prior to receiving the appropriate funds (the credit from the sale does not apply), the account in which the purchase and sale of the security was executed will be restricted for 90 days under Regulation T of the Federal Reserve Board. A restricted account will not be allowed to initiate a debit balance for any reason. Buy orders will only be accepted if there are cleared funds within the account. The restriction will expire 90 calendar days after the date of the sell transaction. Clients who wish to place orders in a restricted account will have to speak to a broker to place an order; the online trading system will reject all orders placed in a restricted account. These orders will not be entitled to the online pricing schedule.

My buy order was rejected for "insufficient funds." Why is that?

If you recently deposited a check or initiated an ACH transfer, please be advised that it takes additional business days to clear. The first $5,000.00 will be available after two business days for check deposits, or three business days for ACH transfers (Electronic Funds Transfer). If your deposit was greater than $5,000.00, the remainder of the funds will be available after an additional two business days. Very large deposits may require additional time to clear.

My sell order was rejected for "insufficient holdings." The position is in my account, why did I get this error message?

The order was rejected because you were trying to sell the security out of your cash account when it resides in your margin account or vice versa. To sell the security, please be sure to check the Positions page to see which security resides in which account and make sure that you select the appropriate account type on the Trade screen when selling.

My Positions screen says "Other" for security type, or my stock changed its name/symbol. How do I sell this position?

Typically with stocks that undergo a name change, a reverse split or stocks that get delisted, we have to exchange the old shares for the new shares with the transfer agent for that security. Sometimes this exchange with the transfer agent may take a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to expedite this process.

What happens if I sell a position with fractional shares?

Fractional share cannot be acquired or liquidated from the market. When liquidating an entire equity position, any remaining fractional share positions will be automatically sold at the same price as the full share order on the business day after the execution.

What are Hard-to-Borrow Stocks and Fees and when are those fees charged?

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For this reason, the fees associated with hard-to-borrow stock can vary greatly as they are based on the amount of demand in the market each day. We suggest that if you wish to sell short hard-to-borrow stocks, please contact our Customer Service Group at 800-869-8800. We can help you locate the stock in question and notify you of the availability and current fees. Firstrade generally does not allow online short sales of stocks that are classified as hard-to-borrow.

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OSI Maritime Systems - Electronic Chart Sysetms for the Maritime Market

OSI Maritime Systems has been providing electronic chart systems to the maritime market since 1979.

The firm supply integrated navigation and tactical solutions, including integrated bridge systems for warships, C2 systems for small crafts, and integrated dived navigation systems for submarines.

Tactical dived navigation system for enhanced vessel operational ability

OSI's Tactical dived navigation system (TDNS) provides submariners with a wide range of navigational abilities, as well as a number of features that help to enhance the vessel's operational ability and dived navigation safety.

These features include target motion analysis, water space management and moving havens, line of soundings fixing, bottom contour fixing, and vertical sextant angles.

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The system is based on the ECPINS software, which is the most comprehensive submarine software available.

It can be integrated into a third-party hardware system, or supplied as its own stand-alone hardware, ranging across large displays, or horizontally or vertically mounted.

The TDNS is a fully-approved WECDIS, as well as being accepted as an IMO ECDIS, and certified against Nato STANAG 4564.

Integrated navigation and tactical system

The integrated navigation and tactical system (IDNS) is an integrated bridge systems that is designed to meet the most demanding military environments.

It has a flexible design and is a fully-scalable IMO, as well as being Nato STANAG 4564 compliant.

The system is suitable for existing platform retrofits, or new builds. It integrated selected radars and navigation sensors, as well as providing a comprehensive and cost-effective IBS.

IDNS is based on OSI's ECPINS. It has full WECDIS functionality, and is protected against DGPS / GPS denial as well as failing through battle damage.

Features and functions available within the IDNS include NavTac DDU to accept sensor data, WECDIS to help handle challenging navigational and tactical situations, and SHOL, which allows for the focus on a multiple number of tasks during flying operations.

It also supplies a The ECPINS 3D chart engine, conning display, radar and radar image overlay, and W-AIS functionality for the organisation for a detailed recognised maritime picture.

Tactical asset control and tracking for the sharing of complex sitatuonal awareness pictures

Tactical asset control and tracking (T-ACT) allows for the capture and sharting of complex situational awareness pictures. The system can also be used to help organise the operations of multiple T-ACT fitted ships and smaller assets.

T-ACT enhances the information that is gained through AIS and provides tactical advantages, as well as increased security, performance, and safety of assets, people, and equipment to military operations.

Contact Details


OSI Maritime Systems offers tactical navigation and situational awareness solutions for military users of small craft and surface-navigation submarines that are IMO and Nato STANAG compliant.

OSI’s Integrated Navigation & Tactical System (INTS) ia a fully scalable product that is suited to small craft such as Patrol Boats, High Speed Interceptors or Fast Attack Craft through to Offshore Patrol Vessels, Frigates, Destroyers or up to Major Warships.

OSI’s Tactical Dived Navigation System (TDNS) is the only solution that uniquely addresses the challenges faced by the submariner.

Tactical Asset Control and Tracking (T-ACT) leverages the information gained through the widespread use of AIS, as well as the tactical support functions available in OSI’s navigation and operational support software

OSI to Feature at Sea-Air-Space Exposition 13 April 2017 by OSI Maritime Systems OSI Maritime Systems (OSI) will feature the company's leading.

OSI to provide TDNS for the Royal Swedish Navy A19 Submarine Upgrade Programme 23 February 2017 by OSI Maritime Systems OSI Maritime Systems (OSI) is pleased to announce the awarding of a.

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GNSS Denial 09 November 2012 by OSI Maritime Systems Accurate navigation is crucial in today's naval operations.

C2 to the Tactical Edge 02 February 2012 by OSI Maritime Systems Current marine threats have proven the need to extend tactical.

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UAE Looking to Become a Regional C2 Leader

The UAE could become the 1st customer for DIAMONDShield, a position they’ve been in several times before with other military platforms. Lockheed Martin invested company funds to create the system, drawing on its experience with the USAF’s Theater Battle Management System (TBMCS), Integrated Space Command & Control (ISC2) system, the US Missile Defense Agency’s C2BMC, and others. Architects were taken from existing programs and asked: “If you were going to redo this, what would you do? What would you add?” Others were asked about lessons from using these systems, and the way the battlefield works when decisions need to be made in minutes or less.

This extensive up-front architecting helped conserve company funds, since changes get much more expensive once a coded framework exists. Lockheed personnel also say that it helped them to create a system that met a key emerging need. Exercises like NATO’s “Ensemble Test” series are driving home the need to connect with a very broad array of radars and firing platforms. DIAMONDShield’s uses a virtualized architecture that remains hardware-agnostic and can interchange databases, plus open interfaces that comply with a number of existing industry and military standards. The system incorporates radar interfaces and an array of tactical datalinks, plus SDKs to write adapters as needed.

The DIAMONDShield team is working with other teams within Lockheed Martin, and with outside vendors, in order to broaden pre-existing product integration within the system. DIAMONDShield is primarily an air and missile defense system, but team members have expressed the view that the core framework is flexible enough to be expanded into other functions, including domestic security and infrastructure protection, disaster response, etc. That could be attractive to a country like the UAE, but those kinds of uses would involve an additional development cycle. For now, the country’s focus is more narrow, and the first avenue for expansion is likely to look beyond the UAE itself.

Within the GCC, there’s a lot of activity around air and missile defense. Qatar has submitted a request for THAAD systems. Kuwait is upgrading its PATRIOT systems, and buying new ones. So is Saudi Arabia. Bahrain has a long-range air defense radar. The USA has its own systems within the region. DIAMONDShield offers the prospect of extending some of the UAE’s communications and coordination links at a reasonable cost, and turning the country’s investments into a linchpin for the region as a whole. Discussions with Lockheed personnel revealed a consensus that most of the effort involved in those kinds of projects is policy-related, tied to the creation and approval of a granular map detailing exactly what will be shared and how. The programming isn’t effort-free, but it’s secondary within the overall project.

In a similar vein, once such systems are deployed, their center isn’t technological. It’s the human side of trained operations and support personnel that can support allied militaries. Fortunately, the UAE has already made the necessary investments.

Keep reading for the whole story with recent events put in context

Saab S340-AEW (click to view full)

The 21st century has seen a quiet transformation of the UAE’s armed forces. Advanced AWACS airborne early warning planes and air and missile defense systems are just the outward signs of a push from a collection of purchased weapon systems, to an integrated defense force that can cope with the most modern threats.

Making that happen requires more than just planes, or missiles. It requires extensive back-end systems that help turn information from advanced radars and airborne surveillance into a coherent whole, and allow command staff to direct battles based on that information. DID explains the larger picture and where things stand now, as the UAE continues its strong Command, Control, Computing, & Communications (C4) push.

The UAE’s Military Quest for Coherence

Understanding the UAE

The Persian Gulf (click to view full)

The United Arab Emirates really is. After the British Royal Navy beat down activity along the “Pirate Coast” in the early 1800s, the “Trucial Sheikhdoms” signed a perpetual maritime truce in 1853. In the 1970s, the British withdrew their protection established by an 1892 treaty, and planned to form a single state that would have included Bahrain, Qatar and the “Trucial Coast.” When that foundered, Bahrain and Qatar negotiated independence and the other 7 sheikhdoms/ emirates formed the UAE.

Stable, British-allied Oman is the UAE’s nearest neighbor. Saudi Arabia also shares a major land border, but key connecting roads transit through Kuwait, and the desert geography on their border makes attack difficult even in a worst case scenario. The most likely threats to the UAE, therefore, are by air or sea – and aerial surveillance is also critical to overwatch of its port infrastructure and of the Persian Gulf.

Dubai is the best known emirate, as it has become the ultra-modern trading hub of the Arab Middle East. The others are Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Fujairah, Sharjah, Ras-Al-Kaimah, and Umm Al Qaiwain. Each emirate reserves considerable powers, including control over mineral, oil and gas rights and revenues.

Integration Issues: Human

These distinctions show within its military. Almost all of the UAE’s combat air fleet is based out of Abu Dhabi, for instance, while Dubai hosts the core of its transport fleet. Note that the air force is generally seen as integrated, and some of its aircraft are under arrangements that station them in other emirates.

The second human integration challenge involves a different set of distinctions, between UAE nationals and foreigners. An article from the Scramble magazine adds that “the defense forces of the UAE have always been multi-cultural and they rely heavily on troop forces from other Arab countries and Pakistan.” Officers, however, are almost all UAE nationals.

The 3rd human integration challenge involves local support. The UAE is known within its region and beyond as a smart buyer. but some analysts like Anthony Cordesman have commented that the country sometimes has trouble digesting and consistently operating its defense acquisitions.

Recent years have seen a strong push to change that, including industrial offset programs that are fostering local firms with shipbuilding, weapons manufacturing, and IT expertise. This industrial policy looks beyond the UAE, and is working to make the country a hub for defense marketing and maintenance throughout the Arabian Gulf.

Integration Issues: Technical

Mirage 2000-9 (click to view full)

Once the UAE successfully tackles these human integration issues, the next item on the priority list must be integrating its varied and advanced equipment into a single military force. If command relationships are clear, then communications systems at the micro level, and a common battle picture at the macro level, can go a long way toward achieving this goal. In 2007, Lt. Col. Don Finley, commander of the 705th Training Squadron at Hurlburt Field, FL, said that:

“We think they’re trying to be the leader of the GCC [DID: Gulf Cooperation Council: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE] in command and control of air power.”

Given the UAE’s array of advanced equipment and defensive needs, that isn’t surprising. They need to integrate a combat air force with uniquely advanced Mirage 2000-9s and F-16 E/F Block 60s. all connected to surveillance assets like their S340-AEW airborne early warning and control planes, Dash-8 maritime patrol planes, and now Predator XP drones. On land, the UAE is also adding THAAD and PATRIOT PAC-3 systems that offer long range air defense and missile defense capabilities. At lower tiers, early-version Croatale and Rapier systems are being supplemented by Russian Pantsyr S1 air defense systems, and may eventually find themselves replaced. Swedish RBS-70 man-portable systems operate at the lowest end, but their dispersed and hard to detect nature can make them dangerous if they’re part of an integrated whole.

UAE naval forces also have a role to play, thanks to advanced corvettes like the new Baynunah Class. and their extensive communications capabilities. Protecting the Gulf is a major strategic goal, but doing that well requires the ability to see traffic and respond quickly to changes.

Other Gulf Cooperation Council countries are also investing in command and control systems, but so far, the GCC’s preferred approach has involved individual nations buying modernized assets, rather than steps toward a truly regional system.

The response: ECCS and DIAMONDShield

AOC (click to view full)

These realizations dawned on the UAE in time. A January 2006 Jane’s overview suggested that the UAE had shelved plans for E-2 AWACS aircraft in favor of unspecified improvements in “airborne command, surveillance and intelligence-gathering.”

Step 1 was human. Since April 2007, a US Air Force-led team has been training UAE airmen in air and space control systems and procedures, with about 200 students enrolled in intermediate and advanced-level classes and simulations, working in a mini air and space operations center (AOC) built by the UAE. When classes conclude in December 2007, the top 20 or so students with the best English speaking skills will go through instructor training. All this was part of the UAE’s $7 billion F-16 E/F Block 60 purchase, and it was undertaken in a separate facility because the US does not have an AOC classified access agreement with the United Arab Emirates[1].

Step 2 was the United Arab Emirates Command and Control System (ECCS), whose initial contract was signed in February 2011 with the Emiraje Systems LLC joint venture. It’s an overarching strategic C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) I. T. framework that will integrate, coordinate, and federate existing systems. Phase 1 alone was worth over $500 million.

ECCS is important, but a rising Iranian threat had forced the UAE to confront issues of missile defense. A December 2008 order for PATRIOT PAC-3 systems could provide point defense, and a December 2011 contract for longer-range THAAD systems intensified the need for a battle command system that could sit beneath ECCS, with the ability to control tactical assets.

Step 3 was announced publicly in February 2017: Lockheed Martin’s internally-developed DIAMONDShield tactical battle command system. This web-based system uses a map interface for command and control, overlaid with weapon and sensor data like UAV videos, datalink feeds, radar tracks from ground radars and AWACS, etc. Planning tools are included for airspace deconfliction, ISR missions, and battle plans, and the system is designed to tie into existing systems for execution and monitoring. A radar track and firing request could be sent to a THAAD launcher, for instance, using encrypted datalinks. If the missile intercept failed, the same sequence could take place with a PATRIOT PAC-3 launcher, which had already been cued via a previous message.

The UAE could become the 1st customer for DIAMONDShield, a position they’ve been in several times before with other military platforms. Lockheed Martin invested company funds to create the system, drawing on its experience with the USAF’s Theater Battle Management System (TBMCS), Integrated Space Command & Control (ISC2) system, the US Missile Defense Agency’s C2BMC, and others. Architects were taken from existing programs and asked: “If you were going to redo this, what would you do? What would you add?” Others were asked about lessons from using these systems, and the way the battlefield works when decisions need to be made in minutes or less.

This extensive up-front architecting helped conserve company funds, since changes get much more expensive once a coded framework exists. Lockheed personnel also say that it helped them to create a system that met a key emerging need. Exercises like NATO’s “Ensemble Test” series are driving home the need to connect with a very broad array of radars and firing platforms. DIAMONDShield’s uses a virtualized architecture that remains hardware-agnostic and can interchange databases, plus open interfaces that comply with a number of existing industry and military standards. The system incorporates radar interfaces and an array of tactical datalinks, plus SDKs to write adapters as needed.

The DIAMONDShield team is working with other teams within Lockheed Martin, and with outside vendors, in order to broaden pre-existing product integration within the system. DIAMONDShield is primarily an air and missile defense system, but team members have expressed the view that the core framework is flexible enough to be expanded into other functions, including domestic security and infrastructure protection, disaster response, etc. That could be attractive to a country like the UAE, but those kinds of uses would involve an additional development cycle. For now, the country’s focus is more narrow, and the first avenue for expansion is likely to look beyond the UAE itself.

Within the GCC, there’s a lot of activity around air and missile defense. Qatar has submitted a request for THAAD systems. Kuwait is upgrading its PATRIOT systems, and buying new ones. So is Saudi Arabia. Bahrain has a long-range air defense radar. The USA has its own systems within the region. DIAMONDShield offers the prospect of extending some of the UAE’s communications and coordination links at a reasonable cost, and turning the country’s investments into a linchpin for the region as a whole. Discussions with Lockheed personnel revealed a consensus that most of the effort involved in those kinds of projects is policy-related, tied to the creation and approval of a granular map detailing exactly what will be shared and how. The programming isn’t effort-free, but it’s secondary within the overall project.

In a similar vein, once such systems are deployed, their center isn’t technological. It’s the human side of trained operations and support personnel that can support allied militaries. Fortunately, the UAE has already made the necessary investments.

Contracts & Key Events

DIAMONDShield (click to view full)

Some non-C2 events like missile defense buys have been added to the timeline, in order to place events in context.

May 22/14: Interoperability. INEGMA’s Sabahat Khan writes:

“The bottom-line, simply, is that the U. S. – as a partner with the tremendous resources, capabilities, and technical expertise available at its disposal – has so far not assured the level of operational capability, interoperability and joint readiness required in the Arabian Gulf…. Moreover, the longstanding reluctance of the United States to remove the technology and technical restrictions imposed upon GCC militaries that would enable them to implement operational integration between themselves continues to stoke frustration and even occasional suspicion. That reluctance suggests a possibility that the U. S. itself has serious reservations about enabling GCC militaries with the capabilities to undertake combined operations because that would displace the current hub-and-spoke architecture with the U. S. at the center with another network, which is more effective and also potentially less critically dependent on deployed U. S. assets and networks….”

Sources: Eurasia Review, “The Future Of US-GCC Security Cooperation And Regional Security In Arabian Gulf – Analysis”.

Feb 19/13: DIAMOND Shield. Local media report that Lockheed Martin beat ThalesRaytheon in a competition to build the UAE’s “Extended Air Defence Ground Environment-Transformation” tactical command and control system for ballistic missile defense. Technically, the firm says that they won the down-select in July 2012, and they’re in final negotiations as the preferred bidder. Lockheed Martin makes the UAE’s THAAD and PAC-3 missiles, and they also built the country’s F-16E/F fighters.

Negotiations will center around the firm’s “DIAMONDShield ” offering, which builds on the firm’s experience with the USAF’s TBCMS and ISC2 systems, and the US Missile Defense Agency’s C2BMC. Briefly, DIAMONDShield uses a map interface for command and control, overlaid with weapon and sensor data like UAV videos, datalink feeds, radar tracks, etc. Planning tools are included for airspace deconfliction, ISR missions, and battle plans, and the system is designed to tie into existing systems for execution and monitoring. Lockheed Martin ISGS VP Cliff Spier is quoted as saying that:

“The system is for advanced battle-space monitoring…. It integrates ground and air defences, selects the right weapons and…. offers the operator engagement tracking at the click of a button, so that his instructions are communicated direct by data link to a launcher…. A country needs its own air defence network. But Diamond Shield allows you to share your defence coverage with your neighbours and allies. What you are looking at, they can look at. It enables old systems and new systems to be integrated. Diamond Shield is an enabler for GCC integration.”

Note that integration and sharing aren’t simple, and usually require an investment of time and money. DIAMONDShield could become a base for GCC integration, but its mere presence won’t create it. What it does offer, is a service-oriented IT architecture that could work with others’ systems. UAE’s The National .

Dec 30/11: UAE THAAD. A series of contracts kick off the UAE’s Terminal Hight Altitude Air Defense system deal, which is estimated at $3.48 billion. It’s the 1st export sale for the THAAD system, which was developed as a longer-range counterpart to the PATRIOT. In November 2012, the UAE made a follow-on DSCA request to buy more THAAD equipment and missiles. Read “Gulf States Requesting ABM-Capable Systems ” for full coverage.

Sept 22/11: Link-16 request. The US DSCA announces [PDF] the United Arab Emirates’ official request to buy 107 MIDS-LVT/ LINK 16 terminals and associated equipment, parts, training and support. The compact MIDS-LVT assemblies would be installed on its F-16E/F fleet. as well as ground command and control sites, giving its air force a Link-16 network that would help UAE fighters and S340-AEW aircraft share what they see with each other and with related forces like American and Saudi AWACS aircraft, similarly-equipped allied fighters, etc.

If a contract is negotiated, it would include the systems, engineering/ integration services, aircraft modification and installation, testing, spare and repair parts, support equipment, repair and return support, personnel training, interface with ground command and control centers and ground repeater sites, and other related elements of program support. The estimated cost is up to $401 million.

The prime contractor is not set; this will be a competition between Data Link Solutions and ViaSat. Implementation of this proposed sale will require the assignment of additional U. S. Government and contractor representatives to the UAE, which will be negotiated if a contract is signed and the program proceeds.

Feb 28/11: ECCS. The UAE hands its United Arab Emirates Command and Control System (ECCS) contract to Emiraje Systems LLC, a joint venture of EADS Cassidian & Emirates Advanced Investments group’s C4 Advanced Solutions. The ECCS system will become the UAE’s overarching Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) framework, federating, integrating, and coordinating existing systems. Phase 1 alone is worth AED 2.02 billion ($550 million/ EUR 400 million).

This will also be a major boost to Emiraje Systems, which was set up in 2009 with the aim of building an advanced integration capability within the UAE. Staff Brigadier Pilot Faris Khalaf Al Mazrouei, Head of the ECCS Project Committee referred to this when he said that: “…we are proud to protect the future security of the UAE citizens, not only through the ECCS Program, but beyond that through establishing a solid and recognized Defence integrator company in the UAE.” EADS Cassidian | Jane’s.

ECCS national C2, Phase 1

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TRS delivers MADGE C2 system to Royal Malaysian Air Force

21 February 2017

The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) and ThalesRaytheonSystems (TRS) have finalised full system acceptance for the Malaysian Air Defense Ground Environment Sector Operations Center III (MADGE) programme.

"The MADGE system is capable of operating in real-time, and features multiradar tracking and a flexible human-machine interface."

The company has supplied an enhanced national command and control (C2) system to the Malaysian Ministry of Defence (MoD), as part of an undisclosed contract, received in April 2008 for modernisation of the MADGE system.

Initially covering delivery of one new long-range air defence radar and one C2 system, the contract was further extended to include the creation of multiple operations centres with either sector operations centre (SOC) or air defense operations centre (ADOC).

CS software functionality of the SOC and ADOC is derived from the company's Sentry Air Defense Ground Environment System.

ThalesRaytheonSystems US Operations CEO Kim Kerry said the company collaborated with Malaysian customers to integrate their conventional system and upgraded it with proven technologies, including the sentry system and the Ground Master 400 (GM 400) radar.

"The result is a system that reliably and effectively meets their requirements," Kerry added.

The MADGE system is capable of operating in real-time, and features multiradar tracking and a flexible human-machine interface.

The GM 406 is a fully digital 3D air defence radar, designed to safeguard vital military assets and expeditionary forces through detection of a wide range of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), missiles, mortars and rockets from very low to high altitudes.

Capable of withstanding Malaysia's tropical environment, the radar can operate simultaneously over mountainous terrain, coastal plains and oceanic approaches, and is also expected to offer additional long-range surveillance capabilities to the air force.

Sentry is an advanced C2 system and is interoperable with all airborne, land and sea-based systems and sensors, to improve situational awareness.

Image: The Ground Master 400 radar has been integrated into the Royal Malaysian Air Force's MADGE system. Photo courtesy of Thales.

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Shipping Policy

Kifaru Intl. uses UPS, and USPS to ship your orders to you. Kifaru Intl. makes every effort to ship packs and shelters within 4 weeks or earlier. Accessories ship within 3 - 5 business days. If authorization is delayed in order to confirm payment or prevent fraud, Kifaru Intl. reserves the right to delay shipments, but every effort will be made to ship at the soonest possible time. Delivery times are expected, not guaranteed.

All orders are processed once credit card authorization and verification have been obtained. Orders are shipped Monday - Friday, not including holidays.

International shipping will be via USPS Priority Mail unless otherwise stated upon your order. Kifaru is not responsible for any duties/taxes charged by customs.

Standard Shipping Shipping within the US takes 7-10 days once your order has been fulfilled. International orders will arrive within 2-3 weeks once your order has been fulfilled.

3-5 Day Express Shipping To the continental US. upon fulfillment of your order takes 3-5 Business Days, pending credit card authorization and verification. Not available in American Samoa, Guam, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, the Virgin Islands, APO, FPO, PO Boxes, Canada, Europe, Japan or the rest of the world.

2 Day Business Shipping to continental US, upon fulfillment of your order the package will arrive on the 2nd business day, pending credit card authorization, and verification. Not available in, AK, HI, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, the Virgin Islands, APO, FPO, PO Boxes, Canada, Europe, Japan or the rest of the world.

Overnight to the continental US only upon fulfillment of your order.

Return Policy

Warranty and Return Policy

About a Built-to-Order Product We're proud to provide extremely durable, lightweight products that are 100% American made. This gear will outperform and outlast anything made offshore - period. It is built specifically for serious users with the best-in-the-world materials. It is costly gear - our customers quickly acknowledge that the benefit-to-cost ratio of their Kifaru gear is quite high and is well worth the investment. All Kifaru products are built-to-order to ensure consistently high quality, and employ our fellow Americans, many who have been with us from the Mountainsmith days - our first company.

Kifaru Backpacks & Pack Accessories Lifetime guarantee against defects in materials and workmanship. Should they ever fail to provide satisfaction because of defects in materials or workmanship, we will repair or replace at no cost to you. Problems associated with normal wear or abuse will mean a reasonable repair or replacement charge.

Kifaru Tipis & Shelters All our shelters are guaranteed against defects in materials and workmanship. Should they ever fail to provide satisfaction because of defects in materials or workmanship, we will repair or replace it at no cost to you. Materials may naturally break down over an extended use and time, particularly with long setups in direct sunlight - these shelters are not intended to be used as permanent camps. Problems associated with this or normal wear. abuse or improper care will mean a reasonable repair or replacement charge. UV Rays: Any nylon structure will suffer from UV rays if allowed to remain erected for prolonged periods of time. We strongly recommend NOT using your Kifaru shelter as a permanent structure. Snow Loads: These Tipis are not cabins. We cannot build a man-carryable shelter that will stand up to sustained snow loads. Do not leave your Tipi unattended in snow country and keep snow knocked off. Warranty does NOT cover snow load damage. No open fires. Kifaru Tipis are designed to be used with a stove, and not open fires. Any use of an open fire inside a Tipi will void all warranties.

Storage: The greatest harm to Tipi fabric is usually not from abuse or critters, it is improper storage. After your trip, make sure your Tipi is free of any moisture or organic materials - these can eat away at the fabric during storage. Air dry and store out of direct sunlight.

Washing: the agitation of machine washing can damage the UV coatings on outdoor fabrics. We recommend sponge bathing with Woolite (no bleach), and hanging to dry. Mildew - should you find mildew on your Shelter, simply remove spots with a bit of vinegar.

Kifaru Sleds Kifaru sleds are guaranteed for an unlimited period of time against defects in materials and workmanship. Should our sled ever fail to provide satisfaction because of defects in materials or workmanship, we will repair or replace it at no cost to you. Problems associated with normal wear or abuse will mean a reasonable repair or replacement charge. Spare or replacement harness parts and other hardware are readily available from us a t a reasonable cost. This guarantee applies only to Kifaru made sleds. Owners of Mountainsmith Sleds are subject to charge for any repairs.

Soft Goods (includes any sleeping bag or clothing item) come with a guarantee against defects in materials and workmanship. Should they fail to provide satisfaction because of defects in materials or workmanship, we will repair or replace at no cost to you. Problems associated with normal wear or abuse will mean a reasonable repair or replacement charge.

Returns We understand that it can be difficult buying a product that is not on a shelf where you can try it out, touch it, feel it. These are built-to-order products. If you receive your order, and decide that it is just not for you, return it in unused, new condition WITHIN 30 DAYS for a full product refund (excluding shipping charges). We offer counseling on the proper use and fit (if applicable) by email or phone, and we have an excellent record in assisting folks with the "learning curve" in getting top performance with our technical gear. We're happy to help!

At Kifaru we love seeing animals and blood all over our packs, but our sewers don't. SO CLEAN YOUR PACK! Otherwise we will have to either send it back or charge $50 to have it cleaned.

Please make sure your packs are free of animal byproducts, dirt, mud, vegetation, sweat, etc. Our sewing machines and sewers don’t function very well after having to repair a dirty pack.

Restocking Fees We do not usually charge restocking fees for returned merchandise, if unused as outlined above. however, if you have placed an order for product of special colors and cancel or return this product, there may be a restocking fee involved.

Repairs All Kifaru gear comes with a guarantee against defects in materials and workmanship. Should they ever fail to provide satisfaction because of defects in materials or workmanship, we will repair or replace at no cost to you. Problems associated with normal wear or abuse will mean a reasonable repair or replacement charge. Any returned goods MUST be clean, and free of grit, blood, etc. or you will be charged an appropriate cleaning fee.

Buy this gear with confidence. It's guaranteed for life, and is designed to fully meet and exceed government specifications.

Cookies on the Revenue website

Taxes & Duties

New RCT System - FAQs for Principal Contractors

1. What are the main changes affecting principal contractors?

Compulsory electronic communication: From 1st January 2012, RCT principal contractors (principals) are obliged to interact with Revenue electronically (for RCT purposes) so all principals should be registered for the Revenue On-line Service (ROS). Principals not currently registered should do so as soon as possible. If assistance is required, principals should contact the ROS Helpdesk at 1890 201 106 or email roshelp@revenue. ie. Principals engaging a tax advisor/agent/bookkeeper to prepare their RCT returns should ensure that their tax advisor/agent/bookkeeper is registered for ROS.

Notifying a relevant contract to Revenue: When a principal enters into a relevant contract with a subcontractor, he/she will be obliged to provide Revenue with details of the contract online, including a declaration that the contract being entered into is not a contract of employment. This process is known as "Contract Notification " in the new system. Revenue will acknowledge the contract notification and advise the principal of the current rate of RCT applicable to the subcontractor. There are no paper RCT 1 or RCT 46/46A forms in the new system.

Notifying a relevant payment to Revenue: Immediately before making a payment under a contract, the principal should notify Revenue (through ROS) of his or her intention to make the payment and state the gross amount to be paid. This process is known as "Payment Notification " in the new system. There are no C2 cards or paper RCT 47’s (payments card) in the new system.

Confirmation of the RCT rate to apply to the payment: Upon receipt of the payment notification, Revenue will issue an acknowledgement to the principal’s ROS inbox. This acknowledgement will include the " Deduction Authorisation ", which will specify the rate of tax (RCT) and the amount of tax to be deducted from the payment. A copy or details of the Deduction Authorisation should be given to the subcontractor (where tax has been deducted). There is no C2 card in the new system.

Filing the periodic return and making the payment of RCT deducted: A pre-populated "Deduction Summary " (DS) will be available on ROS shortly after the end of the return period (via the "Online Return" link on the "My Services" page). The principal should check the DS to ensure the information is correct and make any amendments required prior to filing the return. The principal should arrange for payment of the RCT deducted on or before the due date. This new process replaces the RCT 30 return.

No annual return required: The annual RCT 35 return will no longer be required from the tax year 2012 onwards (you will still be required to complete an RCT 35 return for 2011).

2. As C2 cards are not part of the new system, what proof should I seek from the subcontractor with regard to tax clearance?

Information on the revised procedures for Tax Clearance (PDF, 27 KB) in relation to Public Service contracts has been posted on the website. The current arrangements in relation to Tax Clearance Procedures for Public Service Contracts, Grants, Subsidies and similar type payments are being revised.

3. When I engage a subcontractor on a relevant contract what am I required to do?

Before entering into a relevant contract with a subcontractor, you are obliged to satisfy yourself that the proposed contract is NOT a contract of employment. You are also required to satisfy yourself as to the identity of the subcontractor.

Once the above requirements have been met, you are obliged to provide Revenue with details of the subcontractor (name and tax reference number) and contract (location, start/end dates, estimated contract value, etc) through ROS. You should provide the "official" name of the subcontractor – this is the name that is recorded on Revenue’s record. The subcontractor’s "official" name would be included in correspondence or other documentation (e. g. a relevant payments card) received from Revenue concerning the subcontractor. This process is known as "Contract Notification ".

4. Are guidelines available on notifying contracts?

5. If the subcontractor has received a Notice of Exclusion from the RCT 1 process (and the expiry date has not passed) do I still have to notify the contract to Revenue?

Yes, all contracts should be notified to Revenue. There are no exceptions. From 2012 onwards, the paper Form RCT 1 is no longer required to be completed by principals and subcontractors. As a result, Notices of Exclusion from the RCT 1 process are no longer valid.

6. What happens if I don’t have a tax reference number for a subcontractor?

If you have no tax reference number for the subcontractor when you notify the contract, you will be asked to provide additional details for the subcontractor (name, address, phone number, date of birth, etc) so that Revenue can contact the subcontractor directly. You will also be obliged to advise the unknown subcontractor in writing within seven days of notifying the contract or before you pay the subcontractor (whichever is earlier) that:

Revenue were unable to verify the subcontractor’s identity

RCT at 35% will apply to payments to the subcontractor

The subcontractor should contact Revenue with a view to clarifying his/her identity

7. Is "Estimated Contract Value" inclusive or exclusive of Value Added Tax?

If the VAT Reverse Charge applies to the payments on the contract, then the VAT exclusive amount should be input as part of the Contract Notification (i. e. you do not include VAT in the payment to the subcontractor). However if the VAT Reverse Charge does not apply (e. g. haulage, meat processing or forestry operations) then the VAT inclusive amount should be input.

8. Does a contract entered into prior to 1st January 2012 have to be notified?

Where a contract is ongoing at 31st December 2011 (and further payments are due under the contract), it will have to be notified in the new system. Principals should notify Revenue of all payments from 1/1/2012 on all such relevant contracts. It will not be possible to notify a payment online unless the contract has already been notified.

9. I have multiple contracts with the same subcontractor. Do I have to notify each contract separately?

Sí. You will be required to notify each contract separately in the new system unless they are considered to be part of an on-going contract with the subcontractor (see next question). Each contract will be given a unique contract reference number and payment notifications should be made to Revenue under the relevant contract reference number.

Note: To assist principals with their transition to the new system, Revenue will only require that one contract be notified for each subcontractor engaged by the principal for the duration of 2017, regardless of the number of contracts being entered into with that subcontractor. If a principal chooses to use this option, the estimated value of the contract should be the total value of all the contracts with this subcontractor for 2017.

10. How will I confirm that a contract with a subcontractor is an on-going contract?

If a principal contractor engages a subcontractor to perform the same type of work at a number of sites, this could be viewed as being an on-going contractual relationship, provided that:

The terms of the contract do not change;

The parties to the contract do not change; y

The subcontractor does not have to compete for the work on the additional sites (i. e. submit a tender).

This includes situations where the jobs do not succeed each other immediately or where the work is performed on multiple sites. Only one relevant contract will need to be notified in the new system if the contract can be considered to be an on-going contract.

You should notify each contract separately in the new system, if any of the following apply :

The subcontractor has to compete (e. g. tender) for new work;

The contractual relationship between the parties has changed e. g. the principal sets up a new entity (e. g. a limited company) for each site;

The contractual terms have changed significantly e. g. the payment arrangements have changed from fixed price to piece work;

No payments were made in the preceding year to the subcontractor.

Each contract will be given a unique contract reference number and payment notifications should be made to Revenue under the relevant contract reference number.

11. Am I obliged to notify Revenue every time I make a payment to a subcontractor?

Sí. In the new system a principal will not be authorised to deduct tax from a payment until he/she has notified Revenue of the payment and received authorisation to make the deduction. Failure to properly notify Revenue will leave the principal liable for the RCT.

12. What procedure should I follow when making a payment to a subcontractor?

Immediately before making a payment to a subcontractor you should advise Revenue online of the amount of the gross payment to be made. This process is known as "Payment Notification ". You should select the subcontractor from the list of contracts you have already notified to Revenue. You will not be able to complete a Payment Notification on a contract unless the contract has already been notified to Revenue.

13. How will I know what rate of RCT to deduct?

Revenue will issue an acknowledgement to you in response to the Payment Notification. This acknowledgement will include the " Deduction Authorisation " which will set out the gross amount, net amount, the rate of tax (RCT) and the amount of tax to be deducted from the payment. This Deduction Authorisation (DA) relates specifically to the payment notified. You should provide a copy or details of the DA to the subcontractor (where tax has been deducted). You can provide a copy of the DA in writing or in electronic format.

14. If I choose to give "details of the Deduction Authorisation" to the subcontractor (rather than an actual copy), what details should I provide?

You should provide the following to the subcontractor (in writing or in electronic format):

Name and tax reference number of the principal

Name and tax reference number of the subcontractor

Gross amount of the payment including the amount of any RCT deducted

Amount of the RCT deducted

Rate at which RCT was deducted

Date of the payment

Unique ID number issued by Revenue on the related Deduction Authorisation

Deduction Summary / RCT Return

15. When will the Deduction Summary be available?

The pre-populated Deduction Summary is created by Revenue based on the payment notifications made by the principal during the period covered by the return. It will be available on ROS shortly after the end of the return period, which can be monthly or quarterly (depends on the filing frequency of the principal).

16. How can I access my Deduction Summary on ROS?

Guidance on accessing the Deduction Summary (DS) (PDF, 81 KB) is available on the website. To view the DS, go to the "My Services" page on ROS and:

Click Online Return

Select Tax Type: RCT and Return Type: RCT Return

Click next

Select the period (e. g. 01/02/2012 - 29/02/2012 for monthly filers) and click next

17. What should I do when I receive the Deduction Summary?

You should check the Deduction Summary (DS) to ensure that all payments made to subcontractors have been notified to Revenue and that the amounts notified were correct. Guidance on checking and amending the Deduction Summary (PDF, 33 KB ) is available on the website.

If the DS is correct . you do not have to file (submit) the return – it will be deemed by Revenue to have been filed on the due date. If the DS is not correct . you should make the necessary amendments online and file (submit) the return by the due date. Whether the return is filed by you or deemed filed, you should arrange for payment of the RCT deducted on or before the due date.

18. What is the due date for filing the return and paying the RCT to Revenue?

Principals required under the Mandatory eFiling Regulations to file returns and make payments electronically, have until 23rd day following the end of the return period to pay and file. Principals who decide to pay their RCT manually (e. g. by cheque) must pay and file their return by 14th day following the end of the return period.

19. Will I receive notification from Revenue when the return is filed by me or deemed filed?

If you file the return you will receive an acknowledgement from Revenue (in your ROS inbox). However, if you choose not to file your return (Revenue deems the return to have been filed), you will not receive an acknowledgement in your ROS inbox.

20. Revenue has advised that any amendments should be made to the relevant payments listed on the Deduction Summary and it should be filed on or before the due date. Can I amend these relevant payment details after the due date for the Return?

No, you cannot amend line items (payment details) on the return, once it has been filed or deemed filed. You can only add unreported payments to the return. Where amendments need to be made to line items after the return has been filed or deemed filed (if not filed by the due date), you should contact your local Revenue District (PDF, 68 KB). A surcharge of €100 will also apply to any amendments made after the due date for the return, and you may also be liable for interest and penalties. Guidance on checking and amending the Deduction Summary (PDF, 33 KB ) is available on the website.

21. What should I do if I am no longer acting as a principal contractor?

If you have ceased as a principal you should contact your local Revenue district immediately to cancel your registration. If however, you are continuing to operate as a subcontractor, but not as a principal, please advise your Revenue district that you are applying for cancellation as a principal only.

If you have a query about the new system that is not addressed in these FAQs, please email us at: eRCTInfo@revenue. ie

For further information on the new RCT system please see: Electronic RCT System

Who we are

001 - Administrative & legal support, liaison with SRD

Coordination of infringements handling, access to documents' requests, effective implementation of the Better Regulation guidelines and adherence to the REFIT principles

Human resources, logistics and budget management, support to strategic planning and programming as well as audit and internal control

Liaison with the Shared Resources Directorate (SRD CLIMA/ENV), management of the framework contract 'for the provision of services in the area of evaluation, analysis, support to impact assessments and implementation of climate change policies', evaluation

002 - Communication

Directorate A "International & Mainstreaming"

The mission of Directorate A is to

coordinate inter-institutional relations, the implementation of the Paris Agreement as well as continuing international climate negotiations,

protect the ozone layer and reduce the use of fluorinated gases,

promote climate resilience at EU and international level, and

stimulate the effective deployment of funding for mitigating climate change, including within the EU budget.

Unit A1 "International and Inter-Institutional Relations"

Work with international community, EU Member States and key third country partners towards the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement

Enhance climate policy dialogues and cooperation activities bilaterally with third countries with the view to contribute to accelerated transition to a global climate resilient, low carbon economy

Collaborate with other Commission services. the European Union External Action Service and the service for Foreign Policy Instruments to pursue and scale up climate diplomacy around the world, including in the context of G8 and G20

Maintain an effective relationship with the Council and the European Parliament, other European institutions and consultative bodies in order to contribute to the successful endorsement or adoption of climate initiatives through the inter-institutional process

Handle and process the questions, opinions and complaints originating in other EU institutions and bodies.

Unit A2 "Climate Finance, Mainstreaming, Montreal Protocol"

Participate in international climate negotiations and meetings in respect of climate finance and stimulate public and private financial support for developing countries to facilitate their compliance with the Paris Agreement

Promote the achievement of EU goals for climate-relevant expenditure within the EU budget. including action to foster climate-friendly research

Ensure an effective implementation of the LIFE Climate Action sub-programme

Conduct the EU's climate policy dialogue with strategic partners: China. India. Brazil, Mexico and South Africa

Protect the ozone layer and the climate system against the adverse effects of ozone depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases both in the EU and internationally within the framework of Montreal Protocol.

Unit A3 "Adaptation"

Develop climate resilience and promote climate action across the EU, at national, regional and urban level, through the implementation of the EU strategy on adaptation to climate change

Mainstream adaptation to climate change into the different EU policy areas (water, infrastructure, innovation, etc.)

Promote the achievement of climate action in the European Structural and Investment Funds. regional and urban funds (European Regional Development Fund. Cohesion F und) and European Maritime and Fisheries Fund

Promote climate resilience internationally in the framework of international climate negotiations and within those countries most vulnerable to climate change, such as Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island States (SIDS).

Directorate B "European & International Carbon Markets"

The mission of directorate B is to

ensure the proper functioning, integrity and implementation of the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS) including aviation,

coordinate the monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions from shipping. y

encourage the development of an international carbon market.

Unit B1 "ETS Policy Development and Auctioning"

Play a key role in building, maintaining and operating the European Union's flagship policy for combatting climate change, the EU ETS

Contribute to the system's strategic development to achieve cost-effective greenhouse gases emission reductions beyond 2020 and to enable the EU ETS to serve as an inspiration for the rest of the world

Develop and support the implementation of legal and technical solutions to ensure the smooth functioning of the European carbon market in particular with regard to large-scale auctioning.

Unit B2 "ETS Implementation"

Develop and implement efficient and secure operation of the Union registry

Ensure coherent implementation by the Member States of harmonised allocation rules based on product benchmarks for the calculation of free allowances as well as for the calculation of the International Credit Entitlements in the EU ETS in the period 2017-2020

Address issues of industrial competitiveness in relation to implementation of the EU ETS, including the risk of carbon leakage for industry.

Unit B3 "International Carbon Market, Aviation and Maritime"

Extend market-based incentives for effectively and cost-effectively reducing greenhouse gas emissions both inside the EU and globally, by encouraging emissions trading systems and the linking of these, with the ultimate aim of building an international carbon trading market

Implement and develop the EU ETS in respect of aviation 's climate change impacts and encouraging measures to reduce impacts from aviation, in particular from third countries

Develop and encourage measures to significantly reduce maritime transport 's climate change impacts, including European legislation appropriate to achieve this goal

Give incentives through the EU ETS Directive and other EU legislation for appropriate activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in third countries, including through the development of sectoral mechanisms.

Directorate C "Climate strategy, Governance and Emissions from Non-trading Sectors"

The mission of Directorate C is to

support the development of cost-efficient climate policies and strategies,

streamline climate and energy governance, especially monitoring and evaluation,

prepare, negotiate, implement and enforce legislation covering sectors outside emissions trading (i. e. households, transport, agriculture, forestry, and carbon capture, use and storage), and

design and implement public-private funding mechanisms fostering modernisation and innovation.

Unit C1 "Strategy & Economic Assessment"

Lead the Commission's development of strategic options for the EU's international and domestic climate action, underpinned by in-depth economic and technical analysis. in cooperation with other units.

Unit C2 "Governance & Effort Sharing"

Lead the Commission's development and implementation of monitoring, reporting and verification systems of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU and globally, in order to track progress towards the achievement of climate objectives in the most transparent and coherent way

Prepare and implement the work on streamlining climate and energy governance in connection with the development of the Energy Union

Prepare, negotiate, implement and enforce legislation on effort sharing (i. e. emissions reductions in sectors outside of the scope of the EU Emissions Trading System).

Unit C3 "Land Use and Finance for Innovation"

Reconcile mitigation objectives related to agriculture, forestry and land use with food security, biomass and bioenergy use, by advancing climate smart agriculture and forestry practices and supporting the progressive inclusion of these sectors into the EU's domestic and international climate policy in order to reduce emissions and enhance their removal

Enhance EU domestic climate finance for innovation. by addressing new options for sourcing, leveraging, delivery and governance of low carbon finance that is compatible with sustainable growth and contributes to the implementation of the EU's climate and energy policies.

Unit C4 "Road Transport"

Reconcile mitigation objectives related to agriculture, forestry and land use with food security, biomass and bioenergy use, by advancing climate smart agriculture and forestry practices and supporting the progressive inclusion of these sectors into the EU's domestic and international climate policy in order to reduce emissions and enhance their removal

Enhance EU domestic climate finance for innovation. by addressing new options for sourcing, leveraging, delivery and governance of low carbon finance that is compatible with sustainable growth and contributes to the implementation of the EU's climate and energy policies.

CBOE, C2 & CFE Good Friday Holiday Trading Schedule

Marty Kearney - CBOH - Thu Mar 26, 1:30PM CDT

We have another long weekend coming up. A week from tomorrow, Friday April 3rd is Good Friday.

Thursday, April 2nd will have regular trading hours for all products at CBOE, C2 and CFE.

Friday April 3rd, CBOE and C2 are closed for business, so there will be no Stock, ETF or Index option trading on that date. Regular trading will resume Monday morning.

On Thursday evening April 2nd . CFE opens its extended trading session at 3:30pm CDT for VIX (VX) Futures and will close at 8:15am Friday, April 3rd . Extended trading hours begins again Sunday evening at 5:00pm. VXTYN will have an abbreviated trading session on Friday . April 3rd from 7:00 a. m. to 10:15 a. m. CDT. Trades in both the Thursday and Friday extended sessions will be submitted for clearing on the Business Day of Monday, April 6, 2017. Trading will be closed for all CFE products other than VIX and VXTYN futures on Friday, April 3, 2017.

To recap, regular trading hours on Thursday April 2nd on everything. No option trading Friday April 3rd at CBOE or C2. Trading in extended hours sessions at CFE Thursday night and Friday morning in VIX Futures, VXTYN abbreviated session Friday morning. All extended hours trades clear in Monday session).

Have a good Easter.

History of Good Friday trading:

The Council of Nicaea (A. D. 325) set the date of Easter as the Sunday following the paschal full moon, which is the full moon that falls on or after the vernal equinox (

March 21). Good Friday is the Friday before Easter. More than you wanted to know, but that’s why Easter is a “moveable holiday” like Labor Day or Memorial Day.

The New York Stock Exchange has been closed every Good Friday for over 150 years, with the exception of 1898, 1906, and 1907. The Friday before Easter is the only non-federal holiday observed by the NYSE.

Urban myth says that those times the market was open on Good Friday that the market crashed. It’s a great story but it’s not true. Good Friday in 1907 was actually an up-day, but right in the middle of a 9-month bear market with several panic trading days.

The real reason may be that many Christians went to religious services on Good Friday. Brokers and exchanges thought that there would be little trading on that day, as well as their employees asking for the afternoon off to attend those services. Passover is the same weekend in 2017.

So the answer is… no one knows, we’ve always been closed on Good Friday

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Sistemas de Trading

The reason why trading systems are so popular is because they provide people with the opportunity to make money in a very structured and efficient manner.

Most people who try to make money in the financial markets don’t really have a clear game plan. Instead, these people will typically jump around from one investment idea/trading method to another.

Not only does this create a very confusing and stressful environment, but it also virtually guarantees that a person will not make as much money as they potentially could by sticking to and mastering one system of trading.

Different Types Of Trading Systems

Many traders like to specialize in one particular trading product which allows them to become masters of that product.

In order to find a trading system that fits, you may want to experiment with a variety of different trading systems to see which one makes the most sense to use. Needless to say, it really helps if you educate yourself about the financial markets. Having a even a basic understanding of the mechanics of the market including drivers of the price, can actually help your trading results.

Once you have a better understanding of how the financial markets operate and know more different trading tactics you can use, you will be in a better position to evaluate whether or not a particular trading system is right for you.

Because no matter what anybody tells you, remember, not all trading systems are suitable for all investment objectives.

Your System Must Fit Your Trading Objective

This brings up a very good point. You need to have some kind of investment objective in place before you get started. Even if you just think to yourself that you want to make a certain amount of money per day or per week that is far better than what most people are currently doing.

Most people don’t really stop to think about what it is they are trying to accomplish as a result of their involvement in the financial markets. As you can probably imagine, this results in people not really having a clear sense of direction.

Some online trading systems are significantly more risky than others.

While it’s certainly true that risk is something that needs to be embraced because it’s the only way through which you can make money, some online trading systems place so much emphasis on certain strategies that you may want to make certain modifications to the system to make sure that it ultimately is comfortable for you and your needs.

Becoming A Full Time Trader

Something else that you will want to think about as a relates to trading system is whether or not you have reached the point where you understand enough about the financial markets to really feel comfortable using a particular system on a full-time basis.

For example, many people who are just getting started in this industry needs to spend some time dabbling in a wide variety of different stock trading tactics and strategies. Only through this process can a person gained the confidence and knowledge necessary to know what works and what doesn’t work.

In the final analysis, it really makes a lot of sense for you to seriously consider the benefits associated with using a system that you can follow on a daily basis through which you are making your trades. These trading systems really can make a big difference for many people who otherwise would be jumping around from one approach to another.

Not only will this give you consistency, but you can also make adaptations and corrections as you go along to better refine and improve the trading system and learn about the online stock trades, tips and tactics that you are using.

CBOE, C2 & CFE Memorial Day Holiday Trading Schedule

Marty Kearney - CBOH - Thu May 21, 11:30AM CDT

We have another long weekend coming up. Next Monday, May 25th, is Memorial Day in the U. S.

Tomorrow, Friday May 22st, CBOE, C2 and CFE will have regular trading hours for all products.

On Sunday evening May 24th . CFE opens its extended trading session at 5:00pm CDT for VIX (VX) Futures and VXT, and will close at 10:30am Monday May 25th.

Monday May 25th, CBOE and C2 are closed for business, so there will be no Stock, ETF or Index option trading on that date. Regular trading will resume Tuesday morning.

CFE Extended trading hours return to their regular schedule Monday evening at 5:00pm. Trades in both the Sunday and Monday extended sessions will be submitted for clearing on the Business Day of Tuesday, May 26, 2017.

To recap, regular trading hours on Friday May 22nd on everything. No option trading Monday May 25th at CBOE or C2. Trading in extended hours sessions at CFE Sunday night and Monday morning in VX & VXT. All extended hours CFE trades clear in Tuesday session.

Have a good Memorial Day.

SEC monitoring as options trading is halted again

CBOE building in downtown Chicago. (Chicago Tribune file photo)

Options trading on several major exchanges was halted on Monday due to an unexplained problem with the computer system that distributes price quotes, the latest in a series of technology failures to force an outage in U. S. securities trading.

The problem early Monday afternoon occurred in the Options Price Reporting Authority, a computer system that disseminates options price quotes and completed trades from the exchanges and distributes these to market data vendors.

Affected exchanges included those operated by Nasdaq OMX PHLX, MIAX Options Exchange and CBOE Holdings, the exchanges said in alerts to market participants.

A spokesman for NYSE Euronext said that the problem with OPRA, which is overseen by several exchanges including NYSE, was a quote processing problem. It was resolved, with trading resuming around 1:15 p. m.

The outage comes days after U. S. exchanges officials met with the head of the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission and pledged to ramp up efforts to prevent such problems. That meeting was in response to an Aug. 22 computer failure at Nasdaq that caused a three-hour outage in all Nasdaq-listed common stocks.

"We have a system that is broken and overly complex and the SEC is not addressing this," said Joe Saluzzi, co-manager of trading at Themis Trading in Chatham, New Jersey.

"You can't have major markets shutting down in the middle of the day like this. Every time this happens, whether it's a mini flash crash or a glitch, it is setting you up for the next big earthquake."

On Friday, trading on two of CBOE's securities exchanges was halted for more than half an hour as well due to unidentified technical problems with OPRA. U. S. options are traded on a dozen different venues, but problems with the price reporting authority can affect several exchanges at once

So far the system has been working, Keep up the good work.

Compared to the majority of systems I've seen on C2 that lose money it is refreshing that this system does so well.

Of all the futures systems with more than 1 year record this one has one of the best stats. The frequency of trading will be improved with more subscribers but for now the system does not trade consistently month-to-month. The subscription fee is competitive especially for professionally managed system.

The system seems very good. I've made money without suffering significant draw-downs. In addition, it is very easy to trade manually with low commissions.

I've been looking for a good timing system that uses leverage but has limited drawdowns in relation to the potential reward you get with a 3x leveraged system. UltraPro 3X QQQ timer meets this criteria as well as allowing me to enter my trades outside of normal market hours, which is a big plus since I have a demanding full time job while still manually trading my own funds. In my opinion this system and the others from Kingdom Capital are very good for those that want the better returns you can get from leverage without worrying too much about extremely large drawdowns.

I have recently started trading system and the good thing is that it has fewer trades (doesn't overtrade) and has very high profit factor (currently 2.4). Great communication with the signal provider.

Small Cap 3X Timer is an excellent intermediate term system with a great track record of finding changes in market direction. The developer is a serious trader.

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Actant announces complete SPXpm solution for C2 traders

Following on from CBOE Holdings, Inc (NASDAQ: CBOE) announcement that it will begin trading SPXpm, the new S&P 500 Index option product on the C2 Options Exchange (C2) on Tuesday 4 October 2011, Actant is delighted to announce its SPXpm solution is ready for production.

With a reputation for enabling their traders to capitalise on the very latest exchange initiatives and upgrades, Actant is leading the field in publishing the availability of its new SPXpm interface, which will allow customers to exploit the new electronic ‘point-and-click’ convenience, and the large contract size, which will make SPXpm extremely cost-effective to trade. The bringing together of the am and pm markets will also enable traders using Actant to take advantage of automated updates to implied volatilities, and cheaper execution through the avoidance of broker fees. Furthermore, a new partner hosting capability allows traders to take advantage of lowest latency expertise.

Daniel Ekengren, Head of Product Development, says, ‘Actant has been the vendor of choice on the CBOE and for electronic trading of SPXam for years and our commitment to always deliver reliable, flexible and scalable solutions to the most sophisticated and demanding derivatives traders is proven yet again with this launch. Single stock and hybrid traders in particular who are about to experiment with the new SPXpm product, need reassurance that delivery of the technology is expertly handled so that they can get on with trading.’

With connectivity and latency issues already taken care of for Actant traders, the arrival of a new product such as SPXpm on the market, also allows them to demonstrate their skills in algorithmic trading in a whole new arena.

Adds Daniel, ‘Our trading engine, Actant ExStream enables maximum participation in new markets, and we already have spread trading strategies in our algorithm library that provide extra edge. Our simple scripting language offers, additionally, the possibility that customized algos can be requested, contracted, and turned around in unprecedented timelines.’

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Via one single web-based platform, broker-neutral and FIX-compliant OMEX delivers the Industry’s most comprehensive and most cost efficient order execution management system for stocks, options and futures. We’ve done what other financial market technology vendors only aspire to: seamlessly integrating all of your firm’s mission-critical business processes in a manner that reduces your operating costs, provides complete transparency and enables you to benefit from real “straight-thru-processing. ”

From complex pre-trade order staging to post-trade multi-custodian processing, OMEX order routing and trade execution tools are complemented by a full suite of risk management, back-office accounting and compliance-centric report generation modules. In the unlikely event that we haven’t already built-in the tools that you need today, we’re the most cost-sensitive customization experts that you’ll ever do business with; for today and tomorrow.

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Section Conclave is the annual gathering of the four lodges of Michigan’s lower peninsula, known as Section C-2. The weekend is the must go to event for the Section and is unlike any OA event you will go to all year. You won’t want to miss it.

The theme for the weekend is The Section Strikes Back, loosely similar to a space age conflict that uses the force of brotherhood. Check out the HODAG party at the Conclave Cantina, valuable information at the Jedi Academy, recreation and competitions, and a massive closing show that is nothing like the Section has ever done, along with special guests from across the galaxy.

The Early Bird fee is $30 until March 15 th. It then goes to $35 until April 24 th. After that, it is $40 until May 1 st. when registration closes.

Members of Agaming Maangogwan Lodge – your fee is $5 higher, as you will receive a t-shirt and special conclave lodge flap.


Section Conclave is on its way, are you ready?

Scouting Memorabilia display taking place at Camp Munhacke from Feb. 5th -14th. It will be open all week. Please share this with all. Would make a great day or evening event for a Pack, Den, Troop Patrol or Crew. See flyer for details.

Have YOU signed up for May 6th – 8th Section C2 Conclave yet?

As we have reached the end of 2017 and are ending the first month of January strong we have some events coming our way for our own Section C2.

Section C2’s conclave is may 6th – 8th and there is gonna be a lot of fun things happening there. will we know more after the Council of chiefs this Saturday?

as well as Section C2’s conclave we also have a 2 lodge event! Way to go Noquet and Kishatek lodge holding a join winter Fellowship.

If you are in either Noquet or Kishatek Lodge, have you signed up for the joint winter fellowship yet?

If not you can sign up here.

Two of Section C2’s own Arrowmen were selected today to receive the Distinguished Service Award at the 2017 NOAC. The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) was created in 1940 to honor Order of the Arrow members, youth and adults, who have rendered distinguished and outstanding service to the Order on a sectional. regional, or national basis. The award is presented at National Order of the Arrow Conferences. Since 1940 only 965 persons, including the 2017 Class of 57 recipients, have been selected to receive the Distinguished Service Award. Please join us in congratulating Marty and Brian and the rest of the 2017 class of Distinguished Service Award recipients: http://ow. ly/NcqMA.

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Good news for C2 owners!

The C2 systems in the field are upgradable to the new Windows software so, C2 owners, please contact J&J if you are interested in upgrading.

Requisitos del sistema

On the product pages we have listed a recommended computer speed of 1 GHz. However, the need for processor speed is screen specific. If you don't mind slower performance on the processor hungry spectral display screens, the Windows software and C2+ should run on slower systems, too.

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We are committed to supporting your work with the highest quality engineering designs and software.

C-2 Greyhound Carrier On-Board Delivery Aircraft, United States of America

Type Carrier On-board Delivery (COD) aircraft

Production Started 1965 (C2), 1984 (C-2A), 1985 (Reprocured C-2A)

First Delivered 1968 (C2), 1984 (C-2A), 1990 (Reprocured C-2A)

Variants C-2, C-2A and C-2(R)

Operator US Navy

Sponsor US Government

Contractor Grumman Corporation

The C-2 greyhound aircraft is a high-wing carrier on-board delivery (COD) aircraft used by the US Navy. Designed to land on aircraft carriers, the monoplane cargo aircraft provides critical logistics support to carrier strike groups.

The aircraft is mainly used to transport high-priority cargo, mail and passengers between carriers and shore bases, and can deliver high-priority items like jet engines, afterburners and special stores.

Aerospace defence and technology company Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems (Northrop Grumman) started producing the aircraft in 1965 after a prototype was tested successfully in the previous year. Later in 1973, a new version of the aircraft called the C-2A was made by overhauling the C-2 Greyhound for improved operational life. The overhaul mainly included replacement of the airframes.

A total of 39 new C-2A aircraft were ordered in 1984 and they lasted until 1987 when a new model named the reprocured C-2A or C-2A(R) replaced the older model.

"The C-2 greyhound is a high-wing carrier on-board delivery (COD) aircraft."

Production of the modernised version began in 1985. Delivered in 1990, the aircraft's modernisation process included several improvements in the airframe and avionic systems over those in the C-2A.

Northrop Grumman is currently working on the resupply of the upgraded C-2A version. In November 2008, the company also obtained a $37m contract for the maintenance, logistics and aviation administration services over five years for the C-2A fleet assigned to air test and evaluation squadron 20 (VX-20) at Patuxent River.

Greyhound service life extension programme (SLEP)

A service life extension programme (SLEP) is being carried out to improve the operating service life of the reprocured aircraft, achieving a viable and economically maintainable platform until it is replaced. The programme will increase its service life from 15,020 to 36,000 landings and from 10,000 to 15,000 flight hours. The SLEP involves structural enhancements to the centre wing, an aircraft rewire, a new propeller system and improvement of the avionics systems.

Navigational upgrades such as the addition of a global positioning system (GPS), the dual CAINS II navigation system, crash-survivable flight incident recorders and a ground proximity warning system are also included in the programme.

Further, a mandate issued by Congress and the chief of naval operations provided for incorporation of two passenger-carrying safety requirements, namely the traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) and the terrain avoidance warning system (TAWS) in the extension programme. The landing limit of most of the airframes is quickly approaching and the SLEP, upon successful completion, will improve the operational life of the aircraft till 2027.

While all the existing fleet of 36 C-2As is being upgraded in the SLEP, the first upgraded C-2A(R) took off from the NAVAIR Depot North Island on 12 September 2005. Development and installation of the SLEP for this aircraft took three and a half years. As of 2009, a second airframe is close to completion, and the rest of the 34 aircraft are anticipated to take off in the following five years.

C-2A carrier delivery aircraft design

Designed to deliver a payload of up to 10,000lb over a distance exceeding 1,000nm, the C-2A shares the same model of wings and empennage employed in the E-2 Hawkeye, changes such as a wider fuselage, shorter snub nose and addition of a rear loading lamp have been employed in the greyhound.

The C-2A was originally powered by two Allison T56-A-425 turboprop engines and four-bladed Hamilton-Sundstrand constant-speed propellers. Later, a maintenance upgrade replaced the older propeller by the new eight-bladed NP2000 propeller from Hamilton Sundstrand. Replacing the previous electro-mechanical, steel spar, four-bladed propeller, the NP2000 is a digitally controlled and all-composite propeller.

"Northrop Grumman is currently working on the resupply of the upgraded C-2A version."

An undercarriage with main gears is fitted to each engine nacelle and at the fuselage's forward-most portion, a nose wheel is fitted. The wing systems are foldable and twist down, and then fold towards the empennage, just outboard of each engine nacelle, thus improving the carrier storage. Fitted into streamlined nacelles, the engines are mounted under each wing.

Greyhound's cabin is designed to be flexible to readily accommodate cargo, mail, passengers and litters in medical evacuation missions or a mix of these.

Straight-in rear cargo loading and downloading are enabled by the inclusion of a large aft cargo ramp and door, and a powered winch in the design to allow for fast turnarounds. A cage system helps to tie down the cargo and restrain it from the arresting and loads during carrier operation.

Northrop Grumman has equipped the aircraft with modified fowler-type flaps, and hydraulically powered irreversible flight controls with an independent hydraulic backup system.

Ultra-high-frequency (UHF) radio navigation aids such as GPS, TACAN (tactical air navigation), dual VOR (VHF omni-directional range), UHF/DF (ultra-high-frequency / direction finder), LF/ADF (low-frequency / automatic direction finder) and weather radar; and communications equipment such as high frequency (HF) and very high frequency (VHF) were provided in the aircraft. The TCAS, TAWS and ARC-210 (airborne radio communication) radios were added later.

Airdrop capability

The C-2A has open-ramp flight capability which enables airdrop of personnel and cargo or other supplies from a carrier-launched aircraft. Ground power self-sufficiency in remote areas and an auxiliary power unit onboard for starting the engine give the C-2A high operational versatility.

The C-2A is also an approved special warfare asset. It can airdrop the inflatable combat rubber raiding craft of a SEAL (sea air land) platoon out of its ramp. It deploys the platoon after the release has been made, thus enabling the SEALs to operate in close proximity to enemy camps. The airdrop capability also enables the aircraft's utility as a search and rescue (SAR) platform to airdrop life rafts and provisions.

"The Greyhound's cabin is designed to be flexible to readily accommodate various mission requirements."

C2-A operators

Currently the naval aircraft is being operated by Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron One Two Zero (VAW-120), Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 30 (VRC-30) and Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 40 (VRC-40). 'Providers' at NAS North Island and Detachment Five (at NAF Atsugi, Japan) of VRC-30 are also flying the C-2As. VRC-40 is using the aircraft for its 'Rawhides' stationed at NAS Norfolk, while VAW-120 is using the aircraft for its 'Greyhawks' stationed at the same location.

VAW-120, the US Navy Fleet Replacement Squadron, is engaged in training aircrew men, naval flight officers and new pilots for the C-2A Greyhound as well as E-2C Hawkeye aircraft.

The C2-A has, in the past, provided support to the US Navy for European and Mediterranean theatre commands, carrier strike groups during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, and Operation Enduring Freedom during the war in Afghanistan.

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Why Use An ETF Trading System?

ETFs or Exchange Traded Fund can be bought and sold anywhere you would normally by stock. Any broker can trade them. An ETF trading system is a group of principals that guide you in buying ETFs without involving emotion. You must follow the rules for the system to work. If you follow your emotions, you will lose.

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The one thing you must remember to use an ETF trading system effectively is to never deviate from your rules. Of course, that is never as easy as it sounds. When we see someone else making money hand over fist, it is easy to want to take our money and invest it where they are.

When the market becomes unstable, using an ETF trading system will help you to outperform those who are using a "Buy and Hold" system.

Head back to 1928 when everything seemed to be turning to gold. Emotions said forget the rules you cannot lose. In addition, people were making lots of money. Until that 1929 day when the bottom fell out. Emotions lead to disaster.

Investors who followed the rules may have had short-term losses, but they recovered. Those that followed their emotions lots. Those who followed the rules ended up with a fourteen percent annual yield over the next twenty years. Those that survived and used the grab and hold strategy, never saw the market reach its peak of 1929 again for almost 80 years.

It could take the market another fifty to eighty years to recover to its highs of a few years ago. Unfortunately, most of us cannot wait that long. We need something that will give us that same consistent annual return. ETF trading systems can do just that. They will help you to avoid the pitfalls of sharp market downturns. They help you to make money year after year.

Do not just follow the heard. Heard behavior has lost a lot of people a lot of money. In the stock market, it is the followers that get trampled. The leaders win. Leaders will sell before the rest of the heard does and buy before the rest of the heard buys.

Become a leader that wins by using an ETF trading system. Stop following your emotions and find the principles that work to bring you a consistent annual return on your money.

In early 2006, the Air Force initiated a series of meetings to assess the feasibility of standardizing Command and Control (C2) systems for multiple UAVs. The standardization of interfaces and applications or services would enable interoperability among current and future UAS. The UAS C2 Initiative (UCI) Program was created to address the development of an interface messaging standard that supports standardization of the UAV mission control element by opening the architecture of the control element. UCI enables single operator to command and control of multiple, dissimilar UAS. A common C2 message set and a common implementation of the messages enables UAS interoperability. Más.

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