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Lo que permite fotos de las emociones y los derrames de los justos en off IFMAR 2010 1/8 cochecillo del camino Campeonato Mundial de Tailandia, que tuvo lugar en la reunión así poner muy Pattaya-Powerboat RC Hipódromo (o Pattaya República Popular China en corto). El evento tuvo lugar del 7 al 14 de noviembre, y consistió en muchas eliminatorias de 10 minutos para seleccionar a los pilotos más rápidos, culminando en una final de 60 minutos. El clima era bastante frío y bajo en humedad. Excelente para una ubicación tropical. Los coches entraron para esta carrera consistió principalmente en Kyosho Infernos, Mugen MBX 6 Seki, Equipo Asociado RC8s, Hot Bodies D8, y también había unos cuantos CEN Racing Matrices y algunos OFNA Hyper 7s. Muy honestamente & # 8230; Me siento como resucitar mi Inferno DX o conseguir un RC8 asociado

Videos en el camino & # 8230; Pero aquí hay algunas fotos primero & # 8230; Usted lo vio primero en http://hpisavage46.wordpress. com.

Https://hpisavagex46.wordpress. com. Acabo de regresar de mis vacaciones a Tailandia donde me dieron mi Hpi Savage X 4.6 bastante paliza. Lo llamo "Batalla Cicatrices" y # 8221; actualmente. Unfortunately, I busted my Big Bore Suspension’s Piston, wore out an axle, and melted the nylon spur gear (why the hell is it nylon in the first place?). Today, my box of hop-ups arrived via mail… Goodies! In it I’ve got:

Team Associated – Shock Absorber Oil 35WT

Integy Racing – Aluminium Wheelie Bar

Robinson Racing – Hardened Steel 47T Spur Gear (Smaller for quicker acceleration and rough-terrain handling)

Hpi Racing – Universal Drive Shaft / Aluminium Hex Hub Conversion Combo

Hpi Racing – Big Bore Suspension Titanium Nitride-coated Piston replacements

Hpi Racing – Aluminium Tuned Dual Chamber Exhaust (For higher RPM and power output)

My blog’s pretty new and bare. but coming right up will be some of my Hpi Savage X 4.6’s off-road footage, and pictures and videos from the 2010 IFMAR 1/8 Scale Buggy Off-Road Championships held in Pattaya, at the Powerboat Pattaya Racetrack! https://hpisavagex46.wordpress. com

RC Cars Asia

Here, we feature the latest scoop, and reviews on RC Cars, Short Course Trucks, Buggies - both Nitro and Electric Brushless, Tips, Upgrades and Modifications and major RC events like the RCX Expo, IFMAR and ROAR. Visit my site often if you're into RC, and do feel free to contribute your RC pictures, RC videos, ideas and comments to https://hpisavagex46.wordpress. com


Hey it's Julian, a. k.a. The Professional Bum. 26 years old this year. Married with a kid on the way. Make money from multiple streams - internet marketing, forex trading, share investment, mlm, and tennis coaching. Other than singing, I love RC Car action in my spare time, and here's my HPI Savage X 4.6 Hobby Blog!

HpiSavageX46 on Flickr!

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(news & commentary)

Mayflower Concepts is at it again. At a presentation at PMA in Las Vegas earlier this year, Mayflower Concepts pointed out that there wasn’t a true correlation between smartphone sales and shrinking DSLR sales. Their conclusion: cameras weren’t easy to use and aren’t fun.

I didn’t notice it until recently, as they posted while I was still traveling home from Africa, but Mayflower is again presenting what to some may be a controversial position: that the bottom of the camera market might not have been reached in Europe. Mayflower also points out that the so-called “increase in more expensive cameras” the camera makers keep pointing to isn’t happening in Europe, either. After accounting for currency rate changes, “it becomes clear that the camera makers at best achieve stable average price.”

My analysis is slightly different (Mayflower’s is solely based on Europe this time). What I see is this: the camera makers are slowly stabilizing revenue and profits on declining volume. This is clearly true of compacts, where we have an 8% drop in revenue on a 21% decline in unit volume. This isn’t always due to “selling higher value compacts”, though. In a number of cases it’s due almost directly to FOREX, currency differentials that are being exploited. In DSLRs the decline in revenue and unit volume is almost equal. In mirrorless the revenue increased 10% on a 3% increase in unit volume, but again quite a bit of that appears to be due to FOREX.

Here in the US, the currency differential has produced more profit for the camera companies as long as they could keep their pricing model intact. I think we’re going to see that bust somewhat in the November and December Christmas sales run. Nikon’s lowering of lens prices is just one sign, and on average those are actually a little behind the curve in terms of adjusting to the new yen/dollar relationship, so there’s room for more discounting, if needed.

The CIPA goals for 2017 are actually in sight. They forecast 22m compacts (down from 29.5m) and 13m ILCs (down from almost 14m). Compacts should actually do better than the forecast, while ILCs will also be slightly better than that forecast, but only if the Christmas season sales are strong.

Speaking of Christmas: once again we will have a lot of hung-over inventory from previous generations that’s leading the price parade, though many of those will be listed as refurbished (they’re really mostly dealer/big box take backs of previously unsold inventory). For example, we already have the D3200, with 18-55mm lens and WiFi converter showing up for US$319, a stunningly low price for a highly competent camera. (Just remember that refurbished comes only with a 90-day warranty.)

Personally, I think that cameras are going to be tougher and tougher sells as long as the Japanese camera companies continue their same-old product iteration. Sure, we’re going to see a wave of interesting new product in early 2017, and a lot of it will get some existing customers to upgrade and seemingly keep the market afloat. Certainly the buzz will be high, because there will be a lot of new gear in a very short period of time, and the camera press won’t have anything else interesting to write about.

But we’re still stuck with 8.3 filenames and mediocre WiFi plus great and increasing complexity. How do you attract new users with that? You don’t. You even start to lose some existing users. Increasingly we’ll see the camera makers have to resort to sales and noisy marketing to push these wares on the public. Mayflower was right: cameras aren’t easy to use and aren’t fun. Until that changes, the best case scenario is that the camera companies hit some sort of bottom, which consists mostly of aging masochists who don’t mind 21 buttons, 69 custom settings, laborious manual workflow processes, and more.

Oct 31, 2017, 10:36 AM

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The elements of hydrostatics and hydrodynamics

Sound-Design Im Film (German Edition)

Economic and Financial Analysis of Capital Investments

WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety: Safer Food for Better Health: Produced by WHO Food Safety Programme

Building Museums: A Handbook for Small and Midsize Organizations

I Am Irish American (Our American Family)

From Father to Son: Advice on Life from Military Men

Readings in Human Resource Management: v. 1

Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars

The Eye of the Heron

Therakhatha: Watha phra arahan chai chut udommaburut cha thuk yoyoei klaoha mua khon long bucha phanchon thi mi amnat

Becoming A Family: Parents' Stories and Their Implications for Practice, Policy, and Research

Conozca Las Leyes De Inmigracion: Sepa Como Entrar, Trabajar Y Permanecer En Los Estados Unidos

The naturalist on the river Amazons. A record of adventures, habits of animals, sketches of Brazilian and Indian life, and aspects of nature under the. years of travel. With a memoir of the author

Werner Heisenberg in Leipzig 1927-1942 (German Edition)

As American As Apple Pie (Wings Great Cookbooks)

Washington Real Estate Fundamentals - 17th edition

Writing Your Own Will: The Easyway

What Time is It?

Model-Driven Software Engineering in Practice (Synthesis Lectures on Software Engineering)

Truth about quacks and self medication

David Holzman's Diary (A Noonday Original Screenplay)

The Birth of the War-God: A Poem, Translated from the Sanskrit Into English Verse

Soap Carving: For Children of All Ages (Schiffer Book for Woodcarvers)


Crevasse Roulette: The First Trans-Antarctic Crossing 1957-58

The Ultimate Visual Guide to Star Wars

Translating for Children (Children's Literature and Culture)

The Winds of War

Overtaxation by Inflation (Hobart Papers). 580faea40f

The Truth About You: Your Secret To Success

Connecting to Our Ancestral Past: Healing through Family Constellations, Ceremony, and Ritual

As a Man Thinketh

Lymphocyte response and dysregulation in human cancer.

Jerry Garcia 2007 Calendar: The Collected Artwork

The collected writings of Thomas De Quincey

The Smart Divorce: Proven Strategies and Valuable Advice from 100 Top Divorce Lawyers, Financial Advisers, Counselors, and Other Experts [ THE SMART DIVORCE: PROVEN STRATEGIES AND VALUABLE ADVICE FROM 100 TOP DIVORCE LAWYERS, FINANCIAL ADVISERS, COUNSELOR

The fourth trimester: On becoming a mother

Yearbook Commercial Arbitration, 1989 (Yearbook Commercial Arbitration Set)

Critical & Historical Essays (Large Print)

Liberty's Daughters: The Revolutionary Experience of American Women, 1750-1800

The Dumb Bunnies Book, with Plush Toy

Affordable Home Plans: 429 Home Designs for Modest and Medium Budgets

Topic Report: Industry Overview FOR TARGET CORP(TGT) provided BY BEAR STEARNS COMPANIES, INC. (THE)

The Agricola and The Germania

SCORE! Making the Grade: Learning Adventures for Your Family, Grades 5-6

Calculated (Discovered Series)

Sporting anecdotes;: Original and select; including characteristic sketches of eminent persons who have appeared on the turf; con. events. in. a correct description of the animals of chase

Texas Cheerleaders: The Spirit of America

Best Recipes from the Backs of Boxes, Bottles, Cans and Jars

The Housing Quality Questionnaire: A new self-report measure for public health assessment.

Dedication services of the Latter Day Saints' Church, Atlanta, Ga

The Handbook of Management Accounting, Third Edition

A Thousand Tomorrows & Just Beyond The Clouds Omnibus

United Kingdom Immigration Laws and Regulations Handbook: Strategic Information and Basic Laws (World Business Law Library)

Complete Guide to Prescription and Nonprescription Drugs, 2002 (Complete Guide to Prescription & Non-Prescription Drugs)

Akutagawa Ryunosuke Short Story Selection vol.15 [Kanzanjittoku +1] (in Japanese)

An analysis of the effects of a peer mentor program and other factors on HIV patients' retention in care and clinical outcomes at Thomas Street Health Clinic, Houston Texas.

Commentaries on the conflict of laws, foreign and domestic, in regard to contracts, rights, and remedies, and especially in regard to marriages, divorces, wills, successions, and judgements

Sermons on the Card and Other Discourses

More Easter Cracked

High Throughput Screening for Novel Anti-Inflammatories (Progress in Inflammation Research)

US Coal Industry: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

The Grand Vizier Isngoud: Iznogoud: Vol. 9

The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Vol. 2: Expansions of the Old Testament and Legends, Wisdom and Philosophical Literature, Prayers, Psalms, and Odes, Fragments of Lost Judeo-Hellenistic works

Early Irish Literature

8 Mandates for Social Media Marketing Success: Insights and Success Stories from 154 of the World's Most Innovative Marketing Practitioners, Authors, and Professors

From Sawdust to Stardust: The Biography of DeForest Kelley, Star Trek's Dr. McCoy

Administering agricultural development: Coordination, initiative, and communication in three North Indian States

Befriending: Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases

Matter of Profit

Heritage, Museums and Galleries: An Introductory Reader

Students Leading Cases and Statutes on International Law: Arranged and Ed. With Notes, by Norman Bentwich. With and Introductory Note by Professor L. Oppenheim. (1913)

Twice Untitled and Other Pictures (looking back)

A review of Beman on the atonement, first published in the Biblical repertory, January 1845

A compendium of photography: Containing simple and concise directions for the collodion, albumenized, waxed paper, and dry collodion processes

Manliness in atonement: A Kol nidre sermon delivered before the Congregation "Temple Sinai", New Orleans, Kol-Nidre Eve, 5652

Excursions To Cairo, Jerusalem, Damascus, And Balbec From The United States Ship Delaware, During Her Recent Cruise

Just CauseI: from the Mundane to the Deliberate

Healthy Eating (Blastoff! Readers: The New Food Guide Pyramid) (Blastoff Readers. 580faea40f

Armageddon Now. The End Of The World A To Z (Visible Ink Press)

Critical Thinking 3.0: Data Mining Facebook For Solutions

Mazes, Ancient and Modern: Tracing the Story of Maze Design

Good Gifts from the Home: Perfumes, Scented Gifts, and Other Fragrances--Make Beautiful Gifts to Give (or Keep)

Football Digest. Deion Sanders (November 2000)

Baseball by the Numbers

The Low GI Guide to Managing PCOS

Magic, the Gathering: Two-Player Starter Game, 10th Edition

Ai rabu resutoran. shinjidai no resutoran onatachi [Japanese Edition]

American Baseball: From Gentlemen's Sport to the Commisioner System v. 1

Type in Place: A Thumbnail Approach to Creative Type Placement

ROSARIES - from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Human Social Buddhism 1(Talking about Altar Sutra according to A Dream of Red Mansions) (Chinese Edition)

60 Hikes Within 60 Miles: St Louis: Including Sullivan, Potosi, and Farmington

From the Bering Strait

Le scoperte di Rollo (Italian Edition)

Sewage Infrastructure Construction in Hungary to 2017: Market Snapshot

Starting and Operating a Business in Mississippi: A Step-By-Step Guide (Psi Successful Business Library)

Tyler Florence's Real Kitchen: An Indispensable Guide for Anybody Who Likes to Cook

The Dynamite Art of Alex Ross

Scalpers take trade off streets, go online; Average Bowl ducat goes for about $5K.(Sports): An article from: Winnipeg Free Press

(Reprint) 1966 Yearbook: Midpark High School, Middleburg Heights, Ohio

Emma (Oxford World's Classics)

The School for Scandal

The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant, Volume 29: October 1, 1878-September 30, 1880

Community-Based Participatory Research for Health

Halloween: And Poems Of The War (1916)

Diet for a New America

What is your favorite memory of the groom? (Volume 4)

Nutrition for the Recreational Athlete (Nutrition in Exercise & Sport)

Life Strategies for Teens (Life Strategies Series)

The Theory of Atomic Spectra

Waterproof Travel Map of Costa Rica

Jazz Dancing (Welcome Books: Let's Dance)

Trunk Music: Large Print Edition

The Quotable Baseball Fanatic

Chronicles of the Red King: Leopard's Gold

Historical sketches of the paper currency of the American colonies, prior to the adoption of the federal Constitution.

An Evening with Johnners

Beschaffungscontrolling - Instrumente zur Leistungsermittlung (German Edition)

The Elephants Visit London

Become a Woman of Power: Releasing Mighty Women of God through Mentoring

Festgabe fuer Dr. Karl Gueterbock zur achtzigsten Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages (German Edition)

Open to Desire: Embracing a Lust for Life Insights from Buddhism and Psychotherapy

Le Message (French Edition)

Prosper and Be in Health: A Study Guide to Counsels on Diet and Foods

Working Together to End Domestic Violence

The Christian conquest of Asia; studies and personal observations of Oriental religions

To Tell a Mystery Course Design Guide (AN INTODUCTION TO THE NEW TESTAMENT). 580faea40f

Hit Hard: A Story of Hitting Rock Bottom at the Top

Pathfinder Adventure Path: Jade Regent Part 4 - Forest of Spirits

Exposed Cross-Sections of the Continental Crust (Nato Science Series C: (closed))

First Family (King & Maxwell)

Writing, Grade 6 (Spectrum)

Mass No. 6 in G Major, "Nikolaimesse": No. 3, Credo Sheet Music (SATB Chorus/Organ)

Reading Gandhi in the Twenty-First Century

Windows Home Server Inside Out

An analytical digest of the cases published in the new series of the Law journal reports and other contemporary reports. in the courts of common law and bankruptcy, in the House of Lords, and in the Privy Council, in the court of probate, the Court for D

A Year in the Life of an ESL Student

A Case Of Identity (Translated) (Norwegian Edition)

The Greek Myths (Lives & letters: the Millennium Graves)

De Plongee Tahiti Et Polynesie Francaise (Lonely Planet Diving and Snorkeling Guides) (French Edition)

The Viagra Alternative: The Complete Guide to Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction Naturally

Girls Life Application Study Bible NLT: Tea Glittery Gold Blossom

The life of Christ and ministry of John the Baptist: Together with a review of Southey's Wesley, Christian unity, Holy spirit on the heart, let it. divine sovereignty, proverbs for the people

Tiny Confessions: The Secret Thoughts of Dogs, Cats and Everything

Memoirs of the New Age: A Book of Stories, Prayers, and Fables: Plus the Book of Yes and Coming Home

Roman Christianity and Roman Stoicism: A Comparative Study of Ancient Morality


Painting Beautiful Skin Tones with Colour and Light: In Oil, Pastel and Watercolour

99 Stories from the Bible

Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan) VoIP Services 2009-2017 Forecast and Analysis

Reconstruction In Texas

ISO 6721-6:1996, Plastics - Determination of dynamic mechanical properties - Part 6: Shear vibration - Non-resonance method

Where to Watch Birds in Dorset, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight (Where to Watch Birds)

Discovery in the Archives of Spain and Portugal: Quincentenary Essays, 1492-1992

Let's Play! (Playskool (Simon Scibbles))

The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline SyberVision 8 Audio Cassettes, Study Guide

God Forgives, The Streets Don't (Volume 1)

South Dakota Real Estate Basics

tashirosokaikouboudaigokan geinousumouongakukahen (Japanese Edition)

The "Country Living" Guide to Rural England: The West Country (Country Living guides to rural England)

Zap. TIME Magazine Cover Story

Explorers Wanted. On the South Sea Islands

Gideon's Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad

The Mosby Medical Encyclopedia (Plume)

Tobacco Smoke And Lung Cancer. Lecture Series 1961, No. 5

Barenaked Ladies Maroon

Programming for the Absolute Beginner (No Experience Required (Course Technology)) 1st (first) Edition by Ford Jr. Jerry Lee published by Cengage Learning PTR (2007)

Standards for Perioperative Autologous Blood Collection and Administration, 3rd edition

Nash/Nevinson/Spencer/Gertler/Carrington/Bomberg: A Crisis of Brilliance, 1908 - 1923

A Dictionary of the English Language. In two volumes

Totally Amazing Bug Book Set (Totally Amazing)

Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning (Handbook of Research On. ) [Hardcover] [2008] Michael Thomas

World War III: God's Judgments upon the Nations

Die Geographische Verteilung Der Getreidepreise in Den Vereinigten Staaten Von 1862 Bis 1900 (German Edition)

Successful Sales Strategies For Selling Dog Training Collars Online

Cherish the First Six Weeks: A Plan that Creates Calm, Confident Parents and a Happy, Secure Baby

Revolutionary War Leaders: Benedict Arnold, Nathan Hale, Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, John Paul Jones, Thomas Paine, Paul Revere, Betsy Ross & George was

WEST, GREAT DEPRESSION IN THE AMERICAN: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's Encyclopedia of the Great Depression

Sir Gawain and the Loathly Lady

Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya. 580faea40f

Toddler Town: Zoo

Thorough skin exam often misses vulva.(Women's Health): An article from: Family Practice News

Tectonics of Suspect Terranes: Mountain building and continental growth (Topics in the Earth Sciences)

IEC 60393-1 Ed. 2.0 b:1989, Potentiometers for use in electronic equipment. Part 1: Generic specification

Storage Area Networks: Designing and Implementing a Mass Storage System

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

St John's Songbook-St. John's Episcopal Church, Charlotte, NC

Managing the Patient with Type II Diabetes

Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior

Confronting Global Gender Justice: Women's Lives, Human Rights

The Proprium or What of Man Is Not His Own (Classic Reprint)

Rand McNally Easy to Fold! Hilton Head Island Streets

Prize Orations of the Intercollegiate Peace Association

The End of Work: The Decline of the Global Labor Force and the Dawn of the Post-Market Era

Pauline Epistles Galatians to Titus Bible Study / Commentary (14 Tapes)

The Rave Body Graph Atlas

The Portable Henry Rollins

Brightwork: The Art of Finishing Wood

Illinois (Blastoff Readers. Level 5)

Standard Dictionary of Advertising, Mass Media and Marketing: German-English/Standard Worterbuch Fur Werbung Massenmedien Und Marketing/English Germ

(Reprint) 1970 Yearbook: Eisenhower High School, Yakima, Washington

Healing Power: Natural Methods for Achieving Whole-Body Health (Men's Health Life Improvement Guides)

Batman 22 Page Storybook and Magnetic Drawing Kit

Supergrains: Eat your way to great health

The Virginia Housewife

Combo: Contemporary Nutrition with Dietary Guidelines 2011 Update Includes MyPlate, Healthy People 2020 and Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 & NCP Online Access

Irrtum und Schuld nach der italienischen Lehre und Praxis des Mittelalters: Ein lehrgeschichtlicher Nachweis und Beitrag zur Kl

Neon Genesis Evangelion, Vol. 2

Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology With Infotrac and Earthwatch

Fables: Illustrated by stories from real life

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Enhancing Self-Esteem

Chasing the Sun

Vitamins, Minerals and Other Supplements - Answers to Your Questions By One of the Most Popular (and readable) Authors in the Health Field

The Life and Letters of Maria Edgeworth, Volume 2

Southern African Literatures (Longman Literature in English Series)

Ulysses Travel Guide Ontario's Bike Paths and Rail Trails

Capital Cuisine: Peter Cochranes Guide to the Restaurants of Ottawa and the National Capital Region

August der Starke: und sein Gro

The Magic Vine Quilt. 580faea40f

Parables Jesus Told: Pictures Of The New Kingdom

Asset Protection Planning Guide: A State-of-the-Art Approach to Integrated Estate Planning

Molly Pitcher: Young Patriot (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition) (Childhood of Famous Americans (Pb))

Children's Art Therapy 2011 Monthly Wall Calendar

"Behold the lamb of God!"

Play Like a Man, Win Like a Woman: What Men Know About Success that Women Need to Learn

Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort (French edition of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)

Life of Johnson

Special pathology and therapeutics of the diseases of domestic animals,

Les gravures rupestres de la vallee de l'Ogooue, Gabon (French Edition)

The Indispensable Groom's Guide: A Handy Guide Containing All the Information a Groom Should Know When Planning a Wedding (Easy Wedding Plan Series)

Crime Stories (Shades Shorts)

Lessons in French

Petra: A Traveller's Guide

The Works of Theophile Gautier teen Travels in Russia, Vol. 1 of 24 (Classic Reprint)

Trade Finance Law

Mystery Of The Coon Cat

Jean Anderson's Processor cooking

Creating the New American Hospital: A Time for Greatness (Jossey-Bass Health Series)

Internet Marketing Methods Revealed: The Complete Guide to Becoming an Internet Marketing Expert

Star Wars Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, Saga Edition

United States Postal History Sampler

Keep Talking Arabic: A Teach Yourself Audio Program (Teach Yourself Language)

Death and the King's Horseman: Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Contexts, Criticism, Norton Critical Edition (Norton Critical Editions)

Workbook/Laboratory Manual for Kontakte

The Supple Workout: Hips and Thighs (The Supple Workout)

Fear, Cultural Anxiety, and Transformation: Horror, Science Fiction, and Fantasy Films Remade

The Stone Child

Handbook For Today's Catholic Teen

The Flight of the Century: Charles Lindbergh and the Rise of American Aviation: Oxford University Press: Pivotal Moments in US History

Mackenzie King Diaries 1950

Coaching Understood: A Pragmatic Inquiry into the Coaching Process

Sociology: The Core

A Graphic Design Student's Guide to Freelance: Practice Makes Perfect

Industrial Megaprojects: Concepts, Strategies, and Practices for Success

Walk a Mile in His Truths

Das Unterbewusstsein Aktivieren (German Edition)

21st Century Wicca: A Young Witch's Guide to Living the Magical Life [1st Edition]

Canine Behavior: A Guide for Veterinarians

Inside the NFC.(NFL): An article from: The Sporting News

Between the covers of the Book of Mormon,

Mike & Margareth's No-Nonsense Guide for Couples: How to Manage Conflict, Communication & Compromise in Your Relationship

The practice of medicine

Wcsfinancial Accounting & Economics 5th Edition with Financial Numbers Game 1st Edition and Study Tips Set. 580faea40f

Surfing Hawaii: The Ultimate Guide To The World's Most Challenging Waves (Periplus Action Guides)

Lonely Planet Portuguese Phrasebook (Lonely Planet Phrasebook: India) (Portuguese Edition)

Women's Soccer: Techniques, Tactics & Teamwork

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (Webster's Korean Thesaurus Edition)

Society, schools and progress in Tanzania, (The Commonwealth and international library. Education and Educational research)

Zur Sonatengestaltung im Spatwerk Maurice Ravels: (1920-1932) (Forschungsbeitrage zur Musikwissenschaft) (German Edition)

Como sobrevivir a una pelicula de terror / How to survive a horror movie (Spanish Edition) [Paperback] (Author) Seth Grahame-Smith

I Brought the Ages Home

The Power of Praise

The Count of Monte Cristo (Stories to Remember)

Makes Me Wanna Holler: A Young Black Man in America

The Call of the Wild (Longman Classics, Stage 4)

The Most Democratic Branch: How the Courts Serve America (Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands' Adolescent Mental Health Initiative)

Aquarian Age - Juvenile Orion Volume 5

The Last Days of Hitler

The Million Dollar Plan: Living Well Without Limits, While Creating Wealth and Helping Other People

Douglas Young's ABC of Stage Make-up for Men

Pro SharePoint 2017 Development and SharePoint-videos. com Bundle

The writings of George Washington (Volume 3)

Robin Nixon's JavaScript Crash Course: Learn JavaScript in 14 Easy Lessons

A prospective investigation of biomechanical risk factors for anterior knee pain.

CIMA Financial Strategy: Practice and Revision Kit

Graphic Design Theory: Readings from the Field

Self-Hypnosis and Meditation/Audio Cassette

The Zoning of America: Euclid V. Ambler (Landmark Law Cases and American Society)

Every Move I Make (Promiseland)

Living the Creative Life: Ideas and Inspiration from Working Artists

The American presidency, an interpretation

Great Shakespeareans Set IV

Midnight Marriage: A Georgian Historical Romance

Caring for the Alzheimer Patient

Understanding the Demand for and Supply of Social Finance: Research to Inform the Big Society Bank

Making Up For Lost Time: Eva's Story (Volume 1)

A Drink of Water (Rapid Reading)

Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The (Narnia

The Great Rebellion: The State of Our World and How to Change It

Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight

IEC 60038 Ed. 6.2 b:2002, IEC standard voltages

The Graying of the World: Who Will Care for the Frail Elderly

Guide to Nursing Management

Valuation of FLP interests.(family limited partnerships): An article from: The Tax Adviser

Our Christmas Memories Book

What Happens in Vegas Can Be Fixed in Vegas! A sneak peek at Las Vegas Style Divorces

Rubber and Plastic Construction Material Products in Qatar: Market Snapshot to 2017

Russia and the USSR in the 20th Century

The 2011-2017 World Outlook for Single Top Running Bridge-Type Overhead Traveling Cranes Excluding Construction Power Cranes


Murder in the Dark (Libby Sarjeant Murder Mystery Series)

In Search of Mary: The Woman and the Symbol

Sport Nutrition for Health and Performance - 2nd Edition

The Heart of the Order

Help Me Live: 20 Things People with Cancer Want You to Know

Uncoiling: Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases

The thrill of rushing water.(CALIFORNIA JOURNEYS): An article from: California History. 580faea40f

Middle Temple Table Talk: With Some Talk About The Table Itself

Staying in Your Own Home (Confident Living)

La Formentera: The Woodland Refuge of Juan Montoya

Relics, Prayer, and Politics in Medieval Venetia

Fair Play: Pro Football's Radical Program that's Successfully ChangingYouth Sports

The Home Tool Kit (Home Repair and Improvement)

Interview in Staff Appraisal

The Beverly Hills Shape

Breaking Silence: The Case That Changed the Face of Human Rights (Advancing Human Rights)

When the Mind Fails. A Guide to Alzheimer's Disease

USA 1917-1963 Teachers Notes

The Post Office (In the High St. S.)

Regeneration: Made in China: A Meditative Memoir

Understanding Oil Prices: A Guide to What Drives the Price of Oil in Today's Markets (The Wiley Finance Series)

International Handbook of the Ombudsman: Vol. 2

The life and death of a pet robin redbreast: Addressed, by the wish of little Mary Anne, to her cousin Fanny, each aged three years

Spinoza and the Sciences (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science)

Sodomy in Reformation Germany and Switzerland, 1400-1600 (The Chicago Series on Sexuality, History, and Society)

Rules of the Game: Quiz Shows And American Culture

Rebecca (Longman Fiction)

Bad Connection (The Secret Life Samantha McGregor, Book 1)

How to Grow a Winning Quarterback

Chasing Mona Lisa: A Novel

The Making of the American Landscape

Penny Dreadful and the Horrible Hoo-hah

Preaching the Miracles

I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist

You Can Negotiate Anything

Participation trends in intramural sports in Texas and Oklahoma.

Some recollections about the early days of AAAI.(American Association for Artificial Intelligence)(Organization overview): An article from: AI Magazine

Wills, Trusts, and Estates (text only) 7th (Seventh) edition by J. Dukeminier, R. H. Sitkoff, J. M. Lindgren, S. M. Johanson

ADDIE'S LONG SUMMER (American Sisters)

Defeating Mau Mau

Sir Rudolph Peierls: Selected Private and Scientific Correspondence

Como Dominar la Impresion Digital, Segunda Edicion/Mastering Digital Printing, Second Edition

Caneus 2006 - MNT for Aerospace Applications: Toulouse, France August 28 - September 1, 2006

Bare Knuckle Selling (second edition): Knockout Sales Tactics They Won't Teach You At Business School

Wookey Hole and Its Witch

The Devastator #3: Cats

Have You Seen My Dragon?

Hup. Training Flushing Spaniels the American Way

Workbook for Business Mathematics

Create Your Own Blog: 6 Easy Projects to Start Blogging Like a Pro

Hatha Yoga Pradipika. 69a52277b6

An Invitation to Social Research: How It's Done

A Weekend in the Country: Seasonal Recipes and Ideas for Relaxed Entertaining

Anxious in Love: How to Manage Your Anxiety, Reduce Conflict, and Reconnect with Your Partner

The Little Book of Main Street Money: 21 Simple Truths that Help Real People Make Real Money (Little Books. Big Profits)

Fortschritte der Chemie organischer Naturstoffe / Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products (Fortschritte der Chemie organischer. of Organic Natural Products (closed))

Before You Put That On: 365 Daily Style Tips for Her

Gardner's Art Through the Ages: A Concise Global History (Book Only)

Very Impress of the Object: Photographing Sculpture from Fox Talbot to the Present Day

The Hungry Hiker's Book of Good Cooking

Argentina in Collapse. The Americas Debate

Revision Express Law (A Level Revise Guides)

Which Way Freedom?

The Art of the Brontës

Standing In Two Circles: The Collected Works of Boyd Rice

Opportunities for the UK Broiler Industry in Meeting Consumer Demand for Higher Quality

Come Be My Guest

The Scandalous Message of James: Faith Without Works Is Dead

Water (Good for Me!)

An Historical Inquiry Into the True Interpretation of the Rubrics in the Book of Common Prayer, Respecting the Sermon and the Communion Service

The Last Steam Railroad in America

We Can't Go Home Again: An Argument About Afrocentrism

George Foreman's Indoor Grilling Made Easy: More Than 100 Simple, Healthy Ways to Feed Family and Friends by Foreman, George, Kellinger, Kathryn [2004]

Bankruptcy in Canada: (2d ed. of Duncan on bankruptcy) being the Bankruptcy act (R. S.C. 1927, c.11) as amended by (1931) 21-22 Geo. V, cc. 17 and 18. Arrangement Act, 1933 (23-24 Geo. V, c. 36)

Total Workday Control Using Microsoft Outlook: The Eight Best Practices of Task and E-Mail Management

Left Behind 2002 Calendar (Page-Per-Day Calendars)

Arms and Influence: With a New Preface and Afterword (The Henry L. 69a52277b6

John Buchan: The Presbyterian Cavalier

Hero Tales from American History

Too Queer: Essays from a Radical Life

The Rule of Law in the Arab World: Courts in Egypt and the Gulf (Cambridge Middle East Studies)

The Christmas Box

Inuyasha, Volume 12

The Half Share Man: Peter Folger of Nantucket Grandfather of Benjamin Franklin

Think Big: Unleashing Your Potential for Excellence

Cats In The Sun

Rottweiller, El - Video Manual (Spanish Edition)

Mi mama es astronauta: El oficio de explorar el espacio (Click Click: Ciencia B

T'ai Chi For Dummies

Texas: Where The Wind Pumps The Water And The Cows Cut The Wood: An Early Page Toys With Alternative Titles?

British Tax Guide: National Insurance Contributions Ebook and Book Bundle 2017-14

The Development of Economic Doctrine, an introductory survey

The Emergence of Irish Gothic Fiction

Up Close and Dangerous [With Headphones] (Playaway Adult Fiction)

My iPod touch (covers iPod touch running iOS 5) (3rd Edition)

A Sad Story (Educational Piano Sheet Music)

To Beijing and Beyond: Pittsburgh and the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women

Nurse to the Island

Network Basics Course Booklet (Course Booklets)

Reise in Die Gegend Zwischen Alexandrien Und Par

Knowledge Reuse and Agile Processes: Catalysts for Innovation (Premier Reference Source)

Ligero de Equipaje: La Vida de Antonio Machado

The Gods Left First: The Captivity and Repatriation of Japanese POWs in Northeast Asia, 1945-1956

Social Security: Beveridge and After (International Library of Society)

Talks by the Sea

With the Eighth Division: A Souvenir of the South African Campaign (Classic Reprint)

The Works of John Ruskin (38 Volumes)

Elements of retail selling,

Islamic Art of Persia

A Family for Jana (Love Inspired #160)

Inertial Confinement Nuclear Fusion: A Historical Approach by Its Pioneers

Research Methods and Statistics: An Introduction for the Health Sciences

Not Another Meeting. A Practical Guide for Facilitating Effective Meetings (PSI Successful Business Library)

Winesburg, Ohio (Webster's Catalan Thesaurus Edition)

Helping Bereaved Children, Second Edition: A Handbook for Practitioners

Profile of the International Bearing Industry - Market Prospects to 2001

Saturday's Boys: The Football Experience

Your Interpersonal Communication

Der Einfluss Der Franzosischen Revolution Auf Den Wortschatz Der Franzosischen Sprache (German Edition)

Computer Mediated Communication

The density structure of the upper atmosphere of Mars (Technical information series / Missile and Space Vehicle Department, General Electric)

Douglas Garofalo (A+D Series)


Drafting History of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure Including Comments, Recommendations, and Suggestions on Published Drafts of the Rules . 69a52277b6

Heat: An Amateur's Adventures as Kitchen Slave, Line Cook, Pasta-Maker, and Apprentice to a Dante-Quoting Butcher in Tuscany

Parenting Without Fear: The Foundation for Raising Balanced Children in a Healing World

Student Workbook for Calculating Drug Dosages: An Interactive Approach to Learning Nursing Math

For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women

Women's Employment in the Textile Manufacturing Sectors of Bangladesh and Morocco

Lessons from Jacob: A Disabled Son Teaches His Mother about Courage, Hope and the Joy of Living Each Day to the Fullest

Thinking with Type: A Primer for Designers: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students

The works of Antonio Canova: In sculpture and modelling

PADDINGTON BEAR (Paddington Picture Book)

Il-hajja U L-avventuri Ta' Santa Klaws

A Smile as Big as the Moon: A Teacher, His Class, and Their Unforgettable Journey

Dog Tags (Andy Carpenter)

Most league titles.(baseball players listed)(Table): An article from: Baseball Digest

Buddhist masses for the dead at Amoy,

Bioarchaeology of East Asia: Movement, Contact, Health (Bioarchaeological Interpretations of the Human Past: Local, Regional, and Global)

Current Perspectives on Aging and the Life Cycle: Delinquency and Disrepute in the Life Course. 1995 (Advances in Life Course Research)

The Rite Of Entrusting And Masonic Symbolism Of Light

Scottsboro: A tragedy of the American South (The Notable Trials Library)

Strategies of Entrepreneurship: Understanding Industrial Entrepreneurship and Structural Change in Northwest Tanzania.(Review) (book reviews): An article from: Journal of Economic Issues

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Yes, now people are starting to realise that MetaQuotes is not for retail traders, it is designed to give MT4 brokers all the tools they need to take your money from you in one form or another. That is why they pay $50,000 - $100,000 to Metaquotes to use MT4. It has been like a true money machine to them.

The more people start to realise and move away from MT4, the better in my opinion. It is best to find a honest broker and not one that is intent on taking all of your money!

I was PM'ed not long ago by someone saying that this was the case - namely his stops being spiked. He emphasised that it was being applied to one specific real account/EA combo, but not to another! So yes, I believe that this is indeed possible.

It truly is despicable that Metaquotes is even allowed to market software with features like this - it is effectively aiding and abeiting in theft!

Yes, now people are starting to realise that MetaQuotes is not for retail traders, it is designed to give MT4 brokers all the tools they need to take your money from you in one form or another. That is why they pay $50,000 - $100,000 to Metaquotes to use MT4. It has been like a true money machine to them.

The more people start to realise and move away from MT4, the better in my opinion. It is best to find a honest broker and not one that is intent on taking all of your money!

I already have an honest broker - InteractiveBrokers. Unfortunately they do not provide native automated solutions, and I have spent more time then I'd like to admit getting to grips with MT. So what I have been unable to find is an honest broker that supports Metatrader.

And if Bongo is correct, the very nature of the Metatrader platform probably means there never will be one. And who knows what other 'tricks' Metaquotes has programmed directly into this thing.


I need to call you out on this. but being that your contribution to MT4 is great. do you condone the activity of MT4 to provide "profit solutions" to dealers at the expense of retail traders through an illussion of the market it represents. whether it be standardized in their book of clients or not?

ND. should a dealer be happy to present a market smoothed for lag to give it time to lay off trades in the Futures market or to find "netting" possiblilites. and not try to make additional dollars through presentation? Shouldn't the spread be enough?

Newdigital please do not ignore this post. many guests here need to hear from you regarding this. your silence will be interpretted as you being aware and not willing to commit. no waffling allowed.

haha and some of you thought that I was naive.

Last edited by ElectricSavant ; 25-01-2008, 20:54.


My feeling is that what Bongo said is true. I remember to have read many months ago an anounce from a new MT broker in some far away country of the ex-URSS. This guy was plenty of ambition and he tried to create some sub-agencies: no problem, everybody is able to become a broker because, in the MT pack, there is also a "course" to learn how to use MT. He put few chapter's tittles of the training on his web-site, and one of them was "How to follow the account of a particular client" (or something very similar). Of course I didn't read this chapter, but I do not think that's just for learning how to open an Excel file.


If it is talking about "MT4 brokers are manipulating the data" so it is old topic on many forums. And it is more related to the data. On many forums the members are having the threads where they are comparing the charts every day concerning high/low/open/close. As to ex-USSR. I remember one case with Alpari rus broker: this broker had a spike of data (just one spike only) and traders did not have this spike on IBFX for example. So, broker refunded accounts (Alpari). it was on official Alpari rus forum. and broker's technical director said sorry 100 times.

I want to say that it is well-known subject and already discussed. But it is not easy now to manipulate the data to hit stop losses for example: traders are not keeping silence. MT4 brokers are not HYIP.

Usually people are selecting the brokers according to the country, or how easy to deposit/withdrawal. But it is necessary to analyze the data as well.

Just remember one case with one broker. Nuinex or Neumex. It was H1 timeframe. Real account. I had sell on Alpari and buy on this Neuimex in the same time (Brainwashing system, H1 timeframe). Both was closed in profit I simple want to say that no one will use the broker without analyzing the data. Because some EAs will work with some brokers but will not with the others. And it is fully related to the data.

For example, person #1 can say: "I created EA" so very reasonable question from the person #2 will be the following: "for which broker you created EA?".

When the people are talkling about 'brokers manipulating the data' so give the proof and your real account will be refunded. For example you got stop loss because of spike which does not exist with the other broker and you know that this spike is just mistaken. I know real case with Alpari Russian broker and they refunded all real accounts which had losses because of this spike. If Alpari rus boker was doing it so other brokers will do it as well.

Simple don't trade with broker who is having bad data, spiky data or disconnection, freezing etc.

We do not have good threads about analyzing the brokers data so it is the problem. Other forums are having the threads and keeping the brokers under some presure.

I remember one old trading system. One person created it as a joke but seems it works: when price is freezing on the chart so wait for reversal. And Igorad created indicator for that: Speedometer

Guys, MT4 trading platform is the best. I tested maybe 10-15 different platforms, but for using EA’s, robots, indicators and specially for the programmers, they can use their skills, it is fantastic. This is the future for Forex. We don’t have the dishonest brokers, we have normal brokers, they are not 100% correct, and we have the crooks. NFA shoot down few of them. We must understand few thinks. 1) Priority access to the server for execution. Client with $5 millions is the first, accounts with $500, you will be last one. In Forex is not working like: First come, first service. First $5 millions and after the rest. 2) Client with $1 million and over can negotiate the spread with broker. He/she can easy get 1 pip spread on EUR/USD. Brokers prefer 1 account with $5 million as a 10000 with $500. For this reason, broker must create a different group. He will not put million dollar accounts with $500 together. Make sense. SEGUNDO.

Last edited by ElectricSavant ; 25-01-2008, 22:31.

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Key Customer Services Manager Google

Works with largest financial advertisers in Runet. Earlier was involved in project financing, audit, valuation and consulting. MBA, CFA, ACCA.

Chairman of the Board of the Association UCRFIN

Chairman of the Board of the Association “Ukrainian Center for OTC Financial Instruments and Technologies Development” (UCRFIN) since the 19th of August, 2017. Graduated from Ukranian Academy of Advocacy. Has worked in the National Bank of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Took part in development of Ukranian legislation, in particular, in banking, financial and taxation spheres.

Head of Promotions in EXNESS Russia and CIS

Specialist in international advertising. Started his career in 2011 in a sphere of marketing of Forex companies. After a year moved to projects coordination between business and marketing divisions.

Currently deals with development of EXNESS brand in Russia and CIS and supervises marketing, PR and sales.

Director of the Export Financing Department in Vnesheconombank

In 1997 graduated from MGIMO University (Regionology and Diplomacy).In 1999 got master’s degree (International political science). In 2003 got legal education in MGIMO (Law).

In 2002-2005 worked in embassy of Germany. In 2006-2017 – head of the KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH in the Russian Federation. Since 2017 is a Director of the Export Financing Department in Vnesheconombank

First Vice-President of NP RTS

First Vice-President of NP RTS. Deals with matters of off-exchange market development, legal support for companies of the group, internal control.

Till 2012 was Managing director for cooperation with governmental authorities of the Moscow Exchange. Earlier was responsible for similar matters and cooperation with international associations in JSC RTS.

Till 2007 worked in Federal Financial Markets Service on matters of internal control, checks of financial market participants, development of legal documents for securities market.

Regional director (Latin America) in Admiral Markets

Director of Management of Passive and Calculated Products Sales in VTB Bank

(rus) Вице президент КБ «Финансовый Стандарт»

Executive director of OPORA RUSSIA

Executive director of OPORA RUSSIA

In 2006 graduated from National Research University – Higher School of Economics. Has been heading Centre of Expertise and Analytics of Problems of Business under OPORA Russia”

Since April, 2011 was deputy Chief Executive on legal matters and expertise of OPORA Russia.

In February, 2017 was appointed to become Chief Executive of OPORA Russia

Deputy chief of the Economic administration of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

Head of GC TeleTrade PR Department

Chairman of the Property Committee of the State Duma

(rus) Заместитель Председателя Правления СРО ЦРФИН

Deputy chief of the Economic administration of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

In 2003 graduated from the Lomonosov State University (Economics), in 2007 – State University-Higher School of Economics (Law). PhD in Economics.

2001 – 2012 – Deputy Director of Department on Innovative Development and Corporate Management in Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

2012 – 2017 – Deputy Head of Financial-Economic Management in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

2017 – present time – Deputy Head of Economics Department of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Head of GC TeleTrade PR Department

Igor has been working in marketing and PR for over 20 years. He led these directions in companies-informational technologies and software providers for foreign companies (I-Teco, Artezio) and leading news agencies (RIA Novosti and Prime-TASS). Has created B2B projects (www. lesprom. ru) and projects “for the soul” (deti. ru). Worked as executive producer on kommersant-tv in Russia. Hobby – travelling and organizing of international conferences.

Chairman of the Property Committee of the State Duma

Member of Governmental Commission for realization of measures for preventing bankruptcy of strategic enterprises and organizations; member of a Workshop on perfection of inter-budget relations in the Russian Federation.

Member of Consulting Council of shareholders of JSC VTB bank, member of the Expert Council of the State Corporation “Vnesheconombank”

Deputy chairman of the Standing council of Inter-Parliamentary Union on Democracy and Human rights. Heads Inter-Faction deputy group on cooperation with the Higher Council of Transnistria. CPRF faction member. Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University (Politeconomy) in 1989; The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Law) in 2002.

Director of Banking Institute of the State University in Higher School of Economics

Director of Banking Institute in Higher School of Economics, PhD in Economics, Professor. Member of the council on monetary and Credit Policy of the Association “Russia”; Member of the Expert Council in “Deposit Insurance Agency” Group of Companies; Board Member of Russian Microfinance Center; of the Expert Council of the Banking Institute of the State University – Higher School of Economics.

Before HDForex company creation, Pavlo Symonenko directed institutional sales in the CIS countries, Central Asia and the Caucasus in Dukascopy Bank SA (Head of Institutional Sales) since 2012. The responsibilities of Pavel included development of business of Dukascopy Bank SA in the former Soviet Union, and also formation of the partner white label programs with the largest banks of the CIS countries.

The expert has wide experience of work on the Forex market and in corporate banking business. In PravexBank (Intesa Sanpaolo Group), Pavel headed the direction on service and financing of large corporate business and VIP clients.

Vice-president of the Association of Regional Banks of Russia

Educational background: graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University (specialty: Journalism). Candidate of Science in Economics.

Chairman of AKBR. Chairman of the Maxi Markets LTD Supervisory board. Associate professor in the Financial University under the Government of Russia.

Member of The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), member of the CRFIN Representative Board, of the Council of the NAPCA, supervisory council of “Banks and Business world”, civic supervisory council of the Financial Ombudsman of the Russian Federation, jury of the National Banking Award.

Member of the International Academy of Economics, Finance and Law (IAEFL).

Doctor of Economics, professor, Honored Economist of the Russian Federation

Head of Russia & CIS, Sucden Financial Limited

Deputy CEO of Interfax - Center of Economic Analysis

President of the Commission for Regulation of Relations between Financial Market Participants (KROUFR)

Deputy chairman of the State Duma committee for financial market

Member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation

Chairman of the Directors’ Board of Audit-Consulting Group Business Systems Development

Director of Banking Institute of the State University in Higher School of Economics

Director General of FOBA ad agency

(rus) Заместитель Председателя Правления СРО ЦРФИН

Vice-president of the Association of Regional Banks of Russia

Executive director of OPORA RUSSIA

Chairman of the CRFIN Governing Board

Chairman of the Property Committee of the State Duma

CEO, Chairman of the Board of the Exchange Saint-Petersburg

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Assessing Online-form Complexity for the Development of Assistive Technologies for Older Adults

Although cognitive declines occur as a natural product of the ageing process, the majority of online-forms do not cater specifically for the needs of older adult users. As a consequence, online-forms pose significant usability challenges to this target user group. The Delivering Inclusive Access to Disabled and Elderly Members of the community (DIADEM) project aims to develop a plug-in to a web browser that adapts existing online-form content so that it is more accessible and usable for older adults with cognitive decline. In order to identify requirements for developing the DIADEM application, it is necessary to observe users interacting with online-forms, and identify the usability challenges that occur as a result of this. However, the format and functionality of online-form content presented on the web varies greatly. Identifying a representative sample of online-forms that may be presented to users within a trials setting to elicit key usability challenges, has proved to be a non-trivial task. Consequently, we have developed a set of Bespoke Online-form Selection (BOFS) criteria which are used to help identify appropriate and representative candidate online-forms that may be used within the user trials setting to formulate initial requirements for developing the DIADEM application. In the context of the DIADEM project, BOFS has proved to be a valuable tool which has been used to successfully identify online-forms for use in our user trials. This paper presents the BOFS criteria, and shows how these are aligned with cognitive declines that are typically presented by the older adult user group, and demonstrates how BOFS has been of value within the context of the DIADEM project.

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Available from: Wendy Doube

"In this study older adults were classified as aged 55 or more (Chadwick-Dias, et al. 2004; Priest, et al. 2007). They were studied during web search and form completion, common and compelling web activities (Jarrett & Gaffney, 2009; Money, et al. 2010; Priest, et al. 2007). "

Conference Paper: Typing over autocomplete: Cognitive load in website use by older adults

[Show abstract] [Hide abstract] ABSTRACT: This paper describes an exploration into factors influencing the interaction of cognitive processing with visual and motor skills during website use by older adults. Twenty-eight older adults and 18 younger adults completed an on-line air-ticketing search task. Quantitative and qualitative data was captured from multiple sources, and analysed from the perspective of cognitive load. Compared with the younger control group, older adults took significantly longer and made significantly more errors in reporting the results of the task. Although the mean duration of gaze down at the keyboard and notes was similar for both age groups, the mean duration of screen gaze was significantly longer for older than for younger participants. Older adults also logged a significantly higher number of gazes from keyboard to screen. Their longer task times were associated with actions that increase cognitive load by decreasing spatial and temporal contiguity of information. Unlike their younger counterparts, they did not glance rapidly between screen and keyboard, but focussed their gaze on the keyboard, checking their typing only when they had completed a form field. Accordingly, they typed into autocomplete combo boxes, ignoring preset options, with the unexpected consequence of more expensive fares and a smaller range of results. When participant background information was analysed, task time was correlated with less Internet experience as well as with age. Supported by observation and self-report which did not signal pronounced vision or motor problems, these results suggest that task times could be reduced through automation of repeatable user interface actions with practice, especially with training in screen glancing rather than gazing. Although the number of search reporting errors was correlated with age group and not experience, greater proficiency with the interface could possibly free cognitive resources for improved problem-solving.

Texto completo & middot; Conference Paper · Nov 2012

Journal of Computing and Information Technology - CIT 18, 2010, 3, 257–274 doi:10.2498/cit.1001729 257 Assessing Online-form Complexity for the Development of Assistive Technologies for Older Adults Arthur G. Money, Senaka Fernando, Lorna Lines and Anthony D. Elliman Department of Information Systems and Computing, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK Althoughcognitivedeclines occuras a naturalproductof the ageing process, the majority of online-forms do not cater specifically for the needs of older adult users. As a consequence, online-forms pose significant usability challenges to this target user group. Inclusive Access to Disabled and Elderly Members of the community (DIADEM) project aims to develop a plug-into a web browserthat adaptsexistingonline-form content so that it is more accessible and usable for older adults with cognitive decline. In order to identify requirements for developing the DIADEM application, it is necessary to observe users interacting with online - forms, and identify the usability challenges that occur as a result of this. However, the format and functionality of online-form content presented on the web varies greatly. Identifying a representative sample of online-forms that may be presented to users within a trials setting to elicit key usability challenges, has proved to be a non-trivial task. Consequently, we have developed a set of Bespoke Online-form Selection (BOFS) criteria which are used to help identify appropriate and representative candidate online-forms that may be used within the user trials setting to formulate initial requirements for developing theDIADEMapplication. InthecontextoftheDIADEM project, BOFS has provedto be a valuabletool whichhas been used to successfully identify online-forms for use in our user trials. This paper presents the BOFS criteria, and shows how these are aligned with cognitive declines that are typically presented by the older adult user group, and demonstrates how BOFS has been of value within the context of the DIADEM project. The Delivering Keywords: older adults, cognitive decline, online-form complexity, assistive technology, complexity 1. Introduction Inrecentyears, olderadultshavebecomeoneof the fastest growing groups of web-service users [Fernando et al. 2009, Money et al. 2011]. It is widelyacceptedthatcognitivedeclineoccursas a natural product of the ageing process [Peter - son et al. 1997], and is unavoidable in old age [Christensen 2001]. With an ageing European population [Kleinberger et al. 2007], it is not surprising that the number of individuals in Eu - rope presenting with cognitive decline is on the increase [Disability-Rights-Commission 2005]. A large proportion of these users, particularly those living independently, are likely to require assistance from both public and private agen - cies to support independent living tasks such as grocery shopping, accessing social services, paying utility bills, and managing and access - ing healthcare [Holzinger et al. 2008]. Gov - ernment initiatives within the European Union (EU) have led to the wide-spread adoption of web-services as a means to improve the ac - cessibility and efficiency of government wel - fare services for their citizens. However, older adults are known to have less experience in theuseof web-services compared with younger adults [Morrel and Mayhorn 2000], and cou - pled with increased levels of cognitive decline, older adults are at a distinct disadvantage when attempting to effectively access such services [Fuchsberger 2008, Lines et al. 2006]. There is a growing need to develop assistive technologies that enable older adults to access web-services more effectively and efficiently. There is a wide variety of services that such people might use including, online shopping, purchasing of travel tickets, applying for part - time work to boost weekly income, requesting welfare support, and booking hospital appoint - ments. In every case, the user needs to go throughseveral web-pages “fillingin an online - form” to get the desired result. Es importante

258 Assessing Online-form Complexity for the Development of Assistive Technologies for Older Adults to distinguish, what we as developers, perceive to be an online-form and what users perceive. Technically, each new HTML page is a sepa - rate form. However, a user accustomed to turn - ing the pages of paper-based forms, is likely to perceive such a sequence as a single, multi - pagedform. Inthispaperweareconcernedwith user perceptions, and therefore references to an “online-form” should be read as any sequence of pages that the user will perceive as soliciting the data associated with a single transaction. The problem then is to find a basis for review - ing the wide range of possible online-form fill - ing transactions that are presented on the web, to identify a representative sample of content that may be utilised, within a user trials set - ting, toformulatedesignguidelinesfortheolder adult target user group. In any bounded piece of usability research, it is necessary to consider whether the forms used in the actual user trials aretypicalofotheronlineactivities, particularly if the results are to be generalisable. As ex - plainedin thenextsection, theexistingresearch hastendedtousemethodsthataredependenton the responses of user panels and therefore are not transferable to desktop evaluation across a widerangeofsites. Furthermore, suchmethods areoftentimeconsumingandcostly, requiringa preliminaryseriesofusertrialstoidentifyarep - resentative sample of online-forms, and then a subsequent main series of user trials to identify design guidelines for online-form content. The aim of this paper is to present the Bespoke Online-form Selection (BOFS) criteria, which serve as an aid in the process of identifying ap - propriate online-forms for use within the main series of user trials. The BOFS criteria provide an alternative means of measuring the relative complexity of online-form content, as may be perceived by cognitively impaired older adult users, without requiring an additional round of preliminary user trials. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, the DIADEM project is described and exist - ing web-content usability evaluation methods are reviewed to establish the need for a new online-form complexity metric. In Section 3 the research methodology used in this study is presented. Section4presentstheBOFScriteria. Section 5 demonstrates how the BOFS criteria maybeappliedtoarangeofonline-formcontent in order to gain insight into their relative com - plexity. Section 6 reports on the effectiveness of BOFS within the context of the DIADEM project. Section 7 concludes this paper. 2. Background The DIADEM project, funded by the European Commission (EC), has the primary goal of im - provingolder adults’access to online-forms via the development of DIADEM, a plug-in to a web-browser that monitors user browsing and input activity, and adapts and personalises the online-form interface via assistive behaviour to meet the individual user’s needs. A series of usertrials havebeen carried out in the UK, Italy and Norway, so that a comprehensive list of functional and usability requirements may be identified for the development of the DIADEM application. Theaimofthetrialswastoobserve older adults as they interact with online-forms, and identify the usability challenges that arise as a result of these interactions. The results would then be used to formulate requirements for the DIADEM application. However, in or - der to carry out the user trials, it was necessary to identify a discrete set of candidate online - forms that were likely to elicit a broad range of key usability challenges for the cognitively im - paired older adult user group. Therefore, it was important that the content and functionality of the candidate online-forms used within the tri - als was sufficiently complex, to ensure that a wide range of usability challenges were identi - fied as a result of users interacting with them. Identifying such online-forms has proved to be somewhat of a challenge, since there appears to be a gap in the existing literature in providing guidance for carrying out such a task. Conse - quently, we have developed a set of Bespoke Online-forms Selection (BOFS) criteria, which provide a means of assessing the complexity of online-forms, according to five cognitive do - mains that are known to decline as a result of ageing, as indicated by the Addenbrooke’s cog - nitive examination [Mioshi et al. 2006]. It is assumedthatthemorecomplextheonline-form isintermsofcontentandfunctionality, themore likely it is to elicit a broad range of key usabil - ity challenges. Therefore, by applying BOFS to a range of online-forms and comparing the results, the relative complexity of online-forms may be assessed, which in turn may be used to identify a short list of comparatively complex candidate online-forms that may be used within

Assessing Online-form Complexity for the Development of Assistive Technologies for Older Adults 259 the user trials setting. BOFS has been used suc - cessfully within the DIADEM project, and has provided a valuable means of identifying those online-formswhich appear to bemostcomplex, and thus most appropriate for use within our research. 2.1. Existing Research Currently the most common approach to mea - suring complexity of web-content is carried out in the usability evaluation research domain [Holzinger 2005]. Usability evaluation meth - ods consider three user-based criteria; the ef - fectiveness, the efficiency, and the satisfaction [de Kock et al. 2009]. Several studies have been carried out to assess these usability crite - ria. For example, efficiency has been evaluated by measuring the number of successful “hits” identified in a testing session [Hvannberg et al. 2007], and the time it takes for a user to navi - gate from one hypertext node to the next [Crib - bin and Chen 2001], by measuring the user’s heartratevariabilitywhilstcarryingoutspecific computer-based tasks [Iszo and Lang 2000], and by counting the number of mouse-clicks while carrying out browsing tasks [Drucker et al. 2002]. Bayles [2002] evaluated effective - ness by measuring the levels that users recalled information from web-based banner advertise - ments, and Dumais et al. [2002], by measuring the number of web-based tasks the user failed to complete. McGrenere et al. [2002] evaluated satisfaction by asking users to report their per - ceivedannoyancelevel, andChevalierandBon - nardel [2007] measured the number and nature ofconstraintsthatare verbalisedbyuserswhilst interacting with web-content. These are just a few of a large number of studies that have been carried out within the usability evaluation do - main, see Hornbaek [2006] for a more compre - hensive review of 180 contemporary research articles in this area. Web-contentmayalsobeevaluatedviaheuristic inspection methods [Ling and Salvendy 2009, Te’eni et al. 2007]. Some of these methods include heuristic evaluation, cognitive walk - throughs, formal usability inspections, and the pluralistic usability walkthrough [Hollingsed andNovick2007]. Withtheexceptionofheuris - tic evaluation, all of these methods require the user to undertake interaction tasks in order to evaluate the usability of the interface [Heo et al. 2009]. Heuristic evaluation, on the other hand, typically involves a small number of us - ability experts who refer to a set of generic web-content usability principles, and inspect the user interface to estimatethe significance of usabilityissuesaccordingly[LingandSalvendy 2009]. Popular interface design principles used forsuchanexerciseincludetheMultipleHeuris - tics Evaluation Table (MEHT), which com - bines a number heuristic evaluation methods intooneevaluationtable[Atkinsonet al. 2007]. Frokjaer and Hornbaek’s [2008] Metaphors of Human Thinking (MOT) method, which uses metaphors grounded in psychological theory to driveheuristicevaluationforward. Buxtonetal. [2009] present the Integrated Stakeholder Us - ability Evaluation Process (ISUEP) for evalu - ating mission critical decision support systems. ISUEPmakesitpossible, viaaformalprocessof filtering and prioritisation, for large teams (16 or more people) to carry out effective heuristic evaluations. Faaborg and Schwartz [2010] pro - pose the development of a distributed heuris - tic evaluation function that may be integrated into standard Web browsing interfaces such as Mozilla. Seffah et al. [2006] present the Qual - ity in Use Integrated Measurement (QUIM) us - ability assessment model, which consolidates a wide range of usability assessment methods and standards into a single model of usabil - ity measurement. This can be used by experts and novices to carry out detailed evaluations of software usability. Some pioneering work in this field includes Schneiderman’s [1998] eight “goldenrules”ofinterfacedesign, andNielsen’s [1994] 10 usability heuristics. ples of where these methods have been used include a study presented by Naseem [2005], who used four usability experts and Nielsen’s [1994] 10 heuristics to evaluate and redesign an open learning website. Tang et al. [2006], also used a combination of these heuristics to carry out an evaluation involving three usabil - ity experts, to inspect a prototype telemedicine system. It was found that the improvements to the user interface made as a consequence of the heuristic evaluation resulted in more effective and efficient interactions with the paramedics that used the web-based system. Duringtheweb-contentdevelopmentphase, de - sign guidelines are also used to ensure the con - tent is usable by the target user group. The World WideWeb ConsortiumWeb Content Ac - cessibility Guidelines (WCAG) [W3C 2008], Some exam-

260 Assessing Online-form Complexity for the Development of Assistive Technologies for Older Adults are made up of 12 guidelines organised under four principles which can be used by web-page authors and designers to ensure web-content is developed to be accessible for people with dis - abilities in general. The United States general services administration section 508 [1998] also providesguidelinesthatshouldbeadheredtofor supporting inclusive access for disabled users. In terms of design guidelines specifically for older adult users, Hawthorn [2000] noted that there was lack of research that focused on de - sign of interfaces that specifically cater for the needs of this target user group. Since then, a number of web-content accessibility guidelines for older adults have been presented in the re - search literature. Based on an extensive review of research concerning age-related changes in vision, Echt [2001] proposed 19 guidelines for the effective presentation of web-based health information for older adult users. Each of these guidelines were presented in one of three cate - gories: typography, layout, and navigation. Al - though these guidelines were presented in the context of delivering web-based health infor - mation, much of this work appeared to be rel - evant to web-content more generally. Conse - quently many of the guidelines appear to have been incorporated into the 25 guidelines devel - opedbyTheNationalInstituteofAgeing(NIA) forweb-contenttargetingusersaged 60+[Mor - rell et al. 2002]. These guidelines have been derived from a variety of previous research, in the human-factors, cognition, ageing and print materials research domains. The guide - lines are recognized as being a comprehensive and empirically-based set of guidelines, which, when applied to web-content, are shown to be effective in improving the “senior-friendly” na - ture of web-content [Morrell 2005]. Kurniawan and Zaphir [2005] produced guidelines based on previous literature, which were refined and categorized through a series of focus groups and card sorting exercises. Nielsen & Norman [2002]alsoproducedguidelinesforolderadults, but rather than sourcing these from literature, the guidelines were derived from a series of tri - als carried out with older adults aged 65+. The result was 46 design guidelines. Paper-based form filling has been a part of ev - eryday life for decades, however web-based forms(online-forms)arebecomingincreasingly common, and an essential part of e-government and e-commerce online web services. Unlike generic web-content, in general, online-forms present specific usability challenges to the user, not least due to their predominantly question and answer based nature [Arch 2008, Lines et al. 2007]. Although there appears to be some research literature presenting accessibility de - sign guidelines for older adults relating to web - content in general, there seems to be very little research presenting guidelines for older adults relating specifically to online-forms [Sayago and Blat 2007]. Lines et al. carried out two small scale studies, in the UK [Lines, Ikechi and Hone 2007, Lines 2004]. The most recent of these Lines et al. [2007], validating the re - sultsfromapreviousstudy[Lines2004],carried out trials using financial, housing, and welfare online-forms. As a result, 13 e-Government online-form design guidelines were presented. Sayago andBlat [2007]carried outasmallscale study with seven Spanish users. The study fo - cused on specific hypotheses, and used a short generic online-form. Although the output of this study did not result in a comprehensive set of design guidelines, the findings revealed that older adult users prefer checkboxes and radio-buttons as opposed to list-boxes, and that users preferred required and optional fields to be grouped into two separate sections. Despite much valuable research, there seems to be a lack of literature that supports the imme - diate needs of the DIADEM project: To iden - tify, in a timely fashion, an appropriate sam - ple of online-forms for use within user trials setting, to identify the key usability challenges faced by the older-adult user group [Holzinger et al. 2008]. Perhaps the reason for this is that the overwhelming majority of usability re - search is trial-based, and takes place with the user present. Therefore, existing research does nottendtoprescribetoolsforthecomparatively rapid, pragmatic, but consistent assessment of online-formsthatallowassessmenttobecarried out directly on the online-form, as opposed to directly via the user’s experience of interacting with online-form content. Furthermore, exist - ing research tends not to be specific to online - form content and the older adults, and therefore does not provide a suitable basis on which to evaluate the complexity of online-form content for the target user group in question. In direct response to the needs of our project, BOFS has been developed.

Assessing Online-form Complexity for the Development of Assistive Technologies for Older Adults 261 3. Research Methodology The aim of developing BOFS was to serve pri - marily as an aid to identifying appropriately complexonline-formswhichcouldsubsequently beusedintheforthcomingtrialsprocess. It was thereforenecessary todevelopBOFS withinthe time-constraintsofthe project, whilstmaintain - ing methodological rigour in terms of its devel - opment. In order to achieve this, BOFS was developed via a systematic consultation pro - cess, involving experts in online-form design and age-related cognitive impairments. involved experts reviewing existing research in these research domains, and through a process of discussion and consensus building, devel - oping a set of online-form criteria that may be used to estimate the relative complexity of online-forms for users with age-related cogni - tive impairments. Often a significant challenge is sourcing experts to take part in such an ex - ercise [Papazafeiropoulou et al. 2002]. How - ever, a key advantage of DIADEM being a pan - European project, with multiple large-scale or - ganisations as consortium members, was that the process of sourcing experts to contribute to the development of BOFS was a comparatively straightforward exercise. This was achieved by engaging all of the DIADEM project consor - tium members, and a range of their respective associated partner networks. This A totalof12expertswereinvolvedintheBOFS development process. Brunel University pro - videdtwoexpertsinthefieldofHCIandonline - form design to take part in the BOFS develop - ment process. Brunel also collaborated with a local authority (Sheffield City Council) who had links to local healthcare and voluntary or - ganisations, which made it possible to include two domain experts from the UK based Uni - versity of the Third Age (U3A), and two ex - perts from the UK based Partnership for Older People Projects (POPPS) in the BOFS devel - opment process. With a vast amount of ex - perience in developing access for all in the e - Inclusion arena, two senior e-Inclusion consul - tants from Sheffield City Council (SCC) were also actively involved in every aspect of the BOFS development process. CSI Piemonte (an IT consortium based in Turin, Italy) provided two valuable contacts within the Piemonte re - gions’ healthcare sector, including links with local hospitals, who provided expert clinical in - put. Two Norwegian IT solutions companies from Norway, both with experience of web - based e-Governmentapplicationsdevelopment, provided one expert each, to advise on the tech - nicalrelevanceofthecriteriaincludedinBOFS. The BOFS development process is outlined in Figure 1. As recommended in consensus building meth - ods best practice guidelines [Black et al. 1999], prior to holding focus group sessions to de - velop the BOFS criteria, the experts initially shared and reviewed relating to theoretical as - pectsofage-relatedcognitiveimpairments. The aim was to identify an overarching categorisa - tion of the cognitive functions that decline as Figure 1. BOFS development process.

262 Assessing Online-form Complexity for the Development of Assistive Technologies for Older Adults a result of ageing, so that online-form func - tionality could be considered, categorised, and prioritised against these categories. A range of age-related cognitive decline re - search, in the form of models of cognition and cognitive ability tests, were considered by the expert panel. These included the work of Al - bert et al [Albert et al. 1995] on the predic - torsofageing, theWechsler’sAdultIntelligence Scale Revised (WAIS-R) [Welchsler 1982], the Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) for assess - ment of primary degenerative dementia [Reis - berg et al. 1982], the Mini Mental State Ex - amination (MMSE) [Folstein et al. 1975], and the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination Re - vised (ACE-R) [Mioshi, Dawson and Mitchell 2006]. As a result, the five cognitive impair - ment categories (sub-scales) used by the ACE - R were identified as being the most appropriate and comprehensivefor the purposes of the task. The ACE-R is a comparatively new, brief, sen - sitive, and inexpensive screening tool [Mioshi, Dawson and Mitchell 2006], which fully incor - poratesthecognitivetestssuch astheMMSE. It is also considered to be more sensitive than the MMSE alone, and has been shown to be more effectivein identifying early cognitivedysfunc - tion/mildcognitiveimpairments[Larner2006]. In order to identify and categorise online-form functionality that may cause challenges to cog - nitivelyimpairedolderadults, arangeofonline - form design guidelines were considered: these includedTheNationalInstituteofAgeing(NIA) web-content design guidelines developed for users aged 60+ [Morrell, Dailey, Stoltz-Loike, Feldman, Mayhorn, Echt and Podany 2002], which are recognised as being a comprehen - sive and empirically-based set of guidelines, whichareshowntobeeffectiveinimprovingthe “senior-friendly” nature of web-content [Mor - rell 2005]; Nielsen and Norman’s 46 guidelines [Nielsen and Norman 2002] also relating to de - velopment of web-content for older adults, but rather than sourcing these from literature, the guidelines were derived from a series of trials carried out with older adults aged 65+; Guide - lines developed by Lines et al. [Lines, Ikechi and Hone 2007, Lines 2004] which are specif - ically for the development of online-forms for older adults were also considered. The HTML input mechanisms, as identified by Miller and Jarrett [Miller and Jarrett 2001] were also con - sidered in the process. Furthermore, a range of example online-forms were used as a point of reference throughout, to provide examples of online-form functionality to aid the decision making process. By systematically working through the online-form design guidelines, and interacting with a range of online-form content, a short list of online-form assessment criteria relevant to the project needs was developed, andmappedtotheACE-Rcognitiveimpairment categories, in order to substantiate the criteria’s relevancetothecognitivelyimpairedolderadult user group. In the next section, the BOFS crite - ria are presented. 4. The BOFS Criteria The Bespoke Online-form Selection (BOFS) criteria were developed to assist in the task of identifying online-forms that would be consid - ered complex for the older-adults to complete. BOFS produces a range of numeric values that may be used to estimate the relative “level of complexity” of a given sample of online-forms. Due to the small amount of existing research that evaluates online-form complexity for this user group, it seems that formal methods for analysing online-form complexity have yet to be addressed. Consequently, the BOFS criteria were developed that provide a structured and straightforward means of evaluating the com - plexityofonline-formsforcognitivelyimpaired older adults. As described in the previous sec - tion, allcriteriawerederivedbyanexpertpanel, in light of the five sub-scales (which repre - sent the five known cognitive domains that are known to be affected as a result of cognitive decline) used by the Addenbrooke’s cognitive examination (ACE-R) [Mioshi, Dawson and Mitchell 2006]. Therefore, each of the BOFS criteria were considered to present challenges relating to one or more of the ACE-R cognitive impairment categories, and therefore included as assessment criteria within BOFS. TheACE-Risacomprehensivecognitiveability screening tool, which is now becoming widely usedtoidentifyusersthatmaybeshowingsigns of cognitive decline. The cognitive domains that decline in this user group, as indicated by the ACE-R examination, are as follows: • ACE-R1 – Attention and orientation: Users have impaired skills related to orientation

Assessing Online-form Complexity for the Development of Assistive Technologies for Older Adults 263 within time and space, and maintaining at - tention for extended periods of time. • ACE-R2 – Memory: Impaired memory re - call, in the short term, and short to medium term. • ACE-R3–Fluency: Impairedfluencyofcat - egorisation(forexamplecategorisingwords), impaired inference, assimilation, interpreta - tion, and elaboration of related concepts. • ACE-R4 – Language: Impaired ability to recall low frequency words and irregular words. • ACE-R5 – Visuospatial: Impaired visual in - tuition, and interpreting or implying mean - ing from visual cues. The following is a description of the criteria in - corporated within BOFS. Each of the criteria is associated with one or more of the ACE-R cognitive decline domains listed above. Table 1 provides a summary of the BOFS criteria and how each of these correspond with the ACE-R cognitive impairment categories. BOFSaimstoprovideagenericsolution, which assesses a range of generic online-form criteria. As can been seen in Table 1, some of these criteria include: the number of pages in the online-form; the amount of scrolling required within a form; whether the online-form gives an idea of the users location within the context of the whole form, and so forth. In addition to global navigation elements, Miller and Jar - rett [2001] identify five HTML 4.0 input mech - anisms, which are also taken into account by BOFS. These are: • Drop-down boxes (BOFS8a) • Radio buttons (BOFS8b) • Check boxes (BOFS8c) • Hyperlinks (BOFS8d) • Type-in boxes (BOFS8e) Sinceonline-formsareprimarilyconcernedwith users inputting data, BOFS also allows online - form complexity to be assessed according to these five types of input mechanism, and thus can be applied to any online-form that has been designed in standard HTML 4.0 format, regard - lessofthegenreoftheonline-formorindeedthe specific subject content of the online-form. In thenextsection, theBOFScriteriaarepresented in more detail, along with how they are associ - ated with the five ACE-R cognitive impairment categories. BOFS criteria BOFS1 BOFS2 BOFS3 BOFS4 BOFS5 Description ACE-R cognitive impairment category Number of pages in the form Number of pages requiring scrolling Current location (page) indicator Overall location (form) indicator Number of questions in the form ACE-R1, ACE-R5 ACE-R1, ACE-R5 ACE-R1, ACE-R2, ACE-R3 ACE-R1, ACE-R2 ACE-R1, ACE-R2, ACE-R3, ACE-R4, ACE-R5 ACE-R2, ACE-R3 ACE-R1, ACE-R2 ACE-R2, ACE-R3 BOFS6 BOFS7 BOFS8a Maximum number of possible responses Number of responses requiring additional information – Number of drop-down boxes in the form – Number of drop-down boxes requiring scrolling – Number of options in drop-down boxes – Number of radio-buttons in the form – Number of options for radio-buttons – Number of check-boxes in the form – Number of options for check-boxes – Number of hyperlinks/buttonsin the form – Number of options for hyperlinks – Number of type-in boxes in the form – Number of type-in boxes requiring more than one sentence BOFS8b ACE-R2, ACE-R3 BOFS8c ACE-R2, ACE-R3 BOFS8d ACE-R1, ACE-R2, ACE-R3 BOFS8e ACE-R1, ACE-R2 Table 1. BOFS criteria and corresponding ACE-R cognitive impairment categories.

264 Assessing Online-form Complexity for the Development of Assistive Technologies for Older Adults 4.1. BOFS and the ACE-R Cognitive Impairment Categories BOFS1. Total number of pages in the online - form A high number of pages included within an online-formarelikelytoincreasecognitiveload, increasefatigue, andrequiretheusertomaintain attention for prolonged periods of time (ACE - R1). Any visual cues used, for example, to demonstrate to the user the form structure such as a sitemap, willbe morecomplexas the num - ber of pages increase in the form increase, to reflect the locations of the various pages, which in turn could put increased strain on users inter - preting these cues (ACE-R5). BOFS2. Total number of pages that require scrolling to view entire page It is important that the end-users understand “where they are” within a page. If scrolling is required to complete the page, the end-user may become confused and disoriented (ACE - R1). By scrollingdown, theend-usersmayalso “miss” questions and not complete the page at firstattempt, itmayalsoputstrainsontheirabil - ity to visually understand the significance and meaning of visual cues within the form (ACE - R5). BOFS3. Current location (page) indicator When completing online-forms, it is important for theend-users to “knowwhere theycurrently are” within the online-form to reduce confu - sion, disorientation (ACE-R1), and to support question completion. to minimise the cognitive load placed on the users, in terms of having to recall from memory what steps they took to navigate to this loca - tion (ACE-R2), and infer, based on the general content and concept structure of the form what steps they need to take to return to their orig - inal location (ACE-R3). Examples of current location identifiers are presented in Figure 2. This is also important Figure 2. Example location identifiers. BOFS4. Overall location (form) indicator When completing online-forms, it is important for the users to know their overall location within the form, to reduce confusion, disori - entation (ACE-R1). It also aids the users in knowing how much of the form they have al - readycompleted, hencereducingcognitiveload intermsofhavingto recall frommemorywhere they are within the context of the online-form (ACE-R2),howmuchtheyhavecompleted, and howmuchtheythinktheystillhavetocomplete. Examplesof overalllocationidentifiers are pre - sented in Figure 3. Figure 3. Overall location identifiers. BOFS5. Number of questions (include sub - questions) in form A high number of questions are likely to lead to greater cognitive demands being placed on the end-user, and may induce end-user frustration and fatigue (ACE-R1). The amount of text in - cludedintheonline-formis likelytoincrease as thenumberofquestionsincreases, andthusmay pose more of a challenge to the user in terms of requiredmemoryrecallfunctionsinordertoan - swer questions (ACE-R2). It is also likely to requirethe userto put more effort into assimila - tion of information, interpreting the meaning of the questions (ACE-R3), and recalling low fre - quencyandirregularwordsastheyoccurwithin the online-form content (ACE-R4). The num - ber of visual cues used within the online-form is also likely to increase as the number of ques - tionsincrease, andthereforecouldputincreased demand on visual intuition from the user ACE - R5). BOFS6.Maximum number of possible re - sponses Questionsposedwithinaformmayhaveanum - ber of possible pre-determined responses (typ - ically generated based on form processing re - quirements). The larger the number of pos - sible responses to questions presented within

Assessing Online-form Complexity for the Development of Assistive Technologies for Older Adults 265 a form, again the greater the likelihood of in - ducing greater cognitive demands in terms of memory (ACE-R2), and assimilation and elab - oration of the conceptual structure of the pos - sible answers to those questions (ACE-R3). In “simple” forms, there will typically be one re - sponse per question. BOFS7. Number of responses requiring addi - tional information A form is likely to be perceived as more time consuming to complete when information from other sources (such as a paper document, elec - tronic file, a driving license etc.) is required to be ableto completetheform, thus puttingstrain on the user’s attention span (ACE-R1), as well as on their memory, should the user first need to recall where they have stored the required documents (ACE-R2). BOFS8. Input mechanisms According to [Miller and Jarrett 2001], HTML - based online-forms have the functionality of enabling end-users to input answers to ques - tions in five forms: drop-down boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, hyperlinks, and type-in boxes. Based on these five forms of input, BOFS derives the criteria presented in Figure 4 that can be additionally used to evaluate the complexity of online-forms: BOFS8a. Drop-down boxes Figure 4. Examples of the five input elements sourced from British Airways travel [2008]. In analysing the use of drop-down boxes within aform, thefollowingmeasures were employed: • Total number of drop down boxes in the online-form. • Total number of drop-down boxes that re - quire scrolling in the online-form. • Totalnumberofoptionsin drop-downboxes that require scrolling. Thenumberofdrop-downboxespresentedwith - in each form was recorded. In addition, the numberofdrop-downboxesthatdidnotpresent all options on the screen at the same time and required scrolling were also recorded. Where scrollingisrequired, thereisan expectationthat the end-user will be able to “find”, by requir - ing increased levels of inference and interpre - tation, the options they wish to select (ACE - R3). However, if the options are not presented at the same time, an extra demand is made on short term memory (ACE-R2) in that the end - user will have to “recall” the options and the associated interpretations/eliminations in rela - tion to each option. Thus, scrolling through a drop-down box, when all of the options are not visible on the screen, is likely to incur greater cognitive demands. The number of drop-down boxes containing a specific numberof optionswas also recorded to identify forms that used not only a high number of drop-down boxes, but also a high number of options. Selecting a responsefrom along listof options, all of which require some cognitive ef - fort is likely to incur greater cognitiveload than from a short list of options (ACE-R3). Table 2 provides an example of how this information wasdocumentedforaformcontainingatotalof 7 drop down boxes with 4 comprising 3 options and 3 comprising 7 options. A similar format was used for recording BOFS8b, BOFS8c, and BOFS8d. Number of drop-down boxes Number of options in drop-down boxes 7 4 X 3 3 X 7 Table 2. Number of drop-down boxes and options. BOFS8b. Radio buttons In analysing the use of radio buttons within a form, the following measures were employed:

266 Assessing Online-form Complexity for the Development of Assistive Technologies for Older Adults • Number of radio buttons in form • Numberofradiobuttonsgroupedbynumber of options The total number of questions requiring radio button input was recorded. If a “type-in” box was presented to capture end-user information (e. g. other. or if the end user has to justify their selection) this type-in box was included withinthetotalcountof“type-in”boxesas doc - umented below. The number of radio buttons containingaspecificnumberofoptionswasalso recorded to identify forms that used not only a high number of radio buttons, but also a high number of options. Selecting a response from a long list of options is likely to incur a pro - portionately greater cognitive load, in terms of interpreting and understanding and differentiat - ing between the specific meanings of each of the options (ACE-R3). In addition, increased cognitive load in terms of short memory would also occur if theuser has to hold in memory and understand all possible options, before he can choosethemostappropriateofthose(ACE-R2). BOFS8c. Check boxes In analysing the use of check boxes within a form, the following measures were employed: • Number of check boxes in a form • Number of check boxes grouped by number of options The total number of questions in each form re - quiring check box input was recorded. “type-in”boxwaspresentedtocaptureend-user information (e. g. other. or if the end user has tojustifytheirselection)thistype-inboxwasin - cluded within the total count of “type-in” boxes as documented below. The number of check boxes containing a specific number of options was also recorded to identify forms that used not only a high number of check boxes, but also a high number of options. Again, selecting a response from a long list of options, requires added cognitive effort, which is likely to incur greater cognitive load than from a short list of options, similar to the added effort required by BOFS8b (ACE-R2 and ACE-R3). BOFS8d. Hyperlinks/Buttons Inanalysingtheuseofhyperlinks/buttonswithin a form, thefollowingmeasures were employed: • Number of hyperlinks/buttons in form If a • Number of hyperlinks/buttons grouped by number of options The total number of questions/actions requir - ingaresponseviahyperlinks/buttonspresented within the entire form was recorded. The num - ber of hyperlinks/buttons containing a specific number of options was also recorded to iden - tify forms that used not only a high number of hyperlinks/buttons, but also a high number of options. Once again, selecting a response from a long list of options, all of which require some cognitive effort, is likely to incur greater cognitive load than from a short list of options (ACE-R2 and ACE-R3). Hyperlinks also have thepotentialofdisorientatingtheuserasittakes them to a different section of the form (ACE - R1). BOFS8e. Type-in box In analysing the use of type-in boxes within a form, the following measures were employed: • Number of type in boxes • Numberoftypeinboxesindicatingthatmore than one sentence/statement required. Here the total number of type-in boxes pre - sented throughout the form was recorded. In addition, thenumberoftype-inboxesthatwould typically require more than one sentence (e. g. indicated within the form by a large text box space, elsearequesttoprovidingajustification) was also recorded. Users required to complete type-in box answers may be required to main - tain attention for comparatively long periods of time (ACE-R1), compared with, for example, check box answers, they may also be required to recall information from memory if they are required to provide an elaborate, free-style an - swers (ACE-R2). 4.2. HTML 5, Web Forms 2.0 and Other Online Technologies Miller and Jarrett [2001] add a critical caveat to the selection of five types of forms element or data entry behaviour; namely “it is possible to create much more sophisticated forms with the useofothertechnologiessuchasJavaappletsor imagemapsembeddedin yourweb page”. This statement was made in 2001 and the increasing use of ActiveX components downloaded to Mi - crosoft’s Internet Explorer must be added to the

Assessing Online-form Complexity for the Development of Assistive Technologies for Older Adults 267 catalogue of “other” technologies. If BOFS is to be comprehensive, it cannot simply ignore the implications of this statement. Pragmati - cally, there is nothing a project like DIADEM can achieve where an application provider opts out of the standards and interoperability frame - work in order to deliver their own proprietary solutions. However, there is a need to consider whether these opt outs are forced because cate - gories identified above fail to cover something users will perceive as significant form naviga - tion or data entry behaviour. When it was developed, the W3C standards body considered the form <FORM> and in - put control elements in HTML 4.0 [W3C 1999] combined with hyperlinks, to be adequate for theneeds ofonlinetransactionsand forms ofall common types. However, W3C has reviewed the operation of the standard and the work - ing draft Web Forms 2.0 [W3C 2006] defines the proposed extensions to the <FORM> ele - ment in HTML 5. Most of the recommended changes are richer behaviour or different ren - derings of the operations described above that don’t change the user perception of form com - plexity. WebForms2.0doesrecommendtheadditionof a range control that can look like a slideror vol - ume control and variation on a numeric type-in box by adding count-up and count-down but - tons, an exampleofwhich can be seen in Figure 5. Figure 5. Slider control (left), count-up and count-down buttons (right). In terms of evaluating and comparing existing forms, the five input behaviours and criteria above appear to be adequate for a wide range of services and applications. However, in the medium to long-term, additional criteria within BOFS8 will be needed to deal with slider and spinner controls. 5. Utilising BOFS The BOFS criteria outlined in Section 4 were used during the course of the DIADEM project toassessonline-formsintheUK, Italy, Norway. The goal of the exercise was to identify repre - sentative online-forms for use in the DIADEM usertrials. Table3providesanexampleofeight online-form complexity records that were pro - ducedforarangeofcandidateUKonline-forms. The selection of the eight online-forms that would subsequently be analysed using BOFS, was carried out by the DIADEM research team, who set out to identify candidate online-forms that represent a range of web-services from the publicandprivatesectors, thatolder-adultsmay typically attempt to access within a home set - ting. Similar records were produced for Italian and Norwegian online-forms. Theeight online - formsselectedforthisstudyarepresentedinTa - ble 3. Figure 6 provides an example of a First Great Western (FW) online-form for booking train tickets [2009]. 5.1. Online-form Selection Procedure A procedure, using the BOFS criteria, that was carried out for identifying the most appropriate online-forms for use within the DIADEM user trials is now presented. The procedure was car - ried out in three stages, and is exemplified by referring to the eight online-form complexity records presented in Table 3. Stage one: Data collection. Data was col - lected for each of the BOFS criteria relating to a range of candidate online-forms. The col - lected data, representing the BOFS criteria for each candidate online-form, was then compiled into tabular format. This allowed researchers to carry out a comparison of the BOFS scores for each candidate online-form. Table 3 pro - vides an example of a completed table for eight online-form complexity records produced for eight online-forms assessed in this study. In the caseoftheDIADEMprojectintheUK, thepro - cess of collecting values for each of the BOFS criteria was carried out by two researchers. As a precautionary measure, the two researchers met prior to carrying out the main task, and scored two online-forms together so that indi - vidualunderstandingofthescoringcriteriamay be discussed and aligned, to ensure that there was mutual agreement on the meaning of each of the BOFS criteria. Researchers reported that this was a straightforward process, and that the BOFS criteria (as described above) were clear

268 Assessing Online-form Complexity for the Development of Assistive Technologies for Older Adults

BOFS1: No. of Pages in the form BOFS2: No. of pages requiring scrolling BOFS3: Provide current location BOFS4: Provide overall location BOFS5: No. of questions in the form BOFS6: Max No of possible responses BOFS7: No. of responses requiring additional information BOFS8a: No. of drop-down boxes in the form No. of drop-down boxes requiring scrolling No. of options in dropdown-boxes

BOFS8c: No. of check boxes in the form No. of options in check boxes 3 1x1 1x3 1x40 0 0 15 1 0 0 3 1x1 1x5 1x6 1 1x2 4 0 2 2x1 0 0 2 2x1 BOFS8d: No. of hyperlinks in the form No. of options in hyperlinks BOFS8e: No. of type-in boxes in the form No. of type-in boxes requiring more than one sentence Key: FW = First Great Western trains, ticket purchase (2009) JC = Job Centre Plus application (2008) SB = Sainsbury’s home shopping registration (2009) TC = Tesco’s home shopping registration (2009) LBH = London Borough of Hillingdon part time job vacancy application form (2008) EA = EAGA warm front grant application (2009) SCC = Sheffield City Council change of address form (2009) FBC = Fareham Borough Council disabled driver parking permit application form (2009) = Online-forms chosen based on respective criteria values (highest or joint highest values) 0 0 1 0 0 0 42 4 2 2x1 15 0 0 0 27 0 4 4x1 9 0 Table 3. Example complexity records for eight UK online-forms. and applicable to all online-forms reviewed as part of this task. Stage two: Comparing BOFS results. Mem - bers of the UK DIADEM research team, com - prising of two HCI experts from Brunel Uni - versity and two e-Inclusion consultants from Sheffield City Council, met to consider the val - uescollectedforeachBOFScomplexityrecords, and discussedtherelativecomplexityofeach of the respective online-forms. It should be noted that it is not the intention to total or combine the values generated for the BOFS complexity records, to produce cut-off scores that may be usedtoidentifyonline-formsthatare“complex” or “non-complex” per se, according to these to - tals. When we consider the almost unbounded number of online-forms that are presented on the web, it is unlikely that such cut-off val - ues may be accurately identified, and indeed the long-term value of identifying cut-off val - ues may also be questionable when considering the ever changing nature of online-form con -

Assessing Online-form Complexity for the Development of Assistive Technologies for Older Adults 269 tent. The intended use of the BOFS complexity record is to serve as an aid in the decision mak - ing process, by providing a range of values that indicatehowcomplexan online-formisaccord - ingtothefiveACE-Rcognitiveimpairmentcat - egories. Thesescoresmaybetakenintoconsid - eration when identifying an appropriate sample of online-forms for use within subsequent user trials, but may not be the only criteria taken into account. Indeed, which online-forms are most appropriate for a given set of user tri - als, will be defined by the research question that a given study is concerned with exploring. BOFS values are intended to provide insight into the complexity of online-forms according to the five ACE-R cognitive impairment cate - gories. Ultimately, it is the researcher’s deci - sion, which online-forms are most appropriate fortheirstudy. Forexample, itmaybetheinten - tion of the researcher to identify online-forms that are specifically complex according to one particular cognitive impairment category, such as attention and orientation (ACE-R1). In this scenario, it may be the case that online-forms that achieve a comparatively high score for the ACE-R1 category, and lower scores on the re - mainingACE-Rcategories, couldbeconsidered as most appropriate for subsequent use within user trials. Alternatively, as was thecase for the DIADEMproject, researchers aimedtoidentify online-forms that were likely to be perceived as complex in all five ACE-R cognitive im - pairment categories. Hence, online-forms that scored highly in all of these categories were considered as more appropriate candidates for inclusion in subsequent user trials. Ultimately, the researchers considered the re - quirements of the task at hand, and used the BOFS criteria values, to aid in the process of identifying appropriate online-forms. Specif - ically in the context of the DIADEM project in the UK, “round the table” discussions were held, comparing and contrasting the BOFS cri - teria values generated for eight online-forms. The actual online-forms used to populate the BOFS table were also made available during these discussions, and perused by the team of researchers as was seen necessary. Since each oftheBOFScriteriarepresented afeatureofthe online-form that was likely to present a chal - lenge to cognitively impaired older-adult users, the higher the score for each BOFS criteria, the higher the complexity of the online-form was considered to be for each respective criterion. Stage three: Selecting appropriate online - forms. The team of researchers made a final selection of candidate online-forms to be used intheusertrials based on theBOFS criteriaval - uesandtheneedsoftheproject. Asanexample, in the context of the DIADEM project, the goal was to identify online-forms that presented the highest level of complexity for the users, so that a comprehensive range of DIADEM sys - tem requirements may be derived when users Figure 6. First Great Western ticket booking forms (A) opening page, (B) subsequent booking screen.

270 Assessing Online-form Complexity for the Development of Assistive Technologies for Older Adults interacted with the online-formsduring usertri - als. The DIADEM team also had the provi - sor that online forms chosen for the user trials should contain a wide variety of input mecha - nisms (drop-down boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, hyperlinks and type-in boxes) as noted by BOFS 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, and 8e. Based on the eight example online-form com - plexityrecords presented in Table 3, no individ - ual online-form appeared to achieve the highest score for all BOFS criteria. Consequently, it was necessary to select a combination of the eight online-forms to ensure that the online - forms used in the trials achieved comparatively high scores for all BOFS criteria categories. As aresultitwasapparentthatselectingtwoonline - forms out of the eight would ensure that com - paratively high values would be achieved for all BOFS criteria. These were the First Great Western trains, ticket purchase [2009] (FW) and London Borough of Hillingdon employ - mentapplication[2008](LBH).TheFWonline - formachievedthehighestorjointhighestBOFS complexity scores in terms of BOFS1, BOFS2, BOFS8a, BOFS8c, and BOFS8d, in which it scored highest or joint highest for all of these criteria. The London Borough of Hillingdon employment application [2008] (LBH) online - form did not provide detail relating to current location (BOFS3) or overall location (BOFS4) hencemakingtheformfillingprocessmorecog - nitively challenging, and scored highest on the BOFS criteria that the FW online-form did not score highest on, these being BOFS5, BOFS6, BOFS8b, and BOFS8e. Therefore, based on the observation that the combination of these online-forms would result in users being ex - posed to online-form content that achieved the highest BOFS values within a trials setting, these two online-forms were deemed as being most appropriate for use within a DIADEM tri - als setting, given the need to expose users to complex online-forms for the purposes of the DIADEM project. 6. Lessons Learned Developing BOFS was particularly challenging due to the lack of existing online-form com - plexity knowledge presented in existing litera - ture specific to the cognitively impaired older adult user group. As a result, it was necessary to adopt a pragmatic and innovative method - ological stance to overcome this challenge, and developBOFS. In this section, wereflect on the effectivenessofBOFSinthelightoftherequire - ments of the DIADEM project and consider the methodological guidelines based on the experi - ence of carrying out this research activity. 6.1. Effectiveness of BOFS BOFS has successfully been used within the context of the DIADEM project. There have been a number of benefits associated with us - ing such criteria within the DIADEM project. These are as follows: • Having a set of criteria that can be used to tangibly represent the relative complexity of arangeofonline-formsasopposedto, forex - ample, running a separate set of trials to es - tablishcomplexityhas been ofgreat valueto the project. Not least, it has meant that time andresourcesavingshavebeenmade, which have been put into good use elsewhere, such asrunningextensiveusertrialsforfunctional and usability requirements capture. • BOFS have provided a standardised mea - sure of online-form complexity, which has proved to be applicable to a wide range of online-forms regardless of subject content or language. This has been a great benefit to the project, particularly when consider - ing that the DIADEM project is running in three European countries. The use of BOFS has meant that all members of the team have been able to gain insight into the relative complexity of online-forms, regardless of the language the online-form was originally presented in. As a result, this has helped to ensure consistency across partner coun - tries, in terms of the types and complexity of online-forms used within the respective trials. • BOFShasprovidedtangibleandcomparable criteria of online-form complexity, which has meant that the risks of potential ambigu - ity and subjectivity when assessing online - formcomplexityhasbeenmanagedandcon - siderably reduced. Having said this, subjec - tive judgments have been taken, but these have been as a group, during the final selec - tion stages of the assessment process, and therefore we feel the margin for error has

Assessing Online-form Complexity for the Development of Assistive Technologies for Older Adults 271 been reduced. The clearly structured com - plexity criteria presented within BOFS, en - suredthatthegroupdecisionmakingprocess could be carried out with an added level of clarity and mutual understanding. • BOFS is also useful for measuring online - form complexity specific to the older adult user group. This is something that does not appear to have been done as yet in exist - ing research, and thus has proved extremely valuable given the needs of the DIADEM project, as it would likely to be for new re - searchintoevaluatingtheusabilityofonline - form content for older adults. • Since all criteria are recorded, BOFS has the added benefit of providing a dimension of traceability of selection results, that oth - erwise would not be available via other as - sessmentmethods. Thismaybeofparticular value in future research activity that builds on the activity carried out on the DIADEM project. 6.2. Methodological Guidelines A number of lessons were learned as a result of designing and co-ordinating the collabora - tive consensus building activity carried out to develop the BOFS criteria. These may be con - sidered as the following methodological guide - lines: • Recruitmentofappropriatelyexperiencedand knowledgeableexpertpanelmembersispara - mount to the feasibility of carrying out con - sensus building activity. reaching network of partner organisations thatpossessarangeofappropriateexpertise, aswasthecasefortheDIADEMproject, em - barking on such an activity should be care - fullyconsideredagainsttheeffortthatwould be required to recruit such members. • It is important to recruit panel members that are motivated and committed to the consen - sus building task. Prior to meeting, panel members are expected to invest time and re - sources into orientating themselves with the task at hand, which includes reading and un - derstanding a range of information related to the task. Without motivation and com - mitment to the task, it is unlikely that the timeand resource overhead would be appro - priately catered for by panel members. In Without a wide the case of this study, a key success factor was that panel members were already DIA - DEM consortium members, and hence had a vested interest in the success of the DIA - DEM project. • Maintaining clear and regular communica - tion with panel members prior to the con - sensus building meeting is a critical success factor. Inparticular, membersoftenrequired support and assistance in orientating them - selves with the nature of the task, and ensur - ing that their understanding of the nature of the task was aligned with other panel mem - bers. Considerable effort should be invested inensuringthatpanelmembersareappropri - ately supported prior to meeting and that all queries are answered and issues discussed, so as to ensure that maximum progress is made on the day of meeting. • Allmembersshouldbeprovidedwithappro - priate background material prior to meeting. This ensures that all members are equally well informed, and able to effectively com - municatewitheach otherinan informedand mutually comprehensible fashion. case of the DIADEM experience, this was particularly important, since experts from a range of areas of expertise were members of the review panel. • In terms of the numberofmembers involved in the process, we found that a panel of 12 experts was sufficientlylow in numberto al - low each individualparticipant to contribute individually to the proceedings. However, this did not occur naturally, it is importantto have a designated facilitator, to ensure that the process is mediated and a sufficiently balanced discussion occurs, taking into ac - count all experts opinions. In the 7. Conclusions In this paper, a need has been identified, for the development of criteria that serve as a means of assessment of online-form complexity for the older adult user group. As a result, the BOFS criteria have been developed and presented. To demonstrate how the BOFS criteria can be used within a real world context, the procedure em - ployed to assess online-form complexity on the DIADEM project was then presented. Finalmente,

272 Assessing Online-form Complexity for the Development of Assistive Technologies for Older Adults the benefits of utilising the BOFS criteria as an aid to identifying complex online-forms within the context of the DIADEM project have been discussed and methodological guidelines have been presented relating to the experiences of carrying out a consensus building task with ex - pert panel members. BOFS has been particu - larly useful as an aid to evaluating the online - form complexity specific to the older adult user group. Thisissomethingthatdoesnotappearto have been done as yet in the existing literature, and thus was extremely valuable in meeting the needs of the DIADEM project and achieving DIADEM project goals. To date, BOFS cri - teria values have been generated for a range of online-form content in three languages have whichhasalsodemonstratedthatBOFSappears to be a versatile and applicable in a wide range of contexts. References [1] Administration, U. S. G. S. Section 508 Standards, (1998). [2] M. S. ALBERT, C. R. SAVAGE, D. BLAZER, K. JONES, L. BERKMAN, T. SEEMAN AND J. W. ROWE, Pre - dictors of cognitive change in older persons: MacArthur studies of successful aging. Psychol - ogy and Aging 10, 4 (1995), 578–598. [3] A. ARCH, Web Accessibility for Older Users: A Literature Review, (W3C2008). [4] B. F. ATKINSON, T, O. BENNET, G. S. BAHR AND M. W. NELSON, Developmentof a Multiple HeuristicE - valuating Table (MHET) to Support Software De - velopmentandUsabilityAnalysis. Springer, Hiedel - berg, (2007). [5] M. BAYLES, Designing online banner advertise - ments: should we animate? ACM Press (2002), 363–366. [6] N. M. M. BLACK, D. LAMPING, M. MCKEE, C. SANDERSON, J. ASKHAM AND T. MARTEAU, Con - sensus development methods: practice in creating clinical guidelines. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 4, 4 (1999), 236–248. a review of best [7] British-Airways British Airways travel pages, British Airways, (2008). [8] T. BUXTON, A. TARRELL ANDA. FRUHLING, Heuris - tic Evaluation of Mission-Critical Software Using a Large Team. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidel - berg,(2009). [9] A. CHEVALIER AND N. BONNARDEL, Articulation of web site design constraints: Effects of the task and designers’expertise. ComputersinHumanBehavior 23, 5 (2007), 2455–2472. [10] H. CHRISTENSEN, What cognitive changes can be expected with normal ageing? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 35 (2001), 768–775. [11] T. CRIBBINANDC. CHEN, Exploringcognitiveissues in visual information retrieval. IOS Press (2001), 166–173. [12] E. DEKOCK, J.VANBILJON ANDM. PRETORIUS, Us - ability evaluation methods: Mind the gaps, ACM Press, Johannesburg, South Africa (2009). [13] Disability-Rights-Commission Inclusive design – A report by RICAbility (2005). [14] S. M. DRUCKER, A. GLATZER, S. DE MAR, AND C. WONG, SmartSkip: consumer level browsing and skipping of digital video content. ACM Press (2002), 219–226. [15] S. T.DUMAIS, E. CUTTRELL ANDH. CHEN, Bringing order to the web: optimizing search by showing results in context. ACM Press (2002), 277–283. [16] EAGA-Group Warm front application form, EAGA Group (2009). [17] K. V. ECHT, Designing Web-Based Health Informa - tion for Older Adults: Visual Considerations and Design Directives, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc, Hillsdale, NJ, USA, (2001). [18] A. FAABORG AND D. SCHWARTZ, Using Distributed Heuristic Evaluation to Improve Usability of Open Source Software. ACM Press, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, (2010). [19] Fareham-Borough-Council Application form for disabled driver’s parking bay, Fareham, (2009). [20] S. FERNANDO, A.G. MONEY, A.D. ELLIMAN ANDL. LINES, Developing Assistive Web-base Technolo - gies for Adults with Age Related Cognitive Impair - ments, Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy. Transforming Government: Process and Policy 3, 2, (2009), 131–143. People, [21] First-Great-Western Train ticket purchase, First - Great-Western (2009). [22] M. F.FOLSTEIN, S.E. FOLSTEINANDP. R.MCHUGH, “Mini-mental state”: A practical method for grad - ing the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. Journal of Psychiatric Research 12, 3, (1975), 189–198. [23] E. FROKJAER AND K. HORNBAEK, MetaphorsofHu - man Thinking for Usability Inspection and Design. ACM Transactions on Human-Computer Interac - tion 14, 4, (2008), 20–33. [24] M. FUCHSBERGER, Ambient Assisted Living: El - derly People’s Needs and How to Face Them. ACM Press, (31 October 2008), 21–24. [25] D. HAWTHORN, Possible implications of aging for interface designers. Interacting with Computers 12, 5, (2000), 507–528.

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Money Department of Information Systems and Computing Brunel University Uxbridge, UB8 3PH UK e-mail: arthur. money@brunel. ac. uk DR ARTHUR G. MONEY received his MSc in Distributed Informa - tion Systems from Brunel University in 2000 before working as an e-Business Technology Consultant forOracle Corporation. Hereturned to academia in 2004 and received his PhD in Human Computer Inter - action from Brunel University in 2007. Since then, he has worked as a Research Fellow within the Department of Information Systems and Computing at Brunel University. Arthur is a professional member of the British Computer Society and his research interests include multi - media computing, human factors and user-centred design methods for the development and evaluation of interactive systems for improving quality of life. DR SENAKA FERNANDO joined the School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics at Brunel University in the UK as a Re - search Fellow in 2001. He holds a PhD in Information Systems (Brunel University) and is a professional member of the British Computer So - ciety. He has research interests related to organisational aspects of information systems, technology enabled service transformations in governments, health information systems, and diffusion of innovations. Senaka has published his work in a number of leading journals and con - ferences. Prior to returning to the academia and education, he worked in engineering and healthcare organisations for several years. DR LORNA LINES joined the Department of Information Systems and Computing at Brunel University in 2000 as a full time researcher and part time PhD student, contributing to the multimodal-user interface design for the Millennium Home Project, which is led by Professor Heinz Wolff. In 2003, Lorna was awarded her PhD and appointed as a Lecturer in Information Systems and Computing at Brunel University. She has collaborated on a range of international research projects, and has recently been a co-investigator on the EU (FP6) DIADEM project, whichaimstoenable older adults toaccess government andcommercial services, while supporting independent living. More generally, Lorna’s research interests focus on the design and development of innovative, multimodal system interfaces for older adults to support and maintain independent living. DR TONY ELLIMAN gained his Doctorate for research in medical infor - mation systems in 1989 and is now a Reader in Information Systems Architecture at Brunel University. His research interests are in the architecture and evaluation of information systems within the public sector and in particular the development of effective systems to sup - port knowledge work. He co-ordinated the EU funded international project DIADEM and was a co-investigator in the Virtual Institute for Electronic Government Research (VIEGO). He is a regular conference chair and serves on the editorial boards ofboth the Journal of Enterprise Information Systems and Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy. Dr Elliman gained his original degree in electronics and electrical engineering while working with ICL before becoming a com - puter science lecturer in 1972. As a registered Chartered Engineer and Chartered IT Professional he has provided software development and consultancy services to government, the health sector, academic and private sector organizations, including DERA and the EU Commission.

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Babies R Us

return policy

They Not Only Won't Take it back without a receipt but even if you have a receipt they will only give you "store credit". Full story Below:

To start the weekend out it was awesome! We had a great baby shower and got lots of gifts. Scott and I decided to take some of the gifts back "luxury" gifts not have to haves back to the store since we had both a receipt and gift receipt. Had the whole sha-bang folks Dad made sure we had everything we needed to take it back to the store!

So I pile it all in the car and we go for a trip to BabiesRUs, now do not forget folks we live in the desert so its a 20 min plus drive to get to the mall. Anyway we go into the store and the girls up front where as sweet as can be helping us return the items. Total items taken back was $220.00. Lots of money right. Well we planned on spending most of it at BabiesRUs but wanted to save at least some of it just in case Walmart or Target had something cheaper. So with the receipt what did I expect back. Well of course cash. Am I crazy to expect that. I didn't think so I had all receipts and they insisted that I could only get store credit. So my next question of course is why. When I have my receipt in hand both gift and the real receipt why can't I get cash back.

All the girl could say was "it is policy with a gift receipt". I asked why. If someone bought me a gift from your store and i decided I didn't want anything from your store and had the receipt why am I forced to buy something from your store. Because its policy is not a good enough answer for me. I can take a gift receipt into Target, Best Buy and Walmart and get cash back why should any other store be different. A receipt is a receipt someone gave them the money I got the gift, I now don't want the gift so I want the money instead. Not a hard concept people!

So of course I am really upset by now and asked to speak to the manager. So the nice girls call the manager Janelle to the front. Scott and I are waiting there playing with the kids. I should probably mention at this time they took everything from my cart and put it back where ever it came from.

Waiting this lady comes up Scott and I both look at her and man did she look pissed. She had the dirtiest look on her face and Scott and I both said gosh I hope thats not her! Well guess what it was. So for a minute or so she talked to the front girls then asked what the problem was. So I explained my issue on store credit when I had my receipts, before I could even finish a sentence she interrupted me more than once telling me " we do not give cash back on anything", "we do not give cash back to credit card purchases" then she says "we don't give cash back on checks", then it was "we don't give cash back on gift receipts", my personal favorite guys was "well no store gives back cash back on gift receipts not even Target". Ok so tell me how the last one was relevant, so I nicely let her know that she was not correct I had just taken something back to Target with a gift receipt a few weeks ago, Scott then proceeds to tell her that Best Buy gives cash back for gift receipts. (Not that any of that had anything to do with anything but anyway). So then Scott begins to talk to her and she cuts him off more than once and Scott got mad. He told her "Are you gonna shut your fucking mouth bitch so I can finish what I am saying". The look on her face was priceless but it didn't work no shutting her up. She then proceeds to tell us " I Refuse Service I am not Helping You". So I tell her OK then give me my items back, she then tells me "No I Refuse Service". She then said "Please leave" (Everyone I was shocked she was not only refusing service she was not going to give back the gifts I brought in to return, well you know me I do not tolerate that) I then told her she has 2 options she is either going to give me the cash back or my fucking items back. So as everyone quickly scrambles Scott asks her for her managers name, phone number, and information she says " NO I am not giving that to you". Then Scott said "Bullshit you are going to give me the name of the information of the person you answer to". She said "Marco Ebrum" that may not be spelt right sorry. She refused to give us the telephone # or any other information I do not even know if she gave us the correct name.

So now that this has happened I am on a mission to spread the word! I will NEVER buy anything from BabiesRUs again, I am extremely upset how I was treated. She was not interested in hearing anything I had to say and was really rude. Its pretty bad folks when my husband and I have to raise our voices to get someones attention. She could not believe it but you tell me what we where suppose to to especially when she refused to give me my stuff back. I have worked in Customer Support for years and I have my own business and even if my customer is not totally right I NEVER treat them that way. I do what I can to resolve the problem and make it right even if its a compromise. I do not assert my authority to any of them as this women insisted on doing tonight. Talk about a pissing contest all I wanted was for someone to actually help me not tell me its policy and she didn't even say she was sorry, damn sorry goes a long way, if she even just attempted to give a shit it would have went a long way but she didn't and even worse she didn't care. If any of my managers ever talked to any of my customers that way I would fire their ass on the spot!

So my final thoughts on this is I will NEVER shop at BabiesRUs again. I am not stuck with items that I can use but that are not a absolute must for the baby, I may not even open some of them. So tell me how should I feel. Upset. Well ya just a little right. LOL No I am very angry! This is just the first of many blog posts about BabiesRUs. I am an internet marketer and know how to get the word across all over the net!

I guess an email to an executive is in order I hope I can find the information of a big wig on top because I am extremely upset on how I was treated!

The Best TV Providers

Biggest Cable TV Provider

Best Streaming Device

It’s not a new story: Bundle your TV with internet and maybe a landline; spend extra to rent a box that can record your favorite shows; and wind up paying more than you want for a ton of stuff you don’t. The best TV providers should be reliable and user-friendly when you’re finding shows to watch, and hassle-free when you’re doing anything else, but we’ve all heard enough about lousy customer service and second-year pricing tiers to know it’s more American Horror Story than Happy Endings . Too often your only option is to subscribe to the status quo or stay out of the loop. If status quo is okay with you, your least worst option is DirecTV .

But with the growth in availability (and popularity) of streaming options, traditional TV is no longer a non-negotiable. Take a look at a recent list of Emmy and Golden Globe nominees, and you’ll see that some of the best television is only available on streaming and premium channels. But can streaming really take on Big TV?

Our Picks for the Best TV Provider (and the Best Streaming Device)

OK, full disclosure: We ultimately recommend most people cut the cord and vive la vida streaming. But we get that not everyone’s quite ready to break up with what’s been (kind of) working for so long, so we started by taking a look at the largest providers in satellite, cable, and fiber optic to see which had the most to offer at the best price. We kept our search simple, only comparing providers that had nationwide reach (or as close to it as possible). Streaming and satellite have solved the problem of nationwide availability — the internet is basically everywhere — but cable companies and fiber optic networks still require a cable or a cord leading down your block and into your living room wall. They’re either in your neighborhood or they aren’t.

Least Worst Traditional Provider (and Best for Sports Lovers)

DirecTV If dipping below 100 channels just isn’t going to happen, DirecTV satellite is your best option.

DirecTV offers six different two-year package plans, plus individual premium channels you can add on or remove at will. The smallest channel package (145-plus channels) starts at $20 a month for a year, then bumps up to $52. The most comprehensive (and expensive) option is $90 a month for 315-plus channels for the first year, which then increases to $145 a month. But DirecTV’s ace in the hole is its sports offerings: exclusive sports-centric packages like NFL Sunday Ticket, comprehensive search functionality, and features like Picture-in-Picture.

DISH Network, the other satellite provider, lets you lock your introductory price ($50 a month for 190-plus channels) for three years, and overall its packages are a bit less expensive. But in our experience, DirecTV lives up to its good customer service reputation — it has a policy for offering deals and special rates for long-term customers, rather than continually hiking up the price if you’re not ready to fight (ahem, Comcast). Plus, in mid 2017, DirecTV merged with AT&T. making bundling discounts available for the first time.

DirecTV receivers can store over 200 hours of programming, can record five shows at once, and allow you to watch shows that aired in the last 72 hours, even if you didn’t record them. And while DISH can boast about the Hopper, which conveniently auto-skips commercials, DirecTV remotes offer multiple fast-forwarding speeds and 30-second jumps. The DirecTV interface is smooth; the recording makes sense; and if you want to make the most out of having all those channels by, say, automatically recording everything Steve Buscemi has ever been in, you can program that pretty easily too.

Satellite television is truly the only nationwide provider (Comcast cable, the next closest thing, only offers service in 41 states), but because DirecTV requires you to install a satellite, it’s really only an option if you own the place in which you live, have your landlord’s permission, or live in a building that already has a dish hooked up.

Best If You Can Get It

Verizon FiOS Fios is better cable: crisper quality and faster download speeds, even during winter storms.

Verizon Fios is currently the only provider to offer 100 percent fiber-optic digital television to its customers, and even though it’s only available in a whopping 13 states, it trounces AT&T U-verse and CenturyLink Prism in reach.

The best way to describe Fios is “better cable.” Better because of crisper quality, faster download speeds, and imperviousness to winter storms. Cable because, while its Premium Service plan can record up to 12 shows at once and store more than 200 hours of programming, the standard Fios TV and DVR options closely resemble a standard cable package: similar channels, a similar interface. The most interesting thing about Verizon Fios is its $65 customizable TV package — for $10 less than its 245-channel plan, you can have as few channels as you want!

Biggest Cable TV Provider

Comcast XFINITY If you can only get cable, it'll likely be the 41-state juggernaut Comcast, which has the largest national reach.

Comcast's packages are standard, with local channels coming in at $28 a month, 140 channels at $45 a month for the first year, and 260 channels at $100 a month for the first year.

Its newest gadget, the X1 DVR, has 500GB of storage (enough for hundreds of shows) and the ability to record up to five shows at once. Its remote features voice search, which will crawl live TV, On Demand, and your recordings for whatever you want to watch. Coolest of all, it boasts the ability to make recommendations based on what you watch frequently, and claims you can ask it, “What should I watch next?”

The downside: X1 DVR is only available when you bundle it with internet — and a home phone. Who wants a home phone. The price for all three is $90 a month for a two-year contract — but you only get the X1 for one year at that price. These kinds of stipulations won’t be a surprise for anyone aware of Comcast’s less-than-shiny reputation.

Best Streaming Device

Roku 3 Ready to cut the cord? The Roku 3 is the best device to do it.

If you want to go straight into streaming cold turkey, the Roku 3 is the best way to do it. With traditional TV, you can usually do one search and it will tell you if that program or movie is currently playing, scheduled to air, On Demand, or available for purchase from your provider. Streaming devices should make searching just as easy — if not more so.

The Roku 3 searches across all your streaming apps to help you find if the program you want to watch is available for free anywhere. The Roku 2 does this as well, but the 3 features voice search functionality: no more scrolling around an alphabet grid with only the remote’s directional pad. That being said, Apple TV’s Siri has Roku’s voice search beat — we tried searching Sister Act and the Roku 3 always thought we said “restaurant” — and allows for episode-to-episode specificity and questions like, “Who’s in Sister Act ?” One thing Apple TV won’t do though: search Amazon Instant Video.

What makes Roku so easy to recommend? It doesn’t have (as much of) an agenda. Unlike most other devices out there, it isn’t part of an existing mobile ecosystem. Die-hard Apple fans may find it easiest and most aesthetically satisfying to invest in the Apple TV. Android users tend to prefer the Chromecast, as it automatically refers you to the Google Play store to make purchases. If you’re an Amazon devotee, its Fire TV seems like a no-brainer. We think the Roku 3 beats them all — it searches every streaming service with a cool carte blanche.

Granted, the Roku remote has four easy buttons that go to Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, Rdio (now Pandora), and Hulu (although some remotes have a Sling button). If a movie is unavailable for free, it defaults to suggesting you rent or buy it from Amazon (or its pre-loaded M-Go app); but it won’t ever fail to tell you when there’s a way to watch what you want for free. The other slight hiccup is that you can install the app for HBO’s standalone subscription, HBO NOW, but the device searches and pulls from the HBO GO app, which requires you to log in through a traditional TV provider. Not a deal breaker by any means, but it adds an extra step of having to search HBO GO to see if the movie you want is available first, before you switch to the HBO NOW app to watch it.

Another cool feature unique to the Roku 3 (and 4) is the remote’s headphone jack. It might seem silly, but it comes in handy if you can’t sleep and really need to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation without disturbing anyone else. It would make sense for the Chromecast to have this feature — your phone or tablet acts as the remote — but the audio automatically “casts” to your TV.

Roku has five device options in a range of price points: from $50 for the Streaming Stick to $130 for the Roku 4. The extra features on the $100 Roku 3 are worth the investment, but only step it up to the Roku 4 if you anticipate a lot of 4K Ultra HD movies in your future — or you really want a remote finder.

Now is a great time to cut the cord.

The future of digital television is cordless. In fact, Neil Landau, associate director of screenwriting for television at UCLA and author of TV Outside the Box: Trailblazing in the Digital Television Revolution . notes, “For those under 30, the notion of ‘cord cutting’ is irrelevant because most never even had a cord. They're known as ‘cord nots.’”

As recently as six or seven years ago, though, deciding to give up on traditional TV providers meant watching movies on your laptop while trying not to burn your lap. But then tablets and gaming consoles started offering ways to stream. And as streaming apps gained momentum, those tablets and consoles begat devices specifically designed to stream. And here we are: at the brink of the end of cable, staring into a future of streaming.

“Broadcast networks and basic cable will continue to offer both SVOD (subscription) and AVOD (advertising) options. I foresee an on-demand world in which you turn on your TV and see a whole bunch of apps. The viewer chooses when, how, and what to watch. But the networks will also offer an autoplay option, meaning that when you click on their app, something will be automatically streaming. You can just stay and watch what's on, or choose what you want to watch.”

You alone have to decide which pieces of the Old World you’re willing to sacrifice, but streaming is better than it’s ever been and only looking up. You can watch your shows on a wide range of devices, from the Siri-powered Apple TV experience to the minimalist, phone-controlled Chromecast. Apps are improving, with Sling TV as one of the first apps to stream live TV (unfortunately without the pause-and-rewind flexibility of traditional TV’s DVRs). And shockingly, CBS now has CBS All-Access, a streaming-only option to view its content. It won’t be long before other network channels adapt.

You only need four things to cut the cord.

All it takes: reliable internet, a TV with HDMI ports, a streaming device, and subscriptions to the apps you want. Depending on your device, you might also need an HDMI cable.

These are the big ones, plus some worth noting:

But cord cutting is all about having access to the shows you care about. We’ve compiled a few of the cheapest cord-cutting bundles for common TV-watching habits.

Movie Lover Verdict: Cut the cord $33–$37/month for Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, Hulu, HBO Now, and Lifetime Movie Club

Sports Fan Verdict: Don’t cut Depending on your sport, there are some apps that don't require provider logins, but feature monthly or annual subscription fees. And even subscription services are sometimes subject to complicated blackout policies. If you’re looking to make cord-cutting work, the best bet here is to add on an indoor antenna and snag a Sling subscription starting at $20/month.

Family Verdict: Cut the cord $24/month for Netflix and HBO Now, which has Sesame Street. Augment with the free shows from PBS Kids, Nick, and YouTube Kids.

Classic Television Verdict: Cut the cord $18/month for Netflix and Amazon Instant Video

Trend Watcher Verdict: Toss up $45/month for just about everything: Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, commercial-free Hulu, and HBO Now; add in a la carte shows from Amazon and the price might rival DirecTV or cable.

Reality TV Junkie Verdict: Don’t cut $8/month for Hulu might get you some shows, but there aren’t many relevant apps that don’t require a TV provider login, yet.

Binge Watcher Verdict: Cut $18/month for Netflix and Amazon Instant Video, and watch older seasons of HBO in long stretches using the Amazon subscription.

There are pros to cutting the cord.

The shows that are winning awards and generating buzz are mostly originals, exclusive to streaming apps.

Landau explains, “The word ‘hit’ has changed from the widest possible demographic to buzz-worthy niche shows that are provocative and encourage a ‘global water cooler conversation’ via social media.” If you care at all about what’s current (as well as what’s good), chances are you’ve already got one foot streaming.

There are now enough options available to make cord-cutting feasible.

And just in time, because the cost of cable and satellite is steadily climbing. Most major providers bumped up their rates between $2 and $10 a month in 2017, bringing the average monthly cost of TV to $99. Even with the price of internet, subscribing to a couple of streaming apps and purchasing select shows a la carte (typically about $30 per season) will usually net out less. Having a robust option to pick and choose makes sense — Nielsen reports that we only watch an average of 17 channels, leaving about 120 in a cable package we just ignore.

There are no commercials.

This isn’t news — but beyond dollar bills, commercial-free viewing is the most tangible difference between streaming services and traditional television. Landau says networks have no choice but to fall in line. “I call it Digital Darwinism,” he explains. “Can ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox remain relevant and competitive? Sure — if they have shows worth watching that are also available without commercials for a subscription fee. Once you grow accustomed to ad-free and having the option to binge a whole season, it's hard to go back to the old-school method of once a week, constant commercial interruption, and censorship via Standards & Practices.”

And there are cons, too.

There’s still one cord: the internet.

Landau reminds us that, “Cord cutting is kind of a misnomer because, even without a digital or cable service provider, you still need a cable connection to connect to the internet.” And internet costs are likely to adapt alongside the increase in streaming. Amanda Lotz, a professor and television and media scholar at the University of Michigan, says, “The margins are much better on internet service. Providers have begun to try to shift to a usage-based billing norm (like most mobile phones have), which will allow them to charge more for internet for those who are watching TV that way.” Streamers will have no choice but to face the costs — internet that can keep up with what you want to stream without pausing to buffer is a necessity.

Streaming costs can add up.

If you want it all, you could end up paying a lot for a la carte shows without realizing it: HBO NOW for Game of Thrones . a Starz add-on for Outlander . an Amazon Prime subscription for Transparent . Hulu for Broad City . a Sling TV app for sports, Netflix for Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt . CBS All Access for the current season of Survivor . and YouTube Red because, at this point, why not? Tally it up and you’re up to about $70 every month — not including the cost of internet.

“Honestly, the cost savings of the new services aren't fantastic if you subscribe to many. The gain in accessing over broadband is more the ability to view ‘on demand’ and without commercials.”

Sports lovers get a raw deal.

So do awards show-lovers and reality TV-lovers, but Landau says it’s really because of live events that ad-based television will survive. “Nobody wants to watch a sports event after the fact,” he says. “It's meant to be viewed live. There will be more online viewing options in the future, but even this year the Super Bowl was available to watch live online. However, the vast majority of viewers watched on broadcast TV. Most of us actually look forward to those commercials.”

But generally, streaming is cheaper in the long run.

Plus, it’s easier to change your options to more of what you want, and less of what you don’t want, even on a month-to-month basis. Once you nail down a good monthly rate for internet, streaming subscription services cost $8 to $20 each per month, and buying a show to download (and own) from iTunes, Amazon, or the Google Play Store costs about $30.

For sports fans and big, multi-viewer households, it may still be cheaper — and a better viewing experience — to go with a provider like DirecTV and bundle with internet. Plans average $99 a month, but can swing as low as $50 a month.

Hybrid plans (a little from column A, a little from column B) are also an option and a way to ease the transition. We recommend you purchase an indoor HD antenna for about $10, or nab one in a package with a streaming device like Chromecast. This will give you (sometimes fuzzy) access to local channels and thereby a lot of live TV events you’d miss streaming. A local-channel-only package from a TV provider costs about $10 a month, plus the cost of renting a receiver, but reception is likely to be more reliable.

La línea de fondo

Old habits die hard, but for most of us, cutting the cord is the best option looking forward. If your TV is mostly tuned into sports — or if you need to satisfy lots of viewers with different tastes — you may want to stick it out with DirectTV or your local cable option until streaming options catch up.

(news & commentary)

We can pretty much expect Nikon to report continued profits for the past quarter next month (Canon already did), and the rest of the camera companies may be reporting slightly better news than expected, too. ¿Por qué? Simple: they stuffed the channel in March. Okay, they may have also reduced their costs slightly, too.

The CIPA numbers indicate increased shipments in March pretty much across the board, even in compact cameras. Retail sales numbers show drops in most categories. The production numbers tell a slightly different story, too, with compacts significantly down and only 54% of last year’s March numbers.

Coupled with an average selling price increase also almost across the board, it appears that the Japanese companies were trying to get their quarterly numbers up as high as possible to disguise the more troubling trends.

First, the current graphs:

2017 Q1 for mirrorless was 116% compared to last year, but for DSLRs it was 82%. Canon and Nikon seemed to have put just enough product into the channel to keep their numbers showing only slight drops once the average selling price is figured in. As for the mirrorless gains, remember that mirrorless is highly popular in Japan. Unfortunately, starting this month the sales tax increased in Japan, making buying a camera there more expensive, and everyone was pushing product last quarter in anticipation of lower sales in the future (see Canon results, below). The US still seems to be the exception when it comes to mirrorless, with shipments down to less than 20k units in March and only 58% year-to-year. But even our appetite for DSLRs is waning year-to-year, too, while DSLR shipments to Asia were double what they were to the US in March (which could just be selling into the gray market, not actual sales to Asian customers).

This is the point in the year where I do my yearly forecast of units:

Compacts: 28-30m units (CIPA forecast is 33.8m)

Mirrorless: 2.8-3m units

DSLRs: 10m units (CIPA forecast for Mirrorless+DSLR is 14.2m units)

My forecasts are based on the assumption that the Japanese companies are also able to reduce the dealer inventories of older generation products significantly. At the current or higher selling prices, the channel won’t stand any more stuffing. Of course, if someone has a breakthrough product in the wings that can really rekindle buying excitement, all forecasts will be off. But even though this is a Photokina year, Photokina products have a tendency to slip into the following year in terms of significant shipments.

I mentioned a troubling trend earlier. Compacts are way down. But look at the DSLRs: they' are down for the third consecutive year. Indeed, we’ve had 13 consecutive months where DSLR sales have declined year-to-year. Meanwhile, mirrorless sales are bouncing around a bit, with 4 of the last 13 months being up year-to-year, 9 being down, though 3 of those 4 happened in the last quarter. There simply isn’t any meaningful growth showing anywhere in the market. If mirrorless is the new “Golden Goose,” no one is going to get rich off it, as the implied “growth" is less than 100k units overall (and remember, I believe the channel was stuffed, too). Indeed, historically what happens is that the companies all scramble to where the least worst problems are. That would be mirrorless right now, so it’ll just be more players fighting over the scraps.

Canon was the first to report first quarter results, as usual. I like the way they worded things: “sales…of interchangeable-lens digital cameras declined owing to the priority placed on optimizing inventories in the market.” In other words, the channel is already stuffed, so they couldn’t stuff more in. SG&A expenses remained constant at around 31%, a slightly high number, but not increasing as it is in other camera companies with channel inventory issues. That’s a good sign.

That said, Imaging sales were off by about 2% year-to-year for Canon, while the rest of their businesses showed double-digit gains. I should also note that the Imaging group includes inkjet printers, and Canon specifically noted that consumables for them had healthy growth. Indeed, the inkjet printer sales grew from 26% to 29% of the group’s sales, while cameras declined from 65% to 62%. That makes digital cameras about 21% of Canon’s total sales.

Imaging group profit rose significantly over last year, but that’s more of an indication that Canon has absorbed the initial shock of the digital camera decline and adjusted its offerings to emphasize higher end gear. Operating costs in the Imaging group were significantly down year-to-year, also indicating better cost controls. Put another way, Canon has successfully tightened their belt in the Imaging group.

Still, there are some eyebrow raising numbers in their disclosures. Imaging sales to Japan for the quarter were up 33%, but the Americas down 17.1%. This probably was the pre-sales tax increase push in Japan, but the Americas are 22% of their sales and have a healthy economy at the moment, while Japan ballooned from 13% to 18% of their sales in a doldrum economy. That looks like channel stuffing to me. Also telling was the Forex (foreign currency exchange) number: the change in the value of the yen had a bigger impact on sales than did changes in their sales volume. Sales were up 51.6b yen, but 56.5b yen of that was due to Forex! That Canon is predicting flat currency for the rest of the year is a potential warning signal on lack of sales growth (see page 9 of their Presentation Material).

Interchangeable lens camera sales were down 7% year-to-year, with compacts down 30%. 41% of Canon’s camera sales are now interchangeable lens cameras and lenses. Canon reduced their interchangeable lens camera estimates for the year slightly, though they’re still unbelievably high compared to what’s happened so far this year and the CIPA estimates for the year. So much so that it implies taking significant market share from Nikon.

Here’s my guess: Nikon will be targeting mostly high for the rest of this year in interchangeable lens cameras: D7300, D9300, D800s and/or D4x. You can make up some of the sales problem by selling fewer higher priced units. But eventually you have to face reality: with unit volume dropping in Coolpix, no real growth in Nikon 1, and falling sales in consumer DSLRs, this implies contraction for the near term. If Nikon does produce the D300 and D800 followups, those are “not going to buy another camera anytime soon” types of purchases (though they may increase lens purchases).

One other point: while the Internet has managed to put a lot of hype on a lot of products over the past year, overall sales aren’t going the direction the hype is. I have this feeling that the hype will ratchet up even higher this year while the sales continue to be rather mediocre at best. I’d love to be proved wrong and see camera sales take off again, but it just doesn’t seem to be in the cards. 20k units a month of an individual product is starting to look like a big hit these days.

Apr 25, 2017, 3:48 PM

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Below you will find the latest exchange rate for exchanging Euro (EUR) to US Dollar (USD) . Una tabla que contiene las conversiones más comunes y un gráfico con la evolución del par. The Euro (EUR) to US Dollar (USD) rates are updated every minute using our advanced technology for live forex currency conversion. Compruebe de nuevo en unos pocos días para que las cosas para comprar con esta cantidad e información sobre dónde exactamente puede intercambiar monedas y offline.

8 EUR = 10.336 USD

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About Euro (EUR)

Governed by the Eurosystem, comprised of the European Central Bank and the central banks of each represented member state, the euro is a currency that reflects an aggregate of 17 of the 27 European Union member states. It is the second most used world reserve currency, involved in over 20% of traded currency pairs, used by over 500 million people worldwide, the largest worldwide currency in circulation, and its member states represent 14.6% of world GDP.

Acerca del dólar estadounidense (USD)

El Banco de la Reserva Federal de los Estados Unidos, administrado por el gobierno privado, administra la política monetaria del dólar de los Estados Unidos (USD). El USD es la moneda de reserva más extendida del mundo y la moneda más negociada en los mercados de comercio de divisas mundiales. El USD es moneda oficial en 14 países y la moneda no oficial o de facto en 37 otros. El dólar de los Estados Unidos es la segunda moneda más grande en circulación, habiendo sido superado por el euro. El USD es una moneda fiat flotante.

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https://hpisavagex46.wordpress. com. A week ago I was just talking about how I’d continue to write even though no one seemed to care about my RC blog posts. Now, I’ve got a daily readership of 60-70! And most recently, I’ve been getting a bunch of emails and youtube messages asking me “What is the fastest motor for the HPI Savage X”, “Is supercharging my Savage X with a RB Innovations Supercharger a good idea” and “Are there some good Savage X Engine Mods Out there”…

Bien & # 8230; gee. Savage X wasn’t meant to be a racing truck. If that’s really what you want, my honest words, in spite of the fact of owning a Savage X which I also modify quite a bit, are that for speed… save that money upgrading and just get a Traxxas Revo 3.3. The Revo may break a lil easier but it’s lighter and quick. Look on the bright side, if you spent the $400 you would have spent on mods on a Revo instead, you’d have 2 trucks! Ain’t that great? One to bash, and one to bash +race.

DE ACUERDO. that’s being a little irritating. I shall answer your questions more directly, and I’ll do so all at once. Engine mods… other than a supercharger, which I’ll talk about shortly, are limited. You might wanna look at a different-shaped tuned pipe, with some knowledge from my recent posts on the varying functions of tuned pipes based on shape. About supercharging, that definitely works, but I think it’s better saved for road cars. Off road is just too much load on your engine when handling rough terrain, and the added strain via a supercharger such as the one by RB innovations is gonna cause your engine to break down alot faster. You might be better forking out a lil more money for a good motor (engine).

What’s the “fastest engine for savage x” ¿entonces? There’s one engine out there that I’d call the fastest. Its simply getting the most powerful engine you can get, the one which dishes out the most horsepower and hoping that can fit in your chassis. I know for a fact a 5.9cc, or .36 engine will fit in. but you might experiment with a 7.5cc(.46) engine and tell me if that works out. The Savage XL already uses the 5.9 cc engine. I’m not saying you have to get the HPI Nitrostar 5.9… because it isn’t the most powerful engine out there.

I suppose price is a concern. So I actually suggest you start looking out for SH Engines which are from Taiwan. They are already on cars by Redcat Racing as well as ExceedRC. For a fairly low price, you can get a solid 5-6 horsepower engine for your Savage X. Then you’ll just have to play around with gear ratios after that, i. e. bigger spur gear or smaller clutch bell, for a higher top speed as your new engine will readily support it’s new speed.

I’ll be doing a review on SH Engines soon. Look out for that!

sí. I respect your opinion, but we can not say if we put .36 it will be stronger or faster than .28 or so but we should say its bigger. I belive that the brand of the engine is the most important thing.

F4.6, LRP .28, Picco and axial I think stronger and faster than SHs engines

I did not like 5.9 on my XL. to be honest Savage X 4.6 is much better than Savage XL with whatever engine.

I am runing LRP .28 and the stock F4.6 which is also .28

thank you so mush

Not sure about that. SH engines are rather under-rated. A buddy of mine has been winning buggy drag races with his Hot Bodies D8 running a SH .32. Ultimately, Dyno-testing is a true indicator.

yes it could be, congrats to your mate, In term of engines power and size I would recommend to ask your self a question. why most of truggies racers running .21 except fuel consumption. theoreticaly, some .21 engines have more power than bigger engins, and high rpm, which means strong accaleration and top speed. unlikly the bigger engines which about torque in another word (wheely)

Hey Guys I just bought a Savage XL. I was wondering if getting a picco 28 p3 with pull start and also drag mod at ab mods would be a good engine for my savage. If you can think of anything else I would have to buy to with stand the power. Házmelo saber. I would like to hear everyones opions good or bad. Thanks Guys!

Even though in terms of engine displacement, you’re downgrading, but the Picco you mention has a higher HP than the stock K5.9 engine, albeit at a higher RPM. Remember that for MTs you wanna keep the RPMs down if possible to prevent overheating. Or, you could have a smaller clutch and larger spur gear to give the high-revving engine less load. You may also wanna check out SH Engines. Something that has a peak output at around 25,000-28,000 RPM.

If it’s speed you want though… u may wanna check out Kershaw Designs for a good brushless conversion. Nitro can’t beat a good brushless system out there on any day.

which SH engine are you referring to? I’ve been looking for the most powerful SH engine to put into my Savage X and RaptorX with rotor start.

Fyi, my queries to SH Taiwan never got any reply. They probably dont understand English..

Get mine dude…. It’s the most powerful one. PT 28 XM1-P8. Even their standard SH .28 OEM engine shipped with many china cars is more power than the original HPI engine. those are high-torque… as in the standard oem pull-start one.

Mine comes just with backplate. u can fit the rotostart backplate on.

Let me know if u need help ordering. Yea they don’t read their emails. I have a friend who works in Taiwan and HK who comes back regularly.

PT28XM1-P8 is not the latest one is it? What about these two, PT28XM1AC-P8 and PT28XM2AC-P8 ?

Yeah, i heard almost the same comment about SH engine compared with HPI’s. I’m now using the standard .28 SH engine on my Nanda RaptorX.

Did a drag race with a friend last weekend, mine SavageX K5.9 vs SavageX SH .28(standard). The SH Savage easily outrun mine…. probably his Spur/CB combo helps. I was hoping at least mine could close the gap on 2nd run…. but duhh. lost in all 3 runs

You mean the standard Sh.28 engine’s rotor start backplate can fit into XM1-P8?

whats the price you get for XM1-P8?

I got mine for about US$140. Sí. going by my SH 21 backplate which looks identical to the SH 28, i think it should fit. Where’re you from Ahmad? Malaysia or Singapore?

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Пожалуйста, войдите или зарегистрируйтесь. Вам не пришло письмо с кодом активации? 31 Август 2017, 05:14:24. ИнфоЛада - официальный форум. Вопросы, отзывы и пожелания к компании «ИнфоЛада». Вопросы, связанные с компанией, на которые будут отвечать специалисты компании. Последний ответ от 1jon. в Re: Как подключить оптов. 22 Август 2017, 15:18:05. Подразделы: Абонентское обслуживание, Техническая поддержка, Контент-ресурсы. Правила, вопросы, информация по Форуму. Вопросы и пожелания к администрации форума. Последний ответ от Rus. в Правила Форума (прочти о. 16 Декабрь 2008, 16:35:58. Все об и для авто. Последний ответ от LexusTLT. в Re: Кому какое авто нрав. 20 Август 2017, 10:43:09. Подразделы: АВТО НОВОСТИ, АВТОЗВУК и Мультимедиа, Тюнинг, Эксплуатация автомобилей, Мото, Юридические вопросы, Дороги и всё что с ними связано. Все, что касается общества, жизни в обществе. Последний ответ от Apelsinka. в Re: Если бы вы могли выб. 10 Август 2017, 14:56:33. Подразделы: Образование, Власть, Происшествия, Эзотерика, Мужские радости, Женские секреты, Любовь, Форум организации ЩИТ. Последний ответ от Ruzwelt. Подразделы: Экстримальные виды Спорта. Футбол, Единоборства, Хоккей, Авто-мотогонки, Баскетбол. Все, что касается технологий в разных направлениях. Последний ответ от AlekseyI. в Re: Поиск программ. 02 Август 2017, 02:09:35. Подразделы: Операционные системы, Софт, Железо, Консоли, Сам себе мастер. Все об экономике, финансах, рынке. Последний ответ от Regulest. в Re: Зацените новую fx-ст. Подразделы: Рынки (Forex, акции), Банки и электронные деньги. Все, что происходит в жизни города. Последний ответ от IcePriest. в Re: Референдум о присоед. 17 Август 2017, 08:32:31. Подразделы: Тольятти, Жигулёвск, Мероприятия. Здесь общаемся на темы, не вошедшие в другие разделы. Модераторы: Алёна Андреевна, Rus. Последний ответ от vezlivieludi. в Работай тестировщиком иг. опросы, Куплю (обменяю) услуги, Продам (обменяю) услуги, Работа. Модераторы: ProZac. vricov. Последний ответ от Markiz-Karniz. в Re: Рецензии на игры. 05 Август 2017, 22:00:55. Подразделы: Call of Duty, Counter-Strike Source, Minecraft, Left 4 Dead. Социальные сети, ICQ и т. Последний от ет от rasull2. в Re: Локальные ресурсы (Д. 20 Август 2017, 18:34:00. Сети, файлообменники и все вопросы, связанные с этим. Последний ответ от bustamax. в wifi Mesh-сеть гиперборе. 31 Октябрь 2017, 14:39:22. От А до К (A-K). Последний ответ от JOKY4 . в Re: Diablo III Кузнеца н. 15 Июль 2012, 17:49:23. Подразделы: Аниме, Кланы, Adventure/Quest, Action, Антология Diablo, Call of Duty, FTP InfoLada, GTA, Игры, Здоровье, Культура. От Л до Я (L-Z). Последний ответ от Бронислав. 22 Май 2017, 22:04:53. Подразделы: Программирование, Strategy, SandBox, Other, MMORPG, Отдых и Хобби, Поклонники Apple, Quake, Психология, Ragnarok, Racing, Simulation, Sport, StarCraft, Танцы, The Lord of the Rings, Философия, Unreal tournament 2004, Юмор, Экология. Форум ИнфоЛада - Информационный центр. Re: Зацените новую fx-стратегию, её точность, эргономичность. от Regulest ( Рынки (Forex, акции)). Re: Спидвей от Ruzwelt ( Авто-мотогонки). Работай тестировщиком игр получай 81 543 ру цензура в месяц от vezlivieludi ( Курилка). Re: Спидвей от Ruzwelt ( Авто-мотогонки). 29 Август 2017, 20:05:02. Re: Спидвей от Ruzwelt ( Авто-мотогонки). 29 Август 2017, 11:55:23. Re: Спидвей от Ruzwelt ( Авто-мотогонки). 28 Август 2017, 21:04:57. Re: Спидвей от Ruzwelt ( Авто-мотогонки). 28 Август 2017, 21:04:20. Re: Кредит от gringo ( Финансы и Экономика). 28 Август 2017, 18:21:40. Re: Кредит от Apelsinka ( Финансы и Экономика). 28 Август 2017, 13:46:50. Re: Спидвей от Ruzwelt ( Авто-мотогонки). 27 Август 2017, 23:50:22. rv (39), Parial (22), konstantinnet (48), moqelala (48), [Deni] (22). 591616 Сообщений в 3307 Тем от 19134 Пользователей. Последнее сообщение: " Re: Зацените новую fx-ст. & Quot; ( Сегодня в 00:18:25 ). Последние сообщения на форуме. 33 Гостей, 0 Пользователей. Максимум Online сегодня: 68. Максимум Online: 581 (08.

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I enjoy your informative materials, Phil. as it is obviously beneficial to so many "styles" of trading the markets. long term, swing or day trading the market moves. As a longer term trader, I really like you long term calls, as I for one recognize the difficulty of calling these, because the further out you go in time, projecting price movement becomes more difficult. I have to congratulate you for your accuracy. You called the March 2009 market upward reversal almost to the day, and the AAPL reversal to THE day. Only one who has been a student of the economy and the markets over a period of time could have done this, and so many other accurate calls. I'm sure it was difficult and consistent work, but it did pay off. thanks from one who benefited big time.

Phil you are great, and not only is your market info spot on but you have the courage to call it like it is and write about it in a great tone.

Phil - Another excellent teaching article - when you write like that it blows me away. ¡Gracias! I had the ideas from earlier articles but what I didn't have was enough understanding. The familiarity of ideas through repetition, re-working, revision - over time - the variation, the pulling out of implications - it all contributes to understanding and mostly thats on the student - but a good teacher (worth their weight in gold) makes understanding a pleasure. I wanted to learn about trading options because it makes my brain feel better - fitter, healthier. Actually mostly it makes me happy to think about the trade and trading options. You are a good teacher and I know that or I wouldn't value the subscription the way I do. It pays for itself through the pleasure of understanding alone.

Kudos on the POT puts! I studied the charts last night and you couldn't have hit the inflection points more perfectly. Since there are often many head fakes in the charts, that was very well done. I know they can't all work this well, but that was an extra unexpected bonus yesterday.

Phil, thanks for the webinar and options subject…I wasn't shown as attending but I was there for most of it. Your memory amazes me, your speed on the computer amazes me, your math skills blow me away. Coca

Praising PSW for enlightenment is a bit akin to praising the Pope for being holy. I've been reading PSW for about two months now and have learned more about investing technique and the world in general than I've learned from the books and seminars I've paid for. Thanks for the enlightenment, the education, the guidance and the truth, which is not a commodity these days, but a virtue in short supply.

Thanks for the USO mention, Phil, 140% on my USO lottery ticket in 12 hours, and no hesitation in taking the money and running — you have trained us well. Sometimes it's teaching, but with this kind of stuff, where you get whipped like a dog if you let 250% profit melt away, it's definitely training. Happy Fourth.

BTW Phil, I wanted to relate a conversation I had with my business partner yesterday. I told him that I have been much more relaxed about my investments ever since I joined your site. It's funny how a 15-20% cushion does to your nerves. My returns have increased dramatically and my risk diminished. Many thanks for the guidance and patience. Good thing I am doing better financially as you might have increased my life expectancy as well!

1,000% on SKF - It was a freakin' monster into the center field bleachers! I saw it play out live and squawked it from the StockTwits ID which 14k people follow: Home run trade of the week @philstockworld just knocked cover off ball w $SKF puts. http://bit. ly/piBL Great trade bud!

- Phil Pearlman - StockTwits

You are doing a fantastic job. I think most of us our very well balanced and consequently have learned how to manage through these ever so short declines in the market without panic.

You guys gotta give it to phil–the voice of reason yesterday, last nite and this morning.

I have to thank you for excelling yourself during this past week. I have spent a good few hours going over your notes and comments and there are so many gems on repairing and rolling trades that I have been beavering away on paying special attention to my major positions and analysing them using your approach on Tuesday. Being able to look at a group of trades on the same underlying (in this case AAPL) and taking a detached view by assessing the impact of the underlying reaching different price points was extremely reassuring.

I am struck by several things over the last few days. First is how level-headed we all are as Greece and China develop. Second is how very helpful it is to see the different trading styles we have, partly because of personal preference and partly because of different stages of development and education. It's very helpful. Well-done, Phil, to have developed this community.

I read with great interest your statement the other day that the DX is unlikely to break 76 or there will be great hell to pay, torrential amounts of tears shed, and gnashing of dentures all over the world. Bien. I have had several short DX contracts in the $78ish range during the last month and upon your two statements 1) don't be greedy, and 2) 76 could be a bottom, I yesterday put a buy GTC order to close my positions at 76 and for some inexplicable reason the DX spiked down after the close and now I can safely say that once again you have confirmed for me that you have been one of the best investment services I have yet to come across. Almost to the point that I'm beginning to think that maybe I'm completely wrong about my political stance as well. Almost. In any event, I wanted you to know that this has been my third execution based on your comments and recommendations that I have followed and this one has also worked to my advantage. My subscription fee has been more than justified for the next year and there's some left over to pay for my stay in Toronto this week, dinner at Joso's in the Yorkville section of town. If I smoked I'd have a Montecristo to salute you. Be well, stay well.

Thanks for the USO directions today. Made it 3 times (up/down/up) for a very nice win.

Phil: I am always able to figure out your trades, including the rational when put in the right context of previous comments, etc. Keep doing what you're doing. It is much appreciated, and invaluable. Your hit rate of successful trades has been very high in my 1.5 months as a member, but even more importantly is your teaching of how to repair and DD positions that haven't gone your way yet. As with most members, we all have our ‘pet' trading interests, and learning how to think about trading is much more important than a specific trade, which could see the conditions behind it change an hour later. This is the classic case, of ‘Teach us to Fish', rather than just giving us a fish once in a while. ¡Gracias!

Phil: That NFLX call was awesome. The speed at which NFLX options decayed was precipitous. The blow out spike that allowed me to double and roll my callers to 190(!) and the ridiculous 170 weeklies @3.50 a day away from Op-Ex. The gains I realized in that trade floored me when I took a long at my portfolio value on Friday. What a great way to start the 3rd Quarter.

Tesla et. Alabama. – I've spent many months getting hammered shorting overvalued Momos, until, finally, I internalized Phil's message. Play small; give yourself plenty of room to double/move up the [lack of value] chain in terms of price. Play short; take [Musk's, eg.] latest bleep and sell the spike for a short time frame, because his tweets always come to naught. I've been coining money doing it, I just watch that premium melt away with scarcely veiled amusement. Swinging for the fences is for suckers [me, for a long time]. Those little gains really add up — $2k per week of evaporated premium and you could actually buy a Tesla by the end of the year.

Peter D: great write-up for Short Strangles, Part 1, looking forward to Part 2, particularly the adjustment part.

10/15/2017: Phil…..been travelling more than not but reading and watching you guys every night. This is to say a big thank you. Even though I don't have the time to trade every day now I set up hedges and base long term strategy on PSW. I now it may sound like BS to some readers but my 401k is down a mere 3%. It hardly gets my attention when I open my brokerage portfolio accounts. And that is by using your longer term hedges and strategies. I don't need to be a day trader to take advantage of PSW. At this time in my life when I cant trade every day……. not losing what we've gained moves front and center. It's just a great feeling to watch your brokerage account hold steady in a sea of red. Thanks Teacher.

It is hard to learn the process that Phil teaches, but it is worth the effort. I think it is finally sinking in & so I say Thanks teacher for your patience & expertise! I've had a very good week so far & I know it is because of persisting in this learning process that you teach.

Phil – Not that you dont usually, but you have DEFINITELY earned your money this week. THe recommendations have been PERFECT. Selling into the initial excitement (MULTIPLE TIMES), hedges, everything. Im reading this when I get home from work and want to cry b/c I cant trade at work! I might have to start getting up at 3 AM though to catch those trades bc youre killing it then too! May you and yours have a blessed weekend!

I subscribed to Phils Stock World full service for a year or so and found that it was extremely helpful. Now I just get the Stock World Weekly summary, which I find invaluable. Phil does not baby people and certainly can't make someone into a successful stock operator who does not make the effort on their own behalf, but he is extremely generous with his time in answering newbie questions. Although I found it difficult to follow and implement all his trades in real time, what I did find was that once you got the hang of his methodology and way of thinking, you could work out your own trades and be quite successful. Even just using his patent Rule Number One* alone is worth its weight in gold. Rule Number Two is even better.

- Rookie IRA Investor

I have been here a year, and made most of my money back from the 14K fall. The people here are more than willing to help whe Phil cannot get to it. FWIW - This site is my brokerage firm, I was with Wells Fargo Portfolio and it was costing a fortune to trade, the costs here are more than offset with the data, trade ideas and profits you should make. and I get a chuckle out of Cap and Phil's rantings on healtcare, guns, oh, yeah, and government….

All I can say is — I understand that the Universe sent me to PSW for a reason. So, I'm listening. …and studying. Your commentary is literally outstanding. …and your members are impressive as well.

What a quarter! (AAPL, etc.) "People react; PSW'ers anticipate." Thanks everyone for a vibrant board.

I must add yet another paen to Phil's "cash and short" call, as my TZA shorts are past paying for Similac and Pampers and have now covered all doctors and Mt. Sinai hospital bills for young Charlotte, as TZA took the portfolio up 10%.

Phil - FAS - I dont know whether to be happier I averaged down and sold calls or that I got myself out of FAZ the other day…thanks for that help

Just closed out my V put for 50% in 24 hours thanks Phil!

In options trading, one must remain flexible with the ability to adjust to take advantage of the unexpected moves in the market. It is like chess - spend most of your time strategizing the next move. A good understanding of options is necessary to change direction and make adjustments as the market moves against you. I have a friend that honed his option skills while a member of Phil's elite membership over a period of two years. With the education acquired, he made over $2 Mil in that period, trading options and following the plays put on by Phil. If making money is your goal, then he is the go-to guy, as he knows option strategies better than anyone, and market timing is also a skill he has mastered.

Sign up today for an exclusive discount along with our 30-day GUARANTEE — Love us or leave, with your money back! Click here to become a part of our growing community and learn how to stop gambling with your investments. We will teach you to BE THE HOUSE — Not the Gambler!

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Hey I just did a nice options trade on LL for $800 (50%) gain thanks to this site, so… not bad for my first day! An hour of reading you guys and I already paid for two months subscription! ¡Gracias!

Thank you so much for the good daily news in review Phil. I love your commentary! It is such a breath of fresh air in the smog cluttered news networks.

Phil - I got your earlier trade a month or so ago on MSFT 2017 32/37 BCS, selling 2017 30 puts. Nice up 75% now!

Phil, I was so impressed with the personal note in the comments that I went ahead and paid for a months trial of premium that I have been on the fence for awhile about. Just reading the comments makes me already glad for the purchase.

Very nice in and out on those USO puts again, easy way to get the subscription covered in just a couple of hours. Thanks again Phil and everyone here contributing to such intelligent and informative discussion! I have wasted countless hours reading "professional newsletters" and message board blather over the years. Have learned a great deal here in a very short time. I have sent out a number of invites to friends and family for stockworld!

Opt, I think the hardest thing is being disciplined enough to trade with you. Atleast now when I see something go in the red I know how much I'm going to loose and that I will profit somewhere else and have enough money left at the end of the day to trade again. Thanks for all your hard work! My stress levels are down 75% and I have even made a small profit in the short time I've been here

My watch list looks like a grid where Phil's recommendations went UP and everything else went DOWN! It looked something like an ad for Philstockworld. I am half in cash, followed the recommendations (AAPL TASR YHOO) on a 20K portfolio and still up 1% for the day. ¡Gracias!

Well I want to thank P. Davis for his style and for the fact that he affirmed my thoughts for a correction. He was right and his confirmation of my bias saved me thousands. Mr. Davis is amoral when it comes to money. He realizes the poor are screwed but we must fight to win. A measure of sarcasm and dark humour and it is great reading. 100% right on the correction.

The strategy you have laid out pretty much mirrors much of my trading activity. I also mix in some momentum plays and "drop dead" bargains that come across my radar. My YTD trading profit is 63%. Back in March when Phil said "unless you think the world is coming to an end, then NOW is the time to start taking positions in Buy/Writes with the VIX so high." I jumped in with both feet - ( thanks, again Phil)

Looking over your main themes last week, the "China may fall first" and "if you missed it previously, Thurs am gives you a second chance to short" were absolutely on target. I had to rely on stop-losses because of my schedule but just those two calls could have been worth a small fortune. Keep it up and I look forward to your new portfolio.

Just closed out my V put for 50% in 24 hours thanks Phil!

Oil – thanks Phil, got in late at 0.53 on the 38p today, set a sell for 0.75 and took the dog for a walk – 70% gain and more than enough $$ to buy dog food. TZA Aug 35/40 BCS – closed out for a 100% gain in under a month – thanks again for introducing me to these trades.

Thx Phil. Lightly moving in the bullish direction. Took PFE for $14.35 and sold the Jan 11 C/P for $2.85 giving me a net entry below Mar 09 low. And I bought back those calls on BTU and JPM I asked about the other day and am leaving them uncovered for now, so feeling better. Still just learning the rhythm. In the three months I have been using your system, my little portfolio is up 9.9%, so not only am I learning, but I am APPLYING that knowledge, and it's paying off. Gracias.

I would like to thank Phil and PSW crew for the insight and assistance (even the liberals). In December I initiated long stock positions buying stock, writing calls and puts in AAPL, WFR and CHK (scaling in and out). Over the last week I have been trimming back my positions selling stock and taking out my callers and putters. I am now back to my initial 25% position that I started with in December. However this time, my cost basis on shares AAPL, WFR, and CHK is $0! With money to spare from those positions.

Phil/CLK4 – Perfect! Saw the answer 1 min after my post…out with $740 on two contracts. Thanks again for the education.

Its been a "perfect" month. Every stock I wrote calls against looks like it will be called away next week, every put I wrote will expire worthless. Thanks Phil, now I need some new buy/write candidates, or the new 100K portfolio….

Market manipulation…. One of the things I've gained from this site is the concept of market manipulation. I never thought it was so prevalent, but now I know it is. I actually consider its effect when I make trades. Several days ago, when AAPL was moving toward 220 I sold 210 calls. My reasoning was that they will probably pin this month at 210. They came in big time as the stock moved ever closer to 210. I agree with Phil's comment that one of the things we need to do is find out what they are manipulating, and how, and hitch a ride. They are doing this with several equities. I've actually seen one article describing several equities that were being manipulated to pin at expiration each month, and describing how it was done, and of course Phil has described it well. In some ways it's easier to figure this out than it is a ‘normal' market behavior, and thus easier to make money in certain equities.

1,000% on SKF - It was a freakin' monster into the center field bleachers! I saw it play out live and squawked it from the StockTwits ID which 14k people follow: Home run trade of the week @philstockworld just knocked cover off ball w $SKF puts. http://bit. ly/piBL Great trade bud!

- Phil Pearlman - StockTwits

I have been trading for quite a few years and in good years made about 25%. After joining PSW, I followed closely the PSW strategy and my trading profit for this year is close to 70% to date. For fun, I like to mix in a few "Hail Mary" plays that really worked out well, but overall the simpler Buy/Write strategy, as presented by Phil so often, created the majority of the profit.

Phil is a fundamentalist to his fingertips. His ability to value a stock goes well beyond p/e, as he understands the essence of many businesses, what gives them value and how they make their money. As such, his recommendations are invaluable to a investor who takes a value-oriented approach.

Thanks, I managed to make 2k today so I am happy…and feel like I am finally getting it. New equipment and a quiet place to work helps a lot. I am happy for all the members that took your /NKD advice….that was fun I am sure! coke Take your vitamins…I don't know how you do all this! but, keep it up!

Have been a member for about 6 months or there abouts. Signed up for a quarter at first and then for a year. To me, and it's only my opinion, it's an investment and I have made the membership fees back many times over on the strategy advice. Since joining and implementing the strategy of buy/writes and hedges I have cut my portfolio losses for the year and have a really good chance of going positive this year. If I would have continued down the road I was on, I would still have been fumbling around without a strategy and completely inept in what I was doing. I feel now the strategy is working and I am far more comfortable with the risks I am taking. I still have a lot to learn but I feel the fees have been one of the best investments I have made. The returns have been fantastic. Still have problems with the politics but hey nobody is perfect

Fed days are fun! Just for grins I decided to see how much money I could make in two clicks. I bought DIA calls right when the surge started and then sold them the minute they hit my account. Net gain of 20% in 20 seconds. Can't do that very often…

Hi Mr. Phill, I am a Venezuelan lady tormented by our politicall situation, who use to be an emerging market trader, and many other executive positins in the finance "arena" and now is trying to built a new concept and service for asset management for clients on my own, I am in the trial and learning process at the moment, I also invest for some friends and myself. I want to congratulate you. because reading you fill my days with a touch of irony (besides, of course the spectacular market insight) that happens to give me energy, its a joy the remarks and comments even the pictures used, sometimes I just read it for the fun, I completily agree with your thouhts, though we belong to totally different cultures and enviorements and certanly realities Your readings is like a little hand helping me out to be in the market and fight for my devastated country where every single day we looe inches and yards of liberty. You shoul try to writte a book!

On Optrader's section yesterday he was asked how he works with AAPL as an investment. He replied that he just ‘plays with the covers'. I've got a separate portfolio where I use primarily this technique over the past 6 months. Up 60% The principles involved are stock selection, patience, patience, using covers to protect profits, rolling covers to maximize premium return, and exiting when covers are gone and stock price is high. Sometimes it's hard to remember where you learn to do this stuff, but much of it is from integrating principles I've learned here with thing I already knew. Thanks for the help on this, Phil and others.

Phil / TNA – On Monday you put out the TNA BCS 41/47. As I mentioned I work during market hours so on Tuesday morning on my way out the door (premarket) I put in an advanced TOS '1st trigger sequence' order to fill the BCS. I can control the entry using this method vs. the vertical entry that TOS allows for the BCS. I filled the June 41 long call but never filled the 47 short call. I let that ride into today. DIOS MIO. TNA popped 7.5%!… the $3.60 entry is almost a double! Tomorrow will be a OCO bracket to get out of TNA before Ben speaks. I should be able to preserve 85% – 100% on the trade. For the income portfolio plays in my IRA's, doing very well… I do like collecting premium! Well done and thanks!

Being a bear is easy (and I am not convinced we are doing all that well on the whole as an economy), but one cannot fight the trend (didn't Phil say that a while ago)? Just cover, make 5-10-15-20% and move on. It really does add up by chipping away. All I can say is I am back to 2007 levels in my account b'f the crash with this run up and some very nice help on this board….so kudos to us (and me!!)…

Phil/Eric/Cwan/Matt/Cap/etc. - I've learned so much from all of you and want to thank you. I'm up 23% this month thanks to all of your advice - Thanks, guys!

The virtuous trade / Phil throws out so many ideas, that understandably he rejects all calls for a running total of how all ""quoted"" ideas are performing – it would be unworkable. But without such a list, I think it behooves us to call out the trades that have made a difference. January 13 expiration is going to be a big month for me as a significant number of sold put positions will expire worthless. One example of the power of patience and leaving well alone: VLO – sold Jan 13, 17.5 puts for $3.45 – and this trade was placed in August 2011. VLO is currently a tad over $35! And as time went by, and I got more experienced – with the help of Phil and the contributions from board members, I started selling short term puts and calls around this position. Sometimes having to roll, sometimes doubling down but always knowing what I was getting into, and feeling very calm and focussed that whatever happened I could handle it. And if I couldn't then there was always Phil to lend a helping hand. All in all, my profits since August 2011 would qualify as a tidy addition to any earnings from the day job. Thank you Sir.

Phil - It is nice being more discipline with my trading. Generally, I am out earlier than most, but my results, overall, are much better than they were when I was trying to squeeze 80 cups of lemonade out of one lemon! On the other side, I am learning the value of rolling and turning losses into non-losses or small gains. I so appreciate the time you have spent with me and others who have benefited greatly from your knowledge. ¡Gracias!

Can Super Market ignore 3 major issues in a single day?

Issue #1 (this is my audition to take over the McLaughlin Group, by the way) : Americans are disgusted with Wall Street and give both Wall Street Executives and Corporate CEOs ratings as low as Congress (66% disapproval). In a Bloomberg survey conducted over the weekend, by a 2-to-1 margin Americans believe the economy has worsened over the past year and only 3 out of 10 people benefited from the rise in the markets over the past 12 months, missing the rally as their wiped - out life savings went to pay for mundane things like food and fuel .

A sense of despair pervades perceptions of the economy and nation. Barely one-in-three Americans say the country is on the right track. Fewer than one in 10 say they believe the economy will be strong again within a year. Just 4 percent of Americans who cut back on spending during the recession now say they are confident enough to open their wallets, according to the poll, which has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. Clearly these are not the same people Jim Cramer knows. In general, the public wants Wall Street regulated – AND Punished!

Issue #2 . Greece is still uncertain and the Dollar moves to a 10-month high against the Euro. which touched $1.33 this morning with the Pound dropping to $1.494 and, even against the Yen we gained ground, rising to 91.35 Yen to the dollar as investors fly to the relative safety of the dollar. French and German leaders said any aid package for Greece would require help from the International Monetary Fund, denting confidence in the European Union. The 16-nation currency also fell against the yen and the pound as Fitch Ratings cut Portugal’s credit grade. & Ldquo; If Greece goes with the IMF, that says something terrible about the political process within Europe ,” said Stuart Bennett, a senior foreign-exchange strategist at Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank in London. & Ldquo; This undermines any confidence in the currency .”

Issue #3: Are the Bulls in a China Shop? Vitaliy Katsenelson compares China's economy to the bus in Speed , that would explode if its speed dropped below 50 m. p.h. & Quot; Well ," he says: " China is like that bus with 1.3 billion people aboard. If the …

You must login to see all of Phil's posts. To read the rest of this article now, along with Phil's live intra-day comments, live trading ideas, Phil's market calls, additional member comments, and other members-only features - Subscribe to Phil's Stock World by clicking here . To signup for a free trial membership, click here .

Note: The material presented in this commentary is provided for informational purposes only and is based upon information that is considered to be reliable. However, neither PSW Investments, LLC d/b/a PhilStockWorld (PSW) nor its affiliates warrant its completeness, accuracy or adequacy and it should not be relied upon as such. Neither PSW nor its affiliates are responsible for any errors or omissions or for results obtained from the use of this information. Past performance, including the tracking of virtual trades and portfolios for educational purposes, is not necessarily indicative of future results. Neither Phil, Optrader, or anyone related to PSW is a registered financial adviser and they may hold positions in the stocks mentioned, which may change at any time without notice. Do not buy or sell based on anything that is written here, the risk of loss in trading is great.

This material is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security or other financial instrument. Securities or other financial instruments mentioned in this material are not suitable for all investors. Any opinions expressed herein are given in good faith, are subject to change without notice, and are only intended at the moment of their issue as conditions quickly change. The information contained herein does not constitute advice on the tax consequences of making any particular investment decision. This material does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situations or needs and is not intended as a recommendation to you of any particular securities, financial instruments or strategies. Before investing, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and, as necessary, seek professional advice.

Site owned and operated by PSW Investments, LLC. Contact us at: 403 Central Avenue, Hawthorne, NJ 07506. Phone: (201) 743-8009. Email: admin@philstockworld. com.

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The Walking Dead Survival Instinct | 2.245 GB Release Date: 3/19/2017 Platform: PC | Publisher: Activision | Developer: Activision Language: English Genre: Action, Horror, First-Person Shooter

This first-person action game allows players to assume the role of the crossbow-wielding survivor Daryl Dixon, alongside his brother Merle, on a haunting, unforgiving quest to make their way to the supposed safety of Atlanta.

The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct takes the undead and brings them out of the TV show and into console gaming systems in a terrifying way. The iconic walkers will relentlessly hunt down players like their television counterparts, using a combination of sight, sound and smell. As Daryl, players will need to tread carefully throughout each new area they explore. Once discovered, it doesn``t take much to attract an unstoppable horde of undead walkers, so every threat needs to be assessed, and every situation analyzed. Players will have to choose between whether to stay and fight while risking a gruesome death or using stealth to avoid the undead. No place is truly safe for Daryl as he makes his way through the Georgia countryside in this new, post-apocalyptic world.

Installation: 1. Burn or mount 2. Install 3. Play. ) The Walking Dead Survival Instinct | 2.245 GBRelease Date: 3/19/2017Platform: PC | Publisher: Activision | Developer: ActivisionLanguage: EnglishGenre: Action, Horror, First-Person ShooterThis first-.

Age of Empires III 2005-2007 (PC/RUS/EN/Repack By R. G. Revenants)

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November 3, 2008

Elaine Meinel Supkis

One of my favorite song birds, Yma Sumac, has flown from this earth and is now gone forever. Time to memorialize her. Also, we talk about the Japanese carry trade yet again. It is being restarted with great effort by the central bankers who want to continue flooding us with debts. And Rubins and Bernstein, two of Obama's economic advisors, talk at the NYT. I rip things apart. And we discuss the Volcano Gods who happen to be in the news today.

The fine lady with the most amazing voice, Yma Sumac, has left us a fine legacy of a lot of popular, entertaining music. When I was a child, I wished I had her wide ranged voice. But alas, I was not allowed to sing well. My throat was operated on when I was still a child and I bear the big gash across the neck to this day. When I was young and the scar was very striking, I used to tell children that someone tried to slit my throat but I fought him off. Heh.

So much for lying about things! It was amusing, though. As for Yma, she sang her heart out and I am glad she concentrated on South American themes, composers and culture. During WWII, the government was worried about losing the allegiance of South American and Central American nations so they began this big, big push to popularize the cultures that are south of the US borders.

Thank goodness for that! I happen to love many different cultures. Japanese, Chinese, European, African, South American, etc.= all have something wonderful to give us! This export of cultures I highly recommend. This is quite different from destroying our own industrial base type of export/import markets. I am an enthusiastic supporter of cultural exchanges.

Back to the 1940's: the US government encouraged artists and performers from this hemisphere to produce things in Hollywood or tour the nation. So the wide variety of peoples and cultures of the South came to our nation and opened many doors here. And I remember this flood coming in the 1950's. It influenced our sense of color and space as well as the rhythms of our music, our dance. A tremendous influence. And Yma was one facet of this diamond studded gold rush. Thank you, my dear, for giving us your gifts so generously.

Today thousands of pilgrims flock to Mount Bromo on East Java each year to offer the spirits food, live animals and money and ask for prosperity and health. Bromo, a 7,641-foot volcano, is one of Java's most popular tourist attractions. The poor arrive days ahead of the ceremony, carrying fishing nets to catch money and anything edible. They camp under tarps in the crater atop the mountain's chilly slopes.

Time for the annual human sacrifices to the Volcano Gods! The Volcano Gods are like the Lightning Gods: very, very dangerous but also the source of life and wealth. The lightning storms brought us fire and water: the falling rain soaks the parched land and things grow. Volcanoes spew out the wealth of the inner core of this planet. The mineral wealth this brings is very good for growing things but like lightning, it is also destructive.

The hammer of lightning and the forge of volcanic fire created humans. We evolved rapidly due to these forces of nature! Several major volcanic events in the history of this planet shoved evolution forwards at a tremendous pace. The skies dim under the aerosol veil as the fine dust covers the entire biosphere. This dimming of the solar energy leads to a cooler climate. This, in turn, causes starvation and death.

Indonesia's volcanoes have caused huge havoc in the past. The eruptions there nearly wiped out all early humanoids, for example. So it is no surprise to see the people there worshipping these dangerous mountains as gods. But since the best farmlands tend to be in the range of volcanic events, humans are resigned to living with this planetary hazard.

This story today interests me because it is so true to the concept of human wealth and power as well as the dangers that the poor must take to gain even small boons. Note that the rulers of this region used to use human sacrifices to placate the gods living in these mysterious deep holes that go far into the earth. Secondly, to make these gods happy, humans not only throw humans but other things into these volcanoes.

Third: despite the belief that the offerings must go to the gods, the poorest humans scramble into a very dangerous place in the hopes of catching a few of these falling items as they are pitched into destruction. Fourth: the destruction of wealth is seen as a way of protecting FUTURE wealth! This is the top item here, in my mind.

If the people fail to sacrifice something valuable today, they believe they will be punished tomorrow. So these people who often had little to give up, would assign high values to things and then pitch these into a volcano or a deep, deep lake. Often, they would make things out of gold and then toss it. This was because gold was seen as eternal and connected to the Death Gods. It had little real use in the real world.

But as a currency for the true overlords, the Gods, yes, gold was quite valuable. We must remember that the Egyptian pharaohs or the Inca emperors didn't park gold deep in lakes or deep in caves or in pyramids, etc in order to keep it for themselves. They did this for the Afterworld. What I often call, the Outer Darkness. Our museums are filled with these things that were created for the Death Gods. We pay a lot of money to view them with wonder and envy.

So let's go to today's news again. The world is in a global grip of a mega-financial meltdown which is due to the Emperor of the US refusing to pay tribute to the gods or to keep an even balance between revenues and desires to spend.

Bloomberg) -- The yen fell against the dollar and the euro as a rally in Asian and European stocks encouraged investors to step up purchases of higher-yielding assets financed with the Japanese currency.

The yen also weakened versus Australia's dollar on expectations the Reserve Bank of Australia will cut interest rates tomorrow to sustain economic growth. The Japanese currency slid against South Korea's won and India's rupee after Korea announced a $10.8 billion stimulus package and India's central bank cut borrowing costs for the second time in two weeks. The dollar declined against the euro before reports this week that may add to evidence U. S. economic is slowing.

``We're seeing a bit of risk appetite returning as things stabilize and I wouldn't be surprised to see the yen even lower,'' said Ian Stannard, a senior currency strategist in London at BNP Paribas SA, the most accurate forecaster in a 2007 Bloomberg survey. ``We should see lower-yielding currencies coming under some more pressure.''

The yen has appreciated 8.8 percent versus the greenback since Sept. 12, the last trading day before Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. filed for bankruptcy. The remainder of the world's 16 most-active currencies declined as frozen credit markets and a rout in stocks that wiped out more than $13 trillion of market value fueled risk aversion. The yen may drop to 103 against the dollar in the next week, Stannard said.

Japan sighs with relief. They are absolutely desperate to get the yen above that horror level of 100 or less to the dollar. They are happy that the US government is equally desperate to restart the mega-moneymaking-machine of the Japanese carry trade. This will pour more liquidity around the planet and we will continue with our false sense of well-being as we get shoved deeper and deeper into the volcano.

If the Japanese carry trade leads to huge sums of free funny money being tossed madly into this massive volcano, we can lurk below the rim and catch some of the loot as it plunges downwards. There is a lot of economic debate going on here on this planet as people struggle to understand the nature of magical money and how it intersects with reality.

One cannot do this unless one first accepts the concept that all of this is magical and all of this is very connected with fires and holes deep in the earth. And the heavens, of course. And above all, death. If our cultural ancestors across the planet knew that gold and wealth was very much connected to Death Gods, we must accept this as a fact of human nature and deal with it appropriately.

The US prayed to the Kami of Japan for wealth. These Kami are often found in volcanoes. And the ocean. The magic golden fish that grants wishes lives there, for example. We begged these Kami for wealth without work. They granted our wish. But of course, this will destroy us. But being Death Gods, they are overjoyed we made this request and are very happy to grant us this wish. Throughout the history of fairy telling stories of yore, there is this common thread: wishes are DANGEROUS. One doesn't get what one imagines when one wishes. Especially if the wishes are being granted by the gods and goddesses who control access to the Cave of Wealth and Death!

The yen also weakened as volatility implied by one-month euro options against Japan's currency fell to 42.40 percent, from 43.93 percent on Oct. 31, signaling a reduced risk of exchange-rate fluctuations that make so-called carry trades unprofitable. Volatility was 49.62 percent Oct. 27, the highest level since the common European currency's debut in 1999.

In carry trades, investors get funds from countries with low borrowing costs, such as Japan, where the benchmark interest rate is 0.3 percent, and invest the money in overseas markets where returns are higher. Japan's main interest rate compares with 3.75 percent in the 15 nations that share the euro and is the lowest among industrialized countries.

Japan doesn't mind it if the US drops interest rates to Japanese levels. Since Japan already has worked well at deconstructing the US industrial base and now has outpost factories here which send all their profits to Tokyo, they are happy when our government desperately lowers interest rates and makes credit easier to obtain.

Japan's carry trade was never mainly with the US in the first place. It is with other, much smaller nations. This way, they can happily inflate the number of dollars across the planet while virtually none of this except a small overflow, goes directly to the US. This is fine with our rulers. They don't want inflation due to this flood of US dollars coming home. The violent unwinding of the Japanese carry trade coincided with the biggest inflation bubbles in commodities, by the way. All of which mainly happened in the last 2 years.

The US and Japan like it this way. The US can overspend budgets and the Japanese buy our debts so they can continue both the carry trade as well as increasing the US trade deficit. Anyone even slightly interested in fixing the present mess has to address the politics of the Japanese carry trade. It is painfully obvious to me that everyone at the top want this to continue no matter what. Let's look even deeper:

Overall tax revenue for fiscal 2008 will fall more than 5 trillion yen short of the government's 53.5-trillion-yen estimate, due mainly to poor corporate performances, the Finance Ministry said.

The shortage in the general account could force the government to issue deficit-covering bonds, which will likely push the total amount of national bonds issued this fiscal year past 30 trillion yen for the first time in three years.

The government intends to attain a primary balance surplus in fiscal 2011, at which the sum of new government bonds issued each year is kept under the total repayment of interest and principal for bonds issued in the past.

But the additional deficit-covering bonds for fiscal 2008 would make it extremely difficult to achieve that goal unless there is a sudden surge in tax revenue.

The government's tax revenue estimate for the current fiscal year was based on economic forecasts and corporate performances as of last December.

Corporate tax revenue, which accounts for about 30 percent of total tax revenue, was estimated at 16.7 trillion yen.

Japan has the cheapest credit on earth. And for a very long time, too. This was no emergency. Unless an emergency lasts forever. They have found this deep hole in the ground, one that is actually a volcano. They are happily using this to create massive global credit. This, in turn, has flooded all nations with debts. International debt levels are increasing.

Japan has the world's #2 FOREX reserves which are mainly dollars. And yet the government is running in the red! This, after strangling public services. The government could use their reserves to make the shortfall. But why do that? They are borrowing at virtually free values! What is there to stop them from borrowing even as they flood the planet with debt via their FOREX reserves? This is fundamentally very bad! But they don't care. Everyone is clamoring for them to do this.

The other matter here is the fact that Japanese corporations that make some of the highest profits via their export trade, pay 30% of the government's taxation! So let's go to the other side of this trade ledger: the US spending and taxation systems.

Deficits over the next decade are now projected to be enormous in size. A joint analysis by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the Concord Coalition, and the Committee for Economic Development projects deficits totaling $5 trillion through 2017.

An analysis by Brookings economists reaches a very similar conclusion, while Goldman Sachs projects deficits totaling $5.5 trillion.[1]

Despite the deteriorating fiscal outlook and the historically low corporate revenue collections we already face, Congress nonetheless seems poised to shower more tax breaks on corporations that would cause deficits to grow substantially larger over time .

Treasury Department figures show that actual corporate income tax revenues fell to $132 billion in 2003, down 36 percent from $207 billion in 2000.

As a result of these low levels, corporate revenues in 2003 represented only 1.2 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (the basic measure of the size of the economy), the lowest level since 1983, the year in which corporate receipts plummeted to levels last seen in the 1930s.

Corporate revenues represented only 7.4 percent of all federal tax receipts in 2003.

With the exception of 1983, this represents the lowest level on record (these data go back to 1934).

I heavily amended these graphs to illustrate the forces at work here. Here is a most important fact we must never forget:


This startling fact should be a hot topic. These graphs are very good at showing how the deterioration of corporate tax revenues corresponds quite directly with the deteriorating US trade situation. Namely, I simply made the years that we ran a trade deficit, red. And the previous period in green to reflect the profits from back then.

A general rule of thumb is very simple: if someone is doing something and it is quite successful, we should imitate them. The Chinese follow this rule very closely. This irritates the Japanese, of course. We are in competition with both China and Japan. Not to mention, the rest of the world. We can have and want global trade and I am all for this. But NOT global one-way trade.

Namely, the US cannot run deficits nonstop. There was exactly one year we ran a surplus. But this was due to Gulf War I when Bush Sr. sold our soldiers as mercenaries to the despotic rulers of Kuwait. Not because the US suddenly began to manufacture and sell overseas, more US goods.

More Yma great singing:

Here is a New York Times story about how this flood of Japanese carry trade funny money ravaged our entire corporate base even as the easy lending sent stock markets to the heavens:

Private equity firms embarked on one of the biggest spending sprees in corporate history for nearly three years, using borrowed money to gobble up huge swaths of industries and some of the biggest names — Neiman Marcus, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Toys “R” Us.

When the economy was booming, the firms made huge profits by cutting costs at their new acquisitions, improving operations and then turning around and selling them. In 2007, at the height of the bubble, such deals totaled $796 billion, or more than 16 percent of the $4.83 trillion in all the deals made globally that year, according to data from Dealogic.

Firms like the Blackstone Group and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Company, faced an image problem at the height of the bubble for excessive compensation and beneficial tax treatment, but their returns were so high that even investors like pension funds were drawn in. Now these firms, built on enormous amounts of debt, are being forced to go back to the financial markets just as those markets have nearly frozen up.

If history is any guide, the worst may be yet to come. Steven N. Kaplan, a professor at University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, found that nearly 30 percent of all big public-to-private deals made from 1986 to 1989 defaulted.

Why did our nation allow this? The rulers knew that this sort of debt-piling on game would have AT LEAST a 30% default rate! This is totally unacceptable. A 10% default rate can cause an entire economy to go into a bad tailspin.

Recall, please, how this present collapse is being nearly totally blamed on the poor homebuyers who are at the very bottom of the money feeding scale, the people who live on the lip of the volcano and spread their aprons and nets to catch some of the loot. How sad this all is! Innocent people trapped inside the volcano are being blamed for it blowing up.

The US ruling elites and corporate overlords knew perfectly well, the game they were playing would, AT BEST, lead to a 30% loss if things didn't continue to expand. So they continued to expand things despite knowing this. The tool they used the most was the most insidious of creations: the Derivatives Beast!

Yes, it all boomerangs back to that thing. Millions of humans will die in the volcano because the Beast lives there and is one of the Death Gods! Workers who live inside the lip of this mighty volcano were told to give their money to the guys throwing it into the volcano and if they catch some of this falling loot which were their own savings, they would get RICH! Only, they won't get rich. For none of the savers in the volcano were told that the failure rate of these loans would be at least 30%.

Instead, they were told lies about the Derivatives Beast. They were told, this deadly creature would shelter them. And so the money is lost and people will die because of this. Now, the NYT has printed a major editorial from the staff working for Obama. There are many interesting levels of this editorial which I must explore as we think about volcanoes and Death Gods:

We also jointly believe that fiscal stimulus must be married to a commitment to re-establishing sound fiscal conditions with a multi-year program that includes room for critical public investment, once the economy is back on a healthy track.

One of us (Mr. Rubin) views long-term fiscal deficits — in combination with a low national savings rate, large current account deficits and foreign portfolios that are heavily over-weighted in dollar-dominated assets — as a serious threat to long-term interest rates and our currency and, therefore, to our economic future. The other views these economic relationships as much weaker.

One important policy question is what our fiscal objectives should be in terms of deficits and of the ratio of the national debt to the gross domestic product. In times like these, larger than normal budget deficits will add to the national debt. In more stable times, a budget deficit equivalent to roughly 2 percent of G. D.P. will keep the debt-to-G. D.P. ratio constant, a legitimate fiscal policy goal. In flush times, a smaller deficit would lower the debt ratio and that might be desirable.

We both agree that individual income tax rates and other taxes for those at the very top could be moved back to the rates of the Clinton era. It’s worth remembering that rates at this level helped finance deficit reduction and public investment that contributed to the longest economic expansion in our history.

So, they will up corporate taxes? HAHAHA. I would suggest that they read this story of mine and then explain the need for higher taxes. Namely, our deadly rivals in Japan have these higher rates. So we should, too. Período. No other excuses needed.

We also see in this editorial that the top economic advisors to Obama are split on many issues. Actually, this is a very good thing! Obama can listen to all sides and then MAKE CHOICES. The one-voice method used by Bush was a failure. We need debate. I hope I get invited to these debates over time. I would be happy if they merely read me. After all, knowledge is good. Especially if it is very old knowledge.

Free markets versus regulation and protection: We both feel strongly that there are important lessons to be learned from the disruptions in our financial system, and that significant reforms are needed. The objective ought to be to optimize the balance between increasing consumer protection and reducing systemic risk on the one hand, and preserving the benefits of a market-based system on the other.

We know, too, that Wall Street and Main Street are intimately connected. The consequences of the financial market crisis are profound for Americans in terms of lost jobs, lower incomes and reduced retirement savings. Measures to reform and strengthen the financial system should be evaluated by this measure: Do they ultimately translate into improving the jobs, incomes and assets of working Americans?

With respect to trade, the choice is not trade liberalization versus protectionism. Instead, as trade expands, we must recognize that protecting workers is not protectionism. We must better prepare our people to compete effectively and help those who are hurt by trade — not just dislocated workers, but those who find their incomes lowered through global competition. This means investing more of the benefits of trade in offsetting these losses, through more effective safety nets, including universal health care and pension coverage.

Neither advisor understands global trade. Nor does virtually anyone working for the major media. Indeed, the blind spots here are so massive, we could say that, when it comes to trade, our entire pundit class lives in the Outer Darkness. They are blind and stupefied by propaganda and hubristic imperial belief systems. Or worse, divided loyalties.

Note how these two guys who happen to be Jewish, fret about 'those who are hurt by [this idiotically unbalanced] trade! Oh dear!


It will kill the entity we call, 'The United States'. We will become Yugoslavia: the maker of crummy cars who then fell apart with ethnic and religious infighting and is now a series of mini-states after killing lots and lots of people.

Let's look at one prime example of unbalanced trade which involves many financial experts turning a blind eye because they support other nations benefitting from US trade imbalances:

The United States of America consumes almost 40% of Israel’s total export shipments, far more than second-place Belgium at 6.5% and third-place Hong Kong at 5.9%.

Israel’s imports are less concentrated, with products from trade partners distributed more proportionately. Leading exporters into Israel include the U. S. (12.4%), Belgium (8.2%), Germany (6.7%), Switzerland (5.9%), the United Kingdom (5.1%) and China (also 5.1%).

In 2007, Israel exported an estimated US$50.2 billion worth of goods onto the international trade marketplace. Israeli imports totalled roughly $55.8 billion, resulting in Israel’s overall $5.6-billion trade deficit last year.

Despite its overall deficit, Israel enjoyed a US$7.8 billion trade surplus with its American trade partner in 2007. The most recent surplus statistic is 32.6% higher than the Israel-US surplus in 2003 but represents a 5% decrease from the $8.2 billion surplus in 2006.

With a population of 7.1 million, Israel exported US$20.8 billion worth of merchandise to the United States in 2007, an 8.6% increase from 2006 and up by 63% in 4 years.

US exports into Israel is 12.5% but the reverse direction is 40% of Israel's exports are to the US. Ergo: Israel imports more from others while the US gets a very much smaller slice. But Israel gets to ship things with pretty much Japanese-levels of impunity to the US! And this has been climbing steeply. True, it declined a slight amount this last year. But this happened with Japan and China and is only a side effect of the US going into a steep recession.

Anyone looking at trade statistics can clearly see that nearly all trade deficit reductions in the past 35 years have come ONLY during recessions. The minute spending picks up, the US is inundated with imports pouring in all our major ports.

In the last 4 years while the US ran epic trade deficits, Israel had one of the highest growth rates. True, it is not a towering mess like from China! But Israel is a very small country, so it is no surprise the amounts are smaller. But the growth rate is not smaller.

Since none of our leaders, all of whom swear fealty to Israel before running for office, are going to stop this one-way trade with Israel, they can't go off and do this to other nations. So, to let Israel do this, they have developed a philosophical matrix that says, 'It is OK for the US to continuously run trade deficits'. Closely connected is this concept of, 'The US can run trade and budget deficits forever.'

This is very clearly seen in DC. Whenever I talked about trade deficits and the need for the US to stop piling on debts, eyes would glaze over. THIS IS TREASON. Ignoring dire dangers to the US people due to this is treasonous. The people who live in DC and run our government are REQUIRED to protect us, protect our borders, protect our Constitution and to live within certain bounds. Selling us to foreign powers is not allowed. It is quite outside the directives of our government.

More news from today that illustrates all this:

Both sides expect a close finish, something of a paradox in a struggling state in a year in which the poor economy is driving support for Obama and other Democrats. Ohio lost 300,000 manufacturing jobs this decade and its median income has dropped by 3 percent, yet polls show Obama with no more than a narrow lead in a state that Sen. John F. Kerry lost to Bush by two points.

That may be because the weak economy has driven away younger and college-educated residents who lean Democratic, because abortion remains a potent issue and because an African American candidate with an unusual name remains a tough sell in some corners. But voters also say the poor economy has not swung more voters to Obama precisely because the state has been down for so long -- many have come to see the woes as systemic, and not easily blamed on a particular party.

Ever since the US launched the floating currency, the collective boats of the working class have sunk deeper and deeper. Or maybe I should say, the workers have been pushed deeper and deeper into the volcano. They are now cynical and are feeling victimized. People who are victimized turn to racism or religious fanaticism for comfort.

This is very bad! We see it very clearly in past depressions! Over and over again, no matter what country it is, when the economy goes bad, minorities get hammered. Ohio has been let down by everyone. When Ross Perot talked about the 'Giant sucking sound' he got over 20% of the vote.

So the DNC and GOP conspired to kill the sponsorship of Presidential debates so they could exclude anyone who could talk about the Federal Reserve and Free Trade. Now, we get faux debates where the people must choose based on emotions, not economic principles.

This is why things get worse and worse. The US auto workers should be demanding tariffs and barriers. But when they vote for people endorsed by their unions, these same people end up supporting free trade. This is simple: the entire Congress and the Presidential candidates are owned by the banking gnomes and international dealers seeking to drive us deeper into debt!

So everyone comes to Ohio to be pious but then goes to DC to be corrupted.

So people left behind in these dying communities are bitter, as Obama noted. They cling to guns and religion. A very deadly combo that leads to Yugoslavian solutions.

Now, back to the Derivatives Beast who lives in this volcano:

The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) announced today that it will begin to publish aggregate market data from its Trade Information Warehouse (Warehouse), the worldwide central trade registry it maintains on credit derivatives. Starting Tuesday, November 4 and continuing weekly, DTCC will post on its website www. dtcc. com/derivserv the outstanding gross and net notional values ("stock" values) of credit default swap (CDS) contracts registered in the Warehouse for the top 1,000 underlying single-name reference entities and all indices, as well as certain aggregates of this data on a gross notional basis only. The data is intended to address market concerns about transparency.

The very secretive gnomes running the DTCC can't be trusted nor are they clear. These monsters are going to soothe markets by publishing hard information. So I said, 'Whoopee! I will haunt this website!' Only I can't!

Only certain people, namely, ONLY GNOMES can access this information! I hope some of my more connected readers can overcome this barrier for me and send me information published by the DTCC. I would love to see the actual numbers.

According to the DTCC, the actual physical losses due to Lehman Brothers was virtually nothing. Less than $10 billion. Well, this begs the question: what on earth is this stupid Derivatives Beast that is many trillions in size if it isn't big at all? And if so, why continue to keep this vital information behind a locked door that only gnomes can access? EH.

Gads. They are pulling yet another gnome trick here. Can't fool me.

A Trakker Fleecy Base Layer Combo egy rendkívül könnyű és meleg az úgynevezett Micro Fleece anyagból készült, kétrészes „aláöltöző” szett, amely minden esetben biztosítja a maximális kényelmet és komfortérzetet.

Viselhető aláöltözőként, és természetesen önállóan is, „pizsamaként” a meleg hálózsákban. A nélkülözhetetlen ruházati termék kimagasló hőtartóképességgel rendelkezik, de okos tervezésének köszönhetően nem gátolja a bőr légzését.

Gumírozott derékkal, pontos varrási illesztésekkel, magas használati értékkel, széles méretválasztákban és a már jól megszokott Trakker minőségben kerül forgalomba.

Ezt a terméket még nem véleményezték.

Kizárólag regisztrált látogatóink véleményezhetik a termékeket.

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Posted by Norasack on Feb 12th, 2010

Welcome all of our friends. Please sign our guestbook and leave any messages here. Gracias. Don't forget to let us how life treating you.

Posted by Vutiny Marnell on Feb 12th, 2010

I hope to see all my friends at Lycee 3rd reunion in Garden Grove.

Posted by Khonesavanh on Feb 12th, 2010

Dear Friends, I hope everyone is doing well and hope to see most of you at least at our 3rd reunion. Life is too short to wake up with regret. Love people who treat you right and forget about the one who don't.

My friends, this would be great apportunity for us to reunited with our friends that once we may wonder where they are, what happend to them, how they are doing. I would not any chance I have to attend the reunion.

Friends like balloon, if you let it go, you will never get it back, if you have a second channe grab it with both hands and do not let it go. You all just like balloons, I will hold on you all next to my heart and will never let go.

I happy to know and find all old friends and new friends. See you all at the Reunion.

Posted by Phasith Phommarath on Feb 14th, 2010

I lived lonely in the past, but it doesn't mean that I forgot all of my friends. I miss you all too much. For the third reunion, I will try to join this valuable opportunity.

Posted by vutiny@comcast. net on Feb 14th, 2010

Phasith. your comment above is so sweet. Last time we saw each other was 1980 or 1981.

Posted by Norasack on Feb 14th, 2010

Phrasith, we miss you too. Please send me your picture I can post it on Alumni page and send your family pix too if you can. THX, Jok

Posted by Vanpheng Rattana on Feb 14th, 2010

It has been 30 long years since we've seen each other. I missed both the 1st and the 2nd reunion but I am so ready and looking forward to meet each and everyone of you at our Lycee/Oudom VTE 3rd reunion! Let's make this reunion the best and unforgetable one!

Posted by Norasack Pathammavong on Feb 14th, 2010

Jenny, you have to make it and I have a lot of jokes to tell you. specially, Lao blond jokes :-)

Posted by Vanpheng Rattana on Feb 14th, 2010

I will do my best to attend this reunion and can't wait to hear your Lao blond jokes hehe:)

Posted by Kongthiane Visaysouk on Feb 14th, 2010

Hi all friends I may not know all of you, because I been in Lycee for only one and half year. Knowing new friend will cheer up life. Norasack life is valuable and we need to use it at the right way and in the right time. I did make it for our first reuion at Oregon and I missed the second one at Chicago, but I will joy all of you on the third reunion. I would like to take opportunity to thank you all friends who work hard and make the party happen. Regards, Kongthiane

Posted by norasack on Feb 15th, 2010

Napaphone, please call us back. We left bunch of messages on your cell phone. If you don't call me back I will drive over there and talk to you in person :-)

Viengkhone want you to drop by and have lunch with her.

Posted by Lee on Feb 15th, 2010

first of all thank Jok to put Web board here so any of our friend can post . i'm looking for my buddy Phongsavanh Insixiengmai from Canada Khonelaha from Canada. and Sengphahut from Australia any one know or heard from them please post here thank you i can't wait to meet all of our friends in 3rd reunion best regards

Posted by Mone siridavong on Feb 15th, 2010

Hola. All my all old time friends. Especially, Phasith. I have not heard any news from you for ages. Call me when you have a chance, I am planning to join 3rd reunion in California. I miss you mann.

Best Regards to all.

Posted by Norasack on Feb 15th, 2010

Thank you all of our friends who want to or try to reconnect with old friends. Sorry that it take me so long to get the site going and ready but I think we are almost there. We will use our site to share information and networking. Please share and forward all info and news (anything) to me then I can post it. Again, thank you.

Posted by Southisanate on Feb 15th, 2010

Sabidee old friends I am planning to attend the 3rd reunion in California, and I hope to see you all.

Posted by Dokdeuane (Nok) on Feb 16th, 2010

Hello to all my old friends! I am planning on attending the reunion, and am excited about seeing my friends. I hope I will remember and recognize all of you! See you all in June.

Posted by Phetsamouth on Feb 16th, 2010

Hello friends, First of all. I'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you very much to Norasack for making this website happens. I missed the second reunion and i m still feeling bad about it. Asi que. see you all in L. A ok. your friend Phetsamouth. OOOps.. hello Vutiny.

Posted by Norasack on Feb 16th, 2010

Welcome back. dear friend Phetsamouth. Bring your guitar for the 3rd Reunion, ok.

Posted by Vutiny on Feb 16th, 2010

You guys really keep me going. Our website has been updated frequently. Don't forget to send your old/new pictures to Norasack. We would like to have as many pictures as possible. Norasack needs to get start ASAP because there will a lot of works to edit them.

Posted by chanthala luangrath on Feb 16th, 2010

Dear friends, I cant wait for our third reunion. I missed the 1st and 2nd it will be a pleasure to see all of you guys again.

Posted by Phetsamouth. on Feb 17th, 2010

Can i just send the old pix. the recent one don't look like me at all. ))

Posted by phetsamouth on Feb 17th, 2010

by the way, Does anybody know Mr Xayasack Vongphachanh's phone number. haven't talked to this guy for 30 yrs already..just saw his pix from Canada friends.

Posted by Vutiny on Feb 17th, 2010

Phetsamouth, I can contact Somchay or Phetsakone. I heard he is getting marry soooon. Vutiny

Posted by Vutiny on Feb 18th, 2010

Phasith. Please call Vutiny. 503-329-2067

Posted by Moe on Feb 18th, 2010

Sabaidee all, hope everyone are doing great, just can't wait to see old and new friends who plan to attend 3rd reunion. Any one who out there sent me pix back in 1978 and said " moap houp pan ni hai peuan pen thi la leuk meua yam hang kai laii hak sa vai hai dee " Well I have protected that pix until now, I never forgot what we have been through together, please help me to protect that pix before it's fading. Also would like to see again of young single friends and ect. who attended 2nd reunion in Elgin. That's all for now of chapter 1 bibble folks.

Posted by Vanpheng Rattana on Feb 18th, 2010

¡Guauu! I am really impress to see more and more of the pictures on the Alumni page! I also would like to take this opportunity to thanks Jok for giving up his personal and professional time put the web site together. I have to admit that I am addicted to the Guestbook now(other then the Facebook) and love to read a note from all of our friends. So please keep writting and keep it going. -)

Posted by Somchay Thongsakounh on Feb 18th, 2010

Dear friends, here is Xayasack Vongprachan phone # (514)-822-0931

Posted by Phetsamouth on Feb 18th, 2010

Thank you very much Somchay.

Posted by Nokeo Muongchanh on Feb 19th, 2010

Our first Reunion 2005, OR, was the most memorable that I would never forget. So many of us had not seen each other for over 25 years. I found my old friend Bouagneun that I never knew he lives in OR which is only 3 hrs drive from me, Seattle, WA. We keep in touch ever since! My bonus friends are Norasack, Vutiny, Sonprasong, Phone, Chanthanome, Odd, and many others. If you guys are in DC, don't forget to give Norasack a buzz! His Madame (Meo) is the best cook. This 3rd Re-Union will be an absolutely super event to attend! The reunion is open to all Lycee not just Lycee the Vientiane (North, South, Upper town, lower town, come one come all). We are going to have a lot of fun. I am looking forward to seeing you all in June 29th, the 3rd Reunion! Please register now! Don’t delay! You will regret if you don’t come!

Posted by norasack on Feb 19th, 2010

Thank you, Nokeo. By the way our 3rd Lycee Reunion is on JUNE 26. If you come on June 29 you will do all the clean-up :-)

Posted by Nokeo Muongchanh on Feb 19th, 2010

Morning Captain Norasack,

¡Gracias! I better check my calendar now. Sure don't want to clean-up!

Just wanted to check if you are awake yet! Hee hee!

Posted by Vutiny on Feb 19th, 2010

Phasith called me last night, it was very nice to catch up again after 5 years. He still loves to tease. be prepared when we see him at the 3rd reunion. Also, to all my friends. you can find me on Facebook.

Posted by Souk-Nara SITHIMOLADA on Feb 19th, 2010

Hi hi hi everyone. It's so nice to see everyone of you on the wonderful website! All credits to Norasack eventhough we've never met, keep up the great job you're doing! Hey Phasith! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONg time no c! It's been so long. Have you ever had the chance to come back home and visit our motherland. Chay! Hope we can meet soon! Vutiny, please tell me if we'll have the chance to see each other again soon here in BKK ;)! Mone! No calls from you while you were in the area. Til we meet again! It's such a shame that I live so far from all of you, coz the reunion is SO TEMPTING. Anyhow miss you all.

Posted by Oy Sengsouvanh on Feb 19th, 2010

I hope to see all my friends at 3rd reunion.

Posted by Phetsamouth on Feb 20th, 2010

Vut, I think we forgot to mention about our reunion party in Vientiane which that time a lot of our friends in Laos attended. Do you have some pictures. maybe Dokdeaune has it. what about you Mr Poon do have some of the pix. Let's give them to Norasack so he can post them. and let our friends here who wasn't there that time can view them.

Posted by vutiny@comcast. net on Feb 20th, 2010

Phetsamouth, please accept me as your friend on FaceBook.

I had some pictures from Lao party but they all blur. I must have toooo many drinks that night.

I will ask Phouthasack, he posted one group picture on his Facebook.

Posted by vutiny@comcast. net on Feb 20th, 2010

SiAmphone (Khongmaly's sister) found us. See her picture in the Alumni.

Posted by Moe Mixai on Feb 20th, 2010

Nara what's up? Is great to hear from home town friend again, you have good looking family on facebook. Wonder if you got done with your master in BKK, any plan for moving back, wish we can meet again soon and wish you can join us for 3rd reunion. Bro. nerver too close or too far for all of us to get together, only time can tell, and I will be catching up with you some more. Adios my friend.

Posted by Vutiny on Feb 20th, 2010

Nara, I will let you know when I will go back to VTE again. either we can meet in BKK or VTE. We love to have you at our 3rd reunion.

Posted by Phetsamouth on Feb 21st, 2010

I heard that Ajan Outha( he was our math teacher) is now living in Fresno California. have anyone of us talked to him yet.

Posted by Keovilay Khounlo on Feb 21st, 2010

First of all, I want to say thank to Vanhpheng Rattana for reaching out to me. I also missed the 1st and 2nd reunion and I will do my best to make it to this 3rd reunion.

Posted by Norasack on Feb 21st, 2010

Vanhpeng works for IRS and she can find anybody :-) Keovilay, Welcome to our club. Please try to make the reunion.

Posted by vanpheng on Feb 21st, 2010

Keo-Thanks for the acknowledgement and signing our Guestbook! I just try to do my job and try to reach out to all of our friends as many as possible! I also hope that you sent Norasack & Vutiny your beautiful picture so they can post it on our website. Norsack - I wish I work for the IRS so I can ask Uncle Sam to give you a big discount to Norasack Design for doing such a great job on our website :)

Posted by Khonesavanh (Connie) on Feb 22nd, 2010

¡Guauu! ¡Guauu! ¡Guauu! Great job Ai Jok. Very impressive to see many of our friends sign the guestbook. Keep on going my friends; this is great to get in touch. Keep up the good work Ai Jok! I will call you and Vut sometime this week before I leave to NY next week.

Posted by vutiny on Feb 22nd, 2010

Khone, I am going to be DC from March 2-6. Give me a call what is your plan in NY.

Posted by Earl Long on Feb 23rd, 2010

This is Nokeo husband Earl. I am very much looking to this re-union. It was a privilege and honor to witness the joy, happiness and love that I saw at the first re-union in Oregon 2005. I was humble to watch people who were separate all over the world get together to catch up on their live and celebrate in joyful re-union.

God bless and look forward to see you in California. Humbly,

PS: Forget the ice water, Vutiny, Earl wants diet coke!

Posted by Vutiny on Feb 23rd, 2010

Earl. What kind of diet coke would you like? in the can or in the bottle. I will make sure you will have these two items. I told Nokeo that I won't let you drink ice water from tap. I will make sure you have pretty of water. just bring your camera. Nokeo really looks after you. You are very lucky.

I just could not wait to see you and your family especially your lovely daughter and DJ.

Posted by kselang@hotmail. com on Feb 23rd, 2010

G'day all from OZ Just found a website thanks to Vutiny & facebook I can not make it to a reunion. will keep an eye on any "nak hien duu dan" and report to ajarn Chanthaly 555. Enjoy yourselves anyway.

Posted by Neal Thao "Kham Sene Southiphoune" on Feb 23rd, 2010

Does anyone have any memory of the Director "Proviseur provisional" when Proviseur Khamsay Soukhavong stepped down after some months of chaos? Then Boun Nack, from Lycee de Louang Prabang, was promoted to take over.

Yes, I would like to join your reunion, this time, as I missed the one in Des Moines, in July 2008, due to personal inconvenience.

Neal Thao "Kham Sene".

Posted by Sinthayout Souydalay on Feb 23rd, 2010

Very nice Norasack, thank you for your hard work. For the Reunion, it would be may be for me for now, but I will do my best to join. Could you publish more detail about the Reunion, such how much and to whom do we have to pay?

Posted by norasack on Feb 23rd, 2010

Thank you, Ai Sinthayout. We will publish more detail about the reunion as soon as I got the final info from the group. stand by.

Posted by Vutiny on Feb 23rd, 2010

Ai Sinthayout, We will update more detail but if you don't mind to send me an email include your phone number, Norasack or I will call you with more detail.

Posted by Tiouthong Pathammavong on Feb 24th, 2010

Thanks for the invite to the 3rd school reunion. Looking at all the photos, brings back lots of memories. As for Lee, I'm close friends with Sangphrahut, he is living in Sydney, and he is doing well and the last time I spoke with him he told me he keeps in touch regularly with Phongsavanh, However I was unable to get his details but will post them at a later date for you.

I was also wondering is Phrasith's nickname Ting?

Posted by Nokeo on Feb 24th, 2010

Dear all my friend,

I am searching for of my old old friend Ai Pong and Nang Phankeo and I hope that someone from our face book might know them. If any one happened to know them, or heard about them please let them know that Nokeo Muongchanh has been search for them. It is very possible that they might live in Canada, but not in USA.

Thanks again Norasack and Vutiny for keeping us stay in touch with each other.

PS: Vut, Earl will have his Camera ready for you.

Posted by Nokeo on Feb 24th, 2010

Keovilay, this Nokeo and I hope you still remember me. Vanpheng found me through this website and we are staying in touch eversince. Vanpheng and I are looking forward to see you at our 3rd re-union.

My phone number is 206-244-0232. Please call me when you get a chance.

Look foward to chat with you.

Posted by Lee on Feb 24th, 2010

Sabaidee took took khon

hope every one doing well, I'm glad that more people use this web board this is excellent tool to communication with long lost friends. by the way Tiouthong nice to see your post here haven't hear from you for along time. how's the family by the way. if you find out about Sengphrahut / phongsavanh please let me know. hope to see you at 3rd reunion, alot of thing to catch up until then have a nice day

Posted by kselang@hotmail. com on Feb 24th, 2010

I suggest we should create a group on facebook so we can communicate to each others easier and more often (see more photos, video, chat live. ) I live in Melbourne Australia a bit far from most of you guys here in USA . Khamsone (or1/12)

Posted by vutiny on Feb 24th, 2010

Khamsone, That's really good idea. Can you set it up and tell us what we need to do.

Gracias. Vutiny

Posted by Keovilay on Feb 24th, 2010

Hi Nokeo, Yes, I still remember you. In fact, out of all friends in the alumni, you're the only one that I recognize. I'm looking forward to meet you and other friends as well. My phone is 281-246-4092 and will give you a call when I have a chance.

Posted by vutiny on Feb 24th, 2010

Keovilay, may we have your picture so we can post on our website?

Posted by kselang@hotmail. com on Feb 25th, 2010

OK a group is created on facebook please join in!

Posted by Seng on Feb 26th, 2010

Ai Norasack, thank you for putting up an ad on my new Lao/Thai Restaurant. You are SUPER SUPER GOOD. and your LOGO creation is MAGNIFICENT.

Posted by Nokeo on Feb 26th, 2010

Thanks for the phone number and will call you soon.

Posted by Norasack on Feb 26th, 2010

Again, thank you for using or come to our site. Please email us pictures (old or new), news or anything to keep our site current. Kob Jai lai lai Der.

Posted by Vutiny on Feb 26th, 2010

For our friends in VA, I would like to invite you to dinner at Mekong restaurant on Tuesday night. Norasack and I will be there.

Posted by Moe on Feb 26th, 2010

Vutiny I am not In VA but can you fax lap pa to me. ohy sab elee day norg. if you got lost in Colorado again then you should ask Vanpheng who will fish and cook for you amd me. right Miss Pheng? And say ca va to Peu and Tiger(Jok)pour moi. glacia Madame

Posted by Vutiny on Feb 26th, 2010

Moe, Thank you. I will get lost in Denver on July 3 to 10th for the National Veteran Wheelchair Game. I would like to invite you and your family to join us for the Grand Opening Ceremony. Base pm my experience, it is the great opportunity for young kids to see this event, it makes them appreciate of what they have.

Posted by Moe on Feb 26th, 2010

Yes, I was raise by a man who served a country myself, and I know it you will get lost here again some time, well by then I hope Vanpheng will get fishing rod and license ready, and I will postpone my gravity experiments during that time, and hopefully I get back from reunion vacation then, look forward for first lady visiting. Life is beautiful. just like dork Champa. hello Pheng hope you can hear these. and have a good day friends

Posted by VP-Vice President on Feb 26th, 2010

OMG! That's all I can say. Moe--You should know me by now. I don't cook and I don't fish or hunt so READ MY LIP:) but Vut I'd love to attend the National Vet Wheetchair with you and also take you out to eat along with Mr. Moe if his Madame gives him a permission to hang out with us. Give me a ring when you're here in Denver:-)

Posted by Khai Wattay on Feb 26th, 2010

Hi Moe, I haven't had a chance to talk to you for a long time. How are you and your family. It's been more than 10 years the last time I talked to you when I was there in Denver. Have you talked to Mr. Oud lately? I might have a chance to see you there in LA. Don't know yet. But my younger sister (Dong) might be there too. She is in Seattle, WA.

Posted by kselang@hotmail. com on Feb 26th, 2010

Every time I visit Directory page new faces appeared and I start to recognize them more and more. Thank you, well done guys and girls. Moe! your name's everywhere here very popular man.

Posted by Moe on Feb 26th, 2010

Khai, Yes, it is nice to hear from you again, you're still in VA? Ood is still here and we still hang out, you remembered Ood taking us to watch cartoon Huh! hope to see you and Dong in LA, maybe we can go visiting my step mom in Santa Ana together. Did you hear any from France? Again hope you guys can make reunion, I knew you were in Lycee for too long, keep it going cousin, say sabaidee to Dong when you call her. Have a wonderful weekend.

And Sone I just like to keep good memories forever, just like I found you in down under, and special and giant thanks to Madame Vutiny and Monsieur Norasack for keeping our good memories alive, again thank you friends.

Posted by Khai on Feb 26th, 2010

Thanks Moe. Yes, I'm still in VA, just a few miles from Norasack's house. I occasionally ran into him at Wat Lao when I went there, especially during Lao New Year and July 4th festival. I think it's a good idea to visit your step mom too. I haven't seen her for 30 years. As for France, I just went there last July, a couple days to see my aunt (Mlle Bosquet) before she passed away. For those of you who attended petit lycee in the 60's and early 70's might remember mademoiselle Bosquet. She taught there for a long time. I stayed at Ting's house and had a good time with my brother and his wife (your step sister). I'd just got back from Australia and New Zealand a month ago and already used a few weeks of my vacation. I might be able to come up with a few more days to join the reunion. Will see. Please say hello to Ood for me. Hope to see you and other friends soon.

Posted by Nokeo on Feb 27th, 2010

I am Nokeo Muongchanh from Seattle Washington. We may or may not in the same class, but I just wanted to let you know I was one of the students in Mlle Bosquet in early 70's. If I remembered correctly, I believed she also have a Lao name Mlle Fongsamouth. ¿Es eso cierto? My father, Khampay Muongchanh knows Mlle Bosquet very well also. I am interested to know what you look likes. It could be possible that we maybe in the same classes during our childhood. I was in Petit Lycee for a long time since 12e, 11e, 10e, 9e, 8e and 7e (1970-1976). Is your picture posted on the website? If not, I am sure our captain Norosack needs one from you. Hope to see you in person someday.

Have a great evening, Nokeo

Posted by Khai on Feb 27th, 2010

Hi Nokeo, Yes, her lao name is Chansamouth. I was in Petit Lycee only from 7e in 1972-1973 and then Lycee (1973-1979) 6e, 5e, 4e, M3A (4e would have been 3e but was changed to "mo so 3 Ko - I called it M3A here" and students from 5e became "mo so 3 Kho"). So the following year both 4e and 5e became M3A and M3B respectively. I also attended Eo 1 and Eo 2, but didn't finish Eo 3 because I left Laos right after Eo 2 in 1979. Wow, what a memory!! Anyway, hope to see all of you soon.

Have a nice weekend Khai

Posted by chanthaboun KEOMALAVONG on Feb 28th, 2010

Sa bai dee My name is Chanthabou KEOMALAVONG I have studied at Lycee Vientiane From 1974-80 (77-80 Russia section ) now I am living in Sydney Australia

Posted by chanthaboun KEOMALAVONG on Feb 28th, 2010

Sa bai dee My name is Chanthabou KEOMALAVONG I have studied at Lycee Vientiane From 1974-80 (77-80 Russia section ) now I am living in Sydney Australia my Email: sevenupband@gmail. com

Posted by Vutiny on Feb 28th, 2010

Chanthabou, do you know my sister Varounouth. She was in Russia class. She lives in Sydney. Vutiny

Posted by ChanThai SaKaKhaNone on Mar 1st, 2010

Sa Bai Dee All Fiends. My name Chanthai sakakhanone I still remember some of you. Phetsamouth, chanthone saykham, vorasack. I just come to say hiiiiii. I live same state with Mr. Douan (Des Moines, IOWA).See you guide. Chanthai(ty)

Posted by kselang@hotmail. com on Mar 1st, 2010

To Norasack, Can you add email addresses to those pictures on alumni page please thanks

Posted by Norasack on Mar 1st, 2010

Good Morning Vientiane. We still working on add school year and email to Alumni section. stay tune.

Posted by Moe on Mar 1st, 2010

Ven. en. Norasack, I knew you can't get any excuses 'cause you won't get t-time in VA for while and winter olympic just got done, well no golf, no ski only homework at home for you that's all.

And Sone, if we're at down under then I don't think we have time for anything else but hunting kangaroo with golf balls because I only used dozen for front nine, I don't know about Norasack who might be replace Tiger soon.

I hope you guys don't take this seriously, I was kidding around, just try to bright up the day and week.

And again Norasack thank you for your times and your knowledges for helping us to this far. is not the end either. HAVE A GOOD DAY FRIENDS.

Posted by Norasack on Mar 1st, 2010

I do golf only front nine. By the time I got to back nine I ran out of golf balls already :-)

Posted by Vutiny on Mar 1st, 2010

Moe. we love you here, you keep me smiling.

To put the email on our website, it may be the privacy issue. We need to think about it. I am meeting with Norasack tomorrow night.

Posted by chanthaboun KEOMALAVONG on Mar 1st, 2010

Yes Iknow her May be iknow you too Iknow Tim Toy and euay Ting & ai Leua tick is my friend we call ( Siao ) same Class My little name Van Iplay Music Seven up band in Sydney Chanthaboun

Posted by chanthabounKEOMALAVONG on Mar 2nd, 2010

Concert . . . . 06 March 2010 at Bonnyrigg Sport Club 610-618 Elizabeth Dr Bonnyrigg N S W 2177 AUSTRALIA .

Posted by Vanpheng Rattana on Mar 2nd, 2010

Sabaidee Chanthaboun--I don't think we were in the same class since I was in the English Class during the year 1977-1980 but I just wanted to let you know that I am a big fan of the Seven Up band and I have collected almost all of the Seven Up CDs as many as I can:-) It would be really honor to have you come and play for our Reunion party in June! Please, please come and join us for this reunion:)

Posted by vutiny on Mar 2nd, 2010

Ai Chanthaboun, sorry I just remember your nick name. We met in Laos at Ai Nivong's house. Any chance for you to come to US, we love to have you here. A lot of your friends are living in Los Angeles area.

We are happy to add your picture and your friends's picture to our website.

Posted by kselang@hotmail. com on Mar 3rd, 2010

Sabaidee Chanthaboun, I am also a fan of SEVEN UP, you've done a great job! "Sofie" is my favorite song. your lead singer (Prida) was my neighbor back in Laos. Khamsone (Melbourne)

Posted by chanthaboun KEOMALAVONG on Mar 3rd, 2010

Yes Thank You for inviting me, but i am very busy with many concerts. My friend Southalith will come from Lao in June to Australia.

The next 4 weeks Lek SMAIPHONE & Kularb MEUANG PIA will tour Australia in concert. Nivong & his wife ( VANH ) just came back home Laos last Sunday. They came to Sydney and are living in Tick's house.

Thank you again for remembering me.

Posted by Vutiny on Mar 3rd, 2010

Ai Chanthaboun, Of course I remember you, you played in our Lycee band. Please send us your picture, I will post your picture on our website.

Posted by chanthaboun KEOMALAVONG on Mar 3rd, 2010

And again Thank you for every FAN members of seven up band we try again for next year may me i can come to joint this website if install Saysetha OT Lao-font ican write Lao is more better

Posted by Vutiny on Mar 3rd, 2010

Ai Van, Please send us your picture or do I need to get it from my sisters? jajaja

We can have the reunion in Australia if you will host it but give us a few more years to save some money. DE ACUERDO.

Posted by kselang@hotmail. com on Mar 4th, 2010

reunion in Australia sounds good. I'll be waiting for you all. Larb Kangaroo in on the menu. Moe! I warn you Australian golf course is the world's most dangerous water hazard: a 6ft-long crocodile. Sone.

Posted by Moe on Mar 4th, 2010

Reunion in OZ. sound great, just like Vutiny said, I have to start working on my piggy bank now. 4. 5. years that will work for my t-time fees, I think! and I will start processing on my transportation(boat) soon, wonder if anyone else need ride so I can make it bigger. Norasack hope we can turn Semi-Pro or Senior-Pro by then for OZ Open. Wow..that's possible. that possible. is senior discount. hombre. yes is Ok to laugh now Vanpheng. Decir ah. ha. ha And Sone! 6' crocodile or any bigger than that I'll never be afraid. I am a real soldier. you knew me. Iraq. o. Iran wars. passed the tests. suh..suh. only the one at home. DAH. I am worry about..again. DAH. suh..suh..suh. not to loud my friends. Vanpheng I hope your chair strong enough. Well folks! I just ran out of time on my cyber experiment. Please everyone have a wonderful day. night..and aurevoir pour now.

Posted by Vutiny on Mar 4th, 2010

I wonder if we can get senior discount for airline ticket? 4-5 years from now, I may need to go by boat with Moe. I wonder how long it will take to get there? First stop is Hawaii, Second stop is Fiji. ¿Nadie?

Posted by vanpheng on Mar 4th, 2010

Vut-you don't have to wait for another 4-5 years to get a senior discount, I can get it for you now since I am a "GRANDMA" and that's what Mr. Moe talking about so that way you don't have to ride in the boat with him! Is that what you mean, Mr. Moe?

Posted by Norasack Pathammavong on Mar 5th, 2010

I can share my "AARP" membership with you guys. I save $$$$ at the movie theater :-)

Posted by Moe on Mar 5th, 2010

Vanpheng. love you sister, you're not just're. OUCH..Granny. glace s'il vous plait. What I mean was. no metter what age you are in is still you. I am just proud and enjoy what and when I can. just like the rest. like my self I already planed my retirement by started playing golf. see the sign. and who knows what next. Vutiny I like the ideas of stopping, and wonder if Macao is on the same route, I am bad with geography. that's why I lelf Laos by accident. took the wrong turn. And Norasack wonder if I can apply for AARP like you. because I got no signal on the top yet. just kidding man. I just have to lie down to watch movie. can't seat that long. thanks for the offer. Eso es todo por ahora. kor hai took took kon soak dee. GOOD DAY GENTS. AND. LADIES.

Posted by Tiouthong on Mar 6th, 2010

I was told Sengphrahath, is currently in Laos, and is planning on staying there for business. However I will try to get his details as soon as I possibly can.

As for Yok, about Boun, I found his friend in Sydney, hope there is lots of tales to tell. By the way Yok, with the photos, if I am unable to send them now I will try to bring them.

Hope to speak soon.

Posted by Lee on Mar 7th, 2010

How are you i called to Sengphrahath at Lao but the number you gave me was invalid number. if you get new # from his cousin just email me thank you alot .

for Jok /Vutiny i talked to Air lead singer for( L A electic ) band he will email me the picture of his band so you can post on the website i'll keep you update for that and Arng ( Canada )called me he said ai Vanh talk to Phone regarding about Entertainment

Posted by chanthaboun KEOMALAVONG on Mar 8th, 2010

Sabaidee Touk touk konh my website is sevenupband>com & email: sevenupband@gmail. com

Posted by chanthaboun KEOMALAVONG on Mar 8th, 2010

Posted by Vanh Aphay on Mar 8th, 2010

Sa bai dee all The way i feel the third Lycee reunion in city of Los Angeles should be exciting party. I hope every one of you Should joy this wonderfull party See you there 06/26/2010

Posted by Tiouthong on Mar 9th, 2010

How is everyone? Old friends from Canada, i recognize you all. How are you all? Doing well i hope.

Hi Souknara, it would be good to continue hearing from you, how have you been? I heard from Adisack back in 2006 that you were in Bangkok, whilst i was in Loas. I heard you are doing well.

Lee, i spoke to Sengprahath last sunday. I will send you a email, with his contact details. If you were unable to receive my email, don't hesitate to contact me.

Posted by chanthabounKEOMALAVONG on Mar 9th, 2010

Posted by lee on Mar 9th, 2010

Thank you Tiou it's nice to hear from you again every one doing fine, how about your self and family doing there. i received your email and I'll call Sengphrahath sometime this week I'll keep you update on that

Posted by Vutiny on Mar 10th, 2010

Hi Chanthai, Can we have your contact information. You can email to me or Norasack along with your picture. We would like to add you to the Alumni page.

Posted by Vutiny on Mar 10th, 2010

Tiou, For the photos, it would be nice if we can add your photos to the slide show at the party. Could you send them to me? email me for my home address and I can return them to you when you come to the party. By the way, how long do you plan to be in US? is there anything that we can help you?

Posted by Norasack on Mar 15th, 2010

Sabaidee Lycee folks,

Please send more photos to me ASAP. need to share with our friends. We are open to any suggestions to make our site interesting, fun and useful. GOOD NEWS. So far we got good size of people fill the form and most of our friends will attend the Lycee 3rd Reunion. GRACIAS.

Posted by Phaythoune Inthavong on Mar 15th, 2010

Sabaidee Lycée friends,

Thank you to Phouvong to link me to this web site. I am very glad to see old friends here, and I would like to this opportunity to say hello to Phouvong in North Carolina, Sithaluang in Canada, Monthathip Khiengsombath (Tha) in Vancouver, WA, Sack the chicken-farm boy somewhere in America and all Lycée friends.

I created a website to educate people who want to learn Dhamma. You can visit at http://laodhamma. club. officelive. com/default. aspx

Thank you to Norasack Pathammavong and Vutiny Marnell web master for your dedication to our friends.

Posted by Khamsone on Mar 17th, 2010

Hey!! Eric & Sam, Can you sing something else.

Posted by ChanthabounKEOMALAVONG on Mar 17th, 2010

Posted by norasack Pathammavong on Mar 17th, 2010

Please visit http://laodhamma. club. officelive. com/default. aspx I just have the link on our Lycee homepage. Please visit as often as you like. SATHOU.

Posted by norasack Pathammavong on Mar 17th, 2010

Nothing wrong with the homepage. just cleaning thing up. Will add more pictures and fun stuffs. All the business people please contact us for the banner ad. We need your support. Kop Jai Lai Lai DER!

Posted by. on Mar 17th, 2010

Posted by Phaythoune on Mar 17th, 2010

Thank you Norasack for linking Dhamma website to share to our friends.

Posted by Norasack on Mar 19th, 2010

You are welcome, Phaythoune. Please check out the homepage, specially MY GARDEN section. Enter photo contest and win Lycee t-shirt.

Posted by Napahaphone on Mar 20th, 2010

Hey big brother. I like your big old combat boot garden. gotta have your old style right. It looks so cool.

Posted by Norasack on Mar 20th, 2010

Hey my Sis, thank you. bring out your digital camera and shot it away. send me your best picture and share. I used my father in law old boots for my garden.

Posted by Naphaphone on Mar 20th, 2010

Too saaad. I don't have a garden bro.

Posted by n on Mar 21st, 2010

Any pictures will do. Flower from a small vase. cualquier cosa. just a nice shot. email them to me asap.

Posted by Vanpheng Rattana on Mar 21st, 2010

I was wondering if I can borrow Sam's garden photos for the contest so I can win the Lycee T-Shirt.

Posted by Naphaphone on Mar 21st, 2010

LOL. Can I cheat. and take a shot of the fake one. that's all I got.

Posted by Norasack on Mar 22nd, 2010

Send anything. now, I have to make a lot of Lycee t-shirts ready :-)

Posted by kongthiane Visaysouk on Mar 24th, 2010

Hi all friends Nice talking to you Norasack. Thanks keep in touch. This is for Chanthai in Iowa. I'm sure you remember me. I woulk like to see your picture and also I hope you make it for our 3rd reunion. Make sure bring Douan with you. Take a very good care all friends

Posted by Sam (Somprasong) Khamphilavong on Mar 24th, 2010

Hello everyone, First of all, I am litterally very excited and enthusiastic to have an opporturnity to see all of you here. It has been 3 decades after we fled our lovely homeland. I probably don't know some of you, but your name are so familiar. I am looking forward to seeing and getting to know all of you soon in the future. For those of you that I have known for so long, I can't patiently wait to see or chit-chat with you again right after this messages. Last but not least, I would like to thank Vutiny, Norasack, and all of your associates who diligently work hard and make this happened As we all know, It is required tremendous times, motivation, dedication and great spirit. If it had not been because of you, it would be very difficult to find each other scattering around the world. Keep up the good work, my friends!

Best regards, Sam Khamphilavong :-)

Posted by Sam Khamphilavong on Mar 24th, 2010

OK, Vanhpheng, We can share the pictures. How about you take the one taken on summer, I'll take the spring one. What do you think, Capt. Norasack?

Posted by Norasack on Mar 24th, 2010

You two have to share Lycee t-shirt :-)

Posted by Vanpheng Rattana on Mar 24th, 2010

Sam-It sounds good! Thanks for being such a good sport and allow me to share the beautiful pictures with you. Norasack-Sorry can't share the T - Shirt. jajaja

Posted by Sam Khamphilavong on Mar 24th, 2010

Hhhh. I did not know that you also have one size fit all. ¡Bien! you save me one T-shirt to pack..what can I do, Jenny. >:-)

Posted by Vutiny on Mar 25th, 2010

Sam and Vanpheng, here the solution: Sam can have the T-shirt during Spring and Vanpheng can have it during Summer. I don't know the quality of the t-shirt, it may not make to Fall and Winter.

Sam, thank you for your kind words and compliment.

Posted by Sam Khamphilavong on Mar 25th, 2010

Vutiny, I'll take your advice. I don't know about Jenny. Also, T-shirt comes with life time warranty and will be distributed by Norasack and I know where he lives. good deal, huh? lol >:-O

PD You're welcome! You deserved it. Have a great trip in Vancouver and come home safe.

Posted by Jenny Rattana on Mar 25th, 2010

Sam--I don't mind sharing the T-Shirt with you but I would like to have it during Spring and you can have it during Summer, deal? If the T-Shirt won't last until Fall or Winter, I will help you find Norasack since I work for the IRS. ))

Norasack--If you don't want to get beat-up, you better have a good quality or spare T-Shirt for us.

Posted by Norasack on Mar 25th, 2010

Fruit of the loom-last for a life time.

Posted by Sam Khamphilavong on Mar 25th, 2010

OK, my friends. It's wonderful talking to you all.

Posted by Nokeo on Mar 26th, 2010

Dear all my friend who were born in March!

Posted by Nokeo on Mar 27th, 2010

Hello sibling! No kungfu fighting! Well Sam and Jenny! I hope you guys figure out a way to share the T-shirt. If I am a judge? The T-shirt is mine. hah hah hah

A bientot! Nokeo

Posted by Jenny Rattana on Mar 29th, 2010

Hahaaha very funny Nokeo. No picture-No T-Shirt:)lol

Posted by Sam Khamphilavong on Mar 29th, 2010

Come on, Nokeo. You can share with us. we don't mind.

Posted by Nokeo on Mar 31st, 2010

Hello Uncle Sam!

It depend and I have to ask my dream first OK? Let say that I used to be XS. ¡Bien! Healthy food does sure show on my tummy muscle. If the T-Shirt is made in Laos or Thailand it has to be XXL, but if it's made in US, size large is perfect! Can’t wait to see again in June….

A bientot! Nokeo

Posted by Sam Khamphilavong on Apr 1st, 2010

Deal! Looking forward to seeing you in June.

Posted by Norasack Pathammavong on Apr 3rd, 2010

Morning Lycee People. Spring season now, please don't for get to send me your flower pictures. we have nice Lycee t-shirt to give away.

Posted by Nokeo on Apr 4th, 2010

Ho Ho. I got a hail storm on my way home from this past Friday. Seattle is crazy.

Posted by vutiny on Apr 5th, 2010

We have the very crazy weather in Oregon too. It's very windy, I could not wait for the sunny day.

Posted by kyle Louangrath on Apr 6th, 2010

It was so nice of you to make a big effort visiting us last month and bring Vanh along. We will be at the reunion for sure.

Here is a question to all Lycee Vientiane Alumni. does anyone out there know or remember a song (Lamvong) which was sang throughout the graduation ceremony in June of 1980. Vanh and I remember some of the lyrics which said in part "Yok Muu keun boak La Leo Oudom Seuksa. La Deur Pa Salee Souane Dork Mai Hao Euy Kor La. "

As Vanh mentioned, that song was written as way to say good bye to Oudom/Lycee Vientiane. It would be wonderful to hear that song again.

Posted by Sam Khamphilavong on Apr 7th, 2010

Kyle, You're doing good, keep going. I suggest you sing that song during party, deal? I also like another song "eui kou sene dy" I remember last lyrics..eui kou sene dy me jai kouang kouang. yard meet thung pouang yong yor somseuy va den. dai yin sieng seu phai phai kor yark phop hen..son jai eui kou bor ven yark ko pen mid kong eui kou. Any one remember this? Or, any song during 1979-80 will bring back a lot of memory.

Posted by Phansy Phimphachanh on Apr 8th, 2010

Hello to all my friends who studied with me in Lycee Vientiane (1976- 1981) or in Kiev ( 1981- 1987).

Posted by Nokeo/Lo on Apr 9th, 2010

Heelloooo Kyle and Sam,

Lo and I remembered that song also. We used to sing "Ai kou sene dy jit chai kouang kouang.

Posted by Sam Khamphilavong on Apr 9th, 2010

Hi Nokeo, Excellent! I would love to hear that song again or any songs during that time. You guys used to sing and you can sing again, right?

Posted by Vanh Aphay on Apr 9th, 2010

Hello every one I will go to Orange county on May 07,2010 To check everything for the party if you need anything or any question you might need please give me a call at 832-715-3421 Vanh Aphay

Posted by Norasack on Apr 10th, 2010

Morning Lycee folks, Thank you Vanh. You need to talk to Jenny. She might need you to stock up her favorite wines :-)

Posted by Vutiny on Apr 10th, 2010

Phansy, You were in my class, correct? Please send me an email and your contact information. I heard you are in Australia?

Posted by Jenny Rattana on Apr 10th, 2010

Geez Norasack I thought we both need Ai Vanh to stock up OUR favorite wines? what the heck happen to our agreement? jajaja

Posted by Sid Vixay on Apr 12th, 2010

Hello my Lycee de Vientiane Colleagues. I stumbled on this site and found lots lots of old friends here. Please count me in because I left the Terminal year in 1980.

Posted by Sam Khamphilavong on Apr 13th, 2010

Happy New Year to all of you! I wish all of you in whatever it is that you may need this day! And may your life be full of peace, prosperity, and great health.

Posted by Norasack on Apr 14th, 2010

Sork Dee Pee Mai Der. Kor Hai nung keen None keen. Hod nam hai took khone (one big bucket of water)

Posted by vanh aphay on Apr 14th, 2010

I& my family wish all of you an Happy new year 2010 Sabaidee Sabaidee Sabaidee Pee mai

Posted by vutiny on Apr 14th, 2010

Happy Lao New Year to everybody.

Travel by air: You can use either: Orange County airport (John Wayne) or Long Beach airport or Los Angeles (LAX).

Hotel: Many of us will stay at: 1. Embassy Suite Anaheim South 11767 Harbor blvd, Garden Grove 2. Sheraton Garden Grove 12221 Harbor Blvd

We will update more hotel/travel information on our website soon.

We will start to sell the tickets soon, possible with in next week.

Posted by Jenny Rattana on Apr 14th, 2010

Happy Lao New Year Everyone! khor hai thouk thouk khon jong mee tae khoumsouk, sodseun, somvang lae sokdee ta lod pee mai nee theun. )

Posted by Moe on Apr 16th, 2010

Sa bai dee and soak dee pee mai to you all, good health and best of luck for you and family.

Anyway why time is running too slow for our 3rd reunion. ¿No lo crees? Anybody out there working for NASA needs to go up to reset sun and moon. Vutiny do something. come. ¡en!

Good day Ladies and gents,

Posted by Jenny Rattana on Apr 16th, 2010

Moe--Glad I am not the only one who feel that way. Yes, I feel the time is running too slow for our third reunion. wonder if we should change it to May. jajaja. Norasack--Are you up for the change or you can't hardly survive now. I just can't wait to meet all of the old and the new friends. This party will be the best and unforgetable one.

Posted by Moe on Apr 17th, 2010

Jenny I think reunoin committee just wants everyone to be hunger for it. bien. that was good idea, to be the best and surprise..guess have to wait awhile.

I just got back from Lao New Year in Ventura, Ca. past weekend. far I knew brothers, sisters and friends from there are ready to join and to make it fun for everyone who will attend this event. and it also will be a memory for all of us. just think how far and how long we kept our memories. please..wipe it off. that's ok to be too motion and sensitive. Bible Chapter 2. ha..ha..ha

However this for Khai Wattai I have not hear fom you lately, hope you and Dong can make it, sorry I lost your card, please give me a call 303-908-3503 when you get chance so we can set up our plan.

Good weekend ladies and gents,

Posted by Phansy Phimphachanh on Apr 19th, 2010

Yes, we were in the same class in Vientiane.

It's nice to hear from you.

And where are you?

I'm currently living in Sydney, Australia.

You can write to me at the following address:

Talk to you soon.

Posted by ouistxtmsb on Apr 15th, 2012

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Posted by Bouphavanh phavorabouth on Apr 24th, 2012

Sabaidee Manivanh Achkhavong, do you still remenber your old friend from Faculte de Medicine. I would like to hear from you. please check out my face book (monique cole= my new name).

Posted by upinson on Jul 24th, 2012

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My name is mrs. Santana Valdez from Houston, taxes. i never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once. when i went to Africa in June 28th 2017 this year on a business summit. i ment a man called dr. Atakpo. He is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back my love’s gone, misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you, bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job. i’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 2 years… i really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job. so when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to first i was undecided, skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. and in 6 days when i returned to taxes, my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married..i didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do… well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better. in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help, email address atakpotemble@yahoo. com Great Atakpo i thank you very much thank you in 1000000 times. if not you i would have been losted and wasted thank you. Email Him Through his email address. atakpotemble@yahoo. com please make sure you contact him for any financial difficulties okay.. What a powerful man such as Dr Atakpo. he is so much powerful..\\ email him for any difficulties. atakpotemble@yahoo. com

Posted by santana on Aug 16th, 2017

Santana Valdez Says

i am giving this testimony cos l am happy

My name is mrs. Santana Valdez from Houston, taxes. i never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once. when i went to Africa in June 28th 2017 this year on a business summit. i ment a man called dr. Atakpo. He is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back my love’s gone, misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you, bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job. i’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 2 years… i really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job. so when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to first i was undecided, skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. and in 6 days when i returned to taxes, my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married..i didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do… well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better. in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help, email address atakpotemble@yahoo. com

Great Atakpo i thank you very much thank you in 1000000 times. if not you i would have been losted and wasted thank you. Email Him Through his email address. atakpotemble@yahoo. com

please make sure you contact him for any financial difficulties okay..

What a powerful man such as Dr Atakpo. he is so much powerful..\\ email him for any difficulties. atakpotemble@yahoo. com

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Posted by wise on Sep 18th, 2017

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THE TRUTHFUL AND WONDERFUL MAN THAT GIVE JOY TO MY FAMILY I am Miss Tricia.,From United States. I will start by saying to all that have experience heart break and also cant do with out there lover should please stop here and read up my story, So as you will know how to go solving or getting your ex back from this spell caster..AND AGAIN I WILL WANT TO ALSO TELL ALL THAT THIS SPELL CASTER I WILL WANT TO TELL THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT IS HARMLESS AND DO NOT HAVE ANY SIDE EFFECT, BUT TO RESTORE AND GIVE YOU BACK WHAT YOU DESERVE, COS WHEN I MEET WITH THIS SPELL CASTER THAT WAS INTRODUCED TO ME BY THE WIFE OF MY BOSS IN MY WORKING PLACE, HE MADE IT CLEAR THAT HE CAN CAST SPELL ON SO MANY OTHER PROBLEMS EXCEPT IN GETTING YOUR EX OR MAKING YOUR LOVER TO LOVE YOU MORE THAT WILL SUITE YOU. Last year December, My lover was cheating on me and was not also give me the attention that a man should give to a woman, And really that was troubling my mind and tearing my heart apart to the extent that i was not concentrating in the office the way i use to before the break up by my lover. And before that incident, I always see how my boss use to love his wife so much. I was bringing to think that i was not doing the right thing to him that will make him love me forever, So i really gathered my courage and went to my boss wife office to ask her the secret that made her husband love her so dearly, In the first place she refused in telling me, She asked me why i am asking her such a question, That if is it not normal for every man to love his wife. I told her the reason that made me ask her about this question, That my lover started cheating on me lately, When i knelt down before her for her to see my seriousness in this issue that i went to ask her, She opened up to me by telling me that i should not tell anybody about what she want to tell me, The wife to my boss started to say to me that she used a very powerful spell on his husband to love her, And the spell that she used is harmless, But the spell is just to make him love her and never to look for any other woman except her. I QUICKLY ASK HER HOW DID SHE GET TO KNOW THIS GREAT, POWER, DURABLE AND PERFECT WORK SPELL CASTER, she said that a friend of hers also introduce her to him. Then i also ask her how i can meet with this spell caster. SHE SAID EVERYTHING TO ME, THAT THE NAME OF THIS SPELL CASTER IS Dr. ODUBU. My next question to her was how can i get this wonderful spell caster, She said she is going to give me the email of the spell caster for me to contact him for my problem, Really she gave to me this spell caster odubuspiritualtempledr@yahoo. com and i contacted him and explained all to him, And after every thing that needed to be done by the spell caster, In the next two days, My lover that hated me so much came to house begging for forgiveness and i was so glad that i have finally gotten my heart desire..I was so grateful to this spell caster for what he has done for my life. So i made a promise to him that i will always continue telling the world about his wonderful work towards me and also to other that came to you before and also the people that will also get to you from my story that i narrated online now..I will want to say to the entire world that you should not cry over noting again, That there is a great man that has been helping individuals to restore there Joy and smile in there faces. The direct email to get this man is:(odubuspiritualtempledr@yahoo. com)This is what i want to tell you all out there, That is thinking that all hope is lost OK..Thanks

Posted by mis smith on Oct 2nd, 2017

I am Mrs Mechelle smith from USA, i want to share a testimony of my life to every one. i was married to my husband john smith, i love him so much we have been married for 5 years now with two kids. when he went for a vacation to France he meant a lady called Mary. he told me that he is no longer interested in the marriage any more. i was so confuse and seeking for help, i don't know what to do until I met my friend miss Lina and told her about my problem. she told me not to worry about it that she had a similar problem before and introduce me to a man called Dr kakaraka who cast a spell on her ex and bring him back to her after 2days. Miss Lina ask me to contact Dr kakaraka. I contacted him to help me bring back my husband and he ask me not to worry about it that the gods of his fore-fathers will fight for me. He told me by two days he will re-unite me and my husband together. After two day my husband called and told me he is coming back to sought out things with me, I was surprise when I saw him and he started crying for forgiveness. Right now I am the happiest woman on earth for what this great spell caster did for me and my husband, you can contact Dr kakaraka on any problem in this world, he is very nice man, here is his contact (kakarakaspell@yahoo. com). He is the best spell caster on the internet so far

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i can't really believe that i am with my Ex-Husband back after when he broke up with me with 4 kinds i thank Dr Atakpo of (dratakpospelltemple@gmail. com) for helping me getting back my man back, My Name is Mrs Rhona Cole i am from England and my man name is Mr Alan Cole, my happiness turn to bitterness, my joy turn to sorrow, my love turn to hate when my husband broke up with me last week, i was so frustrated and i could not know what next to do again, i was so unthinkable and i could not concentrate any more, i love my husband so much but he was cheating on me with another woman and this makes him broke up with me so that he can be able to get marry to the other lady and this lady i think cast a spell on my husband to make him hate me and my kinds and this was so critical and uncalled-for, I cry all day and night for God to send me a helped to get back my man until i went to Westmoreland to see a friend and who was having he same problem with me but she latter got her Husband back and i asked her how she was able to get her husband back and she told me that their was a powerful spell caster in Africa name DR ATAKPO that he help with love spell in getting back lost lover's back and i decided to contacted the same Dr Atakpo and he told me what is needed to be done for me to have my man back and i did it although i doubted it but i did it and the Dr told me that i will get the result after 24hours, and he told me that my husband was going to call me by 9pm in my time and i still doubted his word, to my surprise my husband really called me and told me that he miss me so much Oh My God i was so happy, and today i am happily with my man again and we are joyfully living together as one good family and i thank the powerful spell caster Dr Atakpo of dratakpospelltemple@gmail. com, he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that good spell casters still exist and Dr Atakpo is one of the good spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are there and your lover is turning you down, or you have your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore contact the powerful spell caster Dr Atakpo on his email: dratakpospelltemple@gmail. com and he will answer you, i am a living testimony and i will continue to testify of his goodness in my family, he turn my family to paradise and today we are all happy together Dr Atakpo i say thank you in one million times thanks Dr.

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Posted by RHONA on Jun 25th, 2017

i can't really believe that i am with my Ex-Husband after when he broke up with me with 4 kids i thank Dr Atakpo of (dratakpospelltemple@gmail. com) for helping me getting back my man back, My Name is Mrs Rhona Cole i am from England and my man name is Mr Alan Cole, my happiness turn to bitterness, my joy turn to sorrow, my love turn to hate when my husband broke up with me last week, i was so frustrated and i could not know what next to do again, i was so unthinkable and i could not concentrate any more, i love my husband so much but he was cheating on me with another woman and this makes him broke up with me so that he can be able to get marry to the other lady and this lady i think cast a spell on my husband to make him hate me and my kinds and this was so critical and uncalled-for, I cry all day and night for God to send me a helped to get back my man until i went to Westmoreland to see a friend and who was having the same problem with me but she latter got her back and i asked her how she was able to get her back and she told me that their was a powerful spell caster in Africa name DR ATAKPO that he help with love spell in getting back lost lover's back and i decided to contacted the same Dr Atakpo and he told me what is needed to be done for me to have my man back and i did it although i doubted it but i did it and the Dr told me that i will get the result after 24hours, and he told me that my husband was going to call me by 9pm in my time and i still doubted his word, to my surprise my husband really called me and told me that he miss me so much Oh My God i was so happy, and today i am happily with my man again and we are joyfully living together as one good family and i thank the powerful spell caster Dr Atakpo of dratakpospelltemple@gmail. com, he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that good spell casters still exist and Dr Atakpo is one of the good spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are there and your lover is turning you down, or you have your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore contact the powerful spell caster Dr Atakpo on his email: dratakpospelltemple@gmail. com and he will answer you, i am a living testimony and i will continue to testify of his goodness in my family, he turn my family to paradise and today we are all happy together Dr Atakpo i say thank you in one million times thanks Dr.

Posted by EMILIO on Jun 28th, 2017

I have been suffering from HIV/AIDS since 9 years now, and i happen to have a kid for my husband, and now we cannot proceed to have another kid all because of my disease. I have done everything possible to get my disease healed, i have went to several places to seek for help not even one person could ever help, until i met a comment on the daily news paper that was commented by Miss Jane, about how this powerful traditional doctor help her get cured of her disease (HIV-AIDS). I first taught having a help from a spiritual traditional healer was a wrong idea, but i think of these, will i continue to stress on these disease all day when i have someone to help me save my life?" so i gather all my faiths and put in all interest to contact him through his Email address at alliswellrealtemple@gmail. com. so after i have mailed him of helping get my disease cured, he responded to me as fast as possible that i should not be afraid, that he is a truthful and powerful doctor that will help me cure my disease. So after all has been done, he promise me that i will be healed but on a condition that i provide him some items and obey all what his oracle will say. I did all by accepting his oracle fact and only to see that the following week Dr Alliswell email me that my work is successfully done with his powers, i was first shocked and later arise to be the happiest woman on earth after i have concluded my final test on the hospital by my doctor that i am now HIV - Negative. I am the most happiest person on earth now, thanks to Dr Alliswell. You can also contact him via his email address: alliswellrealtemple@gmail. com or call +2348112276982

Posted by EMILIO on Jun 28th, 2017

I have been suffering from HIV/AIDS since 9 years now, and i happen to have a kid for my husband, and now we cannot proceed to have another kid all because of my disease. I have done everything possible to get my disease healed, i have went to several places to seek for help not even one person could ever help, until i met a comment on the daily news paper that was commented by Miss Jane, about how this powerful traditional doctor help her get cured of her disease (HIV-AIDS). I first taught having a help from a spiritual traditional healer was a wrong idea, but i think of these, will i continue to stress on these disease all day when i have someone to help me save my life?" so i gather all my faiths and put in all interest to contact him through his Email address at alliswellrealtemple@gmail. com. so after i have mailed him of helping get my disease cured, he responded to me as fast as possible that i should not be afraid, that he is a truthful and powerful doctor that will help me cure my disease. So after all has been done, he promise me that i will be healed but on a condition that i provide him some items and obey all what his oracle will say. I did all by accepting his oracle fact and only to see that the following week Dr Alliswell email me that my work is successfully done with his powers, i was first shocked and later arise to be the happiest woman on earth after i have concluded my final test on the hospital by my doctor that i am now HIV - Negative. I am the most happiest person on earth now, thanks to Dr Alliswell. You can also contact him via his email address: alliswellrealtemple@gmail. com or call +2348112276982

Posted by Stacey Bruno on Jun 28th, 2017

I never believed in love spells or magic until I met this spell caster once when i went to see my friend in Indian this year on a business summit. I meant a man who's name is Dr ATILA he is really powerful and could help cast spells to bring back one's gone, lost, misbehaving lover and magic money spell or spell for a good job or luck spell. I'm now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 5 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3years. I really loved him, but his mother was against us and he had no good paying job. So when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him. At first i was undecided, skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. And in 7 days when i returned to Canada, my boyfriend (now husband) called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married. I didn't believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do. Well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got the new job and our lives became much better. His email is atilahealinghome@yahoo. com

Posted by JONES on Jul 13th, 2017

Hello viewer, my name is JONES i want to give thanks to great Dr, obendel spirit who helped me in` getting back my love and also helped me in my financial problem. i was in relationship with SHARON both of us lived together in love and in happiness, suddenly she just work up one morning telling me that she is sick and tired of me i was so shocked and confused cause i never did anything wrong to hurt her, but still, i had to plead to her because i love her so much, but she insisted to breakup with me, i tried all i could to get her back but it was not possible, after she left i was some how financially down i did not know what happened to my finance, so i decided to contact some spell casters which happens to be scams, i was frustrated then decided not to contact any spell caster again, one day i was watching a show when i saw a woman named MANDY was giving testimony on how this great man named Dr, obendel spirit helped her in getting back her lover within 24 hours, so that was how i decided to give it a try and i contacted Dr, obendel spirit and told him about how my love left me and my finance, the only thing he said was that my lover will come back to me and my finance will come up again, that he is going to do all within 24 hours, so, I decided to watch and see. in the next 24 hours which he said i got a call from her and she was pleading to me that she is very sorry for what she did to me. the most surprising thing was that the job i applied for in a company for almost 4 months, they just called and told me that i should come and start the work that am capable of doing the job, i was so surprised a tears of joy rolled down from my eyes, i was very happy and she just came to my house and she started pleading to me, so i accepted her apology and now we are living happily together now, and am working in the company now am happy again. all thanks to Dr, obendel spirit for helping me and for making my dream to come through. HE also specialize on the following 1) If you want your ex back. (2) if you always have bad dreams. (3) If you want promotion in your office. (4) You want women/men to run after you. (5) If you want a child. (6) You want to be rich. (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever. (8) If you want to be famous. (9) How you been scammed and you want to recover you lost money. (10)if you want to stop your divorce. (11)if you want to divorce your husband. (12)if you want your wishes to be granted. (13) Pregnancy spell to conceive baby (14)Guarantee you win the troubling court cases & divorce no matter how what stage (15)Stop your marriage or relationship from breaking apart. (16)If you need financial assistance. (17)Herbal cure Hiv/aid

for help and an assistance, can contact Dr, obendel spirit via email: (obendelspiritualtemple@gmail. com)

Posted by NATALIE on Aug 6th, 2017

NAME: NATALIE COUNTRY:USA HIV has taken so many lives so do cancer, I was having them both, I contacted Dr. Ajagbo, and I told him that I have HIV and Cancer. He told me that my case is a special case. That the items he needs will be much. I asked him how much it will cost me. He told me that it will cost me $150 only, I was only having $100, and I told him the amount I have. He told me that after the cure I should promise him that I will pay back the remaining $50, I told him that I will. He prepared a cure for me and sent it via Courier Delivery Service; I managed to pay for the delivery and legal practitioner that signed the goods for the transfer to my country. I received the parcel, it was a portion, I drank it as he instructed me to, and I went to do a test I was healed, I was tested HIV negative and the cancer was no more, please help me thank him, I haven’t seen a person like him before, I have paid him back in 3 fold, you can get your healing from him and him alone, contact him now Ajagbospelltemple@gmail. com if you don’t have email kindly contact him via his mobile phone number on +2348156759423.

Posted by JESSICA HANSEN on Aug 6th, 2017

I never use to believe in spell casting until i met great Dr Ogwua a powerful spell caster who helped me, to be a happy person again. My name is:Jessica Hansen i live in Canada. After 4 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with his two kids. I felt like my life was about to end and i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a Great spell caster called Dr Ogwua which i contacted online on one faithful day when I was browsing through the internet, i came across a lot of testimonies about this particular Great spell caster how he has helped so many people. he has helped people to bring back their Ex lover, some testified that he restores womb, cure cancer and other sickness, and so on. I also came across a testimony, it was about a woman called Susan, she testified about how his spell made her to be pregnant after so many years of bareness and at the end of her testimony she dropped Dr Ogwua's email address. After reading all these, i decided to give it a try and i contacted him and explained my problem to him and he assured me that in less than 48 hours, my husband will call me and beg for forgiveness but i thought it will not work. When he had finished casting the spell, the next day my husband called me and he was begging for forgiveness just as Dr Ogwua said. This is not brain washing and after the spell has been cast, i realized that my husband love me like never before and the spell caster opened him up to know how much i love him and how much love we need to share. We are even happier now than before. Dr Ogwua is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and a genuine spell caster to solve all your problems contact Dr Ogwua now at ogwuaspiritualspellhome@hotmail. com he will help you solve your problems. Once again thank you Great Dr Ogwua for your good deeds.

Posted by Dani Santo on Aug 23rd, 2017

An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my wife back to me. My name is Dani Santo, i live in United Kngdom, and I'm happily married to a lovely and caring wife, with two kids. A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago, between me and my wife. so terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce. she said that she never wanted to stay with me again, and that she didn't love me anymore. So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back, after much begging, but all to no avail. and she confirmed it that she has made her decision, and she never wanted to see me again. So on one evening, as i was coming back from work, i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife. So i explained every thing to her, so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back, is to visit a spell caster, because it has really worked for her too. So i never believed in spell, but i had no other choice, than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited. . So the next morning, i sent a mail to the address she gave to me, and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day. What an amazing statement. I never believed, so he spoke with me, and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who didn't call me for the past seven months, gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back. So Amazing. So that was how she came back that same day, with lots of love and joy, and she apologized for her mistake, and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day, our relationship was now stronger than how it were before, by the help of a spell caster. So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same website, if">,if you are in any condition like this, or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back. So thanks to the Dr PAPAr for bringing back my wife, and brought great joy to my family once again. , Thanks.

Posted by JANE BRYDON on Sep 12th, 2017

My name is Jane Brydon and i'm base in FLORIDA, UNITED STATES. “My life is full of joy and happiness. After 12 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with our two twins. I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a spell caster called Dr Olokun who i meet online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across alot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, cure cancer, and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. i also come across one particular testimony, it was about a woman called Sheila, she testified about how Dr Olokun brought back her Ex lover in less than 48hours and reverse the effect of their little boys cancer, and at the end of her testimony she dropped Dr Olokun e-mail address. After reading all these, I decided to give Dr Olokun a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 48hours, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. Dr Olokun is really a gifted and talented man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try Dr Olokun now he is the answer to your problems. Here's his contact: drolokun23@gmail. com call him today on his phone Number +2348148615161 God bless you.

Posted by Sarah on Oct 27th, 2017

I Sarah Post This Testimony Coz My Husband Is Back Thanks To Dr. Ukaka

My name is Sarah am from Texas, am a woman who love and cherish my husband more than any other thing you can imagine on earth continent. My husband was so lovely and caring after 3years of marriage he was seriously ill and the doctor confirm and said he has a kidney infection that he needed a kidney donor, that was how I start searching for a good Samaritan who can help, doctor has given me a periodic hour that he will live just 26hours left, that was how I ask the doctor if I can be of help to my husband that was how he carried out the text, the confirming was successful, I was now having this taught that since 3 years now we got married I have not be able to get pregnant can I be able to get bring again? That was the question I ask the doctor, he never answer his response was did you want to lost your husband? I immediately reply no I can't afford to loose him. After the operation my husband came back to live and was healthy I was also ok with the instruction given to me by the doctor, after 3months my husband came home with another lady telling me, that is our new wife that will give us kids and take care of us, that was how I was confused and started crying all day, that was how my husband ran away with his new wife cluaralle. Since then I was confuse don't no what to do that was how I went back to the doctor and tell him everything, he told me that, this is not just an ordinary it must be a spiritual problem that was how he gave me this email (freedomlovespell@hotmail. com) that I should tell her all my problem that she can help that was how i contacted her and I do as instructed. After 3days and I have done what she ask me to do, my husband start searching for me and went back to the doctor, that was how we well settle she also told me not to worry that I will get pregnant, this month making it the fifth Month I contacted her am now 3months pregnant. These great spell cater is a great man, if you are any kind of problem you can contact him here on his email (freedomlovespell@hotmail. com) website address: freedomlovespelltemple. yolasite. com

Posted by Wendy on Nov 4th, 2017

Hello friends! My Name is Wendy from Canada i have had a lot about Dr Ogugu on his good work, for bringing back lost relationship but i never believe because so many spell caster scam me because of my husband who left me and three kids over a year and two months. so a good friend of mine introduce me to Dr Ogugu just because my condition was so bad and the responsibility in my matrimonial home was more than me. my husband left me to another woman just because i don't have male child for him. so i email Dr Ogugu and told him everything, he told me not to worry that my husband will come back and i will have a male child for him. he only told me to believe on him that after casting the spell my husband will come back immediately and beg for forgiveness. he real did it for me and my husband come back to me in the nest two days. i was very happy and thanks dr freedom. so, i was in this situation (April 18 2017) i told Dr Ogugu that i will start shearing his testimony to every one in the word if he make me to have a male child to my husband. and he also did it as am shearing this testimony to every one out dear, that am with my new bouncy baby boy. now i believe that i am the happiest woman on earth because Dr Ogugu restore my life in my matrimonial home you can thank him for me or email him for urgent help in any bad situation i promise you he will also help you; his email address is oguguspiritualspelltemple@gmail. com

Posted by nora alen on Nov 6th, 2017

My name is NORA ALEN, I base in U. S.A. My Lover is back. After 2 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids. I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a spell caster called Bethnam Geremy, which i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I came across allot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, cure cancer, and other sickness, some testified that he cast a spell to stop divorce and so on, he also cast a spell for people to win case in the court i also come across one particular testimony, it was about a woman called Lydia, she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 2 days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped Dr Bethnam E-mail address. After reading all these, I decided to give it a try. I contacted him VIA Email and explained my problem to him. In just 48hours, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before Dr Bethnam, is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try contact him on bethnamgeremy01spelltemple@gmail. com anytime, he might be the answer to your problems. Here's his E-mail again. bethnamgeremy01spelltemple@gmail. com

Posted by nora alen on Nov 6th, 2017

My name is NORA ALEN, I base in U. S.A. My Lover is back. After 2 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids. I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a spell caster called Bethnam Geremy, which i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I came across allot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, He also help them reducing their Weight and look more sexy some testified that he restores womb, cure cancer, and other sickness, some testified that he cast a spell to stop divorce and so on, he also cast a spell for people to win case in the court i also come across one particular testimony, it was about a woman called Lydia, she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 2 days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped Dr Bethnam E-mail address. After reading all these, I decided to give it a try. I contacted him VIA Email and explained my problem to him. In just 48hours, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before Dr Bethnam, is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try contact him on bethnamgeremy01spelltemple@gmail. com anytime, he might be the answer to your problems. Here's his E-mail again. bethnamgeremy01spelltemple@gmail. com

Posted by Queen on Nov 8th, 2017

My name is Queen from USA. I never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once when i went to Africa in February this year on a business summit. I meant a man who’s name is DR. SAMBO he is really powerful and could help cast spells to bring back one’s gone, lost, misbehaving lover and magic money spell or spell for a good job or luck spell. I’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3years. I really loved him, but his mother was against us and he had no good paying job. So when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him. At first i was undecided, skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. And in 7 days when i returned to Canada, my boyfriend (now husband) called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married. I didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do. Well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got the new job and our life became much better. His email is sambothespellcaster@gmail. com

Posted by Blessing on Nov 8th, 2017

what a wonderful world we are living, i still doubt this spell caster how he did it. My mouth is full of testimony, Am blessing my husband left the home for two years to south Africa for a tourist, he meant a prostitute and he was bewitch be the girl my husband refuse to come back home again, i cry day and night looking for who to help me, i read a news paper about a powerful spell caster called oguguspiritualspelltemple@gmail. com and i contacted the spell caster to help me get my lover back to me and he ask me not to worry about it that the gods we fight for me. he told me by mid-night when all the spirit is at rest he will cast a spell to reunite my lover back to me. and he did in less than 3 days my husband came back to me and started crying that i should for forgive him, i, m so happy for what this spell caster did for me and my husband..ijebu of oguguspiritualspelltemple@gmail. com is the best spell caster in the whole wild world.

Posted by Sarah on Nov 19th, 2017

I Sarah Post This Testimony Coz My Husband Is Back Thanks To Dr. Ukaka

My Name is Sarah am from u. s.a I want to use these medium to testify what no one as don through the internet, the great dr ukaka brought back my husband after my husband has left me to one of his co_worker in his office, she casted a spell on my husband dr ukaka reveal it to me and he break the spell and my husband who swear that he will never come back to and my child, and he called me all sort of names, he now came back to me and my child on his kneels begging for forgiveness he said he did not no what come over him but what will I do than to forgive him, that devil of a girl want to take away my joy, I thank you so much dr ukaka you are indeed a great spell caster, is any one trying to take away your lover or your lover is trying to live you for no reason, I will advise you to contact this great doctor on this email:freedomlovespell@hotmail. com, a problem said is a problem solve also contact him for help. website address: freedomlovespelltemple. yolasite. com

Posted by Blessing on Nov 20th, 2017

what a wonderful world we are living, i still doubt this spell caster how he did it. My mouth is full of testimony, Am blessing my husband left the home for two years to south Africa for a tourist, he meant a prostitute and he was bewitch be the girl my husband refuse to come back home again, i cry day and night looking for who to help me, i read a news paper about a powerful spell caster called oguguspiritualspelltemple@gmail. com and i contacted the spell caster to help me get my lover back to me and he ask me not to worry about it that the gods we fight for me. he told me by mid-night when all the spirit is at rest he will cast a spell to reunite my lover back to me. and he did in less than 3 days my husband came back to me and started crying that i should for forgive him, i, m so happy for what this spell caster did for me and my husband..ijebu of oguguspiritualspelltemple@gmail. com is the best spell caster in the whole wild world. OR CALL HIM ON HIS MOBIL NUMBER +9034985551

Posted by Armanda on Nov 20th, 2017

my name is Armanda this is real take it serious, who will believe that a herb can cure HIV in my body, i never believe that this will work i have spend a lot when getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, what i was waiting for is death because i was broke, one day i hard about this great man who is well know of HIV and cancer cure, i decided to email him, unknowingly to me that this will be the end of the HIV aids in my body, he prepare the herb for me, and give me instruction on how to take it, at the end of the two week, he told me to go to the hospital for a check up, and i went, surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me negative, i thought it was a joke, i went to other hospital was also negative, then i took my friend who was also HIV positive to the Dr, after the treatment she was also confirm negative. He also have the herb to cure cancer please i want every one with this virus to be free, that is why am dropping his email address, (olufahomeofsolution@outlook. com) do email him he is a great man. think you for saving my life, and I promise I will always testify for your good work thank you dr olufa for your help to me.

Posted by Armanda on Nov 23rd, 2017

my name is Armanda this is real take it serious, who will believe that a herb can cure HIV in my body, i never believe that this will work i have spend a lot when getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, what i was waiting for is death because i was broke, one day i hard about this great man who is well know of HIV and cancer cure, i decided to email him, unknowingly to me that this will be the end of the HIV aids in my body, he prepare the herb for me, and give me instruction on how to take it, at the end of the two week, he told me to go to the hospital for a check up, and i went, surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me negative, i thought it was a joke, i went to other hospital was also negative, then i took my friend who was also HIV positive to the Dr, after the treatment she was also confirm negative. He also have the herb to cure cancer please i want every one with this virus to be free, that is why am dropping his email address, (olufahomeofsolution@outlook. com) do email him he is a great man. think you for saving my life, and I promise I will always testify for your good work thank you dr olufa for your help to me.

Posted by marian on Nov 24th, 2017

Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address dr. iyarespelltemple@gmail. com, have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks for Dr. iyare. His email: dr. iyarespelltemple@gmail. com

Posted by Monica Brown on Nov 25th, 2017

My Names is Monica Brown, AM from United states. i never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once when i went to Africa in June last year on a business summit i meet a man called Dr Devine, is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back my love s gone misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job i m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 4weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3 year i really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job so when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him at first i was undecided, skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try and in 6 days when i returned to taxes my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married i didn't believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help his email address: drdevinemagiclovespelltemple@gmail. com

Posted by Natasha Johnson on Nov 28th, 2017

Best Love Spells That really work immediately Revealed by Natasha

An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my husband back to me. My name is Natasha Johnson, i live in Florida, USA, and I'm happily married to a lovely and caring husband, with two kids. A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago, between me and my husband. so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce. he said that he never wanted to stay with me again, and that he didn't love me anymore. So he packed out of the house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get him back, after much begging, but all to no avail. and he confirmed it that he has made his decision, and he never wanted to see me again. So on one evening, as i was coming back from work, i met an old friend of mine who asked of my husband. So i explained every thing to him, so he told me that the only way i can get my husband back, is to visit a spell caster, because it has really worked for him too. So i never believed in spell, but i had no other choice, than to follow his advice. Then he gave me the email address of the spell caster whom he visited. . So the next morning, i sent a mail to the address he gave to me, and the spell caster assured me that i will get my husband back the next day. What an amazing statement. I never believed, so he spoke with me, and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my husband who didn't call me for the past seven months, gave me a call to inform me that he was coming back. So Amazing. So that was how he came back that same day, with lots of love and joy, and he apologized for his mistake, and for the pain he caused me and my children. Then from that day, our relationship was now stronger than how it were before, by the help of a spell caster. So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same website, if you are in any condition like this, or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back. So thanks to the Dr Brave for bringing back my husband, and brought great joy to my family once again. , Thanks.

Posted by ogvfgxblrv on Dec 8th, 2017

Posted by iqzlnhyyia on Dec 11th, 2017

gsqifmzdffwuf, http://www. buvwxinnmd. com/ henqhebmcl

Posted by kgacxiniya on Dec 16th, 2017

Posted by claire on Feb 3rd, 2017

i want to thank Dr Usunorbu of drusunorbuspellhome@gmail. com for making me happy in getting my ex lover back after broken up with me last month, i contacted this spell Dr for help and his work was guarantee that i was going to get my ex lover back after 24 hours, although i doubted his word but i decided to give it a try by cooperating with his terms, i did not only get back my ex lover after the spell, but i was also promoted in my place of work, i thank this powerful and trust dr who helped me found joy in my relationship, and me and my ex who is now my lover again is getting married on the 6th of next month, i am so happy that atleast i am with my lover again after all the pains and stress i being through when he first broke with me, i thank Dr Usunorbu (drusunorbuspellhome@gmail. com) i am so so happy i love my lover so much that i was almost end my life when he told me that it was over between both of us, but i thank the spell caster send by God in heaven to help his people, i am grateful Dr Usunorbu i am proud to know these spell Dr i am happy that he help me with my problems, for making my life see joy and happiness again, i am happy for his kindness, i am so happy, so i decided to share my store on the net so that people will see the good which Dr Usunorbu of (drusunorbuspellhome@gmail. com) has done for me in my life, and if you are out there passing through any condition, or having bad time with your lover, or your lover has broke up with you, do not think than to contact these same spell caster on his email address(drusunorbuspellhome@gmail. com) and you will consider your problem solve. Thanks Dr Usunorbu and i pray you will live long forever because you are so kind and powerful, this is my story from Lydia Claire From Texas United State Of America

Posted by patrica edward on Feb 10th, 2017


Posted by LOVE SPELL HERE:shakesspear23@gmail. com on Feb 11th, 2017

Shakira Elliot Says

Am giving this testimony cos am happy

My name is Shakira Elliot from Houston, taxes. i never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once. when i went to Africa in June 28th 2017 this year on a business summit. i ment a man called DR SHAKES SPEAR. He is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back my love’s gone, misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you, bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job. i’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 2 years… i really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job. so when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to first i was undecided, skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. and in 6 days when i returned to taxes, my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married..i didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do… well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better. in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help, email address: shakesspear23@yahoo. com OR shakesspear23@gmail. com

GREAT SHAKES SPEAR i thank you very much thank you in 1000000 times. if not you i would have been losted and wasted thank you. Email Him Through his email address. shakesspear23@yahoo. com OR shakesspear23@gmail. com

please make sure you contact him for any financial difficulties okay..

What a powerful man such as DR SHAKES SPEAR. he is so much powerful..\\ email him for any difficulties. shakesspear23@yahoo. com OR shakesspear23@gmail. com

Posted by HOW MY MARRIAGE WAS SAVED:shakesspear23@yahoo. com on Feb 11th, 2017

How do you see spell casting? As a fake thing, as a story or maybe as an ideal part of an imagination? Before you finally conculde on how you see or what you thing i will advice that you conduct a research and i mean a good research on spell casting and its history then maybe then you will finally come to know the true power of spell casting that we all underrate. I once had and shared this logical believe before fate fate and my marriage problem made me realize that spell casting is as real as a baby coming out of vagina. In the sense that as impossible as it may seem to you there is a 90% certainty that it works and works well. But you should know there are some fake among the real and honest ones. I was so fortunate to meet a real and honest one just as i thought to give spell casting a shot. H is all over every blogging page and broken relationship sites SHAKES SPEAR. SHAKES SPEAR IS ONE OF THE GREATEST THERE IS. I am not just trying to make you fell like you must contact him. is only trying to express how excellent is work is. Trust me i experienced it first hand. Having a sex addicted as a husband is worse than having a cheating husband. Knowing that he loves you with all hes got but can help but can to cheat on you. I know some will rather suggest a rehab. but just to clear the air he checked into rehab four times and was discharged with a report saying he was well but really outside rehab he was back to being an addict of sex. I hated to see that my husband never stopped loving me but couldn't help but but to cheat on me. W had four kids two teens and two other young one age five and seven. It will be ugly to know that there father i a sex addict that can't help but to cheat on me and still dear to say he love me. Only understood but it as all the same tearing my home down just thing about my husband making love to random women that is not me. We could even had gotten infected with some deadly S. T.D or S. T.I i was ready to live him and take my children along with me. But living the man i love just cos he had a problem was coming to hunt me for he rest of my life so by miracle or by fate rather i read about SHAKES SPEAR on the internet. I read about like ten article about how he saved so many people marriages and relationships though my case was different i just felt like he can help me. I just had to let all my thought about spell casting go and i brought myself to contact him. It cos of SHAKES SPEAR my husband is back to how i and even himself want him to be i mean making love to no other woman but me. I just need some material that he asked me to bring to cast the spell. Believe me it will be better for you to ask him to get the materials for you off course with the money you will be sending cos looking for it yourself will be a total waste of time resources and even energy. you should know you must trust him. What ever he ask you to bring just provide it cos his reason are are true. At a time i felt like he was trying to me extort me but i turned out that i was wrong he made understand he was only trying to help complete the worked i asked him to help me do. All thank to the spell prepared by SHAKES SPEAR it save my marriage and family. I will live his email address here for you to contact him for help of any sort. shakesspear23@yahoo. com OR shakesspear23@gmail. com. ONCE AGAIN HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS: shakesspear23@yahoo. com OR shakesspear23@gmail. com

Posted by LOVE SPELL HERE:shakesspear23@gmail. com on Feb 11th, 2017

My Name is QUEEN. I will love to share my testimony to all the people in the forum cos i never thought i will have my girlfriend back and she means so much to me..The girl i want to get marry to left me 4 weeks to our wedding for another man. When i called her she never picked my calls, She deleted me on her facebook and she changed her facebook status from married to Single. when i went to her to her place of work she told her boss she never want to see me..I lost my job as a result of this cos i cant get myself anymore, my life was upside down and everything did not go smooth with my life. I tried all i could do to have her back to all did not work out until i met a Man when i Travel to Africa to execute some business have been developing some years back..I told him my problem and all have passed through in getting her back and how i lost my job. he told me he gonna help me. i don't believe that in the first place. but he swore he will help me out and he told me the reason why my girlfriend left me and also told me some hidden secrets. i was amazed when i heard that from him..he said he will cast a spell for me and i will see the results in the next couple of days..then i travel back to US the following day and i called him when i got home and he said he's busy casting those spells and he has bought all the materials needed for the spells, he said am gonna see positive results in the next 2 days that is Thursday. My girlfriend called me at exactly 12:35pm on Thursday and apologies for all she had done. she said, she never knew what she's doing and her sudden behavior was not intentional and she promised not to do that again. it was like am dreaming when i heard that from her and when we ended the call, i called the man and told him my wife called and he said i haven't seen anything yet. he said i will also get my job back in 3 days time..and when its Sunday, they called me at my place of work that i should resume working on Monday and they gonna compensate me for the time limit have spent at home without working..My life is back into shape, i have my girlfriend back and we are happily married now with kids and i have my job back too. This man is really powerful..if we have up to 20 people like him in the world, the world would have been a better place..he has also helped many of my friends to solve many problems and they are all happy now..Am posting this to the forum for anybody that is interested in meeting the man for help. you can mail him to shakesspear23@yahoo. com OR shakesspear23@gmail. com I cant give out his number cos he told me he don't want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he' will replied to any emails asap..hope he helped u out too..good luck:shakesspear23@yahoo. com OR shakesspear23@gmail. com. ONCE AGAIN HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS: shakesspear23@yahoo. com OR shakesspear23@gmail. com

Posted by WE CAST ALL SPELL HERE:shakesspear23@yahoo. com on Feb 11th, 2017

My wife has been suffering from thyroid cancer which was confirmed to be stage four, the doctor told me there was little he could do since she wasn’t responding to treatment but a friend of mine came to our rescue by ordering this cannabis oil from Shakes Spear which he said has been helping some patient fight against cancer of various types so we decided to give it a chance, so far my wife is improving perfectly very well and presently she can walk around the house all by herself. I felt its necessary i let others who are suffering from this acute disease that once you have a good cannabis oil it can really give one a sound second chance of living. by chance if you happen to be in need of this cannabis oil you can contact Shakes Spear who supplied I and my wife with this email: shakesspear23@yahoo. com OR shakesspear23@gmail. com

HE FIX THE FOLLOWING PROBLEMS TO ALL ACROSS THE GLOBE ON: 1. Getting your lover or husband back 2. Spiritual bulletproof 3. Training 4. Money spell 5. Long life spell 6. Prosperity spell 7. Protection spell 8. Get a job spell 9. Becoming a manager spell 10. Get a huge loan without paying any fee spell 11. Getting your scam money back 12. Child spell 13. Pregnancy spell 14. Freedom spell 15. Love spell 16, vanishing spell 17. Invisible human spell 18. Success or pass spell 19. Marriage spell 20. Avenging spell 21. Popularity spell 22. Killing spell 23. Cancer spell 24. Supernatural power spell 25. Madness spell 26. Free house loan spell 27. Production spell of films and movie 28. Hiv/aids spell 29. Tuberculosis spell 30. Loose weight and body spell

contact me of any of these problem as I got solution to all. MY EMAIL ADDRESS IS:shakesspear23@yahoo. com OR shakesspear23@gmail. com

Posted by LOVE SPELL HERE:shakesspear23@gmail. com on Feb 11th, 2017

How do you see spell casting? As a fake thing, as a story or maybe as an ideal part of an imagination? Before you finally conculde on how you see or what you thing i will advice that you conduct a research and i mean a good research on spell casting and its history then maybe then you will finally come to know the true power of spell casting that we all underrate. I once had and shared this logical believe before fate fate and my marriage problem made me realize that spell casting is as real as a baby coming out of vagina. In the sense that as impossible as it may seem to you there is a 90% certainty that it works and works well. But you should know there are some fake among the real and honest ones. I was so fortunate to meet a real and honest one just as i thought to give spell casting a shot. H is all over every blogging page and broken relationship sites SHAKES SPEAR. SHAKES SPEAR IS ONE OF THE GREATEST THERE IS. I am not just trying to make you fell like you must contact him. is only trying to express how excellent is work is. Trust me i experienced it first hand. Having a sex addicted as a husband is worse than having a cheating husband. Knowing that he loves you with all hes got but can help but can to cheat on you. I know some will rather suggest a rehab. but just to clear the air he checked into rehab four times and was discharged with a report saying he was well but really outside rehab he was back to being an addict of sex. I hated to see that my husband never stopped loving me but couldn't help but but to cheat on me. W had four kids two teens and two other young one age five and seven. It will be ugly to know that there father i a sex addict that can't help but to cheat on me and still dear to say he love me. Only understood but it as all the same tearing my home down just thing about my husband making love to random women that is not me. We could even had gotten infected with some deadly S. T.D or S. T.I i was ready to live him and take my children along with me. But living the man i love just cos he had a problem was coming to hunt me for he rest of my life so by miracle or by fate rather i read about SHAKES SPEAR on the internet. I read about like ten article about how he saved so many people marriages and relationships though my case was different i just felt like he can help me. I just had to let all my thought about spell casting go and i brought myself to contact him. It cos of SHAKES SPEAR my husband is back to how i and even himself want him to be i mean making love to no other woman but me. I just need some material that he asked me to bring to cast the spell. Believe me it will be better for you to ask him to get the materials for you off course with the money you will be sending cos looking for it yourself will be a total waste of time resources and even energy. you should know you must trust him. What ever he ask you to bring just provide it cos his reason are are true. At a time i felt like he was trying to me extort me but i turned out that i was wrong he made understand he was only trying to help complete the worked i asked him to help me do. All thank to the spell prepared by SHAKES SPEAR it save my marriage and family. I will live his email address here for you to contact him for help of any sort. shakesspear23@yahoo. com OR shakesspear23@gmail. com. ONCE AGAIN HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS: shakesspear23@yahoo. com OR shakesspear23@gmail. com

Posted by ALL SOLUTION HERE:shakesspear23@yahoo. com on Feb 11th, 2017

My wife has been suffering from thyroid cancer which was confirmed to be stage four, the doctor told me there was little he could do since she wasn’t responding to treatment but a friend of mine came to our rescue by ordering this cannabis oil from Shakes Spear which he said has been helping some patient fight against cancer of various types so we decided to give it a chance, so far my wife is improving perfectly very well and presently she can walk around the house all by herself. I felt its necessary i let others who are suffering from this acute disease that once you have a good cannabis oil it can really give one a sound second chance of living. by chance if you happen to be in need of this cannabis oil you can contact Shakes Spear who supplied I and my wife with this email: shakesspear23@yahoo. com OR shakesspear23@gmail. com

HE FIX THE FOLLOWING PROBLEMS TO ALL ACROSS THE GLOBE ON: 1. Getting your lover or husband back 2. Spiritual bulletproof 3. Training 4. Money spell 5. Long life spell 6. Prosperity spell 7. Protection spell 8. Get a job spell 9. Becoming a manager spell 10. Get a huge loan without paying any fee spell 11. Getting your scam money back 12. Child spell 13. Pregnancy spell 14. Freedom spell 15. Love spell 16, vanishing spell 17. Invisible human spell 18. Success or pass spell 19. Marriage spell 20. Avenging spell 21. Popularity spell 22. Killing spell 23. Cancer spell 24. Supernatural power spell 25. Madness spell 26. Free house loan spell 27. Production spell of films and movie 28. Hiv/aids spell 29. Tuberculosis spell 30. Loose weight and body spell

contact me of any of these problem as I got solution to all. MY EMAIL ADDRESS IS:shakesspear23@yahoo. com OR shakesspear23@gmail. com

Posted by larry sam on Feb 19th, 2017


Posted by fezzy alex on Feb 23rd, 2017

My name is fezzy alex i am from USA, I have been suffering from HIV/Aids for over 8 years now, i have spent all my money to make sure i get healthy all day, and live happily life, last month January 16th 2017, I came in contact with a traditional doctor on internet who is called Dr ovoko who has help much people to cure their aids disease, firstly i taught it was a scam or joke until i contacted him ” ‘doctorovokohivcure@gmail. com ” and he reply me within 24hr and said that if i am ready to get rid of my disease, i told him yes, and he collected my details and told me that his temple is the final point to my problem. with the way he approach me and he also courage and also advice me, with the way he advice me i was happy because no body has even talk to me in that manner. we keep on talking on mail and call, he told me that he has a medication that he will send for me that if i use it for 3 days that my problem will be over. as soon as he was done with the preparation of the medication he inform me that he is done with the preparation of the medication. i never still believe him until he ask for my address and a week later he send the medication to me and i use it as i was instructed. guess what happen after using it i called him and tell him that i am through using it he told me to go for medical check up and the doctor confirm it that i am now HIV negative. i am sharing this testimony to people who have be scam before or have that believe that there is no HIV cure, that with the help of docotor ovoko that your problem are over and solve. my friends and families who left me before run back to me. I now found out that God in Heaven is using this man to bless and heal us. he is a great and powerful man, again I say to you that God Almighty will uplift you and your great work you did for I and other people. Please i will sincerely advice all HIV patient to contact this great powerful man called Dr ovoko for your solutions now via this email doctorovokohivcure@gmail. com he will help you on your HIV problems never you give up until you are free from this deadly disease because your health is your wealth… doctorovokohivcure@gmail. com.

Posted by my love on Mar 4th, 2017

i will love to share my testimony to you all the people in world i got married to my husband about 2 year ago we start having problems at home like we stop sleeping on the same bed, fighting about little things he always comes home late at night, drinking too much and sleeping with other women out side i have never love any man in my life except him. he is the father of my child and i don't want to loose him because we have worked so hard together to become what we are and have today. few month ago he now decided to live me and the kid, being a single mother can be hard sometimes and so i have nobody to turn to and i was heart broken. i called my mom and explain every thing to her, my mother told me about DR. lala how he helped her solve the problem between her and my dad i was surprise about it because they have been without each other for three and a half years and it was like a miracle how they came back to each other. i was directed to DR. lala on his email:lalapumena@gmail. com and explain everything to him, so he promise me not to worry that he will cast a spell and make things come back to how we where so much in love again and that it was another female spirit that was controlling my husband he told me that my problem will be solved within two days if i believe i said OK So he cast a spell for me and after two days my love came back asking me to forgive him i Am so happy now. so that why i decided to share my experience with every body that have such problem contact Dr lala the great spell caster on his email addresses lalapumena@gmail. com

Posted by favour frank on Mar 10th, 2017

Hello, my name is faith mikel i want to testify what Dr Ehizogie did for me, i was infected with HIV disease wish cost me and my relationship, and i was all alone till i met a friend who directed me to contact Dr Ehizogie through is Email, so i did but was having some doubt course i never believed in the internet so i have to give it a try to see if he can realy cure me from HIV, when i contacted him on his Email he told me not to worry that he is going to prepared a medicine and send to me and should take for a period of 7 days so i did as he said after then i went for test to my greatest surprise the DOCTOR said am HIV negative now am free from HIV, if you need help or you have any kind of problem i will advise you to contact him on his Email address: dr. ehizogie. naturalherbalcure@gmail. com

Posted by Glory on Mar 17th, 2017

I'm here to let the whole world know how i got my husband back through the help of a spell caster called Dr. Ekpen Temple, it all started one morning when my husband and I have an argument and he angrily left and said to me that he is no longer coming back to me, at first i thought it was a normal joke, two weeks passed i did hear from him until it became 1 year i still did not hear from him it was then i started looking for how i can get him back (because i love him so much that i don't want to loss him for someone else) is was then i heard about Dr. Ekpen Temple the spell caster on the internet on how he has help so many people in there are relationship so i contacted him, to cut the long story short my husband came back to me and we celebrated the last Christmas and New year together. you can contact Dr. Ekpen Temple on: (((EKPENTEMPLE@gmail. com))) or you can call him on +2347050270218 for help today.

Posted by favour frank on Mar 31st, 2017

Hello, my name is favour frank i want to testify what Dr Ehizogie did for me, i was infected with

HIV disease wish cost me and my relationship, and i was all alone till i met a friend who directed

me to contact Dr Ehizogie through is Email, so i did but was having some doubt course i never

believed in the internet so i have to give it a try to see if he can realy cure me from HIV, when i

contacted him on his Email he told me not to worry that he is going to prepared a medicine and send

to me and should take for a period of 7 days so i did as he said after then i went for test to my

greatest surprise the DOCTOR said am HIV negative now am free from HIV, if you need help or you

have any kind of problem i will advise you to contact him on his Email address:

Posted by Iris on Apr 4th, 2017

Hello to every one out there, am here to share the unexpected miracle that happened to me two weeks ago, My name is Iris and i live in the U. K,and I`m happily married to a a long lost, lovely and caring husband, with two kids. A very big problem occurred in my family five months ago, between me and my husband it was so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce he said that he never want to see me again, and that he doesnt love me anymore and i should packed out of his house, me and my kids passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to go back to him but all to no avail and he confirmed it that he has made his decision, and he never want to see me again. i met an old friend of mine who asked of my husband So i explained every thing to him, so he told me that the only way i can get my husband back is to visit a spell caster, because it has really worked for him too So i never believed in spell, but i had no other choice, than to follow his advice. Then he gave me the email address of the spell caster whom he visited. docelvie@gmail. com>, So the next morning, i sent a mail to the address he gave to me, and the spell caster assured me that i will get my husband back what an amazing statement. I never believed, so he spoke with me, and told me everything that i need to do. Then after three::days, So surprisingly, my husband who did not call me for the past seven:: months, gave me a call to inform me that he want me to come back, begging and pleasing me So Amazing. So that was how he came back with lots of love and joy, and::he apologized for his mistake, and for the pain he caused me and the::children. Our relationship is now stronger than how it::was before, by the help of doc elvie the spell caster. So, i will advice you out there::to kindly visit the same website, if you are in::any problem like similar to mine, or you have any problem related to “bringing your::ex back. So thanks to Dr elvie for bringing us together again, and brought great::joy to our family once again.

You can contact him via email: docelvie@gmail. com.

o. You can contact himm via cell: +2348106720278.

Posted by lee on Apr 23rd, 2017

My Name is Lee karan, From United Kingdom. I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called Dr okuta has just done for me. this man has just brought back my lost Ex husband to me with his great spell, I was married to this man called Steven we were together for a long time and we loved our self’s but when I was unable to give him a child for 2 years he left me and told me he can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get him back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email: shakaspelltemple@gmail. com then you won't believe this when I contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast and bring my lost husband back, and after a month I miss my month and go for a test and the result stated am pregnant am happy today am a mother of a baby girl, thank you once again the great Dr okuta for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below:

1) If you want your ex back. (2) if you always have bad dreams. (3) You want to be promoted in your office. (4) You want women/men to run after you. (5) If you want a child. (6) You want to be rich. (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever. (8) If you need financial assistance. (9) How you been scammed and you want to recover you lost money. (10)Stop Divorce

Posted by morgan on Apr 25th, 2017


Posted by Mr Morgan on Apr 27th, 2017


Posted by Mr Morgan on Apr 30th, 2017


Posted by Lisa Buckley on May 1st, 2017

How To Get Your husband Back & Avoid Divorce.

“LOVE is the key to LIFE” Glorious be unto Dr. Ukaka the great man and ever, my name is Lisa Buckley from Taxes city Usa. since 1 and a half year I have witness what is called heart broken. my boyfriend that promised me marriage failed me and impregnate me and leave, he dump me, he stop calling" he stop picking my calls, and he no longer respond to me. I have be looking for solution, I fall into the hands of fake spell caster, they rough me off and took my money without help. I have cried, I have weep"and tears runs out of eyes. The silentness in my heart brought me to the deepest path of failure that I lost my job. Crying all day, because of my life was lonely. So thanks to Ukaka that came into my life and brought me the greatest joy that was lost. I saw his mail while browsing and I contact and tell him what I am passing through with no doubt because what saw about him, was enough to believe. And I was given words of solution on what to do. I can't really help thinking about it I have tried to see what I can do, I manage to provide him some materials and he help me with the rest, after casting the spell, 12hrs later he came with rose on his hand and I was even about going out, i saw him in front of my door when he sees me he knee and said he is dying I should forgive him and accept him back he was crying, I can't wait to let him finish I quickly crab him and kiss him, just then" he said he is restless without me, just as the prophet has said he will be. He brought out a ring and put it on my hand. Our wedding day was scheduled,1week after we got married. today makes it 2weeks and we are living happily I don't know how to praise him enough, he has done me a thing I can never forget. And I can't really share to myself alone, I want y'all to help me praise him because if it is wasn't for him I already plan of committing suicide. But right now I am now so happy more than I was before. And you out there crying for help you've already got one, Ukaka is the man that you need in all rampart. contact his address if you need his service, freedomlovespell@hotmail. com also contact him on his web site: freedomlovespelltemple. yolasite. com also call Dr. Ukaka on his mobile number +2348133873774)

Posted by dr dibia on May 9th, 2017

get your problem solve once and for all. i am a living testimony to it. (1) If you want your ex back. (2)if you want cure for hiv disease (3)if you want cure for Ebola warriors (4) if you always have bad dreams. (5) You want to be promoted in your office. (6) You want women/men to run after you. (7) If you want a child. (8) You want to be rich. (9) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever. (10) If you need financial assistance. (11) How you been scammed and you want to recover you lost money. (12)if you want to stop your divorce. (13)if you want to divorce your husband. (14)if you want your wishes to be granted. contacto. drdibia1spelltemple@yahoo. com

Posted by Elizabeth Williams on May 12th, 2017

An amazing testimony on how to get lost love back even if you made some mistakes, My name is Elizabeth Williams and I'm from UK, and I'm happily married to a lovely and caring husband, with two kids. A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago, between me and my husband. so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce. he said that he never wanted to stay with me again, and that he didn't love me anymore. So he packed out of the house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get him back, after much begging, but all to no avail. and he confirmed it that he has made his decision, and he never wanted to see me again. So on one evening, as i was coming back from work, i met an old friend of mine who asked of my husband. So i explained every thing to him, so he told me that the only way i can get my husband back, is to visit a spell caster, because it has really worked for him too. So i never believed in spell, but i had no other choice, than to follow his advice. Then he gave me the email address of the spell caster whom he visited. . So the next morning, i sent a mail to the address he gave to me, and the spell caster assured me that i will get my husband back the next day. What an amazing statement. I never believed, so he spoke with me, and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my husband who didn't call me for the past seven months, gave me a call to inform me that he was coming back. So Amazing. So that was how he came back that same day, with lots of love and joy, and he apologized for his mistake, and for the pain he caused me and my children. Then from that day, our relationship was now stronger than how it were before, by the help of a spell caster. So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same website and you can also reach Dr Brave through his mobile number +2348072370762,if you are in any condition like this, or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back. So thanks to the Dr Brave for bringing back my husband, and brought great joy to my family once again. , Thanks.

Posted by Bruno on Jun 15th, 2017

Hello my name is John Bruno, from USA, i am here to testify on how Dr. Ebosetale help me on Lottery Spell-Are you looking for a jackpot win on either a scratch off ticket or the little lottery contact Dr. Ebosetale at his Email:ebosetalemagichome@yahoo. com today all your pains will be over Dr. Ebosetale is here to help you out okay. This spell can be directed at either type of lottery game in your area to produce a onetime jackpot win. When you do not have the financial freedom to do as you wish life can take a toll on you and your family. Money spell can help increase finance in many ways. We can help with business spells, lottery spells, getting people to pay you back and gambling spells. Better Odds Gambling Spell – Do you go to the casinos and gamble frequently? This spell will increase the odds of your natural win when you go to gamble. You will see larger, more frequent wins. Prosperity Spell – Are you looking for an increased income? This spell will help you in all aspects of your life financially. Whether it be getting a salary increase, better luck gambling or more business coming your way, this spell will help get it done right the first time. For more Info just contact Dr. Ebosetale on his Email;ebosetalemagichome@yahoo. com For all your problems and pains to be over.

Posted by jane richard on Jun 24th, 2017

Greetings to the general public, i am jane i want to broadcast about how dr kunle saved my life, i was infected with Hiv virus for 6 years, my dr told me that there i no total cure and i began to take pill to sustain my self. One day i went to see my doctor and i saw a lady who was extremely happy and i asked to know the reason of her happiness and she told me that she was infected with HERPES disease and a doctor called dr kunle cured her with herbal medicine, i did not believe so i asked my doctor to know if she was truly confirmed Herpes positive before, and my doctor told me yes that a miracle just happened so i asked her to give me the details of the dr so i could ask him if he could also cure Hiv and she gave me dr kunle Email: dr. kunlespellhome@gmail. com I contacted him that very evening and i explained my problem to him and he prepared a medicine and send to me, when i received the medicine he told me how to take it for a period of days and i took it exactly as he said and went for a medical test i was surprise to see my test result as Hiv negative. I am so happy, my family and friends that rejected me are back, thank you God. I guarantee you that dr kunle has solution to all kind of problem if you are facing any stress you can contact him via email dr. kunlespellhome@gmail. com or call him on +2348163023000

Posted by mellisa on Jun 27th, 2017

Hello to every one out here, am here to share the unexpected miracle that happened to me, My name is Mellisa Jefferson I am 34 years old, I live in Florida united states, I am happily married to Sowers Jefferson with three kids we got married in 2006 I am a banker but due to some certain family conditions I had to quit my job so I could have time for my family my husband works in a construction company not long ago around may 2017 my husband started to behave in a way i could not understand, i was very Confused by the way he treat me and the Kids. Later that month he did not come home again and he called me that he want a divorce, i asked him what have i Done wrong to deserve this from him, all he was saying is that he want a divorce That he hate me and do not want to see Me again in his life, i was mad and also Frustrated do not know what to do, i was Sick for more than 4 weeks because of the divorce. i love him so much he was everything to me without him my life is Incomplete. i told my sister and she told me to contact a spell caster, i never believed in all this spell casting of a thing. i just want to try if something will come out of it. i contacted Dr Takuta for the return of my husband to me, he told me that my husband have Been taken by another woman, that she cast a spell on him that is why he hate me and also want us to divorce. then he told me that he have to cast a spell on him that will make him return to Me and the kids, he casted the spell and After 24hours my husband called me and He told me that i should forgive him, he Started to apologize on phone and said That he still loves me that he did not know what happen to him that he left me. it was the spell that Dr Takuta cast on him that brought him back to me today, i and my family Are now happy again today. thank you Dr Takuta for what you have done for me i would have been nothing Today if not for your great spell. i want You my friends who are passing through All this kind of love problem of getting Back their husband, wife. or ex boyfriend and girlfriend to contact him on this email: (takuta_spellcaster@yahoo. com)Thanks for reading.

Posted by Ruth on Jul 1st, 2017

Please help me thank Dr kosie for his good work I really believe HIV have cure I was HIV positive over since 1year plus before I come across a comment Dr kosie that he have cure to any disease and virus but when I saw it i have it in mind that he can’t cure HIV I just decided to give a try I contact him that night luckily to me he said yes but I don’t believe him I think it was a scam or some thing like that but I still hold on to see the work of Dr kosie if he is saying the true he ask for different thing and some question about me I give him all the detail he needed and I wait to see his reply to my problem after all the thing is done he ask me to go for check up I went for hiv test I cant believe I was negative thanks Dr kosie for help me for not dying at this young age if you need his help contact him now Orbokosie@gmail. com. or call +2348156674683

Posted by Ruth on Jul 1st, 2017

Dr. Kosie God will continue to bless you more abundantly, for the good works you are doing in peoples life, I will keep on testifying about your good work, I was healed from HERPES VIRUS through the help of Dr kosie. I saw a blog on how Dr kosie known as "LORD SPIRITUAL" cured people with his herbal treatment, i did not believe but i just decided to give him a try, I contacted him and he prepare the herbs for me which i took, after taking it, he told me to go for check up, could you believe that i was confirm herpes negative after the test, and i went to a different hospital and it was also negative, i am so happy. If you have any problem or you are also infected with any disease, kindly contact him now with his Email: Orbokosie@gmail. com or call him on +2348156674683

Posted by Ruth on Jul 1st, 2017

Dr. Kosie God will continue to bless you more abundantly, for the good works you are doing in peoples life, I will keep on testifying about your good work, I was healed from HERPES VIRUS through the help of Dr kosie. I saw a blog on how Dr kosie known as "LORD SPIRITUAL" cured people with his herbal treatment, i did not believe but i just decided to give him a try, I contacted him and he prepare the herbs for me which i took, after taking it, he told me to go for check up, could you believe that i was confirm herpes negative after the test, and i went to a different hospital and it was also negative, i am so happy. If you have any problem or you are also infected with any disease, kindly contact him now with his Email: Orbokosie@gmail. com or call him on +2348156674683

Posted by Ruth on Jul 1st, 2017

Dr. Kosie God will continue to bless you more abundantly, for the good works you are doing in peoples life, I will keep on testifying about your good work, I was healed from HERPES VIRUS through the help of Dr kosie. I saw a blog on how Dr kosie known as "LORD SPIRITUAL" cured people with his herbal treatment, i did not believe but i just decided to give him a try, I contacted him and he prepare the herbs for me which i took, after taking it, he told me to go for check up, could you believe that i was confirm herpes negative after the test, and i went to a different hospital and it was also negative, i am so happy. If you have any problem or you are also infected with any disease, kindly contact him now with his Email: Orbokosie@gmail. com or call him on +2348156674683

Posted by Bella John on Jul 4th, 2017

My name is Bella my husband is John i have a word to all my viewers in the world After being in relationship with John for seven years, he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster his name is Dr LarryOdumera, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: drlarryodumera@gmail. com you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. YOU CAN EMAIL HIM WITH THE EMAIL ADDRESS: drlarryodumera@gmail. com OR YOU CALL HIM WITH THIS NUMBER +2348168473470

Posted by how i got back my ex on Nov 6th, 2017

Thanks to priest Oduma for bring back my Ex i want to say to the word about the great things you did for me and now am with my ex if you need help in getting back your Ex simple contact priest oduma via Email. spellofsolutions@gmail. com OR call +2348153363047

Posted by Johnson on Nov 22nd, 2017

Hello friends My Name is Johnson from London I will love to share my testimony to all the people in the forum because i never thought i will have my girlfriend back and she means so much to me..The girl i want to get marry to left me 2 months to our wedding for another man. When i called her she never picked my calls, She deleted me on her Facebook and she changed her Facebook status from engage to Single…when i went to her place of work she told her boss she never want to see me..I lost my job as a result of this because i can't get myself anymore, my life was upside down and everything did not go smooth with my life…I tried all i could to have her back to all did not work out until i met a Man when i Travel to Africa to execute some business have been developing some years back..I told him my problem and all have passed through in getting her back and how i lost my job…he told me he gonna help me…i don’t believe that in the first place. but he swore he will help me out and he told me the reason why my girlfriend left me and also told me some hidden secrets. i was amazed when i heard that from him..he said he will cast a spell for me and i will see the results in the next couple of days..then i travel back to UK the following day and i called him when i got home and he said he’s busy casting those spells and he has bought all the materials needed for the spells, he said am gonna see positive results in the next 3 days that is. My girlfriend called me at exactly 11:47pm and apologies for all she had done. she said, she never knew what she’s doing and her sudden behavior was not intentional and she promised not to do that again. it was like am dreaming when i heard that from her and when we ended the call, i called the man and told him my girl friend called and he said i haven’t seen anything yet… he said i will also get my job back in 3 days time..and when its Sunday, they called me at my place of work that i should resume work on Monday and they gonna compensate me for the time limit i have spent at home without working..My life is back into shape, i have my girlfriend back and we are happily married now with a baby boy and i have my job back too. This man is really powerful..if we have up to 20 people like him in the world, the world would have been a better place..he has also helped many of my friends to solve many problems and they are all happy now..Am posting this to the forum for anybody that is interested in meeting the man for help. you can email him, I cant give out his number because he told me he don’t want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay. You can email him Erigospellcaster@gmail. com And see the great work he will do for you.

Posted by Mrs Susan Roguez on Dec 2nd, 2017

Hello you all My name is Mrs Susan Roguez am from United State, i want to thank a lender called Mr Wayne Matthew for the good thing he did in my life by giving me a loan i have been looking for loan for over 3months now i applied online on several lenders who ate my money and didnt give me any loan, i needed a small loan of 5,000dollar to feed my children and do few things at home but no lender gave me this loan until i stopped asking for loan online one day i was browsing through the internet and i saw different testimonies on how this man called Mr Wayne Matthew has helped several people i never wanted to apply but because i needed the loan so i had to give it a try by contacting him he replied to me and help me with the loan and today am thanking him for the good thing so am here to spread it that any one who need loan should just contact this God Fearing man on his email: wayne. matthewloanhome@outlook. com he is ever ready to answer you all thank you.

Posted by craig bernard on Dec 2nd, 2017

Hello everyone, I am from United State, am here to testify of how i got my Xmas loan from georgeward Loan Home (georgewardloanhome@outlook. com) a God fearing and honest lending company after i applied Two times from various loan lenders who claimed to be lenders right here in this forum, i thought their lending where real and i applied but they never gave me loan until a friend of mine introduce me to Rev George Edward the C. E.O of georgeward Loan Home who promised to help me with a loan of my desire and she really did as she promised without any form of delay, I never thought there are still reliable loan lenders until i met GEORGE EDWARD who really helped me with my loan and changed my life for the better. All gratitude goes to REV GEORGE EDWARD a God sent Loan Lender for giving a meaning to my life when i had lost all hope so i made a vow to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my loan. I don't know if you are in need of an urgent loan also, So feel free to contact REV GEORGE EDWARD on her email address: for help.

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Posted by Tracy on Dec 27th, 2017

Good day my friends out there am Tracy by name from United State Of America, i want to share my testimony with the world on how i got my lover back with the great powers of an India man called ONIMA, This man is nothing but a great man that God have assigned to help us in our relationship and marriages etc, i never taught i could get married to Mark because we broke up 4 years ago just because i taught he was cheating with my friend and which was not true, that was how i almost loosed the man that i loved, but i thank Dr ONIMA for helping and putting a smile on my face by bringing back my man to me, and now we are happily married and living happily, so my friends out there that are having relationship problem, i will advice you contact Dr ONIMA for help and i assure you that he is going to put a smile on your face because he has done mine. To reach the great man you can contact him via: onimatempleofsolution1@hotmail. com or call +2348144828157

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Posted by Emily Zachary on Jan 28th, 2017

My marriage was restored by Dr Azaka

My name is Emily Zachary, i just want to share my testimony with the world on how Doctor Azaka brought back my husband back to me. Please read my good news carefully and i am sure it will affect your life positively on how my husband returned back home!

I had been living in great bondage for about 4 years suffering in the hands of a cheating husband. We were living happily until he meant his old time girl friend and he started dating her again outside our marriage and before i knew it he stopped caring for his own family, to the extent that he was planning to marry her and divorce me. I cried and reported him to his family members but he never listened to anyone and to cut the story short, i came in search for a real spell caster who could destroy their relationship and make him come back to me and our 2 kids again; on my search i saw people sharing testimony on how their marriage was restored by Dr Azaka and i pick his email and told him the problem that i was going through, and he agreed to help me and told me never to worry. After he had finished casting the spell, on the second day, they both had a quarrel and he beat up his girlfriend and he came back home begging me to forgive him that his eyes are clear now that he will never do any thing that will hurt his family again and promise to be a caring father and never to cheat on me again. I am so happy that i did not lose him to the girl and all appreciation goes to Dr Azaka for his great work. You are a Great spell caster and to you all that are faced with this or similar problem to this, please contact him now on renoweddr. azakablackmagic@gmail. com OR dr. azakablackmagic@live. com

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Posted by Lavon on Jan 28th, 2017

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Posted by Del on Feb 2nd, 2017

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Posted by Grace on Feb 2nd, 2017

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Posted by Marjorie on Feb 4th, 2017

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Posted by EUGENIE on Feb 18th, 2017

DIOS MIO. Who will ever believe that a herb can cure 5 years HIV in my body, My name is Eugenie, I never believe that it will work that is why am dropping this post. I have spent a lot getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, what i was waiting for was death because I was broke. One day a friend of mine from UK came to visit me and saw my condition was getting worst, then she told me about this great man from Yoruba land of African called Dr Adekunle who cured her sister from HIV and cancer of the breast, without demanding much from her, she told me that he is well known in curing HIV/AIDS, HERPES (HSV1-2),(HHV6-A)SHINGLES, HPV, HBV, HCV, ARS, CANCER, VITILGO, DIABETES, influenza pandemic, HEPATITIS A, B and C CANCER, Tyriod cancer, CELIAC, CHLAMYDIA, Ovarian cyst, STROKE, Alzheimer's and any kind of deadly DISEASES. I decided to email him, unknowingly to me that this will be the end of the HIV aids in my body, he prepare for me Herbs and prescription on how to take it, at the end of two weeks, i was asked to go to the hospital for a checkup, and i went, Surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me negative, i thought it was a joke, i went to another hospital, it was also negative, I was so happy that I quickly introduce my friend who has been suffering from Herpes for the past 5 years to Dr Adekunle, after taking the Herbs DR. Adekunle send to her, less than two days the inching and pains stop, less than 2 weeks she was completely heal and healthy again. Words alone cannot express how much joy and happiness i and my friend have now. Please I want everyone out there with any virus or infection to be healed and healthy, Health is Wealth. Contact Dr. Adekunle on: drogboduherbalcurepalace@gmail. com or call +2348164653711

Posted by Sara Blakely on Mar 2nd, 2017

i want to testify of the good Loan Lender who showed light to me after been scammed by 2 different Internet international lender, they all promise to give me a loan after making me pay fees which yield to nothing and amounted to no positive result. i lost my hard earn money and it was a total of 3500Pounds. One day as i was browsing through the Internet looking frustrated when i came across a testimony woman whose name is Mrs Patient Jones from the United State (US) who was also scammed and eventually got linked to a legit loan company called Havills Loan Firm (havillsloanfirm@yahoo. com) where she finally got her loan, so i decided to contact the same loan company and then told them my story on how i have been scammed by 2 different lenders who did nothing but to course me pain. I explained to the company by mail and all they told me was to cry no more because i will get my loan in their company and also i have made the right choice of contacting them. i filled the loan application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me and I was given a loan amount of 350,000.00Pounds by this great Loan Firm managed by Mr Andy Murray and here i am today happy because Havills Loan Firm has given me a loan so i made a vow to my self that i will keep testifying on the Internet on how i got my loan. Do you need a loan urgently? kindly and quickly contact, Mr Andy Murray now for your loan via email: havillsloanfirm@yahoo. com

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A small boy is sent to bed by his father. [Five minutes later] "Da-ad. " "What?" "I'm thirsty. Can you bring me a drink of water?" "No. You had your chance. Lights out." [Five minutes later] "Da-aaaad. " "WHAT?" "I'm THIRSTY. Can I have a drink of water??" "I told you NO! If you ask again I'll have to spank you!!" [Five minutes later] "Daaaa-aaaAAAAD. " "WHAT. " "When you come in to spank me, can you bring me a drink of water?"

Little Larry attended a horse auction with his father. He watched as his father moved from horse to horse, running his hands up and down the horse's legs and rump, and chest. After a few minutes, Larry asked, 'Dad, why are you doing that?' His father replied, 'Because when I'm buying horses, I have to make sure that they are healthy and in good shape before I buy. Larry, looking worried, said, 'Dad, I think the UPS guy wants to buy Mom. '


One day, during lessons on proper grammar, the teacher asked for a show of hands from those who could use the word 'beautiful' in the same sentence twice.

First, she called on little Suzie, who responded with, 'My father bought my mother a beautiful dress and she looked beautiful in it.' 'Very good, Suzie,' replied the teacher. She then called on little Michael. 'My mummy planned a beautiful banquet and it turned out beautifully.' She said, 'Excellent, Michael!' Then the teacher reluctantly called on little RALPHY. 'Last night at the dinner table, my sister told my father that she was pregnant, and he said 'Beautiful, just f. beautiful!'' GIRLS' NIGHT OUT

Some 40-year-old girlfriends discuss where they should meet for dinner. Finally, they agree to meet at the Ocean View Restaurant, because the waiters are cute and buff.

10 years later, at 50 years of age, the women once again discuss where they should meet for dinner. Finally, they agree to meet at the Ocean View Restaurant, because the food is very good and the wine selection is excellent.

10 years later, at 60 years of age, the girls once again discuss where they should meet for dinner. Finally, they agree to meet at the Ocean View Restaurant, because they can eat there in peace and quiet, and the restaurant has a beautiful view of the ocean.

10 years later, at 70 years of age, the women once again discuss where they should meet for dinner. Finally, they agree to meet at the Ocean View Restaurant, because the restaurant is wheelchair accessible, and it even has an elevator.

10 years later, at 80 years of age, the girls once again discuss where they should meet for dinner. Finally, they agree to meet at the Ocean View Restaurant, because they have never been there before. JUST A JOKE

The body builder takes off his shirt and the blonde says, “What a Great chest you have!"

He tells her, “That’s 100 lbs. of dynamite, Baby.”

He takes off his pants and the blonde says, “What massive calves you have!"

The body builder tells her, “That’s 100 lbs. of dynamite, Baby.”

He then removes his underwear and the blonde goes running out of the apartment screaming in fear.

The body builder puts his clothes back on and chases after her. He catches up to her and asks why she ran out of the apartment like that.

The blonde replies, “I was afraid to be around all that dynamite after I saw how short the fuse was!”


An attractive blonde from Cork, Ireland arrived at the casino. She seemed a little intoxicated and bet twenty-thousand Euros on a single roll of the dice.

She said, 'I hope you don't mind, but I feel much luckier when I'm completely nude'.

With that, she stripped from the neck down, rolled the dice and with an Irish brogue yelled, 'Come on, baby, Mama needs new clothes!'

As the dice came to a stop, she jumped up and down and squealed. 'YES! ¡SÍ! I WON, I WON!'

She hugged each of the dealers and then picked up her winnings and her clothes and quickly departed.

The dealers stared at each other dumbfounded. Finally, one of them asked, 'What did she roll?'

The other answered, 'I don't know - I thought you were watching.'


Not all Irish are drunks, not all blondes are dumb, but all men. are men.

Norkeo. you are off the hook :-)

(Thx for the jokes, Sam :-)

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Rumor: second Nikon D800 firmware update coming out soon

Nikon is expected to release a second D800 firmware update as early as this week (not sure about the exact date). Some of the potential fixes are:

Nikon Japan acknowledged the D800 wireless flash trigger problem and offered a work around - this usually means that a fix will be provided with the next firmware update.

There are some rumors that Nikon may also provide a fix for the green cast present in the D4/D800 LCD screen and will reset the color profile to look like the D700/D3s.

I keep getting reports on the Nikon D800/E focusing issue. As far as I know Nikon has not yet recognized this as a bug. Here is video with detailed testing describing the problem:

Firmware update 1.01 was released last month and included a fix for the D800 lockup issue.

This entry was posted in Nikon D800 and tagged Firmware updates. Marcar el permalink. Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed.

Just thought I’d chip in:

I’ve had a D800 since the first batch arrived in London. It has had a few hang-up issues (fixed, seemingly with the first firmware update), but hasn’t displayed any focus inaccuracies in real-world situations. It has shown a few lenses up for being out of calibration though, but that’s all been fixed with fine tuning the offset. I realise this isn’t what that video is talking about, but I’ve just not seen that problem, nor have had Don’s 5/4 crop issue…shame if it’s there for other users.

The ‘green cast’ issue – it’s just not there, at least on my sample. I’ve got a colour-managed environment for post processing, and my screen matches my calibrated monitor (ViewSign scored at 100%) and prints (FOGRA certified) pretty much perfectly.

I just got my D800 three days ago, and some of the shots are badly out of focus. $3,000 for a Pro camera, and Nikon cannot test sufficiently to work out these bugs before they “rush to market” their cameras? I also got the multi-battery Nikon MB-D12 ($415 at Amazon, B&H). I will be AMAZED if it cost more than $20 to make this plastic “thing.” A third issue, that I don’t read from anyone here, is that lots of us have waited 4 months already before we got our D800 (and some are still waiting) yet Nikon starts your Warranty from the date you ordered your camera. So by the time we got our D800’s a full 1/3 year of our warranties was already gone. And we let Nikon get away with this?!

I would guess you are a troll since anyone who actually has a Nikon grip for this camera knows it is metal. They also know when their warranty starts, which you were also wrong about.

Am-Expat, I also bought the MD-D12 accessory at the same time I ordered y D800 and D3x. It is MOSTLY plastic, and definitelt feels VERY cheap. That said, it works fine.

Some camera outlets start the “warranty” the second you order your camera, and some don’t do it that way, So Ray is probably correct, based on his D800 purchase.

I havent noticed any “green tint,” but the focus with my D800 is no where near as good as what my D3x turns out. Of course, the D3x cost me $8,000 and the D800 is just $2,999.

the D800 is not a pro camera it is semi-pro. The D4/D3s are pro cams.

What makes it a pro camera if Nikon’s word is not enough, since it is a qualifying camera for NPS? So was the D300.

In not the manufacturer stating it is, maybe the fact that more pros are using it now than all the D3s in existence since more D800’s have been made and sold? So what in your criteria makes a camera pro, if pro users don’t count nor the manufacturer? For its intended audience it is the best image taking DSLR available, with better IQ than a D3, D3x or anything else. It would be a sorry state if “pros” were denied access to better results because of a category name “semi-pro” vs “pro. In my field, pro equipment is that which is used by experts who are designated that by their results. For me, using what is appropriate for the task is more important than the label or brand. I was a recording engineer and studio owner for decades and never shied away from gear based on label, results and suitability to the goal was all that counted. There are frequent questions by amateurs or wannabees what mics for example were used on a particular hit record I did, and I tell them it makes no difference since what was used was what solved the unique problems with the task, characteristics and goals in a particular session so a very wide ranging toolbox was available. I had one of the largest collections of classic tube condenser mics that newbies would die for but they only got used when their characteristics solved a problem unique to that session. A hit or highly regarded record might have been recorded with $40 Radio Shack PZM or a pair of $20,000 custom made. I find the same thing in photography in lighting, anything that works to solve the unique problem of that session, that likely will never be exactly the same ever again, is what gets used for “pro” level results. If I am doing portraits, product, fashion, or anything where detail, color or image quality is a criteria, why would I want to limit myself by not using the D800 when it is sitting there? Over a category designation?

Is that LensAlign ruler absolutely dead straight, with virtually no curvature? Was it aligned precisely with the camera’s plane? I’m not an expert optical engineer, but we usually focus on the subject that we want to be sharp, not several inches away from it. I know the lens is the sharpest in the center, but I would consider a test that focuses directly on the subject, and compare the sharpness between phase-detection AF and live view manual focus (the best sharpness that can practically be achieved at that focus point and lens position). My D800 should be delivered today, so I can perhaps confirm my left side AF a bit later. The right AF is more critical for portraits, because it goes on the top.

Test your D800 and you will see the focusing problem. I received 2 D800 with the same problem. To make sure we are not doing anything wrong we did the same test with Nikon D3s and the same lens 24/70, with both cameras on a tripod and same location, and the same none moving object. We also made sure the cameras are in the same setting and the same focus length and ran 10 shots. D3s was all the way focus but D800 only had 2 out of 10 shots that were in focus. In my opinion, it is a bigger issue than other issues this camera has. The camera cannot focus on a tripod with a non moving object. We tried different lenses and some people have this issue with only wide angle lenses, but we had this issue with all lenses.

I think I’ve experienced somewhat the same issue. Although what I’m experiencing is the focus point shifting on me with a stationary target subject, i. e. birds.

Ray I agree with you. I have the same problem. My d800’s focus was awesome with my 24-70/2.8, 70-200/2.8 and 14-24/2.8 (done about 2000 shots) until I turned on the af-finetuning for my new 50/1.4G wich needed tuning -17. After this, the focus for of all the above lenses went to unreliable, even if I turn off the fine tuning. Then I started fine tuning all the 2.8 lenses too, but it does not helped. the 2.8 lenses needed saved value 0. But the focus is not reliable now at all. Sandor

This is the same frigging problem with autofocusing that D7000 had! And Nikon, for over a year, has ignored it and behaved like evrything is OK.

Maybe this time – due to the the arguments of the professionals that would mostly use D800 being treated more seriously – Nikon would finally admit that they did something to the mirror mechanism/focusing part/whatever and they blew big time!!

why did nikon change their focus system? In my opinion it was already perfect.

Personally I don’t agonise over the finer details of colour on the back of the camera. I do use it to judge sharpness though, and a much higher resolution LCD screen is overdue. The 921,000 pixel screen is actually the total number of dots (red, green and blue) so resolution is only 307,000 pixels, which is pretty tiny (640×480). Also consider that videographers pull focus on the fly often from that little monitor with a viewfinder attachment. It would be much quicker to judge stills sharpness from a display with, say 1280×960 true resolution (not as much zooming in). We know it’s certainly possible, since iPhones have been doing it for a couple of years.

Michael’s video does not demonstrate the left AF issue that we have talking about and he did not use the correct method to test it.

Hardware upgrade needed to fix the crippled ergonomics. I don’t have 3 hands.

That guy focused with the left but look at the central sharpness.

He just wasted a load of time finding out that the 50mm lens has field curvature. Good job.

Just wanted to add a serious issue that makes both the D800 and the D800E unusable for pro studio photographers using strobes and softboxes.

When working in the studio, I’m setting exposure to manual, with for instance 125/f11. The only light that I have at that moment is the weak model light. Since the D800’s live view gives a ‘real’ example of the light situation, the monitor is completely dark, making it impossible to focus manually. For technical photography (I do a lot of focus-stacking and tilt-shift) this is vital. Live view will only ‘light up’ if you use the AF-ON button. You could use the movie mode to focus and then make the image in camera mode, or focus in aperture priority mode, but that is way to time consuming if you’re making hundreds of images in a day.

There is no setting to change this behavior. The D700 worked a lot better in this regard; it gave a preview with open diaphragm and you could use the DOF preview to see it with the right aperture. The manual says to push ‘OK’ to view DOF, so I suppose this is a real slip-up.

I’ve called Nikon about this and they are aware of the issue. They are looking into it, I’ll just have to wait and hope they come up with a solution with the next firmware (or return the camera)

Michael did a wonderful job setting up the demonstration. It got me to thinking about my D800 and how I might detect such issues. I started by calculating the depth of field at 1.52 meters for the 50 mm 1.4 lens. I found it to be 5 cm using a 0.02 mm COC. Given the AF type employed on the D800 I expected the camera to resolve a focus attempt if it positioned the lens anywhere within that 5 cm band.

I rechecked the video and Michel clearly shows the variance in focus shifting within this range. The autofocus methodology leads to this. Any images taken would appear sharp though not in the center of the depth of field as we would prefer. If Michael’s work describes the issue the camera behaves as statistically expected.

The Tapes Talk video mainly demonstrates the “normal” variance of the AF. you will get the same results with pretty much every camera and lense combo there are just staying on the same focus point and constantly refocusing. The wider your lens is or more distant your target is or smaller your aperture is, the bigger the shift variance will be (and more neglectable in the mean time). After all, all of the presented figures were on focus respecting the center line.

That “not acceptable for critical work” is just stupid. Back in the days, focusing was done by a human and human eye. it had way much more variance than the presented “1 inch” on a 50mm lense.

However, the one linked in the comments is an unit with defective AF or misaligned AF sensor since the picture is no where near the focus with the left most sensors.

If your observation was right, how do you explain that one body works O. K. and the next doesn’t, whow do you explain that the problem is always on the LT side?

I am skeptical of these kind of negative comments… to protect who?

This is an intresting video as I myself just recieved a D800 in April, after shooting just over a 1000 frames I noticed around 40-50% were out of focus. I assumed that it was user error, rather than the product. I had started on another project, and this time I removed all variables from myself. i. e. tripod, MC30 cord and studio flash. I had a similar focus issue when using the different points.

I contacted Nikon and they took in my D800 and 24-70 f2.8 for service. It’s been returned and checked. They said they realigned the sensor and adjusted the lens. I fired off three test frames and it seems around 2.8 my focus is still not tack sharp. I’m going to run some fuller tests, however it seems at f5 it was perfect.

I know that traditionally depth of field is critical with f1.4 etc lenses, but I didn’t think a f2.8 would be that difficult – I guess I am shooting at 70mm where it becomes more critical. however like I said more tests….

In the meantime I hope Nikon sort out a fix! sadly this product seems to have been rushed to the high street in the megapixel race… something Canon were always to blame for!

Just few notes from an optical point of view.

The video shows a completely wrong way of doing a focus test.

Assuming the target in the field of view perfectly perpendicular to optical axis, the resulting image plane will be obviously curve. While using the outer focus points it is useless to check the center focus just because the only point that will be in focus will be the focus point due to field curvature!

I am puzzled by such a misconception on how optics works….

Kane, Problem is, even taking your point into consideration, it does not explain why the DOF shifts back and forth. With what you are saying about the method, you would expect to see a gradual shift in DOF in one direction, not a skip and then back.

Can you explain this?

I’m just about sick of all this. I not in photography to spend hours and hours running focus test of which that is not my expertise. I understand a certatin about of adjustment as in AF Fine Tune is expected, but this is nonsense.

BTW, I tested my camera for the left focus issue and it doesn’t seem to have it, however, I’m not an optical test engineer and it did use the 24-70 lens since I don’t own the awesome 24 1.4G.

http://vimeo. com/dahlfors Johan D

Let’s hope that the issue with the autofocus can be fixed somewhat through firmware or adjustment at service. When shooting my 50mm f/1.4D wide open I had issues getting focus right on with the D800, just like others have noticed with various lenses.

All in all, the D800 is an insane upgrade from my old trusty D200. The dynamic range is just stunning, I can’t just believe how good this camera is sometimes

I’ve always had an interest in learning more about film as well, so the D800 is my perfect all-in-one camera. Just tried out the D800 + 50mm f/1.4D on a live concert tonight, and although the focus pulling can be difficult and I noticed some moiré in the singers shirt – I’m still very happy about the quality of the footage in low-light:

…I got a feeling I’ll be holding hard onto this camera for quite some years to come 😉

http://vimeo. com/dahlfors Johan D

…and oh yeah – I must say that I didn’t expect much really from the internal microphone of the D800. But after tonight’s recording I got very impressed by it!

Dressing for the Snowstorm during New York Fashion Week

Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for a productive week!

I’ve been going through a black and white phase for quite a while now and judging from the looks from the shows, I’m right on trend but when the snowstorm hit, I needed my brights to cheer me up.

So far, majority of my favorite shows were either channeling black and white or fall hues such as the popular maroon (aka oxblood) and blue hues. Also, fall and winter hats aren’t going anywhere! I’m going to continue to grow my quite large hat and beanie collection (especially a long beanie and a fur hat!)

Have you guys been catching up on the shows? If so, what trend are you looking forward to the most?

(and then Nemo, the snowstorm hit quite haaard. brrrr….)

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Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 23:58 zeke (@Rack--Re: Horsepower) ID#25257: You'll find these horsepower curves to be very steep in that deviation from suggested operating speeds will cost a great deal in fuel consumption. It's always better to drop down in horsepower and maintain a design speed than to vary speed to control horsepower output.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 23:52 Rack (Earl-Zeke-Crossbow-Insure, Generators) ID#411163: I took a better look at the 25kw ad. I also have another pnone number 1-800-317-1260. The ad states it requires 540 rpm from a 50 power takeoff horse power of better is needed to for full rated output. The unit looks to have a gearbox and that it tuns at 3600 rpm. I am assuming that the tractor speed is low and so is gas consumption. What I do not know but assume is that the RPM has to be right on to get good power voltage. If I am wrong then the rpm could be slowed down to match power usage ( very unlikely ) 25kw would be enough for 5 homes at once I would guess.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 23:49 Shadowfax (James Stack) ID#288264: Copyright © 1998 Shadowfax/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved What we find most distressing about recent action ( particularly today's mad frenzy fueled by Internet speculation and takeovers ). is NOT that market indexes are hitting new highs. That, we've said for many weeks, is possible if not probable with the bubble psychology still intact on Wall Street. What WE are concerned about is the greatly increased likelihood that this will now end in a crash.

On the technical front, we are not surprised but amazed at the divergences. The Nasdaq had more DOWNSIDE breadth on a 3pt LOSS eight days ago than it had in UPSIDE breadth on today's 49pt GAIN

The Call/Put Ratio and Pressure Factor have BOTH soared to their most bearish readings for ALL of 1998. This is a truly amazing blow-off. when it ends, it'll be spectacular. But in the meantime, we can't say where it will end.

We can't rule out a run to DJIA 10,000 in this mania. And second, if it is a blow-off rally, there'll be no time for bulls to get out, or for bears to re-establish short positions after the top.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 23:46 AZAU (Isure, et al) ID#257253: Copyright © 1998 AZAU/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved Generators: you have finally got it right with 1800 RPM ( or less ). and you also seem to realize that generators have gone through a large deflation like many other Japanese-competed industrial equipment. Dont buy a new one, unless you have to, and stick to names you REALLY recognize. For instance, Onan is good but you must purchase parts from them alone. There will be THOUSANDS of generators for sale after Y2K sorts itself out, so you can be sure that the factories at Honda, and such consumer goods producers are running full tilt, feeding the baby boomer paranoia. Better to buy good used, because those being sold now are expressly being produced to satisfy this bubble of demand. FWIW, just get some gold and you will be able to buy whatever you want when the time comes. MIA's. I have not posted lately because I cannot figure out the market or even what to say about it. Sense has escaped even the commons. And we know not where it takes us. But look at the bright side: even if all we goldbugs are wrong, then there is surely nirvana awaiting, and the world be so prosperous that there will be microsoft and aol paper currency, tied to the value of their stock, fungible for all debts, public and private. There is really nothing to fear for gold's failure as a haven. We can't lose!

In My Humble Search for Truth.

PS: I have not given up on Gold, Silver, or honesty, or any other things of REAL worth on this planet.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 23:41 Envy (Levi Strauss To Shut Down 2 Plants) ID#219363: TORONTO ( AP ) -- Levi Strauss & Co. is temporarily closing two Ontario factories and laying off 200 workers at a third, company officials said Monday. A jeans plant in Cornwall will close for three months starting Dec. 1, affecting 421 workers, and a plant in Stoney Creek employing 450 days will close for 23 days starting Dec. 21, officials said. The temporary shutdowns are a way to limit inventory of Levi's jeans, the company said.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 23:38 Jack (Just my simple opinion, with slight change in the last sentence ) ID#254288: Copyright © 1998 Jack/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved At todays price gold is good insurance; I mean how much further can it drop? What can one lose, especially when compared to the recent currency bloodbaths. We don't get rebates on our auto or home owner policies, but we can sell our gold.

The marginal miners are a majority; many are highgrading to extend their longivity, or to pay the banker, if the price turns favorable, the existing lower grade ores might not turn the neccessary profit to continue paying the piper.

They will still be in the predicament - pay the banker, or shut down.

I'm in the camp that believes annual world gold production has not yet experienced the ballyhooed decline.

If the gold price reaches US $500 or higher, the above reasoning - relative to the mining companies - will be wrong.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 23:36 zeke (Football) ID#25257: New England just scored with 29 seconds on the clock to move ahead of Miami by three.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 23:28 Jack (Just my simple opinion) ID#254288: Copyright © 1998 Jack/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved At todays price gold is good insurance; I mean how much further can it drop? What can one lose, especially when compared to the recent currency bloodbaths. We don't get rebates on our auto or home owner policies, but we can sell our gold.

The marginal miners are a majority; many are highgrading to extend their longivity, or to pay the banker, if the price turns favorable, the existing lower grade ores might not turn the neccessary profit to continue paying the piper.

They will still be in the predicament - pay the banker, or shut down.

I'm in the camp that believes annual world gold production has not yet experienced the ballyhooed decline.

If the gold price reaches US $500 or higher, the above reasoning will be wrong.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 23:24 kapex (Something to think about. ) ID#218248: Right now, anyone who WAS bearish about this market feels that they are wrong. EVERYONE. When has sentiment ever been this one sided? Hmmmmmmmmm!

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 23:20 Fred (To: Shelby) ID#341234: There was only 1 peak in the Dow in '29. Check for yourself at: http://investorweb. com/djia. txt

I found this at Colin's Financial Pages at: http://www. users. dircon. co. uk/

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 23:20 Envy (Sunshine, Blue Skies) ID#219363: Copyright © 1998 Envy/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved I'm still holding PUT options against some of this junk. *grin*. I'm glad I bought after the first two rate cuts or I would have been burned on the premiums, but more than that I'm glad it was only play money. Still, some of stocks I'm against are not looking unstoppable, they just can't seem to push past their old highs, close, but no cigar. I'm going to let these bets run to expiration, if something bad happens to this market, I want to be holding a ticket. If we push past my expiration dates I'll pick up more on the other side when the time is right. And in the spirit of fessing up on your bad bets as well as your good -

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 23:18 Earl (Isure:) ID#227238: Thanks. I have an account with WWG. They tend to be higher priced for so many things that I overlooked them on this issue.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 23:16 Earl (Old Gold:) ID#227238: Couldn't respond to your earlier post but, if it be your desire to pee on the DOW/SP parade; the VIX closed today at 20.59. At the July top, it was at 17. Puts should be priced similarly. Even if the crash is not imminent, some puts might do well for even for a normal counter trend pullback.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 23:09 Isure (Earl) ID#421269: Earl, I own and operate a home center in Louisiana, I have many sources and probable could find better prices. The prices I posted are from W. W. Grainger which have locations through out the U. S.

I don't try and sell here but if I can help with any info. I will be more than happy to for my Kitco brothers and sisters

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 23:08 zeke (Good Call) ID#25257: Excellent Kapex.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 23:05 kapex (Heres what I think of this market. Repost from last night.) ID#218248: Copyright © 1998 kapex/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved

Date: Sun Nov 22 1998 17:54 kapex ( Take the money and RUN. ) ID#218248: Copyright © 1998 kapex/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved We now have hit 5 year highs in bullish sentiment, 57%, versus 31.6% bears. Everyone I talk to, and I mean everyone is in this market. I have never seen sentiment this optimistic! This market is in deep s _ _ t. I would even go so far as to say the top of Wave ( 2 ) is complete. The pattern was a a-b-c - x - a-b-c. Put call ratio hit 40 on friday which is one tick off the 5 year lows. This is not the kind of action that you see after a 20% decline! Reality is about to set in. Every index with the exception of the Dow declined in 5 waves. Most people who were calling for devasting new lows have all changed their tune. ¿Por qué? I had stated near the lows that the wave 2 up would be breathtaking, and suck everyone back in. It has, including the most die hard bears. Just remember, this market won't telegraph it's next decline. You just better be the heck out of the way when it begins. SELL NOW.

After todays rally I can't wait to see the put - call numbers in the paper tomorrow. Tulips anyone?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 23:04 IDT (Can anyone explain the impact of these options on the POG? See below) ID#228128: Copyright © 1998 IDT/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved This from the New York Post:


By JOHN DIZARD ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE Y2K problem - the need to reprogram computers to correctly recognize and store dates after the turn of the century - is generating a lot of overtime for the consultants whose predecessors created the problem in the first place.

Now it seems that Y2K is helping to reignite speculative demand for gold.

Sorry, goldbugs, I mean investment demand.

Some of this has been reflected in sales of gold coins. People out there in the country across the Hudson are buying them at an all time record rate. In the third quarter alone, sales of coins in the United States were up to 772,000 ounces, a 170 percent increase over the third quarter of 1997.

Presumably they get stored next to the assault rifles and canned goods that will see their owners through the financial market turmoil and general social disruption. ¿Quién sabe? Maybe they'll be laughing at us, just before they pull the triggers.

But the prospect of millenarian mayhem may be causing a bizarre imbalance in the gold pit of the Comex exchange downtown.

The gold option contract with the largest open interest on the exchange is the December 1999 call, specifically the 390 call. A call contract gives the owner, in return for a premium, the right, but not the obligation, to take delivery of a commodity, in this case 100 ounces of gold.

The 390 call lets those owners acquire gold at a price of $390 an ounce, whatever the spot price is at that time. This promise is backed up by the AAA rating of the Commodity Exchange, Inc. which the millenarians might not believe will survive the New Year.

The December 1999 call will expire on the second Friday in November of the year. As of Nov. 18, the total amount of gold call options for that 390 contract was over 3,200,000 ounces, which is over 90 tonnes of gold. The total gold calls for the whole month is over 180 tonnes. That's a lot of gold.

To put that position in context, the January 1999 call options total a little over 660,000 ounces, or about 20 tonnes.

Said one gold trader on the Comex floor, If gold comes in $30 an ounce better ( it closed Friday at $296.05 spot ) it's going to be a T-Rex. Then it would be unhedgeable. The whole thing is weird. The date is all wrong. The size is all wrong. It looks random, erroneous.

By unhedgeable, our trader means that it would not be practical to lay off the risk on other gold market participants. When market makers on the floor of the exchange sell calls, they don't plan to go into their private vault and take out 100 ounce gold bars and hand them over to you if the price moves in your favor.

They buy some call options or futures on their own from other dealers or exchanges who can get the gold from mines or central banks who have the physical gold to sell.

But the Dec 1999 calls are such a big, odd position that it would be difficult to lay off the risk. Our trader has heard the talk that this position has been built up by individuals who are betting on Y2K problems. But he's skeptical.

Maybe 10 percent of the volume on this exchange represents retail, on average. This is a professional market, not a retail market. This just doesn't make sense.

Because the Y2K position doesn't make sense, right now it's created a lot of inefficiencies in the pricing of gold options before and after the Dec 99s.

And those inefficiencies are the source of profit for the floor traders.

By the way, for their own account, many if not most of them are dubious about gold as an investment. It's been the worst investment in the universe, says our trader. The cash costs of mining keep dropping, and the supply goes up.

So where's the possibility of $390 gold? Do the Y2K paranoids know something? Or is it just a small ring of buyers. There is some talk that this is a very small group doing this.

This isn't going away, says the trader. It's going to get bigger and it could become a magnetic issue.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 23:01 Earl (Isure:) ID#227238: Think I missed something. what's your source for those generator sets? That's a lot of power at reasonable prices. It would be nice to find a smaller size that operates at 1800 RPM.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:57 Envy (@EJ) ID#219363: Yep, beyond belief. I mean that, it truly is something to see, amazing. Be it a blow off rally, the big end of the world party or just another day in the life of a horned cow, it's impressive and I'm having fun watching it. As insane as I think the gains in the tulips have been these past weeks, it's still something you just have to chuckle at while it's going on, some folks really are making some money if they can control their greed when the time comes. Gotta sell high. Btw, cool about email, just any old time, I'm not one for answering email for days usually.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:49 SWP1 (Hey! It worked!) ID#233243: Seems empty doesn't it?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:48 2BR02B? () ID#266105: Earl - yup, off and on today. More mia's-- the long-winded iconoclast Bill somebody who's schtick was the replacement of structures economic in form and function by those political in content. Searle/Byron-at-the-library waft SI.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:48 MiloTrdr (Imrahil Credit card applications?) ID#350358: You know, come to think of it, those have taperd off a bit. Now let me see, when did I get the last one. ( Oh yeah, and let me check if I've paid my bill. )

Yep I paid my bill. and you know, the last few I got were offering 'even more' services and insurances for if I had problems paying my bill. For a damn hefty fee of course.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:48 SWP1 (Photographs of Fort Knox (as it were)) ID#233243: Sorry, but I couldn't seem to make the link active so you'll have to cut and paste.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:47 EJ (Envy) ID#45173: Got your email. Will resond tomorrow.

Looks like one big 'ol worldwide equity party, eh?

Nikkei back to 40,000, DOW to 15000. Woo hoo! All aboard!

What's that smell? - EJ

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:45 Isure (Generators) ID#421269: 25kw-45hp-1800rpms-$2523-del. 40kw-64hp-1800rpms-$3481-del. 60kw-105hp-1800rpms-$5071-del.

Espero que esto ayude.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:40 Isure (test) ID#421269:

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:40 Earl (2BR02B?:) ID#227238: Got any weather down there. Seems to be blowing out the candles here in PDX.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:35 2BR02B? (mia's) ID#266105: The randian Chris last seen headed out to sea. Ginzburg.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:32 Earl (Petronius:) ID#227238: Was tulips money? How 'bout shares in the Mississippi Company? How 'bout Bernie Cornfeld's great venture of the '60s. Bob and Al's most excellent adventure of the '90s is next. Everyone here got gold? EJ's survey is not reassuring. Some are not doing their part. - ) )

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:26 zeke (Happy Days) ID#25257: Since it is impossible for the Lord of All Creation to bless a Proud and Boastful Heart, the Self-Proclaimed experts and Gurus must all retreat to the shadows and lick their wounds just before the big wave comes. As They fall away and dump their troves, the tsunami will begin.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:16 Savage (. 'baron. ) ID#290202. evidently, quite a lot. Don't sell yourself ( or your silver ) short.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:16 Envy (Japan Stocks Soar in AM Session) ID#219363: Copyright © 1998 Envy/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved TOKYO ( AP ) -- Share prices in Tokyo soared Tuesday morning following a new record high on Wall Street. The dollar was higher against the yen. The 225-issue Nikkei Stock Average rose 211.85 points, or 1.43 percent, to 14,991.79 to close the morning session. Earlier, the index had climbed briefly above 15,000 points for the first time since Sept. 9. Markets were closed for a national holiday on Monday. On Friday, the Nikkei gained 425.48 points, or 2.96 percent. The dollar bought 121.42 yen, up 1.26 yen from late Friday in Tokyo and also above its New York level of 120.99 yen late Monday. In New York on Monday, the Dow Jones industrial average rose 214.72, closing at a new record high of 9,374.27 points, boosted by news of possible takeovers of Bankers Trust Corp. by Germany's Deutsche Bank AG and of Netscape Communications Corp. by America Online Inc. The Dow's previous record was 9337.97, set in July. The rally continued in Tokyo.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:14 Silverbaron (By The Way) ID#290456: Everyone knows the gold isn't in Ft. Knox anymore, it's in Area 51.

Why do you think they have all those armed guards authorized to use deadly force. to protect captured space aliens?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:14 EJ (Since the stock market's been a'rocketin' a few Kitco regulars are rare) ID#45173: Where's Gollum-san? Where's RJ?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:13 RAN (It is not your father's market anymore and the NEW PARADIGM is indeed upon us.) ID#411140: All manner of insanity is possible when you KNOW you do not have to balance the books. If you find yourself scratching your head to make sense of it all, remember Y2K is going to give all neocheating, currency debasing, parasitical politicians the oppurtunity to wipe all the debit books clean so they can commence another mellenium of stealing the value away from the honest working classes.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:12 zeke (@Rack) ID#25257: I think they give the engine size to be 50hp, which is bigger than the average Farm tractor. My Deere 1050 is 40 horse. You should look at their smaller unit which requires only about 40 horsepower and outputs 12000 Watts.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:07 zeke (MIA'S) ID#25257: Don't forget Jonesy and Veronsky. Not to mention Mike Whatsit?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:04 Silverbaron (Savage) ID#290456: I agree with you about RJ. he definitely has a lot of potential as a writer. my gut feeling is that he would be better as a novelist than a screenwriter. but what the heck do I know.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 22:00 Silverbaron (Savage) ID#290456: This handle was picked up from some of my co-workers back maybe 4-5 years ago. I was buying a lot of junk silver and silver dollars at the time, and trying my best to talk everyone else into it.

Of course, no one did ( silver was the LAST thing they would ever invest in ). and the handle kind of stuck as an un-kind label. They thought I was nuts then. and I think that they still do. ( ( LOL ) )

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:51 Savage (. 'baron. ) ID#290202. Yes, NTEOTWAWKI has talent. But, methinks he is not alone on the field. RJ perhaps. where is RJ anyway. btw where did you get your handle? Did you ever see the great Coalbaron JW Thompson's mansion in Uniontown, Md. Now, THAT was a house! ( circa 1900 )

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:46 hugo (charts) ID#404312: Copyright © 1998 hugo/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved there is a very good match between thedaily gold chart and the weekly t bill chart of 1989-1990

I look for this three week bull move to persist. Today's action was encouraging given that over the last couple of weeks on down days we've only been about a dollar or so away from a serious breakdown of the entire 3 month old formation. We can't afford to go sideways and we need to take out the recent high of 299.1 this week. If we break today's low, forget it for a couple weeks

The ball is in the silver bear's court. If they can't break this market down tomorrow, I think we could see some serious buying. That BIG downtrend line off the 4/3 and 7/24 highs is at around 497.5 tomorrow and dropping about a penny a day. Bears can't afford a sideways market.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:41 ERLE (Thanks Nick@C,) ID#190411: I'll learn.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:40 TYoung (oxymoron. long and commodities. Yes!) ID#370218: Think about it!

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:39 Silverbaron (Savage) ID#290456: Not 'til now. know where I can get a gig? ( LOL )

I think NTEOWAWKI has the only talent around here for that kind of stuff.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:38 Jack (@JTF) ID#254288: We all have absorbed the many reason's for golds dismal performance, just perhaps those guys might uncover something concrete; that is, if they are not at the root themselves. How this all plays out can be revealing, eye opening, even knock our blocks off. From reading the article, it seems that the WGC's existence was really on the line as intimated here some months ago. We all learn, I hope.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:34 Nick@C (ERLE@cut 'n paste) ID#386245: 1 ) hold down left mouse button and move it over the post to 'highlight' what you want to cut. 2 ) go up to edit on your task bar and press 'copy'. 3 ) come back to Kitco post mode. 4 ) go up to edit and 'paste' it wherever you have your blinking cursor.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:32 Rack (Crossbow-re:Generators 25kw) ID#411163: Someone else posted this place also 1-800-556-7885 or they have a site @ www. northern-online. com item# 16471-b204 $2120.00 They didn't give the tractor size to run it but I imagine it would not be a large one-just my very uneducated guess. Insure also said to give WW Grainger a call. They are everywhere. I never thought of them. If you find out what HP you need ( tractor size ) please post it.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:29 Savage (. 'baron. (your 21:13)) ID#290202: Sounds like a movie script. Ever done any screenwriting?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:25 ERLE (Platinum,) ID#190411: I got my Pt eagles that I ordered on advice of Kaplan. He was right on that one too. Platinum has advanced enough to make back the coin premium, and a bit more. Some other guys. I'd like to read more of SpudMaster, and where is AJ from Arkansas?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:25 James (Petronius@ $850,000--Cheap sluts) ID#252150: Of course, he can still rationalize that he did'nt pay for it.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:23 Envy (@Imrahil) ID#219363: How about all the miners get together and go complain to the President that the slump in gold is forcing layoffs in remote rural areas where the mines are located. Then maybe he'll get the FED to purchase more gold. Well, if there is a sudden press release that the government is buying up gold, we know what happened.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:19 ERLE (Silverbaron,) ID#190411: Good chuckle about T1. The problem with him, is he is giving it all away: to kids, no less. crazytimes, thanks for the repost. ¿Cómo haces eso?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:18 Neophyte (gold update) ID#390249: Interesting ECB stuff in today's gold update

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:14 crazytimes (@ MIA) ID#344326: and what about Ray as in Tally Ho!

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:13 Silverbaron (JTF @ Ft. Knox) ID#290456: There's another possibility:

What if you DID have the gold, and wanted to make it as safe as possible. You might build a secure ( but dummy ) fortress and advertise that it contains all your gold. meanwhile you were long ago busy hiding it somewhere else - maybe deep in a hideaway somewhere like. Thunder Mountain? Bikini Atoll? Tolerant1's house?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:12 crazytimes (For ERLE. the post. and where is Prometheus?) ID#344326: Copyright © 1998 crazytimes/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved Date: Mon Aug 31 1998 23:53 Pete ( ALL-Dead cat bounce? ) ID#222231: Copyright © 1998 Pete/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved Even as bad as the drop has been the past week I think we have one more leg up, possibly to 10,000 before the final implosion. I will try to enumerate as follows:

( 1 ) Many have profits that would be subject to capital gains taxes of 20% or more. The herd will not sell until their losses are substantially greater than 20%.

( 2 ) The herd mentality will be to reenter the market at 7000+ as a buying opportunity one last time because they have the mistaken belief that the equity market is still viable.

( 3 ) The FRB will lower rates very soon because if they don't, they will fear the consequences. this will give one more final breath of life to the market.

( 4 ) Finally the pundits and media will be convincing the herd not to panic, a fact that is apparent from surveys of the ignorent investors. This will give the imputus to # ( 2 ).

All of the above should occur within the next two months. Do not despair for I believe this will be the last hurrah before the final meltdown. The precious metals will shine as never before shortly thereafter. IMHO.

I for one have no empathy for greedy investors that expect 20%-30% gains yearly forever. They will finally get what they rightfully deserve.

Gone fishing, not for good buys? but the real thing. BBML.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:09 ERLE (Prometheus, MIA) ID#190411: I went back a few minutes ago, to the depths of despair, ( late August ). looking for some of the posters that have moved on. I came across Pete's August 31, 23:53 piece. If that one isn't spot on, what would be. I don't know how to paste that one to tonight's dialog, but maybe someone else could.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:07 Selby (Pre'29) ID#286230: Somebody -- about 2-3 weeks ago -- made the argument that the onset of the 29 depression included a long run up and quick short drop followed by a second run up and after that the now famous decline in '29. Can that be reposted or someone who knows reiterate the events in some detail?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:06 Imrahil (Bananas and steel) ID#423313: Copyright © 1998 Imrahil/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved So much for free trade. Notice that we ( the US ) only embraces free trade when it means we can export more. Not even the Republicans like free trade if it hurts big business. By the way, historically Republicans have been the protectionist forces; for some reason they reversed positions after the depression ( hmmmmmm ) until Pat Buchanan started blowing the protectionist horn again. With the steel issue, the unions and Bethlehem Steel actually joined each other in their fight against imports.

Can we ban imported gold in the US? Jus kiddin.

On another point. The reason the fed lowered interest rates again was to relieve the credit crunch which was real and hit real hard. I know several Fortune 500 companies put a lot of projects on hold as their sources of financing dried up. The Fed was trying to reassure the banks ( not the borrowers ) that things would be ok.

The best leading indicator that the market is about to crash? When we stop getting credit card applications in the mail. And your credit card interest rates rise. And your credit lines shrink. This is a consumer debt financed expansion. The 'soft landing' in 1995 was directly linked to a temporary slow down in consumer borrowing. As soon as people slow down that credit card action, the balloon goes 'pop!'

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:05 chas (Sharefin @ 13:42 & SDRer @ 16:08) ID#147201: My radar is not tuned well yet, but the reference you both made to the Awful Mae etc and including FDIC as well as credit card latitutes leads me to suspicion that the credit yoke on the population makes the LTCM look like a back alley crap shoot. I wish I could specify this better, but my concept involves the mortgage market, the FDIC loop holes and the credit card deals are suck ins like Las Vegas compared to the local poker house which is compared to LTCM types. Can you help me aim my radar

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:04 crazytimes (@ SWP1) ID#344326: Good Question! Sometimes for all the incredible knowledge on this site there are some very basic things that I don't know. My hunch is that the Fort Knox Gold is the US Government and the Federal Reserve is in NY. But I could be wrong. Also another question. What is the actual physical location of COMEX?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:02 Petronius (Inflation, Deflation, Money) ID#225236: Copyright © 1998 Petronius/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved Before the infaltion/deflation issue can be answered, let me ask some stupid question:

When gold was money/money was gold the inflation/deflation questions could be answered simply. Today, is a different world. Hilary is featured on the cover of Vogue magazine as a model of women dignity for letting Bill run around with cheap sluts. What is dignity and what is money?

After dollar was de-coupled from gold, everything became relative. To allow government to spend money, without infalting (. ) the main money supply ( or M1 ). other cathegories of money were created: M1, M2, M3, M4, government bonds ( are all these nmoney. ) What if one of the cathegories increases drastically ( inflation ) and other decreases drastically ( deflation ) - what is it then. Is government debt money?

To preserve retirement money, people started buying stocks. To preserve excess money generated in an up-business cycle, companies started buying stocks ( are stocks money? )

To feed the appetites for stocks, a lot of companies went public that never made any money ( here is that word again ) and never had a plan to make money ( internet stocks ). Are internet stocks money?

If M1 dramatically decreases and total capitalization of internet stocks dramatically increases, what is it, inflation or deflation?

Current US financial system is a ton of garbage built upon a ton of garbage, built upon a ton of garbage, etc. The government has effectively declared that the old rules of economy ( producers, consumers, supply, demand, balanced books, debt amortization, competition, trade balance ) no longer apply. Well, the rules of nature ( real economy is based on rules of nature ) have a tendency to re-assert themselves in a drastic fashion. The longer the garbage is fixed with dirty tricks the larger it grows and the harder it is going to crash.

The prediction of the centenial correction made by prominent E-wave theorists that was to start in 1996 did not come true. Was this wishful thinking? Are we perhaps destined to ride the millenium wave?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:02 Envy (USDA To Buy $50 Million of Pork) ID#219363: Copyright © 1998 Envy/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved WASHINGTON ( AP ) -- Just days after the nation's hog farmers said falling prices were devastating their business, the government agreed Monday to buy $50 million worth of pork. Pork producers are experiencing more than a 50 percent decrease in hog prices from last year, Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman said in a statement. This purchase is the latest in a series of steps the Clinton administration has taken to assist pork producers in these difficult economic times. The pork included in Monday's announcement will be distributed to recipients of the federal food assistance program. Glickman said the purchase, along with a recent announcement to buy 50,000 metric tons of pork to send to Russia, should help bolster prices -- now at their lowest in 27 years.

http://www. newsday. com/ap/rnmpfn18.htm -- Ooooooh yeah. The ole government subsidy strategy, that's gotta good track record.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:02 Savage (. Envy, Crazytimes, Silverbaron and Miro. ) ID#290202: You guys have good memories. The list if MIAs keeps growing. Any of you guys lurking. Miro ( your 20:50 ) ran out of money. I can relate LOL.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:01 JTF (Need for transparency in gold trading) ID#210282: Jack: I think there is one corollary to your interesting post. If there is a move afoot to make gold trading more transparent, it can mean only one thing -- the Central Banks are now less interested in trading themselves -- so there is less need for secrecy.

Perhaps the gold traders are feeling the pinch -- and want to liven things up a bit by stimulating a gold bull. Perhaps the CB's now want gold to rise a bit. Would make sense. What better way to push the US dollar down, and push up those currencies extensively backed by gold.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 21:00 SWP1 (Re: Gold at Fort Knox?) ID#286224: A question from the ignorant:

Is the supposed gold at Ft. Know supposed to belong to the US GOvt. or the Fed Reserve Bank?

What Major gold stash is held in NY City Gold and who does if bolong to?

Gracias. ( just trying to get things straight )

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:59 Petronius (Deflation, Inflation, Money) ID#225236: Copyright © 1998 Petronius/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved Before the infaltion/deflation issue can be answered, let me ask some stupid question:

When gold was money/money was gold the inflation/deflation questions could be answered simply. Today, is a different world. Hilary is featured on the cover of Vogue magazine as a model of women dignity for letting Bill run around with cheap sluts. What is dignity and what is money?

After dollar was de-coupled from gold, everything became relative. To allow government to spend money, without infalting (. ) the main money supply ( or M1 ). other cathegories of money were created: M1, M2, M3, M4, government bonds ( are all these nmoney. ) What if one of the cathegories increases drastically ( inflation ) and other decreases drastically ( deflation ) - what is it then. Is government debt money?

To preserve retirement money, people started buying stocks. To preserve excess money generated in an up-business cycle, companies started buying stocks ( are stocks money? )

To feed the appetites for stocks, a lot of companies went public that never made any money ( here is that word again ) and never had a plan to make money ( internet stocks ). Are internet stocks money?

If M1 dramatically decreases and total capitalization of internet stocks dramatically increases, what is it, inflation or deflation?

Current US financial system is a ton of garbage built upon a ton of garbage, built upon a ton of garbage, etc. The government has effectively declared that the old rules of economy ( producers, consumers, supply, demand, balanced books, debt amortization, competition, trade balance ) no longer apply. Well, the rules of nature ( real economy is based on rules of nature ) have a tendency to re-assert themselves in a drastic fashion. The longer the garbage is fixed with dirty tricks the larger it grows and the harder it is going to crash.

The prediction of the centenial correction made by prominent E-wave theorists that was to start in 1996 did not come true. Was this wishful thinking? Are we perhaps destined to ride the millenium wave?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:58 Gusto Oro (Tortfeasor. Ezra. ) ID#430260: Tort:

Ezra said that when the Vickings kicked the Packers Sunday. --AG

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:57 Nick@C (Puts-R-Us ) ID#386245: Have just bought some puts. This kind of insanity cannot go on indefinitely. Late '99 on banks. When the lines start forming.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:57 James (Tilting at windmills@Added to my AMAT & SPY shorts. Also shorted Alcan.) ID#252150: Bring on 10,000. I've got an oxygen mask.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:56 Envy (Major Cigarette Price Hike Looms) ID#219363: Copyright © 1998 Envy/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved NEW YORK ( AP ) -- Philip Morris USA, the nation's biggest tobacco company, raised wholesale prices of Marlboros and its other cigarette brands by a record 45 cents a pack on the day the industry sealed a mammoth legal settlement with the states. No. 2 R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. joined the move Monday and others were expected to follow suit on what one analyst called the biggest U. S. cigarette price hike ever. It could push the average retail price of cigarettes to $2.45 a pack, and the price of premium brands like Marlboro even higher.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:56 crazytimes (@ MIA) ID#344326: I also wonder if Golden Prophet is GOLDEN CHEESEHEAD. I think Blooper did one too many and got 404'd.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:55 silver plate (Useless) ID#234253: I hate it when LGB and Farfel go at it. A bunch of stupid drivel that takes up space and adds nothing to this site. How about banning both of them?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:52 Who Cares? (Donald & Inevitable Deflation) ID#242328: While I won't argue Donald's basic premise ( although I disagree with the order in which inflation/deflation will finally appear ). I will point out that Uncle Sam now has substantial leeway in fiscal stimulus spending.

They could probably boost spending by $300B or so.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:50 Miro (@Savage and goldbugs missing in action) ID#347457: Savage, the last I've heard is that they ran out of money ( like the rest of us ) and had to sell their computers in order to maintain their positions in PM. You may be right that they will return in 99. Gold should be up and they might be able to pay Pawn Shop and get back their posting tools ;- )

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:49 Silverbaron (Envy) ID#290456: And The Preacher. I REALLY miss his technical wizardry.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:49 JTF (Ft Knox security) ID#210282: Isure:

Just a thought -- when do you really need more security at Fort Knox?

When you have gold and want to keep it,

When you have no gold and don't want anyone to find out?

It would be interesting to find out what level of security the key US Army personnel must have to work there. Wonder what kind of clearance AG is rated for. Could be higher even than for the US president.

Just imagine what it would be like if Commerce handled the security arrangements at Fort Knox. The whole world would know.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:48 crazytimes (@ Savage) ID#344326: don't forget Ziva. Isn't gogold also Bernatz/Hepcat?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:41 Savage (. JIMX67. ) ID#290202: I didn't realize that he ever left ( judging by the price 'o gold ). Seriously, I'm sure we all miss many of our cyber family, and maybe someday. at the great Kitco Reunion ( POG $400.+ ).

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:38 Envy (Missing in Action) ID#219363: What about Golden Cheese Head and Blooper ?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:35 Highhopes (Over capacity?) ID#404410: If there is over capacity, how come the semiconducter industry is going to raise prices ( 5 or 10 %, I forget which ) in the next 10 days? Announced on TV today. At least, this industry is shaping up.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:33 Savage (. Erle. ) ID#290202: Yes! Him too! ( although I think he was really John Disney in disguise ) I just mentioned a lot of folks that I haven't seen post for awhile; I'm sure there are a lot I missed. I hope they all return when GOLD ramps up in 99! (. yes. )

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:31 JTF (Deflationists wrong? I think not -- but not totally right either.) ID#210282: Copyright © 1998 JTF/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved Old Gold: Have you noticed that we have been in a deflationary mode for gold for the last 5 years? Just multiply the US dollar price of gold times the US dollar index, and plot it out. In fact, we have been in a deflationary mode since 1980. But -- gold has been rising in strength relative to the commodity price index ( cry0 ) since Jan 1998.

I am neutral on whether we will have more inflation or deflation. I am prepared for both. I think Martin Armstrong is wrong that inflating out of deflation is ( always ) easy --if he said that. Just look at all the countries that have failed to inflate their currency out of trouble. The recent debris from their deflationary collapses ( with subsequent inflation from currency devaluation ) can be seen dating back to 1980 in Japan.

I think a more accurate statement of what you are proposing ( and possibly that of Martin Armstrong ) is that a competent FED chairman such as AG can keep the delicately balanced fiat currency system going for years. He and his predecessors have already. The only problem with such finely tuned system is that one cannot guarantee that a credit/deflationary collapse will never occur. Eventually it will happen, as the inflationary machinery of the FED will become less effective as debt mounts over the decades, and corruption slowly creeps in. And there is the not so minor problem of pushing when one should pull -- the pushing on a string that always happens when the FED tries to start a moribund recessionary economy.

I think one major lesson we are getting from Japan is that once the deflationary/depression mentality sets in, it takes years before the public is willing to borrow and invest again. The Japanese Government has had 10 years of attempted inflation without success. And -- the Japanese are much more diligent savers than we are.

So -- my vote is for periods of inflation and deflation in the US -- the precise sequence/recipe is known only to those more clairvoyant than I. I will just keep on my toes. I will be more than glad to jump on the gold bandwagon when the opportunity arises, and sit on the sidelines when deflation dominates.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:30 Jack (As reported at USAGOLD, the producers are planing an attack) ID#254288: http://www. bday. co. za/98/1123/news/news1.htm It's about time

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:30 JimX67 (Where are. ) ID#238468: Savage. in your 19:58, you forgot the most important, I named.

THE BIG BAD WOLF. remember, anybody.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:26 ERLE (Savage, What about Bernatz du Ventadorn?) ID#190411.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:24 ERLE (@Donald,) ID#190411: If you would be so kind to email me your aforementioned chart, I would like to see it. gales@execpc. com

Grabbe has a good one at Laissez Faire City Times.

A must for the action of today.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:19 AUH20 (Donald) ID#253260: By all means, keep your posts coming.

Your posts are the only l00%accurate posts on kitco. Keeps us grounded in reality. TIA

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:19 Savage (. if any of. ) ID#290202: the aforementioned are lurking. sound off!

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:19 Tortfeasor (Dow & Nasdaq) ID#37463: None of you guys should be smoking near this market or the pent up gas could blow up exterminating half of the United States citizens. My thoughts regarding todays thrust in the paper market can best be summed up from Ezra 9:3 And when I heard this thing, I rent my garment and my mantle, and plucked off the hair of my head and of my beard, and sat down astonied.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:19 robnoel (Miro\Donald. ditto :-)) ID#413273: .

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:17 AUH20 (D) ID#253260:

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 20:14 Miro (@GoGold and Donald) ID#347457: Gogold,

I am surprised that from all posting on this site, which mostly represents our wishful thinking about gold, you pick up on Donald who posts the real numbers reflecting reality of this market. Do you really prefer somebody's wild guess about the Gold soaring to $400 before the end of this year and DOW crashing tomorrow? If that were what you are looking for I would suggest the Disney World.

If Donald's indexes are too depressing for you, you should not be in PM market.

Donald, please, keep doing what you're doing.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:58 Envy (US Steel Makes Gain Against Imports) ID#219363: Copyright © 1998 Envy/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved WASHINGTON ( AP ) -- The U. S. steel industry won another battle against cheap foreign imports Monday as the Clinton administration ruled that Japan and Russia might face additional duties. The Commerce Department found that imports doubled over five months as domestic producers were preparing their case to fight the shipments, making importers potentially liable for an additional 90 days of retroactive payments for any future finding of dumping. Although the United States has yet to impose any duties in the pending case, a lawyer for domestic steel producers said the latest preliminary ruling would help deter imports immediately. We think that importers will not want to take the financial risk of having to post dumping duties, said Roger B. Schagrin. We would expect the imports to essentially cease from those two countries.

http://www. newsday. com/ap/rnmpfn0w. htm -- @ChasAbar: Gotcha, I thought you were saying that my editing job was slanting the facts to support my view that deflation is happening in the US. I would resent that, since I don't edit articles to support my views, I just choose whole articles that support my views *grin*. -- This particular article struck me because a few months ago when the deflation talk first started appearing on the forum it was mentioned that governments hadn't even started pulling out the big guns like trade restrictions and currency controls ( except in Indonesia or another devastated market ). This article is the first I've really seen that says that the US will be putting trade barriers up to stop cheap imports, in essense, to defend local producers. This is counter to the free world market trend of NAFTA, et al. that the US has preached for the past while.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:58 Savage (. Whatever happened to. ) ID#290202: Nailz, and Milhouse, and Jin, and Niner, and John W, and senator blutarsky,

and Ron, and Robert McKinnon, and Fundametalist, and IV, and CMax,

and Steve ( Perth ). and D. A. and Ted, and Markus, and geff, and Steve ( Harvester ).

and Achter, and Joe Smith, and K Smith, and LSteve, and RKM, and Ray,

and Puetz, and Allen, and oldman, and Kolorado, and vhale, and bartholomew, et al?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:56 OLD GOLD (Farfel) ID#242325: Copyright © 1998 OLD GOLD/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved If the market in general and the internet stocks in particular keep soaring like they did today, we could have a crash ( or at least a major correction ) before Santa comes to town. I have never seen the big cap stock market more overbought or overvalued than it is today. Bill Fleckenstein said this evening that today was the wildest speculative orgy he has seen in five years. And that is really saying something.

The deflationists on this site will be proved wrong as you said. As Martin Armstrong has pointed out the 1930s deflation reflected the fact that the world was then on a gold standard. And the supply of gold cannot be multiplied overnight. But today the world is on a dollar standard. And there is no limit to the potential supply. Milton Friedman was correct when he said that fighting deflation is the easist thing in the world if the will exists to do what is necessary -- inflate the supply of dollars and cut taxes.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:50 ChasAbar (Donald,) ID#287358: Keep posting. Ignore detractors.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:49 Isure (Market Crash) ID#368244: Consider what a market crash would have done for the so called budget surplus. This is no holds barred politics, that will see its end at turn of the century. A culmination of events so powerful that it may shake civilisation to its core, this will be good. Right Sguirrel. If I store nuts, I want to make sure i have a use for them, otherwise those sheeple might think me a fool. and the beat goes on.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:47 Envy (Low Oil Prices Plague Producers) ID#219363: Copyright © 1998 Envy/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved DENVER ( AP ) -- As world leaders cross swords over a glut oil supplies that has sent prices down to the lowest level in 11 years and consumers gleefully buy cheap gas, independent producers in the Rocky Mountains are struggling. Companies are laying off workers, selling property and eliminating unnecessary expenses. Many believe the situation mirrors a 1980s oil bust that battered the region. The impact has been devastating, said Kevin Kauffman, who owns KP Kauffman Co. which has been in the business in Denver for 15 years. I would say the oil and gas industry is nearing a depression level. Craig Creel, who owns Rio Chama Petroleum in Santa Fe, N. M. has put off some maintenance programs and delayed replacing an employee to save money. It's a belt-tightening year, he said.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:46 ChasAbar (Envy,) ID#287358: Copyright © 1998 ChasAbar/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved Thanks. To clarify, and I apologize, I was referring to the editing of the original linked article, and not any editing of yours. I actually went quickly to the link, and I *do* appreciate you and others who post links as the sources.

Yes, export demand is down, so many commodities are in oversupply. I just don't think that slaughterhouses need *fear* a rush of business. Unless they believe that the even-lower prices will result in newly kindled export business. That could be it. I was thinking of business only from American consumers. Thank you for helping me get clarity on this. I will work on attaining more of a global perspective.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:44 farfel (@DONALD. I agree complete about overcapacity. ) ID#341226: Copyright © 1998 farfel/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved . in the auto sector resulting in deflation there.

However, it is always possible to have sectoral inflations in the midst of a general deflation. Ergo, the consequence is stagflation, namely rising interest rates with falling growth.

So, essentially, we are in agreement. yet slightly in disagreement.

PD Please keep posting your ratios. They are of notable interest. contrary to what a certain detractor of yours states. GG is simply one of several Bulls posting here who wishes to see evidence of capitulation on the part of goldbugs like yourself. Without such complete capitulation, then there will always be people like yourself ready to declare The Emperor Wears No Clothes with respect to this mass hysterical market. It is impossible to maintain such mass hysteria indefinitely so long as people like yourself are around to question the phenomenon.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:42 Nocte Volens (DONALD. IGNORE GOGOLD) ID#39285: a lot of us appreciate your efforts.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:34 ChasAbar (Dialectic narratives..) ID#287358: Copyright © 1998 ChasAbar/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved I was thinking about the link re: the above, which Sharefin and others here mentioned recently. It is a great link. So now I think I know where some of the stuff comes from that is posted on this site. If you check the link and attempt to wade through the essay, you may be reminded of some posts. Press reload, and bingo, there's the next post. ------------- Based on what I have read recently, for the time being at least, I've decided to buy physical only. A bit at a time, sometimes two-bits, while I await ( the likelihood of ) APH's silver call of 4.40 to be realized. Then to buy futures of a wide variety of silver contracts.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:31 Donald (@Farfel) ID#26793: Copyright © 1998 Donald/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved Even if Rubin and Greenspan never fall asleep at the levers we have a major non-monetary problem of productive overcapacity. Automobiles probably make the best example. By year 2000 there will be productive capacity on-line to build 80,000,000 autos per year worldwide. They all expect to export these cars to the U. S. No one can afford them where they are being built.

These cars will never be sold at prices needed to pay for the factories. The factories are all highly leveraged. The same problem exists in textiles, steel, electronics, etc. Those countries must and will cut prices in the scramble for a dwindling number of creditworthy buyers.

The resultant decline in prices will spill over into financial derivatives that can not be unwound. The result will be a devastating deflation.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:30 The Hatt (Internet stocks will be. ) ID#294232: The technology version of Bre-x Gold.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:30 Envy (@ChasAbar) ID#219363: I don't know about the demand after Thanksgiving part, I guess Christmas maybe. In any case, seems like a good season in S. America wouldn't push prices to 18 year lows unless something else was going on. As for editing, I always post the first paragraph or two for the sake of space, their words, not mine. I always put the link on as a reference. I'd love to hear other ways of seeing low grain, pork, gold, silver, oil, etc, that are different than the stuff we've been talking about here. Sounds to me like people are still making it, but fewer folks are buying it.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:28 farfel (@LGB. San Jose State? I hear the Surfing Major is pretty tough? ) ID#341226: Copyright © 1998 farfel/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 14:21 LGB ( @ *Fspot. Ivy League Schools / LTCM ) ID#269409: Nice article in the WSJ on the 2 Doctorates and 20 MBA's who managed Long Term Capital Management, all grads from Ivy League schools. Their brilliant credentialed results on market calls mirror your own.

Re-inforces my beliefs on the value of grads from Ivy Leauge schools who's Mommy's and Daddy's sent the little pampered wastes of humanity, vs. folks who worked their way through real technical programs at real schools like SJS.

LGibberish. Well, I don't know why you're so down on the LTCM Ivy League Grads who run the fund. After all, they are doing pretty nicely now, thanks to market intervention from your buddies Greenspan and Rubin. Hey, LTCM was in the black this past month, didn't you know?

In fact, thanks to such repeated intervention, you're sitting with a profit yourself instead of the inevitable loss a free market would bring an arrogant, airhead, Surfing major like yourself.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:26 Nick@C (Donald) ID#386245: I LIKE your indices and wouldn't mind a copy by e-mail, s'il vous plait.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:25 Explorer (Where's Puetz?) ID#230243: I really believe that Puetz gives LGB nigthmares when considering Liberty's Loral holdings. Face it little grumpy ballbuster wants the best of both worlds______probable best reason why he here. También; The US Government has no logical reason to hold gold. They can always confiscate Amazon and Yahoo, but please Al leave yer grimy hands off Loral.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:16 Carl (@Donald) ID#341189: Please continue to post the price of the Dow in real money.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:16 Greenstone Gold (Farfel. not so far fetched. ) ID#428232: Your comment.

Because to sustain a market OUT of natural equilibrium requires constant vigilance and intervention. There is bound to come a time where Greenspan and Rubin are asleep at the wheel and something arrives to very quickly take the market back to its natural equilibrium. The resultant panic will be in complete inverse relationship to the current euphoria.


Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:13 EZ Believer (JTF. The sad part is if it happened these people would burn the cities!) ID#226287: Then you will see what Big Daddy government is all about.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:12 Envy (Lemmings) ID#219363. best exemplified by a youth culture that has abandoned any attempt at real originality for Microsoft in every home, a Jeep in every driveway, and and a goatee and earring adorning every other male's face. *grrrr*

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:12 The Hatt (ABX Rumour Re Covering hedge Position. ) ID#294232: Copyright © 1998 The Hatt/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved Two months ago I reported that ABX was considering a proposal developed by a private consultant that recommended they close out their hedge and by doing so would realize a profit of one billion dollars. Many on this forum laughed at me, accused me of starting a rumour and being a fraud. Well the Hatt is about to be proven right, just cruise over to USA gold and check out todays commentary. My veiws may not always be the most popular but I can assure you that I donot start false rumours. If ABX is indeed in the process of closing out their hedge position or about to start, believe me, they are getting ready to go on a MASSIVE SHOPPING TRIP!

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:07 ChasAbar (Envy's 17:51. ) ID#287358: Copyright © 1998 ChasAbar/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved I don't understand how it can be that pork prices drop to an 18-year low, yet slaughterhouses *fear* being overwhelmed with demand after closing for a few days. If they do have strong demand, they should be very happy. I assume weaker than average demand has helped the slaughterhouses and the industry get where they are, with low prices and the s. h. closing for a few days. Also, seems as though the strongest demand would be just before ( American ) Thanksgiving, not after it.

Also, there was a sentence about better than expected crop in S. America that appeared to me to have an illogical effect on demand.

Maybe it's the editing of the article that leaves something to be desired?

I could be wrong about all the above, but I am practicing to question everything I read. A lot of what's written is written for effect, not for education. I guess we know that.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:04 farfel (@DONALD. of course, you're thoughts and posts are appreciated) ID#341226: Copyright © 1998 farfel/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved However, I continue to contend that pure deflation or pure inflation are highly unlikely. Stagflation seems headed this way owing to major anomalies in the global economy.

The main anomaly with respect to the global economy remains the same:

America, the great debtor nation, continues to thrive, prosper, and call the economic shots while major creditor nations such as Japan deteriorate and stagnate. It is completely illogical. and yet, if one considers this decade, it will certainly go down as the most absurd, illogical decade in global market history. No doubt history books written in the future will refer to the decade as one of utter, total Pre-Millenial Madness, best exemplified on a macro level by both America's ability to dominate the world economy despite its debtor status and on a micro level, the internet stock performance in American Markets.

The only equivalent and recent mania that I can think of is the absurd real estate bubble in Japan during the Eighties which, upon that market's collapse, ultimately precipitated the entire current economic depression there. Most Japanese had a piece of the real estate pie in the sky and that market's ruin wiped out many Japanese, from real estate tycoons to little shopowners.

Now, with so many funds, institutions, and average Americans investing in the internet bubble, one need merely wait patiently ( and apprehensively ) for the pin to arrive that will prick it. I would imagine an internet stock collapse will provoke an entire market collapse. Nobody to blame but Messrs. Greenspan and Rubin when that imminent day arrives. They effectively encouraged the bubble for three straight years and, whenever natural market forces sought to bring the equilibrium back to a sane point ( Oct. '97 and August '98 ). they intervened to force the equilibrium to the unstable, unnatural high point we now find ourselves.

A crash now seems unavoidable and the only variable appears to be whether or not it will happen during Clinton's reign or the next President's.

Because to sustain a market OUT of natural equilibrium requires constant vigilance and intervention. There is bound to come a time where Greenspan and Rubin are asleep at the wheel and something arrives to very quickly take the market back to its natural equilibrium. The resultant panic will be in complete inverse relationship to the current euphoria.

Although historical crashes have been complete deflationary, this time should be different owing to inevitable shortages of vital goods and services ( which will be bid up in price no matter what happens to the price of other basics ).

Again, the Nineties in America has been some mind-boggling decade. from OJ Simpson's exoneration to the canonization of Joey Buttafucco, etc. etc. just one example after another of common sense abandoned.

The average American is getting dumber and dumber, abandoning his/her brain to a mass propaganda machine of nonsense and illogic.

Finally, it is certainly the decade of the Lemmings. best exemplified by a youth culture that has abandoned any attempt at real originality for Microsoft in every home, a Jeep in every driveway, and and a goatee and earring adorning every other male's face.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 19:03 Gusto Oro (JTF. ) ID#430260: The story awhile back that Koreans were donating their gold to the government to help out really blew me away. Unless it was being used to back and stabilize their hurting currency it was thrown away IMO. --Al

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:58 Squirrel (Isure - and if the audit shows we have no Gold. ) ID#280214: The sheople will say so what. Our President has no balls either. Big deal! Now back to the Monica show - except when Beavis and Butthead are on.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:58 The Hatt (Isure/ Am not kidding!) ID#294232: As a Canadian i know our Goverment has no gold the wise men sold it. If Brown is right and your wise men stole or sold the gold the U. S. are in deeper trouble than we the contrarians think. The GREAT RECKONING is just around the corner.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:56 Squirrel (Who Cares? - okay, I stand corrected. I jumped to a conclusion.) ID#280214: Next thing on my shopping list before more Gold. 000 Buckshot, 3 12 gauge, about a case of 'em. Ten 70-grain pellets at 1225 fps - like ten 22LRs. The world's gone to hell when wildlife shoots back!

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:56 Isure (US GOLD) ID#368244: Everyone should write CNBC and call their congressmen and demand an audit of our national gold reserves. Can you say borrow from every CB in the world. Terror would be the order of the day, and the true goal of the FEDERAL RESERVE would be exposed.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:53 jinx44 (Envy, your 1116 posting) ID#57290: Great comparison. I would like to add one more thing that is high on Mazlos' hierarchy. $600 can buy a years worth of basic bulk food staples that one person can survive on. Yahoo or food.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:52 Carmack (Yahoooooo. ) ID#277224: Just for anyone who was afraid to look ( like me ) Yahoo closed Up $30 7/8 at 221 7/8.Help me Rhonda.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:52 Donald (@gogold) ID#26793: If you e. mail me your e. mail address I have a chart that may make you a convert. donald@uconect. net

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:45 Envy (@JTF) ID#219363: Weird thing is, gold won't even get you that much silver.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:43 Isure (@ The Hatt) ID#368244: If you go to FT. Knox and talk to the people, it is common knowledge that the only gold there is in the guards teeth.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:39 Envy (@JTF) ID#219363: Yep, I think gold's got a problem still. If all the other stuff is tanking, then I can't see much upside in gold, not until the other stuff starts to appreciate in value too. No matter what we think of the beauty, it's still stuff. An ounce of gold hasn't been buying a whole lot of yen lately ( see below ). though it will get you a bunch of rubles. Of course, a kind word and a dollar will get you rubles.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:38 The Hatt (To Greenspan and Rubin.) ID#294232: Show us the gold guys. Prove Tony Brown wrong and show us the gold. Tony says the gold was removed long ago. Show us the gold.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:38 wert (Donald) ID#245136: gogold is only representative of one opinion..its always hard to keep it up. ( :+ ) )

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:38 Isure (@ GoGold) ID#368244: Take a valium son and relax, it will be better tomorrow.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:25 gogold (Donald, why must you persist with this stupid index?) ID#430203: It proves nothing, only that for the last 18 years, you should have been invested in the Dow instead of in gold. Stop it. For the love of God, stop posting this ridiculous index.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:25 JTF (Self Reliance) ID#210282: Copyright © 1998 JTF/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved EZ Believer: I couldn't second your comments more. In the 30's there were many individuals who were subsistence farmers, keeping body and soul together with what they grew for themselves. Most of these self reliant individuals have been enticed to leave the farms for 'better things' which in many cases resulted in welfare support.

I wonder how many of these people on welfare even know where eggs come from, or how to plant crops. I learned a little from tilling my Dad's 1/2 acre of crops -- and I have books on subsistence farming.

Sadly to say, come y2k there will be many people who will have a rude awakening when they realize that 'Big Daddy' government will no longer give them all of what they want for votes. Unfortunately, these individuals will not just take it out of Government officials -- all of us will suffer. I will be more than willing to teach others how to farm -- provided that I can do it without risking life and limb.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:18 AKAU (Tulips to the Sky) ID#194129: Copyright © 1998 AKAU/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved Both Yahoo and Amazon are the ultimate tulips growing to the sky. Today we saw what the market is actually willing to pay for a major internet stock. AOl's offer of $4 billion for Netscape represents a price of ONLY 10 times book value for a company that owns one of the two primary internet browsers. Based on today's price of approx $220 for both Amazon and Yahoo, book value is now about 70 times for AMZN ( $11.6 BILLION market capitalization ) and 50 times for YHOO ( $21.7 BILLION ). A possible buyout? Very doubtful. It doesn't take much analysis to see what 10 times book value would do to the prices of these two tulips. AMZN would be around 30 and YHOO would drop to the mid-40's. Will they grow any higher? Possibly, but eventually the fundamental roots won't be able to support such tenuous stalks.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:15 Donald (@Farfel) ID#26793: I have always said deflation and, ( perhaps not loudly enough ) followed by inflation. We are well into commodity deflation; we have yet to experience asset deflation. The monetary inflation that follows won't show up in prices for some time. They are trying to reinflate right now, M-2 is off the wall, but it is only showing up in the internet stocks. Years from now it will be a problem. I suspect that bonds are starting to get nervous now.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:15 DBog (Was wondering if just maybe) ID#267298: the apparent Firming in POG during the past few weeks isn’t due, at least to some degree, to what now looks to be for a certainty the upcoming launch of the EURO. Seems to me that as recently as the past three months I’ve seen posts still questioning whether the EURO would yet be delayed. Perhaps more investors are beginning to think that the EURO just may get off to a good start, the US dollar may head south and POG north.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:13 JTF (Looks like it is quacking) ID#210282: Envy: Enjoyed your 'Burma Shave' style posts about deflation.

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck -----

Perhaps gold will take it on the chin in a few days if the market fails to continue its rally. General market buying enthusiasm tends to push up gold for various reasons.

Did you notice CRY0 is below 200 again? I think we should look at the JOC spot commodity index on the Kaplan site.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:10 EZ Believer (Cowgirl. OK, just making a point that most people are totally dependent ) ID#226287: Copyright © 1998 EZ Believer/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved on vulnerable systems for every need. Several generations have had it so good for so long they can't even fathom real adversity. If grocery store shelves were empty, gasoline became scarse and power was interupted for even a short period of time; millions of people would trade their personal and collective freedom for the mere promise of tyrants. Far from a doom and gloomer I wish individuals would become more self-reliant on the basic nessecities, then give it all they have got in the collective system for prosperity. We would ALL be better off in the long run.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:04 JTF (Thanks --) ID#210282: Copyright © 1998 JTF/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved SDRer: The MAE risk doesn't sound that bad compared to LTCM. But depends upon how much of it is leveraged, doesn't it?

GustoOro: I think the mentality that gold is the last asset you sell during hard financial times is a hard one to shake. I certainly would sell my gold if the alternative was to starve.

Now -- if the gold is someone else's -- even easier. I think the key point is that we are not 'out of the woods' until all of the world's major countries that are at risk of deflation/credit collapse have sold all their gold. After that -- it will be much smoother sailing for many years, IMHO.

Any idea who is left? Any South American countries? European countries at risk? I think Canada's gold is now only in the ground where it is a bit harder to hand over to someone else. Likewise Australia. Does the US have any debt where it must use gold as collateral?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:02 Donald (@Kitco) ID#26793: XAU/Spot Ratio = .264. The 233 day moving average is .249

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 18:00 Donald (@Kitco) ID#26793: Dow/Gold Ratio = 31.56. ( not a new high ) The 233 day moving average is 29.06

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 17:51 Envy (Grains, Soybeans Sharply Lower) ID#219363: CHICAGO ( AP ) -- Grain and soybean futures fell sharply Monday on the Chicago Board of Trade amid continued gloomy prospects for American exports. Wheat and soybean futures suffered the brunt of the setback as market participants expressed concern about abundant U. S. inventories and scant demand.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 17:48 Envy (OPEC Gathers Amid Host of Issues) ID#219363: VIENNA, Austria, ( AP ) -- As OPEC oil ministers gathered for their year-end meeting, they face an assortment of vexing problems: a global glut of crude, mild North American weather, weakened economies in Asia and prices that have fallen to 11-year-lows. Ministers from the cartel's member nations arriving Monday for the meeting that begins Wednesday were reticent about what steps they might take to bring prices higher.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 17:46 Envy (Hogs Sink to 18-year Lows) ID#219363: Copyright © 1998 Envy/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved Pork futures sank Monday to their lowest level in more than 18 years on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange amid fears slaughterhouses will be overwhelmed with supplies after shutting down for the Thanksgiving holiday. On other markets, crude and its products fell sharply, as did grain and soybeans. Pork futures continued to be dogged by record U. S. production this year that came as large cooperatives boosted capacity in the mistaken belief that Asian and Russian demand would rise sharply. Instead, demand sharply amid a global economic crisis.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 17:44 Envy (Yeltsin Hospitalized With Pneumonia) ID#219363: Copyright © 1998 Envy/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved MOSCOW ( AP ) -- Boris Yeltsin will work out of a hospital room for several days at least, aides said Monday, after the president fell ill with pneumonia -- the third time he's been sidelined by sickness in recent weeks. The latest ailment revived worries about Yeltsin's ability to run a country mired in economic troubles. But his condition wasn't serious enough to stop him from meeting with Chinese President Jiang Zemin in the Central Clinical Hospital. Russian TV networks showed the two leaders sharing a joke in a reception room and Yeltsin, dressed in a sweater, did not look particularly ill.

http://www. newsday. com/ap/rnmpne0z. htm -- Someone rumored earlier that he was dead. I guess he isn't, he's just in Russia.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 17:43 Gusto Oro (JTF. ) ID#430260: Copyright © 1998 Gusto Oro/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved I'm wondering how these hurting countries can think they're getting ahead by dumping their gold and silver. Picked this up on AOL:

Usually a strong U. S. dollar and strong equities market discourage investors from safe-haven buying of hard assets like gold, traders said.

``The fact that gold and silver could end higher in the face of the strong dollar and strong stock market suggests the fear of some year-end profit-taking, and mutual fund redemptions may undermine the recovery in the Dow Jones index,'' said Carlos Perez-Santalla, a COMEX floor trader with Hudson River Futures in New York.

On the New York Mercantile Exchange, COMEX December gold ended up 70 cents at $297.10 an ounce, after seeing the highest levels in a month last week.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 17:41 arden (390 gold call) ID#255378: We all know who bought all of those calls - Cherokee.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 17:41 APH (Jims) ID#255226: Copyright © 1998 APH/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved The XAU just got dragged up with the overall market, rallied into resistance and stopped. Fidelity gold finished down on the day. And gold couldn't even get back to resistance. Unless something changes I'll stick with 277 and 4.40.

If you think you can turn a small account into a big account you're going to have to step up to the plate. In this case if 4.40 turns out to be the bottom you'll want your account fully margined, this will be the core position rolled forward until the market tops. If you had an average price of 4.42 with 5 contracts there wouldn't be a margin problem until the market hit 4.26. In any case for this to work one has to be using 10 K they can afford to throw out the window and have no fear of margin calls, the plan is not to meet them anyway. I wouldn't even consider trading this way at prices higher then 4.45.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 17:40 Auric (Aldebaran_A 16:11) ID#257312: Saw a couple references to the Dec 99 390 Gold call on the net. I don't know what this means, if anything, for the Gold market. Seemed odd, though. Hoping some Kitco persons will offer opinions. Maybe it's the good Baron, Herr August Von Finck.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 17:33 Observer (crazytimes. Thanks for the info on Eagle/Leafs gold content.) ID#24066: Much appreciated!

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 17:25 SDRer (JTF--Mae debt) ID#246299: Since Jan 1998 through Aug 1998, PUBLISHED tombstones. went to market with 34 billion in paper ( mostly Fannie, but Freddie was there too ) And then the paper is leveraged and then.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 17:12 JTF (Is gold ignoring commodity price indices?) ID#210282: Copyright © 1998 JTF/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved Arden: Would be interesting if cry0 drops and the US dollar continues to rise -- but gold bullion hangs in there. Just imagine what would happen if the dollar drops again.

Gold is pretty good at anticipating future inflation -- and can move before interest rates and commodity prices. Certainly the strength of gold is rising streadily relative to CRY0 since Jan 1998. The relative strength of gold vs the US dollar is less obvious, but it does seem to be rising over the last few months.

Another possibility is that gold is up because of the current market rally -- fueled by uncertainty regarding the future. A little sneaking to the exits?

We just have to beware another 'gold fire sale' if we have another major financial meltdown somewhere. Gold is not strong enough to weather a repeat of the SEAsia events.

Wonder how money countries at risk still have gold to sell ---------

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 17:07 Tyro (The New Yorker) ID#36977: Copyright © 1998 Tyro/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved A Frenchman, an Englishman, and a New Yorker were captured by a fierce tribe. The chief comes to them and says, The bad news is that now that we've caught you, we're going to kill you, and then use your skins to build a canoe. The good news is that you get to choose how you die.

The Frenchman says, I take ze poison. The chief gives him some poison, the Frenchman says, Vive la France! and drinks it down.

The Englishman says, A pistol for me, please. The chief gives him a pistol, he points it at his head, says, God save the queen! and blows his brains out. The New Yorker says, Gimme a fork. The chief is puzzled, but he shrugs and gives him a fork.

The New Yorker takes the fork and starts jabbing himself all over --the stomach, the sides, the chest, everywhere. There's blood gushing out all over, it's horrible.

The chief is appalled, and screams, What are you doing? The New Yorker looks at the chief and says, So much for your canoe, a$$h07e!

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 17:00 zeke (Innocence Reigns) ID#25257: Let's see. McDougal's innocent, Clinton's innocent, Justice is Blind; or is it Deaf-Dumb-and-Blind

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:49 FOX-MAN (Per arden's post, we had another leeetle adjustment in silver warehouse) ID#288186: stocks. Roughly 1.5 million oz's were transfered from Eligible to Registered. The 800k added to totals were added into Eligibles, but it's like arden said. Shorts are pullin' back their Eligibles. Fox-man

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:45 arden (@ Skylark) ID#255378: My central message the past few days has been that gold has now rotated to the front. It is going up inspite of everything that normally depresses it. The price action of gold this month is telling us something and that is not to be short! Our time has come ( as a goldbug ) .

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:43 Realistic (Educational reality check!) ID#410194: Copyright © 1998 Realistic/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved Price of bonds on March 3rd: 118

Went as high as 135 (. ) a couple of months ago

Price of bonds today: 127

Date: Tue Mar 03 1998 22:03


I warned many friends to avoid this Wall Street propagandistic manipulation. in fact, I went down on my knees with some of them and BEGGED THEM not to place any monies in bonds. I categorically predicted the current bearish scenario now unfolding in the bond market; it will only exacerbate as the TORRENT of newly printed money ( printed in the aftermath of the October crash in order to maintain liquidity ) begins to hammer bonds even further over the short-term.

Price of silver on April 24th: 660

Started a multi-month decline on April 23rd 1998

Silver price today: 489 ( went as low as 460 in September )

Date: Wed Apr 22 1998 18:12

farfel ( F*'s Evaluation of the GOLD & SILVER MARKET. ) ID#340302:

Copyright © 1998 farfel/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved

I am maintaining my EXTREMELY BULLISH position on gold and am now formally declaring AN EXTREMLY BULLISH position on silver. On a micro level, I am most excited by the recently announced dramatic turnaround at the silver bellwether, Sunshine ( SSC ). its tremendous future prospects, and the apparent million share volume consolidation that has occurred in it these past few days. On a macro-level, silver seems to have established its bottom, the COMEX silver inventories are holding nice steady levels, and gold's imminent hefty spike should pull up silver right along with it.

Price of gold on April 24th: 312

Price of gold the week after. 302

Price of gold today. 296 ( went as low as 272 in August )

Date: Fri Apr 24 1998 11:11

farfel ( F*'s UPGRADE of the gold market. ) ID#340302:

Copyright © 1998 farfel/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved

Many of you may have noticed that I omitted a final verdict on Gold in my late report I posted last night. I did so, not because of any particular senility on my part, but rather awaiting a conversation that took place early this morning.

I am now UPGRADING my evaluation of gold's movements next week from EXTREMELY BULLISH to another WATCH OUT ABOVE!

Date: Fri Apr 24 1998 14:32

farfel ( @ALL. This is NOT euphemistic. ) ID#340302:


Date: Wed Apr 22 1998 22:26

farfel ( @TYOUNG AND KITCOITES. thanks for the compliments. ) ID#340302:

Copyright © 1998 farfel/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved

Ultimately, I like to believe I have a fairly good grasp of market psychology today

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:42 arden (look at the eligible silver stocks) ID#255378: Down 1.5 million ounces. More shorts covering

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:41 JTF (XXX MAE Family, BIS tightening the noose on Japanese banks) ID#210282: Copyright © 1998 JTF/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved SDRer: Just how much debt do all of the MAE's hold? Is this another LTCM - grade fiasco? Another liquidity crisis in the works? Or just 'small potatoes'?

Comments about last nights discussion about why the BIS tightened Japanese banking reporting requirements? My guess ( in addition to the obvious ) is that the BIS knows that the most likely move of a major currency to the gold standard will come from Aisa, or SEAsia -- not Europe or the USA.

The BIS is in a no-win situation regarding increased Japanese banking regulation, which should have been done years ago ( by Japan ). The Japanese have had nearly 10 years to face their problems and do something about them. Now -- it makes the BIS look like they might be precipitating a world-wide financial crisis if they trigger a Japanese implosion.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:40 FOX-MAN (Comex Metal Warehouse Totals. ) ID#288186: COMEX Metal Warehouse Statistics for Nov. 23

-- TOTALS Gold 820,504 + 0 troy ounces Silver 76,165,194 + 885,743 troy ounces Copper 71,217 + 1,000 short tons

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:40 tricky (This seems justified.) ID#304282: Amzn +37 at 218 yhoo +30 at 221 ebay + 46 at 193 Amazing.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:38 crazytimes (Observer) ID#344326: Maple Leafs are .9999 gold, golden eagles are not. They both have one ounce of gold in them but golden eagles have a bit of copper and silver in them which makes them more durable but not as pure. Remember Underdog? He bit on a coin to see if it was PURE gold. If you bite on a Maple Leaf or Vienna Philharmonic ( which are pure gold ). a toothmark would be made. Not so of a golden eagle which is harder due to a touch of silver and copper.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:36 EJ (Observer) ID#45173: 1oz. Maples are 24 karat and 1 oz. Eagles are 22 karat. But contain 1 oz. of gold. Maples for purists, Eagles for folks who want to chuck their gold around with less chance of scratches. Espero que ayude. - EJ

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:35 Skylark (Gold as a Leading Indicator of General Price) ID#93138: Copyright © 1998 Skylark/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved ARDEN:

As I am sure you know, historically, gold, in its capacity as an asset, at times has led general price with about a 12 month lead. Thus it would be expected that gold should now be outperforming commodities, as it has been been, if it anticipates that the CRB will be higher within 12 months because of an increase in money supply and a global increase in liquidity due to reduction in interest rates, bottoming of the Japan economy, or other similar reasons - as well as if it anticipates, in its capacity as a commodity it will perform better on a supply/demand standpoint in view of a cessation of Euro CB sales with the advent of the ECB, higher investment demand as currently in force, reduction of Asian dishoarding, etc. But for whatever reason, gold indeed has taken on a decidedly better tone which the XAU itself so clearly recognizes.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:33 Envy (@EJ, Observer) ID#219363: EJ: Good deal, c'ya then.

Observer: I think they both have 1 oz of gold in them, but the Can'dians weight 1 oz making them pure, where-as the eagles weight more than an oz. Dunno though, that's what I've heard.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:30 EJ (Envy) ID#45173: Have emailed Bart for your email. I'll be tied up for the next few hours. Catcha later. - EJ

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:27 EJ (strat ) ID#45173: I'll hang onto my gold until the end of the world. I otherwise carry on assuming the end of EJ is very likely to come first. Make hay while the sun shines.

Off to pick some tulips.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:26 Observer (Help! Do Eagles have the same gold content as Maple Leafs?) ID#173196: Hearsay, that Maples have 8% more gold than Eagles. Is this true?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:26 JTF (Big Brother is now the FDIC, not just the Federal Government) ID#210282: All: Remember those phone calls from your credit card company whne the get suspicious of any changes in your buying pattern? Now your bank may alert the authorities when you deposit cash from that home or auto sale.

Could be that you will have to prove your innocence. What happened to those old principles of American justice where you were innocent until proven guilty?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:21 jims (Interesting XAU close) ID#252391: Copyright © 1998 jims/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved While we in the precious metals muse about 20 cent moves and a point or two in the XAU - 2% in stocks is a slow day.

Any way the XAU put in a good pop at the close with Gold up on what was a very negative day in the CRB. As earlier suggested - something may be up. Dips in gold a swept up and higher closes seem to get made. Constructive action, not the thing that gives a break to 277 much likelihood.

TO APH - Five comex silver contracts on 10,000 margin - 9% cover/91%gearing - yes that's not for the faint of heart.

Think you'll have to raise you estimate of gold next low.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:19 Envy (@EJ) ID#219363: Bart has my email addy for you.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:11 Aldebaran__A (Auric Gold Dec99 390 Calls. ) ID#256365: regarding your post and story at http://www. nypostonline. com/business/7691.htm

¿Qué significa esto? Who are these people. I have 6 of these contracts as sort of a hedge against bad things happening in the world. I had some extra money and half went to physical and half went to these dec99 390 calls. I am new at this, but is it time I look up counter party risk?

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:08 SDRer (Sharefin, re: your 13:42) ID#246299: who will this last one prove to be? It has to be a very big player or group of players.

My candidate is the Awful Mae family. Fannie was 'doing Russia' before the Great Difficulties, and one suspects she managed to get herself into some lil difficulties.

Date: Mon Nov 23 1998 16:07 ALBERICH (@sharefin: I liked your Y2K impressions from NY) ID#212197: Copyright © 1998 ALBERICH/Kitco Inc. All rights reserved We are also aging dates; actually, it should be calle juvenating dates, because you make the dates younger, don't you? I'm working in a client/server environment, graphical user interface, ORACLE data base. Testing is indeed not fun. We concentrated first on date logic and date arithmetic, until we dicovered that the way, how GuptaWindows treats the low date is not compatible with how ORACLE stores the low date. This damned low date problem cost us more in code remediation than the whole effort which went into the remediation of date logic sensitive apps. The ORACLE db has still the advantage that it stores dates Y2K compliant. ( The ORACLE standard software applications for Finance and Procurement are already a different story. )

In general: when service oriented companies enter their orders retroactively, the entry date must be available in order to decide automatically whether there is a retroactive charge or a retroactive credit effective for billing. These cases are complicated to test. Because the entry date is identical with the system date. Ergo, the cases react sensitive to the system date set forward to, let's say Jan. 2000, and the order entry, lets say is 15-DEC-99. Such scenarios can only be tested under lab conditions, not in parallell to production. When a company hasn't built this lab environment yet, it's probably too late at this point. Slowly I get the impression that those companies which didn't start yet, will not make it anymore. Those which started already, have still a chance to make it, provided the electrical power supply works. Too many ifs either way! I'm becoming slightly pessimistic. I'm curious from when on this feeling of insecurity will turn into panic: panic buying, panic money withdrawals, panic rush from big cities, panic stock sales, panic gold and silver coins purchases.




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RBI sets rupee reference rate at 67.6365 against US dollar



Subscribe to our channel and help us creating a better world. http://bit. ly/1HPFXeu For each time someone hits the subscription button, we donate Re. 1 to SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE (SDC).SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE (SDC) is a registered NGO, selflessly working for the upliftment and overall development of slum/street dwelling children & child beggars of the area, through a series of various educational & welfare activities in different slums of Mumbai & Chandansar village (tribal dominated area) of Virar, since past 12 years. For more information go to http://www. dreamzhome. org/.


published: 06 Jul 2017

views: 943922

Subscribe to our channel and help us creating a better world. http://bit. ly/1HPFXeu For each time someone hits the subscription button, we donate Re. 1 to SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE (SDC).SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE (SDC) is a registered NGO, selflessly working for the upliftment and overall development of slum/street dwelling children & child beggars of the area, through a series of various educational & welfare activities in different slums of Mumbai & Chandansar village (tribal dominated area) of Virar, since past 12 years. For more information go to http://www. dreamzhome. org/.

School Boy questions RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan over Indian Economic Policies | Mango News

School Boy questions RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan over Indian Economic Policies | Mango News

An energetic school boy of Class 8 have directed a sharp question to RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan over Indian economic policies which was brilliantly defended by Rajan with an outstanding response. For all top and best news stories happening all around you SUBSCRIBE to http://www. youtube. com/user/MangoNews? sub_confirmation=1 For all the news and latest updates, like us @ https://www. facebook. com/MangoNews Follow us on Twitter. http://www. twitter. com/Mango_News Check us out on Google+. https://plus. google. com/+mangonews Visit us @ http://themangonews. com.

School Boy questions RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan over Indian Economic Policies | Mango News

published: 04 Jul 2017

views: 37374

An energetic school boy of Class 8 have directed a sharp question to RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan over Indian economic policies which was brilliantly defended by Rajan with an outstanding response. For all top and best news stories happening all around you SUBSCRIBE to http://www. youtube. com/user/MangoNews? sub_confirmation=1 For all the news and latest updates, like us @ https://www. facebook. com/MangoNews Follow us on Twitter. http://www. twitter. com/Mango_News Check us out on Google+. https://plus. google. com/+mangonews Visit us @ http://themangonews. com.

Complete Banking Awareness 2017 for Bank PO & Clerk, RBI GRADE B (IBPS, SBI)

Complete Banking Awareness 2017 for Bank PO & Clerk, RBI GRADE B (IBPS, SBI)

CLICK here to watch Complete Banking Awareness 2017 for Bank PO & Clerk, RBI GRADE B (IBPS, SBI) https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=K7hCx_Y0TNk StudyIQ - the best institute in Delhi for all government exams preparation. www. studyiq. in bank po banking awareness banking general awareness banking general knowledge bank general awareness general awareness for bank exam bank po general awareness general knowledge bank banking gk questions general banking awareness banking knowledge banking gk banking awareness bank exam question paper bank exam question bank exam paper bank exam model question paper banking exam question exam question bank ibps bank exam questions bank banks bank clerk exam paper banking exam question paper general knowledge competitive exams bank exam po bank exam recruitment bank clerk test bank exam syllabus gk question bank banking exam paper bank exam bank exam material pdf gk for bank po ibps question bank bank banking bank exam pdf bank exam test bank po recruitment ibps bank exam gk for bank exams general knowledge ibps bank po question paper bank online banking bank online checking account 2nd chance checking account bank question paper bank exam material bank clerk exam question bank ibps bank clerk bank po question bank ibps bank question paper bank recruitment bank question and answers bank clerk job bank india job bank of india job banking recruitment new bank jobs bank clerk vacancies bank fresher job bank job banking job vacancy banking job exam cbse question bank banking exam punjab national bank recruitment gk bank banking job bank govt job bank.

Complete Banking Awareness 2017 for Bank PO & Clerk, RBI GRADE B (IBPS, SBI)

published: 28 Oct 2017

views: 51021

CLICK here to watch Complete Banking Awareness 2017 for Bank PO & Clerk, RBI GRADE B (IBPS, SBI) https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=K7hCx_Y0TNk StudyIQ - the best institute in Delhi for all government exams preparation. www. studyiq. in bank po banking awareness banking general awareness banking general knowledge bank general awareness general awareness for bank exam bank po general awareness general knowledge bank banking gk questions general banking awareness banking knowledge banking gk banking awareness bank exam question paper bank exam question bank exam paper bank exam model question paper banking exam question exam question bank ibps bank exam questions bank banks bank clerk exam paper banking exam question paper general knowledge competitive exams bank exam po bank exam recruitment bank clerk test bank exam syllabus gk question bank banking exam paper bank exam bank exam material pdf gk for bank po ibps question bank bank banking bank exam pdf bank exam test bank po recruitment ibps bank exam gk for bank exams general knowledge ibps bank po question paper bank online banking bank online checking account 2nd chance checking account bank question paper bank exam material bank clerk exam question bank ibps bank clerk bank po question bank ibps bank question paper bank recruitment bank question and answers bank clerk job bank india job bank of india job banking recruitment new bank jobs bank clerk vacancies bank fresher job bank job banking job vacancy banking job exam cbse question bank banking exam punjab national bank recruitment gk bank banking job bank govt job bank.

RBI-Reserve bank of India Recruitment Notification 2017. IBPS, PO, Clerk, Exam dates

RBI-Reserve bank of India Recruitment Notification 2017. IBPS, PO, Clerk, Exam dates

Latest RBI - Reserve bank of India 2017. Apply today Jobs & Careers at RBI – Trainee jobs recruitment through IBPS. The Govt jobs and Employment News channel from Freshersworld. com – The No.1 job portal for freshers in India. Visit http://www. freshersworld. com/rbi-reserve-bank-recruitment-jobs/4444193?src=Youtube for detailed job information, recruitment notification, eligibility criteria, application form, general dates, exam results of RBI – Reserve Bank of India. \"Reserve Bank of India is India’s central bank which provides the banking services, government securities, monetary policies and other operations. There is no common RBI recruitment process for all postings. The grade A positions are filled with IBPS exam score and some positions also take UPSC score, as a standard. The chosen candidates would be called in for written test and interview. The selection process in RBI includes a written examination about banking, commerce, economics and allied areas. In case of grade B positions, the candidates have to take up an online examination on general awareness, reasoning, aptitude and English. Those who are selected in this examination would be called in for a written examination in English, social and economic issues in India and finance and management. The candidates who are high in the merit score would be called in based on the number of vacancies. Thus, getting the cut-off marks in the tests and interviews would not guarantee you the job. For selection, the candidate should get 50% of mark in each semester. Other than the English session, the other sessions would be.

RBI-Reserve bank of India Recruitment Notification 2017. IBPS, PO, Clerk, Exam dates

published: 09 Mar 2017

views: 7899

Latest RBI - Reserve bank of India 2017. Apply today Jobs & Careers at RBI – Trainee jobs recruitment through IBPS. The Govt jobs and Employment News channel from Freshersworld. com – The No.1 job portal for freshers in India. Visit http://www. freshersworld. com/rbi-reserve-bank-recruitment-jobs/4444193?src=Youtube for detailed job information, recruitment notification, eligibility criteria, application form, general dates, exam results of RBI – Reserve Bank of India. \"Reserve Bank of India is India’s central bank which provides the banking services, government securities, monetary policies and other operations. There is no common RBI recruitment process for all postings. The grade A positions are filled with IBPS exam score and some positions also take UPSC score, as a standard. The chosen candidates would be called in for written test and interview. The selection process in RBI includes a written examination about banking, commerce, economics and allied areas. In case of grade B positions, the candidates have to take up an online examination on general awareness, reasoning, aptitude and English. Those who are selected in this examination would be called in for a written examination in English, social and economic issues in India and finance and management. The candidates who are high in the merit score would be called in based on the number of vacancies. Thus, getting the cut-off marks in the tests and interviews would not guarantee you the job. For selection, the candidate should get 50% of mark in each semester. Other than the English session, the other sessions would be.

IAS, IAS, IAS coaching classes videos, IAS preparation, IAS preparation videos, Civils, Civil services, Civils preparation videos, Civils preparation, IAS exam online coaching classes can be found here http://youtu. be/G4a6N-uB634

duration: 33:43

published: 26 Nov 2017

updated: 26 Nov 2017

views: 31227

Subscribe to our channel and help us creating a better world. http://bit. ly/1HPFXeu For each time someone hits the subscription button, we donate Re. 1 to SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE (SDC).SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE (SDC) is a registered NGO, selflessly working for the upliftment and overall developm

duration: 1:59

published: 06 Jul 2017

updated: 06 Jul 2017

views: 943922

This animation introduces the learner to the role played by the Central bank of India, in the Indian economy. This is a product of Mexus Education Pvt. Ltd. an education innovations company based in Mumbai, India. http://www. mexuseducation. com, http://www. ikenstore. in

duration: 22:30

published: 16 Oct 2012

updated: 16 Oct 2012

views: 73883

An energetic school boy of Class 8 have directed a sharp question to RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan over Indian economic policies which was brilliantly defended by Rajan with an outstanding response. For all top and best news stories happening all around you SUBSCRIBE to http://www. youtube. com/user/Ma

duration: 2:25

published: 04 Jul 2017

updated: 04 Jul 2017

views: 37374

Strategy to prepare for RBI grade B - What to do, how to do? Where to do what? How much time is required to prepare, etc Subscribe to the course at preper. learnyst. com Coupon code - OFF20 for 20% discount

duration: 14:03

published: 06 Oct 2017

updated: 06 Oct 2017

views: 7905

CLICK here to watch Complete Banking Awareness 2017 for Bank PO & Clerk, RBI GRADE B (IBPS, SBI) https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=K7hCx_Y0TNk StudyIQ - the best institute in Delhi for all government exams preparation. www. studyiq. in bank po banking awareness banking general awareness banking genera

duration: 54:15

published: 28 Oct 2017

updated: 28 Oct 2017

views: 51021

IAS coaching classes online, IAS online coaching classes, UPSC syllabus, civil services, IAS syllabus, Civil services syllabus, IAS exam, How to prepare for IAS exam, IAS syllabus, online coaching classes on Indian Economy and Indian History and General Studies can be found here http://youtu. be/O

duration: 18:05

published: 02 Oct 2017

updated: 02 Oct 2017

views: 8590

My other channel: http://youtube. com/VlogRays Skelekore (Also by me): http://youtube. com/Skelekore My Facebook: http://facebook. com/VlogRays My Twitter: http://twitter. com/VlogRays My Tumblr: http://vlograys. tumblr. com/

duration: 4:58

published: 01 Apr 2017

updated: 01 Apr 2017

views: 44610

DD News Live: PM Narendra Modi\'s address at 80 years of RBI & \'Financial Inclusion Conference of RBI\' in Mumbai.

duration: 38:55

published: 02 Apr 2017

updated: 02 Apr 2017

views: 6609

duration: 4:53

published: 18 Jun 2017

updated: 18 Jun 2017

views: 31527

Latest RBI - Reserve bank of India 2017. Apply today Jobs & Careers at RBI – Trainee jobs recruitment through IBPS. The Govt jobs and Employment News channel from Freshersworld. com – The No.1 job portal for freshers in India. Visit http://www. freshersworld. com/rbi-reserve-bank-recruitment-jobs/444419

duration: 3:12

published: 09 Mar 2017

updated: 09 Mar 2017

views: 7899

A film made by Reserve Bank of India to attract eligible candidates to apply for Grade B Officer post. RBI recruits both on-campus and off-campus. Off-campus is through a 3- phase examination conducted generally ever year by the RBI. For more info: refer to http://rbi. org. in/scripts/Vaccancies. asp

duration: 3:41

published: 01 Jan 2017

updated: 01 Jan 2017

views: 21100

This is a video describing the prevailing RBI Salaries and Perks for Entry level officers i. e. Grade B and Grade A. This video is compiled from RBI notices. Complete article @ http://gurpreetseehra. hubpages. com/hub/RBI-SALARIES-BENEFITS

duration: 5:59

published: 08 Mar 2012

updated: 08 Mar 2012

views: 17132

Hi Friends, This session is on Introduction to Reserve Bank of India. RBI is an apex bank governing the Indian Banking System. Objective of this session is to learn the key functions of RBI. To connect for more, visit: www. facebook. com/GDPIExpert www. twitter. com/GDPIExpert

duration: 5:12

published: 13 May 2017

updated: 13 May 2017

views: 7081

ET NOW brings you the first and exclusive interview of RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan after yesterday\'s monetary policy announcement right here! ET NOW’s Mythili Bhusnurmath caught up with the man himself to talk about RBI’s way forward considering this is notably Rajan’s first ever since Narendra Modi

duration: 41:58

published: 06 Aug 2017

updated: 06 Aug 2017

views: 17230

Lonnie plays R. B.I. Baseball 15 for iPad! Click to subscribe » http://bit. ly/sublonniedos This is part 1 of my video game commentary playthrough / walkthrough series of \"Let\'s play R. B.I. Baseball 15\" for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and any other iOS devices. In this episode: Radical batting interf

duration: 5:29

published: 29 Apr 2017

updated: 29 Apr 2017

views: 38536

Recognition and resolution are the two important ways of dealing with Non-performing assets. This statement was made by the Reserve bank of India governor Raghuram Rajan in an exclusive conversation with DD NEWS. Rajan while speaking to our correspondent Shyama Mishra said Financial Inclusion is an

duration: 9:29

published: 01 Apr 2017

updated: 01 Apr 2017

views: 8596

Wwatch: \"Kanhaiya Kumar\'s Full Speech at JNU Campus\" → https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=_df-48pHzCA -

- In a conversation with SBI Chairman Arundhati Bhattacharya at SBI’s Banking Conclave earlier in the day, RBI Governor – Raghuram Rajan said that he sees payments bank as an add o

duration: 21:49

published: 20 Aug 2017

updated: 20 Aug 2017

views: 12772

R. B.I. Baseball 15 - - New Features, New Roster System | Rangers vs Tigers Gameplay!

R. B.I. Baseball 15 - - New Features, New Roster System Starring Yu Darvish Smash That Like Button! Rangers vs Yankees Gameplay! 1080p HD | 60FPS Gameplay. What\'s all new in R. B.I. Baseball 15? Let\'s Smash 100 Likes for more R. B.I. Baseball 15 1080p 60FPS All Music Produced by: Ticois

duration: 10:48

published: 31 Mar 2017

updated: 31 Mar 2017

views: 24410

Game Informer\'s Brian Shea and Andrew Reiner check out the latest entry in the RBI Baseball series. RBI Baseball 14 was a rough outing for the retro series, but with new improvements for this year, MLB Advanced Media hopes for a better reception.

duration: 22:26

published: 02 Apr 2017

updated: 02 Apr 2017

views: 14892

In its monetary policy review, RBI reduced the key rate (repo) by 50 basis points from 7.25 per cent to 6.75 per cent with immediate effect. The central bank cut the GDP forecast to 7.4 per cent for the current fiscal from (rpt) from 7.6 per cent, while projecting retail inflation at 5.8 per cent fo

duration: 5:43

published: 29 Sep 2017

updated: 29 Sep 2017

views: 940

Call Us: 9999685127, 7827546946 Visit the Website For More Details http://buybankpocourse. in/ Crack Bank PO Exam 2017 - Prepared By Siddhartha Sinha (State Bank Officer).He himself Cracked Bank For 11 Times in 2010 and Joined as State Bank PO in 2010.He knows Various Tips and Tricks to Qualify For

duration: 12:05

published: 02 Jul 2017

updated: 02 Jul 2017

views: 5300

Check out some of my other great Sports Gaming Series! ========================================== WWE 2K15 2K Showcase: http://goo. gl/HFbyS1 Matt Myer MyCareer (PF) NBA 2K15: http://goo. gl/rm0IAX San Diego Chargers Franchise (Madden 15): http://goo. gl/ki9hvo Dallas Cowboys Franchise (Madden 15): htt

duration: 14:04

published: 01 Apr 2017

updated: 01 Apr 2017

views: 172404

Film Amazigh aykhlf rbi HD film de Mustapha Sghir

duration: 34:15

published: 07 Feb 2017

updated: 07 Feb 2017

views: 312

Speaking at the inaugural Ramnath Goenka Lecture series in New Delhi, RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan Saturday said that large scale debt write-offs are difficult in the current economic climate. Rajan went on to say that we cannot paint lenders and borrowers with the same brush. “If you start investiga

duration: 50:42

published: 12 Mar 2017

updated: 12 Mar 2017

views: 8401

2ND CHANNEL: https://www. youtube. com/user/livinwith510 ASK ME ANYTHING: http://ask. fm/Livinfrom510 Instragram: http://instagram. com/livinfrom510 Facebook:http://www. facebook. com/pages/Livinfrom510/319885844719134 Conejo Website: http://www. conejo-clothing. com Twitter: https://twitter. com/#!/Livinf

duration: 7:20

published: 11 Apr 2017

updated: 11 Apr 2017

views: 19279

Functions of RBI, Learn Budget, Money and Banking, RBI. What is Budget & Fiscal Deficit? What is Balance of Payment? External Debt, Money and Commercial Banking. For Details Visit https://meraskill. com/ca-cpt/economics/budget-and-money-banking WhatsApp Now: 8692900017 http://www. meraskill. com/ ou

duration: 5:34

published: 22 Nov 2017

updated: 22 Nov 2017

views: 583

إمغران - أنزار أسيدي ربي ( النسخة الأصلية) (Imghrane - Anzar Sidi Rbi (Exclusive Official Audio إنضموا لقناة إمغران الرسمية على يوتيوب وشاهدوا أحدث أعمالهم حصريا http://goo. gl/HmPdNO ـــــــــــــ تابع إمغران: Official Website: http://imghranelarbi. com/web Like on Facebook: https://www. Facebook. c

duration: 3:43

published: 28 Dec 2017

updated: 28 Dec 2017

views: 9696

Wwatch: \"Kanhaiya Kumar\'s Full Speech at JNU Campus\" → https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=_df-48pHzCA -

- The RBI governor, Raghuram Rajan, defends the aggresive clean up of banks\' books, even as he allows banks to count the statutory bond holdings as a liquid assets. Subscribe To

duration: 23:27

published: 11 Feb 2017

updated: 11 Feb 2017

views: 1826

Buy The Game. https://store. xbox. com/en-US/Xbox-One/Games/RBI-Baseball-15/bf96417c-1a33-4786-9353-7b2fbbfb4027 Game Website. http://www. rbigame. com/ Follow/ Tweet the Dev: https://www. facebook. com/mlbrbigame https://twitter. com/RBIGAME ----------------------------------------­­­­­­------------

duration: 11:52

published: 17 Apr 2017

updated: 17 Apr 2017

views: 35252

Run batted in

Run batted in or RBI is a statistic used in baseball and softball to credit a batter when the outcome of his at-bat results in a run being scored, except in certain situations such as when an error is made on the play. The first team to track RBI was the Buffalo Bisons .

Common nicknames for an RBI include "Ribby" and "Rib."

The plural of RBI is "RBIs". A common mistake is to conclude that the plural should be "RBI" because "runs" is the pluralized noun, but the entire acronym is properly pluralized.

The official rulebook of Major League Baseball states in Rule 10.04:

(b) The official scorer shall not credit a run batted in

The perceived significance of the RBI is displayed by the fact that it is one of the three categories that compose the triple crown. In addition, career RBI are often cited in debates over who should be elected to the Hall of Fame. However, critics, particularly within the field of sabermetrics. argue that RBI measures the quality of the lineup more than it does the player himself since an RBI can only be credited to a player if one or more batters preceding him in the batting order reached base (the exception to this being a solo home run. in which the batter is credited with driving himself in). This implies that better offensive teams—and therefore, the teams in which the most players get on base—tend to produce hitters with higher RBI totals than equivalent hitters on lesser-hitting team.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Run_batted_in

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Clash Game Box

Shooter fans deserve more. And those who haven’t discovered the pleasure of twin stick destruction deserve an entry point. Introducing Waves, a twin stick shooter that can be played by anyone, but with a high enough skill threshold to keep even the most hardened shooter fan entertained. Waves has been built from the ground up to be accessible, yet require mountains of skill to master. It cuts away the fluff and boils everything down to what’s really important: Highscores. The goal is to clear the arena of enemies while racking up a big fat Combo with swift kills and well timed Bombs and if it all gets a bit too much you can use your Time Buffer to slow down the action and turn defeat into victory. Players can compete across five different game modes with online high-score tables and Achievements in their pursuit of perfection.

KEY FEATURES: • Slow down time at will with the Time Buffer. & # 8226; Decimate enemies with well timed bombs. & # 8226; Chain together kills for massive combos. & # 8226; Battle against your friends scores with the online leaderboards. & # 8226; Keyboard/Mouse and Dual Analogue Controls (Like a wired Xbox 360 pad). & # 8226; Awesome soundtrack by the one and only SMILETRON.

GAME MODES: - 3 minutes to get the highest score you can in Crunch Time – Perfect for boiling an egg. - Level up and defeat the fearsome Cubes to extend your time in Rush. - 3 Lives and more baddies than you can eat but watch out for ambushes in Survival. - Bombing Run is all about the Boom. No guns but lots and lots of Boom. BOOM! - Challenge puts your skills to the test with 20 levels and only 30 seconds each – Try and 5-Star them all.

Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is an action RPG developed by 38 Studios for Electronic Arts. The plot was written by renowned fantasy author RA Salvatore and see us play as a hero destined to change the fate of the world of Amalur. Involved in the project also the designer of cult Todd McFarlane, creator of Spawn, and the lead designer Ken Rolston, who previously worked in masterpieces such as The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and The Elder Scrols IV: Oblivion. The gameplay of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning mix action and exploration, with our character who moves in with a vast open-world third-person view. The adventure begins with the return of the hero's death, an event that gives him the necessary powers to save Amalur, ending a bloody war between different factions and races. The developers have placed great emphasis on the combat system, regulated by the combination of different skills that allow us to hit enemies with different media, from traditional weapons and magic, and "feel" each impact as the best fighter.

Title: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning ™ Genre: Action, RPG Developer: Big Huge Games, 38 Studios Publisher: 38 Studios Release date: February 10, 2012 Language: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish After removing the relase copy the complete contents of the crack inside the game folder!

08 September 2011

Garage Inc v1.0 Multilanguage-DELiGHT Year: 2011 | PC Game | Español | Developer: Big Fish Games | 341 MB Genre: Time Management Game

Angelo Marito has just opened up his very own auto garage and needs your help to succeed in the Roaring 1920s! Guide Angelo as he struggles to balance fixing his customers’ cars, hiring employees, growing his business and dealing with the mob in the exciting Time Management game, Garage Inc. Unlock new cars, hire new workers, and keep the mob at bay as you build out your garage!

Fantastic atmosphere Incredible gameplay Run your very own auto garage!

System Requirements: OS: Windows XP/Vista CPU: 600 Mhz RAM: 128 MB DirectX: 6.0

Freelancer 2003 RePack by R. G. ReCoding | 1.24 GB Genre: Arcade, Simulator | Developer: Digital Anvil Publisher: Noviy Disk | Lang: English & ruso

Millions of roads open in the space - choose your own! Lost planet, alien races, dangerous adventures and adventure on a cosmic scale - in an infinite space there is a place for everything! Vast expanses of the universe provides unlimited opportunities, where everyone can choose their own path - to devote himself to commerce, to become a space pirate, or, conversely, to protect the order as a combat ofitsera. Sredi shining stars, asteroid clusters, and nebulae as simply disappear without a trace, and only the most desperate adventurer given to comprehend the mysteries of the universe.

Features: Arcade space simulator with full freedom to the player's actions; 48 large stellar systems accessible for study; Unearthly beauty of distant stellar worlds in excellent graphics performance; Reputation factions in a variety of changes depending on the player's actions; Exciting multiplayer mode of cooperation or against each other.

System requirements: Operating system: Windows 2000 / XP / 7; Processor: Pentium III / Athlon 600 MHz; Memory: 128 MB; Hard disk space: 2GB; Sound Card: DirectX 9.0; Video card: GeForce 2 MX 400;

Features RePack Do not cut / no recoded Independent choice of voice-and text Install the patched exe file under win 7 \ Vista (Optional) Installing the "high-resolution textures" (Optional) Installing the "training ground" (Optional) Installation time - 2-3 minutes Repak from: R. G. ReCoding

The Timebuilders Cavemans Prophecy v3.3 MacOSX MacOSX | Español | Developer: Big Fish Games | Publisher: Big Fish Games | 436 MB Genre. Estrategia

Explore a forgotten time when dinosaurs ruled the earth in The TimeBuilder: Caveman’s Prophecy, a fun Time Management game! Guide your tribe out of their cave and into the world. Discover new lands filled with dinosaurs, carnivorous plants, and mischievous saber-toothed kittens. Use all your skills to manage your people, build houses, and gather resources while creating awesome inventions to help your people!

- Challenging puzzles - Fantastic story - Guide your tribe out of its cave!

Just copy. app to application folder and enjoy.

Urban Legends: The Maze (2011/Beta 2) Year: 2011 | PC Game | Español | Developer:Big Fish Games | Publisher: Big Fish Games | 352 MB Genre: Hidden Object, adventure, puzzle, logic, "I'm looking for"

A new fun game of Elephant Games and Big Fish Games.

System requirements: * OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 * CPU: 600MHz or faster Processor * RAM: 128 MB * DirectX: 9.0 or above

Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek - Collector's Edition (2011) Release: 2011 | Español | PC | Developer: Artifex Mundi | Publisher: Big Fish Games | 403 mb Genre: Hidden Object, Adventure, Puzzle, Logic

After waking up in a tiny town you have to piece together their memories and find out why you are in Maple Creek. Discover the ancient evil that lurks in the seemingly peaceful land of Vermont and find the truth in this thrilling detective story!

System requirements: * OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 * CPU: 600MHz or faster Processor * RAM: 128 MB * DirectX: 9.0 or above

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Master (2011/ENG/Repack by Ulatek) Year: 2011 | PC Game | Español | Developer: Electronic Arts | Publisher: Electronic Arts | 1,8 GB Genre: Sport (Golf) / 3D

For the first time in the history of the game participants can immerse themselves in the rich traditions of the atmosphere of the tournament Masters. In Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12: The Masters there is zest for every lover of golf. This is one of those games this year that simply can not miss!

System requirements: ● Windows XP/Vista/7 ● Intel Core 2 Duo (or equivalent), 2 GHz or better ● 2 GB RAM ● 6 GB of free hard disk space ● Video AMD Radeon HD 5550 1GB / NVidia Geforce GTX 260 896 MB ● DirectX 9.0c

Features: √ Play in the hallowed tradition of fields, a golf club Augusta National - never in the history of Tiger Woods PGA TOUR players have not stepped on the grass, the world-famous golf club Augusta National. Experience the challenging nature of Amen Corner and holes posorevnuytes for the right to have a green jacket winner.

√ Moments Masters - play the famous and historic moments Tournament Masters. Feel free to take the challenge! Do not you want to compare himself with the great players of the past?

√ broadcast the tournament - golf duo of commentators on the TV CBS Feerti David and Jim Nantsa (Voice Masters) is broadcasting the tournament.

√ Help caddy - act as a true professional, a caddy who will help you and support you at every stage. He will recommend options for you to impact and help raise their level of skill. After that you just do not want to return to play without a caddy.

√ Grounds Championship - Compete for the best sites on the most famous field PGA TOUR, including the TPC San Antonio, Pebble Beach and TPC Sawgrass.

√ Live tournament EA SPORTS ™ - wrestle for the result with the professionals involved in the series and the PGA TOUR tournaments, held within the PGA TOUR, or work on your rankings in the table compiled by daily or weekly results of the online tournaments.

Important: Disable Internet access game, to prevent the update!

Features Repacka: * Do not cut no recoded * Installation time 10 minutes * Repack by Ulatek

SEGA's wild drift-happy racer comes to PC with this follow-up to the arcade and Xbox Outrun revival. The enchanting draw of the open road has never been so appealing with the choice of one of 12 fully licensed Ferrari models, featuring the all-new F430 and the dazzling Superamerica. Gamers will feel the throaty whine and that distinctive Ferrari exhaust tone as they power their way across 30 glorious stages from the best of the OutRun2 original and the follow-up OutRun2 SP arcade experience. Race from coast to glorious coast with a fresh new mission structure, a license mode and multiplayer racing with up to 6 players for a thrilling head-to-head journey. Stack up the OutRun miles from the sun-drenched sands of Palm Beach to the charms of Cape Way to unlock new tracks, cars and much more

Minimum System Requirements : OS: Win 2000/XP CPU: P4 1.3 GHz or equivalent Athlo RAM: 256MB RAM VGA: 128MB video RAM nVidia GeforceFX 5600 or equivalent ATI Radeon Sound: DirectX 8.1 Compatible Sound Card

Recommended System Requirements : OS: Win 2000/XP CPU: P4 2.0 GHz or equivalent Athlon RAM: 512MB RAM VGA: nVidia Geforce 6200 or equivalent ATI Radeon Sound: DirectX 8.1 Compatible Sound Card

Bastion (2011/Multi5/RIP by TeaM CrossFirE) Year:2011 | PC Game | Eng Rus | Developer: Supergiant Games | Publisher: Warner Bros | 727 MB Genre: Arcade (Adventure) / RPG (Rogue / Action) / Isometric / 3D / 3rd person

Bastion - a new PRG-style Diablo, but differs more colorful graphics. The plot of this role-playing game with the events in a fantasy world. Approaching the end of time, all men must die. But the world will be destroyed not disasters - not a meteorite fallen from the sky lay around the end, not an explosion of a giant volcano and sweeping away everything in its path the storm. Humanity itself was guilty of what is happening. However, the spark of hope still glimmers in the hearts of people. After an ancient prophecy says that only a certain magic tree able to stop the impending end of the world, and a brave hero to garner the fruits of this magic tree. Bastion game offers us a fascinating journey through the world in search of salvation from the impending apocalypse. Player expects a thrilling adventure full of dangers. On the way the hero will become not only the forces of evil, but the guards guarding the tree. But go it must, come what may. After a second opportunity to save the inhabitants of the world game Bastion just not.

Features: - An exciting RPG game - The story about the impending end of the world - Only the brave hero who can save humanity

System requirements: - Operating system: Microsoft ® Windows ® XP ™ SP3 / Windows ® Vista ™ / Windows ® 7even ™ - Processor: Intel Pentium 4 1.7 GHz or equivalent AMD Athlon 64 1700 + - Memory: 1 GB (Windows XP) / 2GB (Windows Vista / 7) - Graphics Card: 3D-graphics adapter with 256 MB memory, compatible with DirectX ® 9.0 and supports Pixel Shader 3.0 (Nvidia ® GeForce ® 8600 / ATI ® Radeon X1800 GTO or better) - Sound: Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0c - Free hard drive space: 1 GB - Additional software: DirectX 9.0c - Controls: A keyboard and mouse

Features RIP'a: - It is based on the License - Warner Bros - - Audio quality is 100% - Video quality is 100% - Do not cut - Do not recoded - The game is patched to version v1.0r11 - Multilingual version of the game - Enclosing a tablet from Reloaded - Requires at least 1 GB of RAM for installation - Requires at least 1 GB of free space on HDD - Run the game with a shortcut on your desktop (setup. bat or MakeIcon. exe) - Is present (# soft #) ext. Software: DirectX, VisualC + + Redist, XNA Framework Redist 3.1 - No installation required - RIPed by [TeaM CrossFirE]

Instructions on how to change language: 1. Just open gamelanguage. txt or write the language you need (small Latin letters) 2. Sohanyayte document 3. Play

Dead Island (2011/ENG/RePack by Black box) Year: 2011 l Platform: PC l Language: English l Developer: Techland (Poland) l Publisher: Deep Silver l 1.65 GB Genre: RPG (Rogue / Action) / 3D / 1rd Person

The island of Banoi is a lush, tropical paradise in the South Pacific where its flagship Royal Palms Resort serves as the ultimate getaway for vacationers with money to burn. However, all good things must soon come to an end – and the picturesque resort falls into madness, carnage and chaos after a mysterious and contagious zombie outbreak claims its once peaceful atmosphere. Cut off from the rest of the world, only four individuals who strangely find themselves immune to zombification have the power to protect the remaining survivors from the horrors of the island, to discover what’s really going on and find a way to escape before their own fatal ends.

Game Features: - First-person melee combat - 4-player coop - Weapon customization - Set on an gorgeous open world tropical island - RPG elements for character development - Hordes of gruesome zombies

System Requirements: OS: Windows XP, Vista or Seven CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz or equivalent RAM: 1 GB of RAM Disc Drive: DVD-ROM Drive Hard disk: At lest 7.0 GB free space Video: NVIDA Geforce 8600, ATI 2600XT Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatibale with sound card

Features RePack: - Ripped other Voice Language except English - Update 1 Inlcuded - Video Quality 100% - Added RELOADED crack - Registry for 32 & 64 bit - Need At Least 1 GB Ram to Install - Need At Least 8 GB Free Space to Install - Our Exclusive Installer - Include ( Visual Basic & DirectX ) - Start the game from Desktop

From Dust 2011 ENG RIP by TPTB | 1.13 GB Genre: Strategy | Platform: PC | Idioma ingles

From Dust - this is the last original game concept by Eric Chailly, the creator of the cult «Another World / Out of this World». Immerse yourself in exotic beautiful and just as dangerous world! You control the fate of the primitive tribe, struggling with a variety of misfortunes, the constantly evolving world where the powerful nature of guarding their fiefdoms, and where your knowledge of the elements of the world - the only chance people survive.

Features: - Play in the open world with one of the most complex simulations in real-time nature, where everything you see and touch what is dynamic and constantly presents new surprises - The unique graphic style - Open a large number of places: tropical island, volcanic landscapes, deserts and much more. - Luxury story - Explore 13 thrilling areas with unusual gameplay. Improve the ownership of natural forces, playing the mysterious archipelago and help restore the lost tribe of primitive power of their predecessors - Fight against the powerful Nature - Protect your tribe from destroying everything in its path attacks of Nature. Has protected people from the tsunami, forest fires, earthquakes, volcanos and torrential rains - Learn how to manage the divine powers - Manage the natural forces to create their own world. Hold the lava, stop the raging water, spoil the lakes, forests and cultivate lift hill! - Challenge - Play against the clock for 30 and additional maps in the "Challenge". Each scenario - is a puzzle where all time is the. - Tables of the best players - Compare your results in the "Challenge" with other players from all over the world's best players at the table

System requirements: - Operating system: Microsoft ® Windows ® XP ™ SP3 / Windows ® Vista ™ SP1 / Windows ® 7even ™ Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz or equivalent AMD Athlon64 X2 4400 + - Memory: 1 GB (Windows XP) / 2GB (Windows Vista / 7) - Graphics Card: 3D-graphics adapter with 256 MB memory, compatible with DirectX ® 9.0 and supports Pixel Shader 3.0 (Nvidia ® GeForce ® 8800 GT / ATI Radeon HD 3000 or better) - Sound: Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0c - Free hard drive space: 4 GB - Additional software: DirectX 9.0c - Controls: A keyboard and mouse

Features RIP: - It is based on the License - Ubisoft Entertainment - - Audio quality is 100% - Video quality is 100% - Cut all languages. except English (voice interface and English) - Do not recoded - Enclosing a tablet from SKIDROW - Requires at least 4 GB of free space on HDD - Run the game with a shortcut on your desktop - Is present (TPTB Redistributables) ext. Software: DirectX, VisualC + + Redist - No installation required - RIPed by [TPTB]

Installation instructions: 1. Unzip From_Dust. zip 2. Unzip Ubisoft.7z.001 with 7-Zip 9.2 or later version 3. Loader. bat run and wait for a few seconds 4. Start the game with a shortcut on your desktop 5. Play

Sanctum [2011] (PC/FullIso/ENG) Game Platforme(s). PC | Idioma. Español | Release Date. Apr 17, 2011 Publisher. Coffee Stain Studios | Desarrollador. Coffee Stain | Genre. Sci-Fiction Fps Size. 1.06 Gb

The tower defense genre has been steadily growing for a few years now, with many such games spicing up the recipe with unique elements to stand out. Enter Sanctum, the latest game to carve out a niche on an increasingly crowded landscape. In this downloadable game, you build towers to protect a key structure from gangs of marching meanies, as you do in most such games. But here is the hook: While those monsters maraud down their predetermined paths, you take aim at them with your own weapons from a first-person perspective. Having to face those lumbering monstrosities makes Sanctum a more immediate experience than your average tower defense game; you can no longer be content to watch from above and must meet the terrors head-on. It's a shame there aren't more ways to enjoy Sanctum: It only comes with three different levels, but with 20 or more waves in each, they are lengthy ones. Though you may wish that the concept had more content built around it, what's here is fresh enough to make Sanctum a fun way to while away the hours--even if you're burnt out on the genre.

In many respects, Sanctum is like most other tower defense games. Monsters emerge from predetermined spawn points and meander (or float, or scamper) down predetermined paths. Your goal is to destroy them by placing turrets along that path at strategic points. You also need to extend these bumbling buffoons' journey as best you can by building your turret blocks in such a way as to create mazes for them to traverse. While you're probably used to placing towers from an overhead view, in Sanctum, you do so from a first-person view. This can be disorienting at first, especially when planning out your maze. Luckily, you can switch to an overhead view to see how your labyrinth is coming along, though you can't actually build anything this way.

Maze management is only half of the equation, however. Once you've spent all your allotted resources, you press a key, and the invasion begins. Obese creatures on spindly legs, giant lanky bobble heads, and other oddities descend upon your maze. In other tower defense games, you hope and pray that your turret configuration is clever enough to destroy them; in Sanctum, hope and prayer are no substitute for a warm gun in your hands. As such, you use one of three weapons--an assault rifle, a sniper rifle, and a gun that slows enemies down--to give your turrets a helping hand. The shooting on its own isn't particularly satisfying. Monsters are oblivious to your presence, and in spite of the blood and goo that erupt upon a deadly headshot, there's little sense of impact. But when the mutant parade is in full swing, you'll be too busy sniping floating spores to give it much thought.

You make the most important strategic choices between waves. Do you spend resources on upgrading existing turrets or build new ones? Do you upgrade weapons or flesh out your labyrinth even further? You must be conscious of what enemies will be next coming down the pike when considering these questions. Bobble heads are most vulnerable to your own weapons, so an upgraded sniper rifle may be the way to go. But attending to the bobble heads might mean leaving the walkers that accompany them to your turrets, so you have to find an appropriate balance when spending your dough. The single-player portion of the game features a nice difficulty curve, allowing you to get your bearings early on and putting what you've learned to the test by the time you reach the final level. When you leave the campaign behind, you can join friends or strangers to tackle endless waves together. Developing a strategy while working with two resource pools is great fun, though the challenge ramps up considerably faster here than in single-player, so much so that you might get frustrated by how little damage even your fully upgraded weapons are doing. Unfortunately, there there are no other modes to conquer.

1- Extract Rar File 2- Mount ISO file with DAEMON Tools (Or whatever) 3- Click "Setup. exe" to Instal the Game 4- Copy All Content "Crack" Folder to the Folder Game Directory 5- Play & Have Fun. Enjoy ;)

Serious Sam Double D (2011/ENG) Year: 2011 | PC Game | Español | Developer: Mommy's Best Games | Publisher: Croteam | 140 MB Genre: Arcade (Platform)

Exciting action in the spirit of the old school, will tell his players about the new adventures of the legendary Sam Hardball. Three unique, world-developed, enclosing a 54 game locations. Bizarre device for carrying several guns in one hand. Horde of ruthless mutant dream to meet you face to face. Lots of different secrets and hiding places in each level. Well, understand, Uncle Sam himself.

System requirements: - Operating system: Microsoft ® Windows ® XP | VISTA | Seven - Processor: 2.0 GHz - Memory: 1 GB - Video: 128 MB - Sound: DirectX compatible - Free hard drive space: 500 MB

Rallisport Challenge (PC/FullIso/Multi) Game Platforme(s). PC | Idioma. Multi (5) | Release Date. Nov 6, 2002 Publisher. Microsoft Game Studios | Desarrollador. Digital Illusions | Genre. Rally/Offroad Racing Size. 1.8 Gb

Originally released for Microsoft's Xbox video game console in March, Rallisport Challenge was one of the best driving games on the system by virtue of its gorgeous graphics, well-designed tracks, and great variety of cars. The game was developed by Battlefield 1942 creator Digital Illusions, and its publisher Microsoft has since opted to release the game on the PC. And racing fans who don't own an Xbox will be pleased to know that nothing was lost in the translation. In fact, Rallisport Challenge for the PC even has a few key bonuses that weren't in the Xbox version, including noticeably sharper graphics and the ability to play online.

Rallisport Challenge is actually like four different rally games in one. There are a total of 41 tracks spread across 12 different environments, and each environment is the setting for one of four unique rally types. There are the traditional rally races, wherein you race against the clock throughout a series of checkpoints; ice racing, which involves competing against three other opponents on icy, slippery roads; hill climbs, which are similar to rally races except that your overall objective is to scale a mountain as fast as possible; and rally cross events, which are circuit-based races against other drivers on tracks that have several different types of terrain, like mud, gravel, or asphalt. To be precise, the tracks in the game consist of one of six different terrain types, and each one has a dramatic effect on the way your car handles. Tarmac, for example, provides for extraordinary grip but makes it somewhat difficult for you to turn a corner with a powerslide--a technique that's a staple of rally racing. Gravel and mud, on the other hand, will affect how fast you accelerate in a straight line, but the relative lack of traction makes it easier to push your car around turns. Before every race, you're given the option of choosing a tire compound that's best suited to the current track conditions, but things such as changing weather conditions (a light drizzle at the start of a race might clear up by the time you cross the finish line) and multiple surface types (some tracks consist of mud and gravel or tarmac and sand) add a bit of challenge to this selection process.

As you'd probably expect from a racing game, Rallisport Challenge is split up between a persistent career mode and a quick race mode designed to get you in and out of a race as fast as possible. A third option, a time attack mode, is also available. Time attack is similar to quick race, but in it, you compete against the clock, not other cars. Obviously, the game's core lies in the career mode, in which you create a persona and compete in a series of 19 events that are split up across four difficulty levels. Each of these events is made up of anywhere from three to nine individual rally, hill climb, rally cross, or ice races, and you'll get points for driving each course faster than the posted times for first, second, and third place.

Initially, only the easiest series of races is available to you, but as you rack up enough points, you'll unlock subsequent events. If you didn't think you gave a certain series of races your best shot, you can go back and try it again, though you'll lose all the points that you gained in your last run, so there's a bit of risk involved in reattempting old races. Interestingly enough, you also get points for completing each race with as little damage to your car as possible. If you aren't careful, your car can end up with broken taillights, shattered windows, and bent fenders, and the more scrapes and bruises that your car accrues, the fewer points you'll get at the end of each race. However, no matter how much you bang up your cars, damage has no effect on their handling or performance.

1- Extract Rar File 2- Mount ISO file with DAEMON Tools (Or whatever) 3- Click "Setup. exe" to Instal the Game 4- Copy All Content "No-CD-Patch" Folder to the Folder Game Directory 5- Play & Have Fun. Enjoy ;)

Note : You can change language after Installation

Eternal Legacy 1.0.0 Mac OSX Mac OS X | Español | Gameloft | 1.11 GB Genre: Role-Playing

Enter a huge world made of cinematic environments in this intense role-playing game, worthy heir on your Mac of its Japanese predecessors.

ENTER THE WORLD OF ALGOAD - An absorbing scenario implying heavy responsibilities: Astrian, you must save Algoad from destruction and restore the living bond between humans and nature. - A mix of fantasy and sci-fi: fight with swords and guns, face robots and magic, and fly your own ship! - Freely explore majestic regions: real-time rendered in full 3D, with free 360° camera.

A SMOOTH, THRILLING BATTLE SYSTEM - Dynamic turn-based fights: preset your future attacks, which will be triggered one by one once your action gauge is filled. - Epic combats, enhanced by full 3D artwork, numerous animations and a varied bestiary. - Up to 3 characters will fight at the same time: select your team among your recruits and define your teammates behavior.

LIVE YOUR OWN ABSORBING ADVENTURE - Choose your own path by interacting with the environment, items, people and enemies, or solving puzzles to make your way through obstacles. - Talk to the people you meet, featuring full voice acting: they may join your team, reveal some secret, give you a quest, and more. - Perform sub-quests if you like, to extend the game’s lifespan and gain more experience. - Customize your character and weapons: you master your destiny.

Requirements . Mac OS X 10.6.6 or later This game is not supported by iMac and MacBook Pro devices equipped with the following video cards: Radeon X1600 Intel GMA 950

Rescue Frenzy v1.2.1.0-TE Year: 2011 | PC Game | Español | Developed by: Melesta | Published by: Alawar | 186 MB Genre: Time Management | Adventure

Guide courageous rescue workers as they deal with the aftermath of devastating storms, catastrophic earthquakes, and disastrous wildfires! Race against the clock to clear away debris; collect resources for rebuilding hospitals, bridges and power stations; and save people and animals from certain peril. Collect power-ups to increase your speed, steer seven powerful vehicles over rugged terrain, and strive for the Master ranking on 45 levels of thrilling time management action

* 45 levels * Four power-ups * Seven rescue vehicles * Eight cute animals to save * Learn-as-you play tutorial

Advanced Tactics: World War II (2007 / PC / ENG) Year: 2007 | PC Game | Español | Developer: VR Designs | Publisher: Matrix Games | 129 MB Genre: Wargame

Game Advanced Tactics: World War II - a strategy that appeared in the 2007 year. The project invites players to take full control over the armies of warring countries - from production and the formation of the army high command to its distribution of reinforcements and landing in the enemy rear.

Advanced Tactics: World War II models military conflict at battalion level and above, we can beat almost any battle of World War II - it is covered in great detail here. The player in Advanced Tactics: World War II have complete freedom of action he chooses which city to develop the types of reinforcements to call for help, how to equip troops and so on.

OS: XP, Vista, 7 CPU: 1.5 GHZ RAM: 512MB Video / Graphics: No 3D card required (not hardware accelerated) Sound: Basic Soundcard Hard disk space: 165MB

07 September 2011

Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition - High Resolution Pack (2010/ENG/RIP by TeaM CrossFirE) PC | ENG | Developer: 3D Realms | Publisher: 3D Realms | 2010 | 855 MB Genre: Action (Shooter / FPS) / 3D / 1st person

Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition - High Resolution Pack - The original classic "Duke Nukem 3D" endured plastic surgery to rejuvenate! After many years of hard work before us is "he" - the greatest shooter of all time, wrapped in the highest resolution textures, using a new dynamic image rendering engine with support for Shader Model 3.0, glow-effects, improved sound effects and many - many other nice widgets that return to former glory Duke!

System requirements: - Operating system: Microsoft ® Windows ® XP ™ / Windows ® Vista ™ / Windows ® 7even ™ - Processor: Intel Pentium 4 1.5 GHz or equivalent AMD Athlon 1500 + - Memory: 256 MB (Windows XP) / 512 MB (Windows Vista / 7) - Graphics Card: 3D-graphics adapter with 64 MB memory, compatible with DirectX ® 9.0 and supports Pixel Shader 3.0 (Nvidia ® GeForce ® 3 Ti200 / ATI ® Radeon 9800 or better) - Sound: Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0c - Free hard drive space: 1 GB - Additional software: DirectX 9.0c - Controls: A keyboard and mouse

Features RIP'a: - It is based on the license - 3D Realms - - Audio quality is 100% - Video quality is 100% - Cut all languages ​​except English (voice interface and English) - Do not recoded - Tablet enclosing - Requires at least 1 GB of free space on HDD - Run the game with a shortcut in razarhivrovannom archive (label Play The Fukka) - No installation required - RIPed by [TeaM CrossFirE]

Mystery Murders Jack the Ripper + The Secrets of Arcelia Island English | Platform: PC | Publisher: Big Fish Games | Developer: Big Fish Games | 897 MB Genre: Hidden Object, Logic

Mystery Murders Jack the Ripper

Track down one of the world’s most legendary serial killers in Mystery Murders: Jack the Ripper, an incredible Hidden Object game! Help world-renowned clairvoyant Emma de Ville and Inspector Fred Abberline of London’s famous Scotland Yard as they pursue the notorious murderer. Piece together clues, solve intriguing puzzles and use forensic crime scene investigation methods to hunt the killer down!

*Amazing graphics *Incredible action *Catch Jack the Ripper! *New version uses name + key


extract use key


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News zu Interphase - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

Interphase (INPH) Kurs: 18,938 US$ (+3.77%) KGV2000: 26 Marktkapitalisierung: 103 Mill. US$

Interphase Announces Industry`s Most Advanced CompactPCI Controller for Telecommunication Systems; Product Capabilities Surpass Any Controller in Its Class

DALLAS, May 8, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Interphase Corporation (Nasdaq: INPH), an international supplier of enterprise networking technologies, today announced the world`s most advanced controller for telecommunication systems based on the industry-standard CompactPCI(R) bus architecture.

The new 6535 Octal T1/E1 Communications Controller is the flagship product supporting the company`s initiative into fast-growing telecommunication markets including wireless communications, fast Internet Access and Advanced Intelligent Networking.

The growth in wireless networks and the popularity of the Internet has spawned a new industry of specialized "off the shelf" equipment designed to provide cost-effective enhanced services for the next-generation telecommunications infrastructure. U. S. telecommunication service providers alone will spend more than $13 billion in 2000 to expand their global communication networks. According to the Phillips Group, this expansion is expected to grow to more than $17 billion in 2002, an increase of more than 60-percent from 1999 levels.

"Network operators and service providers need to quickly develop and deliver new, competitively priced enhanced services to customers if they want to remain competitive in the rapidly changing telecommunications market," said Greg Kalush, Interphase president and CEO. "This has created a tremendous need for flexible open system communications products that deliver time-to-market advantages at an affordable price. Our new 6535 controller responds to this need with the power and scalability to enable a variety next-generation telecommunication applications. We are extremely excited to offer the industry`s strongest product offering in this category."

The 6535 Octal T1/E1 Communications Controller offers superior performance with an advanced architecture that features the Motorola MPC8260 RISC CPU, the most advanced integrated communication microprocessor ever designed for the telecommunication and networking markets. With this superior processing capability and carrier-class features optimized for telecommunication applications, the 6535 is perfect for wireless telephony, high-speed Internet access and Advanced Intelligent Network equipment.

The growth in wireless networks is driven by mobility and the increase in user devices, such as cell phones and pagers, which is driving demand for high availability telecommunication systems to support expanding wireless network requirements. Base station controllers and other wireless network equipment require high density T1/E1 line termination capability per system. With the highest number of ports per 6U CompactPCI slots available in the industry, the 6535 provides a perfect solution for next-generation wireless equipment.

High-speed Internet Access

The explosive growth of the Internet is creating a tremendous need for next-generation equipment for telecommunication carriers, cable modem operators and Internet Service Providers. The 6535, with its high channel density and high availability features, is an ideal platform for equipment suppliers designing high-speed Internet access solutions with carrier class functionality.

Advanced Intelligent Networking

The Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) is the world`s largest data network and it controls traditional telephone calls, cellular calls, data communications as well as new broadband ATM services. With its support for multiple protocols, including SS7 and ATM, the 6535 is an excellent high density, high performance connectivity solution supporting AIN applications.

"We designed this product specifically for the next-generation telecommunication applications that will drive tomorrow`s voice and data connectivity," said Linsey Matthews, Interphase product manager. "The initial market acceptance from our customers is very exciting, and we are pleased to add the 6535 communications controller to our robust family of connectivity products for next-generation telecommunication system."

Features that solidify the 6535`s industry leading position include:

-- Up to Eight T1/E1 Interfaces - The 6535 comes equipped with either 4 or 8 T1/E1/J1 interfaces, providing telecom OEMs and integrators with a high density, fully channelized WAN communications solution for connection to telecommunication switches, gateway devices, AIN nodes, CTI systems, VOIP gateways or remote access multiplexers. Telecommunications and data traffic can be simultaneously aggregated across any or all 8 ports, allowing the 6535 to deliver as much as 400% higher throughput than the closest competing product.

-- On-board H.110 Bus - H.110 is an industry specification that allows developers and integrators to build robust, interoperable hardware and software solutions for telecommunications and data networking applications using CompactPCI-based platforms. The addition of H.110 bus enables the 6535 to switch telecommunication data streams directly between peripheral modules in a CompactPCI chassis. This makes it possible for developers to swiftly build and scale the full-function telecommunication systems of the future.

-- Advanced ATM Capabilities - Interphase is leveraging its vast experience as an ATM leader to offer advanced ATM capabilities on the 6535 that include Inverse ATM Multiplexing (IMA). This IMA functionality allows multiple T1/E1/J1s to act as a single coherent ATM connection, offering overall greater bandwidth for demanding applications. With IMA, applications can use the combined bandwidth more effectively, since idle capacity on one line can be aggregated with unused capacity on another. The 6535 is also the only product in the industry that can currently utilize IMA capabilities with fractional T1/E1 lines, allowing the combination of ATM and non-ATM traffic on the same T1 or E1 span.

-- Simultaneous Multiprotocol Communications Support - In addition to ATM, the 6535 features the industry`s most comprehensive suite of WAN and telecommunications protocol software including Frame Relay, ISDN, X.25, SS7, HDLC and LAPD. The ability to run multiple protocols concurrently preserves host system slots while allowing system designers to build high-availability systems that perform multiple communication functions, making more efficient use of system resources.

-- High Availability Support - The 6535 includes "carrier class" features that are designed to meet the high availability requirements of telecommunication systems that rarely or never fail. Support for "hot swapping" in CompactPCI systems is provided, helping integrators design telecommunications systems that provide 99.999% (five-nines) availability. "Five-nines" availability translates to about five minutes of unplanned downtime per year, which is the norm in the telecommunications industry.

The 6535 will be available for design-in evaluation to qualified accounts beginning in early July.

About Interphase Corporation

Interphase Corporation (Nasdaq: INPH), a leader in Fibre Channel and next generation telecommunication technologies, designs and delivers high performance connectivity adapters for computer and telecommunication networks. The company`s Host Bus Adapter products connect computer and telecommunication servers to storage area networks (SAN), wide area networks (WAN) and local area networks (LAN) utilizing Fibre Channel, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (or ATM), SS7, Frame Relay and ISDN technologies. Headquartered in Dallas, with offices in Austin, Paris, London, and Bangkok, Interphase 1999 revenues were $73.5 million. Clients include Hewlett Packard, IBM, Compaq/Tandem, Motorola, Sun Microsystems, Lockheed Martin, Nokia and Raytheon. Additional information about Interphase and its products is available through the company`s web site at http://www. iphase. com.

The Interphase logo is a registered trademark of Interphase Corporation.

Beitrag Nr. 3 ( 907.186 )

Fibre Channel Industry Association Demonstrates Live SAN Storage Pool at Networld + Interop 2000

LAS VEGAS, May 9, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The Fibre Channel Industry Association (FCIA) Tuesday announced it will showcase a storage pool demonstration at the Networld + Interop (N+I) show, May 9-11 in Las Vegas.

In addition, more than 30 member companies are exhibiting new products and solutions related to Fibre Channel and Storage Area Network (SAN) technologies.

"With the ever increasing need for shared storage within the networking and enterprise industries, N+I is the ideal venue to showcase cutting-edge Fibre Channel and SAN solutions," stated Skip Jones, president of the FCIA.

"This demonstration not only raises the level of expectation among end users with regard to storage performance and flexibility, but it also shows network and IT professionals that Fibre Channel SANs are a reliable, high-performance and cost-effective solution."

The storage pooling demo, located in the Las Vegas Convention Center at booth L2955, displays how the aggregation of storage into manageable pools provides tangible benefits to end users. The advantages of pooling storage include more efficiently allocated resources, cost-effective management and secure accessibility.

Furthermore, networked pools of storage result in improved performance and data availability. The storage pooling demonstration integrates multiple storage vendors that provide drag-and-drop volume service to multiple operating systems, including Solaris, Linux and NT.

"Utilizing a storage network and pools allows end users to easily scale their needs not only to meet the growing storage requirements, but also to meet the dynamic seasonal fluctuations within an operating enterprise," Jones concluded.

In addition, two vertical racks housing multiple vendors` products with plasma screens attached to the top will play informational videos highlighting the advances in Fibre Channel technology.

The following are participating in the FCIA`s demonstration:

Adaptec, Agilent, Ancor Communications, ATTO Technology, Brocade, Cambex, Chaparral Network Storage, Ciprico, Computer Network Technology, Connex, Datacore Software, Emulex, FCI (Berg), Finisar, Fujitsu CPA, Hitachi Data Systems, I-Tech, Interphase, McDATA Corporation, Methode Electronics, Molex, OSFI, QLogic, Seagate Technology, Sony Electronics, Storage Area Networks, TrueSAN Networks, Vixel and VMIC.

The Fibre Channel Industry Association (FCIA) is an international organization of manufacturers, systems integrators, developers, systems vendors, industry professionals and end users.

With more than 175 members and affiliates in the United States, Europe and Japan, the FCIA is committed to delivering a broad base of Fibre Channel infrastructure to support a wide array of industry applications within the mass storage and IT-based arenas.

FCIA Working Groups focus on specific aspects of the technology that target both vertical and horizontal markets, including storage, video, networking and SAN Management. For information, contact the Fibre Channel Industry Association at 415/750-8355 or via e-mail at info@fibrechannel. org, or visit the FCIA Web site at http://www. fibrechannel. org.

Interphase Partners With Leading Vendors to Demonstrate Next-Generation Telecommunication Solutions at Networld+Interop 2000

DALLAS, May 9, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) --

-- Interphase Controllers Provide Versatile Connectivity for High Availability Telecommunication Servers --

Interphase Corporation (Nasdaq: INPH), an international supplier of enterprise networking technologies, today announced that it is partnering with Force Computers (NYSE:SLR), Motorola Computer Group (NYSE:MOT), and Ziatech Corporation to demonstrate a wide range of next-generation telecommunication solutions at the Networld+Interop 2000 tradeshow in Las Vegas this week.

Several product demonstrations illustrate the power and versatility of the new line of Interphase controllers for use in third-generation wireless communications, high-speed Broadband Internet access and Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) applications.

"The Embedded Telecommunications segment offers an extremely high growth market opportunity and is a key initiative for Interphase," said Roger Woolley, Interphase Senior Director of Global Marketing. "Our demonstrations at Networld+Interop show how equipment providers and integrators can cost-effectively build reliable telecommunication systems to deliver enhanced services such as cellular telephony, wireless Internet access, broadband Internet access and call number portability."

Featured in the demonstrations are the communication controllers that Interphase announced last month in support of its initiative to penetrate this rapidly growing next-generation broadband telecommunications server market. The new products include:

-- 4535 Multiprotocol T1/E1 PMC Communications Controller - a high-performance mezzanine controller equipped with 2 high-speed T1/E1 links for ATM, Frame Relay and SS7 protocol communications in support of wireless and Internet access applications.

-- 4534 Quad-port Serial PMC Communications Controller - a high-performance mezzanine controller that provides 4 high-speed serial I/O lines for X.25, Frame Relay and SS7 protocol communications in support of Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) and leased-line connectivity applications.

-- 4531 ATM over T3/E3 PMC Communications Controller - a high-performance mezzanine controller supporting high-bandwidth ATM communications over T3/E3 communications links in for Internet access applications.

High Speed ATM for Internet Access

Frustrated with slow Web content delivery and lengthy file downloads, many users are seeking faster broadband access to the Internet. Rapidly growing alternatives include cable-modem service through the same wire that delivers cable TV programming or high-speed DSL access through regular telephone lines. Both require ATM as the interconnecting service.

Teamed with Ziatech at Networld+Interop, Interphase is demonstrating its 4575 ATM Over OC-3 Communications Controller in an Internet access application utilizing the Ziatech ZT5083 High Availability CompactPCI(R) system. The display illustrates how developers and service providers can utilize this product combination for several ATM access network applications including Access Concentrators, DSLAMs, ATM gateways, and Element Management Systems.

Building the Next Generation of Wireless

The wireless telecommunications industry is rapidly changing. Subscribers are demanding enhanced wireless services, and it is anticipated that there will be more than a billion wireless Internet users worldwide by 2003. Network operators and service providers are seeking flexible and cost-effective solutions to help them meet these demands.

At Networld+Interop, Interphase has teamed with Motorola Computer Group to demonstrate how the Motorola CPX2000 CompactPCI system and the 4535 Communications Controller enables multiprotocol T1/E1 communications for third-generation mobile Internet networks. With support for multiple protocols, the Motorola/Interphase solution offers developers an excellent architecture on which to develop new wireless applications with fast-time-to-market, especially for Base Station Controllers, Base Transmission Stations, Interworking Functions and Home Location Registers.

Making the Advanced Intelligent Network More Intelligent

Today`s familiar telephony features -- such as caller ID, call waiting and 800/888 numbers -- are value-added services made possible by the Advanced Intelligent Network. The usage of these existing services is proliferating and subscribers, placing a tremendous burden on the existing capacity within the Intelligent Network, are rapidly adopting new services such as call number portability.

Interphase is partnering with Force Computers to demonstrate how the Force Centellis CompactPCI telecommunications server populated with Interphase 4535 and 4534 controllers can deliver intelligent I/O for AIN applications requiring T1/E1 and synchronous communications. This powerful combination gives service providers with cost and time-to-market advantages when deploying next-generation telecommunication systems such as Element Management Systems, Intelligent Peripherals and Service Creation Points within the Advanced Intelligent Network.

Interphase is located in Booth No. 933 in the North Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Interphase Demonstrates World`s First Fibre Channel and Gigabit Ethernet Combination Adapter at Networld+Interop 2000

DALLAS, May 9, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) --

-- SlotOptimizer(TM) Storage Networking Adapter Delivers High Throughput for Demanding Video Server Connectivity --

Interphase Corporation (Nasdaq: INPH), an international supplier of enterprise networking technologies, is demonstrating its innovative 5570 SlotOptimizer Storage Networking Adapter in a high-end video server environment at the Networld+Interop 2000 conference in Las Vegas, May 9-11.

The 5570 is the industry`s first server host adapter that combines both Fibre Channel and Gigabit Ethernet connectivity on a single PCI adapter, providing extremely high bandwidth and a more efficient use of system resources for Internet connectivity and storage networking applications.

"Streaming video is a popular Internet technology that places extra performance demands on the enterprise servers, video servers and e-servers that must store, manage and access large and complex video content files," said Greg Kalush, President and CEO at Interphase. "Our 5570 excels at delivering the throughput necessary to rapidly access video content from storage assets and then carry the content to the end user with the bandwidth to ensure continuous `broadcast quality` streams."

Multimedia content such as streaming video is having a strong impact on today`s popular culture and business environment, providing users with informative and entertaining material on an almost instantaneous basis. Enabled by the Internet, new streaming video applications are becoming the norm in on-line industries such as residential entertainment, in-flight and mobile entertainment, corporate training and distance learning, and e-commerce. To support these applications, network infrastructures must offer new levels of network performance and unlimited storage access to facilitate fast delivery of content.

The Interphase demonstration illustrates a point-to-multipoint streaming video application being fed from a video server running the Windows 2000 operating environment. Enabled by the 5570 SlotOptimizer adapter, content is retrieved from a RAID storage unit over a full duplex 1Gbps Fibre Channel connection and then delivered to the subscriber via a "fat" Gigabit Ethernet distribution network.

The 5570 SlotOptimizer Storage Networking Adapter provides an innovative solution that responds to the market`s need for high throughput connectivity for web servers, rack-optimized servers and other enterprise systems tasked with delivering multimedia content "on-demand." By utilizing Fibre Channel, the 5570 adapter provides up to 200 MBps data storage throughput. And with Gigabit Ethernet connectivity, the 5570 SlotOptimizer Adapter provides a "fat" data pipe to support high-end Internet network architectures, delivering added performance to the LAN while working with the existing Ethernet LAN infrastructure.

Interphase is located in Booth No. 933 in the North Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center. The 5570 SlotOptimizer Storage Networking Adapter will be generally available in late Q2 2000 with a standard list price of $1795.00.

Beitrag Nr. 4 ( 907.351 )

Interphase Corporation Host Adapters 4526 PMC Fibre Channel Adapter Designed to deliver gigabit performance to servers and power workstations, the 4526 is a full-featured, single port Fibre Channel for PMC-based systems.

Interphase Corporation Host Adapters 5526 PCI Fibre Channel Adapter Designed to deliver gigabit performance to servers and power workstations, the PowerSAN™ 32-bit Adapter Family consists of full-featured, single port Fibre Channel adapters for PCI-based systems.

Interphase Corporation Host Adapters 6526 CompactPCI Fibre Channel Adapter Designed to deliver gigabit performance to high-end servers and embedded platforms, the 6526 is a full-featured, single port Fibre Channel adapter for CompactPCI-based (CPCI) Systems.

Interphase Corporation Software FibreView Enterprise FibreView Enterprise is a powerful, full-featured SAN management tool which helps simplify the network administrator`s job of managing the SAN.

Interphase Corporation Host Adapters PowerSAN 64-bit PCI Fibre Channel Adapter PowerSAN 64-bit PCI Fibre Channel adapters are full-featured solutions for servers and enterprise computing systems. PowerSAN delivers the superior performance and reliability demanded by today`s server storage applications.

Beitrag Nr. 12 ( 967.335 )

Interphase Unveils New Reseller Partner Program

- GoldRushT Program to Focus on Key Resellers, Offering Enhanced Sales, Marketing and Support -

DALLAS, Texas, May 22, 2000 -- Interphase Corporation (NASDAQ: INPH), an international supplier of enterprise networking technologies, today introduced its GoldRushT Partner Program at the VARVision Spring 2000 Conference sponsored by the Gartner Group. The GoldRush program delivers on the company`s commitment to broaden its reseller base by providing greater support and financial incentives to qualified Value Added Resellers (VARs) and system integrators. The program offers several benefits including qualified sales leads, marketing programs and dedicated technical support.

"One of our key initiatives has been to expand our channels to market through an increasing number of VARs," explained Greg Kalush, president and CEO of Interphase. "The GoldRush Program is the next step in our aggressive channel strategy and we anticipate it will accelerate the growth of our reseller base and significantly raise the visibility of Interphase in this important sales channel."

The GoldRush program offers three levels of partnership status based on performance and revenue attainment: 14K Gold, 18K Gold and 24K Gold. Resellers receive increased levels of support and service for each successive stage of the program. Key benefits of the GoldRush program include:

· Co-marketing incentives using co-op dollars earned at three revenue levels · Market Development Funds (MDF) earned by reaching revenue goals at quarter and year-end · Special marketing programs including "spiffs", free 30-day product evaluations, etc. · Pre-sale and post-sales support; priority technical support · Exclusive Web access to product information, co-op accrual balances, etc.

"We are pleased to see the aggressive expansion of channel marketing efforts by Interphase," said Jesse May, president of Chandler/May, Inc. an Interphase integration partner. "By introducing the GoldRush Partner Program, Interphase is providing us with a powerful resource to help capture lucrative market share for Storage Area Network and next-generation telecommunication solutions. Interphase is a great business partner that understands and values our role in helping take their products to market."

Resellers interested in joining the Interphase GoldRush program should go to the company`s Web site (http://www. ProcessRequest. com/apps/redir. asp? link=3169,YbehgcfcdDA) and request more information.

VARVision Spring 2000, taking place May 21 - 24 in Orlando, Florida, is focused on helping vendor companies like Interphase build, strengthen, and expand channel partnership programs with the leading VARs focused on networking, Internet and extranet deployment, and systems integrators from across North America. More than 200 executive-level representatives from North America`s leading VARs and systems integrators are attending the event to build new and profitable channel partnerships. Tech Data Corporation, a leading Interphase distribution partner, is also a co-sponsor of the VARVision conference.

About Interphase Corporation

Interphase Corporation (NASDAQ: INPH), a leader in Fibre Channel and next-generation telecommunication technologies, designs and delivers high performance connectivity adapters for computer and telecommunication networks. The company`s products connect computer and telecommunication servers to storage area networks (SAN), wide area networks (WAN) and local area networks (LAN) utilizing Fibre Channel, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), SS7, Frame Relay and ISDN technologies. Headquartered in Dallas, with offices in Austin, Paris, London, and Bangkok, Interphase 1999 revenues were $73.5 million. Clients include Hewlett Packard, IBM, Compaq/Tandem, Motorola, Sun Microsystems, Lockheed Martin, Nokia and Raytheon. Additional information about Interphase and its products is available through the company`s web site at http://www. ProcessRequest. com/apps/redir. asp? link=3168,YbehgcfcdDA.

The Interphase logo is a registered trademark and GoldRush is a trademark of Interphase Corporation.

Beitrag Nr. 13 ( 974.565 )

Interphase Delivers High Availability Support for Carrier-Class Communication Applications Running LynuxWorks` LynxOS/HA

- Software Developer`s Kit provides customers with tool to implement maximized reliability for mission critical applications -

DALLAS, Texas, May 23, 2000 -- Interphase Corporation (NASDAQ: INPH), an international supplier of enterprise networking technologies, today announced the availability of a Software Development Kit (SDK) for its 4535 Communication Controller that allows telecommunication equipment suppliers and developers to implement "high availability" (HA) support for applications running on LynuxWorks, Inc.`s real-time operating system-based platforms. The LynuxWorks` LynxOS® real-time operating system is widely deployed in mission critical telecommunications applications and is currently the only real time operating system to offer integrated high availability support.

The telecommunications equipment market is exploding as service providers respond to the astounding growth of the Internet and of wireless services. As a result, Internet and telecommunications equipment suppliers are under tremendous pressure to rapidly develop a new generation of systems that meet stringent 99.999% availability requirements. Also known as "five-nines," 99.999% availability translates into approximately five minutes of planned system downtime per year. The new SDK from Interphase allows developers to capitalize on the inherent high availability features of the LynxOS operating system when using the 4535 controller to ensure high availability operation at the overall system level.

"Next-generation telecommunication systems are driven by mission critical requirements and open system platforms such as CompactPCI," said Greg Kalush, Interphase president and CEO. "The software functionality we`re announcing today enables our customers to create a new generation of fast-to-market open system communication solutions where downtime is simply not an option."

The LynxOS Software Developer`s Kit allows developers to create "hot swap" functionality for CompactPCI carrier cards utilizing the 4535 mezzanine controller, contributing to overall high availability at the system-level. Hot swap allows in-line maintenance or replacement of 4535-based I/O cards without system interruption. The SDK contains a base driver for the high availability version of the LynxOS operating system and APIs for ATM Frame Relay, X.25, PPP, and HDLC embedded software protocols.

"As a LynuxWorks Synergy Program partner, Interphase has tightly integrated the SDK and 4535 with the proven LynuxWorks HA software to provide a communications solution for developers of carrier-grade telecommunications products," said Dr. Inder Singh, Chairman and CEO of LynuxWorks. "In a high availability CompactPCI system, the 4535 Hot Swap driver interface is a requirement for designing 24-by-7, or five-nines platforms."

The 4535 Multiprotocol T1/E1 PMC Communications Controller is a high-performance mezzanine controller that provides 2 high-speed T1/E1 links for ATM, Frame Relay and SS7 protocol communications in support of wireless and Internet access connectivity applications. The LynxOS SDK is sold with the 4535 hardware starting at $2495, and is available immediately from Interphase and authorized Interphase representatives and distributors.

LynuxWorks, Inc. formerly Lynx Real-Time Systems, is a developer and supplier of Linux and real-time operating system software for reliable and high-performance embedded computing applications. LynuxWorks supports industry standards in communications, avionics, automotive, office automation and process control systems worldwide, enabling customers to leverage their investments in software and education. LynuxWorks products include the open-source BlueCat Linux; the scalable, Linux compatible LynxOS® real-time operating system; software frameworks for high-availability systems; development tools and technical support worldwide. Information about LynuxWorks is available on the World Wide Web at www. linuxworks. com

About Interphase Corporation

Interphase Corporation (NASDAQ: INPH), a leader in Fibre Channel and next-generation telecommunication technologies, designs and delivers high performance connectivity adapters for computer and telecommunication networks. The company`s products connect computer and telecommunication servers to storage area networks (SAN), wide area networks (WAN) and local area networks (LAN) utilizing Fibre Channel, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (or ATM), SS7, Frame Relay and ISDN technologies. Headquartered in Dallas, with offices in Austin, Paris, London, and Bangkok, Interphase 1999 revenues were $73.5 million. Clients include Hewlett Packard, IBM, Compaq/Tandem, Motorola, Sun Microsystems, Lockheed Martin, Nokia and Raytheon. Additional information about Interphase and its products is available through the company`s web site at http://www. iphase. com.

Beitrag Nr. 15 ( 975.618 )

Interphase invokes incentives May 22, 2000 12:49 PM ET

By Wayne Carter, dbusiness. com

DALLAS, May 22 (dbusiness. com) -- Interphase Corp. is instituting a new reseller program in an effort to expand the number of systems integrators that incorporate its products into their businesses.

Through its new GoldRush Partner Program, Interphase plans to give companies that resell its products greater support and financial incentives.

The program includes cooperative marketing programs and market-development funding that resellers can earn by reaching revenue goals. Interphase also plans to offer free, 30-day product evaluations; pre - and post-sale support; priority technical support; and Web-based access to product information and status with regard to GoldRush initiatives.

"If (resellers) want to run (marketing) programs outside of what we`re doing, GoldRush gives them additional resources to make that happen," Interphase spokesman Michael Eckley said.

Interphase (Nasdaq: INPH) makes connectors that link computers, servers and other elements in computer and telecommunications networks using a variety of communications protocols. The company`s clients include Hewlett Packard, IBM, Motorola and Sun Microsystems. Eckley told dbusiness. com the company has used incentives and assistance plans in the past, but none have been structured as formal programs.

For the year ended Dec. 31, 1999, Interphase reported net income of $4.3 million, 61 cents per diluted share, compared to net income of $3.9 million, 49 cents per diluted share, in 1998. Revenue increased from $68.7 million to $73.5 million for the year.

Late Monday morning, Interphase`s stock was down 6 percent, $1.13, to $16.31. The stock has traded between $11.68 and $49 in the past 52 weeks.

Denke das Interphase fieberhaft seine Produkte an den Mann zu bringen versucht, hoffe das dieses Vorhaben sich durchsetzt, wird mann spätestens an den nächsten Quartalszahlen sehen. Mfg Raunzer

Beitrag Nr. 18 ( 1.059.516 )

Interphase Releases SDKs for 4535 Multiprotocol Communications Controller

- Helps Developers Build Robust Telecommunication Connectivity Applications for VxWorks and Solaris Environments -

DALLAS, Texas, June 6th, 2000 -- Interphase Corporation (NASDAQ: INPH), an international supplier of next-generation networking technologies, today announced the immediate, worldwide availability of Software Development Kits (SDKs) that allow developers to integrate the Interphase 4535 PMC Multiprotocol T1/E1 Communication Controller into numerous telecommunication applications running in VxWorks and Solaris operating system environments.

The VxWorks and Solaris SDKs include operating system drivers, sample code, software tools and documentation that aid productivity and speed time-to-market for developers creating third generation wireless, broadband Internet access and AIN communication systems. These new development tools enhance Interphase`s expansion into the telecommunications arena as a leading provider of communications controllers for next-generation service provider networks.

"As more devices become connected over telecommunication networks, especially via wireless and the Internet, service providers require superior technology that will help them get reliable, innovative services to market quickly," said Linsey Matthews, "Interphase Embedded Systems Product Marketing Manager. With the release of our new SDKs, embedded system developers can now use the 4535 to quickly deliver a new generation of applications to their customers that take full advantage of the leading operating systems in the communications industry."

VxWorks is one of the most widely adopted real-time operating system (RTOS) in the embedded industry. The VxWorks SDK for the 4535 includes:

· Operating system drivers for VxWorks 5.4 and Tornado 2 development environments · Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and protocol support for ATM (AAL0 and AAL5), SS7 (MTP2), ISDN, Frame Relay, X.25, PPP, and HDLC · Robust software tools that greatly facilitate third party development including configuration utilities, debuggers, protocol analyzers, dump utilities and trace utilities

Solaris, known for its robustness and scalability, is the leading non-RTOS operating system in use for communication applications according to recent research from Venture Development Corporation. The Solaris SDK for the 4535 includes:

· Opeating system drivers for Solaris 2.6, 7 and 8 · APIs and protocol support for ATM (AAL0 and AAL5), SS7 (MTP2), ISDN, Frame Relay, X.25, PPP, and HDLC · SNMP sub-agent · Robust software tools including configuration utilities, debuggers, protocol analyzers, dump utilities and trace utilities

About the 4535 Communications Controller

The 4535 PMC Multiprotocol Controller provides two software-selectable channelized T1/E1 communication links and is the perfect complement for high availability CompactPCI systems or VME-based designs targeted for telecommunications applications. Offering an integrated, high-performance architecture with support for multiple frame-based protocols, as well as ATM and SS7, the 4535 provides the robust and flexible communications necessary for telecommunications systems designers. More information on the 4535 and associated development tools can be found at http://www. interphase. com/4535 .

About Interphase Corporation

Interphase Corporation (NASDAQ: INPH), a leader in Fibre Channel and next-generation telecommunication technologies, designs and delivers high performance connectivity adapters for computer and telecommunication networks. The company`s products connect computer and telecommunication servers to storage area networks (SAN), wide area networks (WAN) and local area networks (LAN) utilizing Fibre Channel, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), SS7, Frame Relay and ISDN technologies. Headquartered in Dallas, with offices in Austin, Paris, London, and Bangkok, Interphase 1999 revenues were $73.5 million. Clients include Hewlett Packard, IBM, Compaq/Tandem, Motorola, Sun Microsystems, Lockheed Martin, Nokia and Raytheon. Additional information about Interphase and its products is available through the company`s web site at www. iphase. com .

The Interphase logo is a registered trademark of Interphase Corporation. VxWorks is a registered trademark of Wind River Systems, Inc. Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Beitrag Nr. 21 ( 1.108.269 )

Interphase Releases Development Tools for Industry`s Most Advanced Telecommunications Controller

DALLAS, Jun 15, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) --

New development kit helps cut time-to-market for OEMs and integrators designing next-generation telecommunication applications

Interphase Corporation (Nasdaq: INPH), an international supplier of enterprise networking technologies, today announced the availability of a Board Development Kit (BDK) for its 6535 Octal-port CompactPCI(R) Communications Controller.

As the most advanced communications controller available, the 6535 is the company`s flagship product supporting its initiative into fast-growing telecommunication markets. The new development kit provides a complete set of components for the quick development of telecommunication applications that utilize the 6535 as a T1/E1/J1 line interface.

The 6535 is equipped with either 4 or 8 T1/E1/J1 interfaces, providing telecom OEMs and integrators with a high density, fully channelized WAN communications solution for connection to telecommunication equipment. Other features include an on-board H.110 bus, advanced ATM capabilities, simultaneous multiprotocol communications support and "carrier class" reliability with "hot swapping" support.

With the rapid increase in demand for fast Internet connectivity and new enhanced services, telecommunication providers are seeking equipment that allows them to cost effectively deploy next-generation solutions with a faster time-to-market. In response, OEMs and integrators are outsourcing more of their subsystem components and relying on open system platforms such as CompactPCI to cut overall project development schedules.

"Our new BDK is intended to help accelerate the development cycle for embedded system developers designing tomorrow`s telecommunication applications using 8260-based architectures," said Felix Diaz, Interphase Chief Technical Officer. "This flexible tool provides the building blocks and development shortcuts to enable our customers to get their products to market first."

The 6535 Board Development Kit dramatically cuts project development time by providing board and component initialization guidelines, "how to" instructions and examples, testing tools, debug routines and comprehensive documentation covering all of the 6535 architecture and features. These resources shorten the learning curve, thereby eliminating countless man-weeks from the development schedule, and allow designers to get started quickly with their own software development on the 6535 platform.

Introduced by Interphase in early May, the 6535 Octal-port Communications Controller offers superior performance and features the Motorola MPC8260 RISC CPU, the leading communication microcontroller for telecommunication markets. With enhanced processing capability and carrier-class features optimized for telecommunication applications, the 6535 is the most advanced communications controller available for wireless telephony, high-speed Internet access and Advanced Intelligent Network equipment.

Available directly from Interphase, the 6535 BDK is provided to qualified developers at no cost and includes engineering and applications support.

Beitrag Nr. 22 ( 1.140.889 )

Gibt mal wieder ein paar kleine Neuigkeiten zu Interphase. Pressekonferenz am 20.07.2000

3NO Selects Interphase Broadband Controllers For New Telecommunication Server Solutions Wednesday, June 21, 2000 09:15 AM Mail this article to a friend

DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 21, 2000-- -- Gives Service Providers a Scalable Solution

to Deliver Broadband Connectivity --

Interphase Corporation (Nasdaq:INPH, news, msgs), an international supplier of enterprise networking technologies, today announced that 3NO Systems, Inc. has selected the Interphase 4535 ATM over T1 and 4531 ATM over DS3 Communications Controllers to provide the broadband links for its new telecommunication server solutions.

3NO is an aggressive start-up company specializing in cost-effective broadband networking solutions that deliver high-speed Internet connections to business and residential subscribers.

"We selected the Interphase controllers after a comprehensive search which found their products to be superior to other offerings in the market," said Scot Zarkiewicz, co-founder of 3NO Systems, Inc. "With ATM capabilities provided by the Interphase controllers, service providers can leverage our Issanni platform for scalable broadband connectivity to support e-commerce, interactive entertainment, virtual private networking, voice-over-IP, video-on-demand, and a broad range of differentiated applications."

As multimedia content and bandwidth-hungry download files proliferate the Web, subscribers are increasingly demanding broadband access for faster Internet connections. Recent research published by the Vertical Systems Group predicts that business and residential broadband connections will increase by 264 percent over the next three years, while the use of traditional dial access will decline 10 percent during the same period. Today, more than a million North American households already utilize broadband technologies to access to the Internet, and that number is expected to reach almost 27 million subscribers by 2003 according to Forrester Research.

"The market for high-speed Internet connectivity continues to skyrocket as millions of people tap into the Internet for business and personal use," said Greg Kalush, president and CEO of Interphase Corporation. "We are pleased that our new broadband communication controllers can be utilized in innovative new solutions for service providers to deliver fast Internet access to their subscribers."

3NO`s Issanni product line offers several broadband remote access servers (B-RAS) that can be co-located with telecommunications equipment at the central office or at an ISP`s Point of Presence (POP) to provide cost-effective DSL, cable, and wireless connectivity services. This gives next-generation service providers a significant advantage because it allows them to capitalize on the tremendous growth in broadband services without requiring the significant investment in equipment traditionally needed to aggregate DSL subscriber traffic.

ATM is the underlying transport technology of choice for next-generation broadband Internet access. The Interphase 4531 and 4535 communications controllers interface 3NO`s Issanni product line to ATM transmission lines at T1 and T3 speeds. Additional features include:

-- 4535 Multiprotocol T1/E1 PMC Communications Controller -- a

high-performance mezzanine controller equipped with 2

high-speed software selectable T1/E1 links for ATM, Frame

Relay and SS7 protocol communications in support of wireless

and Internet access applications. The 4535 includes Software

Developer Kits (SDKs) for Solaris, VxWorks and the "high

availability" version of LynxOS.

-- 4531 ATM over T3/E3 PMC Communications Controller -- a

high-performance mezzanine controller supporting

high-bandwidth ATM communications over T3/E3 communications

links in for Internet access applications. The 4531 controller

meets the needs of a variety of applications, including IP

Switching and Routing, Internet connections and other

applications the require the Quality of Service (QoS)

guarantees provided by ATM.

More information about the Interphase broadband communications controller family can be found at www. interphase. com/telecomsolutions.

About 3NO Systems, Inc.

Founded in 1999, 3NO Systems, Inc. is a privately held start-up that designs and develops innovative data networking products to empower the next generation broadband infrastructure. The company`s current products offer a cost-effective, standards-based technology for ISPs and CLECs to deliver fast, reliable DSL service. For more information, contact 3NO Systems, Inc. at 732/563-2111, or visit the company`s Web site at http://www.3NO. com.

About Interphase Corporation

Interphase Corporation (Nasdaq:INPH, news, msgs), a leader in Fibre Channel and next-generation telecommunication technologies, designs and delivers high performance connectivity adapters for computer and telecommunication networks. The company`s products connect computer and telecommunication servers to storage area networks (SAN), wide area networks (WAN) and local area networks (LAN) utilizing Fibre Channel, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), SS7, Frame Relay and ISDN technologies. Headquartered in Dallas, with offices in Austin, Paris, London, and Bangkok, Interphase 1999 revenues were $73.5 million. Clients include Hewlett Packard, IBM, Compaq/Tandem, Motorola, Sun Microsystems, Lockheed Martin, Nokia and Raytheon. Additional information about Interphase and its products is available through the company`s web site at http://www. iphase. com.

The Interphase logo is a registered trademark of Interphase Corporation.

Beitrag Nr. 23 ( 1.142.796 )

Danke Raunzer für die News!

Dual ports smooth way for savings By Sonia R. Lelii, PC Week

LSI Logic Corp. and Interphase Corp. are paving the way for cost savings and redundancy in servers with forthcoming dual-port Fibre Channel adapters.

Each company is readying new dual-channel PCI-to-Fibre Channel adapters. The devices are designed to improve the price/performance ratio of linking servers to SANs (storage area networks).

Traditionally, host bus adapters provide the interface between a server and external storage devices.

For its part, LSI Logic will introduce this week the single-chip SYMFC929 dual-channel PCI-to-Fibre Channel adapter for 64-bit and 66MHz PCI systems. The adapter uses a single ARM RISC processor to control all system interface and dual-channel functions.

A single chip eliminates the need for a PCI bridge, a second single-channel Fibre Channel controller and extra memory. The result: more room on the board and lower power consumption.

The adapters, to ship in June, will come with either copper or optical connections, according to officials at LSI Logic, of Milpitas, Calif.

The SYMFC929 provides multiple functions because each port supports FCP (Fibre Channel Protocol) and IP, so designers can mix or offload all IP traffic from the FCP storage traffic as needed.

Dallas-based Interphase will introduce later this month three controllers, including one that has dual ports—the 5550 PowerSAN 2000 PCI Fibre Channel Adapter.

This host bus adapter, due in April, also supports a 64-bit, 66MHz PCI bus arch i tecture. Each Fibre Channel port runs at a 1G-bps transmission speed and can process 33,000 to 35,000 I/Os per second, officials said.

Both adapters from LSI Logic and Interphase are backward-compatible to 32-bit bus architectures.

LSI Logic and Interphase are targeting their adapters for use in rack-mounted servers where space is at a premium.

System makers, such as Hew lett-Packard Co. welcome the redundant paths from server to SAN disk arrays that these adapters will provide. "You have to have more than one path between the storage devices and the SAN," said Mike Lanciloti, manager of HP`s future product marketing storage systems division, in Greeley, Colo.

Along with providing failover protection, the dual-port adapters should result in a lower total cost of ownership through a reduction in space and power consumption and improved performance, said James Opfer, an analyst at Data quest Inc. in San Jose, Calif. Dual ports are also "one way of getting redundancy at a lower price point," Opfer said.

Although neither LSI Logic nor Interphase would say which server makers plan to use their adapters, LSI officials expect the company`s new technology to make its way into commercially available servers in the third or fourth quarter.

Beitrag Nr. 44 ( 1.177.872 )

Interphase Accelerates Channel Strategy in Europe With Acal`s

Fibre Channel Solutions Group; Broadens European Reseller Market Presence for Fibre Channel Products

Business Editors & High Tech Writers

DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 27, 2000--Interphase Corporation (Nasdaq:INPH), an international supplier of next-generation technologies, today announced it has signed Acal Fibre Channel Solutions to sell and distribute its industry leading PowerSAN(TM) and SlotOptimizer(TM) adapter product families. Through this agreement, Storage Area Network (SAN) resellers throughout Europe, the Middle East and Africa will have full access to the Interphase Fibre Channel product offering.

Acal is a leading value-added distributor with a pre-eminent European position in the rapidly growing SAN market with Fibre Channel products. The SAN market achieved worldwide sales in 1999 of approximately $5 billion, with close to 20 percent coming from Europe.

"Our Fibre Channel Solutions Group has been established to provide a center of excellence for the sales and support of Fibre Channel products into Europe, Middle East and Africa," said Andy Litherland, Vice President of Business Development for Acal Fibre Channel Solutions. "Adding the product range from Interphase will enable us to offer innovative solutions for our accredited Value Added Resellers and integrators selling into the Fibre Channel marketplace."

"Interphase is aggressively pursuing its strategic initiative to establish relationships with distributors and resellers promoting SAN solutions on a global basis," said Roger Woolley, Interphase Senior Director of Global Marketing. "Because of its highly qualified network of SAN resellers and a storage-centric business focus, Acal is extremely important in our channel strategy for the European market."

Through the new distribution partnership, Acal accredited resellers and integrators will have access to the entire Interphase Fibre Channel PowerSAN 2000 product line, featuring industry-leading connectivity for enterprise data backup and data warehousing, Internet Web hosting, and e-commerce applications. Targeted for a diverse range of storage connectivity applications, the PowerSAN 2000 family includes:

-- 5540 Single-port Fibre Channel HBA -- A full duplex Gigabit

Fibre Channel HBA designed to provide cost-effective storage

connectivity for server-attached storage or basic SAN servers.

-- 5550 Dual-port Fibre Channel HBA -- A high performance Fibre

Channel HBA that provides two independent full duplex Gigabit

Fibre Channel ports from a single adapter.

-- 5560 2-Gbps Fibre Channel HBA -- A full featured, maximum

performance Fibre Channel HBA that provides full duplex 2 Gbps

Fibre Channel connectivity for up to 400 MBps throughput.

The agreement with Acal also provides distribution rights for the Interphase 5570 SlotOptimizer adapter. This innovative solution offers both Gigabit Ethernet and Fibre Channel connectivity from a single slot, providing a highly integrated multi-port adapter for web servers, rack-optimized servers and other enterprise systems with I/O slot limitations.

About Acal Fibre Channel Solutions

Acal Fibre Channel Solutions is part of the financially strong Acal plc. This group has extensive international operations and had sales in the year ended March 31, 2000 of 245.4 million pounds. The group is a leading value-added distributor, dealing with many international suppliers and blue chip customers. It comprises 24 principal trading companies, 11 of them in Europe, and employs around 1000 people.

schrieb am 28.06.00 23:27:30

Beitrag Nr. 47 ( 1.189.485 )

Fibre Channel Technologies Conference Convenes in San Jose, Calif. October 10th through 12th, 2000

FCTC2000 is focused on Fibre Channel technologies. The conference addresses video, graphic and mass data transfer applications. Its goals are to provide an up-to-date industry view of the state of fibre channel solutions and technology, to provide better understanding of user requirements and wants and to address what must be done to address future needs and applications.

Anyone who needs to know more about storage area networks, Fibre Channel products, serverless storage, SANs management and high-availability systems should attend.

When: October 10th through October 12th, 2000

Where: Doubletree Hotel, 2050 Gateway Place, San Jose, CA 95110, 408/453-4000

The keynote, some tutorials, receptions, exhibits and the Issues Roundtable are open to everyone at no charge.

Issues Roundtable -- Tuesday, October 10, 5:00 - 7:00 p. m.

Topic: What Is the Key to Making SANs Commonplace?

Keynote -- Wednesday, October 11, 8:30 a. m. -10:00 a. m.

Speaker: Robin Purohit, Senior Director of Product Management, VERITAS Software Corporation (Nasdaq:VRTS) Topic: How to Extend the Capabilities of First Generation SANs

Exhibits -- Wednesday, October 11, noon - 6:30 p. m. and Thursday, October 12, 10 a. m. - 2 p. m.

Exhibitors include the leaders in the Fibre Channel, SAN and RAID marketplace:

3M, Agilent Technologies, Ancor Communications, Ancot, Antares Microsystems, APCON, ATTO Technology, Breece Hill Technologies, Brocade Communications Systems, Chaparral Network Storage, CMD Technology, Computer Associates, Computer Network Technology, Connex, Consan, Crossroads Systems, CrosStor Software, CS Electronics, Emulex, Eurologic, Extreme Protocol Solutions, FCI Electronics, Fibre Channel Industry Association, FibreMasters. com, Finisar, FuturePlus Systems Corp. Gadzoox Networks, Hewlett-Packard Storage, High Velocity Systems, Hitachi America Ltd. I/O Interconnect, ICP-Vortex, I-TECH, IDEMA, Imperial Technology, Infinity I/O, Infortrend, INRANGE Technologies Corp. Interconnect Solutions, Interphase . JMR Electronics, JNI, Kingston Technology, Land-5, Legato Systems, LoDan, LSI Logic, Madison Cable, McDATA, Molex. NuSpeed, OTG Software, Overland Data, Peripheral Test Instruments, Pletronics. Qlogic, Raidtec, Rancho Technology, SanCastle Technologies, SBS Technologies Inc. Solid Data Systems, Solution Technology, Spectra Logic, Storage Area Networks Ltd. Storage Networking Industry Association, StoreAge Networking Technologies, Syncsort, TD Systems, Texas Memory Systems, Tivoli Systems, TrueSAN Networks, Vitesse Semiconductor, Vixel, VMIC, Wavecrest Corporation, XIOtech and Xyratex.

Visit www. fibreconference. com for more information.

Conference Organizers: Conference Pros, 408/297-8484, conference@fibreconference. com

Exhibits & Sponsorship Sales: Jack Flynn, 888/572-0454 or 619/298-5554, jack@fibreconference. com

General Information: Lance Leventhal, 858/756-3327, lance@fibreconference. com

Press: Georgia Marszalek, Valley PR, 650/345-7477, georgia@valleypr. com

Notes to editors, analysts:

Complimentary passes to the conference and exhibits are available on request.

About Fibre Channel

Fibre Channel is a 1 gigabit/sec. data transfer interface technology that maps several common transport protocols including IP and SCSI, allowing it to merge high-speed I/O and networking functionality in a single connectivity technology. Fibre Channel is an open standard that operates over copper and fiber optic cabling at distances of up to 10 Kilometers. It is unique in its support of multiple inter-operable topologies including point-to-point, arbitrated-loop and switching and it offers several qualities of service for network optimization. With its large packet sizes, Fibre Channel is ideal for storage, video, graphic and mass data transfer applications.

FCTC: Fibre Channel Technologies Conference IP: Internet Protocol SAN: Storage Area Network

schrieb am 20.07.00 20:39:21

Beitrag Nr. 51 ( 1.368.209 )

Interphase Appoints Kalush to Additional Position of Chairman; Thomas Thawley Also Appointed as Vice-chairman

DALLAS, Jul 20, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Interphase Corporation (Nasdaq: INPH), an international supplier of next-generation networking technologies, today announced that Gregory B. Kalush, president and chief executive officer, was recently appointed to the additional position of chairman of the board, succeeding R. Stephen Polley. S. Thomas Thawley was also appointed as vice-chairman of the company`s board of directors.

"Because of his active involvement in forging the company`s next-generation product strategy, Greg was the logical choice to fill the vacancy," said Jim Halpin, former CEO of CompUSA and Interphase director. "He has helped navigate the company`s product transition, and the board of directors has confidence in his ability to lead the company to the next level of its success."

Kalush joined Interphase in February 1998 as chief financial officer, and was appointed as president and CEO in March 1999. Prior to joining Interphase, Kalush served in various executive management, financial management and operations management roles at leading communication companies including DSC Communications (now Alcatel USA, Inc.), and IBM. Kalush earned a bachelor of business administration degree from Pace University in Pleasantville, N. Y. and a master of business administration degree from the Pace University Graduate School of Business in White Plains, N. Y.

Thawley is a co-founder of the company and has served as secretary and a director of the company since its inception in 1977.

Beitrag Nr. 53 ( 1.383.826 )

Put More Fibre In Your Storage

Fibre Channel puts the muscle in storage area networks--and more.

By Chris DeVoney, Sm@rt Partner

Quick: what can talk SCSI and Ethernet protocols with equal ease, but is found more often connecting boxes rather than pieces in a box? The answer is Fibre Channel, a very high-speed serial data transfer architecture which lets storage assets move into the petabyte (a mega-gigabyte) range.

The Fibre Channel architecture, abbreviated FC, is stewarded by the ANSI X3-T11 technical committee and combines the best of channel-based architecture with data network design. Fibre Channel connects devices and systems, offers a flexible topology, and spans distances up to 10 kilometers. Supporting device and system protocols like SCSI, IP, ATM and Ethernet, Fibre Channel is protocol agnostic.

Fibre Channel is an interesting contrast to Ethernet, which tries to conserve bandwidth and assumes data packets may never arrive. FC assumes availability of a reliable channel, uses larger data packets (typically 2011 bytes vs. 538 bytes) and has less packet overhead than Ethernet. FC also puts the protocol processing in hardware rather than into (slower) software.

Today, FC products top out at 1Gbps, which translates to 100MBps. The standard actually specifies 2Gbps (200MBps) which should be expressed in products this year. The next version raises the bar to 4Gbps (400MBps) for products in 2002.

Unlike SCSI, Fibre Channel works with fiber-optical cables up to 10 kilometers long or copper wires up to 30 meters in length. Fibre Channel also uses full-duplex channels as opposed to SCSI`s half-duplex. Because the data flows in both directions simultaneously, FC`s maximum throughput rate is actually doubled. And with its lower packet overhead and hardware protocol processing, the technology sustains a bandwidth utilization rate closer to 90 percent of rated speed, as opposed to Ethernet`s 70 percent.

Like SCSI, FC can use point-to-point connections. Like Ethernet, FC can be an interconnecting fabric. The layout can be a tree using switches and hubs or the topology can be a loop in which the connected systems form a ring. Flexible underpinnings, huge storage devices and clusters easily can be added to a company`s SAN or a service provider`s data center.

The price of a Fibre Channel port is declining to about one-third more than an equivalent Ethernet port.

Too Good To Be True?

The major problem with Fibre Channel is compatibility. FC is much like the early SCSI products where things didn`t always work correctly. Although the industry is striving hard, manufacturers still read the specs differently and their implementations vary.

That problem is critical with storage area networks where the management software can be very sensitive to changes. When creating or extending a SAN, read the compatibility information very carefully. A single revision in a BIOS or software device driver can derail the FC connection. And don`t trust the information if specific version or revision numbers aren`t provided. You must be that detailed.

Although our desktop systems may not use Fibre Channel five years from now, there is little doubt that each day our systems will use data that has traveled through a Fibre Channel link on its route to us.

Emulex and Seagate Demonstration Highlights2Gb/s Fibre Channel Development Partnership

06-27-00 09:38 AM EST | COSTA MESA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--

2Gb/s Technology Extends Fibre Channel Performance

to 400MB/s Bandwidth

Emulex Corporation (NASDAQ: EMLX), the world`s largest supplier of fibre channel host adapters, announced today it is teaming up with Seagate Technology to demonstrate 2Gb/s fibre channel products at Networks UK, June 27 - 29, Stand 17V101, at the NEC in Birmingham, England. In this demonstration, the recently announced Emulex LightPulse(TM) LP9002 fibre channel host adapter will operate in conjunction with Seagate`s new 2Gb/s Cheetah disc drives to set a new standard for fibre channel performance. In addition to providing twice the bandwidth, the 2Gb/s data rate enables fibre channel to efficiently handle more disc drives or storage systems on a single connection.

The Emulex LP9002 is fully backwards compatible with today`s 1Gb/s fibre channel standard, yet capable of providing up to 400MB/s bandwidth on a single link when operating at 2Gb/s full-duplex. In addition, the LP9002 is fully compatible with software drivers for the market leading LP8000 and LP7000E products.

"Seagate`s goal is to provide customers with the fastest, most efficient, most easily scalable technology for delivering data across Storage Area Networks," said Sherman Black, Seagate vice president of Enterprise Product Line Management. "Our ongoing partnership with Emulex is important to ensure the performance, functionality, and interoperability of our new Cheetah 2Gb/s disc drives with Emulex`s market leading host adapters, benefiting our enterprise customers," he added.

"Seagate and Emulex share many mutual enterprise customers," said Alan Wallman, director of European operations for Emulex. "With this demonstration at Networks, we will show how new 2Gb/s fibre channel products provide significant performance improvements for storage area networks and enterprise computing, while maintaining interoperability with existing fibre channel infrastructures," he added.

About the Emulex LightPulse LP9002 host bus adapter

The 64-bit, 66MHz PCI LP9002 supports both 1Gb/s and 2Gb/s fibre channel connectivity, with auto speed sensing and auto speed matching to insure complete compatibility with existing 1Gb/s fibre channel SANs. The LP9002 provides a unique combination of features, including switched fabric support using F_Port and FL_Port connections, full-duplex data transfers, high data integrity features, support for all fibre channel topologies, and support for service classes 2 and 3. The LP9002 also features sophisticated hardware that provides superior performance in storage area networks, delivering low latency and high throughput in switched, arbitrated loop and clustered environments.

The LP9002 is supported by a rich suite of software, providing support for storage protocol (SCSI), network protocol (IP), as well as multi-protocol (SCSI & IP) operation, enabling advanced SAN and network applications. Emulex provides a wide range of operating system support, including Windows 2000, Windows NT, Solaris, AIX and NetWare.

The LP9002 is part of a broad family of fibre channel products offered by Emulex to address the needs of both mission-critical enterprise applications and open systems computing. The Emulex fibre channel family also includes our high-performance PCI-based LP8000, the recently announced LP8000DC (dual channel), LP7000E and open-server LP850 host adapters, the new 64-bit, 66Mhz LP9000 and LP950 host adapters, the SBus based LP8000S host adapter and the industry`s first digital re-timing hub, the LH5000 series.

Emulex Corporation is a leading designer, developer and supplier of a broad line of fibre channel host adapters, hubs, ASICs and software products that provide connectivity solutions for fibre channel storage area networks (SAN). The Company`s products are based on internally developed ASIC technology, and are deployable across a variety of SAN configurations and operating systems, enhancing data flow between computers and peripherals. Emulex`s products offer customers the unique combination of critical reliability, scalability, and high performance, and can be customized for mission-critical server and storage system applications. Emulex products have been selected by the world`s leading server and storage providers, including Compaq, EMC, Fujitsu-Siemens, Groupe Bull, Hewlett-Packard, Hitachi Data Systems, IBM, NEC, and Unisys. In addition, Emulex includes industry leaders Brocade, Intel, McData, Microsoft, Legato, and Veritas among its strategic partners.

Emulex markets to OEMs and end users through its own worldwide selling organization, as well as two-tier distribution partners. Corporate headquarters are located in Costa Mesa, California. News releases and other information about Emulex Corporation are available via the Internet at http://www. emulex. com.

EMULEX 5/8 the fibre channel company

About Seagate Technology, Inc.

Seagate Technology, Inc. (NYSE: SEG) is a leading provider of the Internet Infrastructure enabling people to store, access, and manage information. The Company is committed to providing best-in-class products to help people get information when, where and how they want it. Seagate is the world`s largest manufacturer of disc drives, magnetic discs and read-write heads, an innovator in tape drives, Storage Area Network (SAN) solutions and a leading developer of Business Intelligence software. Seagate can be found around the globe and at http://www. seagate. com. For automated news, stock and financial information by phone, dial toll-free 877-SEG-NYSE. Outside the U. S. and Canada, dial 760-704-4368.

Seagate, Seagate Technology, and Cheetah registered trademarks of Seagate Technology, Inc. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

This news release refers to various products and companies by their trade names. In most, if not all, cases these designations are claimed as trademarks or registered trademarks by their respective companies.

schrieb am 27.07.00 18:22:19

Beitrag Nr. 58 ( 1.426.777 )

Schöner Artikel Tronic, stellt sich nur die Frage wann der neue 2Gb Adapter lieferbar ist? Nachfolgend ein kleiner Artikel vom November 99.

Interphase and Seagate Demonstrate 2 Gbps Fibre Channel At Comdex -- First public demonstration of higher throughput Fibre Channel marks new plateau in Storage Area Network Technology -- Las Vegas, NV, November 16th, 1999 -- Interphase Corporation (NASDAQ: INPH), an international supplier of enterprise networking technologies, and Seagate Technology, Inc. (NYSE: SEG) are providing an advanced look at the future of Storage Area Networking for the estimated 200,000 networking professionals who are visiting the Comdex tradeshow this week. The two companies are jointly demonstrating 2 Gigabit per second Fibre Channel connectivity featuring Seagate`s Cheetah 36LP Fibre Channel disk drives and Interphase PowerSAN™ adapters running in a Sun Solaris environment. The higher throughput capabilities being displayed publicly for the first time this week mark a new plateau in the development of Storage Area Network (SAN) technology.

The emergence of the SAN architecture has fostered a surge in data capacity within the enterprise. As a result, the need for the two-fold increase in throughput that 2 Gbps Fibre Channel provides has become important to support SAN scalability and performance-demanding applications which require higher aggregate bandwidth.

"The Interphase PowerSAN adapter has demonstrated impressive performance," said Nancy Kuehn, Seagate Product Marketing Manager. "By sustaining maximized throughput to multiple drives operating at 2 Gbps, our collaborative demonstration shows that interoperable solutions are on the horizon for enterprise network managers building next-generation Storage Area Network architectures."

Interphase 64-bit PowerSAN adapters provide industry-leading performance scalability for enterprise-class applications. The 2 Gbps PowerSAN architecture features an efficient state machine processor that eliminates the "performance bottleneck" that can occur in some competitive designs when implemented in high-end demanding environments. PowerSAN adapters include other features important for enterprise SAN environments such as simultaneous support for both SCSI and IP protocol traffic, multi-gigabit connectivity options, and Java-based HBA SAN management.

"We are pleased to be working with Seagate`s drive technology to demonstrate the new capability of our Fibre Channel adapters," said Greg Kalush, Interphase president and CEO. "It is important that the Fibre Channel community works closely to enable compatible multi-host, multi-storage environments for the enterprise IT buyer. By partnering to demonstrate 2 Gbps performance, Interphase and Seagate are delivering on this commitment to the user community."

About Interphase Corporation

Interphase Corporation designs and delivers high-performance connectivity adapters for enterprise server network environments and demanding embedded systems applications. The company is a respected leader in designing robust and reliable interfaces for storage area (SAN), wide area (WAN) and local area (LAN) networking environments utilizing the technologies that are laying the foundation for networks in the 21st century including Fibre Channel, remote enterprise access protocols and ATM

Interphase is a publicly traded company and has been listed on NASDAQ (INPH) since 1984. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, the company markets its products to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), distributors, systems integrators, value-added resellers (VARs) and large end-users through a worldwide direct sales force, global channels and an extensive service and support network. Additional information about Interphase and its products is available through the company`s web site at http://www. iphase. com. Mfg Raunzer

Beitrag Nr. 60 ( 1.454.440 )

Fibre Channel Industry Association Elects New Board of Directors; Skip Jones Elected New Chairman of the FCIA

SAN FRANCISCO, Jul 31, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The Fibre Channel Industry Association (FCIA) has elected a new board of directors for fiscal year 2000.

The 11-member board will comprise nine members from the FCIA, one from FCIA-Japan and one from FCA-Europe.

The new board members are: 1. David Deming, Solution Technology 2. Michael Graham, Seagate Technology 3. Mimi Howard, Hitachi Data Systems 4. Skip Jones, QLogic 5. Nancy Kuehn, Ancor Communications 6. Kumar Malavali, Brocade Communications 7. Jay Neer, Molex 8. Linda Reed, McData 9. Ed van Audelang, Interphase

10. Paul Talbut, chairman, Fibre Channel Association of Europe Representing FCIA-Japan:

11. Arai Yuichi, chairman, Fibre Channel Industry Association of Japan

In addition, the new board of directors at their meeting held on July 25, 2000, has elected Jones chairman of the FCIA, Deming president, Kuehn secretary and Howard treasurer.

"The FCIA, over the past year, has made significant strides in educating and advancing market acceptance of Fibre Channel technology and Storage Area Networking solutions in data-intensive storage environments," said Jones.

"To further widen our visibility and advance our responsiveness to the new market dynamics, the FCIA will spearhead several new initiatives in the upcoming year that will further help to promote and educate the industry on the benefits of using Fibre Channel technology."

The FCIA will develop and deploy multiple programs this year to increase Fibre Channel awareness -- some of which are to increase the frequency of nationwide media and analyst tours, collaborating with the industry on joint-educational events, getting industry agreement on its SANMark(TM) program, facilitating industry cooperation to further the technology and helping to expedite and move approved technology agreements into standards organizations faster.

The Fibre Channel Industry Association (FCIA) is an international organization of manufacturers, systems integrators, developers, systems vendors, industry professionals, and end users. With more than 150 members and affiliates in the United States, Europe and Japan, the FCIA is committed to delivering a broad base of Fibre Channel infrastructure to support a wide array of industry applications within the mass storage and IT-based arenas. FCIA Working Groups focus on specific aspects of the technology that target both vertical and horizontal markets, including storage, video, networking and SAN Management.

For information, contact the Fibre Channel Industry Association at 415/750-8355 or visit the FCIA Web site at http://www. fibrechannel. org.

Was sagt eigentlich Steve Harmon zu Interphase?

Hier ein paar Statement´s:

(17.12.1999) Money Talk: As the #2 vendor for fiber optics, Interphase Corp. looks undervalued to me. ¿Qué piensas? Can you offer the long and short outlook on this one?

Harmon: At $143 million market cap with strong revenue it appears Interphase trades at just over 2x revenue and 25x estimated earnings. Top line growth could be stronger but with the market cap so low relative to revenue and earnings I think INPH could find some room to run. The problem though, is that the leading fiber vendors are light-years larger than Interphase.

(05.11.1999) Money Talk: Why is Interphase so undervalued? It`s in the same fiber channel HBA business as Emulex and JNI Corporation but its valuation has lagged behind.

Harmon: Fiber channel solutions are hot now. Interphase`s net income fell 23% to $944k latest quarter as it shifted into more favorable product lines. Meanwhile, sales grew just 6% the first six months of this year. Emulex is getting it done, growing top and bottom lines. JNI ditto. High growth gets investor attention.

[26.05.2000) Question: What do you think of Interphase Corp. for the future?

Harmon: Interphase ran on fiber-channel exuberance and now like most of the market, sits without the exuberance.

Beitrag Nr. 71 ( 1.499.330 )

"High growth gets investor attention", absolut korrekt und genau das Problem von Interphase.

Dadurch, dass INPH bereits seit über einem Jahr zugunsten von FC und BB telecom umstrukturiert, wurden im Gesamtergebnis (Umsatz) bisher keine Steigerungen sondern zuletzt sogar Rückgänge erzielt, obgleich sich der Gewinn je Aktie kontinuierlich bei stagnierendem bzw. rückläufigem Umsatz verbessert hat. Dies ist ein Zeichen, dass sich FC und BB telecom Produkte zum Hauptumsatzträger entwickelt haben, und dabei deren höhere Margen zum Tragen kommen (gross margin 55% in Q2).

Es kann als grossartige Leistung des Interphase-Managements angesehen werden, dass sie durch die Um - strukturierung hindurch profitabel geblieben sind. Oftmals belasten die notwendigen R&D und Marketingaus - gaben für neue Produkte den Gewinn eines Unternehmens in der Umstrukturierung stark.

Bis ein Unternehmen wie INPH, das noch in der Umstrukturierung steckt, vom Markt vernünftig bewertet wird, braucht es MEHRERE Quarter mit starkem Umsatzwachstum in den NEUEN Produktbereichen.

Wann wird das sein? Meiner Meinung nach nicht mehr in diesem Jahr. Ich glaube nicht, dass die neuen OEM Deals, die dem - nächst angekündigt werden sollen, den stock price dauerhaft auf einem höheren Level etablieren werden, da derzeit einfach noch die Unterstützung durch starke Quartalsergebnisse fehlt.

Man muss aber nach vorne schauen um zu verstehen, welche Chancen Interphase bietet: Die Software für die neuen FC-HBA´s ("Power SAN 2000") soll laut CEO noch vor Ende August fertig sein. Sie wird dann den OEM´s zum Testen zur Verfügung stehen, was möglicherweise weitere 8-10 Wochen wird. Die Umsätze im FC Bereich werden also im 4.Quartal 2000 den ramp-up beginnen, und in Q1/2001 ex - plodieren, und zwar aus folgenden Gründen:

- auf der "Internet Week" im July haben die INPH HBA´s die beste Performance unter mehreren Konkurrenz - produkten gezeigt, speziell was die Input/Output Rate angeht. Näheres wird dazu in der "Internet Week" im September stehen.

- neue OEM Deals mit >> NEC, die Emulex verlassen haben und Interphase gewählt haben (bestimmt nicht weil die INPH HBA´s schlechter waren) >> CNT für deren Open Systems Gateways >> Land 5 >> 2 der 3 Top - pazifischen Serverherstellern(!);

- gemeinsame Entwicklung des weltweit ersten Gigabit-Ethernet/Fibre Channel Adapters mit Alteon Websystems, der sowohl bei den Resellern als auch bei den OEM´s auf großes Interesse gestoßen ist. Allein dieses Produkt wird (persönliche Schätzung) in Q1/2001 KONSERVATIV zwischen 5-10 Mio.$ an Umsatz bringen.

- Mehrere neue Reseller Verträge, z. B. mit TechData (Umsatz 99: 11 Mill.$) und Acal (Umsatz 99: ca. 800 Mill. DM);

Das war der FC-Bereich; obendrauf kommen noch die BB telecom products, die im letzten Quartal bereits um 50% sequentiell gewachsen sind und damit 3,2 Mio.$ an Umsatz brachten. Nimmt man realistischer - weise diese Wachstumsrate für die nächsten Quartale an, so hätten wir in Q3 4,8 Mio.$, in Q4 7,2 Mio.$ und in Q1/01 10,8 Mio.$ Umsatz nur von den BB products. Es kommt jedoch demnächst noch ein neues Produkt hinzu, nämlich der 6535 T1/E1/J1 Communications Controller (Demo: http://iphase. com/wirelesspalm ). Greg Kalush hat das Interesse der Kunden an diesem Produkt als "phenomenal" bezeichnet, denn es ist der Konkurrenz, z. B. Sun, um 6-8 Monate voraus und auch noch billiger. Überhaupt hat Interphase in dieser noch jungen Branche das weitgefächertste Produktangebot und viele Entwicklungs - und Partnerschaftabkommen mit nahezu allen führenden Telecom service providern wie Nokia, Alcatel und Motorola. Zur Erinnerung: Dieser Markt wird in Zukunft (mit UMTS usw.) ein mindestens ebenso großes Volumen haben wie der FC Markt (15 Mrd.$ in 2002), und INPH hat gute Chancen, hierbei eine Führungsrolle zu übernehmen.

Ich rechne also für Q1/01 mit einem Umsatz zwischen 25 und 30 Mio.$ (konservativ). Rechnet man das mit Steigerungsraten von 30% pro Quartal auf´s Jahr hoch, so kommt man leicht auf 200 Mio.$. Angenommen es währen nur 150 Mio.$ und Interphase würde nur ein KUV von 10 (EMLX bzw. QLGC haben eins von 20, BROCADE von 170), so ergäbe sich ein Marktkapitalisierung von 1,5 Mill.$, was einem Aktien - kurs von über 200$ bedeuten würde. Realistischerweise sind aber weit höhere Kurse MÖGLICH.

Letztendlich sind das alles aber nur Annahmen, wie es sein KÖNNTE! Es gibt viele Unwägbahrkeiten, wie z. B. zunehmender Konkurrenzdruck, verspätete Einführungen von Produkten wie zur Zeit, nicht genügend qualifiziertes Personal (Fachkräfte sind knapp), Produktfehler, FC setzt sich als Industriestandard nicht durch (sehr unwahrscheinlich), etc.

Dennoch ist Interphase, da sie in den zwei wohl heißesten Tech-Sektoren tätig und eine Turn-around Story sind (Unterbewertung), wohl eines der aussichtsreichsten Investments für die kommenden Jahre.

schrieb am 08.08.00 19:01:32

Beitrag Nr. 74 ( 1.524.602 )

Efficient Networks Promotes James Johnson to Vice President of Customer Support Johnson Brings More Than 10-Years Experience in Research and Engineering To Efficient Networks

DALLAS, Aug 8, 2000 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Efficient Networks, Inc. (Nasdaq: EFNT), a leading worldwide provider of digital subscriber line (DSL) customer premises equipment (CPE) for the broadband access market, today announced that it has promoted James Johnson to vice president of customer support. Johnson, who has been at Efficient for over six years, was the senior director of support services where he developed the first online knowledge base and online call-tracking system.

In his new role as vice president of customer support, Johnson is responsible to provide worldwide strategic direction for post-sales, customer support, and technical training programs.

Prior to joining Efficient Networks, Johnson served as chief scientist`s researcher of Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) at Interphase Corp. Additionally he was a member of Interphase`s manufacturing test engineering team on their second-generation FDDI VME and SBus controllers.

"James brings tremendous experience to our management team, and will serve an essential role in moving Efficient`s customer support and technical training programs to the next level," said Mark Floyd, president and CEO of Efficient Networks, Inc. "James` strong knowledge of research and engineering is an asset to the company as we continue to meet the growing marketing requirements for customer support, and we are proud to provide him with the recognition he deserves."

Beitrag Nr. 77 ( 1.564.671 )

Es gibt schon seit längerer Zeit die Diskussion, ob INFINIBAND, eine Technologie, die zukünftig Datenübertragungsraten von bis zu 3GB/s ermöglichen wird, FC basierte Systeme ersetzen wird (zum Vergleich: FC ermöglicht Übertragungsraten von derzeit bis zu 400MB/s, mit höheren bis zu 1GB/s in Planung).

Ich habe dazu schon einen Beitrag im Yahoo-Board gepostet, und stelle den jetzt aus Bequemlichkeit in Englisch hier ´rein:

INFINIBAND was developed to provide increased I/O bandwith, mainly for interprocessor communication within clustered environments, but also for the design of future SANs, and this by abolishing of the traditional PCI bus architecture.

Now this leads to the question: Will INFINIBAND replace FC?

Yes, but not at once, in fact they´ll co-exist for many, many years! All current interconnects such as FC, PCI, PCI-X and Ethernet will be compatible with INFINIBAND.

Currently, most FC-HBA´s are PCI based. A 64bit/66MHz PCI bus has a theoretical bandwith of 533MB/s, so it´s absolutely sufficient for today´s most advanced 2 Gbps HBA´s (400MB/s throughput).

And there is even a solution for future 4 Gbps HBA´s, called PCI-X with a theoretical bandwith of 1066 MB/s. Presently, only Qlogic offers a PCI-X based HBA(2 Gbps), which is the QLA2300 series, but I´m sure other vendors will follow soon.

Generally, it is expected that the PCI-X bus will satisfy systems I/O performance demands over the next few years and remain broadly supported for years after that. Infiniband isn´t a revolutionary but a EVOLUTIONARY technology drawing on exsisting technology; fundamental shifts in architecture happen gradually, so the new Infiniband switched architecture will have to be compatible with shared bus architecture for some time to come.

FC switches will be Infiniband switches sometime, point-to-point FC interconnects will be point-to-point Infiniband interconnects and most likely those companys, who today produce FC-HBA´s will be producing Infiniband HCA´s or TCA´s tomorrow. (There´s no equivalent to an FC-AL with Infiniband, however.)

ALL HBA-makers have joined the "Infiniband Trade Association" to ensure that they won´t miss future developments. But only one out of them did not decide to make a splendid press release out of it, and that was Interphase. Even if the Qlogic and Adaptec announcements regarding this are some kind of hype, Interphase should still have announced it by a press release.

First Infiniband products to market will be available in early 2001, but this will only be some kind of software bridge for server clustering. Until real hardware components come out it may be 2-3 years.

Beitrag Nr. 79 ( 1.573.711 )

Hallo zusammen, wollte nur mal die Seite von Qlogic´s QLA 2300 reinstellen. Ist im Moment aber auch noch nicht leistungsfähiger als der 5560 von Interphase. Über die neuen HBA´s bei Emulex konnte ich leider noch nicht´s in Erfahrung bringen, außer einer mageren Pressrelease. Wenn jemand was genaueres weiß, bitte reinstellen.

QLA2300 - 2 Gigabit Fibre Channel 64-Bit PCI-X HBA

KEY FEATURES 64-bit, 66/133 MHz PCI-X (backwards compatible with standard 32/64 bit, 33/66 MHz PCI) Supports up to 400 MB/s Fibre Channel data transfer rates in Full Duplex mode Automatically negotiates Fibre Channel bit rate (1 or 2 Gb) FC-AL Private & Public Loop, Point-to-Point, Switched Fabric FL-Port, F-Port and Fabric Log-in Concurrent SCSI, IP, Virtual interface (VI) protocol support FC-Tape support Classes 1, 2, 3 and intermix of Fibre Channel service SCSI Initiator, Initiator/Target and Target modes Comprehensive suite of software drivers Copper and Fiber Optic Models ACPI Power management, PC99 Support BIOS Support (Local & Fabric) OVERVIEW

Based on QLogic`s award-winning Fibre Channel architecture, the QLA2300 Series are 64-bit, 133 MHz PCI-X to 2-Gigabit Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters. Targeted specifically for Storage Area Networks (SANs) and server clustering environments, the QLA2300 Series has been optimized for peak performance and real-world scalability.

UNPRECEDENTED BALANCED PERFORMANCE. QLogic has pushed the performance envelope with the QLA2300 Series. Engineered for maximum bandwidth, the QLA2300 Series is the first to support both 2-Gigabit Fibre Channel and 133 MHz PCI-X, resulting in the union of the two fastest I/O technologies. This combination eliminates host bus bottlenecks that may impede the high performance of 2Gb Fibre Channel and creates the perfect balanced solution. To further boost IOPs performance, we`ve doubled our embedded RISC processor performance and moved time critical functions into the hardware modules allowing the QLA2300 Series to hit breakneck speeds.

SAN & CLUSTERING SOLUTIONS. The QLA2300 Series is the ultimate choice for open systems solutions for SAN and server clustering, with support for concurrent multiple protocols - SCSI, IP, Virtual Interface (VI) and FC-Tape. Optimized for high-speed data movement, system management and application-to-application communication within server clusters, the QLA2300 Series provides the flexibility needed to run complex storage networks. Cutting-edge SAN utilities like QLogic Management Suite provide advanced capabilities for remote configuration and management, load-balancing, failover, and LUN-masking. The QLA2300 Series is far more than just hardware, it`s a complete I/O solution.

The Emulex fibre channel family also includes the company`s PCI-based 64-bit, 66 MHz LP9000 and LP950 host adapters, the high-performance LP7000E and open-server LP850 host adapters, the new 2Gb/s LP9002 host adapter family, the Sbus-based LP8000S host adapter and the industry`s first digital re-timing hub, the LH5000 series.

Weiß jemand wann die 2GB HBA`s von Qlogic und Emulex am Markt verfügbar sein werden? Die von JNIC sind ja nur für Entwickler zu haben, wenn man der Homepage trauen kann. Sieht also für mich so aus, als ob Interphase first to market ist und einen Vorsprung von von ein paar Monaten hat. Zu Infinband kann ich nicht viel sagen weil ich mich noch nicht eingehend damit beschäftigt hab. Lieber rational_as_ever gibt´s zu Infiniband irgendwelche schriftlichen Quellen? Wäre sehr dankbar über ein paar Links.

Beitrag Nr. 80 ( 1.580.545 )

Nach allem, was ich in der letzten Zeit gelesen habe, wird eine marktbreite Einführung von Servern, die 2 GB/s unterstützen, im Herbst stattfinden. Bis dahin werden alle einen 2GB/s HBA am Markt haben. Obwohl INPH nach JNI der zweite HBA Maker war, der einen 2GB/s HBA eingeführt hat, ergibt sich daraus aus oben genannten Gründen kein direkter Wettbewerbsvorteil.

Trotzdem muss man neidlos anerkennen, dass Qlogic derzeit wohl den fortschrittlichsten 2 GB/s HBA liefert. Er unterstützt bereits den neuen PCI-X Standard, der Datenraten bis 1066MB/s ermöglicht und unterstützt auch das VI Protokoll (Ich bin sicher INPH und JNI werden damit bald folgen), das u. a. von Interphase, Qlogic und Emulex mitentwickelt wurde:

Zum Thema INFINIBAND gibt`s eine sehr umfangreiche Erklärung (PDF) bei Compaq:

Die Homepage der "Infiniband Association" ist

Presseartikel zu Infiniband kriegst du am besten, wenn du zu http://www. planetIT. com gehst und dort die Stichwortsuche nimmst. Ich hoffe, das wird dir weiterhelfen.

Beitrag Nr. 81 ( 1.581.184 )

Es gibt wieder mal richtige News zu Interphase!

Interphase Launches Diamond Developer Partner Program; Provides Foundation for On-going Business Development

DALLAS, Aug 15, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Interphase Corporation (Nasdaq: INPH), an international supplier of next-generation networking technologies, today announced a strategic partnership program designed to strengthen its relationships with key hardware and software providers in the Storage Area Network (SAN) and embedded telecommunications markets. The Interphase Diamond Developer Program provides evaluation product, technical support, co-marketing programs and equipment discounts to qualifying partners to ensure reliable, easy-to-integrate, turn-key solutions for end-users and fast-time-to-market for resellers, integrators and equipment suppliers.

"Building strategic alliances with other suppliers in the SAN and telecom industries is paramount to providing world class solutions to Interphase customers," said Greg Kalush, Interphase president and CEO. "The Diamond Developer Program moves beyond compatibility testing to actively leverage the combined strengths of Interphase and our partners toward robust networking solutions aimed at exciting business opportunities. Having a joint program that encompasses interoperability testing, marketing, and future product development with strategic partners will foster truly innovative solutions for the market."

The Diamond Developer Program provides a three-tier approach to building a robust business development relationship with complementary solution partners. The first step involves extensive product interoperability and compatibility testing. In this phase of the program, Diamond Developer partners receive advance releases of Interphase product to thoroughly test integrated multi-vendor solutions.

The next phase of the program offers several co-marketing opportunities to Diamond Developer partners to enhance brand recognition and product awareness in the marketplace. Such activities include joint public relations activities in conjunction with tradeshows and product launches, sales training, cooperative white papers and promotional programs with distributors and systems integrators.

The top phase of the Diamond Developer Program involves a more formal co-development relationship between Interphase and its partners, thus creating new market opportunities through joint business activities. This tier of the program includes the co-development of hardware and software, joint strategic business planning between company executives, and collaborative direct and/or channel sales initiatives.

"Our goal is to seek out and develop strategic partnerships with the key platform, operating system, protocol software and I/O equipment vendors that will allow Interphase to dominate our respective market segments," said Roger Woolley, Senior Director of Global Marketing at Interphase. "The Diamond Developer Program provides a springboard for us to leverage our on-going interoperability efforts into more fully integrated product development with industry-leading SAN and next-generation embedded telecommunication solution vendors."

What Diamond Developer Partners Are Saying

Inaugural partners through the Interphase Diamond Developer Program include Eurologic Systems, Force Computers (NYSE:SLR), Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702), Gadzoox Networks (Nasdaq: ZOOX); LynuxWorks (formerly Lynx Real-time Systems), Molex Incorporated (Nasdaq:MOLX, MOLXA), Motorola Computer Group, Vixel Corporation (Nasdaq: VIXL), Wind River Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: WIND), and Ziatech Corporation.

Eurologic Systems: "Eurologic`s key focus is on enabling our customers to be first-to-market with optimum network storage solutions," said Mike Stolz, Vice President of Marketing for Eurologic Systems. "Building a stronger business partnership with Interphase through the Diamond Developer Program will help ensure we continue to bring our innovative technology to new markets such as telecommunications and Internet applications."

Force Computers, Inc. "The Interphase Diamond Developer Program complements our `Running with the Force` partner program," said Lorraine Orcino, third party alliance manager at Force Computers. "Our collaborative testing and marketing efforts with Interphase ensure a hassle-free, turnkey solution for telecommunication providers building tomorrow`s communication infrastructure."

Fujitsu Limited: "Our customers require a comprehensive and reliable storage system environment to implement their enterprise storage applications," said Mike Fitzpatrick, Director, Strategic Engineering, Architecture Development Group, for Fujitsu Computer Products of America. "The Interphase Diamond Developer Program gives us an excellent approach to validate multi-vendor solutions for our customers and nurture future enhancements to our products by working with a proven leader in storage connectivity."

LynuxWorks: According to John Hannigan, Synergy Partners Program Manager at LynuxWorks, "We provide new ways to solve embedded Linux and real-time customer needs using the two most complementary operating systems on the market today: LynxOS(R) and BlueCat(TM) Linux. Our strategic alliance with Interphase via the Diamond Developer program opens the door for the development of tightly integrated solutions targeted to next-generation telecommunication environments running on open embedded platforms."

Molex: "As a leading global manufacturer of electronic, electrical and fiber optic interconnection products and systems, Molex products play a commanding role in the interconnection systems of the future," said Jay Neer, Strategic Product Development Manager, Molex Incorporated. "The total solution approach inherent in Interphase`s Diamond Developer Program offers us a unique opportunity to verify our new product development in a multi-vendor atmosphere on an on-going basis."

Motorola Computer Group: "Working closely with Interphase as a strategic partner and through their Diamond Developer Program, higher degrees of interoperability and compatibility are possible with our respective products," said Tom McKearney vice president and director of marketing, Telecommunications Business, Motorola Computer Group. "By combining MCG`s world-class carrier-grade platforms with Interphase`s next-generation telecommunication boards, we are able to help deliver superior complete solutions to our OEM customers. This enables our customers to focus on their strategic value add for their end users and move their product to market faster."

Vixel: "Vixel is a leading developer, manufacturer, and supplier of Fibre Channel interconnect products and partners with industry leaders like Interphase to develop products to meet the growing needs of Enterprise data centers," said Edmund J. Reilly, Vice President, Customer Services and Solutions at Vixel. "The Diamond Developer Program allows us to build upon our existing partnership with Interphase, and to focus cooperative efforts on providing enhanced Fibre Channel storage solutions to the user community."

Wind River Systems: "Embedded development is very complex and the time-to-market requirements facing today`s telco suppliers makes it even more difficult," said Caroline Yao, Group of Partner Solutions at Wind River. "Working with partners like Interphase to develop products and tools that help shorten design cycles for the embedded market is crucial for our customers` success. Wind River is committed to building long-lasting relationships with the industry leaders driving the future of the communications industry. Our participation in the Diamond Developer Program demonstrates our commitment to this space."

Ziatech: "The convenience of quick-to-market high availability solutions is critical to companies building network equipment for current and next generation communication environments," said Jim Medeiros, Vice President of Business Development at Ziatech. "Rigorously testing our products in conjunction with the Diamond Developer Program clearly demonstrates our commitment to provide industry-leading CompactPCI solutions for these most demanding, carrier-grade applications. We look forward to developing further business opportunities in the telecommunications market with Interphase as key partner."

Beitrag Nr. 84 ( 1.638.366 )

besser spät, als nie.

Interphase Introduces New Low Profile Fibre Channel Adapter; Designed for the New Generation of Rack-mounted Internet Servers

DALLAS, Aug 22, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Interphase Corporation (Nasdaq: INPH), an international supplier of next-generation networking technologies, today announced that it has expanded its enterprise-class Fibre Channel product line with a new adapter that addresses the rapidly growing market for low profile servers. The small form factor design of the new 5541 PowerSAN adapter offers full duplex 1 Gbps Fibre Channel throughput, flexible GBIC connections for both fiber and copper applications, and integrated SAN management.

In response to demand from ISPs and enterprise network centers, major server vendors including Compaq, Dell, Hewlett-Packard and IBM have introduced a new generation of low profile servers to provide the scalability required to keep businesses connected to the Internet. According to International Data Corporation, the Internet server segment of the overall appliance server market will experience a compound annual growth rate of more than 130 percent through 2004.

"The 5541 provides a solution to network planners and integrators that are building Internet, e-commerce and storage network infrastructures with 1U rack-mount servers," said Greg Kalush, Interphase president and CEO. "This new card offers the same high-performance, reliability and functionality that customers have come to expect from our PowerSAN 2000 architecture."

The 5541 adapter also features Interphase`s new Storage Networking Device (SND) architecture with integrated support for FibreView Enterprise. The Interphase SND architecture provides a highly integrated software core that allows new functionality to be quickly deployed in response to rapidly changing market requirements. Current drivers available for the 5541 include Windows NT, Windows 2000, Solaris and Linux. Future driver support includes NetWare and Intel`s forthcoming IA64 Itanium architecture. FibreView Enterprise is an Internet-enabled software management tool that provides the unprecedented real-time ability to configure, analyze and dynamically reallocate server connections anywhere within the SAN.

The expansion of the PowerSAN product line gives Interphase a broad range of competitive products to aggressively pursue the rapidly growing SAN marketplace. According to IDC, Fibre Channel HBA ports will grow at 100 percent CAGR through 2003, reaching more than 4.4 million ports shipped.

The 5541 complements the existing family of Interphase Fibre Channel HBAs that include:

-- 5540 PowerSAN 2000 Fibre Channel HBA - provides cost-effective, high-performance 1 Gbps throughput for SAN and storage connectivity. Both copper and fiber connections are available and list pricing begins at $ 995.00.

-- 5550 PowerSAN 2000 Fibre Channel HBA - provides dual port 1 Gbps Fibre Channel connectivity, with each port supplying full duplex throughput. Options for both copper and fiber connections with list prices beginning at $ 1,795.00.

-- 5570 SlotOptimizer Storage Networking Adapter - a multifunction card providing full duplex Gigabit Fibre Channel and high-performance Gigabit Ethernet connectivity from a single slot. List pricing for single unit quantities begins at $ 1,795.00.

The 5541 has a list price beginning at $ 995.00 and is available immediately with either copper or fiber GBIC connections.

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Основы финансовой грамотности - Форекс (2011/RUS/ММ) . Если вы выбрали основным источником своего заработка финансовый рынок форекс, то этот видеокурс вам следует внимательно изучить не зависимо от того являетесь ли вы дилетантом или уже опытным трейдером. Видеоуроки созданы коллективным разумом ведущих специалистов фондовых рынков и в них собрано все самое необходимое и лучшее для успешной торговли на рынке forex на автопилоте с полной автоматизацией, да и такое бывает. Полученные базовые и фундаментальные знания станут надежным банком для ваших будущих инвестиций, а так-же финансового процветания.

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История Форекса 15 августа 1971 года президент США Ричард Никсон объявил решение об отмене свободной конвертируемости доллара в золото (отказался от золотого стандарта). В декабре 1971 года в Вашингтоне было достигнуто Смитсоновское соглашение, по которому вместо 1 % колебаний курса валют относительно доллара США стали допускаться колебания в 4,5 % (на 9 % для недолларовых валютных пар). Это разрушило систему стабильных валютных курсов и стало кульминационным моментом в кризисе послевоенной Бреттон-Вудской валютной системы. На смену пришла Ямайская валютная система, принципы которой были заложены в марте 1971 года на острове Ямайка при участии 20 наиболее развитых государств некоммунистического блока. Суть произошедших изменений сводилась к более либеральной политике в отношении цен на золото. Если ранее курсы валют были стабильны в силу действия золотого стандарта, то после таких решений плавающий курс золота привёл к неизбежным колебаниям курсов обмена между валютами. Это породило относительно новую сферу деятельности — валютную торговлю, когда курс обмена начал зависеть не только от золотого эквивалента валюты, но и от рыночного спроса/предложения на неё. Достаточно быстро наметился ряд проблем, для обсуждения которых в 1975 году президент Франции Валери Жискар д’Эстен и канцлер ФРГ Гельмут Шмидт (оба — бывшие министры финансов) предложили главам других ведущих государств Запада собраться в узком неофициальном кругу для общения с глазу на глаз. Первый саммит «Большой восьмёрки» (тогда ещё только из шести участников) прошёл в Рамбуйе с участием США, ФРГ, Великобритании, Франции, Италии и Японии (в 1976 году к работе клуба присоединилась Канада, а в 1998 году — Россия). Одной из основных тем обсуждения была структурная реформа международной валютной системы. 8 января 1976 года на заседании министров стран-членов МВФ в г. Кингстон (Ямайка) было принято новое соглашение об устройстве международной валютной системы, которое имело вид поправок к уставу МВФ. Система заменила Бреттон-Вудскую валютную систему. Многие страны фактически отказались от привязки национальных валют к доллару или к золоту. Однако лишь в 1978 году МВФ официально разрешил такой отказ. Начиная с этого момента свободно плавающие курсы стали основным способом обмена валют. В новой валютной системе окончательно произошёл отказ от принципа определения покупательной способности денег на основании стоимости их золотого эквивалента (Золотой стандарт). Деньги стран-участниц соглашения перестали иметь официальное золотое содержание, обмен начал происходить на свободном валютном рынке (англ. foreign exchange market, forex) по свободным ценам. Становление системы плавающих курсов привело к трём существенным итогам: Импортёры, экспортёры и обслуживающие их банковские структуры были вынуждены стать регулярными участниками валютного рынка, поскольку изменения курсов валют могут сказаться на финансовых результатах их работы как с положительной, так и с отрицательной стороны. Центральные банки получили возможность оказывать воздействие на курсы национальных валют и влиять на экономическую ситуацию в стране рыночными методами, а не только административными. Курсы наиболее ликвидных национальных валют формируются на основе поиска рынком точки равновесия между текущим спросом и имеющимся предложением, а изменение спроса и предложения на рынке вызывает смещение валютного курса в ту или иную сторону.

Ежедневный оборот Считается, что ежедневный оборот на рынке Форекс составлял: в 1977 году — 5 млрд долларов в 1987 году — 600 млрд долларов в конце 1992 года — 1 трлн долларов в 1997 году — 1,2 трлн долларов в 2000 году — 1,5 трлн долларов в 2005—2006 годах объём дневного оборота на рынке FOREX колебался, по разным оценкам, от 2 до 4 трлн долларов в 2010 году — 4 трлн долларов. При этом предсказывается дальнейшей рост внутредневного оборота до 10 трлн долларов в 2020 году. Банк международных расчётов периодически проводит масштабное исследование рынка Форекс каждые три года, начиная с 1989. Итоговый отчет содержит информацию об оборотах рынка, структуре и динамике. Последний отчёт вышел в декабре 2010 года и доступен на официальном сайте. Однако точных данных нет, так как это внебиржевой рынок, и нет требования обязательной регистрации и публикации данных о сделках. Часть этого объёма обеспечивает маржинальная торговля, по условиям которой разрешается заключать контракты на суммы, существенно превышающие действительный капитал участника сделки. Вне зависимости от характера и целей сделок, большой дневной оборот является гарантией высокой ликвидности этого рынка.

Выпущено: Россия Перевод: оригинал (не требуется)

Системные требования: Pentium III 500 МГц и выше, 128 Mb ОЗУ, SVGA видеоплата, DVD-ROM, MS Windows - совместимая звуковая карта, Microsoft Windows 98/Me/2000/XP и выше. Рекомендуемые системные требования: MS Windows 2000/XP/Vista; процессор Pentium IV, 1,5 ГГц, 512 Мб ОЗУ, поддержка разрешения 1024x768 пикселей, звуковая карта 16 бит, DVD-ROM, стереофонические колонки или наушники.

Информация о диске Название: Основы финансовой грамотности - Форекс Год выпуска: 2011 Тематика: Обучающий курс Тип материала: Мультимедийный диск Автор: Окишев Игорь Размер: 3.16 GB

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Такая торговля именуется контр-трендовая, это есть, если раскрывается стоп ордер и перемещается близко к цене. Обязательные условия при торговле на рынке, это промежуток трейлинга, существовать не должно меньше 2-х пт либо трех пунктов от текущей цены. Самые лучшие показатели Форекс советника NumberOne v 1.0 показал на более волатильных парах, к примеру, таковых как EURUSD.

Что бы выбрать брокера, клиент должен будет учитывать эти моменты (значения для пары EURUSD)

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Разрядность: 32bit+64bit Совместимость с Vista: полная Совместимость с Windows 7: полная Язык интерфейса: Английский Таблэтка: Вылечено Системные требования: Установленный терминал Metatrader 4 Описание: Стабильный долгосрочный советник для круглосуточной торговли. Доступен мониторинг реального счета за год. Советник не заработает миллионов, но в целом показывает прибыль. В архиве обновленная версия (добавилась пара GBPUSD. также изменены настройки алгоритма торговли). В эксперте 4 стратегии, можно часть отключить.

Use_Fx_Combo_Scalping - вкл/откл стратегию скальпинга Use_FXCombo_breakout - вкл/откл стратегию пробоев Use_FXCombo_Reversal - вкл/откл контр-трендовую стратегию Use_FXCombo_EuroRange - вкл/откл стратегию EuroRange (торговля во флэте) Use_ECN_Execution – вкл/выкл ECN-исполнение, лучше оставить включенным(true) – подходит для всех типов счетов. Hiden_StopAndTarget – использовать виртуальные(хранящиеся в памяти советника) стопы и тейки или отправлять их на сервер брокера. Аналог Stealth-режима в других советниках. При его включении, вы теоретически страхуете себя от возможных махинаций со стороны вашего ДЦ. No_Hedge_Trades, NFA_Compatibility – настройки для трейдеров, зарегистрированных в США, ничего не изменяем. CommentSys1, CommentSys2, CommentSys3, CommentSys4 - комментарии к сделкам каждой из стратегий советника. Magic1, Magic2, Magic3, Magic4 – уникальный идентификационный номер для каждой из стратегий советника. Нужны эти числа, чтобы советник не путал свои ордера с ордерами других экспертов и сделками, которые вы открыли вручную. MaxSPREAD – максимальное значение спреда, при котором советнику разрешено открывать позиции. Slippage – максимально допустимое проскальзывание для открытия ордеров. AutoGMT_Offset – вкл/выкл автоматическое определение отклонения времени брокера от времени по Гринвичу. При работе в реальном времени оставляем этот параметр включенным, при проверке советника в Тестере Стратегий терминала MT4, отключаем эту надстройку и выставляем GMToffset вручную с помощью параметра ниже. ManualGMT_Offset – ручная установка отклонения от времени GMT. Работает только при отключенном AutoGMT_Offset. Выставлять оффсет вручную нужно только при бэктестах ( см. Как установить GMToffset). UseAgresiveMM – вкл/откл агрессивный мани-менеджмент. При включении этого параметра, эксперт будет увеличивать лот после проигрышной сделки, пока потери не восстановятся. Работает только, если параметр TradeMMSys1(2,3,4)>0.

Далее идут настройки управления риском для каждой стратегии отдельно, но их расшифровка одинакова, поэтому я не буду 4 раза писать одно и то же.

LotsSys – фиксированный торговый лот (используется только если TradeMMSys=0) TradeMMSys – если >0, активируется автоматический мани-менеджмент. Риск выставляется в процентах от депозита на каждую сделку. LossFactorSys - коэффициент увеличения лота после убыточной сделки (работает только при включенном UseAgresiveMM). MMMax - максимально допустимый риск на сделку(в процентах от депо). Своеобразный предохранитель MaximalLots - ограничитель на максимально возможный размер торгового лота.

Примечание: Также для каждой стратегии присутствуют настройки ограничения прибылей, убытков и скользящих стопов. Ни в коем случае не изменяйте их, если вы не являетесь профи в торговле советниками.

автор: admin | 13-08-2011, 20:00 | Просмотров: 1723

Хороший видеокурс по созданию пассивного дохода который в значительной степени может улучшить ваше благосостояние. Один из тех вариантов когда вы один раз разбираетесь в сути проблемы, запускаете процесс и затем попросту пользуетесь результатами сделанного изодня в день. Конечно-же вы можете безграничное число раз инвестировать например в ПАММ-счета и соответственно в такое-же количество раз будет возрастать ваша прибыль. Все нюансы этого увлекательного процесса изложены в видеокурсе ( высокоприбыльные инвестиции ), плюс страховка от возможных рисков. Предлагаем вам как один из вариантов бизнес плана .

* Что такое инвестирование и какие способы вложения денег есть?

* Вся правда о валютных рынках. Как делаются большие деньги кликами мышки

* Как Вам начать получать прибыль от инвестиций, не покупая и не продавая валюту

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* Конкретная рекомендация с чего начать

* Ответы на возможные Ваши вопросы

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Еще одним из способов заработка в интернет не требующим специфических знаний может стать бизнес на аукционах . Предлагаемый видеокурс от А. Мустаева покажет ва как можно не напрягаясь, работая не более двух часов в день зарабатывать не менее 1000$ в месяц. Вы научитесь обходить подводные камни законодательства, что бы совершать сделки в рамках оного. Как бонус автор предлагает еще один видеоурок о заработке на сайте с помощью продажи платного контента, оплата будет взиматься с помощью смс.

Видеокурс OriginalBiz. Бизнес на аукционах (2010) flash - В видеокурсе «OriginalBiz. Бизнес на аукционах» А. Мустаев расскажет, как не нарушая закон, гарантировано поднять свой доход до тысячи в месяц, работая на интернет-аукционе 1,5 часа в день. Также бонус: "Смс милионер" - видеокурс рассматривает еще один метод получения прибыли из Интернета, при помощи создания сайтов, наполнения его контентом и продажи контента через смс-оплату.

Содержание видеокурса OriginalBiz. Бизнес на аукционах: 1.Суть заработка 2.Регистрируемся на аукционе 3.Стратегия продаж 4.Набираем рейтинг 5.Практикуемся в продажах 6.Продаем на "полную катушку" 7.Советы и пожелания

Содержание видеокурса Смс милионер: 1.Вводная часть 2.Регистрируем и покупаем домен 3.Покупаем хостинг 4.Делегируем домен 5.Работаем в программе Photoshop 6.Работаем в программе Dreamweaver 7.Закачиваем сайт на сервер и создаем субдомен 8.Настраиваем скрипт и регистрируемся в a1agregator 9.Регистрируемся в a1agregator - 2 10.БОНУС - Как привлечь покупателей на сайт 11. Скрипты смс оплаты

Автор: Мустаев А. Год выпуска: 2010 Формат: EXE Видео кодек: flash Размер: 323 мб

Видео-обзоры стратегий для торговли на Forex. Видеокурсы (2012-2017)

Цель видео-обзора: научиться зарабатывать, используя важные ценовые уровни поддержки и сопротивления. Переводы в форме видео зарубежных коммерческих(и не очень) систем для торговли на рынке форекс. Все необходимые для работы стратегий файлы (индикаторы, шаблоны и т. п.) есть в папке с каждым видео.

В итоге Вы получите важнейшие практические знания, которые применимы для любого рынка. Целостную систему работы по нескольким скальпинг стратегиям одновременно, не противоречащим друг другу. Научитесь различать ложные сигналы от истинных, благодаря дупликацией проверочной стратегии. И много, много других тонкостей. не менее полезных и познавательных.

Список Стратегий: • Transient Zones • SynthVol • Apocalypse • Lucky 5 • WIldfire • Surfing • Кукловод • Рыбалка • Providec • Crazy Nippel System • Breaking Points • Golden Boy • Grand Master • Another Simple System • Lazy Trader • Начало • The7 • Три Свечи • Genesis Matrix • London Rush • Pobeda • Правитель • Forex Racer • Heiken Ashi 30 • Forex Absolution • Extreme TMA • L$Т System • Symphonie Trader System • Master Candle Method • Торговля на новостях • I Trade Aims • Good Vibrations • DecisionBar • 3 Ducks System • THV System • Forex Master Method • Travel Trading Formula • Urban Towers • ProFx 2 • LMT Forex Formula • GBPJPY M1 • Lindencourt Daily • Lindencourt FX System • AlphaTrader • Forex Gambit • EMA Step System • Sonic R. System • Rubicon • PaintBar Forex • Pip Accumulator • Forex Blue Box • Forex Speedometer • FxWhileYouWork • Forex Octopus • VForce • Идеальный горизонт • Гермес • Грааль

9 часов Язык: русский

Информация о курсе: Название: Видео-обзоры стратегий для торговли на Forex Год выпуска: 2012-2017 Жанр: обучающее видео Автор: Разный

Информация о файле: Качество: PCRec Формат: MP4 Видео: 1500 Kbps, 25.0 fps, 1280x720 Аудио: AAC; 96 Kbps, 44 Hz Размер: 4,99 Gb

Скачать Видео-обзоры стратегий для торговли на Forex. Видеокурсы (2012-2017)

советник для MT4 3,2,1

советник для MT4 Год/Дата Выпуска: 2011 Версия: 3,2,1 Разработчик: forex Таблэтка: Не требуется Системные требования: Установленный терминал Metatrader 4 Описание: Отличный советник для терминала MT4 отлично работает на ДЦ Forex4you. Мультивалютный советник GEPARD© 3.2.1 является одной из последних и самых удачных разработок для мультивалютной торговли на рынке форекс. Советник может использовать в торговле любые из разрешенных инструментов. Первоначально он настроен на торговлю по 6 валютным парам. Преимущество данного советника заключается в полном анализе текущего состояния на рынке и принятии взвешенных решений по диверсификации открытых позиций. Таким образом, используя различные торговые инструменты, советник хеджирует риски общего торгового портфеля. В процессе работы советник контроллирует открытую валютную позицию по каждой валюте или каждому инструменту с целью минимизации валютных рисков. Благодаря тому, что торговля ведется сразу в нескольких направлениях, советник не зацикливается на сопровождении одной открытой позиции, а открывает параллельные позиции по другим инструментам, таким образом, компенсируя риски и практически сводя возможность большой просадки к нулю. Советник не является пипсовщиком, к его работе нет претензий со стороны ни одного из известных брокеров. Поскольку советник одновременно может торговать несколькими интрументами, его прибыльность в разы превышает прибыльность одновалютных советников. доп. инфо: Советник продается в виде ex4 файла, он скомпилирован и готов для использования в терминале MetaTrader4. Никаких ограничений, ни по номеру счета, ни по времени в советник не встроено. Советник может работать на счете абсолютно самостоятельно и не требует вмешательства человека.

By Robby Stein, Senior Director, Product Management

Just in time for spring break, we’re bringing a few updates to Yahoo Video Guide to make it even easier for you to find and stream your favorite movies and shows on your iPhone.

Saved lists: We heard your feedback loud and clear, and we’ve brought you saved lists. Now you can star movies and shows so that you remember to watch them later. Just tap the star icon in the upper right-hand corner of any movie or show page. You can then delete or re-order your list to your liking.

Sorting . Now when you’re looking for something new to watch, you can sort movies or shows by rating, recency and popularity. For example, sort by Rotten Tomatoes rating or what was most recently added to your service.

Movie trailers . Not sure if you’re in the mood for the latest Leo movie? Check out the trailer, right from Yahoo Video Guide. We’re bringing you trailers for popular titles and you can watch right from the app.

We’re working hard to continue to improve Yahoo Video Guide and will be bringing these updates to Android soon. We always want to hear your feedback so feel free to send us your thoughts at video-guide-feedback@yahoo-inc. com.

By Michael La Guardia, Head of Product, Yahoo Sports and Finance

We first launched Yahoo Sports Daily Fantasy back in July 2017 to respond to user demand and to inject excitement and quick interaction into our Fantasy product suite. Yahoo values an environment that is transparent and fun, and today we’re excited to announce important changes to our Yahoo Sports Daily Fantasy including:

Limit multi-entries: Yahoo Sports Daily Fantasy will limit the number of entries to a max of 10 per user per contest. We offer a number of different types of contests from big ones open to large numbers of contestants, to 50/50s, to head-to-heads. It’s important to offer variety so users have choices on what types are best for them to play. Some of these contests will continue to have multi-entry, but it will be capped at no greater than 1% of total entries in the contest, up to 10 entries per user. We believe this is a good balance and still allows users to play with a few different lineups. Many users like the option of entering multiple lineups so they can cheer for various players. We will also continue to offer plenty of single entry contests.

Know Your Opponents: As daily fantasy continues to evolve, the labeling of a small percentage of “Veteran” players with a distinct badge is a key change that will make it easier for all players to know who they are playing against on Yahoo Sports Daily Fantasy. Veterans will be defined as users who have entered more than 1,000 contests within a single year, or who have entered more than 250 contests and prevailed in greater than 65% of them within a single year, or who have won a single prize of $1,000 or greater more than three times within a single year. As a thank you to those users who have been so dedicated to Yahoo Sports Daily Fantasy, Yahoo will be inviting Veterans to a special, free, invitation-only contest.

Prohibit Scripting: Yahoo Sports Daily Fantasy will not allow any type of scripting tool to upload or edit entries.

Yahoo Sports has tens of millions of registered users and has been a leader in fantasy sports for over 17 years. The changes made today on Yahoo Sports Daily Fantasy will continue the tradition of fun and social user experiences that fans have come to expect from Yahoo.

By Amotz Maimon, Chief Architect

During our last earnings call, we outlined a plan for simplifying the business and focusing on our strengths across seven core consumer products: Mail, Search, Tumblr, News, Sports, Finance and Lifestyle. Over 1 billion people come to Yahoo each day, and we are dedicated to providing them with the best experience possible.

After a careful evaluation, we’ve decided to make the following product decisions:

Yahoo Games . As part of our efforts to focus on select areas, the Yahoo Games site and publishing channel will be discontinued as of Friday, May 13, 2017. For more information, please read the FAQ .

Yahoo Livetext . We are shutting down Livetext at the end of March 2017. Livetext allowed us to experiment with new user experiences and features to drive innovations across our products. We plan to incorporate the learnings and features into Yahoo products including Yahoo Messenger. our core messaging platform.

Yahoo Regional Media Properties . In the coming weeks, we will shut down some of our regional, genre-specific media properties to streamline our editorial offering to focus on our four core content areas: News, Sports, Finance and Lifestyle.

Yahoo Astrology will close in the UK, France, Germany, Spain and India.

Yahoo Maktoob (Arabic and English) genre-specific media sites, including News, Celebrity, Movies, Style, Helwa, Sports and Weather, will close and the pages will redirect to the Yahoo Maktoob homepages in Arabic and English .

Yahoo BOSS . To streamline and simplify products for our developer community, we are discontinuing BOSS JSON Search API and BOSS Hosted Search, as well as the BOSS Placefinder and Placespotter APIs, on March 31, 2017. We are offering YPA. a new Javascript solution, for publishers who manage their own search engine results pages. Now with free algorithmic web results, publishers can monetize across desktop, tablet or mobile web with Yahoo search ads. Moving forward, Yahoo Mobile Developer Suite is our offering for mobile developers.

informe de progreso

yahoo maktoob

yahoo livetext

yahoo games

By Assaf Kremer, Senior Product Manager

Meet Jack. Jack wants to play Yahoo Fantasy Sports so he can have some Tourney Pick’em fun. Like most people, Jack already has an email address. It isn’t a Yahoo email address, though.

Yesterday, Jack would have had to create a new Yahoo email address just to sign up for Yahoo Sports Tourney Pick’em. That’s not fair to Jack and just doesn’t make sense. He will probably forget the Yahoo email address he created just to play and won’t check his inbox very often, so there’s a good chance Jack will miss important emails about the status of his picks, his pools, etc.

Well, today is Jack’s lucky day because we’re excited to announce that Jack (and everyone else) can sign up for a new Yahoo account without having to create a new Yahoo email address.

Jack can use his existing Gmail, Outlook or any other non-Yahoo email address to create a new Yahoo account and start playing Yahoo Fantasy Sports right away. Even better, he can use this new Yahoo account on other Yahoo products like Finance, News, Messenger, and more!

We want to make it as delightful as possible for users to sign up, sign in, and stay signed in because this lets us deliver the best possible experience. Starting with Yahoo Fantasy Sports, like Tourney Pick’em, we’ve upped the ante with this new registration experience and will roll this into other Yahoo products soon.

Go to Yahoo Fantasy Sports and give it a try! We hope you’re as excited about it as we are and we’d love to hear your feedback!

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Correo de yahoo

Introducing new iOS features for Yahoo Mail including colorful themes and 3D gestures! Read more on the Yahoo Mail Tumblr.

By Phil Lynch, VP, Media Partnerships at Yahoo

We’re partnering with the National Hockey League (NHL®) to give you access to live, out-of-market NHL games for free on Yahoo Sports four times a week, no cable subscription or authentication required.

Beginning March 11, in collaboration with the NHL, we’ll live stream an NHL “Game of the Day” in the U. S. up to four days a week, along with delivering in-game highlights for each game. This is in addition to the Wednesday and Sunday national NHL games currently promoted in the alliance with NBC Sports Group. We will also provide condensed games, “Best of the Day” and “Best of the Week” top plays and postgame highlights. Yahoo Sports will continue to bring fantasy highlights and our season-long fantasy hockey game to you, wherever you are.

We know you love sports and this alliance brings us one step closer to providing you a live professional sporting event every day, on Yahoo, completely frictionless and for free – no cable subscription or authentication required. We remain committed to delivering the best digital content to our users and advertisers, and the NHL’s premium content nicely complements our offering of live and on-demand partner content, including Yahoo/MLB’s Game of the Day, Yahoo/NBC Sports content and our recently announced deal with the PGA TOUR.

Building on the success of the NFL live stream on Yahoo which drew more than 15 million viewers, Yahoo is introducing new video advertising opportunities that will run within commercial breaks during the live streams of live sporting events, which includes NHL and MLB games. Brands will have new ways to connect directly with an engaged audience of sports fans around this live video programming on Yahoo Sports, while using Yahoo’s audience insights and retargeting capabilities to engage with viewers after a game concludes.

Our first live game drops the puck tomorrow night, come to Yahoo Sports at 7:30pm ET!

By Brian Marshall, Senior Director Yahoo Sports

The brackets will be selected in a few short days, and now’s the time to start preparing with Yahoo Sports Tourney Pick’em. And this year, one college basketball fanatic could win $50,000 and anyone can play against celebrities like JJ Redick, Katie Couric, Chris Paul and Draymond Green in the Celebrity Bracket Challenge!

So how do you get in on all the action? Here’s how to dominate your Yahoo Sports Tourney Pick’em pools this year:

Download the Yahoo Fantasy App: Create pools, invite friends, fill out a bracket and stay connected to tourney scores right from the Yahoo Fantasy app.

Sign-up: Once you’re mobile you can sign-up for Tourney Pick’em anywhere at anytime between now and when games start on Thursday next week at 12:15 p. m. ET. And don’t forget to enter for a chance at $50,000. Best bracket wins! See official rules here .

Tune Into Tourney Bracket Live. On Sunday, March 13 at 7:30 p. m. ET, tune into Yahoo Sports for our annual Tourney Bracket Live show with Nicole Zaloumis, Brad Evans, Stephen Bardo, and Pat Forde who will breakdown all the matchups.

Get Instant Reactions: Throughout the tournament, don’t forget to check back with Yahoo Sports and get instant reactions after each game from Stephen Bardo and Brad Evans.

Join Celebrity Pools: Play in the Celebrity Bracket Challenge against people like JJ Redick, Chris Paul and Draymond Green for a chance at a number of fun prizes. For more details, click here.

Investigación & amp; Prep: Research and preparation is essential. Stay up-to-date on all the latest info from Yahoo Sports experts Brad Evans, Pat Forde and Stephen Bardo. The team will even be creating individual team profiles and videos for all 68 teams to start the tournament and updating as the games progress.

There’s much more so come to Yahoo Sports to check it all out. Who will be this year’s Cinderella? Who will cut down the nets and win it all? Only about a week away until we find out, so sign-up for Yahoo Sports Tourney Pick’em today.

By Lisa Utzschneider, Chief Revenue Officer

We’re excited to have Lexus as a presenting sponsor of Yahoo Sports’ Tourney Pick'em. Lexus will also launch “GS F The Bracket,” a custom Lexus branded game around the 2017 Men’s College Basketball Tournament. In addition to Lexus connecting with fans through display, native and video advertising, “GS F The Bracket” asks fans to pick which games will reach a combined 60 points the fastest for an opportunity to win a GS F-inspired luxury vacation.

Every year, Yahoo Sports is the ultimate destination for millions of sports fans during the Men’s College Basketball Tournament. As a sponsor of Yahoo Sports’ Tourney Pick'em. Lexus’s digital campaign includes display ads driving to “GS F The Bracket” game, pre-roll video ads and branded integrations, and native ad placements targeted to the GS F audience. As part of this, Lexus will be integrated within the “Tourney Bracket Live ” show on Yahoo Sports.

To sign up for “GS F The Bracket,” fans can visit GSFtheBracket. com beginning March 13. Each round, players can select which matchup will reach a combined 60 points the fastest. Fans are encouraged to make their picks for each round but can join the game at any point before April 4, 2017.

Mar 8th, 2017


Celebrating Yahoo’s 21st birthday with our founder, David Filo and CEO Marissa Mayer! Check out the photo in 360° & Ndash; a sneak peek at our latest in ad innovations that incorporate Flickr technology for virtual reality.

By Zachary John, VP of Video and Yahoo Esports

We are thrilled to partner with the world’s largest esports company, ESL to deliver their core content to Yahoo Esports starting with the Intel® Extreme Masters World Championship in Katowice, March 4-6, 2017.

This weekend, we will bring fans inside the action of one of the industry’s largest championship events, which had over 75 million sessions last year. Fans will enjoy live tournament action, in-depth coverage and summaries from our experts, real-time scoring and all of this delivered in HD quality on our global streaming video platform.

ESL’s events have consistently broken viewership records, and the company continues to deliver the most legendary esports moments across multiple games and platforms. For the live stream of the Intel Extreme Masters, we will provide ESL’s audience a world class viewing experience, delivering HD video quality with its video technology that live streamed the NFL to over 15 million people around the world last October.

“We’re very excited to see this partnership kick off at our most important event of the year, the Intel Extreme Masters World Championship in Katowice, Poland.” said Nik Adams, Senior VP Global Sales & Business Development at ESL. “Bringing our content out on Yahoo Esports channels will give many more viewers around the world more opportunities and greater flexibility in watching the world’s best esports competitions.”

Read more about our launch here. We have hired some of the top talent in the industry including Andrea Rene, Travis Gafford, Taylor Cocke, and Dylan Walker to bring unique perspectives on the personalities, key matchups, upcoming releases and many of the untold stories surrounding one of the fastest growing online sports.

By Ron Bell, General Counsel

Today Yahoo joins Apple and many others across the technology industry and the security community to argue against the U. S. government’s efforts to conscript a company’s own engineers to undermine its products’ data security features.

Let’s be clear about what’s at stake.

This case isn’t simply about letting the FBI pick the lock to a dead terrorist’s phone. It’s about whether governments can conscript private companies to disable security features built into their devices. Should the U. S. government prevail in its arguments, the All Writs Act—a statute enacted 50 years before the telegraph—could be used to compel companies to write code to defeat their own security protocols. Once courts open that door, as FBI Director James Comey said just days ago, the case would become “potentially precedential.” More is at stake than a single iPhone.

Although we deeply respect the important role that law enforcement agencies play in protecting the public, such agencies already have access to important information to help them advance their investigations. Existing laws allow agencies to compel companies to respond to lawful data requests—as Apple already did in this case. But the FBI cannot secure through the courts a compulsory power never granted by Congress. It cannot read unprecedented new authority into an 18th century statute to compel 21st century companies to act in ways that undermine user security.

We felt shock and fury at the slaughter of innocent Americans by the user of the iPhone in question during a terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California. We mourned the loss of life and recognize the need for governments to protect their citizens. Yahoo’s commitment to security compels us to both thoughtfully respond to lawful requests, and to build products that create a more secure user experience.

Yahoo has a long history of objecting to government conduct that we believe undermines users’ interests: Our company challenged the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) from 2007 - 2008 in response to a request we viewed as unconstitutional and overbroad. We became the first major tech company to launch a Business and Human Rights Program to protect and promote freedom of speech online. We co-founded Reform Government Surveillance. a coalition dedicated to ensuring that government law enforcement and intelligence efforts are rule-bound, narrowly tailored, transparent, and subject to oversight. And we fought in court for the right to publish a semi-annual transparency report to share which governments request data from us, and how we respond.

Our interest in this case is clear. More than 1 billion users entrust their personal information to Yahoo. We have built these relationships over our more than 20 years in the business, and the security of our users’ information is of paramount importance to them and to our company. This case will set critical precedents, and we’ll continue to lend our voice to the debate.

By Bob Condor, Vice President of Yahoo Sports Media

The esports industry is growing at a tremendous rate, with a global audience reach of more than 226M (in 2017). With that in mind, we identified an incredible opportunity to build a premier destination for esports on Yahoo Sports. We are committed to providing the best sports content and experiences 24/7 on Yahoo Sports, so it makes sense that Yahoo Esports is aligned with our Sports Media group.

Yahoo Esports will be a comprehensive guide, featuring the reporting and blogging, video commentary, match pages, team rosters, stats, related schedules and scores, that you have come to expect from Yahoo. The site will offer a live chat feature inviting fans to connect with the community and cheer for their favorite teams. At launch, Yahoo Esports will focus its coverage around “League of Legends,” “Dota 2,” “Counter-Strike: Global Offensive,” “Heroes of the Storm,” and “Street Fighter V” with additional titles being added over time. You will come to Yahoo to get industry-wide calendars, stats and player rankings.

Who better to cover the most exciting moments and competition than some of the best editorial and video talent in the industry? Andrea Rene will host experts Travis Gafford and Taylor Cocke in weekly “League of Legends” coverage and break down “Heroes of the Storm” and “Counter-Strike: Global Offensive” with Dylan Walker. Yahoo Esports will also cover other major titles including “Dota 2” and “Hearthstone.”

We’re approaching our coverage of esports with the same tenacity and professionalism we always have with Yahoo Sports. Please let us know what you think – and what we can do to better serve the esports community.

Yahoo News will offer live, comprehensive coverage of Super Tuesday all day today. At 7 p. m. ET, Yahoo Global News Anchor Katie Couric will host special live coverage of Super Tuesday as voters in several key states head to the polls to choose their nominee for President of the United States. Joining Couric in the Yahoo Studio in New York City is Yahoo National Political Correspondent Matt Bai, Yahoo Chief Washington Correspondent Olivier Knox, and Political Strategist Frank Luntz.

By Lovlesh Chhabra, Product Manager

Passwords suck and we’re on a mission to kill them. That’s why we introduced Yahoo Account Key in October 2017, which is now available on over 50M devices. This product lets you access your Yahoo account with the simple tap on an Account Key push notification sent to your mobile device. It is a major step towards a password-free future, and one where we can say “Goodbye complicated passwords!”

Since then, we’ve made improvements to the product and wanted to share the steps we’ve taken to make signing-in easier:

Available Anywhere: Now, you can use Account Key in a majority of Yahoo apps, including Yahoo Finance, Fantasy, Mail, Messenger, and Sports for iOS and Android. ¿Viajar al extranjero? As long as you have an internet connection, you can access your account with Account Key.

Do Not Disturb: We’ve launched a dashboard where you can control the devices or apps that receive Account Key push notifications. For example, if you have an iPad on the kitchen table, you can turn off sign-in notifications on that device so your kids aren’t disturbed while doing their homework. Access this dashboard by tapping on the ‘key’ icon within the Yahoo app that you use or by going to login. yahoo. com/account/security.

More Convenient Access . From time to time, you may be asked for an Account Key code. If that happens, we will deliver the code to your Yahoo app via the same Account Key push notification.

The password is antiquated and needs to be put to rest. We’ve been investing in better and more simplified ways to sign in and can’t wait to show you what we have in store. Stay tuned for updates in our mission to kill passwords!

Feb 29th, 2017




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Заработок на форекс Книга "Заработок на Форекс" представляет собой возможность быстро научится «делать» деньги с помощью зарекомендовавшей себя системы Форекс. Для этого Вам НЕОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО быть СПЕЦИАЛИСТОМ В ОБЛАСТИ ТОРГОВ НА БИРЖЕ. Специально для Вас я предоставляю четкие и пошаговые инструкции и скриншоты по настройке "советника". Он будет Вашим «покорным слугой».

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